Lynne Patton - Black Female Trump Exec speaks out

"The Trump Family That I Know"

Holla Forums "failed to understand" the youtube URL, so here it is:

Moving and impassioned speech proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Trump is not anything close to a racist or misogynist.

Spread this shit like wildfire.

Other urls found in this thread:

How is that a bad thing O.P.? It proves once again that our beloved king values hard-work and nicely-done job over genetic lottery. Good job for the bait, and in case you were serious, kill yourself.

This is classic MTV-generation limp bizkit conservatism.


With all due respect, what do you mean?


It's either an employee of Applied Memetics or the fags from Renegade Broadcasting / Firestarter Media ( ) trying real hard to create a new meme to describe Trump supporters.

Because as we all know Trump is just like any other politician and voting doesn't matter because ZOG is all powerful and they control everything all the time and that's why it's very very important that we don't vote for Trump.


Here is the entry I'm going to put in UrbanDictionary and other sites:

Limp Bizkit Conservatism

An edgier form of South Park conservatism. Also a form of crypto-cuckservatism. Take the late 90s/early 00s of MTV's Jackass, combine with far right American nationalist politics, a votebank of easily manipulated angry American white males, and the soundtrack of Limp Bizkit. Add memes, catchphrases, trolling, and a hope of wanton destruction (happenings). In words, a white nationalist and skeptic of multiculturalism and globalism; in deeds, loves civic nationalism, democracy, and American global hegemony. Hangs out on sites like Holla Forums, TheRightStuff, and MyPostingCareer. These sites take on an atmosphere of a Limp Bizkit music video or Jackass skit: low IQ white dudes in backwards caps trashing stuff and "not giving a fuck" about consequences of their thought and actions.

This video is like catnip to normie faggots


Sad that Rafael is taking a dive in the polls, Dan?

he means you're a cuck.

just because a few niggers are great doesn't mean desegregation is good.

Hello, shill. You should take this message back to your masters.

Conservatism is dead in America. Long live nationalism. Conservatism wont save America. Only American exceptionalism and American first policies can. Conservatives have done nothing but disappoint at best and betray at worst for decades.

That's one of the dumbest fucking things I've read on Holla Forums. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Pull back the respect. He said the same shit on another thread. He overheard someone say something he thought was funny and he's repeating it every chance he gets.

you're right, it was a strange comment. the genetic lottery is everything to Holla Forums.

It's trigged dozens of Holla Forumslacks and had many bites already.

I would say it serves its purpose quite well.

It makes the Americuck Jew-lovers here mad as fuck.

Don't worry guys, we should wait for hitler.


Sounds familiar….

You know it's some old jew coming up with this "meme" because of how dated the reference is.


Yeah, no shit. I thought this was stupid, but only shit shillanon takes the cake for pure stupidity.

Are you spergkraut?

Wrong image.
Although fuck foxes

mainstream media and Holla Forums btfo

why don't you keep rollin' and roll the fuck back to your handler and come up with some better shitposting


Its always something else when the shills try to come up with a meme.

Just a friendly reminder: We wont forget to acquire the personnel rosters of the shill companies.

Trying sssooo hard

Weak. You're not getting a pay raise any time soon.

Not really. We're well aware of Trump's tactical negresses.

Goddamn I hate Renegade so much.

They are the flat earth/nukes are fake/9/11 was CGI/gravity isnt real retards.

Fuck that Sinead cunt too, she looks like a fucking sockeye salmon.

Well isn't that disappointing

Pretty accurate


How about you go and get railed by some more niggers, Sinead.


I was literally 29 seconds into this video about saving Europe when I switched to your video.

That transition was seamless. The West rises.

Dude, you're the only person that uses that term here, its kinda making it obvious that its you.

And that you're a shill.

Yep, definitely a shill.

Your may-mays are shit bro.

because of the &feature at the end
(fragment of "&")
just remove it and it's fine

Yeah, if the link comes from a video that is part of a playlist, you have to remove some URL junk off the end.

