Trudeau the cuck wants to cuck Canada even more by putting shit women on new banknote by 2018

Hi, semi-honorary Aryan here.

Here's the article:

Look at this shit list. 2/5 are artists, the other 2/5 are fucking activists, 0.5/5 is an athlete, and the last 0.5 is a FUCKING ENGINEER/INVENTOR.

Heck, "inventor" is a joke considering how she's more of a refiner. None of her "inventions" were acquired by the Government for mass production. She refined existent inventions made by Caucasian men.

Who the fuck made this list??? Where are all the brilliant STEM engineers worthy of "God" level? (i.e. I think Eugene Stoner should be on a US bill)

The list of women under nomination:





And who's responsible for this brilliant new idea of wanting to replace someone else on a Canadian bill? FUCKING TRUDEAU.

The cuckining of Canada continues… Stay tuned for more cuckining!

PS. Herupu me Senpais! How to sutopu madonesu-desu??

Other urls found in this thread:

Says who? Go learn some history, faggot.

Why on earth did Hitler consider the Japanese, honorary Aryans, then?

You have to go back, Tojo

I already plan on doing that. 3 more years… 3 more years until I graduate from college, then I can move back to Japan and pursue an University degree there.

And yes, I'm pursuing STEM (mechanical engineering) this year.

Wait a sec
Not only are you not in Canada because you spelt it honor and not honour, you're also a chink or god forbid something even worse like a filipino?

You definitely have to go back.

The only one I've heard of on that list is Emily Carr who is an alright painter I guess

ROC Chinese + Japanese

Japanese were once Chinese to begin with. They're extremely close relatives. That's like saying a German-Polish hybrid is not Aryan?

And who cares if I used American spelling, it's pretty much acceptable to use both versions here in Canada. Heck, British spelling is also a-okay.

Blame technology for defaulting everything to American spelling in the first place.

British is acceptable when there is a difference.

weenie-chan jr might be more your fit

Also, I'd like to one day be a renowned engineer and "somehow" get a 3rd party to invade Germany and turn it back to glorious Fatherland?

The Germans didn't ditch us during WWII and we were willing to fight until we were "extinct" (thankfully we surrendered or else the Japanese race could possibly be on the endangered list by today).

If Japan were to go full Right-Wing one day and completely shutdown Article 9, I'd like to go on a full scale invasion of Germany and kill all the cucks who run the government and restore Germany to its former glory (without the Fascism if possible? Should it exist or should it not? I've only recently strolled Holla Forums more often.)

I read the thread about Ursula Haverbeck and I think we need to "Make Germany Great Again." You know, help me, help you, help each other?

Geez, what's with the blatant racism? Can't we be friends?

Ignore them, Holla Forums is nasty and bullies our East Asian bros

I know! Instead of trying to fix the economy we should put a women on our money (because the fucking queen doesnt count for some reason)

Fucking brilliant.

You know, I didn't have to mention what race I was, but I wanted to let Holla Forums on Holla Forums know that even though I'm a half-breed (though, a good one with a strong ancestral relationship), I'm willing to support the efforts of the Caucasians, stop the open flood gate race-mixing efforts of the evil commie/Marxist fucks, and help out in any way possible to restore "order" and "former glory" of various European countries/nations.

I'm dead serious! I want to be the best engineer ever rivaling German engineering. I mean, aren't the Chinese and Japanese pretty damn good at "refinement" like many of you guys said in a different thread about the Japanese and East-Asians in general?

I'm sure many Germans who are sick and tired of their country's regressive responses would join the Japanese (if I'm powerful enough to persuade the government to do a full invasion of German) to restore the Fatherland to its former glory?

I love Germany and I'd hate the country turn into brown-mud.

I'm being dead serious here, please believe me. I'm so looking forward to college this year. I want to build a 1/1 scale tank before I graduate as a side project (if my team receives enough funding, that is).

One more thing. My dad who is pure Japanese is a literal "European weaboo". As in, he's dedicated his whole life studying about European history, arts, and learning the language everyday from reading books and what not.

He spends long hours everyday (before or after work and for the whole day on weekends) studying German, French, English, Russian (?), and Italian (?). The last two languages I can not confirm, but the first 3 languages he has intensively studied, and he learned how to speak said languages from books and CDs before or after I was born (I need to confirm with Dad).

