Perry Bible Fellowship Marvel Comic
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You know the purpose of LOL threads isnt to post actually good comics?
It's a duplicate of a Holla Forums thread
OP just wants as much attention as he can get
At least this is actually Holla Forums related.
If it were a real LOL thread, OP would have opened up with a video game webcomic or something.
fuck you anyway OP
Superior lols
I wonder how this guy comes up with this shit.
As long as she's into cats, it's okay.
just like my life
I can't tell if you're trying to post good comics or shit comics but I liked a couple of these
I swear this guy is some kind of 10th Level Memewizard. Either that or this is some intense psyops bullshit made by the government to control the masses. Either or really.
I always see these, but never any sauce. Help?
I got the 2nd one, but not the first.
Am I a retard?
Also, more of the 2nd?
fiber doesn't promote muscle growth
All those years in school doing health, PE and home ec for naught.
All I can do is solve Slylock Fox puzzles and jerk off to shitty Rule34.
Send help.
Wish he'd do more porn.
Pretty typical. I can only fit a couple thanks to the filesize limit.
I-is that Captain Sweden?
Did Pruane2Forever sacrificed his account just get him suspended from DA? Well, that's what he gets for being a sex addict.
This shit twice, seriously?
The last panels are different.
Catty cunt didn't appreciate him, typical woman.
Hey, what the fuck? You got a fucking problem?
Done with MMD?
Out of curiosity, is the Rock Cocks any good? I know the porn is mediocre to shit depending on how jaded you are, at least the last I checked up on it a few good months back, but is the story any decent at all in reality? All I remember of them is bitch got fired from Walmart and they took to being hobo musicians.
Its uninspired.
What a pity. Is it still worth reading if I want to fuck the white-haired protagonist? I may or may not have a thing for bitches with silver-like hair, I don't know why
Also I don't know my music for shit, but that story about getting shot over saying fuck on a song on the radio is some hilarious bullshit.
It gets funnier once you realize that the hero complaining wears Captain Sweden's colors.
This isn't funny. It actually happens and it's the most fucking annoying thing in the world.
Giggled hard.
Hitler dubs confirm.
No, women are the fucking problem.
fiber doesn't build muscle
I miss Heathcliff threads.
Cassandra is from Slylock not Heathcliff
That comic would be a bit funnier if instead of a Pokemon card he pulled out an insurance card from like State Farm or something
Get it? Because he has "protection"! lolololo XD!
The first one is pretentious in the right way. I didn't laugh, but I kind of liked it.
The second one is terrible in a way I almost enjoy. I think I recognize it, but the characters don't have huge buck teeth for some reason?
The ridiculous way everyone's dressed tells me I'd enjoy the third one, even though it most likely doesn't end with the girl getting raped.
The fourth one is awful.
The fifth one I actually kind of like the art style, but the dialog put new wrinkles on my face.
Its apparently a ye-olden insult to italians. I had to look that up myself.
So what? She's still bad news.
Is camp whatever still going?
Nigga that's like half an hour of PVP
But souls decrease in value by the end of the game, because by that point you've probably leveled up as much as you need to.
But if we are talking soul memory they will still count towards your pvp bracket, 90k isn't that bad though. Lose a couple hundred thousand or a million then you may as well just restart the game. It will even effect your ability to connect with other players for pve as well
And stay the fuck out, you cancerous piece of shit.
Geezer's term for greasy italian.
Better yet a Yugioh card.
Yes, you defending VGcatz
go back to 4cuck fagscum
dang he fucked dat bitch good
Oh wow I seen that video countless times, you sure showed me.
Aw, that was some nice silliness.
First one is that she is there at 7:55. AM or PM it is unusual working hours.
Second one, candle wax has fully melted, unlikely to happen in a few minutes.
The Meek, the source of the third image, recently started updating again.
short answer: yes
the guy who makes it just started posting on this site, but the whole thing is in that thread.
Markiplier's brother is doing that shit, a french guy got indulged with fucking cats and terrorized the whole fandom.
Bikini girl with a bulge.
Don't encourage her.
No pingas here, but is this straight from tumblr?
Is that why the predator is running?
Because she just pulled this bow straight from her ass then strung it?
I know somebody has the porn that was made of this girl.
Now post it.
Its right otherwise, except for some reason 2nd image is considered bad. Yeah, you wont get a girlfriend if you solely concentrate on something like your work or a hobby. But if a person loves doing that stuff and visits prostitutes every now and then, what is so wrong about that?
Silly user, don't you know that people's ultimate goal in life should be to get a girlfriend and reproduce?