The Renegayde / Firedouser trolls seem to be very active on this board and it's not just shitposting, see this thread for example it looks like they're trying to recruit people in Atlanta or something.

They keep coming back here and their persistence should be considered suspicious.

The Earth is flat! The jews made you believe the Earth was a sphere! I remember the complete retardedness of these threads. I probably lost IQ points.

it's a pro-trump video
what's the big fucking deal?
it's propaganda for women.

They're pissing me off, them and the people taking their bait. Like when Trump said something about the space program and Aldrin, we would have had a nice funposting thread full of 40k pics and greentext stories about the Imperium before. Now we just have pure idiocy about how space isn't real, the earth is flat, and how the sun revolves around the earth.

The latest thing is that nukes arent real and that Hiroshima/Nagasaki did not happen. Fukushima was also a false flag or something, who knows.

Pretty much everything ever was a false flag. There is no event that has ever occurred that is not a false flag.

I think something is genuinely wrong with them, I really do.

pic unfortunately related

closed after "muh 6 gorillion!!!"


It is genius. Go away, Dan.

what utter bullshit
axial tilt is 23 degrees

Ignore the repeating numbers goy, just a coincidence

2/3 = .666666666666666666666666666666666…
T-thats unlimited sixes. then divided by 3 means… unlimited 666's. that means unlimited devils

Why do you still use math like a good shabbos goy? You want unlimited devils, then? fucking gotcha kike shill

You shills are pathetic
or you need some help with your autism, user

I think you're a bit late for limp biscuit memes, next time try papa roach or soad.

Sexy blonde…

This is how you know OP is on to something. Great find user.

Reminder that Trump's businesses are subject to affirmative action and equal opportunity employment laws just like any other so it's no surprise he's got some token jigaboos on staff.


Can someone tell Ghostler about this on his broadcast tomorrow? I'd do it but I'm too shy to call him

contains a holohoax reference to muh six gorillion jews

Sure, explains why nobody can manipulate us to stop supporting Trump


If you guys are interested in recruiting more blacks to join our cause, check out this thread:

We're uncovering a lot of dirt on how Democrats were racist a few decades back, that will redpill blacks and get them off the Democrat plantation and vote for Trump. They will then realize Democrats were the real racists all along.



bump for dan

You're a fucking black female!

I know you might be kidding, but the "wait for Hitler" meme is historically ignorant. Germans had SIX opportunities to vote NSDAP before Hitler became Chancellor.
If you aren't voting you aren't doing your job.


Who is this "Dan" fellow I keep hearing about? It seems to me he's associated with shilling, but I'm missing the rest of the story.

Polite sage.

Dan Gabriel, Cruz Shill, Spook, owns Applied Memetics meme warfare organization.

And he really sucks at his job. There's a reason the spooks won't have him.

Dropped. I guess I will vote for Hillary then, since I am pretty sure she's racist and probably hates women.

Good. What's your point OP? Trump is a god tier negotiator?

I remain being sceptical about Trump.
Back then i saw how Burgers were hyped about Obongo and he was full of empty promises.
I expect the same will happen for the right side this time.

Any Holla Forumsack knows that his connections are either for business or so he can dig dirt on those people
Also literally nothing wrong with Nationalism

no, he's trump. he's distinct from the others.
yes it does. it makes it so that the person you trust most gets into office.
they're powerful, but not that powerful. it'll take more than putting someone like trump in the office to make our problems go away. actually, the most potent method we have is to spread the truth to as many people as possible.
then who? if all politicians are the same, then it doesn't matter who makes it into the office. if you don't vote, someone will still make it into office. if you vote trump, it's no different than voting for anyone else. learn2logic.

as if you know anything about Holla Forums.
genetics is at least substantial to Holla Forums because it's actually a thing. there is a causal relationship between mind and body, and the composition of the body is substantial because of this.
we're actually correct about this. our counterparts see genetic differences as rayciss so they don't even fucking entertain the possibility.
you say it's everything to Holla Forums because you're retarded. it's not everything, but it's something to Holla Forums because we're not retarded.
we acknowledge differences and criticize groups. we don't give a fuck if people think this is racist because it's correct. we don't care about political correctness because it's rarely correct.

