g a y
Since we are doing definitions i want to know what these words/phrases mean
We all came here for free speech
You're from reddit
X won!
I honestly don't know what it means.
The spam?
Won what?
Why is this meme used to describe everything?
Why do you always argue this?
shit thread
What's a honeypot?
It's unfortunate that the post was deleted but I thank you for your contribution user
fucking cycle my threads
for what purpose.
all cool stickys are cycle
cycle this user's threads
make a desktop r8 thread and sticky it
delete all cancerous pony threads
allow barthposting limited to 1 thread
no shit threads or swimsuit spam
lurk moar faggits
i c u fam
shit suggestions
Because desktop rate threads deserved that?
No they don't fucking die.
i c u 2 famalam
not an argument
I like desktop r8 threads
Enable forced Anonymous
enable forced Rin
Download this:
shill = forcing shit down user's anuses
cuck = someone who likes niggers fucking their bitches
kys = kill yourself
raid = spam attack
opiate = Opium based-drug
You can like them, but making them a sticky is just out of wack.
forced user to Uncle!z7AKwrEEU.
that board is dead
so go liven it up fag.
This. I'm sick of people using that excuse. Especially the pony/pedofags.
If you would take the time to go on your own board and post like you do in your thread on Holla Forums it wouldn't be fucking dead.
r8 desktop, this is now a screencap bread
Exactly. Take >>>Holla Forums for example. Look how fucking active it is.
0/10, install Debian.
have 2 free wallpapers
It's not hard to maintain a board, just fill it with things you like and maybe a community of like minded individuals will come. Why do boards like that have such little content i'm not sure
Debian can't support my cancerous ways.
what is Edm.txt ?
oh god the cancer
It contains this:
now post some specs
Intelaviv botnet
10/10, what do you store on all that space?
what do you need all that data storage for m8?
for non-botnet stuff such as nothing. Do you not know that everything is a botnet?
I think my smart TV is a botnet now actually.
Check these things
muh games
What? You're using an i3.
3TB = backups for music, torrents, games, programs, drivers, program data, downloads, and operating system files
6TB is for music, games, anime, and dank memes.
SSD is for boot and programs obviously.
no OS is safe.
post screencap of your folders.
if dubs you format your 5589GB SATA Mass Storage Hard Disk
That's just damn great. I think I should just accept the botnet into my life and upgrade to win10
I wanted to change to a AMD laptop but new laptops will not install GNU/Linux because of Microsoft Hardware boot.
They won't fit on a screenshot.
The screenshot would take up to much space
I wouldn't want two companies to be able to fuck me over. One is enough.
no, its because too many folders
its not April 1st tho ;- ;
Rin for Holla Forums 2016
magnet implants are good.
1. a place called masterchan located on the internet.
2. a place that has been compromised by a governmental or official organization, while pretending to be legitimate, in order to lure people into it.
3. entrapment, but it's totally cool now.
so why disable names?
tripfags suck
what about namefags?
We are all anonymous now. Namefags suck too but I like to change my name to theirs and impersonate them, so there is a upside to namefagging.
We are 1, except this guy:
Hey why he was banned? Idiot.
lurk moar
huh what?
He doesn't do anything against the rules.
The hacker named 4chan is among us.
That's what the hacker known as Holla Forums wanted you to believe
Are you wearing your mask?
If you die will I take that off?
He’s no good to me dead
Again, why he was banned?
his ban was lifted
Couldn't afford a mask so had to use a towel.
got banned again
Faggot: noun - OP; a person who should kill themselves.
So you reduced Holla Forums to one page. Yeah, nah.
People are going to leave this site in droves. Off to endchan with me, fuck your pile of retard.
but Holla Forums is too slow for more page
so instead of voicing your opinion you're just going to run away with your dick shoved up your own ass?
you don't need to be here anyway.
