Why is far-right extremism more common in East Europe and East German than in West Germany and West Europe?

Why is far-right extremism more common in East Europe and East German than in West Germany and West Europe?

This is especially strange because we both regions there that are much more religious than the average - and regions (such as East Germany and maybe even the Czech Republic) that are predominantly non-Christian.

less propaganda and a lot less to loose

Because they're closer to Russia (the White Man's last bastion and avid supporter of all Fash/NatSoc/Pro-White groups).

Because slav countries are not totally cucked by a kike elite filling their heads with ethnic guilt from an early age.

Less American influence, hence no reeducation and guilt culture.

Also a very real sense of when things are going down the drain from all the years living under communism.

Russian propaganda has less effect the closer you are to Russia.

Russia has killed or outlawed all of its whites nationalists so it can retain its huge landmass

Questioning Holocaust still illegal as well. But that I can understand as it was Russia that started the rumor to begin with, as part of its propaganda campaign.

Russian "propaganda" is pro-nationalist. Hell, Russia itself is a WN superstate.

The kikes haven't been focused on Eastern Europeans in that way. There's nothing special about them and if they wanted to poz them like Western Europe they would have, believe me.

no it's a multi-ethnic empire

are you this stupid?

jesus christ

You are buying into the propaganda a bit much.
Might I ask where you live?

Don't you read the Daily Stormer, brah? Russia is the only all-white non-cucked country on this planet.

Because in capitalism, you can have your life ruined if your views aren't kosher and to their standard, you can have your lofe ruined if you're doxxed.

Eastern European companies don't give a shit.

not sure if im being trolled

Russia is basically a barren wasteland of post collapse civilization. They don't give a fuck because they've already been through the grinder, and they're thick skinned. Unfortunately (((they're))) trying to breed millennial tier children in modern Russia in order to prevent a strong resurgence of European/Russian values.

Humanity is resilient. And we were only going to be vulnerable to the tactics of the Protocols for so long, that is why they so desperately pushed for multiculturalism and mix breeding, in order to dull the genetic edge of adaptability.

This guy think slavs are white.

Don't start with that.


GTFO disinfo jews.

Western Jews.

So you are just trolling. Almost made me laugh at one point 3/10.

But he's right, a lot of Russia is not white by Holla Forums standards.

It depends entirely on what region and people within the Russian federation you are talking about.

Simple: They never experienced the Red Terror without its mask on.

You know the Cold War was lost by the West, right user?

The Communists won - their Economic policy turned their Eastern power-bloc into an economic time bomb, so they shifted to a Cultural policy of subversion (so very Semitic, in all things…) and invaded the West via subterfuge and infiltration.

They instituted Cultural Marxist policy right under the noses of the natives, while converting each generation further and further to their ideological viewpoint - what you are taught as a child is often what you internalize forever, especially amongst the minimally-cognizant, and so it was that the West fell to Communism, even as Communism fell in the East.

Now, from the ashes of a Red-hued nightmare, the Men of the East rise anew - though, to their abject horror upon discovery, they are yet still infected by that which almost destroyed them, and it gnaws at them constantly.

A reminder.
A lesson learned.

The West never learned that lesson - but they will, soon, and it will be all the more terrible, for the roots of the infestation run deeper, touch the very Soul of the People.

When this comes to an end, it is going to be a battle that the world will not soon forget.

To be fair, the parts of Russia that matter are populated by Slavs. Problem is, even they have a big Mongol admixture.

Because western germany and yurop have suffered from full exposure to the jewSA ever since 1945 while the east was having different problems.

Okay, now that's taking it too far. Bullshit it is. Russians gladly take non-whites into their nation en masse. They don't even say anything about it either, as if it's normal to them.

That's a picture of Moscow.

Western Euros have a poor concept of unity and being white, but it's nearly non-existent in Eastern Europe. This is why these idiots always wind up in war. They go only by nationality. To a Frenchmen a French negro is a closer ally than a Russian. Euros are fucking retarded. They have no loyalty to race whatsoever, only to nation.

The vatnik lies are truly shameless.

France is going to be the first place to get civil war. I'm almost certain that's where it will start. There's just too many fucking shitskins

civil war is not civil war when it is a race war.

france is actually a fake country, fuck them.
if they want to be german, than maybe the individual people who can be german will survive.

Eastern Europe lived under communism for many years and the Jews currently don't have as much of an iron grip on them as the do Western Europe.