He has a literal "library" in the attic filled with books about European culture, the arts, and history (most are translated versions, of course), and he has good sized collection of classical European music CDs.

My Dad's retirement dream is to immigrate to Germany to further his studies and "research" on European and/or German history and culture and literally live in a library until his death.

IT WOULD BE HEARTBREAKING if his "ideal Germany" turned out to be filled with mud-colored hybrids, crime everywhere caused by refugees, and German culture no longer being existent. I do not wish for my dad to be killed or harassed by a single kebab degenerate.

My gift for my dad who has worked all his life for my well being under harsh conditions due to shit Japanese economy, is for Germany to be what it truly should be: Glorious 1930 Germany.

I want my dad to die a happy life, not a sad one.

So please, don't call me a shit human being, garbage, gook, whatever. Please understand that my love for Caucasians is genuine and I want to make sure my Dad's final resting place would be in the Fatherland.

You might not fully agree with some of my viewpoints from previous discussions, but please understand this: I am your ally, and I can prove it to you with action when the time comes.

It is a shame, this board is filled with too many stormfags who take the Nazi shit too literally. Although I think a lot of the East Asian negativity comes from the fact that, as a group, East Asians operate and behave like insects. A combination of the two may not be so bad.

East Asians are fine, Nippon included. different cultures but at least Japanese culture is respectful and isn't entirely consumerist trash yet.

Better than Vietnamese and definitely better than nig-nogs.


This board is not filled with too many stormfags who take the Nazi shit too literally, it has a very noisy minority of stormfags LARPers who take the Nazi shit too literally.

You don't belong here.

As an insectoid gook you will roast in the ovens when the Fourth Reich rises along with the rest of the subhuman filth. You aren't our friend.Your kind must be purged. There's no place for non-Whites and mongrels in this world.

I'm just glad there's still going to be bank notes in 2018. I was worried Cuckin' Trudeau was going to announce that we'd be going fully cashless. I guess he's saving that for his second or third term, perhaps in 2024.

lol this fag again. this fag sperged out hard and got his ass blown out in the other thread saying some white doctor and his entire family should be killed because the guy said he was a white nationalist.

We already have the queen on the 20. Please stop. I already hate my country enough.

Reminder that guys like this are feds or larpers.

British is never acceptable, they lost the right to their own language when they decided to become massive faggots

Honorary is spelled the same in all English speaking countries.

The only semi-'not shit' women are Lucy Maud Montgomery, Emily Carr, and Elizabeth McGill. And EVEN then, they didn't do anything extremely important except for Lucy Maud if you consider Anne of Green Gables a timeless classic. Trudeau is a fucking moron.

Why are women so fucking bad at literally everything? The only thing they do better than men is shitting out babies but that's simply because men are not able to do that.

Your war with China was just a kike d&c.

Correct. We only want whites in white countries, Asians in Asia, niggers in Africa, etc.
t. chink

Wait, don't you already have the Queen on the $20? Why does Trudeau need another woman?

are you going to spam "t.chink" in every thread?

Need 50% women on bills because vurrent year

Because Hitler did infact do several thing wrong, tactically and even morally. Hitler shouldn't be anyones role model, because he failed.

Hitler isn't the measuring stick for everything here. He was wrong about a few things. Two of them being allies with Japan and allies with the Muslim world. They did nothing for him. Absolutely nothing. Fuck off.

Wrong. Again, you can't read. Go back to highschool and learn how to read. That guy is mentally ill. What kind of an idiot thinks East-Asians are on par with Negros, Mexicans, and Spics? That's a grave insult.

I apologize for my lack of understanding when it comes 20th century history, but while I do agree Hitler wasn't perfect and that he did make a few mistakes, I would like to know a few things.

Did Hitler abandon the Japanese? Not really in a sense where several pieces of German tech were allowed to be transferred over to Japan. i.e. U-551, jet technology, Tiger 1, etc. Some we bought, some were shared.

Some of you even said the Japanese had few genetic traits that could be traced back to Aryan genes.

Regardless of whether that's true or not, I'll repeat it again. I don't hate the Germans and I wish to help them in some way. Not just for my dad, but I'm also against mass race-mixing and open borders which is cancer for Europe.

