How do I make y own VST plugins?
I know there are some basic VST open firmwares or whatever out there, but everything made though those I've tried as a consumer has been total garbage, so I'm kinda skeptical about it all...
How do I make y own VST plugins?
I know there are some basic VST open firmwares or whatever out there, but everything made though those I've tried as a consumer has been total garbage, so I'm kinda skeptical about it all...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why VST? If you don't need windows then LADSPA has you covered.
Another option is to make your app JACK aware with the JACK API, that way you don't need to worry about whatever monstrosity the VST is.
You can't polish a turd. Stop using VST.
making LADSPA plugins could be interesting, but there aren't really any good DAWs on Linux yet.
the only good one that comes to mind is Bitwig, and from what I've heard it's far from stable
don't be fucking idiot memster
just wait for the recent Reaper port, user
Ardour 4 has been a complete revamp from 3.
Ardour 4 is fucking awesome.
Reaper will be coming out.
Steinberg are stewards of the VST standard, here are their SDK:
jeeeeez ur killin me
It just really sad, a lot of VST effect plugin just doesn't work with wine.
LADSPA plugin is a better choice.
or they just didn't want to deal with the nygger outrage
wrong thread.
that shit has never worked and probably never will
hmm worked for me just earlier...
The fuck is a vue?
I don't see the problem.
Let me guess, the review didn't fellate the game and the developers of it for making the same game a fourth time therefore REEEEEEEEEEEEEE DOWNVOTE TIME?
So many crybabies and faggots in gaming. Sad!
it's fun to fuel the fire
n1ce mem