Game cheat dev

Are there any good resources out there to learn how to develop game cheats?
Due to the nature of this topic there are no books or anything.

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You're better off asking people who create such mods, rather than hoping to find such a person on Holla Forums.


something about hex editors and assembly language

Not all of them are complete assholes.

Please do tell me about some then

There's money to be made in it these days. It's similar to what happened to viruses. People made them for fun, name recognition, or to make people angry and now it's primary a white-collar crime run by scummy Russian crime syndicates.


If it's not completely obvious to you two, go look for some modding communities. They'll have resources and people hanging around.

Like I said, not all of them are complete assholes. I know of a few communities, but since my PS3 isn't jail-broken, I don't participate in them. Hence why I don't remember them off-hand. You'll find some that are willing to teach you though, trust me.

But my original point still stands, it isn't really much of an efficient move to try to get help on this type of subject from Holla Forums, since the majority of Holla Forums doesn't have any consoles. Those that do usually have them modded to use some other type of OS other than the original. I don't see too many other Holla Forumsnicians with the original OS nowadays. If anything, this type question would be more valid for >>>Holla Forums

So yeah, just go look for those modding communities. You'll be better off there.

>>>Holla Forums

The math is straightforward trig, the disassembly is not, can we act like OP is not a colossal faggot and have a good thread and post some books.

Hook my friend

are you drunk?

Acting up to this guy's suggestion (which I wholeheartedly agree with), I'm going to lay out what I know about this stuff.

First of all, OP didn't specify what he wanted to cheat specifically in a game. There's a lot you can do. Save cheating, for example, is the easiest method, and works for games where what matters is what you have (see: Terraria, pokemon, etc.). In this case, all you have to do is try to figure out what all the values in the save file mean, by comparing different save files, for example. RAM cheating pretty much works the same, but it can change at any moment, and you can't be sure everything will always be the same.
But, OP's picture says aimbot, so a little intro on that: An aimbot is typically a modification of the game's code. The simplest aimbot simply acts as if you shot a bullet in the direction of someone nearby even though you weren't looking at him at all. But that isn't the hardest part. The hardest part is mostly the editing of the game's code in the first place. If the game's open source, you're lucky here, but there's probably already some aimbots available (see: Teeworlds), but if it's not, you'll have to reverse engineer the game, until you've found everything you need.
To do this, you have to know what your game runs on. If the game's made for the JVM or .NET, you're lucky here, as there are tools that output nice java/C# code, and reversing just one class and editing it is pretty easy (unless the code's obfuscated, which might make it a tiny bit more shitty, but it's still easier than your CPU's bytecode). If it's not, and it runs natively, you'll have to learn assembly for the CPU it runs on, and get some books on reverse engineering. It'll probably take a long while before you know enough about the game to start implementing an aimbot (or moding it at all), but it can be done. If you're lucky, there's other people working on documenting the game's code, and you can leech some info from them.

How do you explain the videos on youtube of a 15yr old writing aimbots in 5 minutes?

Probably some shitty java game someone else already did the reverse engineering for.
But, in either case, links or it didn't happen.

Not really what you were looking for but he explains how it works and links to a tutorial I suppose...

Hm. From the looks of it, he's reading all he needs from RAM. That can be done too, I guess. I've never tried any RAM hacking, but if you are sure where your position/what you're looking at is stored, and you know the location of the enemies, it can be done that way, yes, but it really depends on the game and how it uses RAM. I've seen games where they shuffle the RAM around all the time to confuse tricks like this (see Pokemon Shuffle on the 3DS).

Is this some sort of elaborate joke?

so for example pokemans could you for example make a save, copy it and catch a caterpie, then use hexdump | diff -y to spot the differences?

what tools are there for editing binary files in linux?

as an aside, cube/cube 2 are the best for hacking because with a few lines you can for example bind mouse4 to kill everybody on the server. their netcode is both hilarious and libre.

is it cheat engine on windows? I'd watch it, but I just got off work and friday night shopping and I just want to punch a fucking kid in the face so bad right now.

For the most part, when you see threads like this, especially with Aimbot being mentioned, you normally are to be under the assumption the OP is wanting to know this for consoles. Non-console FPS is usually pretty dead. (I didn't say always, there is of course a few specific titles that are an exception to this)

Are you rusing me? Fine here you go...

If only I knew people playing Q3 or ET.

keep moving those goal posts

I highly doubt people like this guy will tell you how they do it. Also doubt that he is part of a russian crime syndicate.

topical cools:
(sometimes it really satisfies me seeing so many (man)kids (especially streamer/youtuber degenerates) callings hackers all sorts of things while going into spastic fits. it's as if they don't understand how universe works. if a system is exploitable it will be exploited. this is all really misplaced rage that should go towards devs who don't allow things like dedicated servers but still design multiplayer games open to exploits. the gaming culture and industry as they call it is such fun to watch patethic clusterfuck. it amazes me that people really do spend so much money to not only sustain but grow this cancer.)

I-i... still play it sometimes user. Still alive. ;_; NEVER GIVE UP

While aimbotting can be fun lets talk about what real men do.
Hacking MMOs.
How is this done? If you think it is hard finding resources on cheating in normal games finding resources for cheating in MMOs is virtually impossible.

Wow, looking at the replies here, is this even fucking Holla Forums anymore?

OP, you need to lean how to program. I don't mean a "hello world" in Py either, but really learn how to program. You need to know what pointers are, and how to use them. You need to know how to manipulate things down to the metal.

As mentioned before, if it is a single player game, you are probably looking for a save file. Some games like Undertale save in plain text. In this case, you will get a known value from the game, like gold, and then search for the value in the save files. Save files in their own special format require hex-editors, and various other means of editing, but the goal is the same.

Most game "hacking" is done with memory manipulation. Just like in the save file edit scenario, you are looking for known values. You need to find where they are stored and mess around with the values. See "injection".

Abusing exploits is another great way to mess with a game. Some famous exploits are buffer under flow, where you take a value to its lowest amount and it will "flip" to its max, or buffer overflows. This is how you ended up with infinite health in lots of old games.

Save exploits even work on MMOs, think Pokemon infinite candy. Item dupes on MMOs work in a not dissimilar way.

I worked quite a bit with Ultima Online free-shards, and it was always fun to abuse under/overflow problems with people's shit programming. IE: A banking stone that lets you withdraw/deposit, just keep infinite withdrawing until you underflow because they didn't do a basic fucking check for that, and probably used two separate variables for the balance instead of one.

Hacking requires someone who is always thinking of ways to be lazy, who is always trying to game the system. No offense OP, but if you are here asking for hand-outs, you are shit-tier and will never be worth anything when it comes to finding the juiciest exploits.

I already made note that there are a few specific titles that are an exception to what I said. If you aren't able to understand that, please do the world a favor and grab a knife from your kitchen to slice your throat open with.

It is neo/g/

who /mrargus/ here

who /elins/ here?

Isn't asking for spoon feeding the ultimate way to be lazy? I mean as long as you can get to the point where you understand the information you were given to make a benefit for yourself, does it matter how it was obtained?


This user gets it.
If you want to grief a certain game you don't want to spend years reading up on nerd culture.

Ransomware is illegal. I never even implied that cheats were. I deliberately restructured what I said before I posted to make that clear. Please gain some reading comprehension.

Just program hidden shit into your game faggot, trigger it with something like iddqd.

How about you git gud?


Lots of projection. Skids might cheat because they want to be good but mature cheaters such as myself just want to have fun :^)