As for the Nurse/Doctor guy in the previous threads, it doesn't matter if I try to reason with him, agree with his points, or try to be realistic or sane about certain things. He's the type of guy that wants everything his way and thinks everything else is wrong and only his ideology is correct. He thinks that a country can survive just as fine if the borders were to be complete shut off from the rest of the world or some shit.

It's really hard to converse with him when he keeps on hurling insults at you and say demeaning things. So I snapped and shit on his family. And now people like is trying to use that shut me up.


In my opinion, I give zero shits about athletes, artists, writers, or activists.

What I do care about are those who are active in politics trying to change their country for the better of the people (i.e. Trump in US's case). Those in STEM should be highly regarded as well. But MacGill doesn't seem important enough as her plane designs weren't even good enough to be chosen as "war machines" to fight the war to begin with.

Canadian Government chose concrete machines created by American or British, male, Caucasian inventors.

According to Wikipedia, her refinements weren't the best to begin with (when it came to upgrading existing military models) and she later gave up her career and became an activist.

The 12 women selected for nomination are barely even good, or rather "subpar."

What, you're an artist? Why should I give a fuck about you? Did you have over 300 confirmed kills while you were piloting a warplane during the war?

Anyways, Trudeau needs to be crucified asap.

Her art would be very fitting for modern Canada's currency.

Holy shit… I just googled her art. It's fucking terrible. I could trace her art and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference…

uh, sure dude. you're like some sort of textbook narcissist that tells his life story nobody care about to everyone expecting praise, honestly believes he's going to be the best engineer ever and save the white race so his autistic dad and a bunch of old gooks can retire in white countries, then flips out and calls everyone an evil racist when they tell you to fuck off. are you sure it's not you that needs to go see a therapist?

Looking her up I think I've meet her grand daughter Annie Pootoogook once. What a small world.

And this was the type of art I was expecting when I searched for Pitseolak Ashoona. I was hoping I'd be able to say that it's not all terrible news.

You fool, the conversation was more than that. Nice cherry picking.

For example this:

I never said anything like that other than suggesting that tightly controlled and moderate race-mixing shouldn't even matter that much. I also said that as long as it only accounts for less than 0.5% or 0.1% of the country's total population, it shouldn't really matter.

Then he goes dip shit at me accusing me of this and that. Twisting my words into other things no matter how many times I try to explain shit to him.

If you can't read for shit, go back to highschool.
So yea, before you go cherry picking things to make me look like the villain, actually read the whole conversation.

Fuck, I think I wrote this wrong.

What I'm trying to say is that as long as race mixing is tightly controlled and done moderately to the point where mixed couples + hybrid kids only represent less than 0.5~0.1% of the total population, all this paranoia on race mixing shouldn't even matter.

However, anything higher than that or literal open border race mixing (like Europe is doing right now) is troubling and should be dealt with.

And then that guy in the other thread went shitstorm on me accusing me of this and that.

wow your a faggot


How am I faggot?

Literally whom?

I have a self portrait drawn by Emily Carr.

If you're mixed race but have pledged allegiance and loyalty to the white race, the Canadian nation, and British Crown, have recognized your position as a subordinate, and have vowed not to reproduce - especially not with any white women, then you can stay.

Anything less, and we're sending you back to Chingland.

End of LARP

Hahaha, what the fuck, it's like Big Bird ate an ayylien.

We should put my Fathers art on it.

Meh, I want a Japanese wife. You can rest assured?

Or if say a Russian woman in Japan (plenty of them in Japan), would it matter at all considering both of us wouldn't plan on "returning to Russia any time soon?"

Let me know your viewpoint. I'm still learning.

Follow the laws (check), abide by their culture (check), serve the citizens and the well being of the country (check.)

dude, dude, dude, you are literally a fucking narcissist

if you want to marry a Japanese woman and have children, then you should go to Japan and do that. In my hypothetical, likely-to-never-happen future white Canada, all non-whites will be deported back to their respective racial homelands (or executed if they resist), and all those special cases (i.e. hapas who are interested in promoting the European cause) may be able to stay on a case-by-case basis (only as second-tier citizens, though).

Like I said, if it's moderate or tightly controlled, it shouldn't be a problem. If it's literal open borders like Europe is going through right now, then there's a problem.

