Call of Duty: New World Order

Just so you know, the plot of the new Call of Duty game is about a bunch of neo-nazi nationalists from Mars who want to take over Earth.

You play as a member of a multi-ethnic squad that serves a one world government and you have to kill these evil racists.

Nice entertainment, right? Definitely not propaganda.

Other urls found in this thread:!WgsnlBYK!D0Ff2PBe4gkYOGaUpzriUy9jxkkszSkhvddg0oiUH6c,

Sounds terrible but at least we know the kikes know about the mars plan

So Ayyryans?


What's important to realize is how many children play these games. Call of Duty is more effective for brainwashing than something like CNN or MSNBC.

We need to take this seriously. It's already been shown that the government has direct ties to large video game companies like Infinity Ward.

Think about all the black, Hispanic, and mixed race children that are being indoctrinated to want to kill nationalist whites. This is important.

Are there any games that actually let you play as the good guys?

reminds of the UNSC from Halo

Expect lawsuits from Jewsoft.

Metro Last Light allow you to play as a neo-nazi faction called the Fourth Reich.

Did you just delete the last thread on this and made a new one?

What are you talking about? I just saw this on Holla Forums and I thought it was important to make you all aware of some big league propaganda. No one on Holla Forums has even mentioned the implications of this game.

Strategy games with some imagination on your part.

it's not propaganda, it's a fantasy story cause white nationalists will never get to the point where they have an actual organization to do such things, let alone a space-faring one




Well, as I said last time in the other thread you posted about call of duty: I hope it's not bundle with the remastered of MW1.

I'm only getting that one.

Yeah, it's just totally coincidence that this game lines up with Agenda 2030, The TPP, Trump's Campaign, and all this other shit. It's just fantasy, don't worry about it.

Fuck you.

I really hope you're a shill.

Interstellar race war when?

Well, I could just pirate it. How do you know Infinity shit is marxist?

why don't some talented Holla Forumsacks make a cod mod where you play as a nazi mowing down all the browns and jews?

Red Orchestra 2 and some of the mods like Darkest Hour that are still alive for the first Red Orchestra let you play as Historically accurate german units on historical battlefields.

this made me realize I want a spaceship game with some fps elements.
anything like that out there that isn't propaganda?

A great fps that let's you fight damn bolsheviks on the eastern front in ww2 is the Red Orchestra series.Can't recommend enough, plus MP is still somewhat decent. Company of Heroes is pretty great, although the new one is imbalanced as fuck.

I don't know, maybe the fact that now all their games have female soldiers and female spec ops, maybe because the fact that during the whole Gamer Gate shitshow someone managed to find documents connecting the department of defense and numerous think tanks to Infinity Ward.

Maybe the fact that their new game is literally you playing as a NWO soldier squashing the last remaining nationalists from the galaxy.


Wew lad



Good, contemporary nationalists are morons.

Nations and their people were great, but the current stock of nationalists on Holla Forums deserve to burn.

And what are you, faggot?

Only bandwagoning faggots with no taste play modern video games, the whole industry got fucked hard by SJWs and money-hungry kikes long ago

No one cares

Go watch some cuck porn and stop shitting up this thread. After all, it's just fantasy right, why not masturbate to it?

Where the fuck do you think you are?

You don't care about what millions of 14-year-olds are going to be filling their heads with? Seriously?

Will they kill their own?

Indeed, there are so many books out there that need to be read and still we have adult males (who even browse Holla Forums!) playing damn video games.

People always like the villains more.

The Jew can't help but make that which he fears seem awesome as fuck.

The population of Holla Forums will swell with the release of this monstrosity.

Prepare yourselves for autism and intense redpilling.

DARPA and the Department of Defense don't get involved in media and education for shits and giggles. If you somehow missed the actually important part about Gamergate, where all of this shit got dragged into the light, then you're either an extreme newfag or an unbearably dense faggot who should lurk instead of comment.

This is absolutely propaganda. This is Globalism Good Goys GI JoeForce vs Evil Skinhead Nationalist Monstermen.

Not only is it propaganda, but it's propaganda with a multimillion dollar budget, coming to a Christmas tree near you. It isn't even subtle propaganda, either.

They should just do the Korean War or something.

Thanks for the optimistic viewpoint user, I didn't think of this but you are right. Look at how many star cuck faggots dress up as stormtroopers and boba the fett. Maybe this game will function as another gatekeeper and help awaken more of our youth.

What a shame. Not too long ago this game would have been the exact opposite, with the scrappy underdog colonists being the good guys, trying to fight back against the oppressive NWO government trying to exploit them.

Sucks that it's gone this way, because the whole idea of two planets fighting, future humanity, space battles, power armor, etc., is really cool.

You stupid fucks, what part of indoctrination don't you understand? We want, no we need to have the retarded masses on our side.