There is a way around it, managed to duel boot win 10 and kali on my laptop, fuck if I remember how though, which is fucking useless I know but you search it you'll figure it out
dubs and I become moderator
trips and I become a god
Peep Beep Meme Creep
peep beep
You fucking bitch I had porn I was wanting to fap to
so go to one of the many porn boards?
i see…
Don't act like you don't fucking know bitch
don't know what?
how is the facebook integration going?
also i think my namecode is broken pls fix, k thnx. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
no need to fix it, Nicole. We know who you are.
There are less then seven of us.
Don't be so new.
Were not going anywhere..
there's 8 of us here if you coun't dysnomia.
they call it 'Holla Forums' for a reason, because there are only 8 chans here.
please delete the cancer and pedo chan advertisement until Holla Forums is back on it's feet.
What are you talking about?
extra pony threads, at least force masterchan advertisement to one thread and have threads that don't have a certain number of post get pruned after maybe page 3-4
top kek
no more pony threads
I'd ask for it too if I thought they'd do it but I doubt it
I don't understand what your conveying
those extra pony threads are just part of the spam
someone keeps spamming generic ops with trash 1 line comments of something like "hi user", and they just happen to use pony pictures for a bunch of these threads
ya thats what I mean, get rid of them.
I don't feel it will get approved to happen though.
too many trap threads. please limit to just one or maybe two.
this board is dead
it doesn't need more moderation and more deletions
Wouldn't removing the catalog be the best option for bringing quality to this board? 4chan Holla Forums was actually fun before the implemented the catalog over there, because only quality threads would get visibility and bumps.
"This board is dead" he says as he adds +1 to the post count.
Yeah, it's not guys from pony threads doing it. I don't care for the show, but they've always been good at keeping it all in one thread for the past couple years.
Iv said it before and I'll say it again… The ability to make new boards is what killed us… Holla Forums spread it's self to thin… Better were the days when we were forced to all gather in one place.. Better were the days of the hive mind consensus is what decided the nature of the board…
it isn't the only thing, but it was definitely a contribution to thinning us out.
This place used to be great… Now it's just a sad excuse of what could have been… I still have hope that things will get better however judging by how things have been going I don't plan on holding my breath
there are simply other, better places to be a retard these days. Facebook and tumblr host images and vids too, Reddit soon will. There is more oc, more brain, more fun and a userbase '000sx as big as Holla Forums on any of those sites. And there's nothing you can do here you can't do there, either. Nothing.
Wake up anons. Chans have had their day. It's over. Move into the 21st century or, well, go outside?
Try to go to half those "other" sites and post some gore and see what happens… There is a certain environment that comes with chan that you just can't replicate anywhere else….
Isn't it lovely? No wonder Holla Forums sucks with so many of you open sores around.
The only thing you can't post is cp, just like here.
there's more extreme porn on tumblr than on the darknet. there's gore for the goriest gorefags too. there have been 2 murders livestreamed on facebook in a month and the clips are still up.
the sjw reputation is a falsehood, created by paranoid channers who can't cope with hardcore feminism and maintained by those same feminists as a badge of honor.
Time to lose a little face and move on, guys.
but imageboards DO have something most of the other sites dont.
you mean no log-in or user id?
ha fucking ha. users are tracked here as much as on twitter. I use 10+ socmed sites and none of them have my real id.
we're all faggots here. that's chanculture, not being closed to novel thought.
First I never specified a website
Second I never said you couldn't… I just said do it and watch what happens.
Its not that I'm scared to post shit it's that I don't want to deal with the drama that comes after you post something that can be tied to your real life… Anonymity is precious… I can say whatever I want and defend my actions without dealing with any backlash… Something you can't do anymore on mainstream sites…
Holla Forums is new and will develop a new culture, much like burgers did with teabagers
just because you enjoy a girthy cock doesn't mean we're all faggots like you.
