Holla Forums BTFO

Holla Forums BTFO

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Alex Hirsch is the Gravity Falls guy just in case no one knew or cared. Me personally, I'm surprised a CalArts artist who wears plaid doesn't like Trump. Shocked.

jee really thanks Holla Forums another reason to hate calarts.

So Holla Forums related Trump memes thread?

Maybe I should move to a dictatorship, where at least I can pretend it's not my fellow citizens' fault.

Actually liking an artist.


Is this from that time where Yoko Ono shrieked into the mic like a banshee?




If my home country wasnt a shithole I would actually try to move back


sage for SJW twitter thread #25632723523

its been like this since there was any political discussion the internet at all retard.

The funny thing is, I doubt he actually gives enough of a shit about politics to form his own convictions on the matter, he's probably just parroting his fellow liberals for brownie points. Nothing more than an expected peer-mimicry act to prove loyalty and garner praise/money. That makes this slightly-less obnoxious and pointless, as well as making him seem a little less retarded, albeit neither issue is fully-fixed.

Having been a liberal myself several years back (and I say that in the same sense one would say "back when I was diagnosed with cancer"), I can tell you now that most of these people know jack-shit about politics and couldn't care less about it. It's like sports or engineering to their stuck-up asses, something for the unenlightened plebeians beneath them, something they don't have time for with their fancy art jobs and endless twitter/tumblr shitposting. Of course, there are two exceptions that make them care:

Getting free shit with little/no effort (i.e. the Bernie Sanders "conjure free shit for everybody except white guys out of thin air somehow because Jews are magical") platform, or status signaling to other liberals that they are thinking within acceptable limits and should be praised for their obedience.

If they stand to make a material profit for minimal effort, or to become better-liked and stronger-connected by their liberal peers, they will swan-dive into politics and parrot whatever the hot phrase of the moment is (i.e. "FUCK DONALD TRUMP"/"WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE DEVIL") to get their free stuff/praise ASAP. They know and care just as much about politics and the stances of presidential candidates as the typical dog does about how licking its own ass is rude by human standards, as in they don't in the slightest unless doing it/not doing it gets them called a good boy/given a treat. It's all about what you have and who you know with these people.

So Alex probably doesn't even care enough about politics to care about Trump, aside from parroting the general liberal sentiment so more people with hire him, watch his shit and generally boost his wealth and status. I mean, from what I've seen about the guy I'm sure he's stupid enough to fall for the mass rhetoric he's spouting, but for the most part it's likely just an act to get more people to suck his dick fueled by nothing but desire for more money/connections/fame.

Upvoted, fellow redpilled user. We should go back to Holla Forums together and talk about how anyone who isn't white is bad.

Oh noes! he sure showed me, guess I better vote for Hillary now XD

Wonder what his reaction will be when his precious waifu is a Trump supporter.

Stop being a sissy and do it.

If I call you a cuckolded niggerjew, will that satisfy your need for a boogeyman to try and fail to unite everyone against?

Shall we do a Hillary vs Trump supporters thing?

I don't know why you're trying so hard to make this meme take off. It doesn't make any goddamn sense.

I knew Lenu Dunham was disgusting but jesus christ. Does she not have any shame?


In a nutshell

At this point you should support Trump if only to give a big "Fuck you" to every smug asshole liberal hypocrite

And when he does win
I'll remember this tweet Alex ;)


She bragged about sexually abusing her little sister, only taking back said bragging when she got backlash for it.

So no, it's a safe bet to say she doesn't have any shame.

Oh.. Flannel cartoonman.. Saying "Trump is awful" isn't an argument. It's an opinion and not even an especially thoughtful one.

Don't worry we got Cranston, Tyson, Busey, Hogan and Ferrigno on our side.

Cranston is for Hillary,

everyone else you listed is on the Trump Train though

Give it time he'll make the right decision eventually.

"Trump is pretty good"
"That's not a rebuttle"
LIBERAL: *opens mouth, emits foghorn sound & swarm of flies*

I'd like to think as the election gets closer and people realize how much of a morally abhorrent person Clinton is, the tide will shift

and I have no doubt as soon as he's elected, those that were threatening to leave will, and those that were against him have no choice but to accept him and know what it feels like to have a president you didn't want ala 2008


Well, he apparently doesn't think Trump is just a idiot exploiting other idiots

Personally, I'll never how understand anyone could non-ironically support him, but I would know better to not be a bitch towards my fans about it

Wew lad, it does not take a college graduate to practice good grammar. It really is as simple as telling the differene between a apple and a orange See what I did there

Typo, I swear

Shouldn't it be "an apple and an orange"?

At this point I'm just voting for him to piss these people off.


this is what I get for not paying attention to what I read


Wow, you sure showed Hillary.