We're not going to win this by jerking each other off and reading good books. The vast majority of average citizens these days don't read, they watch TV shows and play video games, we need to be able to counter our enemies propaganda.


because that would require actually playing cod. no thanks.

You can watch the trailers and keep up with whats new just don't spend hours playing the stupid game.

Calm your tits, the retarded masses always just follow the winning side or will die in a SHTF situation. Cue that GLR quote about revolution being a spectator's sport.

GG didn't even fight back against the giant kike game publishers (just the journalists), so we're not gonna be changing the games industry overnight here.

effective propagandize targets the most popular media

take one for the team

Also the people who "play" these games only do it for social cred and promptly forget about them after they're done because they're so shallow and boring, not unlike modern Hollywood movies

They won't be internalizing these games for life, their bullshit message is easy to change after the fact in the real world

So, it's basically like Killzone and everyone figures out in the end that they were actually the good guys.

Dude, remember - everyone secretly thinks the Nazis were fucking badass.
That's why they're so scary to cucks and bluepills and assorted mudfolk, and why people actually buy the whole 'Hitler wanted to take over the world!' nonsense.

Everyone wants to be an SS Officer banging a hot white blonde with big tits and bright eyes, they just can't admit it - to others, or, in many cases, to themselves.

That's what we're here for - tear down the lies, and all that's left is the awesome.

And it scares the shit out of our enemies when they realize that its working.

Gamergate died once diggers found out there were ties to Darpa, No Child Left Behind and Higher Education in the U.S.

Just a friendly reminder.

Well memed, friend.


Kill me now…

On the the plus side, they're remastering COD4:MW. Lots of good memories with that game. It actually had a pretty good campaign. Plz no bully

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is pretty based

Men of war assault squad 2.

Also this.

Does anyone have a link to that long video of the guy talking about all that stuff? (((Gamer Gate))) smeared him big time for it.

>alternate timeline where MacArthur BTFOs the Norks with a damn nuke. Cold war style CBRN warfare….

What part of Call of Duty, along with Halo, Star Wars, Marvel, and any number of other media franchises are controlled and used by globalists to push their agenda don't you understand?

They will never make a Korean war game, ever. It isn't valuable to their agenda.

Reminds me of the Helghast in Killzone.

Yes, I understand that. It was just a thought. A thought that will never be…. :,(



Around about the same time the trumptards like yourself turned up and thought that hacking at the leaves (muh vidya games, muh voting) has consequences for the root (jewish control of education, finance, etc).

Continue with your pitiful faggotry though.

Hasn't been brought up once in this thread, shill somewhere else.

You asked when it occurred. I gave you an answer. Are you saying that answer is wrong?

There is clearly a correlation between around the third exodus (Dec 2014-Jan 2015) to around the time Trumptards started pushing their garbage here (Jan 2015-Jun 2016).

The combination of dumbass nazis and dumbass american trumptards ruined this place.

Oh look, an outsider.

Get thee gone, faggot.


because fuck you

You mean the entire reason why Holla Forums was even created back on cuckchan in the first place?

Christ, you guys are terrible at this shit. You're hilariously easy to spot.

Holla Forums is counter-culture, there is no primary ideology here


Ohhh so they are copying Killzone now.

Why are you on Holla Forums a place where everyone is Nationalist

Eh not really we're Largly NatSocs but those who aren't are Nationalist, those who are Globalist are shills

is it such a crime to get another WWII game up in here enough with al this fantasy bullshit



Unfortunately I don't have it. Anyone who followed the whole thing on plebbit and cripplechan knows that's what happened though. It got too close to the truth and was shut down. For a board like Holla Forums that complains about D&C so much they sure fell into that one. Even talking about GamerGate on this board gets you fucking shunned.

It's not like Holla Forums cared for any of those people anyway.


that YT channel has quite a lot about all the DiGRA and MS links. He's your typical Holla Forums autist but the info is good.

You can join Caesar's Legion in Fallout: New Vegas, for what that's worth, Literally post-apocalyptic Holla Forums.

Thank you!

The Legion are Communists, not Fascists.

The closest thing to Fascists in NV are the Brotherhood, but even there, not really. They aren't fascist so much as they are a bunch of angry authoritarian old men yelling at clouds.

Heroes and Generals


That was only some DLC content, IIRC.
At least it was redpilled enough to have the commies betray you in the main story.

Settlement Defense Front sounds like the good guys.

UNSA can suck it, not everyone wants to live the same way you do in a multi-culti shit hole.

.>not wanting to kill commies

You mean seattle4truth, the complete sperglord who couldn't keep his spaghetti straight when rambling on about random shit? The same guy who made "digging" threads that went in circles? The guy who kicked off the schism that created /ggrevolt/? At least Kingofpol was entertaining when caught in a lie and cooking sources for his shitty stream. S4T would just call up his autism defense force and spam threads to death with long rants.

was it worth it?

Don't they just play the multiplayer though?

Of course goy, why do think we keep your UIDs so high?