Holla Forums is not a single entity. anyone can post in Holla Forums, even people who hate Holla Forums.

He was meming you know


I'll borrow this thread. Whenever I talk to people about the Murrican election and about Trump, they all claim that he's racist, homophobic, and hates women. When I ask them why they say this and what their sources are, they always fail to provide an answer. Can you guys help me out by posting the "evidence" that lefties use to portrait Trump as the biggest shitlord in history? I figure it will be easier to debate them if I actually know what they're talking about and what their sources are. Likewise I'll appreciate sources that prove that Trump doesn't hate women, gay people and so on.

Normies were hyped. Pretty much any mildly Jew-wise or even Alex Jones types were screaming bloody murder about how much of a globalist-Jew puppet he was. That was in 2008.

Your analogy is apples and oranges and doesn't equate to Trump in the slightest.

The Jew media/Hollywood/establishment also fucking loved Obama and pushed him hard.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Too bad.

Why would you post that here you fucking autist

Honestly I don't think they know themselves
Most leftists have taken up the Jew form of debating

Goddamn you user you took my post

As I said, their persistent presence should be considered suspicious.

If you're still skeptical, then fine, but at least shill Nationalism in it's stead?

Don't be that moody stormfaggot who refuses cus muh controlled opposition…

their evidence is all MSM bullshit user.
when the Donald began talking about illegal immigrants, crime and the border wall… the MSM pundits took a page out of Goebbels book and began promoting the lies. told often enough and forcefully enough they became perceived as truth.

the fact is there is no evidence to back up the racist / bigot lie
the fact is there is no evidence to back up the misogynist lie

Holy shit this video is incredible
Spread this!

god damn it im in tears

Any day now.

It looks like the only place that pays attention to them is this board. I think they should be chased as soon as they are detected.

Dan Gabriel, CIA agent and founder of a propaganda company named Applied Memetics He supposedly works for the Ted Cruz campaign – for free.

I was just repeating the Renegade / Firestarter trolls' "arguments". I'm all for giving Trump a chance and there's no other candidate worth voting for anyway.

And if he's popular enough that he wins 53+ % of the vote then vote fraud in Ohio won't be enough to block him.

Sorry, but this is some cuckservative tier pandering.
Trump, just like any republican candidate, will receive the usual 5-10% of the negro vote, no matter what. Maximizing the White vote is much more important.

and if that's her in the pic she's barely black anyway

Pandering? No other candidate is being attacked as a racist like Trump is, and so this video makes sense in context.

Fuck outta here.

good goy

Kek knows you are a shill and would never give such epic digits to scum like you

I guess some retards never learn

Oh cute, you're still replying.

Protip, when someone calls you a shill, the next logical course of action is filtering you, which I have.

Move on to your next 3 cent post, Mordecai.

she jus a house nigger

Wow, you namedropped a bunch of popular alt right internet websites. That right here definitely proves you're an insider, fellow Holla Forumsard.

Lol wat? I would spew a standard "lurk more" in your direction, but you crossed the shill line. I hope you have a miserable life of, at the minimum, frequent displeasures and annoyances. I hope you ice cream melts, cunt.


Holy fuck. This video has 11 times more views than it did yesterday. Nice.

Daily reminder that even the Nazis said that kikes and niggers could have a "German" soul - it was just really unlikely


you should have dropped the "&feature" at the end

would've sworn a few hours ago it was at 800k

last bump.

you seem to forget that Obongo was just a charismatic entertainer LARPing as the second coming of MLK. Trump has a real movement behind him. he's the real, white version of what Obongo wanted to sell his PR stunt as.

sage for lies

Did you get all angry at kids in 1998 ?


weekend bump

I keep seeing this shared on goybook. I hope these normalfags remember that the press are liars.

Even if Trump has the nomination stolen from him he's done a great service spreading awareness of the lying press & turning people against them.

Send this to your bluepilled friends.

gotta keep going