BvS damage control keeps on going

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What does this mean in layman's terms? Does this mean Berg and Johns are in charge of quality control? And what the flying fuck is a genre stream?

Well, it's regarding Geoff Johns, so I assume it's slang for piss in his mouth.
No, I have no proof he does this, but he looks the type, doesn't he?

Well, they should end up with at least a few passable films.

I mean they've retold the best DC stories so often now they've got to be pros.

I believe it after his Teen Titans Run


Hollywood was a mistake.

Just read the link

We just can't have good things going for DC fans, can we?

Yes masters, I'd love 12 more brainless marvel movies my normie friends will never shut up about.

Literally describe anything good that came out of that piece of shit movie.

Hello there shit-taste san, BvS had literally one good scene: the one where the woman in the flooded town paints the S symbol on the roof of her house and Superman descends from the sky like Jesus.

Everything else was completely fucking abysmal. Snyder has been terrible ever since he challenged himself not to use slow-mo, dark and gritty Superman doesn't work, yet since producers are soulless morons incapable of thought or understanding they insist non-Batman superhero movies will also benefit from the Nolan treatment.

Oh yeah, and even Avengers 2 was better than BvS. Put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it.

I liked everything about it except for the scene where Wonder Woman watches the videos of Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg. I loved the atmosphere, I loved the writing, I loved the fact that there were non-super characters who were actually interesting (the Wayne employee who loses his legs), I loved how they addressed the 9/11 tier shit that happened in Man of Steel.

I'd consider elaborating but I'm assuming you don't actually care why I liked it and you just want to regurgitate the opinions of your favorite e-celebs who told you the movie was bad. So I'll just link a review which sums up a lot of my reasons for liking it.

Movies are subjective, people are going to like things you don't, deal with it.

Would you care to elaborate on why you think Snyder's Superman is grimdark when, using the example you pointed out, he's portrayed in a Messianic light?

I thought that movie was worse than a pile of smoked salmon dicks, but I definitely respect your ability to post a horribly disagreeing post on here.

That's fine. I don't mind the fact that the majority of people didn't like it. I'm just disappointed that Warner Bros has decided to now play it safe by catering to all the people who didn't like the movie, instead of sticking to their guns and letting Snyder do his thing until he finished the Justice League movies. But of course movies are a business and it would be naive of me to think that they'd put their artists before their profits.

I have a feeling the pandering wont pay off though. I think super hero films in general are going to start losing money in the coming years.

Considering that every marvel movie has become a trailer for the next marvel movie, the genre is set to go the way of the western in the near future.

I'm just glad BvS didn't forget to include shots of Clark actually being a hero and saving lives, because I know I'm not going to see that in any future disney tripe. Well, that and having a Doomsday that wasn't designed in a way to be dismissive of the original.

Fuck off dip shit.

Well, when your messiah is standing there looking like a disgruntled teen who's just been told he has to put up with his great aunt Eunice kissing him when she comes to visit, every time he has to save someone, or think about saving someone…

This is a Superman who does NOT want to be Superman, doesn't like being Superman, has/had parents who don't really think he should be Superman…

Some would say that when you show people desperately viewing this guy as a messiah when he clearly wants nothing to do with the whole thing, then that's more than a little grim.

Also, Jesus may have overturned some tables and shit, but I'm pretty sure he never broke a money lender's neck… I'm no theologian like Linus van Pelt, though, so I could be wrong.

Yeah, It's essentially Jesus saying "welp, I'm Jesus, so I gotta do it". Being a god is essentially his burden.

How did it come to this?

This is basically re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic

He was terrible before that. Snyder's never been good.

I'm waiting for what one user who wrote his essays of college-tier film analysis on why BvS is not a piece of shit to post again. I feel like he's due for another one with the current shake-ups regarding WB, and it would be fun to pick apart and laugh at his reaching again.

Already this is off to a good start.

I've read through your review and it is bullshit. The entire thing. It's so reaching in it's assessments of the sophistication of the film that I'm genuinely surprised that it isn't joke. It reads like a fucking fanboy scrambling to defend his favorite company by placing vast significance to Synder's muddled mess of a film.

Where do I even begin? Any political metaphors the film has are completely shallow, lacking any real substance either in message or the narrative itself. Any religious metaphors are completely undone by the actions of the characters themselves. Any moral messages lack real meaning outside of thin pretension. Finally, any attempts at social commentary falls flat as there's no support within the narrative for any of it.

The entire thing is an empty wreck of a film, with a bunch of overblown and ultimately hollow "critiques" that only exist to disguise a mindless action flick. Which makes it worse than any Marvel film, because Warner is actively insulting our intelligence by pretending Batman v Superman is something it clearly isn't.


Every Superman outside of the Silver Age has had doubts or expressed unease in being Superman at some point in his career.

If you're going to pull critiques out of your ass, do a bit more research into the source material first. Actually I retract that, I'm being far too demanding of a Holla Forumscksucker.

Not my first time.

When there is no indication at all I'm confused whether to read from top or bottom. Happened a few time already I misread.

If you're going to start saying "IT'S IN THE COMICS!", you'd better be ready fucking back that shit up.

I've got over 2,000 issues of Superman. Give me some fucking evidence that supports your claim.

I know we have had a flood of reddit refugees lately but good lord.

Batman v Superman was a fucking trainwreck that switched between Hot Topic tier grimdark edge and ridiculous camp at the drop of a hat with the only consistent thing in the whole movie was that it was unintentionally hilarious.

