ITT:we play a game
if you win one or both you lose
if you lose both you win
ITT:we play a game
Lose both. 8 Normal Fag, 10 Autistic Fag Bingo. No Bingos on either.
Bingo, rightmost column on the autist sheet. Once in a while I'll say install Gentoo or something.
Looks like you need to anally masturbate.
More intense orgasms. Missing out on a whole another world.
guess I'm an autist. who knew? :P
didn't include normiefag results, as it would be flagged as a duplicate
come at me bruh
submitted a bunch of applications after I quit my last job. Incoming freshman at state uni, if that counts, but I'll need to take out a bunch of loans to cover 3/4 or less of the total cost. Changed my diet and working on the exercise part so hopefully I won't be autistic soon.
lol yorue fucking pathetic bruh. sad af tbh
so close to bingo..
Pretty close to winning the autist one. I have no interest in watching MLP though so I should be safe.
Didn't you say you had no friends? Did you lie? On the internet?
Welp. Guess I lost.
I'm more normal fag. Only 3 for autistic bingo.
should I murder myself?
just shower
31 yo fag here. Being a normal fag is over rated. I spent most of my life a loser, and only over the last 8 or so years have gotten over social anxiety. Married, family. Still depressed, still want to kill myself.
Autistic normalfag?
i think i'm much of a normalfag. or either i have big network of autistic friends(ines)
wow, u r sucha fucking faggot, holy shit.
were u beaten as a child?
Check 'em. I also got bingo on both. I declare myself to be the master winner of this thread
I'm away from this site for 8 months and I've become a normie?
Well, atleast I managed not to bingo on the autist one, but it was fucking close.
you're a strange case
you're pretty much me
Double bingo!
Forgot to cross the middle on the first one.
I have no friends in the same state i live in.
Oh, sorry mate.
Whew, that was close. A few years ago this would have been mostly empty.