Other urls found in this thread:
One of my favorite pictures OP
yeah i got the "file already exists" on 5 different merchant images
Well, post excerpts then.
It's basically the first step of a common market between the US and the EU
*TTIP will abolish import tariffs and other barriers to trade.
*Under TTIP, the EU and the US will abolish import tariffs. Trade between the EU and the US is worth €800 billion a year. Import duties are already low, averaging 3%. But their abolition will save companies billions of euros. This will give them greater scope to invest and expand. And they will need to hire more employees.
So basically less taxes and more flow of goods. Doesn't sound too bad to me.
Oh hello Shlomo!
You coppied the VERY same shit to 4chan.
No, we dont want your ability to have a secret court to sue goverment, nor we will pay a licencing fee on corps.
Tariffs and taxes on imports is what used to run nations before the Federal Reserve took over and taxed the middle class into oblivion instead.
Free trade wrecks nations.
Chaim por favor
As tariffs go the way of the Dodo ((governments)) got the peachy keen idea to implement higher income taxes instead of relying on import tariffs to fuel their soul and nation destroying social engineering programs and bleed the working man dry instead. Fuck your multinationals.
Greenpeace a fags, but good job for the leak. I hope they don't get tortured.
*Are fags
We would enter a age of prosperity unseen before. A global market between nations without tariffs would benefit everyone. This is a large step towards a better and happier world for everyone. The only people against this are people without highschool education.
here's one point of view to all this
My tip has leaked
You literally posted the very same sentence on 4 Holla Forums Shlomo.
Fuck off
He is either a very bored troll or a spambot
4/pol/ is less of a hug box, which is why 8/pol/ gets the scraps.
These trade agreements will result in a giant boost in economic growth. No longer will businesses be held down by the government for expansion and increased production. In the end it will lead to cheaper consumer goods. You can always choose what you want to buy and what you don't want to buy, your choice will only be expanded. These trade-agreements will result in economic growth necessary both in the US and the EU to keep up with upcoming world powers such as China. It is in your benefit to support it.
Fuck off you globalist shills.
Fuck off, Globalist shill. We're going to build the wall, and make Mexico pay for it, and every time one of you cucks starts shrieking about it, we're going to build it ten feet higher!
Better prepare to pay $20 for bread.
Want to grow own food? Too bad, a licensed seed landed into your crops and now you have to pay $500,000 in damages.
Is this confirmed/legit? Did not expect greenpeace to pull shit like this off, but good for them. I sure as fuck hope the leaker's took some hiding measures, otherwise they're gonna bite the bullet.
Make it less obvious, retard.
You're lost
The Jews go here
You sound like a Muslim
Here's the deal commie, the computer you wrote that stupid post on would cost the double without trade deals like this. Want to pay a tariff for the privilege of watching interracial cuckold porn? I think not.
post it on >>>/pdfs/
hi rabbi
Americans won't benefit from lack of jobs and factories you fucking autist. Kill yourself.
I would gladly pay double for a computer made entirely in America. I'd pay triple if it was made locally by people I know personally.
Eat shit faggot.
Sholmo not even the most shill-tier economists pretend TTIP would cause anything but a marginal increase in growth. Your retardation is painful.
Who cares about externalities and second order effect as long as you get slave produced cheap shit from China, right?
post it on >>>/pdfs/
hi rabbi
We already have economic growth, even despite Market Crashes and several Crisis, what is severely lacking in today's is economic sustenance.A big Mittelstand, common people having the capital to invest in shit and buy stuff, sound Currencies.
We need quality consumer goods in this day and age more than cheaper consumer goods.
I don't have a problem to find any goods today thanks to online shopping, but finding them in good quality is almost impossible regardless of the price.
Actually I can't choose what I buy when big Conglomerates use their money to destroy their smaller rivals and blare their existence out, thank to a massive marketing campaign on every corner and in every media.
Its like the Video Games Industry, Good Games exist, its just impossible to find them or even hear about there existence, because everywhere you get assaulted by the hype and advertisement campaigns for AAA bullshit.
But the EU and the USA have different interests and different relationships with China. This agreement will bind the EU to the failing USA, which most Europeans at the moment can't already stand.
If Trump doesn't become President of the USA or fails to stop the downward spiral of the USA in every aspect of live, then TTIP will be for the EU like being bound to a stone that falling into the Ocean.
Protectionism the last refugee of a unionfag, american workers should get of their fat asses and educate themselves.
How would you afford that being a NEET? I would rather want cheap computer parts than to subsidize the laziness of some unionist faggot.
Since when does Holla Forums care about gook slave labor. Stop being a moralfag, Workers need to adapt to new realites, if they can't let them starve.
Don't worry, your job is next. Shilling is so primitive even indians can do it.
I guess that's why you're shilling on random website for cents. Educate yourself and get a better job faggot.
SJW pls go
Don’t worry dipshit, you’re going to compete against 2$ per hour Pajeets and weak AI soon enough.
Those lazy American workers should just become technicians IT professionals theoretical physicists instead! Competing against gook slaves who'll return to their rice paddy in case of job loss is the new reality you goyim have to deal with.
Literally using every retarded talking point right off the bad, eh?
Do you have a poster right next to your computer with the latest and greatest shill posts so you can get inspired?
But I don't want non whites to benefit.
That has never been the case.
It isn't the case right now.
Manufacturing is dead for this exact reason.
For you, chaim
keep up the good work
Implying I'm a low effort NEET fag like you. I don't compete with Pajet and Paco you do. I have it made.
Calm down, red text in cap? Seems desperate. I can't see that you have made a good argument for protectionism. Other than whine about not being able to land comfy and overpaid union job. Employers don't want to pay you for half assing your way through the day. Consumers does not want to spend extra money for your Doritos addiction.
Implying I'm a low effort NEET fag like you. I don't compete with Pajet and Paco you do. I have it made.
Calm down, red text in cap? Seems desperate. I can't see that you have made a good argument for protectionism. Other than whine about not being able to land comfy and overpaid union job. Employers don't want to pay you for half assing your way through the day. Consumers does not want to spend extra money for your Mountain Dew & Doritos addiction.
this guy is right
unlimited free trade and free markets are good, don't you guys want cheaper iphones?
This is what shilling looks like.
I agree very good point. +1
Then what you are doing here, chaim?
Pick one.
It is his job, filter him.
Lol, you're a butthurt striver who thinks his social signalling actually means jackshit. Delusional drones like you are beyond hilarious.
classical IP jumping form, elegant (3) to (5) posts per new identity, but average performance on atro-reinforcement, and weak normies approval
in all a moderate performance, your $hekel$(100) have been reduced to (50), please deposit the excess in the funds box
Nice IP switch, Mordecai.