Fuck if I know, I was helping dig. There were 4-5 vids coming out a day when shit was hot. Am I supposed to remember every single one and the history involved with each poster?

It was made in Russia by lower-income citizens. It was never going to make the pinkos look good.

Star Shitizen, but that's never coming out.

Duty is best faction

Freedoms are better

t. america

So you think GTA is conditioning people to be criminals?

For years we have taken the piss out of soccer moms and elected officials who know fuck all about games but claim games are negatively affecting kids. We cant now claim they were right can we?

fucking hippy

Is this the video you mean? It's about 4.5 gb so I can't post it directly but if I remember correctly it covers a lot of the connections between gamergate, common core, Microsoft, Intel, and the military.

Also here's the evidence torrent for that video!WgsnlBYK!D0Ff2PBe4gkYOGaUpzriUy9jxkkszSkhvddg0oiUH6c

So it's just Freiden from Halo.

>>>Holla Forums

You know they make this propaganda because the Jews know Whites are the only race with the capability of possibly leaving this planet.
They make this propaganda to make kids believe Whites in Space is another shoah.


Considering Homefront. I'm surprise the badguys are not Space North Koreans.

What the fuck do you know kid?

I was going to make a movie with similar overtures. Now if it ever gets made it will be compared to call of duty.

Why, god?

Just write your shit faggot, or film it. You can't control public opinion, it isn't worth worrying about.

dude, late 1990s and early 2000s FPS had you do nothing else but kill actual nazis

Most movie and vidya war settings can be placed in one of three categories:
1) Idealized version of the Second World War
2) Idealized version of the Second World War, in space
3) Tolkien ripoff

in halo you fight space commie death cult

hopefully someone can mod it so you play as the SDF

Sweet, can we play as the mars puritans?

And the thing is, this might actually happen. Given space exploration is being pushed almost entirely by rich white men these days, I can somewhat see a scenario where all the rich and clever leave for Alpha Centurai and call secession from the hellhole which will be the world state.

They're re-mastering it, but they're also bundling it with Infinite Warfare so they can lie about sales for Infinite Warfare and continue the delusion that Advanced Warfare wasn't a fuck up that finally braked the CoD momentum.

Hopefully enough Holla Forumsacks will be in STEM positions in 50+ years so that we can travel to a self sufficient space colony and declare independence.

We'll just need to bring some dakka with us to protect our freedoms.

because this system is totally going to last 50 years much less 5 years

i remember being bluepilled, how did you find this place?

A chan may die but the people find a way to stay in contact in a form of a new mongolian painting board. Plus even if the world governments somehow collapse, would it really stop/reverse technological progress? I don't think so, it may slow down due to lack of funding but we will reach for the stars eventually.

I started posting here yesterday, I still can't figure out how to upvote or downvote posts, can you help a newb out?

it's literally killzone plot

Meme magick only works in spontaneous ways when life force is completely channeled into the meme. Forcing a dead and empty meme without any emotional/life force behind it is pathetic. Their game has been dead long time ago because of this.


Video related

Blatant communist propaganda in video games is not a new phenomenon. Infinity Ward has been doing this for a while now.

bumpy bump

You can appreciate the sacrifices of simple soldiers without condoning the regime or the ideology behind it, you know.

You sound exactly like a Soccer Mom.

The bad guys in Modern Warfare 1/2/3 are, to my memory, a bunch of ultra-nationalist communists who invade the world for some reason? I really don't remember.

Soldiers of which, raped and murdered countless thousands of women during the siege of Berlin.

Fuck you, there's no supporting those savages.

Educate yourself commie

Butthurt lolberturdians detected.

Lootin and pillaging are normal in wartime.

Nazi's executed soldiers found raping prisoners of war.

It looks nice though. Any Holla Forums poster cares to recap for us what went wrong?

Holla Forums please

Don't try to justify war crimes against non combatants. Just go back to your board.

Also perfectly normal in wartime.

Remember back in the savage times, one of the main reasons we went to war against other tribes was for their women.

The crowdfunding was absurdly successful so the scope of what they're doing kept expanding. THey've since stopped that.
But many on Holla Forums were expecting it to be released a lot sooner not realising that development hadn't started when the crowdfunding started.

As a result Holla Forums is insisting its vapourware and will never be released or has utterly failed.

There's an online demo of it available. With a single system and a few worlds you can travel to. Very limited in terms of content as their focus right now is on getting the underlying systems working before they populate the game with content.

Wake the fuck up to reality.

I guess you mean such as these connections.

Just read about a legal complaint concerning the game.
$84 Millions of donation and they still sell "premium" features. Like a $2500 game ship! Holla Forums is in the right here. This is pure kikery.

If people are prepared to buy them why not let them?

Plus if they started giving them away then people would complain.
As it stands you'l be able to get them all in game anyways it'll just take time to get the in game cash together through trading or killing or whatever.