Let me phrase it better. You can't stop race mixing. Someone's going to do it no matter what. Immigration and emigration happens everyday too. People want to find better opportunities in other countries if their country sucks.

If all countries close their borders entirely, problems with economy is going to arise, would it?

I don't support blatant race mixing in European or North American countries either. But like I said, if it's controlled, it should be okay, no?

Like, I just want a healthy discussion. Image boards exist for discussion, right? If it's wrong, you can explain to me why it's wrong. But play it civil and have a bit of respect for each other. No?

Look, I'm young. I want to learn, k?

And what a bargain, it only costs the Royal Canadian Mint something like 200 million dollars a year to use her portrait on coins. Not sure how it works on bills though or if the Germans are still printing the money in Canada.

Hey, at least you got your weed and a hip, young leader who is in touch with the cool kids!

We are all sinking in the same boat.

look, nobody owes you anything, much less opportunity. instead of running away and siphoning off somebody else's success, they instead should stay and try to better the country they're part of and hopefully improve their own position in it

has the notion that a globalized economy is a bad thing? besides limited trade, how does a nation benefit from immigration? a nation's only priority should be to its own people, as a nation itself is a conglomerated entity of the people that live there

race isn't a social construct, society is a racial construct

bringing in foreigners does nothing but fundamentally change white societies, as societies themselves are projections of the people. white societies are made for white people, because they are made by white people. the same could be said for asians


Trump is building the wall on the wrong border

Nah, it should be outright banned, with all racemixers getting deported to whatever place their partner came from (along with their partner, of course). If someone wants to betray their people in such a way, then they shouldn't have the privilege of living in our society.

This honestly wouldn't be a problem, though, considering non-white immigration would be zero in this hypothetical white ethno-state.

I doubt it'd be that hard. I mean, maybe a couple people would slip through the cracks, but then they should rightfully be ostracized and even deported, so social stigmatization and the fear being kicked out of the country would be a great enough deterrent.

Well tough fucking shit for them. If they're non-white, then they can kiss coming to our countries goodbye. They're not entitled to our societies, and nor do we have any obligation to them. It's incredibly easy to stop all immigration of non-whites. Being a mongrel, you just want to pretend this isn't the case so you can justify further racemixing and non-white immigration.

You can still engage in international trade without colonizing yourself with racial foreigners "looking for a better life". Stop trying to pretend non-white immigration is inevitable, you mong

No. It's not okay under any circumstances.

Anyone who race mixes is a traitor to their race and nation, as they have made a grand statement that their own hedonistic desires come before the preservation of their people and their child's right to an identity. We need to have a no tolerance race mixing policy or it'll go from "controlled" to "acceptable" to "encouraged".

How old are you?

What's fucking wrong with the bitch we've already got?

he's a first year college student so I'd have to guess he's 18/19. the only reason he's so emotionally invested in non-white immigration is because he's personally benefit getting into a college in Canada, which means a white guy probably got denied so he could get in.

his autistic daddy is also apparently obsessed with white culture so he thinks he's going to save europe and be able to dump the old gook off on us

Yeah, well since he's got some hard on for preserving Europe, he may be an honorary resident in our nation, but I'd have no interest in granting him equal status to Whites or full on citizenship.

if we're going to bother with the hassle of "honorary citizens" can there at least be like a clause on "honorary citizens" saying their citizenship can be revoked at anytime for any reason deemed fit?

These new polymer bills are much more difficult to deface.

They don't even burn well.

fair enough. Racemixing comes to mind as a perfect example of such an offense.

Like I mentioned here I'd only accept him as an honorary citizen if he pledged allegiance to the nation and white Europeans.

She'll eventually be replaced with the future king of England.

1. How are you going to do that if all the jobs are taken by Mexicans and immigrants because Obama? Also, isn't that ironic considering that clearly didn't work in Europe centuries ago which is why so many Europeans immigrated to North America in the first place?

2. Well here's the thing. Companies need to survive, right? Money is everything and you also got competition. If Company A does the ethical thing and hire the natives, Company B, C, and D is still going to hire Mexicans or ask a third party to do shit for them to "cut costs so that the company can survive."

Not to mention global competition at the same, no? I understand what you're trying to say. Immigration doesn't really benefit the country in some way, but at the same time, what are you going to do? You gotta be realistic about it. Then again, I'm no economics expert, so unless you have something figured out, I'd like to know.