Trying to prop op your own post. It even has the same typing style, you retarded kike. I'm glad the Egyptians enslaved your sorry asses, and that the Roman's caved your shit in so viciously, you faggots just had to create your gay ass religion in return. Don't worry, in less than a hundred years time, you'll be rightfully slaves and second hand citizens again.
kek. Still posting, are you?
I am educated in an European University, I have the best education. Since I put effort in to make myself great I am now being rewarded with good pay and benefits. Something the American worker needs to learn if they want to get ahead in life. But then it is always simpler to blame someone else, isn't it? Money doesn't grow on trees, you have to work for it. We are the makers of our own luck.
Conspirtard there is no alphabet soup group out for you. No one watches this place, even MISS LIZ. Stop smoking pot and get a hair cutt. We Holla Forumslacks are having a discussion on important ecnomic issues. We don't need to add distractions to our conversations.
Not a kike tbh fam, those examples are bad. Since they in the end succumbed to jew subversion? smh
Too obvious, how are they even paying you? You're incompetent.
It's time to go home, Avi.
Holla Forums needs to serioulsy start to discuss the vatican/freemason agenda and not focus on the jews so much.
I tried explaining this tactic to Holla Forums so many times. The whole point of shills is for us to reply to them.
I honestly never thought this day would arrive.
Please mods sticky this
Sage and report. Slide thread being shilled to death.
Yeah this is important as fuck.
No I have read all the documents, nothing to see really. Something to ignore, it will put you to sleep. No need to sticky, we shouldn't lower sticky standards anyways.
I agree, SMH honestly.
Truth does not fear investigation.
Yeah sticky this shit, can't get much more important than this.
oy fucking vey.
Save your time, don't be distracted by red herrings.
It's really not that important I think to delve in to, this board have other issues to focus on like the Vatican agenda.
>I've read a thousand pages of legalese and see nothing wrong
This is the "Vatican" agenda ya dumb slut. You type like you're from applied memetics. It's like responding to and reading a soulless bad programmed AI.
What the fuck man.
If you want to combat the Vatican/Freemason agenda of the New World Order you faggots need to vote Cruz. Trump is heavily tied with elite.
Hi Dan.
Fucking Greenpeace out of all people?
Those fucking loons are retarded, but god damn, good job.
Implying the goals of the TTP, TTIP and TISA are to promote free trade
Even libertardians aren't dumb enough to buy that argument. These treaties were written by multinational corporations for their own interests.
Revealed Emails Show How Industry Lobbyists Basically Wrote The TPP
"Perhaps the most incredible, is the email from Jim DeLisi, from Fanwood Chemical, to Barbara Weisel, a USTR official, where DeLisi raves that he's just looked over the latest text, and is gleeful to see that the the rules that have been agreed up on are "our rules" (i.e., the lobbyists'), even to the point that he (somewhat confusingly) insists "someone owes USTR a royalty payment." While it appears he's got the whole royalty system backwards (you'd think an "IP advisor" would know better…) the point is pretty clear: the lobbyists wrote the rules, and the USTR just put them into the agreement."
user my 100% American owned and operated farm can undercut fucking walmart and sysco and still turn a profit. The only reason I don't is because I could easily make 4x as much.
You know what happened the last time the U.K. had free trade with the U.S.?
We fucking raped them and their farmers. They just cannot keep up with us.
Now I have no problem raping the U.K., but I don't want that to happen with other things in my country.
"Free trade" between nations kills economies. It should never be cheaper to buy a product from overseas, and if it is there's a problem.
Hi, Cruz.
Exactly. Even the libtards are against this cause crony capitalism don't mean no free market. The shill in this thread was very competent, however, knowing we would take the free market baits, and derailed the discussion completely.
Let's dig now, though.
t. milton friedman
Free market arguments against tariffs are sound, and in a perfect world, we wouldn't have tariffs.
The problem is that we don't live in that world. It would be far better from every standpoint to raise money via tariffs than through income tax.
Best troll I've read in a while! 9/10. The alpha male photo of Cruz is a nice touch.
What would Greenpeace want with a trade agreements anyway? I would think Anonymoose or some political organization would jump at that. Would not expect Greenpeace.
This is really the key point, and imho if people don't focus on this aspect of it, then you lose the economic argument.
Tariffs aren't simply restrictions, they are a source of revenue. Spending has to be cut way back no matter what, but better to raise money through tariffs than income taxes.
>The shill in this thread was very competent, however, knowing we would take the free market baits, and derailed the discussion completely.
I disagree. I keep files on different topics and I have a TPP.TXT file where I keep all the relevants links. I knew a year ago TPP had nothing to do with free trade, that's just the pretext they came up with to try to sell it to the public.
It's not that the shill was very competent, it's that a lot of people here don't seem to keep their references saved in a file. It's not complicated, it's just a simple text file with links.
You know what is really obscene? That we live in a world where trade agreements like this have to be leaked in the first place.
I'll allow it
free trade allows corporations to profit off of 3rd world SLAVE LABOR, producing their goods in the 3rd world and sell it in the first
Say no to free trade. Say no to slave trade!
To argue this point to SJWs, tell them to look at these historical arguments for slavery. Many are VERBATIM arguments for globalization.
free trade is SLAVE TRADE
Ted 2016.
Fuck off shlomo.
Even they knew this is bad, why else would they tried to hide this?
All taxes have problems, and I admit that tariffs tend to be regressive. At the same time, income taxes cause so much needless waste in terms of accounting and corporations and moving money offshore.
The economic arguments for tariffs are, imho, not nearly as sound as people here think, but they are still less wasteful and invasive and ultimately damaging as income taxes.
Just my thoughts. :-)
Yes, yes, goyim. Just let (((them))) pillage your homeland, its pretty much nothing :^)
Which no one will have any money to buy, as they won't have any jobs.
That doesn't make sense. Tariffs are import taxes, so unless cheap consumer products made overseas are sold here for less than their domestic equivalents even with tariffs applied, the tariffs will mostly be paid by the middle and upper class.
One last desperate attempt before you get anally annihilated by Trump's victory?
Fuck off kike
The most perverse thing is, this "trade agreement" is nothing more than an agreement between American companies and American companies in Europe which Europe itself isn't even allowed to see.
I mean, that's just the tip of of the iceberg. TTIP has no advantages for us, because we're so incredibly deep down the consume and import hole that our cuckold politicians are literally begging for these big and meaty MC Donalds cocks being shoved into every orifice we can offer.
And in return Europe has nothing to offer to Americans except maybe cars. Oh wait, our car manufacturers are retarded shits and the American car industry will annihilate them anyway thanks to Tesla. In almost every other area we're literally constantly trailing behind and the distance grows wider and wider.
When did we get so cucked?
Tesla is pretty much a failed company at this point. They have not been profitable for a while.
