Cuckold Cunts that Steal Trump Signs

Either last night or this morning someone decided to steal my Donald Trump sign. I find myself infuriated. I figured this would happen and have promptly put up another one.

However, I figure they are going to do it again. I plan on putting up some trail cams. Thing is…I'd like a way to hurt these people as well. Any ideas?

Sorry for the blogpost.

Other urls found in this thread:

I saw a guy on reddit saying get bird repellant gel and put it all over the sign. Whoever touches it will have their day ruined as that shit is impossible to clean off.


Yea, we had that guy here to. I did it, and it works. Be prepared to wear gloves, the shit is nasty.

Some user recommend putting pidgeon glue. See through and transparent so it ruins their clothes, makes their hands sticky as fuck and they get rid of the sign at the scene instead of mess with it anymore.

Good idea. Thanks guys.

I like you.

Blogpost bullshit, slide thread.

Go fuck yourself.

This. Wear gloves when applying it, you'll be throwing those gloves away afterwards.

Get some 9v batteries, connect them to each other in series, then use alligator clips to connect them to the sign. Make sure to put rubber on the legs of the sign to insulate it. When someone grabs the sign, they become the ground wire and go BZZZZT. Painful as fuck shock, but no damage to the skin. This will work fine with almost dead batteries, you just need more of them.

Just bury the batteries an inch or two under the ground and wrap them in plastic wrap if the ground is wet.

You didn't need to make a thread for this and you damn well know that, cunt.

Just realize mantrapping, i.e. setting a trap meant to capture or harm a person is illegal, even on your own property.

nasty ass pidgeon glue is okay.

Bird repellent gel, capsaicin oil, bird gell+itching powder.

how do I get the site to show the flags of where people are from because i guarantee this faggot is from out of the states.

Line the sign with razor blades so when they try to pull it out it slices their hands.

Board specific.


Scratch that. Use the glue.

But then all the site staff would have Israel flags, user.
We can't have that now, can we?

It wouldn't surprise me if he is one of those those sign-stealing cunts. These threads always bring out extra butthurt people for some reason, especially angry at the discussion of how to fuck with sign-stealers.


Go away underage b&.



Yeah. Muh signs. We are dealing with people that get so triggered by a sign they have to steal private property. Fuck yourself.

woops, kept on the sage.

So set a bear trap. If someone steps in it and loses his leg, there’s nothing he can do about it.

Reminder to simply report them.

Fuck off, kike.

Kek we have another one.

We should make a website devoted to teaching people how to properly weaponize their signs.


I feel like doing that just gives the kikes in charge a better idea of how to not be so obvious in their shilling

Poison ivy as well, perhaps? Long lasting itchiness on the hands. Very uncomfortable.

Put a shotgun on a stool covered in vegetation, then run a string from the trigger underground to one of the sign's supports.

Lefty will yank the sign out of the ground, string will the the trigger of the shotgun, lefty then either dies or is mortality wounded.

How embarrassing.

Yeah, not like this couldn't have fit in any of the other similar threads, not like this is an absolutely vague story with an emotional prompt attached.

But go ahead and waste time debating this fag's nonexistent sign.

metal shield + electric fence charger

While I still recommend rubbing powerful chili peppers all over the sign and then putting in small print on the sign "This sign gives off a toxic gas that hurts your eyes" (→ they touch their eyes with capsaicin-covered hands), the bird repellent sounds like the way to go.

Although you should still encourage them to touch their eyes with it.

Some razor blades

It's a recurring thread, but it beats "redpill me on X" and pisses people off.

create a Trump cement soccer ball they can kick

some of these fags are so scared that they have to do it in the middle of the night

everyone who says something I don't agree with is SUCH A MOTHERFUCKING COCK SHIT FUCKING KIKE SHILL BITCH


Fuck it, here's something

Password - pol was right again!

Or just shoot the person and claim "I thought it was a bear." Case closed.


i wanna see a cuck kick that sign with all his might and break his toes

In some states it's actually against the law to steal or vandalize these signs. Put up some cameras and bring these people to court. Get something on their record forever.

If they can't do the time, they shouldn't commit the crime.

I did see a schema for a simple trap with a fire extinguisher underground to fuck with cucks stealing trump signs, but i dont remember where or if i saved it

I plan on putting two separate cam trails up. One to get their license plate and the other to get their face.

Oh, user.

Anything to see these cowardly vandals get raped and harassed in prison

It's like you don't even want to MAGA

Waste of money. Someone could just spray pint it.

attach rope to the sign and tie it to an aerosal can of ink or paint so that the perp is marked, then press charges.

I wish i lived near one of you faggots so i could kick those signs and giggle like a little girl as you go salty

Daily reminder. :^)

nice conflicting opinions faggot


I wish you did too. If I knew you were coming I'd set my PC up by the window and watch with my peripheral vision, and the second you stepped on my property I'd circle behind you and bash your head in, call the police and claim self-defense.

Put it near the road and wait for someone to try to run it over. Wait for the flat tire and call the cucks out.

Now guess which picture is based on reality and which one is based on baseless rage. :^)

He could potentially put a hydrophobic coating on it.


Ah the reverse loo, loved the idea didn't save it.

4 butthurt responses already in this thread. Sad that your cuck choice is losting, kike?


Implying you can stop the Islamic Communism from taking over USA

You do realize the first into the gulags are always those most vocally in favor of a new communist regime right? Communism uses useful idiots until they get into power then they get rid of them so no one else can use them.