3. And yes, I agree with you that race is not a social construct. Those who think it is, is an idiot.

4. I totally agree with you about the white society for whites, asian society for asians, but the market man… the global market is ever so changing and it's so competitive. You got China exploiting everything than can to make easy money, how are you going to compete with them?

I mean, that's kind of the reason why Target in Canada closed down and retreated back to the US, because they couldn't compete with Walmart and their dirty cheap labor. Then again, that's a bad example so scratch that.

Well, how are you going to enforce in that in the first place? Also, you got male Caucasians who think female Caucasians lack a certain "charm" that makes East-Asian women better. I'm just making an example here. Ugh let's see… There are too many Caucaisan women in Burgerland that suck the cocks of Jews, take women studies courses, or they're all faggots that have a high chance of leaching on their husband for more shekels to buy their expensive shoes and bags and be a worthless piece of trash without their husband. It is simply hard to find a woman that reaches your ideals. So in that specific scenario, what is your typical Male Caucasian goy gonna do? Not reproduce? Like, help me here.

Which is what Japan does heavily to Negro x Japanese hybrids, but not so much with Asian x Japanese or White x Japanese. But that's Japan and not Europe or North America. Those half-Negros eventually immigrate somewhere else and it's one less problem for Japan. So yea, you got a point there.

No, here's the thing. It all comes down to money and wanting to be successful in life. Or it really depends on what profession you're aiming for. For example, I have a friend who's from the UK and he told me he's in China right now because there are opportunities there that the UK doesn't. Like say, the market, job opportunities are either low or absolute shit. He rather fly to some other country than to wait in the UK and work at McDonald's. Something like that.

You have a point about trading, but if nothing goes in or out in terms of immigration or emigration, what are you going to do if said country has a depression or an economic collapse? What are you going to do? Here in Canada, the dollar is fucking high and companies are cutting jobs and going bankrupt. I would like to know in your perspective, what the average guy is going to do now that he's out of a job? What if he gets shit pay, what are you going to do? What are the chances of finding a different job within the country?

Think about it. The engineers who worked on the Avrow Arrow all lost their job when Canada closed the project. Then they were hired to work at NASA and now they're fucking rich. You see where I'm going at? You simply can't close the borders. It's solve one problem, but it'll create another problem. Nothing is perfect.

If you don't agree with me, then I'd like to listen your opinion on how the citizens of Canada, US, or any other European country is going to stay stable.

I'm 20 and I'm entering college this year to become an engineer.

Lol, are you for real? A college decides if a person is worthy to enter the college based on the degree's requirements, teacher's note, test scores, and how the kid performed at school blah blah blah. Whether or not a person goes to college should not be judged whether he is white or yellow.

You're a moron, a laughable one.

I'm fine with permanent resident. Your country, not mine. I just hate to see blonde + blue eyed people disappear from history forever.

That should go for all the Jews too then, but oh right, they won't expels them because "that's racist, antisemitic and they partially or greatly control our government sectors." I don't know man, you're throwing ideas but would the governments controlled by the Jews listen to you?

See, I'm using my skill sets to become powerful and try to better Europe at least by uncucking Germany in the first place. If you want "honorary citizens" to have their citizenship revoked any time you want, you better start planning your future to become a powerful figurehead in your country or the country you're aiming to unuck.

That's what the Jews did. They became powerful and now they control the world. It is time people like me or you think of ways to become powerful like the Jews and throw them off their thrown.

Sure thing. That's agreeable, I think. I plan on doing that in the first place. The Japanese in Canada are all brainwashed apologetic fucks who think Japan shouldn't have been nuked and let the USSR commie-fy Northern Japan.

Because commie-fying Japan isn't going to create radical leftists who will eventually grow up and become Prime Minister/Councilor/President of Japan, right? RIGHT? Oh wait, that's what happened to Germany… good lord…

No, I wasn't shitting on you. I'm shitting on the Japanese Canadians who didn't thought of that and decide to block me or ignore me when I mentioned that to them.

If I ever want citizenship in Europe, or say Germany, being a second class citizen is alright. Taiwan was okay with that during the war and they still don't give a fuck that they were treated as 2nd class citizens by the Japanese. Heck, the relationship between Taiwan and Japan is pretty damn good. Taiwan respects Japan and they thank them.

