Hotpocket Edit: Don't delete this thread, it's hilarious.
The biggest thing the left does that we don't do effectively is network and organize. The closer the happening becomes, the more important it becomes that you stop being scared faggots and make contacts… reach out… participate in something. You need local communities before we can have a national movement. When it happens, your local support group is all you'll have… including family and friends. The more friends and family you have, the better your chances.
So look… the business kikes have an app out there they use specifically so their communication (email, text, etc…) can't be used against them in a court of law (this is highly valuable to them)… it's called CyberDust, so this is what we're using in Atlanta (you should remember the ATL Fed protest not long ago).
…Holla Forums hasn't commented on it yet, but the Tox fags have opposed it (largely because it isn't open source) but haven't been able to comment on any actual vulnerabilities. They want you to use their software because Holla Forums has an ego that they want fed, regardless of the overall goals of Holla Forums.
Post Format for this Thread (my info). ADD ME ATL NON-NIGGERS
Below is some copypasta from the faq
Cyber Dust is for anyone 13 years or older who wants to communicate instantly and securely without leaving a digital footprint.
(tl:dr 12 year olds btfo)
We ask for user’s email addresses upon sign up to ensure that users can recover or reset their password. Omitting the email address prevents users from resetting their password in the event that it is forgotten or changed
(tl:dr Create a bullshit email for this application, just google "temporary email" (nb4 jewgle))
Yes. Every message is protected with its own unique 128-bit AES encryption which is further secured by an RSA 2048-bit key.
Cyber Dust is only permitted to be used by people who are 13 years of age or older.
(tl:dr 12 year olds not btfo since you can just lie about your birth date)
Messages delete based on their length, ranging from 20 to 100 seconds. If for some reason the recipient does not view the message within 24 hours, it will expire and be deleted forever. Messages on our servers are never saved to disk, and are only stored in memory until they are delivered or expire.
You can also completely delete your account and uninstall the app with 5 taps, making plausible deniability very easy.