Consumption taxes are almost always regressive, as people with lower income spend a higher percentage of their income on consumer goods. People with high incomes are more likely to spend proportionally more on things like real estate, stocks, and a broad range of speculative items like antiques & collectibles.
You can't make this shit up.
greenpeace actually does manage to accomplish some shit IRL because they have something we don't: funding.
If we managed to secure funding for our own ops, we'd be fucking unstoppable.
Didn't Obama insist that the 'Anti-Slavery' clause be removed from the TPP so that Malaysia could become a signatory nation?
Tesla has never been profitable, but this is to be expected from a unicorn. If they can stay afloat long enough and don't fuck up in the next years they're bound to succeed in the long term. But even if they fail, any other American company can and will pick up where they left and do what they didn't. This is of course grossly simplified, but I'd be surprised if it doesn't play out that way.
Thank you so much for posting this, user. I have been looking everywhere for it. Have a kawaii Gustav.
Please go away animefag this board is for adults.
pathetic tbh
Reading through the Agriculture section, some parts are already interesting:
Focus on keeping food prices low, which is great for the Western consumers, but will hurt farmers and be against the interests of developing countries who still rely significantly on producing this stuff. The large agricultural companies come out okay though because of their own margins and diversified interests.
Basically code for promoting GMOs, since it's the only way to meet such mass demand and meets the gap. Plus, how the fuck else are you supposed to "innovate new agricultural products"?
Honestly though, most of this document is par for course of what you'd expect from a trade deal.
I don't give two shits about how cheap the next iPhone is if that money is going to be flowing out of our country and into China.
Sorry Schlomo, that kind of shilling doesn't work here.
If those phones were made here in America, they would be more expensive, but the money would stay in the US economy, so when one of those workers who made the iPhone gets his paycheck, he might spend it at the company you work at, or at a company that buys things from the company you work at. Thus, the money will come back to you, becoming part of your paycheck. If you buy an iPhone from China, the money will (for the most part) stay in China - you and your country will have lost it forever.
But tariffs are on imports, not all consumer goods. One of the goals of having tariffs is to make domestic cheaper than imported. If tariffs work as intended, lower class people won't pay them except on some luxury items.
Hi Schlomo.
I can actually see this one backfiring on them pretty hard. When they started drafting all the shit the Non-GMO movement was a small blip on the radar. And as it stands right now the market doesn't seem to care if they have to pay a premium to get non-GMO foods. So reducing tariffs and export taxes won't give Monsanto and friends any significant advantage because the public is just sick of their shit. The farmer in bum-fuckistan will probably suffer though, because his own neighbors are disloyal and ignorant so they will buy the cheap GMOs over organic local foods while everyone in the developed world avoids the Mc Veggies.
Unfortunately GMO corn will always be used in ethanol-gasoline….
I am bad at spotting shills but you make it easy.
Oh look it's that same shill faggot who made almost identically awful Marco memes. Dan….is that you?
Yeah, and if my country had tarrifs in place, it would motivate homegrown businesses to make computers at a competitive price, meaning Americans now have jobs harvesting resources for that computer, refining those resources into usability, making those computers out of those resources, shipping those computers, and selling them. So not only do I have more jobs available to me so I can make more money so I can afford that expensive foreign computer, I also can buy the competitively priced American one.
It also forces foreign computers to increase in qua!ity, since now price is not the motivating factor for purchasing them. I now have all sorts of quality of product to chose from, in addition to having a job.
That's what free market is, you Hebrew fuck.
holy fuck these eco-terrorist hippie commie fucks actually did something right for once
A lot of the environmentalist types are somewhat on our side or at least could be allies. They oppose globalization and all that, just for different reasons. If they would only extend their ideology to include human biodiversity they would be fine.
you know it's either a shill or bait.
I troll these faggot cucks all the time in So Cal when they hang out at shopping centers handing out pamphlets. I generally ask them how they feel about GP using ships that burn diesel fuel. Throw in a little bit about "soot" and "particulate matter" and they look like a deer in headlights.
You're clearly mentally slow. You sound like a Socialist. "A better world for everyone" equates to lowing the living standards of the Western world down to the rest of the world, because you sure as hell can't raise the rest of the world up to our living standards. You're pathetic. I don't want to be a slave to corporate wages and I don't want to compete with foreign workers for those wages, who have less restrictions put upon them. This is my nation, and if a corporation wants to fucking function in, they better pay their way just like us. We're not their fucking slaves, and we never will be.Trump has it right, we're the market. Not this third world shit-holes they ship our jobs off to. We're the fucking market, and corporations better start bending to our will.
Daily reminder……The Sierra Club used to be heavily anti immigration until David Gelbaum gave them $100mm check and told them to shut their mouths on "overpopulation".
Honestly I think a lot of leftist environmentalist could easily be brought to the anti-immigration side.
You're right, it'll result on more cheaply made goods; less jobs for us; stagnate wages for us; a worsening economy for us as as our money (both the jobs that pay us and the very jobs that generate and put money into our fucking economy) goes overseas etc. Fuck you. You're retarded.
Is there a version of Holla Forums that isn't full of retards who get this butt-triggered by a medium-effort troll?
Sorry OP, didn't mean to mention you.
Greenpeace are a bunch of faggots but this is actually pretty fucking funny.
It could be shills of the same variety, pretending to be the opposition. I seriously hope we don't have so many retards replying to so stupid bait every time.
This is literally what "insiders" call Greenpeace. I would know…
Uploading to /pdfs/ right now, will finish soon.
Can someone explain to me why this is incorrect without dismissing me as a shill? I have little understanding and would like to learn more
I see this non stop…It's either people saying David Duke is a kike, Donald Trump is a race traitor, etc.
TPP/TPIP fucks over everyone, its not a left/right issue.
couldn't find a sauce on that, but did find this…
Holy fuck, it's almost like people are trying to justify their greed by saying they want an interconnected world.
No that's correct, the issue that should be obvious is that pricing is not the only thing that matters. Who gives a shit if your Iphone is $50 cheaper if all the jobs are going and noone can afford one anymore. Also there's far more in TPP/TPIP than just trade policy, they also extend copyright and licensing in retarded directions. Like making modding a device criminalized and requiring ISPs to go after users violating copyright.
My point still stands. Fuck the kikes. It's easy to refer to them since they disproportionately hold leadership roles in companies involved in the TPP.
Let's link this properly, shall we:
couldn't find a sauce on that, but did find this…
And…what was it?
It makes them relatively cheaper because you are raising the prices of imported products, not cheaper in an absolute sense. No matter what, with tariffs you will be paying more for many consumer products, as you will have undercut the lower prices of imports to allow domestic manufacturers to compete.
webm… but that's no longer going up on Holla Forums.
10/10 bait, tbh
Thank you green peace, you dun good.