I'm more concerned about the sword in the second panel and where he hid it in the bottom panel. Is he a serial killer?
Well, yes. The ultimate goal for any living creature should be to reproduce and pass on their genes.
Being a super popular guy who is the best at criticizing comics online is all well and good, but unless you either keep your family going or do something to get yourself in the history books, everything about your existence will be forgotten over the next generation or so.
Where the fuck do women even get this wage gap bullshit from anyway?
It's illegal to pay someone a different amount based on gender (among many other things) because of equal opportunity shit.
On top of that, how do they know what their coworkers are getting paid in the first place?
Generally people don't discuss that sort of thing with whoever they work with, and bosses sure as hell don't tell their underlings what everyone else is making.
At best they are misinformed, at worst they deliberately lie. Instead of taking the pay of a man and woman from the same job, which would make sense. The tally up the total earnings of all men and all women. The earnings for all women is less than all men so they claim women are paid less when in reality it is the fact that women don't go into higher paying jobs
What's the big fucking deal!? If you fuck, reproduce you'll divorce and die in bankruptcy. But if you focus on your hobbies you'll get remembered for a while.
I do more shit in my job and no raises, BLAME MATRIARCHY
Alone stuff could be anything from masturbation to which sport you prefer, and most of your friends are found in your similar interests. What a dumb comic.
Keep telling yourself that.
If your hobby is science you'll get your name on a theorem or a principle and piss of generations of students who will have to learn what you discovered.
how are you so certain that you say will, not might, but will?
I can't be certain of anything except death.
And you'll be remembered for a while. Try to follow the conversation a little, user!
Except you didn't explain why you apparently can't do both.
Yep. It's gone from one page every four years to one page every 2 months.
So what I'm getting from this is
I imagine the transvestite sounds like Alvin the chipmunk
Anyone who disappoints their parents as much as the author of that comic.
It's that the cat wants attention, not actually wanting to get pet though, usually it's about wanting food or a door opened and trying to lead you to it.
Sometimes they want impossible shit like "I wanna go out, make the rain stop, or i will meow or i will repeat doing this until the rain stops."
Cats are assholes like that.
Every time chipmunk claire speaks in comic 3 he uses a personal pronoun at least once.
Kind of. But woman have also maternity leave for the first 5 month so technically speaking they get less due to the work/pay but in reality they even get more due to extra of maternity
Every time I meet someone that believes in the wage gap I give them the number for the IRS report hotline and tell them to report they wage discrimination to them and that there is no downside for them to do so, either the IRS cracks down on their employers or they find out their is no discrimination to start with, win win.
Oddly none of them have yet taken me up on the offer, I can only assume they like being paid less.
ebin :DDD
Säge. Sie hätte sich den Besen in die Mulle zaubern sollen, damit er nicht mehr nerven kann.
Holy shit.
It's Johnny Test…
The only part I get is that she's dressed as Penny.
She's dressed as Penny. So odds are his Alone Stuff isn't things he can easily share with others in conversation- odds are he's dedicated his entire life to collecting lewd fanart of of Inspector Gadget.
He may well spend all his money on Incognitymous commissions.
Now I feel dumb for not thinking of that myself.
I'm going to start doing this, I'm so fucking tired of hearing about muh weyj gep.
What's the sword for then? Does he think he's her knight in shining armor?
Maybe he's a LARP'er? Maybe he collects "mid-evil" weaponry?
I can think of several explanations and several proposals for the joke, but none are satisfactory.
Maybe some backstory would help.
What is with the average webcomic artist's obsession with redheads?
Not to mentions all the redheaded trans characters.
It's almost as if Spiderman inspired every low-rent comic artist to aspire to some idealized ginger.
I am don't get it
red heads are hot
Not sure if you're having a giggle, but it's a video game reference
For the persona edit maybe but in the original its just a random sword sitting next to alone stuff
Wish the same thing happened with freckled girls. They used to be in everything but now they've all but vanished.
There are only 2 kinds of redheads: ginger abominations that should be shot on sight, and smokin' hot bitches.
He uses swords to make fun of people he doesn't like by comparing them to the "m'lady" types or saying they're one and the same.
I wanna fuck it.
Shit, man, been forever since I though of that game
I already forgot the name of that char, but I do remember her being adorable and having horrible voice acting. Although that is more of a ps1 era voice acting.
There are freckled girls in media, tumblr media. So they end up being ugly as shit.
I seem to recall all the english VAs being bad in it. We need to take back our cute freckled girls.
A) Why would someone draw that.
B) There is no joke
C) >off course
The only thing I can think of is that the "joke" is that she's confusing Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster.