It's not about being tracked. I just don't want to have to deal with the drama that fallows… For an example getting shunned by everyone you know on Twitterbook for your sense of dark humor or getting down voted to the point of non existence on reddit… Tumbler is just an x rated version of Facebook with a shit tier user interface and doesn't interest me at all… If I want porn I'll just search for it… I think your missing the point of anonymity and I would assume you're new here
Delete Holla Forums and get funnies
OP is fucked in his autistic little head and should be beaten until his autism is cured
I'm not sure if your right but I'll check those dubs all the same.
your point is valid. basic security invalidates it, tho, as does not caring what others think. also, i'd be a lot more peeved and probably a lot poorer if my activity here was published, whereas the very mainstream nature of the 3 biggies protects me. (facebook is the new morality.)
ha fucking ha. there is nothing new here and never has been. not in the conception, the adminiistration or the content. nothing different, nothing original, nothing to set it apart from the two dozen other struggling ibs who are squabbling over a tiny userbase and dying of weary unoriginality, obsolescence and spam.
Build that wall!
I think you are missing the point. First what basic security are you talking about. If you are talking about being mindful of what you post such as your name (which Facebook requires btw), location (which most apps ask for), or any form of personal info (which any form of social media asks you to do) then we are basically on the same page here and on that subject If you have a problem with having a "blog", because that's essentially what facebook/tumbler is, that requires a user to upload their real info then why are you there in the first place.
Secondly, I don't care what others think of me… But that doesn't mean that I want to deal with the back lash of my opinions that can be tied to me in any form. If I'm following what your saying then that would require me to make a new fake account every time I fill like I'm overwhelmed with negative feed back from my opinion… This logic is applied to sites like Facebook where you associate with real people you deal with on a daily basis but not sites like reddit where creating a new account isn't a tiring process… However even still, going through the process of creating a new email address every time you feel like you have been compromised can be very tedious.
tl;dr anonymity will always be valued when discussing things you don't want to come back at you… And no I'm not talking about pizza.
Please explain to me how they "protect" you when people are put on blast everyday to the extent where some people's social standing is ruined and they become shunned by their local community… I mean come on dude, this is basically what we tried to do every day back in the glory days of Holla Forums and what for…? The lulz of course.
Please explain how they protect you after you have already killed yourself because somebody found out your little secret and decided to share it with the Web.
i can't fault your approach, user. peoples' lives are ruined by carelessness and facebook, even people who don't have an account. 2016 ain't all cake.
anything you can do on facebook or twitter without being arrested receives the seal of moralfag approval. If it was on reddit, well that's ok then too. you can even lie about having seen an idea there if you shoot your mouth off in public when it matters, user. blame it on social media.
They cant protect you.
are you even trying kid?
brb b havin a wank
picture related
not very hard, no.
what's the point if all it ellicits is retard drool and peurile cartoon images?
Whats wrong, don't you like smug anime
btw fam dio is best anime girl
well I guess you'll be leaving to facebook now, see ya, nice knowing, have a good time.
dubs if truth
you forgot to add: 14 yr old, pot smoking, leftie-cuck newfag. have you no culture? were you born in a coppice?
well if you browse tumblr and reddit thats your decision.
Now I gotta say you've been a good sport and I'm sorry to see you leave.
aren't you weary of saying that? it is very tiresome.
both sites are great, imo. they have lots of all the nice things we don't have here like a userbase rich with radical elements, clever original content and working software.
doesn't your version of linux tinfoil allow you to open several tabs concurrently?
I'm just saying user that you want to leave and I'm saying that it's been real brah.
I'm not gonna leave myself and I doubt anons will simply leave because you want them too.
Now I'm certain you can find a group on these sites you enjoy but I feel if anons do leave it will just hurt Holla Forums even more, now you don't want that do you?
Could you shill even harder…. Tumblr is total shit. Reddit is one thing but tumblr is utter shit
reddit is decent besides being the worlds biggest circlejerk
i don't. i want the chans to move on and offer what the mainstream sites don't. i want to advance the debate about the future of chan ibs and their userbase. i'm inviting you to look at the competition, which isn't all bad, and ask yourself, where now?
and that is?
that's the whole argument.