Never thought I would say that.
Everything is going right for us now.
The Synagogue of Satan think it's for them, but it's clearly working for our good.
Yeah, $300 large screen Tee-vee's and smartphones sure are nice but if you're fucking broke and starving, not so much.
How exactly is a nation spending half its life getting post doctorate degrees going to help us regain our manufacturing base? Please I want to know. You fucking shill please die in an aids fire.
Man. Can't even imagine how it can actually be worse.
It was already slated to destroy nations, poison everything and reduce workers rights to slave levels. How can it get worse?
kek I didn't even read the id's I just knew who he was in the thread regardless because he is so transparent.
saved and made
Anonymoose is controlled opposition, has been sense the start of the Syrian war. They got busted by the FBI and now take orders from them to avoid prosecution doing the dirty work the FBI wants and giving the FBI plausible deniability about it. It is known.
Keep in mind you're arguing with this guy.
Anonymous isn't an organisation.
As for Greenpeace. They probably got their hands on those docs thanks to their being more accepted by a number of governments and individuals within them.
You really have no clue just how big apples profit margins are do you?
They can afford to make them in america and reduce the price but the chose not to.
A telex machine
yeah 4chan so much better with 30 cuck threads every day on their catalog, the vast amount of shitskin shitposters, X is BTFO, wat do? threads, and endless bait threads.
a decent thread gets flooded in under 30 minutes so you can't even have a conversation without the thread reaching 300 and getting archived.
Oh, the Province of Guernsey, Canada came into force today.
Don't expect to read about it in the newspaper
The anonymous movement was hijacked by by a hacker group that took its name. And then the FBI hijacked that hacker group. It is now effectively dead the subversion was total and complete.
Of course. However, the use of tariffs also should push more companies to build factories within the US, raising the employment rate and making it safer to raise wages. Expelling shitskins will also help protect the integrity of minimum pay in the first place.
You guys better get ready for this to only increase in frequency
And no we won't apologize for making shills leave our board.
*raising wages is not necessarily the right thing to do. Prices will respond as normal to supply and demand, and companies which make their products unaffordable for their market will suffer the consequences of being stupid.
The biggest issue isn't raising tariffs for imports, it is removing them for exports, in NAFTA, the WTO deals with China, TTP, etc. there are virtually no tariffs for foreign exports while US exports are either taxed to hell or outright banned, giving everyone in the world free reign of our consumer markets and not reciprocating a damn thing, the idea that American products are not quality or globally competitive is an outright lie, most Europeans polled showed they would pay a premium for goods manufactured in America with only few insignificant exceptions like tobacco products, beer, certain foods, etc. we don't need to raise tariffs on imports except as a measure to bring China and others to the bargaining table and get them to get rid of tariffs on our exports.
How are people not pissed off that these negotiations are secret in the first place?
Our legislature can only change one of those. We can reimpose tariffs on imports (which would be good in itself), which may or may not be usable to get other countries to negotiate on our exports. It's more important to have a functional internal market than to be able to sell what we make to people to who can't afford it anyway.
Our legislature can only change one of those. We can reimpose tariffs on imports (which would be good in itself), which may or may not be usable to get other countries to negotiate on our exports. It's more important to have a functional internal market than to be able to sell what we make to people who can't afford it anyway.
This is lolberturdianism, folks.
Here the deal kike it would cost the same or less for ppl inside the country it would cost more for ppl outside of the country. It is to the country's benifit to have a protected economy and also raise the level of quality of the products hence jobs wont be outsourced to china.
GTFO tell your globalist kike shit to tumblr bitch
Tell me user, are you particularly interested in reading 247 pages of something that looks like the following:
Etc etc etc
We're talking about a society where people would rather see the Kardashians on TV than give the smallest damn about the issues that affect them. It really shouldn't be a surprise that everyone is being taken for a ride by people above who know what they're doing.
Hell, this thread is in itself is a testament to what I mean. Most conversation here is just generalized railing against trade deals and getting into shitposting fights rather than combing over the ~actual~ document that has been leaked. Try counting how many posts here quote the text of the leaked documents and talk about the specific points, and you'll see what I mean.
This fam
What do you mean? Why is the UN happy about the leaks?
Is this the same as TPP? Or what's the difference, if not?
I'm a little out of the loop, but I think this is the Atlantic equivalent.
TTIP is basically TPP but between America and Europe.
This is correct
Is…is this a real cuckservative? on 8/pol/?
I know they're rampant on halfchan now but I don't really see them here.
That comes across as making excuses for it being secret because it's tedious legalese.
Well fine. It's secret precisely because the actions being taken affect pretty much everyone, and you can't have people interfering. Not just the special interests (because rice farmers aren't going to be happy learning that they actually have to COMPETE now and aren't going to be protected by subsidies or such), but also the plebs who are going to be steamrolled by outsourcing.
Of course, it also helps that a) no one outside the intelligentsia grasps the sheer implications of what is in these treaties, b) they're all in language that people often don't bother with, and c) shitposting is easier, as seen above.
Derp. Sorry, this was meant for
AfD continues to be based, they made TTIP opposition part of their core platform right alongside being anti-Islam.
pretty much, also people already know what's in it as its mostly the same as TPP.
….goddam it, I meant that is a response to
I should lay off the beer.
Clearly, as its obviously pickled your brain to the point that you think this crap is good.
Greenpeace did some good for once.
They're outsiders, PR hitmen and will work for nonprofits, so it's not unexpected that they would eventually pick up a gig for something righteous.
I'm all about ecology/conservationism, tbh. It's such a shame that it's riddled with marxism on every level.
Holy shit I just noticed what the fuck is wrong with this picture.
also who is she?
Yes. Why are you bragging about noticing something that even a complete imbecile would?
There is nothing wrong with anime.
I know they exist because we've had our fair share of "i am a republican operative and this is why x, y, and z in primaries." It's too inside baseball for it to be schilling or sockpuppets.
This motherfucking thread, however, holy shit. Either the robo schill sockpuppet accounts came out of the woodwork or one user has a great sense of humor copy-pasta-ing what they say.
So now, instead of shipping all our jobs off to beaners, they're going to durkas in Europe.
Oof dah.
I think it's obvious that some autistic nerd spent some money hiring a model and photographer to set this specific scene up.
I think that's pretty awesome. I want to know more.
Why do you think the whole thing is written in such obscure and annoying communist tier legalese?
To ensure it is not read.
You're a piece of shit and you should go die in a lonely ditch!
It will force all EU member nations to lower their standards of food,employment, healthcare. education etc. to the level of the USA.
Which are shit today.
So no, it's not nothing.
I can appreciate autists having a compulsion for accuracy in their quest for unambiguity which might result in things being somewhat longwinged but they're actually quite concise. Things like TPP and TPIP just reek of obfuscation.