I still get more enjoyment out of it and respect it more than any of the Marvel movies. The DC movies are fucking retarded, but they at least TRY to make something that will stand on its own merits and put their credibility on the line behind something they put effort into. All the goddamn Marvel movies, actually pretty much most contemporary Blockbusters, are intentionally made as mediocre, inoffensive, bland, and interchangable as possible to have mass appeal and please enough demographics to just the right level so that they can get asses in seats, but not enough that anyone actually gives a fuck or remembers the movie at all the week after they see it.

Despite Batman v Superman being pretty undeniably bad or so bad it's good, people are probably going to remember it for far longer than any of the individual Marvel movies. Everything in the Marvel movies, from the way they're shot (can you remember any goddamn shot from these movies that isn't "we lined up all the superheroes in a row just like in a comic book"), the dialogue (Whedon diarrhea fucking everywhere), the writing, the plotlines (everything revolves around another plot device gem again) , the antagonists (generic war monger man who dies at the end so the writers don't have to figure out what to do with him), the soundtrack (after how many goddamn Marvel movies and characters, can you honestly remember even ONE piece of theme music?) is the definition of forgettable while DC tries to make something memorable. The only exception is maybe MAYBE Guardians of the Galaxy, and surprise, surpise, it's because it's the movie where Marvel moved the furthest away from their comfort zone and intentionally took a risk. DC often shits the bed, but they shit the bed because they aim higher than "passable" and try to make something distinct.

Thats a very respectable point.

I still think DCs grimdark was also a result of marketing, but it does feel better.

By shoehorning future movie hype?

You realise you're talking about a movie that was basically just a two and a half hour trailer for another, bigger movie?

Sadly true. I think that's the only Marvel movie that I can still clearly remember in my head now. Not so much the second half but at least I remember shit that happened.

Iron Man 2 and 3 are a blur, Avengers is somewhat clear still, I can only remember glimpses of the Captain America films, and fuck me if the Thor movies weren't the blandest most forgettable bullshit.

Winter soldier and Hulk were pretty good but the rest were definitely going for a broad audience. I cant say I didnt have fun watching most of them but I wouldn't call the the apex of cinema like most normies do.

non-regular here

i honestly wanted to like bvs. i've enjoyed hack snyder's other films (i really liked man of steel) and thought that this would be 8/10 minimum (2 points off for jesse eisenberg, he should never be in any adaptation of anything).

but i left the film thinking what a pile of shit it was. some good scenes and bits yeah, but just overall a gigantic piece of crap.

even the worst mcu movie was still leagues above bvs.

if there's one good thing about the film it's the photography and shit like that. i liked the post-apocalyptic dream and would have rather had a whole movie of that.

As a DC fan, I have to strongly disagree with the value you place on Warner's films over Marvel's simply out of Warner's dubious "creativity".

Marvel movies are cookie cutter and probably forgettable, but they never sell themselves as something more than a summer action flick. I can go into a Marvel movie and expect a story with characters, a plot, a coherent narrative, etc. While I might not remember everything I saw, I will at least remember that 9/10 times that it was an enjoyable experience. In that way, they best reflect comics: thrilling, disposable, entertainment.

Warner cape films, on the other hand, constantly sell themselves as being something of significant substance, but when you actually see, it's so shallow that you couldn't drown a face down sleeping baby in it. They lack even the rudimentary depth of even Thor 2, which only makes the unwatchable drek they produce even more unbearable. Their films being disjointed messes of terrible dialogue, horrid acting, and completely broken plots without even the most basic understanding of how to tell a story, but they're PRETENTIOUS disjointed messes of terrible dialogue, horrid acting, and completely broken plots without even the most basic understanding of how to tell a story.

Marvel is by no means great film-making, but fucking Warner cape movies are like a mentally retarded Tommy Wiseu made studio films.

It really can be boiled down to this

Marvel movies:

DC movies:

Fix your reading comprehension. Having doubts is one thing, but user pointed out that this Superman never even wanted to truly START being Superman, he was basically pushed into it, and keeps giving the impression of hating it at every point.

Yea, its like Marvel movies are trying to be pulpy action comics, and DC movies are trying to be 90s "dark" graphic comics.

That's not to say Marvel can't be grounded or DC spectacular

I didn't like BvS because Batman was a remorseless killer, Superman acted like he was better than everyone, and Lex Luthor was trying to be the Joker.

Sounds like Watchmen again.


Disliking Marvel's brand of generic happy go lucky films doesn't make Hack Snyder's brand of generic grimdark any less shit user. Pull that cock out of your mouth, captain retard.

And I'm saying this as someone who almost sort of liked Man of Steel, BvS was irredeemable tripe from start to finish.

I liked every scene with Christopher Meloni in Man of Steel, but only because I watched too much Law & Order SVU and couldn't un-see Detective Stabler fighting Kryptonians, which put the dumbest smile on my face.

It's okay guys, the R rated BD will fix everything.


Maybe if it's an entirely different film.

I almost forgot Meloni was in it, I found that Man of Steel would have worked as a good lead in to a proper Superman film, the issues with it were obvious to see and just as obvious to fix. If they hadn't decided to double down on the retarded aspects.

I honestly think it's entirely Zack Snyder's fault that the films have turned out as poorly as they have. Watching him in interviews for these and other films… the man's a fucking idiot!