Also. Motherfucker. My capitalism ho image is already up. Fuck you Holla Forums.

the cancer never ends

yeah, my favorite one has to be ass creed's version of history. also in the latest one you're supposed to be helping Karl fucking Marx

Even while drunk and bleeding to death I could write a better asscreed game than those cucks at ubisoft.

Rothschilds are assassins, Hitler was a templar.
You play a seperate character on both sides of the story through the war and end up killing all your allies as the guy on the opposing team.

Just wish the game was interactive enough, so you could betray your comrades and join the good guys.

did you actually play the game? They had communal slaves, they were not wives. The fort is the frontline, what you see in there does not reflect the legion lifestyle, only the military. Faggotry is most definitely not permitted seeing as all of the 3 fags you find in the legion are closeted. Cass was just talking shit, it had no basis in reality.

The BoS under elder Hardin is pure fascist, if you didn't bust your ass for him he probably would have booted you, if anything he feared you might kill him. You'll notice the language Hardin and McNamara use is very different. Hardin makes you an "honorary member" where as McNamara makes you a full fledged member, its the same task but you get a different outcome. McNamara is a strong authoritarian whereas Hardin is extremely resistant to outside forces and all of his endings have him shooting people on sight and ransacking traders for their tech.

they're way ahead of you. bonus pics are the featured article from their front page, also their views on capitalism


Lol, these fucking kikes, man. Hilarious.

I usually go with NCR or independent, has the best endings for the groups I care about. Legion endings are crap.

Actually play the fucking game you stupid nigger.

you don't know the half of it

I knew this would happen eventually after Assassin's Creed III. Even from the beginning honestly, because the Templars are the bad guys instead of the Islamic Caliphates or the International Clique known as world Jewry (which is/controls the masons and illuminati as covers).

Please tell me this isn't real. I get the Henry Ford thing, it's retarded but I get it. The Scalia shit is just so fucking blatant.

Are there people who actually like these games?



That doesn't really go against space travel and exploration not advancing. Sure the (((rich))) will hoard technology that's designed to improve and extend the life of the individual, but I highly doubt the Rothchilds will hide rockets that can take astronauts to Mars.

AssCreed ended at Revelations and then had a spin-off pirate game, everything other than that is complete cancer both story and gameplay wise.

yes, these games are so successful they're even making a movie.

I agree, though Revelations was already kinda shit

So their universe is basically, "Anyone that me and my leftist friends like is an Assassin and everyone we hate is a Templar."

How can people enjoy this pretentious schlock?

That's true, it's hook/bombs mechanics were garbage though the series experienced a real drop in quality between Revelations-3.
Probably because a loved protag got changed to some injun faggot

It's virtue-signalling in video game form. The newest iteration Syndicate broke willing suspension of disbelief in so many areas.

Fuck that looks gay.

At least in Halo, you actually feel sympathetic to the Insurrectionists because you have to unify to fight the aliens.

Man CoD 4 was comfy as fuck tho

yeah, pretty much. people enjoy it because they're mostly kids who don't know any better.

Looks like kikes are still butthurt about Stalin purgue of (((traitors to the motherland)))

I mean, Stalin was the truly criminal during WW2, but isnt strange that ZOG always put Stalin as the only bad communist, while the rest of communist butchers leaders of the Soviet Union are given a free pass?

but Stalin was super bad because he corrupted communism and persecuted the good guys.

btw the kikes didn't kill Jesus, it was the Templars.

Quite farfetched innit?

You can't expect to make Mars habitable within a decade alone.

This is the most childish fictional universe I've ever seen. Maybe it was my ignorance of video games that made me think this new Call of Duty game was unique in how blatant its propaganda is.

Meh. There have been worse blasphemies, I guess.

at first I thought it was just CoD too with all the soviet shit, but then we had a thread a while back when the ass creed: bong adventures trailers came out. I don't even wanna know how much more of this bullshit is out there in AAA games.

yeah, they came up with some pretty retarded shit about the middle east, pic related

well…. legend of zelda keeps being a remake of ocarina of time, so when im not replaying maxximo or sly 2, or dark souls, I play assasins creed

yeah, its pozzed, but the game opens with "this game was made by a multi-ethnic team,"

Assasins creed 1 through revelations is fun as fuck, i you made the protaganist a blonde blue eyed teenager instead of an arab and the antagonist an ethiopian, bam, greatest Zelda games ever

I honestly can't tell if, in this retarded mess of bullshit, the Roman Church ends up being good guys or bad guys. If I had to guess they'll probably spin it as the original papacy staying true to Jesus' communist message, while later evil Popes corrupted the Church to whateverthefuck and used their power to attack the totally peaceful Muslims.


b0ss i have a cancer

How would they deal with his extreme anti-Semitism later in life though? Brainwashing by the bad guys?


You can only win the culture war if you are prepared to be a hypocrite. Lefties use fallacies, dishonesty, lies and slander all the time and it's very effective.