Law is often on par with a dozen big dicks in the ass when it comes to reading and understanding it so it's often beyond the layman to form an opinion. It comes with the territory that it's going to be difficult.
Is it possible to prove (mathematics tier) that TPP/TTIP are deliberately overcomplicated?
That was great! Funny, but the guy explained it well so anybody can understand it.
But, don't forget, they're selling out American sovereignty too.
Definitely not a bot guys! :^)
It will lead to all jobs being outsourced to bottom of the barrel sweatshops and all those profits going to Herschel Shekelberg.
Kill yourself you economically illiterate sophist.
if these people say that animals are people and have rights, then obviously they are going to say that jewish are people and have rights.
these greenpeace might as well be wearing a yalmulke.
greenpeace is jewish propaganda, never listen to them. they are all fags and want to fuck sea otters.
God damn dude….
… No fap for over a week now, and those tits are making my Dick go full Sovereign.
My hand was moving towards my cock seemingly of its own volition.
The Wizard in me says that such tempting beauty ought be illegal to so frivolously display…
… But the Man in me says it is worth such torments to behold such sights, and God bless that such sights can be presented with such frivolity.
now you know how greenpeacers feel when they see animals in the wild.
Yeah, globalism is also sort of an ideal of mine, only it's more "whitey kills everyone else and annexes their shit" than "whitey goes extinct and subhumans rule the earth".
I would so fucking nuke whatever stupid city they live in.
enjoy your eye cancer faggot
If they even remotely valued things like honesty, consistency, integrity and decency, they already would be. Sadly, these are just a few of the things that go by the wayside in the quest to punish people you don't like.
It should be rather self-evident that pushing for unlimited third world resettlement from ten different avenues while at the same time insisting emissions and consumption be reduced is a fatal contradiction, but hey, it's like the current year, or something, man.
greenpeace whores think they are the gaurdians of animals
so they get some skank dude with long hair and jeans to go out to some rhino preserve and film it on camera. and the hipppy says "Hey man just give me one million dollars to protect the rhinos, are you gonna protect the rhinos, just give me money so i can go on vacation." Its all about the money to these animal whores.
they act is if they are the gaurdians of animals and are the only ones that can save them. When in fact there is no saving to be had. Animals have no souls and they are at the disposal of Humans
thanks user. will save on computer
who cares, greenpeace did well in leaking this
no use sliding sholomo, it's stickied
I filtered the ID+ replies & half the thread vanished. Is Holla Forums really so full of retards or is a lot it just shills replying to other shills to increase the likelihood of drawing others into their derail?
Are those permision forms that hard to fill out? Nothing more pathetic than a lazy shill.
Every day I wander through campus, and see the Greenpeace recruiters all over the place. And every day, I ignore them completely, because fuck that.
But today? Today they did alright. I salute them for that.
Now imagine what we could do if we had the funding an organization to have recruiters on campuses and to go into major investigations like this one…
It is the white man's burden to look out for life on this earth, we are its stewards.
The fact that you lost control over yourself because of a picture of a bimbo with fake tits and dyed hair that probably fucks niggers isn't your real problem isn't it. It's that you're weak.
That why I post following picture to totally destroy you, since you we're too weak in the first place to resist and therefore not worth fighting, like Hitler always said.
Considering your reaction on the first picture it wasn't hard to find something mundane and utter degenerate that would appeal to you. She is a disgusting bimbo too and fucks with niggers, that explains her appeareance. Have fun with her, your hand, your lack of discipline and your moral decay.
You too son, you are to weak and let wide flesh lure you. Learn to appreciate true beauty, outside of your basement.
All sides that represent the interest of people are somewhat on the same side.
I mean, honestly. Who wants fraudulent globalist bankers to crash an economy for their personal profit, then get the government to bail them out using deficit spending and tax increases, and the bankers use the bailout money to buy up all the properties and assets which are on the auction block due to the fact the economy just crashed!
I don't care if you are left, right, commie, natsoc, good goy, an upstanding black man, a spic, a chink, a pajeet or a kike. If you are working class or middle class and have to live on this planet and pay your taxes and obey laws written by politicians then you are on the same side.
With the Sierra Club specifically they do a lot of work to protect the natural beauty of the USA from being raped by multinationals so some banker in Brussels can end up with an extra few million in capital gains.
The shilling in this thread is astronomical. They are being blatantly obvious now. This place is the new cuckchan. Look at the catalog. Its time for a new chan.
Download the .zip. The shills mean nothing if you already have the info.
The shills were successful and the thread was derailed from the leaks.
To anyone that responded to them, you're a fucking waste.
It's a garbage dump so why don't you go back there?
Filtering stopped working for me.
So…. these refugees come into EU countries, degrade the working conditions and wages of that country, and then use slave labor to underbid all other EU nations for production, causing economic imbalance and financial destabilization of the ENTIRE EU, and it's trading partner, the US….
You know, they call them "Protective Tariffs" for a reason, because they protect local wages from direct market competition with SLAVE LABOR.
ok, but stop bitching. For a little while they'll still get paid. Eventually they'll get laid off same as the rest!!!
eh, can you post some tidbits? Metered Internet here.
Reminder that Fast Track authority needs to be repealed also.
pic unrelated
That's a completely separate claim from what we were discussing.
Woah, never spotted an actual globalist shill before!
cryptography. The discussion was based on the TPP text, which the US linked to the World
Semiconductor Council (WSC) principles.
not like to see its right to regulate curtailed in a security-related area. The EU went on to present a
set of questions, derived from previous contacts with Member States. As the US was not ready to
provide a reply on the spot, the EU will be sending the set of follow up questions in written form.
Given the complexity of the subject, both sides agreed on the need to further deepen the issue on
both policy and technical aspects before the next TTIP round.
Posting from document 16 of the leak, which calls itself "Tactical State of Play of the TTIP Negotiations", dated March 2016.
3.5 Intellectual Property Rights, Including Geographical Indications
A positive feature of the twelfth round of IP discussions was the US submission, for the first time,
of some texts on relatively consensual areas (international treaties and general provisions).
However, the US remains unwilling to table, at this stage, concrete proposals on more sensitive
offensive interests that have been expressed by some of its right holders or that are explicitly
referred to in its TPA (for instance on patents, on technical protection measures and digital rights
management or on enforcement).
When confronted with the EU warning that bringing sensitive proposals that would require changes
in EU law to the table – and doing it at a late stage of the negotiation – may have a negative impact
on stakeholders and has very limited chances of being accepted, the US reiterated its understanding
that the IPR chapter should not be a standard (TPP type) text, but also insisted that such a departure
from its “model” creates some difficulties in terms of addressing the demands included in the IPR
related sections of its TPA.