Food for thought.

How much impotent rage does a person have to have to make these? It's almost salty on it's own.

I mean, it's almost on par with "And then Omega Mario killed the Koopa kingdom, Nazis, and Jeff from P.E. fuck you jeff."

you could always cover it in ammonia or something. that shit HURTS skin when it comes into contact


Who makes these? Who'd believe small, old, frail Jew Sanders would have the physical ability to manhandle Trump? He's bigger, he's stronger, and not just younger in years, but in much better shape. Unlike Sanders he doesn't sit on his ass all day.

If someone steals your sign and you have the license plate number, try also to have their car forfeit: Either to the government (as a tool that was used to commit a crime) or as reparation payment for yourself.

Sorry for low quality save but here you go OP.

Here you go.


considering the most harmful thing in this thread is a bunch of 9v batteries I would say the bait wasn't really taken.


This is awesome.

Yes, I would like to cause physical harm or emotional distress to these people. They stole my shit, asshole.

Make this man one of the overseers of the wall.

Flashbangs, Sticky or Smelling stuff. Something that will ruin their day. Or if you put some easily igniting liquid over it and they touch it, and afterwards turn on a lighter to smoke a cigarrete or joint, their hand will catch fire.

Cuckchanner detected.

That's actually not a bad idea, not directly causing them harm but giving them the means to cause themselves harm.


Booby traps are illegal you fucking faggot. Asking others for advice on how to hurt people because you are too much of a dumb nigger to defend your property from the start is laughable.

This is also a thread that's been covered to death.

thanks user


Do you even liberty?

capcacin gel, bird gel, repellant spray, all of it you can find at a good feed and tack. If you are worried about it coming back to you, they would have a hard time proving that it came from that or that you didn't do it to just keep away animals.

oh jesus could you imagine the old woman facebook/email fwd fearmongering that would follow for the next half century if significant numbers of people started doing that shit?

Then again who knows, creating a real consequence to theft and vandalism might just end up reducing theft and vandalism

Just realised this was actually your first day at the NSA Academy, what you meant was
user, you are hereby sentenced to 20 years of anal sex for some burger murder encouragement crime
Yeah, no, plztryhrdrnxttme.



Rat trap or clothes pin trip wire alarm hooked up to your sign. You don't want to cause injury. Just something to warn you and possibly scare the shit out of the bernie fag who is responsible. There are plenty of Jewtube videos on how to make one. Personally I would go with the clothes pin one with a wire going to your home, which is attached to some type of buzzer or doorbell.

What if there was something like a liquid lye you could coat the signs in, so when they are touched by bare hands, they dissolve the leftist's skin.


Pull String Perimeter Alarms 72 Pack

rebar sign posts. add some "innocent" trip hazards around sign. laugh when Commie impales himself on Trump sign

I would never visit that AIDS infested tranny enabling site full of mental defects.

Know your enemy, Holla Forums.

Stage the remains of a voodoo ritual under the sign, a small circle of stones and a dead bird or chicken bones on a scrap of old torn cloth would freak them right the fuck out. Some supermarkets and all spanish markets sell chicken feet for almost nothing. A couple of more bones falling out from inside the sign when they grab it, or to be found when they get it home, would add to the effect. Also tape a long letter inside the sign composed of a gibberish extinct language with one line in english at the bottom:

Croquet hoops would be the easiest to hide in tall grass.

Cool. You should know then that any popular board infested with flagshit degenerates to /int/ 2.0. This is precisely the reason moot enabled it on 4/pol/.
If you have a Greek or Indian flag above your post, you basically insta-derail any thread you get in.

Be waiting with firecrackers. Scare the shit out of them.

Fear does nothing, I want to hurt these "people"

Just came roaring in here to say the exact same thing.

Then become an Andrew Brevik.

What kind of faggot complains about people taking signs?

I remember the days when people would go steal a sign of their own instead of whining on the internet like a little cuckold pussy bitch.

Lil baby pol cucks need to find something more important to get raged at.

Stop fighting the EvIl JewS by throwing an anonymous pity part and go put Facebook out of business. Fucking faggots.

or you could booby trap a sign and stop being a homo.

Shut the fuck up, Sinead.

I'm sure you're a real alpha tough guy to come tell us this on the internet as you step out of your learjet and into your Lamborghini.

It's not about the exact thing they do, it is for whom or against whom they do it and why. In the end, they fuck me, i fuck them, it is that simple.

Stealing is illegal too. Thats surely stopping them

At this point, I think many of us are just looking for reasons to cause harm to leftists. There's nothing wrong with that. We ought to embrace that attitude. It's how we win.

You brought this on yourselves. You shouldn't appear so openly distraught on the internet, especially here. You're among sharks you stupid fuck.

Half true i guess. The main thing of course is to try and MAGA, the first priority is to better our lives. Although it is quite fun to bring harm to those faggots, it should only be a secondary occupation, something you do in some of your leisure time, or if you need to strike back/defend.

I fucking told you idiots this in the last thread:

Punji traps. Cheap, fast, and easy to construct. Cripple the Leftist, capture the Leftist.

These draft dodgers didn't want to go to Vietnam, so bring Vietnam to them. Let's get full Vietcong up in this.

I also reposted this on another thread:

Double up with the bird glue and you should be golden.

This doesn't even make sense nigger.