Red pill me on the Indians

Been trying to do some independent research on the red folk, but I keep meeting dead ends in the form of kosher history and typical PC bullshit.

Can anyone give me a real history of our interactions with the Indians, their racial background (asian branch race or unique race), what actual culture they possessed in their prime compared to modern times.

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What books have you read?

Poorfag, so I read what was available at my library. It went about as well as you'd think.

What did you read exactly and what qualifications did the authors have?

Injuns are literally just niggers. They scam their own people, have constant fighting with the police "muh land", and have no culture of their own

Feathers or dots?

Wew lad
Why you say that?

Holla Forums in a nutshell. you fucking idiot

natives are mostly just unevolved mongoloid retards, the fact that they are latching onto anti-white talking points when the only thing between them and being subsumed in the mestizo shitpool is the white man. also most of them are mixed


At least you have natives more intelligent than aboriginals.

In the time it took you to type up that blog post, you could have listed five books or authors.

You don't think things through very much, do you?

What are you? A nigger?

Are indians and injuns two different things or the same?

Do you know how to do independent research and form thoughts or do you need all your opinions spoon-fed to you over the internet?

All apples are fruit but not all fruit are apples

Holla Forums thinks Anglos are kikes, not niggers.

Boy, wherever have I heard that rhetoric before…
Filtered and dismissed; stay salty little boy.

Yeah but, all krabby patties are good.

They didn't even have THE WHEEL when settlers came from Europe.

They are hedonistic savages who openly accept transexuality and homosexuality - goolge "two-spirit".

Sorry for entering your safe space, this your thread and I for got to check my not-being-a-fucking-idiot privilege.


Yes, "Injun" or "Engine" is what Americans call Native Americans or "Indians"

When I say "Americans" obviously I'm excluding leftists (primarily Californians and New Yorkers)

Indians are an odd sort.

In America they're pacified as fuck and tend to live on their reserves and rob people with their casinos, including their own. In Canada, depending where you are they're pretty pacified* to all out war with locals or anyone trying to go into the woods. I don't know anything about the Indians that may or may not still exist in Mexico.

*pacified in this case being intentionally ODing on prescription drugs or just the classic drinking oneself to death.

They're essentially tree/plains niggers depending on the climate.

1. The origins of North American Natives are certain islands next to the coast of Siberia, the Ainu are likely their remnants.
2. They spread to this land very exploitatively, and made thousands of species extinct.
3. They warred amongst one another and perpettrated innumerable genocides before white people ever came.
4. At the time white people came, they used

Their "culture" accomplishes nothing but self-pity and hedonism.

Native Americans have lower IQs than whites on average- but smarter than blacks.

Their preferable to blacks, but still un-productive self-destructive and undesirable.

They don't even work together towards common goals- they race-mix too. So many "Natives" I run into here in California are completely mongrolized.

They hold, desperately onto the "Native" identity because they've accomplished nothing and want to feel oppressed so they can rationalize being complete LOSERS.

They are disgusting sub-human savages who drink windex and rape their sisters.

I remember their protesting the vancouver olympics.

Canuckstan is too nice to indians, and the maxist elements encourage them to chimp out.

These people lived in true harmony with nature before the Anglo scums poured in their lands.
They were men of the Earth, they didn't enter the cycle of economy because they never needed to and lived just like every human used to live once.
These guys had more fun with a piece of wood than we can ever have dream to have with all our cinema, video games and shit.

This whole shit known as modernity is meant to collapse. At some point or another, when this system will collapse, we're going to need to go back to the fundamentals. It won't be done without damages.

Earth don't belong to men, but men belong to Earth.


Fuck off "Chief Great Fag"


Hey, that's kind of hot.

forest niggers

You mean the land white people explored ~12k years prior to Asians did?


The red man never exists, prove it. IF you want to believe in the red man then you are expelling emotional energy for strangers. Stop expelling emotional energy for strangers and aliens.

Those would have been the city type of Indian, they don't really do anything unless it might bring them money, i.e being suicidal drunk fucks or protesting god only knows what. The ones outside of the cities tend to be shat on and hated by everyone due to how fucking worthless they are. The ones up far north who chimp only do so because there is no real law up there other than a token gestapo office with a car or two.

Last time I visited my friend who works up in Canada, it was a refreshing shock to see rural folk acting in a manner that would cause the average tumblrite to commit suicide. The Rural-Urban divide is real, Cities should not have as much power as they do because look at who they crowned in Canada.