Additional details on the content of the future section on cooperation which the US intends to table
very soon:
It should broadly capture the level of cooperation that already exists, in particular through the work
of the Transatlantic IPR Working Group, i.e., it should cover cooperation in relation to third
countries; international organizations; customs matters; voluntary stakeholder initiatives, technical
assistance and capacity building, support to SMEs (including websites), etc. Institutionally, it would
be important to put in place an IPR Committee ensuring transparency in its activities and inclusion
of a wider range of stakeholders.
One negative element of note is that certain US legislative projects in areas that are very important
for EU right holders appear not to be making progress in Congress. This is the case in particular for
the draft laws on patent reform (addressing the problem of patent trolls) and on the copyright
sectors identified as offensive interests by the EU (broadcasting rights, public performance and
resale rights).
As regards geographical indicators, discussions focused on the preparation of an intersessional
discussion prior to the next round.
3.8. State-to-State Dispute Settlement
This round was dedicated to intense discussions on the existing EU and the new US compromise
proposal on compliance, tabled shortly ahead of round 12. We could identify the key areas of
convergences which include the right to request a reasonable period of time for compliance ('RPT')
and sequencing between compliance review and suspension of obligations, but with considerable
streamlining of the compliance and sanctions arbitration proceedings in case of continued non-
compliance of the responding party after the RPT has expired. Some conceptual differences remain,
notably concerning the standard for review of the level of the sanctions and which Parry can request
a compliance panel during the sanctions. There was agreement to further tidy up the joint
consolidated text between the sessions. The US also committed to respond to the EU proposal on
mediation in the next round since it was not ready for that in this round.
Look faggot I don't care about International Businesses, as this will help the companies with overseas operations it will kill any local company
There is literally nothing wrong with Nationalism
You sure told that big bad mean ol' capitalist. Good job Bernie Bro.
Go away Globalist Shill
We're Nationalists here, not Commies
Commies end goal is actually Globalism
OK I understand that MGTOWs want to go their own way…
… but why do you insist on trying to convince us that enjoying women is immoral?
Just go your own way, and leave us the fuck alone.
Daily reminder if a free trade agreement is longer than your penis its not a free trade agreement.
Provision one: we ain't going to tax your shit
Provision two: if you fuck this shit up the deal is off
Provision three:???
Provision four: profit!!!
I was talking about masturbation you twat.
Just another huge reason BREXIT needs to happen
there are some people here (not sure if shill or just retarded) who praise it.
what they don't (want us to) see is that lesser import tax means lesser income to the nation state, which means more taxes for the working (read white) man.
All the while, the merchant rubs his hands.
The end, the international jew is at it again
Yeah nothing is wrong with "enjoying women" but that doesn't include degenerate masturbation to subhuman porn. How about talking to real women outside of your computer or phone.
You newfag forgot to reply to numbers.
Please fucking leave.
You are obviously unbalanced and you will not convince me or any other normal human male into becoming as diseased as you.
Your words can't give me your hormonal disorder.
Lol why should I give a fuck about the economy, Chaim?
Unlike you and most people on this website/imageboard I'm not a degenerate that faps five times a day over a longer period so that his brain becomes numb to it and needs harder things to get the same excitement effect. That's why people that fap to much can't enjoy real sex and consume degenerate shit like boipussy, bronies, trap, scat, bdsm and similar shit.
It's the same with drug addicts. People who end up that way are just pathetic, like the other user that participated in NoFap which is stupid too and broke soon he saw some fake tits.
Holla Forums isn't made of just Holla Forums.
A keyboard and a printer - no tower, no monitor.
When was the last time you were a jew? Yes or no.
Who's 'the rest of us'?
No, it's a jew. A jew that reaches in your back pocket and adds a shekel to its pot with each reply.
Dude that's what typewriters looked like before computers didn't you no
Welders should go into student loan debt to get gender studies degree at 45!
Shilling, how do I report it?
Try harder schlomo.
This has dick to do with free trade, it's about protecting the interests of corporations.
I seriously hope you guys don't keep falling for this
Muh free markets? Both EU and US have crony capitalism backed by central banks that are controled by you-know-who and not by governements. More trade that needs dollars = more profits for the federal reserve.
The strategy toward the normies should be to link the TTIP with Merkel and the EU´s rapefugee policies.
Let´s discuss something else than the topic at hand, like why us Goy… Whites should not reproduce. *rubbes hands*
stop trying to derail this thread, shekelstein. This is actually important politics.
Suo Holla Forums
So I've been meaning to type this out for a while.
My confession is that I am an undocumented person that has lived in the U.S since the age of 2. I bounced around states with my mother and stepfather for a while. Eventually ended up in a cozy community in Virginia. I was the socially incompetent kid all throughout school, on the account that I grew up in such shitty neighborhoods and around shitty people.
I've always had an aptitude for school and have been a curious kid. Was enough to get me by until high school. I got involved and got good grades . I was the "Mexican who acted white".
On one hand I've grown up with a wierd pathology as a young illegal. I feel guilt and I know there is nothing i could do or say to ease your all's rage. I sincerely think the situation is more complicated then you all seem to make it.
It was my mothers decision to come here and I can't sit back and spit on my mother's sacrifice. For a woman of her socioeconomic status there was no way in fucking hell she would ever be approved for any sort of visa into the US. There is no line for Mexican peasants. In Mexico these people have been primed to just accept the boot on their throats.
Am I suppose to blame my mother for trying to give me the best life possible? She knows what she did was wrong and she knew the trajectory of both staying in Mexico and fleeing into the U.S. Her risk has payed off and I'm about to graduate uni and move into a masters program.
I can be student and thanks to Obama's executive action that makes me one of the least deportable.
In my opinion the nations immigration laws do need reforming. They have not kept up to date after the fall of the U.S.S.R, nor have they adjusted for the neoliberal model of unfair money flow and migration restrictions.
Also I think the U.S's relationship with Mexico has to be reevaluated. Although you guys might be arrogant in your relationship with us,but we are very important to you economically and politically whether you like to admit it or not.
I can go back guys, that's on the table. I do love this country though, its all I know as home. There are shitty Americans but they are easily outnumbered by the down to earth people. Even the racist white families judging you will sit down and have a civil meal with you. I no longer fall for the evil white people meme. You guys are great and reasonable people but I do think that this immigration debate needs a wider scope and a different perspective.
I'm rambling because I smoked a doobie with the roommates. Share your hate or thoughts, I'm open to solutions for my odd feels.