See, this kind of conversation? I'm fine with it. You guys aren't throwing around accusations, telling me to fuck off, go suck a dick, that my race is shit and how I should be go this and that blah blah blah. This is the type of conversation I want. An intelligent one where we debate ideas and shit.

I simply want a civil discussion. And I said this kind of stuff (>>5876396) because I couldn't get a decent, civilized conversation so I snapped.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with me or I agree or disagree with you, I want things civil if possible. And guess what? I do agree with some or most of your points regardless. I don't want to fight with you guys, I'm not a secret Jew trying to trick you guys. Hell, I don't even have Jewish genes to begin with NOR am I going all "shekel shekel I want to Jew World Order-fy the world."

Like seriously guys, I understand there are leftypol fags and apologists lurking around here, but for the love of God, please trust me… at least a bit, okay? I just want to learn shit, I want to converse, I want to increase my world view. Why do you think I came here to begin with? Why do you think I'm not on half-chan's Holla Forums? You guys left half-chan because it's no longer what it used to be. That place is censored due to Kiketopher Poole.

So I ask you guys this. Please don't be hostile with me.

You do realize reversing a globalized economy is as simple as levying tariffs on foreign goods, right? The post-colonial American government increased tariffs on British goods entering the country which caused American business to sprout up in order to avoid paying ridiculous high tariff prices and the businesses themselves had less competition from foreign competitors. This is what fostered America's boom until tariffs were lifted from countries like China in the 80's and American manufacturing fled overseas to pay 2nd world chinks $1.00 a week. See how globalizing the economy negatively effected both parties? Look at Detroit for further proof. To compensate for the lack of manufacturing jobs, America made a deal with Middle-Eastern oil sheiks to only sell their oil for American dollars in which they were given billions of dollars in unbacked derivatives while forcing every other country to forcible sell produces to the U.S. for worthless fiat currency in order to by oil for production and energy, this is called the Petrodollar system and its the backbone of the American service industry. The other problem is foreign workers. Foreign workers are able to undercut the wages American workers receive because they're willing to work for less money doing the same job. This becomes a huge problem when illegal immigrants come in. Not only do they not have to pay taxes on the money they earn, they receive free medical care and government benefits that put them well ahead of the American worker doing the same job.

So here it is put simply:

Create tariffs + kill immigration = self-sustained national economy

If you go one step further and kill off government regulations, small, independently owned mom & pop store become more frequent and family owned manufacturing plants reemerge.

Long story short, global economy and immigration have killed America and other 1st world nations financially.

Easy, shut down and heavily guard borders and end immigration. it's not needed and it weakens white societies. The only reason European immigration worked in America was because many of the people coming from Europe were ethnically white and shared similar cultures and a common religion. Nowadays, you can hardly tell which part of Europe your average white person's heritage came from just by looking at them. This allowed them to assimilate into an American identity. Blacks didn't matter because they were already second-class citizens and were a nation of their own practically as they were segregated from white society as a whole. That was the case until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 when the U.S. opened it's borders to everyone. With other racial groups they're still hyphenate-Americans that retain their own communities within America, preventing them from assimilating. Now being an American means absolutely nothing as there is no common unifying cultural belief of make-up that unites the people of the continent. America has been limping along since then, with whites slowly losing their majority status in a country that was once theirs

People don't have freedom of association in most white countries and are force to serve non-whites. If individuals were able to refuse services and jobs, non-whites would self-deport from white countries too

Other countries don't owe you this and it only further helps to destroy national sovereignty trough a universal economy

Again, this wouldn't be an issue if globalization wouldn't have occurred as many nations would have their own independent economies free from the control of a hand full of mega corporations

Yeah, but I guaranteed you that there was a white guy that had the same exact credentials as you but you still got in over him due to diversity incentive at colleges. Why should a country invest in your education too if you yourself said you're just going to take that education and level back to Japan with it? How does that economically benefit the society that you benefited from being in?

Most people don't realize Jews are a problem as they have assimilated into white cultures with many of them appearing to be white (that's immigration and how it's "benefited" whites again for you) and most people still think it's just a religion and not it's own ethnic group

Look, only Germany and white people are going to save themselves from all this. Asians need to mind their own business

You really want to get your dick in Germany, don't you?

