Bored femanon with shitty service. Supposed to be cleaning and packing but too lazy

Bored femanon with shitty service. Supposed to be cleaning and packing but too lazy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Put a hard boiled (or raw, if you dare) egg in your pucci and/or ass. Post pics.

Hey fem, your body is really hot. Post more?

Kennedi check em

Post more nips, please. Also put mayo in your armpits.

Put one of those belts around your waist, at the tightest point.

Repost from 4chan.
Nice try OP

do another time stamp with the infinity symbol and then I'll believe you

ass in doggy

Awe damn, can a brother get a link

is ass ok?

Awe yeah, looking great.


go away fgt, you don't any vaginas.

Sharpie in pooper

Do it

I found the thread on half-chan, this pics not up in that thread. I think it could be legit.


write 8ch Holla Forums :^)

Troll thread


Could you link the thread?
Also if she was legit she would've drew the infinity symbol.

Congratulations you've got trips.


What do you think of Kennedi Cotarelo?

Hey, it's upside down.



delish looking giney. dem hips are a bit chunky tho.


OP here

I'm so sorry, boyfriend called so i gotta go.
Will be back tonight, if anyone is still interested


Reminder to sage b8 threads


If the post under this is dubs, i funban the cancer for a week.

Check em


fuck yeah.

stop ben kreb fegt.

B& me faggot

Can i get a mods=gods?

Eggy = fried

Thanks Holla Forumsro. God Mod

mods = gods

eat a bowl of eggs






Shoe on Head!






humans are disgusting

grils have yummy cunnies in them though :3

nice Kennedi dubs

Ayyy lmao


is this real?


mods = gods

No, fuck off. :^)

Sauce for the second vid?

We will never have a real, 8ch exclusive camwhore again, will we?

We've had one. ;_;

Spiderchan? I thought there was another, too.

Yeah spiderchan.

There was one recently but she didn't show much.

Oh yeah, dysnomia's ex-fiancé.

You should've married her, dys.

I poured hot sauce on my balls for you shitlords if that's what you're thinking

She was someone famous so I thought that we could make imageboard history.

So much for publicity exploitation.

No I thought there was an actual girl before Spiderchan.

Make Zunechan your wife. It's your ticket to fame and happiness.

Fuck, think you're right. Wasn't she proven to be a ruse, or am I confused?

I just can't do that.

Was she actually banned? Man this place is shit, no wonder its how 80pph.

i meant its got 80pph

I can't remember. Someone brought her up scolding anons for losing their shit over Spiderchan. Over a year ago at least.

for that you need posters user, not the desert town this place is right now.

You could do worse.

Yeah. An audience is needed for a show.

That show was such a fucking let down, and no im not talking about the second season.

It was just pics from the halfchan thread. There was no "she."

Its also needed for someone to actually put in the show.

Does it really matter? This place cant really afford to loose users.

I was so hoping for some mystic shit at the end. Not just weird hicks.

Hmm, may have something saved on another computer, but e-memory gets runny. Think it was either a ruse or underage, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I doubt they can't switch up their proxy easily enough. But otherwise, I agree.

Still, dubs were gotten. They could not be denied.


Needs more loose users if you ask me. Someone post sharpie in ass

Fuck that ending, everyone makes excuses for it saying it was a character exploration show. If it was they should have built a whole mythology around it. Yeah it pretty much sucked. I think that pizzalatto guy, the writer never like the supernatural aspects to begin with, as proof by the second show. News also goes he didn't get along with the director of the first season, who is probably more talented than him.


This is obviously from 4chan Holla Forums. All you faggots fell for the ruse.


fuck it, let's liven this place up. dubs decide what i stick in my ass.
11: battery
22: larger battery
33: screwdriver (point, i'm tight)
44: pen
55: nail clippers
66: back scratcher (see 33)
77: uhh pencil
88: needlenose pliers (see 33)
99: large plastic straw
00: finger
trips: name a common household item and i'll give it a go. no vegetables in house because i'm not a queer.


you heard the man

Rolling for mind bending horror of man ass..

my ass is fucking kawaii nigger

Prove it.

roll dubs, you thirsty entitled gay. there's still some people who ts/deliver on this board

Rolling for nightmares tonight.

Jesus, fuck me.

If dubs, user must ram his ass until it prolapses.

This thread is cursed

my ass remains almost pure. also i set dub parameters you sick fuck

shit, my own roll doesn't count does it?

Yes it does. Get digging.

hold on. worst roll. fucking myself twice

I'm not sure I really want to see this, but I appreciate the effort and sentiment.

came out terrible. way harder than i imagined. rolled trips on my camera reel tho

11/10, I can almost smell it!


Put eggs in asshole pls

Pic related kind of

Cut yourself.

I'm so glad someone saved this.