He went to fucking communist Russia after WWI and got the idea from them. This isn't exactly uncommon knowledge.

Of course they came blame the commies for grueling factory work!

pretty much


Might explain why they're so cucked.

commies had no modern factories until they contracted (((americans)))

It's called rhetoric, and it contains no informational content (and thus no fallacies, dishonesty, lies, or hypocrisy). It's effectively glorified namecalling.

In effect, to win you have to sway people emotionally to your side. Logic has nothing to do with it.

Goddamn, user.

They're remarkably scant on details though. They've ignored a lot of the Crusades entirely and just kept the Papacy as "mostly good guys." I'm genuinely surprised.

I really fucking hope this isn't the case.

Only consolation is that now that they keep moving the series closer and closer to the (((CURRENT YEAR))), they're less likely to turn their gaze to the Holy Roman Empire (which would have made for a really interesting setting.)

Trust leftist game-makers to ignore all the interesting shit in history.

Fuck you, Jews.

Day of Defeat: Source is a WWII version of CS that lets you play as the Axis (only online tho, not use if it still has userbase)

Why do games have to be so politicised?

Because they reach a large audience, goy

I don't think the people who make these games understand the appeal of a unified armed force with superior technology.

Nobody thinks the rebels from Star Wars look cool for example.

"Mom, mom! By me the Rebel Guard toy!" said no child ever.

yes, the Church seems to be a battlefield where the good guys fight the bad guys for the maguffins. apparently, the Templars predate Christianity and the cross symbol is literally the mark of Cain.

And the worst think is that developers/publishers have the valor to say that there arent many settings to exploit, as a justification to make the same shit over and over again.

Its not like many the settings that are mentioned are unfriendly to casual. Many could be casual friendly. Yet the developers are retarded and make generic shit that even casuals dislike/arent interesed, and of course flop.

You don't know World in Conflict and Wargame series?

Call of Duty jumped the shark when I wasn't looking. Or is that "punched the boulder"?

Fucking what?

How do you make this shit up? This is literally holy communism now, and people think it isn't propaganda?

You'd think with the game development industry being a relatively free market someone would have addressed this. This annoys me.

Er… no?

you dont really experience most of these dumb moments in game

the 1st one is a templar conspiracy to take control of the levant from both king Salah ad-Din and richard the lionheart with prehistoric michael tsarion/graham hancock "Mother civilization" space magic

2nd is a conspiracy of banker and pope Alexander VI before he was pope to take over italy from jew enablers in florence and venice pre-jewification

DLC takes place in bonfire of the vanities, and it was retconned that the assasins killed the ebil templars burning stuff, when it was actual the "templar" pope who hired an assasin

brotherhood, you kill cesare borgia, who kills his father. you also kickout the french from rome ( i remember in one of the assasin contract minigame things where you level up assasin recruits you help the jews exiled from lisbom

revelations, you befriend a turk, then fuck with his jew uncle

Then you don't even research games to know what the fuck you are talking about.

Anyone still playing Call of Duty at this point is a lost cause. Hell, anyone who thinks vidya is still worth playing is a lost cause. They will all be meat when the happening happens.

I guess that's a good way to look at it. Adam and Eve were the first commies who sought to release humanity from slavery (humans were created by the first people to be a slave race). also Eve (not Adam, because gurl power) became the leader of the rebellion and the first rebels became the Assassins, because they assassinated members of the first people masterrace. so gommunism basically started in the Garden of Eden and the Templars are bad guys who seek to enslave humanity once again.

Sure, if you're a nigger. What a waste of dubs.

Did they ever explicate on that? I was interested in seeing Roman mythology being used as imagery for once, but I'd heard it got shuffled away after Ass Bleed 2.5.

Nazis must be niggers considering the amount of assets (oil, tanks, materiel) they "borrowed" from France.


nah it's pretty vague. humanity went to war with the first kangz who were named after hellenic deities and then a solar flare fucked everything up.

"That's normal in war" was referencing the user above him mentioning the rapes and murders against German civilians by Soviet soldiers. Murder and rape against non-combatants is what's for niggers. Pay attention!

im prettysure that was eye for an eye

Except whites, nazis included have been doing that shit for generations.

Look at what the Romans did to the gauls, what the vikings did to the christians, and what the colonists do the natives, and what the germans did to the slavs.

You are basically saying whites are niggers.

ayy lmao

Because you couldn't sell it, no distributors would touch it, not even Steam, where you can sell your self-produced games on your own.

Distribution control is the key to propaganda, you simply silence all dissenting media.

Haha. Expanse series had Martian colonists who were Waffen SS with a bit of Nazbol mixed in.

fixed. From what I hear, BS gets closer to NS in 4 tho.

sorry, but as said that's pretty normal. it's human instinct. the Germans cucked the French pretty hard too and Americlaps collected war brides from all over the world.

you can argue the degree of savagery involved in specific cases, but capturing/raping women or women simply switching teams has always been part of warfare.

