Windows Botnet UPGRADE will cost $119
It's like they're trying to kill themselves.
For reference, a full version of Windows 8.1 is like $126. We should take advantage of this when Windows gets expensive to get more people to at least consider Linux, especially schools and such, because they already want to save as much money as they can, and these upgrades will dent their wallets pretty badly.

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top kek

anyone that didn't take it for free damn sure isn't going to pay for it. anyone that hasn't already taking it is likely actively taking measure to avoid it

Almost got caught by the auto-updator a while back

I guess the auto-updater will go away after July 29th?


time for gentoo take the crown

So after July they'll push a critical security update that wrecks Win 7's performance ala Apple.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they left it just to nag you to update constantly

looks like they already are

This is an attempt to convince more people to switch, especiall people who are interested but are delaying it. Expect those popups to warn about how it's going to cost money soon.