I'd say the primary blame lies with the Mexican government bending over backwards and taking that Cartel dicking too hard to even bother thinking about actually improving their own country enough to be anything more than a pit stop for crime syndicates, although who knows how much of that is CIA funded
Once you oust the globalist kikes that get their hands dirty and meddle in other nations' affairs you'd see a return to normalcy and governments actually looking out for their own constituents' best interests
Anyways my advice for you personally is that you should go through the various avenues of obtaining legal US citizenship for yourself
Man it's going to suck for you if you get deported
Sounds like being a pleb is literally your own fault because you've allowed everything that was won in the Mexican Revolution to be squandered and you expect me to feel bad for you with your sob story. In any case your beaner ass will be a lot better off than all the low class anchor babies who get deported by Trump.
I'll give you my $0.02 (actually fuck that, my taxes have been going to you for years).
You need to go back - and then you can migrate back here legally.
We know the situation is complicated and that everyone has their own story, too bad. If any of us illegally migrated to your country, we would be deported and treated like shit. It's not fair that Mexico itself has a wall along its border, but you guys (maybe not you specifically) complain about US wanting a wall.
Because companies keep shipping our fucking manufacturing jobs over to Mexico.
I grew up (and still live) in southern California. It's pretty much over 50% Mexican here, and I got to witness what Mexicans really are. Granted they're #NotAllBad, it's just a majority that are either in gangs, or just general pieces of shit who never respected their teachers, etc.
Jesus Christ Holla Forums has turned to shit.
One full day, yet only one user is talking about the contents of the TTP/TTIP documents.
I wish I understood legalese better so I could read through these documents and properly understand the applications of what they're saying.
From what I can tell however, I think Greenpeace blew its load early by publicising these documents whilst they're still not finalised, it's going to be a lot harder to do anything similar later down the road when more potentially incriminating stuff would be added, seems as if the contents of the next addition to the TTP/TTIP would have been very interesting too.
Will get overturned by Trump.
It makes perfect sense for someone to want to move to a better country, but what doesn't make sense is if the people that come in end up destroying what made that country so desirable to be in to begin with. Your mother might not be one of the "bad ones" but the massive border problem that enabled her to come here also is enabling tons of terrible people to enter at the same time.
Furthermore, our unsecured border is basically just an excuse for Mexico's corruption and cartel problems to never be resolved. Your people are literally running away from their problems rather than facing them, and they just end up bringing problems into America with them.
With a properly secured border, the pressure in Mexico starts to build. Eventually, the "good ones" will have no choice but to start a revolution. We already saw a preview of such an event years ago, when one Mexican town decided they had enough cartel bullshit and killed them all. Then they used the cartel's guns to defend against the Mexican police who wanted to come and confiscate them. With a secured border and a few more years of pressure, you could end up seeing the same thing on a national scale.
Best of all, for folks like you who have been raised and educated in the United States, you have a lot of potential to become prosperous new leaders of a liberated Mexico if you are sent back. You may have a good life here, but wouldn't it be great if you could help improve the lives of all of your people in your nation of origin?
We make America great again, and you make Mexico great (again?)
Welp. I forgot this thread was even about the TTIP. Why did this faggot even drone on about his god damn immigrant life?
And for what it's worth, I did download the documents while I was at work today and read through about 5 of the pdfs, just skimmed them. Hard to understand legal wordage, so I didn't post in this thread about it.
I've done a lot of digging a yea ago. I don't have the free time anymore (yes, I have a fucking JOB) and I'd appreciate other people picking up the slack instead of shit-posting and peanut-gallley-ing.
Seriously assholes, the jews aren't preventing you from freeing yourselves. You are.
I think most of us have been reading about the TPP for so long that even new info is really just going to tell us more of what we already expected.
It's shit and has to go.
It seems as if doc 16 seems to give a clear-ish overview over each sector, or at least future plans concerning the agreement.
I don't really have time to look over it in detail.
Some highlights however:
ANY new information can only help the efforts. Anything that hits the news about TTIP will help BREXIT
I skimmed through all the pages and read entirely through a few of them.
I couldn't find any major smoking guns, but I found these pieces a bit interesting.
Also in pic 4, is "troll" now a legal term? lol
I only have an IQ on 110, so claiming to not be smart enough to understand political jargon is no excuse.
STEP IT UP Holla Forums
The articles about "intellectual property" and "Denial of Benefits" don't sense for a trade agreement and violate the sovereignty of every country involved.
NWO is prepping the bull for agenda 21 with this bullshit, wake up you goddamn retards.
Wikipedia tells me that "patent trolls" are pretty much just jews
Yeah, that's about right. Patent trolling is basically abusing the patent system like a red-headed stepchild to wring money out of it.
it's always the gingers
It assumes free competition, which is ludicrous. Not only is the US domestic market fucked, but international trade is far from free. Good luck trying to start a small, competitive business in China or Taiwan. And that's not even mentioning all the legal loopholes everywhere.
Point of fact, the profit margins of most importer companies (like Apple) are huge. They could sell an iPhone for about a quarter of what they do now and remain lucrative, and they absolutely would when forced to compete with manufacturers in the US who actually want to deliver a competitive product.
…European globalism where all other races go into tiny reservation populations?
Polite sage for off-topic.
TBH it sounds like you faggots are getting off to this.
Stop fucking posting porn you degenerate shit. Stop fapping you degenerate shits.
Her actions, and your reasoning are cowardice.
America doesn't need more cowards.
You need to go back and improve where ever you came from.
And? If a man gives his son money he stole that doesn't make it not just to return the stolen money to its rightful owners.
And this is why you have to go back among other things, such as being Mexican. BTW, it wasn't a sacrifice. She wanted an easier life, and she got one at the expense of Americans.
Maybe they should fucking do something about it instead of making life worse for people who had the courage and will to do what they haven't.
Look at it however you like, but understand that your mother has wronged the people of this country and thus both you and her have to go to restore the rightful order of things. Think of it like your mother murdering and stealing to provide you with nice things; sure it ended well for you, but would you call that good or even "okay" because it benefited you?
And you're trying to defend this woman.
It certainly has, with the ill-gotten blood, spirit, and wellbeing of Americans. That makes you, to any American, an enemy.
Don't worry, we're all hoping Trump will get every last one of you.
They do. All nonwhites need to go.
They haven't kept up with the fact that the US is a white republic.
So do I. Polk's dream was too small.
You aren't, and once the US is a white republic stretching to the Panama Canal you won't have shit.
And yet you harm it, its people, and condone more of the same. You don't have love for this country, you have love for the comforts it unjustly provides you.
Clearly. Our kindness has been abused by the likes of your mother, and you deserve no more of it.
I think it's working on certain themes
What's with all the multiracial cucks here? He has to go back and stay back — or just outright die.
Fuck off. She's a coward, a criminal, and an enemy of Americans stealing for her retarded subhuman progeny. She's absolutely one of the bad ones.
The only way for a walking vagina like yourself to get real sex would be to bend over and spread your ass cheeks for a pack of niggers. The fuck out of here.