But that's fucking wrong you faggot.
Over 60% of everyone going to Holla Forums are National Socialist, the rest are Fascists, just nationalists in some way, and a few small minorities like Libertarians and Monarchists (these might be trolls). Then the smallest minority, shills, ie. You.

Don't you think that by intentionally casting ED HARRIS, they want you to sympathize with the villain?

The "multicult" soldiers are a bunch of nobodies while the villain is GENERAL fucking HUMMEL from THE ROCK, one of the best action flick characters ever existed. What kind of huge faggot would not side with Ed Harris' character?

forgive my ignorance of fps vidya gaems, but is CoD moddable?
would it be feasible to play as the other team?
how much work would be required for the mod to be a greater success than the original?

Absolute nonsense. I see nobody liking Ass Creed games. Literally everyone dislikes those shitty games except for some cultural Marxists.

Ubisoft profits have severely gone down because of how shitty the games are

They don't. I would wager the cuck who said "everyone enjoys Ass Creed" doesn't even play games.

absolutely no, they dont even have dedicated servers, they just shut down servers when they make new game you know why


Just play Red Orchestra 2 brah
Accurate depiction of the Axis side, and the most realistic fps war game I have ever seen or played.

Why else do you think?

I'm not too worried.

there's a tech bubble ready to pop; social media and AAA gaming are going to be among the casualties

I can taste your tiny tears over the internet. I'm sorry for spoiling your fantasy, but people who disagree with you are not shills. Holla Forums is about free speech first and infantile ideologies second.


Isn't the next one set in 'black' Egypt? And yet in the lore the jews were slaves in Egypt?
I bet the 'black' Pharaohs will be templar puppets to some fucking nordic european templars or something

I used to date a half asian chick that liked to get fucked while we both had SS uniforms on

So let me get this straight: you're on Holla Forums, so you probably believe that the jews are conditioning people through the media. This somehow, magically, excludes video games, even though they are the only form of mass media with a direct operant conditioning loop.

I like the look on the fbi directors face when he finds out about the illegal arms trade stuff.

They Jews are actually foreshadowing a real event that's going to take place, it's much more than just fiction propaganda. Notice how in their games/movies that 'aliens'/ufos are almost exclusively bad?

Tha's bullshit, but I believe it.


So Ayyryans confirmed



I'm gonna be that guy

In Fallout 4, the Brotherhood of Steel is basically a technofascist paramilitary force that wages a war of extermination against the Super Mutants and the Institute, who are basically Jews. There's a lot of fascist imagery, like the fist-to- chest salute and the "Ad Victoriam" motto.

Those, like most neo-nazis', are some terrible waterdowned propaganda qips.

better version

Forgot about this gem

It's propaganda breh, Hitler would never use the a nuke.

Uh, Skyrim, amusingly enough.

I mean her facial expressions are top notch but come the fuck on

Holy shit

Assassin's creed austism
The Assassin Order, also known as the Assassin Brotherhood, Liberalis Circulum (Circle of Liberals) during the time of the Roman Empire


Helghast deserved to get nuked.


Darkest Hour.

Why am I not shocked.

At least we had Rogue.
Templars being good guys and saving the world from evil assassins.

Good taste. I'm still waiting for them to come up with Pirates, but knowing Kike-bisoft, I'm sure they'll manage to find some way to fuck it up.



Did those faggots really just rip off Freedom Fighters?

just makes me want to play red faction guerilla again

sage for this belongs on Holla Forums

Man O' War: Corsair gives us a lot of what asscreed nigger standard did in terms of naval combat. But with more variety.
And it'll be great once its fucking finished fucking early access.

But you know it gave me a wonderful idea for an asscreed game.
One rooted in the idea of bias and perspective.
Where some templar scientist grabs a random guy and goes
Just to see if the human mind is capable of a perfect perspective or if it must inevitably fall prey to bias.

So you experience the same overall story set in WW2 from a templar and assassin perspective.
In the first half of the game on both sides you act to defeat an evil NPC adversary so for the templars some jewish assassins using the inhabitants of a jewish ghetto as a shield, from which they work to get the property of globalist bankers out of Germany so it can be used to get the USA into the war.
While assassin side you're in France aiding the resistance against a hollywood nazi gestapo guy.
Both sides you build up a team around you and get to know them all.

Then second half of the game. You're pitted against yourself essentially.
The two characters missions all become about countering and attacking each other and inevitably result in you killing your companions from the other side.

The final mission/sequence/cinematic/whatever is the two player characters meeting in Argentina as old men. Through a multiple choice dialogue system you control both of them as they argue with each other. The choices you make in the game prior and in this sequence result in either one of them shooting the other or the two of them going "Well fuck. We wasted our lives and nobody benefitted from this shit."
At which points its revealed that last segment was actually simulated cos mad templar scientist wanted to see what effect the whole experience had on your mind and conclusions.

