
Would you have gone for it?

Nope, that is crazy and I have learnt not to put my dick in crazy.

Mom's can be good like that

Sums up the 8ch user base.

doesn´t matter, had sex


how fucking gullible are you OP?

Looks like she has a decent size cock, sure I'd have a tug at it

There is video proof that he did not, if that was the case.

She might have a mental disorder.

you think she knew someone was filming it?

I would have stood up, stomped her sternum through her spine and then sat back down again.

If I go to jail, it will be for murder, not rape.

I would think it was some sort of weird feminist performance art project meant to somehow prove rape culture.

I'd just be like "Lady, you're being crazy and doing nothing to earn my trust, so I'm going to go sit elsewhere."

Nigga no, what if she has a disease or something.

actually I would have said no because the place is too public, if it had happened somewhere with less people i would have gone for it

Don't want everyone to see your baby dick?

No, i just dont wanna do sexual shit in front of everyone.

user has small pp hahahahahaha

Is there more of her?

thats how you get aids

I got AIDS from a tattoo parlor, and our CEO got them from a temp agency

Oooh, sexy. Makes me want to have a cabal of elderly woman scrape her clit off with broken glass, take her out to a public square, strip her, force her to dig a hole as a crowd gathered to point and laugh, and then drop her in the hole and bury her up to neck level so everyone can throw stones at her filthy whore face.

Fuck yeah.

ITT 13 year olds. She's fucking high as a kite.

the best reason for not fucking in public is that you as a man could get in trouble for indesent exposer
the girl don't have to worry

Almost full wizard, I would nope the fuck out of there.

fucking this

Just don't mess with the crazy whore, that can end terribly wrong.


Funny part is that's his sister.

are you now thinking that as you jerk it?

Bitch should acquire set of balls and then try keeping her legs crossed

There's a guy sitting right there across from them, so no, I wouldn't have gone for it. I would, however, talk to her and try to fuck her elsewhere. As long as she was sober, I'd fuck. I've fucked crazy before, it ended well.

Girls that do shit like that have done it before and with a shitskin like that she for sure has diseases.

It worked out OK for daddy and me, tho…

this is actually awesome

it shows how far women have sunk, to be able to KNOW they can do this, and if semi to attractive, Get away with it.

This is proof that women have become sluts and sluts have become the norm.
Which means, less game for the average guy (like the loser on the bus playing a video game instead of snapping one off, inside that hoe)

mental disorder you say?

perfect. Doesn't have any credibility in court

*rubs hands maniacally

doing it in public after a show like that. Can't be had for rape, now can ya? 8)

I spit coffee out "almost full wizard" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

If lots of woman didn't want to see it, I'm sure they'd all lie and say you raped her, even if she said you didn't

Until she grabbed his hand I assumed she was passive aggressively mocking him for "manspreading"
Tumbrlinas get furious when guys spread their legs more than they think is necessary in public.

i would have stood up and walked away while saying loudly, "AW HELL NAW."

I would move to another seat. Being in the same air with her would possibly give me an STD

Mudslime detected.


Here's what I would do with her: Soundproof basement

I would have egged her on, told her to dance around one of the poles in the subway car.
I'm an Alpha I can't help it.