If you could change one thing about moderation, what would it be?
Masterchan is better
Other urls found in this thread:
I would hold the moderation upto the highest standard. I would take 'rule cuckery' complaints from other chan's into consideration, and still only delete spam/illegal content.
Meta threads shilling for honeypot or Joshchan would get auto deleted by a script.
I give it to Masterchan for pushing that meme. It sure did keep the cancer out. I personally browse multiple chan's, and make/distrube OC
Interesting. The purpose of a free speech chan, is to allow open discussion of multiple chan's. It sounds like you don't belong here.
Get rid of dysnomia and replace him with goons trying to ruin Holla Forums
I agree, we shouldn't be a le to talk about other chan's. This is just the beginning.
Nice bait my friend. What other tricks do you have up your sleeves? I'd love to see some mental gymnastics
that's what dysnomia does and a lot of people give him shit
are they just /int*/?
No, ban no one. Just b& spam/illegal content. You just don't get it. I would never b& anyone. Lirk a while. Everyone should be able to post anything legal, as long as they don't spam it.
tldr: Get rid of nothing, EVER..
We all belong, user. I can criticize your constant shill threads, and you can criticize my "trying to hush up" advertising other chans.
The marketplace of ideas and all. My idea happens to be you should STFU and make an original thread for once.
He shouldn't care, or acknowledge. It prob is, complainers only do so for attention. Don't entertain it.
Were having a real discussion here, and you want me to make a different thread. No, I'm busy.
Nice divide & concur technique
no, user. pedos ARE cancer.
I gotcha, no talking about other chan's. Just keep repeating yourself.
This is the same discussion had here five times a day, every day. You should get busy doing something else.
Or not. It's your thread, after all.
Pesos are cancer. GTFO molester
I hope nobody falls for this low effort bait
Nice dubs
No one remembers or knows what you're talking about. Five threads vs 100. One week vs months.
Get friendlier, and get with the program.
Go on..
I think mods are doing a great job, its just the userbase has to adjust to normalcy.
No more child porn posts, no more flooding (hey kids it hasn't been cool or funny since 2005), no more special snowflake attitudes (I like cancer, its more fun than you whiny bitches)
So, inclusion.
Masterchan has 164 pages of content.
8ch has been heavily censored to one page.
Stop by.. Everyone else has
the userbase doesn't have to do shit except post
if everyone posted the traffic would be fine
Are you advertising your mother?
I haven't thought about her in months and months. Jesus she's horrid looking.
me on the left
If we really wanted to we could check the various Holla Forums archives and bring up these arguments.But that would take a lot of work for one thread that would be repeated again.
O shit. Masterchan is actually superior to 8ch. Sorry I talked shit, uh.. cya guys. I'm out
Wait, don't go. Are you still here?
There are five pages. The catalog just got wiped due to spam. It's already filled back up to three, you pic related.
i moderate /r/masterchan
Do it.
Fuck you
Should I re-enable post ID so you guys can tell when goons are posting?
Actually allow all legal content, including the pedos
In that case I probably won't since you both look like goons.
How the hell am I a goon?
What pedos think is "legal content" actually isn't.
You probably aren't one. I can't prove you are.
But you keep posting those stupid anime Josh liked.
I look like a goon?
perhaps I should reevaluate how I post.
No. That's how we got into this mess..
is definitely a goon. 100% certain of it.
You don't seem like one, redanon?
That's my face, sir!
based vol
namefags can fuck off. anybody who wants individualism on a board dedicated to the collective memery is not welcome on 8/b/.
I've never been accused of something so awful in my life!
I'm not this red user you speech of. I just enjoy red user images
Are you from Holla Forums or tumblr?
Board log suggests otherwise.
I don't really care about your stupid games anymore.
Temporarily, yes.
I remember when hotwheels did it a year ago and everyone freaked out (including me) but at a time like this it might make things better.
Replying to Sage with his own gif means I am a goon?
You sound like a child.
You should stop posting.
I don't really care what or who you are.
So its you to blame for alienating b from its audience..
Good job summer fag
imageboards need nationalism.
Young Atreides, You must walk the golden path
There is a balance in the force young Skywalker.
a little less vague m8
Yeah. What does that mean? Also, not me.
Samefagging is fucking real.
Absolute madman.
Only allow illegal content.
but i want it to stop.
They kept spaming in the boards that people in halfchan should exile to masterchan and not go to Holla Forums because all the sjw shills are going to 8ch and hotwheels is actually kikewheels etc.
8ch was overwhelmed by shills spaming the boards so it made a little sense, but when you go masterchan everything is cancerous.
I would change nothing, except I would want you b&
do it
Yes please.
Just bring them back, fam
No you shouldn't, fucking dipshit.
Blast them!
Hey dys what the hell? It's hours later and it's still bugging me you think I'm a goon. What do you mean "That anime Josh likes"? I'm glad you're more actively deleting spam and such. I'm sick of it. I like Holla Forums and Holla Forums. I was very happy to see a small, fun raid last night. It even seems like traffic and/or posts picked up a tiny bit, if only because the board wasn't wiped by more spam for a good eight hours or so.
Yes I mad
What the hell?
Teen JB forum opened
remove them
Holla Forums with ID's isn't Holla Forums at all
Some of us don't like childporn, thats why we don't go to masterchan. That is the only reason why anyone would choose masterchan or Holla Forums, it because they know that their, "freedom of speech" won't be banned, and by that, i mean their CP won't be banned instantly.
Those animes you are posting where favorites of Josh. He would spam them everywhere during the IN migrations
dys, you need to lurk moar
See my new NSFW teen dump board
Hope you will like it )
You do realise that this is an anime imageboard and Holla Forums was originally Anime/Random, right?
gas the mods
G-line any cunt that comes on talking about a cancerous site where they call each other chum.
15 years ago on a site called 4chan, maybe. ffwd to 2016, bro. things have changed. america was originally a gun free paradise.