Because they endured communism under the USSR so they squash leftism wherever they smell it. The West hasn't seen what full on leftism looks like so they're no as adverse to it.

America is a communist nation.
Britian is a communist nation.
France is a communist nation.

Democratic Republicanism is communism..
its a tyranny of jews, that is what communism is.
America is a tyranny of jews. America is a communist state, you actually cannot prove otherwise.

Pretty much this.

They lived through full-on communism, so they are more immunized against cultural marxism.

Taking the black pill huh bud?

Who do you think has more money, west or east.
Who do you think has more Bread and Circus, west or east.

Also, the cultural decay/infection under the United States has been far more devastating than the rule by the eastern communists in terms of wiping out the soul of a people

The commies have won. I hope eastern europe can escape us once we become the new USSR.

Because they've already seen communism in action first hand, and they don't want to go back. Pretty much this

Look at Hungary, they had two doses of communism (one "native" and one imposed from outside) and they're the most redpilled of the lot.

The same way that a liberal who is attacked by a feral nigger is likely to turn more conservative, countries that have been ruined by communism are more likely to oppose cultural marxism.

However this is a double edged sword, as the former chekists who are still loyal to cultural marxism are likely to attempt some form of entryism in politics to impose their ideology via the democratic state.

They throw on a new mask, just look at all the post-USSR politicians who became "lovers of democracy and the American way" overnight

Somewhat related, anyone have the civilization achievement graph by Derbyshire?

The one that shows the ancient west still outperformed the mideast?

I think you underestimate how bad communism is. Telling jokes about the leaders will get you sent to a gulag, antisemitism will have you shot, and if you think the current LGBBQ shit is bad, remember that Jewish professors in communist states were teaching sexual liberation to schoolchildren in the 1910s. Although they did ban the degenerate shit later on in an attempt to hold shit together.

no, I understand how bad shit is under communism, my argument is the cultural decay
One of the better examples is comparing western and eastern Germans in terms of their view on Germany/nationalism/etc.

I'm sure that the heavy handed tactics that the communists used played very heavily into that outcome, meanwhile in the west it's been a far more subtle attempt

Exactly, people recognize "1984"-style authoritarianism with obvious propaganda and men in scary uniforms carrying guns. While the people will obey in these societies while the tyrants are powerful, the minute they are deposed the people will reject all of the propaganda because it was blatantly forced on them.

"Brave New World"-style authoritarianism is far more subtle and pernicious. People don't even realize that they're being manipulated, so they think the cultural decay of their society is completely natural and will repulse any attempts to change it.


BLOOD FOR BLOOD - THIS SHALL BE THE NEW FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slavs have already gone through the hell we're going through.


How can a country that isn't white be WN?



This short (3/3) video series might/should give you some insight.

Because they were sheltered from American degeneracy during the cold war.

Western shitlib leftism has nothing to do with the USSR. It is purely Anglo/American/Jewish.

Because most people see whats happening, we seen what tyranny and authoritarian leadership are.
Seeing Brussels or Whasington today, they clearly don't consider as as equal, similar of what happened under Moscow.I see soviet tanks rolling out of my country in 91.

There was degeneracy.We used to have TV shows with topless women after 8-9pm and entire evenings on NYE.
Women sunbathing topless in the summers was (still is) mostly aceptable too.
There was (still is) a park where homos could meet and fuck and it was an open secret.

Communism came here by force and the fact that it was a dictatorship wasn't obscured like it is in the EUSSR for example. We were also "lucky" enough that when it comes to the two things Marxism crushes - identity and wealth, it killed our wealth, in Western Europe and North America where Marxism slowly crept into their consciousness through various means of subversion you see how the loss of identity, something spiritual and intrinsic to every human being, is more devastating than loss of wealth, something phenomenal which can be regained. Nowadays most of us who lived through this hell are laughing at the dumb shit the "glorious" state had us do, like making Marxism a subject in as early as primary school and the cults of personality all communist dictatorships I know of had at the time.
However, when we look at West Europe/North America and see what Marxism in an even purer form than what it was what we went through is much faster at completely destroying nations and cultures, we aren't laughing anymore.

Topless women are not degeneracy.




you can leave now mohammed

Less diversity. If only they knew how great it is!


I wish it were true. The thing is that Roman Catholics, which is the majority of their population, are really O.K. with living in a multi-racial fake nation-state since their religion is basically pagan and you'll remember all of the pagan countries browned out and collapsed like Carthage, Egypt, India and for more recent examples Central and South America.

Well said.