With that being said faggots who want gib me dats shouldn't have the right to vote now that I think of it.

Get fucked, webm related.

I am an Asian.

They were communists in their final form, weak and eternally at war with one another.

They tried to treat white settlers like they treated each other, murdering them, stealing their possessions, wives, and children, and torturing and gangraping them. Noses and ears burned off. Fingers amputated. Etc.

They thought they could treat us like their other weak neighbors. Our massive military and industrial strength, accumulated over a mere century of of free market economics, absolutely crushed them beyond recovery.

But the white man is too kind. Too soft on savagery. He let them live, and even now subsidizes their communist ways.

If you think I'm kidding, or exaggerating, go to any indian reservation (outside of the Lakota, who I think have adopted free markets and individual rights at the tribal level, at least to some degree). Talk to the people there. Those who live on the reservations are generally not allowed to own property. They exist at the whim of their leadership, who distributes the government handouts as they see fit, and are usually all too happy to fuck over anyone who causes problems.

They had the wheel. They didn't have large beasts of burden, so it wasn't useful for much other than toys. Mesoamericans at least had SOME respect for property rights, even if they had little or no respect for people's rights not to have their fucking hearts cut out or their young girls gang raped then skinned alive to appease their insane, lecherous, degenerate priests.

Injuns heavily populate Oklahoma,most are drunks.They live off the welfare system for the most part,be it through American or tribal welfare.They are funny to watch when they are drunk,basically if you want to learn about them do it from a distance.

Also a Nobel Savage is just an out numbered savage.

Here's what happened.

There are two types of native Americans, those who accepted they lost and moved on, and those who still think it's 1800's

This is entirely dependent on which tribe you're discussing, they are not the same culturally, nor genetically. Those in the plains, and in the west were complete savages. Some in Oregon even wore bark for clothes because they couldn't invent hide clothing. Some in the east formed a large Confederacy and came up with governmental laws which served as inspiration for the US constitution. They used a novel form of farming where they essentially gardened the natural environment to become more fertile in edible plants and animals. Huge numbers of these Easterners integrated perfectly into White culture, and generally go around pretending to be European, because they hate the stigma of being Indian. Very few are members of the modern incarnations of their tribes.

There we go, that's what I wanted to see when I opened the thread. Do either of you have some authors or videos you'd recommend to learn more about both angles?

The history doesn't fucking matter. Its the same situation as with blacks today. They are either taking responsibility for their lives or living in a perpetual state of victimhood.
And all the shit that happened in the past is just that. Fucking history.

Somehow that "victim" status seems harder to kick than a lifetime addiction to heroin. It usually goes hand in hand with drug and alcohol addiction, which usually comes after establishing a family then abandoning the family so that the kids grow up surrounded by the same shit mentality.

Plains Indians: incompatible culture to urbanisation, drunk
East coast: wiped out, consumed, or drunk
South East: ??? I remember the swamp ones are 'unconquered'
Southwest: small tourism, movie roles, drunk
West coast to Inuit: actually kept some of their shit together, fishermen, drunk
Meso-America: mexicans good and bad, over urbanised?

Solid bros or worthless chugs, it depends. The further north, the more corrupt and useless. Passimoquaddy, Miqmac and Malseet are great, Innu and Cree, not so much.

t. Halifax


Two words: Mohawk ironworks;view=fulltext

WE INDIANS are supposed to hate the white man. Everyone tells me this. I’ve heard it from whites, blacks and even from Indians.
Well, folks, I hate to disappoint you, but I like white people just fine. To tell the truth, I rather admire them and their fascinating history.
Oh, I know what you’re thinking. "Yeagley! How can you say that? How can you admire a people who slaughtered your ancestors, gave smallpox to those left alive, herded them onto reservations, made them all drunks, and as the final indignity sold their turquoise mines to the Japanese?"
Well, the way I figure it, anyone who could whip our Indian behinds like the white man did deserves our highest respect. And anyone who can whip a Comanche (my tribe) deserves the Medal of Honor.
I admire a man who can beat me. I dare say, deep inside all Indians at least those who are still warriors at heart there is a special admiration for the white man.
When the Comanches first encountered the white man, his behavior didn’t shock them. They saw that he took what he wanted by force. And they understood. Because the Comanches did the same to their weaker neighbors.

