Sup Holla Forums, do you all have recommendations for Post apocalyptic/dystopian future type films? I'm looking for pretty much anything within that realm.
I recently got into these kind of films and i'm really loving them. The Road, Children Of Men, Oblivion etc. Even YA bullshit films like The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, they have shitty YA plots every now and then but for the most part the concepts are pretty neat.
do not see the director's cut. fucking Lucas. See the original or just skip it srsly.
Parker Robinson
How about a simple end of the world movie?
James Mitchell
0/10 get better taste in movies faggot
Aiden Jenkins
Waaaah muh superior taste
Jayden Peterson
Snowpiercer, Blade Runner (and seriously read Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep? because that book is incredible), basically anything cyberpunk, Edge of Tomorrow, Akira, Sunshine, Interstellar, District 9, Idiocracy (amazing comedy), I could keep going because this is one of my favorite genres but I'll stop here.
Christian Taylor
Pic related.
Samuel Brooks
Escape from ny/la are worth watching.
Brayden Collins
Apart from what's already been recomended. I'd suggest watching "the divide".
It's pretty sick and pretty much sums up what happens after the end of the world, if it's the human factor you want.
Levi Mitchell
Hardware A Boy and His Dog The Book of Eli Brazil
Michael Brown
i recently found out about this theme/culture whatever you wanna call it and its really neat. I've most of the films on that list besides Akira i'll check that out, if you have any more recommendations i'd appreciate it!
Anthony Johnson
Ryder Miller
The Lobster is a dystopian future movie; Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz are in it.
Also Gattaca.
Cooper Moore
William Hernandez
One of my favorites
Also the Maze Runners books were way better than the movies. The books have time to explain and put more details in than the movies. I read them years ago and remember the majority of the book was dealing with life in the maze whilst the majority of the movie was running in the maze.
Luke Cooper
Snowpiercer was weird but good. Would also recommend Gattica. Fuck Edge of Tomorrow
Thomas Adams
I used to like these kinds of movies but now I just find them shallow and even depressing.
Carson Hall
Snowpiercer was good until the last third where it turned to shit.
The Divide - acting isn't great but it's deliciously bleak
Austin Reed
Chase Ross
That was brilliant, especially the twist. Never expected it.
Luis Rogers
Your a fucking idiot
read Lucifer's Hammer
Levi White
Hell Comes to Frogtown was decent, but Return to Frogtown is a pure cinematic masterpiece.
Brody Powell
All You Need is Kill is better, but Edge of Tomorrow did the story reasonably well. Snowpiercer does kind of go insane at the last bit, but nothing about that situation and no one in it is sane.
Andrew Nguyen
disregard op, was from another thread
Zachary Martinez
Some more I really enjoyed in this vein: V for Vendetta, They Live, Equilibrium, the Mad Max movies (maybe skip Thunderdome), Robocop, Total Recall, 12 Monkeys, and basically any film adaptation of books by Vonnegut or Phillip K. Dick
Joseph Jones
Wait you didn't realize he was blind pretty much from the start?
Michael Howard
Check out Hidden, it's pretty damn good. Also 'Young Ones' is alright, though not as good as 'Hidden' imo.
James Anderson
Boss Nigger.
It's about a crazy post apocalyptic world where Niggers can be the Boss.
John Powell
Reverse apocalypse, feminist controlled future
Eli Thompson
Is Hidden about da joos?
Jaxson James
If you're not opposed to books, OP, I'd recommend Plague Year, Eternity Road, Metro 2033 (2034 wasn't great, but if you can get your hands on it go for it), The Road (the book was way more hardcore and thorough than the movie), and my personal favorite The Stand.
Jordan Jones
It's set a few months or weeks after everything turned to shit. Humanity became afraid of the open and now can only live in their towery graves. You'll also have to bear with the subtitles, but I believe it is worth it.
Xavier Sanders
David Moore
come on Holla Forumsros
Grayson Collins
These Final Hours (2014) An Aussie film really liked it, crazy and bleak as fuck.
Jackson Harris
Alexander Hall
great movie
Evan Stewart
I read The Road, pretty interesting writing style.
Also if you hate yourself, pic related.
Anthony Mitchell
Basically. Dope concept
Tyler Cruz
Its young adult but really good stuff.The first few books are awesome, the last book was muh but overall worth the read.
Liam Lewis
I'm going to add some of my favorites that weren't already mentioned
The Battery
How I Live Now
Time of the Wolf
Luis Bailey
Adding more
The Divide
28 Days Later
Ryan Gutierrez
Bentley Anderson
OP here, anyone know of audio dramas like this? I really haven't been able to find anything like it. I enjoy these audio dramas as much as films, its the theater of the mind!
Christopher Howard
forgot to mention i'm not specifically looking for just zombies, anything post apocalypse or even sci fi should be fine!
Dylan Bailey
Look into radio dramas if you don't mind aged content, Mercury theater (who Orson Wells founded) and Theater Five have a vast amount of stuff which would probably come best under the genre Thriller/Horror. Welles' War of the Worlds performance was pretty great.
Parker Morris
I forgot about that, i've listened to it before its fucking great. I just love the atmosphere.
Mason Bennett
Eli Brown
thank you boys. this is a mighty thread, glad to see fullchan comig together again to share and to be, am watching turbo kid now
Parker Perez
we now know…
Kevin Foster
we know now…
Nicholas Price
So for all of you who haw seen it, is it worth the hype? I haven't see it before and I've been putting it off for a while. I hate watching films that have/had huge hype, my expectations go through the roof.
Like with 2001 for example, that shit was fucking boring. I don't wanna spend 30 minutes watching a monkey jerkoff.
Sebastian Bailey
way hyped. novel when released. boring and weird now.
James Powell
Great thread. Speaking of it.
Matthew Wood
"Kin-dza-dza!". It's a Soviet cult-classic dystopia and it's great.
Ayden Garcia
A boy and his dog
12 Monkeys
Tank Girl
Evan Russell
The movie. Now you can meme with the Russians.
Isaac Barnes
Am i the only one that liked this movie?
Ryder Perez
pretty much yeah
Ryder Powell
The book was way better, still i liked it.
Lucas Green
Austin Wilson
Thank you thought i watched all the good stuff.
Charles Lopez
It's an anonymous imageboard you fuckers
Colton Rodriguez
not for you flaggot
Dominic White
How do you think you know who I am?
Lucas Powell
ignore this
Sorry for being a cocksucker
Carter Thompson
I'm kind of your stalker
nice try but real flaggot never apologizes, although full of self-doubt
David Richardson
Stalker (1979)
Aaron Gonzalez
when a movie hinges on religion, I can see it's value for the religious as an affirmation of their faith, but from a general writing perspective it just feels like deus ex machina cop-out.
Ryder Foster
I just listened to both of these and they're really great, definitely going to continue the season on the first one.