You should try to be a bit more subtle.

Prove a single one of those things I said isn't true. Dunham is an artist, and a great one at that.

Kevin Nash

Lena Dunham

hahahaha. Nice bait faggot.

Is Broad City only slightly less insufferable than Girls?

He bold, charismatic, and has a good stance on economics and firearms. His stance on foreign policy is weak, but I don't hold any animosity towards him for that.

The reason why I strongly support him is because the press dishonestly distorts and hyperbolize every word and action he does. They give the impression that he is a 14/88 KKK neonazi when he's actually a candid left-wing individual with an anti-immigration stance. A loss for him would mean that the press will be more dishonest towards anti-establishment right-wing candidates.


So he's essentially Alex Jones.

They both have an anti-vaccination stance, but the similarities end there.

You fucking liar


She should have ran instead of Hillary, then. More people would support Warren over Clinton.


eat shit

imagine that


Soon brother, the fire is rising


Lel, fuckin' poorfag.



Send those to his twitter.

Stay in your containment board Holla Forumstards


This is why I cringe when I hear anyone on Holla Forums or altright say red pill.

Hey Holla Forums, if Holla Forums is a containment board like you say, then why is it the top board?

You're the minority here.

I've posted on Holla Forums when it was still active and everyone loved donald trump because he was brownpilled.

No, you are the minority.

What's his appeal?

Being smug and egotistical isn't charisma, user.



What kind of argument is this?

The combined Active users of the top 50 boards, of which, a sizable chunk is Holla Forums and Holla Forums beats the active users of one single board.

This is the equivalent of "Wow it only took 50 of you to beat me".

Ignore the Holla Forums kiddies jesus fuck they're just butthurt a Holla Forumsack recently ddos'd Freech

And yet Holla Forums is the one shitting up every board.

Yeah, because putting rocks in your sister's vagoo is art.

The damage controls is real. You haven't been to Holla Forums lately, have you?

Trump just says anything that he thinks will get people to vote for him. He's basically a cartoon parody of a politician, succeeding because his competition can't even manage that. Seriously, he'd be a joke candidate if the entire Republican field wasn't even worse joke candidates.

If he gets in power he'd just be Reagan 2.0: talks a big game, ultimately doesn't give a shit and passes whatever the Republican powerbrokers tell him is a good idea. (That is; fuck the poor, give money to the rich, where'd the middle class go?)

wew lad

Maybe people in Nebraska, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Vermont, just aren't retarded enough to use bothub. You think of that master memester?

But seriously, Nebraska's primary was after everyone else dropped out, and discounting them 3 of the ~25 states Trump won masturbate to animated Nips, as if you're one to judge.


If women ever become less self serving, THEN that'll be an insult.

Where do you think you are, Holla Forums?

Where did you get that impression from? He plans to remove the exploitable tax breaks, reduce taxes for everyone, and enact tariffs towards foreign manufacturing plants to discourage outsourcing. People who are making under 10k income don't have to pay taxes.

"Red-pill" is just a internet colloquial term for "looking past the surface" or adopting pragmatic thinking.

So what's the difference between black and ebony?

My bad, you don't have to pay taxes if you're making under 50k when married and if you're making under 25k if single.


This isn't comicbooks
Nor webcomics
Nor cartoons

This thread is shit bait to bait shit boards and have a shit wrestling match of shit over our board of shit.


Pol and intl are on the same fucking side
Jim Watkins cleaned house and ALL mods on this site are compromised. It's one big psyop. The whole site is a psyop to push people to one extreme or the other. I fell for it for so long…

Don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure black involves two black people or at least a black guy, and ebony is a black woman with a white guy.


Pretty much this. I know folks who are voting for him ONLY for the massive ass-inferno that will result.

If your definition of "artist" is "squats nude on a canvas in public while defecating/menstruating, " then yes, she is an artist.

If your definition of "great" is "large or immense," then yes, she is great.

Your bait is weak.



and people on that OTHER Holla Forums were seriously trying to argue to me that this wasn't a downgrade.

when did full/co/ suddenly get full of lefty fags?


I don't get it, but how is just saying "Trump is awful" without providing any substantial claim that isn't just a opinion an argument?

I don't even like Trump, but that is a piss poor argument Alex is using.

Are you stupid?


I wish I could read german, anyone with an english version?

Something like
…but I'm not great at reading German either

I don't know man, being about to do sonic screams and being lord of the flies sounds pretty cool.

Big Daddy Cool didn't molest his family members for one.


Come on Holla Forums, you're better than this.

Its just a Freechfag mad a Holla Forumsack ddos'd his hugbox

It's conspiracytards and Holla Forumsacks trying to call their dogma the truth.

What? When? Why?