If my ancestors had been strong enough, they would have taken the white man’s land, instead of the other way around. And they wouldn’t have felt guilty about it afterwards. You wouldn’t have seen any defeated white people getting affirmative action from Comanches.
When one general surrenders to another, they salute each other. It doesn’t mean that there’s no bitterness between them. It just means that a warrior respects his foe.
White people understand this, because they too come from a warrior culture. The white man has great respect for the Indian. I’m not saying he always treats us the way we want to be treated. But he respects us for putting up a good fight.
Have you ever noticed how cowboyandIndian movies always focus on the same tribes? It’s either the Sioux, the Apaches or the Comanches. White people remember those tribes, because they fought hard and were the last to surrender.
Why does the U.S. military have helicopters named "Apache" and "Comanche" but none that are named "Arikara" or "Ojibwa?" They name their weapons systems after the fiercest tribes, because they want some of that fierceness to rub off.
Back in the 1930s, the warrior spirit was still strong in Indians and white men alike. At that time, the Oceti Sakowin Hunkpapa Sioux elders of Standing Rock honored the University of North Dakota by giving them permission to use the name "Fighting Sioux" for their sports teams.
At that time, many old people, both whites and Indians, still remembered the last wars. Wounded Knee was more recent for them than World War II is for us.
Yet they saluted each other, warrior to warrior. Because one fighting people understands another.
Today, the leftists tell us that the "Fighting Sioux" name is an insult to Indians, and we must demand that the university change it. I guess that goes for the Apache and Comanche helicopters too.

I’ve written other columns on this issue. Everyone knows where I stand. I’m with the Sioux elders, who believe that a warrior can respect and honor his foe.
Some people get it. Some don’t.
Keith Rushing doesn’t. He’s a black man from Hampton, VA, who wrote to me February 22, in response to my February 13 column, "Don’t Walk the Black Man’s Path."

Mr. Rushing was "shocked" by my attitude.
"I’m sure you realize that the reference to the ‘Fighting Sioux’ is akin to calling Native Americans wild Indians," he lectured me. "I'm a black man but I've never quite understood why whiteowned athletic teams have this fantasy about fierce Indian warriors when they unfortunately decimated so many Indian people. There's some sick irony involved there."
In Mr. Rushing’s view, the "fierce Indian warrior" is nothing but a white "fantasy." We were not warriors, he implies, but poor, defenseless victims who were "decimated" without putting up a fight.
Mr. Rushing seems to feel that there is more honor in being pathetic. Perhaps he feels we should think of ourselves as alcoholic, diabetic, suicidal and unemployed.
No thank you.
The white man may have taken my land. But he took it like a warrior, fair and square. Yes, he treated my people harshly. But he never denied their bravery, never besmirched their memory as warriors.
But you did, Mr. Rushing. You did.

You niggers need to read up on the dorset people

Injuns were genociding each other long before whitey set foot in America.

They're like dumber asians, much lower IQ, but have the same serotonin levels. Most of them are small and plump, and not much of a threat unless you agitate them collectively.

I hear they are much different in Canada, and cause lots of trouble. Personally, I believe this is because Canadians have a skewed vision of what a problem minority is really like due to having so few 'groids.

Whereas the Canadian will complain about Indians drinking too much and singing stupid songs, and the Australian will complain about Aboriginals in the same way, the American complains about blacks stabbing someone to death over the last copy of Madden '16. So keep that in mind.

Being a Native American is like being born dead. You have no culture of your own, your race is practically dead with no chance of resurgence, your parents are worthless alcoholics with no drive or ambition. The things that natives suffer are what the whites are currently trying to avoid.

Native Americans practiced slavery and genocide

The tribal lands we took from them were all relatively recently acquired in most cases. The mound people for instance didn't die out from nothing.

They are also serve in the military by the highest per capita amount.

I respect their culture and am glad we have preserved it as well as we have over the centuries.

They do however really should only live on their reservations

They're not actually from India.

The native tribes resisted uncontrolled immigration and were nearly wiped out as a result.

What? Just sayin'. :^)

I spent my early youth in Valentine Nebraska. I worked on the Rosebud Indian reservation in South Dakota when I was 8 to 11 years old back in the '70's. I am part Native American, but I look white and my family didn't observe any Native American customs. This is my anecdotal experience with the Native Americans there.

I grew up poor, in a very white town. As such, the neighborhood I lived in was poor. People had jobs, they just didn't pay very well, and most people didn't know how to manage their money, my family included. So everyone was living paycheck to paycheck for the most part. I was on welfare for a short time, but my father did everything he could to get us off of it.