I've been thinking about something lately. All these "weebs" around here, and:

Why the fuck don't we have Maschinen Krieger threads? This is perfect Holla Forums shit. WW2 German robots from 80's Japan. He's even got a frog on his suit for fuck's sake.

I'm not really read on the "templar conspiracy", but does this mean that the templars are the good guys?

Rogue pretty much shows you that the Templars are maximum heroes humanity needs.

In that game while the assassins run around setting off massive earthquakes to destroy major cities and kill everyone in them, the Templars are not only stopping them but engaging in various fiendish plots to improve communities by improving civil infrastructure, providing medicine to the poor, building schools and bringing industry with decent jobs to the area.

It's no secret Homefront openly ripping off freedom fighters. But with more NORKS

This is why old vidya will always be best vidya. The gaming industry has been *mostly* dead to me since 2010-ish.

Fucking disgusting. I'm not even religious but there are certain stories you're supposed to show respect towards, especially ones that contain important messages like pretty much everything in Genesis.

All of them. Just disregard the "you lose" screen.

What the fuck man

Hollywood is not history. Waste of hitler dubs.

truly hellish

Fuck this gay earth

goddamn this works on so many levels, excellent wordplay

Hollywood barely show these rapes though, too graphic.

You gotta read book for that.

That's typically how these things go. Since this is basically Killzone, I don't remember much about why the helghan did what they did but I know everyone liked them more than the protagonists because they looked cool as shit.

At least they're remaking CoD4 though, I've been waiting for that for a while. I loved the shit out of that game.

that's quite an ouchi he has there

Fuck you Sans

Propaganda means using fiction and other emotion influencing media to promote a political, religious or any ideological agenda. No one said it should be banned, fiction is free and always should be, but it is what it is, and in this case it is propaganda.

this isn't ever going to go away is it?

good, because some underfag from Holla Forums wrote a fic on (← cancer rating: two packs a day for 20 years) called inseparable about trump being the president and it's fucking hilarious

they could pull the big twist and say the SDF are actually the good guys and you switch sides in the middle of the campaign of at the end of it. Also Ed Harris>everything else. The man is a legend

The reason why Doom is awesome and has such a community is because Carmack was a lolbertarian with the source code. The whole reason its good is it got its grip away from AAA industry and entered into the hands of the player who furthered added content through mapping and modding. For carmack it was pure ethics: he wanted to provide an opportunity for the future kid-carmack out there. The new Doom is a joke to that whole philosophy. I mean bethesda can try to make bucks off of it through steam and this rehash, but I am talking about the spirit: A lot of doom fans don't really cares about what comes out in the industry, they are too busy collaborating to make WADs and the like.

I honestly think Doom is red-pilled on the basis of its source code. The hell iconography works into your subconcious and is degenerate, but the levels of freedom the player and community get with the game is unprecedented in the entire industry. Its a big punk-rock fuck you to the vidya industry, you have 1000s of hours of content from people, and all for the price of Doom. Its a conduit to not get jewed by video game consumerism spending 80$ for something that couldn't even compete with a single megawad.

No politics, free to mod and contribute with your fellow friends and people play content through bed-room modders and your folk, instead of faggot ass corporate DLC.

People think "indie scene" and you think faggot SJW and walking simulators and ukuleles, but Doom content would be the last thing you think of and this is a tragedy.

Can't wait until PTSD Simulator: Vietnam comes out so I can gut some gooks like good ol' Benny G

There are quite a few anti any form of socialism posters here too. But most of them hate globalization.

I fully agree. Well said. The 90s very the decade of freedom.

Pic not related

And they will not let you play as the colonists rebels, right?

I mena, in older CoD, they let you play any faction…

Where does it say they're nazis?

_ Front is common. English second language too?

Does this mean they're nationalists on an interplanetary scale?

Is earth opposed to identifying as a people belonging to a particular planet in this game?

In Ocarina of Time you're literally (literally) an Aryan boy saving his Aryan people from an Arab with Ashekanzi hair, nose and name.

It's still the most redpilled game there is in my book.

I don't understand why pollacks like to come up with retarded misinformed speculation of what "libertarianism" is.
Only a neurotic liberal retard would think gun rights is the same as giving everyone a free gun.

War Front: Turning Point.

Read between the lines. They're white nationalists, it's pretty obvious what they're doing.

Lol. This is going to make white martian nationalists seem based as fuck.

YFW entire generation of white boys grows up fantasizing about being white martian separatists.

That was me, actually.

Anyway. One of the devs actually said that they are facist, kek.

At 18:15 in embedded.

Time stamp link:


Well, "fascists"

that was very unrealistic because the first-person character wasn't wearing two watches

then give it away for free. torrents

Jews basically give away porn for free now because it's propaganda.

Was there ever any doubt? I'm surprised at the number of people on Holla Forums who haven't learned how to spot propaganda when they see it.