I think if more people in the West learned about the specific horrors of communism, instead of just the statistics on the millions killed, they'd understand that globalism is nothing more than the new communism.

The fact that a man like Sanders is so popular among the youth is frightening as all hell.

Just ask any Eastern European immigrant living in America what they think of Obama, Hillary and Bernie. They'll tell you simply that that's how communism starts, by promising the sun, the moon and the stars.

Because we are still white, west EU is overrun by niggers and arabs, their people brainwashed by tolerance. Look at the french bational basketball team, it's literally 100% niggers, those are the people representing the french nation. They are lost, nothing left to fight for, their only solution at this point would be a purge.

You never were
You are mongols, an asiatic race.

Most Eastern European immigrants in the USA are Jews or degenerates. But in Russia, 1/3 of people remember USSR fondly.

I served with the son of a Romanian immigrant who escaped communism in Eastern Europe in the 70s, him and his father were very grateful to live here.

these people know what marxism is.
If their parents or grandparent have not told the horrors of communism then there is something really wrong, so there where a minor mix/exchange in popular tourist places in the USSR.

some mudslims and other strange forms of people mostly Jews where introduced to them, they learned the hard way of the rhetoric of diversity and justice, and almost losing what cultural values they had. So when they got pushed super hard, they said fuck it and revolutions against the scheming Jew that ended communism in the eastern block.
But they learned a valuable lesson, hell.

If your family was in a concentration camp, you would be harassed by someone in the government to say, or imply you are Jewish even tough you where there because of criminal activity. So money lending or exchange in currency was enough to go into a concentration camp.

If not the Jews would literally take typical family names that are of that region of a country, they would hide their Jewry in plain sight and say goyim we are for your interests and go to Catholic Churches and practice Judaism or pretend to be Christians.

So, its no wonder they have established far-right political movements.
My late grandpa would be seen as a super Nazi in todays standards only because when he became a POW he was not sent to a camp or anything. He got work in Germany, he liked Adolf Hitler and talked fondly about him, when he got drunk he said many times Hail Hitler.


Russia has banned all Nationalism, it's a Jewish-controlled crypto-communist state.

Siberia and caucuses.

bullshit, they have anti-white pro-transgender feminist, pro-refugee propaganda all the time.

Probably gypsies or, like I said, degenerates. The only people who preferred the west over the east after the 60s were incurable subhumans. After the 60s, the USSR was the far better place.

Easy, its because people in those places have had a first hand experience in how bad a commie regime is while the rest a delusional

Great image. Yes, the hierarchy of 20th century politics was fascism>communism>liberalism. Liberalism is literally the lowest you can go.

because Stalin outjewed the Jews
-t. Yockey

East Germany is less Christian, so it's only natural that people will end up becoming more racial.

Large part of the country inhabitat by all kinds of non-white groups, but allright.

Fuck yourself.

holocaust denial laws

You know the FEMA camps haven't gulaged anyone yet right?

Holy shit the RIDF is out in force today

That's a really riveting argument

The reason there's more far right activism and outright extremism by eastern Europe is simply that they have had the disease there (Marxism under Communist USSR), and now they are immune to it.

Yockey, my nigga.

They don't need gulags in the West because the people are so brainwashed and degenerated that they go along willingly. But the West is by far the greater evil.

never said this.

If the bible says "Cast not pearls before swine" and nobody reads it, does it fucking matter?

The answer is no.

Because they lived the socialist dream that our press praises so much. And they have seen what it really is like.

Controversial ideas are always more common in the lower classes, amongst people with less to lose. The latter part of that truism applies to eastern Europe to a higher degree than Western.

There, /thread.

Posted over lunch

inb4 oligarchs

Because people in the west grew up thinking they were free.

As in, sedated by entertainment while being manipulated and brainwashed by the enemies.

Meanwhile in the eastern-bloc, they grew knowing fully well that they were prisoners in their own home.

Nobody cared about what went on in eastern Europe so nationalism went unchecked.

Because nobody ever ate lunch in the USSR, isn't that right kike?

Do you think USSR had gay parades and black lives matter and bullshit like that?

Communism is a jewish ideology, they got fucked over by kikes and don't want to let that happen a second time

USA has a globalist agenda and is pushing it into western europe. In eastern europe no one cares about america.

Interesting watch.

Kay, but id rather not have my GF sunbathing topless in public parks or beaches.

Shit video.

And J/M are?

What do you think you fucking autist?

What a faggot lel…

RIDF spotted,
releasing Zyklon B