I still stand by the notion you're a gook that hardly knows shit and should mind your own business. You think you're making white countries better but in fact your helping to make them worse

Canada is the laughing stock of the g8
Cucked beyond the event horizon

Literally answered all my questions. Light bulbs were flashing everywhere and I had an image of myself cocking a pump-action shotgun ready to storm the front-lines to finish what Hitler started.

In simple terms, holy motherfucking shit. Amazing. Truly, amazing. Thank you very much.

Question is, how are we going to get your "system" across to Trump and the rest of Europe? I mean, it sounds brilliant. Reverse the laws that cucked America (and Canada?) and make the country great again… why haven't I thought of that? Oh right, I didn't study American history because it was an optional course in high-school here in Canada. Then again, various important facts would be removed from said textbooks.

Interesting… very interesting.

You know what? I haven't thought of that one bit. "Diversity." Why hasn't that popped up in my mind?? Jesus Christ, how did you thought of all this? Simply lurking Holla Forums, or is it a combination of reading various books that mention these things along with the stuff you wrote above?

Sorry, I was being sarcastic and it was not aimed at you or anyone on this thread. It was aimed at the foolish Japanese Canadians who have zero brains.
Merkel was from East Germany, correct? And basically that's how she went full lefty retard. So imagine if USSR controlled Northern Japan after the war and you had a movement similar to the Free German Youth. Think of how many Japanese kids would be indoctrinated with socialist values. Ouch.
Yet the Japanese Canadians don't realize this and still think a-bomb shouldn't have happened.

Like I said, 2nd class citizen with restricted rights. What harm would I do in that country with RESTRICTED RIGHTS? I'd like to know.

Also, I find it strange how for the past few days, people were calling me a gook when I don't even have Korean blood to begin with. :/ I find that very strange. Wouldn't nip, chink, or jap be a better insult?

Anyways, like I said, I'm still learning. Full invasion of Germany to uncuck it is a long way in the future. And I'd most likely talk it with advisers, you guys (?), and conservative Germans like Ursula (people similar to based Grandma?).

I don't mean to be insulting, but you sound very young. Underageb&, even.

Ahaha, sorry. I'll watch my tone next time.

Pajeet detected.

You're new to chans, aren't you?


Canada's money is printed on cotton candy. It doesn't really matter what they put on their notes. When it rains it all disappears.

then why did my fiver survive a cycle through the wash?

It's a fake.

You larpers are hilariously stupid.

hello there, poo-coloured individual

sounds about right

Bullshit. I experienced the same thing. I forgot I had a $5 bill in my pocket and I put it in the washer.

Few days later, I realized there was a crumbled up bill in my pocket. It literally shrined 1/7th to 1/10th of it's original size.

Mind you, it was the paper money, not the new plastic ones.

Aside from the queen, Laura Secord is the only acceptable woman to put on a Canadian bank note.

For fuck sake, we just got new bills like 2 years ago. LEAVE THE MONEY ALONE. STOP FUCKING WITH IT. FUCKING PROGRESSIVE SHITHEADS.

top fucking kek
Holla Forums's Holla Forums is one place even more pathetic than 4chan's Holla Forums. at least the latter doesnt unironically believe in a fucking meme.
OP is the type of kid who got bullied by full white kids at school and now tries too hard to be "aryan"


symbol of hope and equality

Not really… one of my highschool friends who I still have contact with is German.

Other friends I still keep contacts with are all or mostly perusing STEM degrees. They're all good people.

Wrong. Only presidents should be on paper money.

You're cute, we could be friends.

Even worse in Switzerland. There was a contest, they decided °against° the winner, and chose pic related. wtf.

Context please. What is going on in this bank note.

what was the winner, though?

First was a guy with revolutionary designs. What Switzerland really is about, STEM, Banking and Security. They stirred up "controversies" and gave the run to a chick, with the obvious result being this… windy design. It is not bad, but also not genuinely Swiss, i.e. innovative.


Yeah, the virus. And an embryo. Whatever. They depict real stuff and problems we have to solve, not "some dude" or a woman. Money cannot solve those problems, but alleviate them.

And they prolonged the printing up to the point serious papers had to concede it being very suspicious during the CHF-Euro-peg…