Based Fucking LUCHA NASH!

Can't wait till she gets deported personally by Sam "Putting Kikes on Spikes" Hyde

Making fun of Alex Hirsch doing dumbass cringe-worthy shit is a time honored traditional of Gravity Falls fans. It can't be helped if some of the conversation spills over into Holla Forums or Holla Forums territory, it would likely happen if the thread was based on anything Alex or Gravity Falls related to this point since he's basically become the Holla Forums version of the ARE YOU KIDDING ME cuck. See the last GF thread for instance.

I suppose it will be even worse than Alex gets his new FOX cartoon out, whenever that will be. If Trump is President by then, it will basically be impossible to have a thread without mentioning Alex's dreadful view of politics once. If you want a Holla Forums where they stamp out all hints of tangential conversation, the halfchan version is still chugging along.

Fucking hell learn to tolerate other peoples opinions

I agree with you, but to be fair everybody pro Trump is portrayed as a stupid "Gas the Jews, race war now"-tier Nazi by the left.

Ah yes, because we all know a politician's promises are sacred and unbreakable.

It's almost as if the problem is polarisation in general and the inability to debate or argue meaningfully.

who are you voting for?

It's often the case.

Almost never are arguments against Trump based on his policies or things he's actually done.

I think people are getting caught up in the hype of Trump and forgetting that he's said some stupid shit, like his plan to bomb oil fields in saudi arabia.

There are some appealing things about him, an audit of the federal reserve needs to happen and it would be entertaining to see the wall built.

No matter who gets elected, the next president will be the last.

Isn't it down to Trump vs Hillary now?

If so, even if you don't like Trump you don't have much of a choice.

Used to be?

Neil has finally started to rub off on him.

Fuck Hogan

If I was Trump I wouldnt want Hogan supporting me the backstabbing promotion killing piece of shit


Lol. Don't worry; we will send you back soon enough, shit stain.

Nice thought, but seriously, what makes you sure of that?

LOL. You sound like you just lost a law suit or something :^)

There's some kinda raid going on. Holla Forums at least been hit hard the last few days. I've noticed Holla Forums and a few of the more trafficked boards have been a bit shittier than usual too.

So something's pissed some autist off, again.

Sorry bud, the only board raiding others is your precious Holla Forums. Go back Reddit if you want a circlejerk.

It's the old "lol both sides r dumb but me" guy.

Sounds possible but why?

C O M I C S & C A R T O O N S

nah Holla Forums hates Holla Forums, Holla Forums just wants you to think otherwise

/tg/ is also suffering from a raid as well.

pay it little mind, many boards on the site are being raided.

The left has been spending obscene amounts of money to hire online trolls to harass any site that is even remotely right wing.

Buckle in, this shit is only going to get worse and die down till a few months after the November election.


Most of the time I see anything even mentioned about Holla Forums on a board like Holla Forums, it's typically one or two IDs on a thread telling people to fuck off back to Holla Forums for nothing, then the entire thread fucking erupts into a shitstorm between the couple IDs telling others to go back to Holla Forums, and everyone else telling them to fuck off back to Holla Forums, reddit, 4chan, tumblr.

Whenever I look at Holla Forums, I mostly just see news threads, so I don't get where people think Holla Forums raids anything. At worst, I think there's just a bunch of people that happen to share the ideologies of Holla Forumsiticians, and will defend those ideologies when mocked on other boards, which hardly qualifies as a raid.

Go back to your stormfag hugbox.

Again? Last I heard a while ago you guys really had your shit fucked up.


I still have no doubt the DNC would do something like this but this is top grade

Sam should stop skipping leg day

I read about this in depth a few weeks ago but didn't save any of the sources.

I wanted to spread the word but I didn't feel like going to the trouble to archive everything so I just posted something I got of startpage, you can search for "Hillary funds online trolls" and there is a lot of info.
The left is really desperate to break communities like Holla Forums because dispute all the autism communities like Holla Forums do have a large impact on spreading red-pill info and affecting internet discussion.

The only thing that would possibly make me any happier is if I became incredibly good at drawing.


They think they belong here. They think they don't need to go back.

Eh, there's not really much left to affect though. At least with my ear to the street locally, most everyone I know is either sick to death of politics and wants to drop out, or so angry that they are trying to find the switch to turn on the gas. Honestly the only reason things haven't blown up yet is that standard of living in the West is largely not Venezuela tier yet…but that will change sooner or later with all the commodity manipulation investigations and new subprime loans going on right now (among other things, of course).

But back on point though, piecing together what I have seen elsewhere I think the main source of the issue right now is some /d/ autist who somehow is managing to be deeply offended over dickgirls, rather than some sort of major external threat.

I mean it could be shitposting from freech as well, although it "smells" a little different than that.

