How this can be pedoshit?

How this can be pedoshit?
F U C K Y O U!

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It's not. The mods just ban stuff that they dislike, or if it contains a picture of someone underage or makes references that could be interpreted as being "pedoshit". It's an SJW/PC silencing technique that the Holla Forums mods use as well.

Holla Forums is dead, just deal with it. Pretty soon, the mods will probably start banning people for so-called "hate speech". Just wait, it will be an exact clone of 4chan within a year or so.

You got trolled hard,fag XD

Stop defending the mods. They have been banning people for shit like this since they recently took over. By saying they were just trolling, you're saying that they are legitimately good mods. They are shit.

If they were just trolling, they would do a 5 minute funban or something similar. You are a modcocksucker. Go back to IRC.

Soliciting for piona pics is pedoshit.

What part of "children models are illegal in California" don't you get? Take it to masterchan, goon.

Do you even know what that word means? Going by your logic, you could post any random pic that contains an underage girl and it would be considered pedoshit because you are "soliciting" for CP

You are fucking retarded.

You posted a pic of Jim, the pedo.

no shit idiot
underage girls = pedoshit

it's objective