
Anyone want to have a thread about duckman? I always loved it when I was younger, but it grew on me even more when I got older. The only thing that I ever found annoying about it is the constant NRA and anti gun jokes that never fit.

Duckman warned us about Steven Universe and We Bare Bears

I thought it was a breddy gud show up until they forced the "long lost twin sister" crap.

And yeah, the political humor was a tad bit annoying at times.

The show seemed really great at times too though, such as defending people being different and defending opinions or concpetions being challenged with free speech and comedy. But then you get snide remarks about how all gun owners are terrible and all rich people are awful along with the occasional jab about how that one comedian is a neo-nazi for being politically incorrect.

It was anti-gun? I don't remember the political shit, although all cartoons are intensely liberal by default and portay the rich as evil (but then, all forms of media do that since they are dominated by petty, envious communists) and guns are bad mmkay etc.

About the gun shit though all I remember is that Duckman's dad is this diehard survivalist guy and eventually he gets cornered by the government in his cabin like fuckin' Chris Dorner with his private weapon collection and Duckman goes "Well dad, it's over. We're outnumbered, outgunned…barely…"

I think that might have been the main problem of the show. It was very hypocritical in that sense.

Id say it had some default problems of "Take this family drama seriously" and "Also this is so cynical and loveless that its all just jokes"

As for being hypocritical its simple. Liberal=Good. So jokes at anything within liberal are fine. But only evil people are not liberal so they are just evil.

well there were some funny parts in the last season

I just don't understand if it was supposed to be pro-free speech and for offensive comedy or if it was against it.

The gun thing gets more cringe worthy each time. Like with the rehab episode, you have the killing weapon be some NRA brand trigger finger, while the pedophile senator is a religious republican.

And speaking of Red Crocker the man has the best monologue in the series, far superior to that idiotic 'controversial' speech everybody always posts like it's really deep when it's really just a a no-brainer nobody actually disagrees with. First response in this very thread actually.

That quote was shit though.

Its what led to the liberal fall. When there was villains for it too fight it became the public hero. And it looked like a idea of its principle could only be good. But once it took control people realized that as an inherent concept its no more morally pure then anything else.

Liberals didn't realize back when that free speach meant hurting womens fee fees because it wasn't a the forefront.

Whatever happened to the creators of duckman? Are they still somewhat based and defend freespeech?

Most comedy is liberal in nature

People who write stuff like duckman either go full cuck or they withdraw into a political hugbox where they and all their friends whine about how this wasn't the liberalism they were fighting for.

at least it's consistent

Really? I thought the people who would write the whole PC episode adn the comedy one would be a little smarter than that, but it would not surprise me considering many of the people who went full cuck recently.

I am Holla Forums enough to tell you this was a leftist thing that they did to come into power and now those same people call our free speech hate speech

that aside it's still a great show

I'm glad I got out of adventure time early. This writing is horrible. It's like the stuff you would see in a cringe thread.

adventure time is a cringe thread

that's why we have jojo threads now

but who in the world do they hire to write this? It sounds like the shit you would proof read from the weird girl in middle school.

You think that ending is some subtle nod at gender neutral bathrooms?

buddy I barely remember that episode and what I do remember was terrible

like being in the prison cell and having the fucking grass sword on his arm

So I don't remember and I don't care


all the tallent left the show

the fucking creator pen ward fucked off early on and it fell on rebecca sugar, who was why the show was so musical in the first place, and then she fucked off when she got her own show which is not as great as early Adventure Time but is at least consistent in plot and style and doing fine

This was made before the NC bathroom law, so very likely not

There is an episode of duckman that mentions people of color which is kindo f funny in how accurate it is now.

show was fantastic

The episode was that america one. It seemed like soem whole allegory about america being multicultural.

you know it's a middle ground jew show right?

I loved the episode where they shat on Viacom and networks destroying creator rights.

Duckman was based on so many levels

See dear newfags, this is why the AT threads are /jojo/
This shit needs to BITE THE DUST

In their defense I'm sure it wasn't.

Kind of unrelated, but theo nly other show that I can think of that is similar to duckman is The Critic. Is this just me?

The only downside is that I kind of hated the Critic's web episodes since it implies that all the buildup and all the characterization with the whole Alice thing was lost since they apparently divorced.


if that's the case I call non cannon


We are not taking away your freedom. We just call your taste shit. Unless you want to take our freedom away to do so, in that case LITERALLY Join Tumblr. There you can insulate yourself from any detractorship.

BTW: Your Taste is shit.

The critic had similar political ideals, but was better written in my opinion.

Fuck yeah, I just recently re-watched the entire series recently, and besides the drop of writing quality near the end (seriously, the lost sister thing was fucking lame), the show was so fucking based, and there will never be any show like it ever again.

honestly, it's a 9.5/10 for me, and that's only because of the drop-off and the cliffhanger at the end of the show's run.

This show is so fucking based. It's my favorite animated work ever. Nearly everything about is perfect.

um wow dude like freedom of speech don't you know disliking what i like is tyranny?

quit raping xer with your words you transphobe misogynist racist

There was an episode called "The Once and Future Duck' were James Madison made an appearance saying that "Freedom of speech is absolute but Joe Average doesn't have the right to own a gun for God's sake. We're not stupid!"

That and that episode where Ajax becomes Jesus to a bunch of aliens are the only parts of Duckman I hate.


There is one episode of the critic that had a vending machine that gave you a gun if you said you were not a criminal and then it showed Ku Klux Klan members getting guns. I really hate it when retards who know nothing about guns try to talk about them and the laws behind them.

everything klasky-csupo animates is pure shit, as told by ginger, all versions of Rugrats, everything… except duckman. it was their one golden hen.

and it died on a fucking cliffhanger, like everything that's good, it didnt get the ending it deserved.


An underrated performance by Jason Alexander.