At least it's a start, hm?

that's ebin and all, but can you just go back to >>>/freech/ with your horribly uninspired "both sides r dum but me" rhetoric?

People have become too lazy to put their strawman arguments in MS paint comic form.

And "Trump is awful" isn't an argument.

Saved all four of them


That problem will only be solved by the natural evolution of society and the desire for more complex entertainment.



Extremists are tunnel visioned fools who should never hold power.


You shills need to get your story straight and stick with it.


I thought I was a Trump fan until I heard Rick Wilson say they were single men who masturbate to anime. Then I knew I was a Trump fan.

How is this an argument? In soccer, for example, if you made a combination team of everyone except Germany, it would be better than the Germans. That doesn't mean Germany aren't world champions.

Never thought it would happen but with that debate they recently announced…

Trump's area of expertise is being a real estate icon, not a member of government. You can tell he is great selling himself, but has no idea how government works. I like his stance on NAFTA and the TPP, but doubt he can actually be effective in any area of government.

It seems the DNC however is intent on making the general election a Sophie's choice between an experienced crook and an inexperienced buffoon.

All his big plans about a wall and so on will come crashing down when he realizes congress needs to hand him a bill first.

Might need an eye test there, bud.

"Trump is awful" isn't an argument either.

That's what a containment board looks like:
>>>Holla Forums

Not American, so n/a.

Everyone knows Jews are the true Nazis and vice versa.

The first part is pretty much the only thing unique to him among Republican candidates.

Yeah, when an epidemic happens, it's often the majority that ends up in containment while the healthy minority works on the cure

Last I checked, the only thing Holla Forums was working on was slapfighting with reddit gommies and desperately trying to come with a meme that wasn't a unfunny ripoff of Holla Forumstard memes.

Agreed. That's how Holla Forums was formed after the cultural marxism internet pandemic.

Every time someone tries to claim that Holla Forums is somehow free of cancer I visit it and see the same stale arguments and hissy fits being thrown around between them.
Also, the mod seems to be a ban happy fuck, which is something I've seen leftyfags continuously harp on Holla Forums's mod for.

It's like seeing someone with terminal colon cancer pretend he's better off than a guy with terminal lung cancer.

Holla Forums bans shittposting, Holla Forums bans dissenting




Beat me to it.

Underrated Masterquints.

nigger that shit is from the matrix, did you miss the 90s? i understand this is Holla Forums and we all kinda want to forget the comics from that era but at least the first matrix was good.

Presidential elections are like having to choose what game to buy. They show you some trailers, then talk about all the features and promise a lot of great shit, but they have no demo available, and they don't actually explain in detail how any features will work.
So you're left going to gamestop to submit your preorder for one of a few select games from the two AAA publishers without actually knowing what kind of game you'll get, or what features will be in the release or if any of the features will actually work.
Then you get your game, and it has none of the promised features, the game had a keylogger that allowed the publisher to capture all your personal information and sell it, there was DRM that punished you for having bought the game while pirates get all the benefits with none of the hassle, it auto-charges your bank account monthly to make up for the pirate copies, and some years later you get to go back to gamestop to decide whether you liked the game and want to keep it longer, or want to apply for a new game which you'll only get if enough other people hated the game just as much.

Is it just me, or didn't they get a lot more traffic since I last checked the board list? I'm sure when I last saw them they were having a hard damn time keeping pace with /bane/ but now they are hanging with Holla Forums.

Lemme guess: the election?

Cuckchan temporarily died yesterday. Dno't know details though.


I know the original concept is from The Matrix, I mean the whole "redpilling in Real Life" thing was started by Reddit.

You are a special kind of retard aren't you?

Well, duh?! He's Holla Forums.

It's a common tactic of /intleftypol/.

I honestly just call them goons because that's what they really are

That sounds about right.

It's also comparable to Kickstarter. Except a lot of failed candidates go on to spend the rest of their lives as pundits, aka 'wingnut welfare'.

When you're cryptoshilling and think you're fitting in just fine, but someone drops a name that triggers you spilling all your spahgetti

Watch this: GamerGate

I love the implication that every Trump supporter or right-leaning person is from Holla Forums. Over 100,000,000 people support Trump, that must mean Holla Forums has 100 million IDs.


You're directly implying that you should stick with your extremist viewpoint even when you're blatantly wrong about something.

No, you're just retarded. What I'm implying is that extremism as a term just means that the opinion is on either end of a socially defined spectrum. Any ideology can be extremist, so it's stupid not to be an "extremist" out of principle. You can change your opinions and principles according to new information and experiences, but if you're not an extremist for whatever you believe in, you don't really believe in it. Moderatism is just an excuse to be an apathetic virtue-signaling faggot.