
it has been brought to my attention that the users of this community foster a strong dislike towards systemd.
I understand that some people are skeptical about changing things that have worked. However I truly believe that systemd provides a better alternative to the older init system.
If you have not read if yet please take a look at this page

Thank you

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm fine with systemd. You've annoyed me though.

I prefer OpenRC. Never tried runit/s6/daemon-tools.
Did they forget the udev "joke" and all the rest?

I see this page posted a lot, but doesn't actually provide any arguments against systemd.
Maybe against the developers and their decisions, but not against systemd itself.

Linus himself doesn't have a problem with systemd. He criticized some design choices but said those are just details.

Linus doesn't have extreme mental illness

Linus doesn't care about userspace at all, nor does he care about elegance - only quality

Actual programmer here. udev is a total clusterfuck and everyone in industry already was replacing it. It's yet another example of shellscript being the cancer killing Linux. Say I have a VPN device that creates a tun device per user and I'm handling 1k users per box. The network hiccups and everyone suddenly reconnects. A default guhnoo Linux must fork a thousand udev shellscript processes which fork god knows how many other processes in order to get back to a normal state. This can easily delay reconnection by 30+ seconds and explode a box with limited ram. After replacing it I got reconnect down to about 100ms. Never defend udev.

What are you trying to say?

That people here are artists

You can't read, m8? The problem is that they canibalized it and said "only for systemd (tm) naow".

Yes, do you understand? Fuck udev. They killed it because it needed to be killed and said what it took to make that happen, fuck your defense squad that has to be lied to in order to improve anything.

he also doesn't like udev

He's defending their defense squad that is now mad they aren't going to be supported. They had to be lied to because they would not have ever let the right thing happen otherwise for purely autistic reasons.

Can we stop dragging Holla Forums down to the level of Yahoo Answers constantly? Stop replying to this low effort copypasta shitposting.


Whatyourname, pls.

BSD is shit

dubs confirms tbh

Fuck off you nigger, systemdicks is shit, was shit and will always be shit.


I'm aware that many people here fancy themselves professional desktop ricers, but calling them artists is just going too far.

You "kill" it when you have a replacement, dummy, you don't force others to fork it again.
Also, why would they systemd-ize it when they think it's bad? Should just have wrote something better (not systemd only, of course :^)).

There is literally nothing (major) wrong with systemd and you autists need to shut the fuck up.

You're either baiting or retarded. Most communities foster a dislike towards systemd.

It has nothing to do with the change, but rather the way the change is being forced onto users, that doesn't even suit all the users. Systemd has spread too far in my opinion, we don't need it on 99% of the distros. It adds more complexity where it's mostly not needed, making it bloat.

Systemd *can* be great, but it depends *entirely* upon the users requirements.

F1 cars are better alternatives to other types of cars, so everonye should use F1 cars. Oh shit, but I don't need an F1 car. It costs more, it's more complex to take care of, it's not always practical, etc.

See the problem that most people have with systemd isn't necessarily that systemd isn't a good alternative, it's that they don't want it to be the default on most distros.

I use systemd on a coreos cluster to manage docker containers with fleet, and I really love it. It's awesome. There's few downsides and I've had a great time with it, I don't regret it.

The problem is that I don't want it on my linux usb stick, or my linux desktop because I simply do not require such complexity for such simple use cases.

The counter argument from Redhat and friends has been "well you must be against change", or "you're just incompetent and don't understand systemd like me" and this illustrates the point; systemd is being folded into most linux distros because it's just new and popular, and because they can. Not because it suits the distro, and not because it suits the requirements of the users of said distro, not because it's the best solution.


Mate, don't be retarded; for that to be an ad hominem, I'd need to have based my argument on it. I didn't, it's a seperate assertion from my actual points.

Clearly you have no real rebuttal other than calling false fallacies (fallacy fallacy anyone?), not to mention OP has anecdotal points in it too like 'I truly believe that systemd provides a better alternative'.