"Fascist" in modern culture basically means "we're evil movie bad guys and we wanna kill a shitload of people and take over the world/galaxy/universe/whatever"

>>>Holla Forums here.

It has shit all over it, even in the title. But the thing that really pisses everyone off is the fact that MWRemastered, a game people actually want, is locked behind a $80 special edition preorder. The kikes aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

I liked CoD 5. I used to roleplay as a Japanese soldier with an Arisaka and bayonet and lie in bushes waiting to charge people on the hardcore mode. So much fun.

you can do that in red orchestra and it's a million times better

Do people still play it online? I might have to get it.

people play the second one and sometimes you can find people playing RO1

There is a guy in this thread on Holla Forums >>>9244207 saying that Stalin didnt wanted to conquer Germnay ever, and that basing on this book, the user says that Stalin said that anyone who said anything bad about Soviet-German relations was an Allied spy who was trying to incite hatred between the two countries.

How true it is?

Wrong thread, fuck. And I cant delete this post. Sorry

Halo was pretty much Space Israel (humanity) versus Galactic Catholic Caliphate (ayys).

Very wrong. Go look up Operation Icebreaker. It was the Soviet Plan to invade Europe as later detailed in the 70s by former Generals from that time. Germans beat them to the punch by 2 weeks and broke the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact Pact to stop this invasion.

People still buy this series?

Oh shit, you're right


Whoever made that big wall o' text that I skimmed in the second graphic ripped a line out of a TS Eliot poem called 'The Hollow Men.' Fantastic reading embedded.

Learn some shitlordy poetry, gentlemen. Kipling, TS Eliot, Ezra Pound, Yeats, and the like in addition to the other great writers past (thinking the likes of Shakespeare, Blake, Keats, Goethe, Schiller, and so on). Bowden mentions a lot of them. Familiarity with some of the architecture, art, and literature of the Western tradition is the most powerful way to bring people to appreciate that from which cosmopolitans would uproot them, the forsaken traditions born of a land which they seek to dispossess of us.

I agree completely, but I've got a few suggestions you may enjoy if you're still around. (I realize this was posted 3 days ago)

Crusader Kings 2, Europa Universalis 4
Freedom Fighters
EU4 again, the Empire and Napoleon Total War games

Didn't mean to do that, just sort of happened.

>>>Holla Forums



If any white males were taking anything that is going on seriously, you fucking people would start creating your own companies and actually fighting back against the tide of anti-white degeneracy…

INSTEAD on virtually every alt-right forum everywhere, all white men are doing is whining incessantly, flailing their flaccid dicks around online, and waiting for someone to save them (not going to happen).

If you retards think some violent race war is ever going to happen, and would actually work, we deserve to be wiped out for that level of stupidity.

But please go ahead and get another "high influence" job in the fucking trades, or in STEM making money for Mr. Shekelberg.

It is very simple fuckers: If you white males won't get off your asses and start taking calculated risk in the following industries, we WILL be wiped out. I'm pretty much the only person beating this drum, and literally everyone else's only retort to my sound logic is that they are going to wait for the collapse and go 'innawoods' and rebuild from the ground up.

That isn't going to fucking happen. There will be NO collapse. Our nations will turn into brown shitholes like Brazil and we will be ruled by the elites and Jews.

Start fucking building companies in the following spaces:

1. Education
2. Banking
3. Finance
4. Investments
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Tech
8. Communication
9. Mainstream News
10. Mainstream Entertainment (vidya, movies, TV etc.)

Or all is lost.

What's wrong? A little honest truth that involves actual work and thinking and you all scurry back to your video games and porn?

While that is a fantastic idea, you need to realize how nearly impossible it is to get into those fields and have autonomy. I'm a prospective writer, and I looked into publishing companies , and they almost never publish something unless it's highly politically correct. If I was rich, I'd buy my own television channel and broadcast right wing news and television shows, but most of the people that own these things know not to let them go to a goy.

You could start small by opening up a website that publishes non-politically correct fiction short stories. What genre do you write in?

World War 2 Online Battle Ground Europe
Welcome to the best Axis simulator in the world.

I've thought about doing that, but short of shilling anything I write on here, I'm not sure how'd I'd get the word out. Especially since all my friend are blue pilled.

It was originally science fiction, but as I got more aware of how the world worked, I found my old ideas got worse and worse. Right now it would either be plain fantasy, or modern fiction.

I write stories as well, I pretend to be liberal and get them published on shitty websites and a few print magazine. It is a shame that there isn't really anywhere good for writers like us to congregate.

I've thought about telling them that the main character being nationalistic was sort like a "villain protagonist" , or skewed because it's from their prospective, sort of like lolita , but I'm not sure how well that would work.

What's wrong with just self-publishing on ebook sites?

Paying some editors and artists money to edit and come up with coverart.

Then just let the market happen.

I suppose we should make a site for authors, but I think it would end up still nothing but pseudonyms.