Number 0 is a classic.
Number 2 made me chuckle.
God this is bad.
"Can I be drawn better?" "No."
Is it incest if you use the pen to masturbate?
Intentionally Making your Life more Difficult with Made Up First World Bullshit: The Comic
Shmorky called, he doesn't want his style fucked up like this.
I hate this fucking comic, because not only is the plot sick fuckery even from furry standards and I made shit like that up when I was like 12, but all characters look like their eyes are growing out of their foreheads and float off. I once fixed it as a demonstration how better and cuter it would look if the eyes where closer to the nose (according to basic cuteness rules of e.g. pets), but they wouldn't believe me.
Fuck furries says me, a furry.
A Conker's BFD reference - now this at least attempts to be a comic about gaming. Unlike that shit Gamercats.
Good fuck, even Shmorky's art style isn't anywhere near as bad as that tranny redhead comic.
Really, what the fuck is it with all those characters never shutting their mouths?
It's at least charming and well shaped.
That's really subjective.
they got diabeetus
You rebel, you.
what the fuck
Nigga its called irony
blasternation is a comic about people being user-tier disgusting, with frequent references to Lemonfont, MGQ, and general neckbeardry
I swear to God this strip is designed to make sex and porn as unsexy as possible.
He's clearly lying in this comic. He never said "no" because none of these situations ever happened. They're products of his narcissistic imagination creating a world where he's special and everyone wants to oppress him because of it.
This kind of passive aggressive fiction is rapidly becoming uninteresting, since it's the hallmark of sad, angry people who want justify their foul attitudes.
both masterpieces
Fuck alla youse for making me remember this piece of shit.
Jesus H. Tittyfucking Christ.
I didn't think anyone could make a porn comic less sexy than Moon In June, but there you go.
That particular mix of Tumblrina politics and obnoxious didacticism killed my boner. A boner that stood up through everything from Goatse to Putrid Sex Object.
Wait, these are actually funny and well-written.
Those are words, but they're some of the last words I'd use for anything made by Shmorky
In which decent writing is gimped by not-stellar art.
Imean seriously why is it so hard to do a surprise face?
having kids won't do a goddamn thing to prevent that. and even the tiny fraction of people who accomplish something else are just remembered as "that guy who did that thing," a far cry from remembering the actual person. live your life now, dipshit.
Some people have jobs faggot
I think is gold-something, shit from the 70s
You know, I just realized something - numales love pegging so much not because they are omega cucks, but because it is the only way for them to have sex without having to look at their fat ugly girlfriends.
That shit is old, I think that guy does guro now
Seriously, the only guys who pick up a tranny are old drunk fucks, and by accident
Good writing good writing…
You know is funny, before going completely SJW and doing nothing but walls of text this guy used to make comics about his personal life and it was pretty miserable and depressing, basically "I'm poor, canadian, got no friends, live in a shitty apartment in the bad part of town"
Funny to see him giving live advice…
And Eddie Murphy.
I don't speak frog
Privacy is a sin.
You do realize that this is the same logic that nignogs and dindus use to knock up any and everything that has a vagina, right?
The orange cat is right. Retarded trophies are a waste of time.
I think there might've been more but this is all I have saved
Orange cat is the only good cat… well, besides the loli cat…. and the orange cats sister.
I'm pretty certain no Predator worth his plasma caster would bother with Nu-Lara.
And then came the DS Remake.
Okay, someone explain something to me, Naylor is an Objectivist, a philosophy that encourages focusing on the self above all else and that charity is one of the worst things a person can do Etc.
Well, y'see, it's like this. Naylor is a furry first, and an Objectivist second, and there isn't a furry alive, except maybe for RHJunior, who values his ancient virginity, who wouldn't wreck that sweet hot technicolor horse pussy.
What the fuck
and an anarchist, darwinist cuckold before either of those
Jesus Christ, my dick.
You just posted these in Holla Forums's thread, you flaming flamboyant faggot.
Cross compare the filenames he's still gay for saving them from those threads
Fun fact - spoon joke was already done by fucking Dilbert
I can see the loss in the fourth image.
One of my all time favorite webcomics.
pretty good
I don't know the opinion other user have on this comic, but I really like the characters, they scratch a cuteness itch in me.
Pls no bully
artist is Jack Cayless
I honestly can't tell if this being ironic or serious
Its trying to call Spec Ops tryhard.
Telling the truth about the line is so double plus bad I'm surprised to see it in Comic form.
Why is that granny acting like a kid?
Fuck Holla Forums. I'm out.