We already offer what other site would never attempt to offer… Anonymity… The problem is like I said before… We're spread to thin, both on this site and others… Imagine if there was only one chan the same way there is only one reddit or one Facebook.. Imagine if we all were brought back together in one place…
Chans are always changing and evolving. Yes the site is the same but our culture is ever slightly changing to suit what we the users(hive) decide is fitting… We all were normalfags once, until the hive warped us into the vile trolls we have become…
We don't need things that other sites have like up/down votes or like/share buttons. We don't need users with their own personal boards/blogs/pages… The internet already has enough self entitlement areas of autism… We need our hive mind census
Better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone. You all know this to be true!
Part of the ship, part of the crew…
Well. We offer that you don't have to sign up. We don't offer true Anonymity, it simply doesn't exist.
How can we get everyone on Holla Forums?
well we have it on Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
Holla Forums seems to be the only special-snowflake board that can't form a community or culture.
no you are inviting people to go to tumblr and reddit ,go fuck off and jerk off there instead of trying to divide Holla Forums.
Holla Forums is superior because user don't need a reputation and can't be shamed by moralfags
thats because of shills
hi, Holla Forums-Holla Forums
are da ebil shills still bothering you?
well lets see, Holla Forums and Holla Forums both still have their userbase and everyone else has substantially had a loss of user.
I would say their crusade against shills is effective.
That is the Golden question…
We simply can't anymore… We have to accept that 4chan, Holla Forums, and masterchan will always be at war with each other. Which is ironic seeing as we all flock to the same kind of hive… It's the difference between bees, wasps, and ants… It's not about how to work together anymore but who is what… Are we the bees who nurture the land? Are we the ants who tend to ourselves? Or are we the wasps who just like to fuck shit up?
The reality of the situation is this, unless we somehow shut down all the other chans we won't be able to bring everyone back together… Everyone is too comfortable in their own personal self entitled homes of autism…
Holla Forums
masterchan are the cockroaches that live under rocks and lives in their own filth
more like cockroaches along with masterchan
if anything Holla Forums are wasps except Holla Forums. we're ladybugs.
freech raids Holla Forums and spams Holla Forums.
they are at least mosquitos
And they get banned by Holla Forums and Holla Forums. They aren't really doing anything effective.
Holla Forums on the other hand actually raids other sites and produces lots of lulz, even if its in the name of politics.
Just visited freech for the first time… Really don't care to go back. Doesn't seem appealing at all. I'll prob check it out every now and then but I'm sticking with Holla Forums
Ways to make Holla Forums great again..
Anyone care to add to the list or call me a faggot for my ideas are welcome
not possible without lots of changes to the software
same as above
okay now we know you're just a goon fuck off back to pedochan
starting with this guy
I'm not shilling anything faggot… Iv never shilled in my life.. Im just tied of people constantly Bitching about how this site is dying and I'm over here like "can we fix it"… Judging by your reaction, you would rather sit there with your dick in your hand flapping to scat porn, playing with your hand made blow up doll, while watching our home slowly die… If I had the resources I would build my own chan but thin I guess I would just be contradicting every thing iv been saying
freech is just Holla Forums chan. if they raided other sites it be fine but they have a hard on for Holla Forums admins.
ban shills, ban pony, ban one line cancer threads, ban trap,futa,porn in general.
we have to get mods to keep spam banned
get new material
You didn't even say spam. You said ban shills, pony, cancer, and porn.
It should. If you don't like it make your own board. Go ahead, try it. See how many will entertain your "cancer free Holla Forums", and then look at how much more cancerous than this Holla Forums it will turn out.
oh good since they don't fall under your definition then they can be banned then.
so tell me how many people would leave this Holla Forums if cancer was banned,hmm?
cause the problem isn't that they like it, the problem is that people refuse to move and entertain the idea at all.
thats why the shills for other chans failed so badly, everyone is comfy and won't move even if something they don't like happens.
Everyone that doesn't come here to do nothing but spam cancer so everyone else will leave.
your wrong, people would stay and post better threads and post in those better threads.
That bans fails to dissuade me, it can work if mods are capable, if they feel they aren't capable then they should step down and let Holla Forums try something new with people who want to do it.
Sloth and self doubt are no excuse to let a board stay a cesspool that can't attract even a meager amount of users.
did it go through?