He's right you lonely fucks, try getting laid instead of using your hand and watching other men fuck mentally ill sluts.
Best post of the thread. The fact that it's secret PROVES it's bad, just like the fact that disagreement with the holohoax is censored as much as possible PROVES it didn't happen.
Holla Forums is always right, 14/88, sieg heil, etc.
Also, as much as I dislike the term "shill," holy fuck is there some serious actual shilling ITT.
As a Non-burger native to Europe, I'd have to say….
Of course you think the immigration politics should be update and made so you can stay. You have interest in that. You are just trying to lie to yourself saying about it, because you don't want to feel bad about it. It is all based on you feeling good.
today user was not a faggot.
thanks bro
This happens a lot in pedo threads. I don't have enough faith to dismiss them as shills, although I'm sure a few might be.
I have a girlfriend and she bugs me about porn.
Do you know why? Because she wants me to be sexually dependent on her only.
Avoiding porn is a quick way to getting a girl bored with you, and getting dumped. Although if you're starting from zero, you're probably going to get friendzoned because she'll have you twisted around her little finger before you can blink.
Trilateral commission loves this shit.
That's a bummer. Better amend one or two inconsequential paragraphs and proceed anyways.
Calling it.
Just fucking die already.
This is not a fucking trade agreement - this thing gives corporate lawyer tribunals power to change country's laws, u fucking mong.
Also, britbong outlets are not round, these are EU outlets.
I'm thinking this isn't an actual quote. I cant find it anywhere. I honestly wouldn't doubt that cunt saying this though. post sauce if you have it.
>Also I think the U.S's relationship with Mexico has to be reevaluated. Although you guys might be arrogant in your relationship with us,but we are very important to you economically and politically whether you like to admit it or not.
you've lived in America since you were two and still consider yourself Mexican
get the fuck out
Just looks like a keyboard & printer, which ruins the whole pic for me
the international jew sat down and agreed what then new merchant laws of our nations will be.
read em and weep…
This is number 9, 17, 18 straight out of the books.
Be certain that number 19, 20, 21 and 23 will follow shortly.
(23 is causing this, btw)
No it really is not, it's not even a trade agreement.
….I thought I was the only one
I thought globalism was going to be cheap Irish whiskey and growing top rate american pot and selling to niggers in zaire
You're completely right except that cheap prices fucks domestic labor wages and cheapens product quality in the name of profit margins.
More expensive, higher quality, domestic made means the money goes back into your pockets so its fucking moot that it costs more and the globalists lose out
Which would you rather?
You're correct, but you've failed to look at the big picture.
If you don't give priority to domestic production, you exclude large segments of the population from contributing to their communities.
The decline of white society can be traced back to the destruction of domestic industries.
Open borders, free trade, and laissez-faire are all products of Jews. The goal of these ideologies are to exploit and enslave all non-jews.
pretty good work, i have to admit
strength in numbers, user.
They really went all out with this. To no avail…
in 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, or just 2 threads from now, this will come up, and we will just spread the red pill…. business as usual for us, tbh.
(btw, that is when we must be wary of dis-info, so read the thing and understand it)
It is OK for the Cartels to use Mexico as a base of operations, your people as expendable resources, and flout its laws with impunity to enrich themselves?
Whatever you answer to this question, will be the answer to your question.
you've leached off of the country long enough, you have to go back
Hopefully next thread is started by a good op. Get as much important info in the thread before shills can derail.
Cruz drops out and now shills are out on full force. Its worse than fucking summerfags
Same here dubs user. Same here.
Get this woman off the top of the front page. I'm sick of having to click on her fucking cute face everytime I want to browse Holla Forums.
implying this occurs at no expense. It's like a fucking pyramid scheme to trick the "educated". What guys like this don't tell you is that when everyone is out of a job due to outsourcing, no one will be able to afford shit anyway. It's just a cash-out with no end model.
i converted these to images so no one has to download shit and open spooky PDFs. I can't convert the 5th doc due to some malformation in the header i believe, I don't think it's malware but don't rule it out.
this is slow as dicks
1 down……..15 to go
doc2 dump
i don't know why the greenpeace faggots made it so that you have to download a fucking zip and download PDFs to view this, despite the fact they took the time to register a domain and host a fucking server to do this.
captcha "once every 24 hours" my ass, fucking Christ on a bicycle.
doc 3
doc 4
taking break, will be back tomorrow
aka jewed
There is nothing worse than summerfags. The shills are transparent to anyone acquainted with their techniques.
Holy shit user you took the words right out of my mouth. Down to the Kardashian example.
Nope, don't even give the Jews that much credit by playing into their pity-party Egyptian-slave Bible game. My history professor years ago stopped his regular lesson on Egypt in general to remind us that "the Jews did NOT build any pyramids." Then he repeated himself to have it sink in properly. He looked Jewish himself too…The truth will always triumph, Kikes.
Also, Moses was on drugs.
Goddamnit, where's your pride in your country?
Watch that carteland documentary. There are many Mexicans, like those in Michoacan, who stand up and fight the gangs and govt corruption. Go back and help rescue your country. Mexico is beautiful and should not be surrendered to the globalists so easily.
thanks user.
good thing this thread is sticky.
Was fucking up bad part of your job description?
Found Holla Forums!
well said
Any source on the OP's pic? I forgot her name. Something "stone".
sauce on second pic please.
can anyone give me a non shill tldr im a lil late to this party
couldn't be arsed in dealing with this site's captcha, so here are all the uploaded images in imgur with archive links. I used imgur so you know they're sanitized:
ttip leak (minus glitch ridden doc 5, I simply don't have the time to set up a VM and parse the fucking thing to look for possible security issues)
doc 1
doc 2
doc 3
doc 4
doc 6
doc 7
doc 8
doc 9
doc 10
doc 11
doc 12
doc 13
doc 14
doc 15
doc 16
stay clear of doc 5 unless you know how to check PDFs for funky shit
Thank you very much for this. I plan on spending the next few nights after work combing through this all and attempting to translate it into layman.
Seriously though, thank you. There are elements here trying to derail discussion to anything but the TTIP. We need people like you here.
Environmentalists are almost entirely marxists. There is a reason that things like AGW and social justice are tied together.
Go plant some trees instead of associating with those scum.
#ObjetivoTTIP is trending WORLDWIDE on twitter at 51k Tweets.
If it fails, it'll give a boost to others to help stop TPP and will help slow down kikery censorship and control in Europe.
The EU used to be a bunch of trade deals, so there's no doubt the current trade deals are a push for NWO. And Obama says he wants Europe to have it, so its worth fucking up for that alone.
Help spread it however you can, and fill it with info.
Moon landing is so fucking fake.
there's a post in the top of the flag
Is that Kike Repellent?
webm unrelated
we own your board e-celeb spam forever like or leave hahahahaha