I noticed many differences on the Rosebud reservation. There was a very high rate of dependence on the government. Probably worse than black people. At the first of the month there were long lines at the post office. My father told me they were there to pick up their checks from the government. To this day I don't know if it was only welfare, or if it was some sort of special payment to the tribe that they dispersed to the rest of the people.

They hated white people. It was my first experience with racism, and I didn't understand why they were so mean to me, being a little kid. My father told me they didn't like me because I was white. But, even in Nebraska I grew up believing only white people were racist, and that the reason they hated me is because I was racist.

The people on the reservation were very lazy. They would take advantage of me by stealing from my father when I was the only one there and couldn't do anything about it. I remember one day my father was visiting with a customer, and after we left he told me that guy was the only Native American he had any respect for. That every other one he dealt with was lazy, or a scammer, or living off the government. Now, my father actually was racist because of his experiences with working on the Rosebud reservation, but he probably had a point.

I did witness an attack on an older Native American couple one time when I went to the store in Valentine (with some food stamps). I was walking home, and a pick up truck with some rednecks in it drove past and threw sticks at the couple.

I have a lot more, but I have to go. Sorry.



The Indians are blood-thirsty savages. They would cut out your intestines while you were still alive and beat you as they nailed them to a tree. They would beat you and force you to walk around the tree until all your guts spilled out.

Pretty much they were stone age tribals.
Not even the most basic of metalworking or agricultural capacity.

They lived a nomadic hunter gatherer lifestyle and would war with other tribes over access to hunting grounds and to take women.

Initially relations with the new world colonists were difficult at best. But more typically bad as the tribals interacted with the colonists in the manner they did other tribes.
They warred over hunting ground and took women.
They weren't really prepared for the concept of land ownership and for the time modern weapons.

Their culture was your typical primitive stone age tribal culture.
Colourful certainly but you can find existing examples in primitive african or south american tribes. Not exactly the same of course but the same in principle.

The only oddities were their ability to understand borders in the sense of controlling territory and that they understood politics to a point that made alliances and formal confederations of tribes possible.

After a while when the Empire had asserted control over its new world colonies it demanded an end to the colonials push westward and aggressive stance towards the natives.
In an unusual situation for stone age tribals they actually were able to negotiate and understand to an extent the ideas of formal treaties and royal proclomations.
Even the natives in Canada exhibited this unusual behaviour compared to other stone age groups and continue to use the royal proclomation of 1763 as the basis for a number of legal rights they demand the Canadian government respect.

Even more curious is that many of the native tribes in what is now the USA understood the situation well enough to ally themselves with the Empire when the colonists rebelled.
Understanding that if the colonists won then they would suffer considerably at their hands even if they supported them.

All in all they're an unusual specimen of stone age tribals but certainly not superior to whitey.
Don't know much about them racially mind. Never cared but I would imagine that they're adapted to the level of development they had achieved which would explain their failure to adapt to life in more developed societies.

I wasn't going to speak out on this, but since there are Mormons and edgelords in this thread shitting it up with their masturbatory fantasies, and since some people seem to actually be taking it seriously, I suppose I have no choice.

We'll start at the beginning. The initial meetings between Indians and the British who came to the New World did not go very well. This is because the very first settlements were not actually "colonist" groups at all, but military outposts. Back then, what people wanted was a back route to China and the Far East. They didn't expect to see a landmass in the way, and once they found it, they assumed it was just a narrow strip of land. So the objective for the traders and merchants was to gain a military presence on the near edge, build roads to the other side, and make ports there so the route could be established.

To this end, the very first arrivals were not farmers, or herdsmen, or anything of the sort. They were mercenaries, primarily comprised of retired soldiers and ex-convicts.

This is important, because this explains something that is contradictory in the textbook story of pilgrims and indians. Namely, that a bunch of rural farmers could come over to America to start a new life in the New World, but somehow manage to completely forget how to grow anything or feed themselves at all.

The reason for this happening is because that first group, which the Pocahontas and Thanksgiving stories are based off of, were not farmers at all. They were military security. And they did not pack nearly enough supplies, because the higher ups actually believed the Spanish tall tales about a land of milk and honey, where the bottoms of rivers were mirrors from all the silver, and the native cities with streets paved out of gold.

So thanks to the stupidity, greed, incompetence, and oversight of (((British accountants))), the first contact between indians and the white man was reasonably civil (but not exactly nice) indians and starving mercenaries who were the Age of Sail equivalent of the Black Water Company.

Needless to say, it did not go over well. It's difficult to tell who actually attacked first. Considering the desperation of the mercenaries, and the fact that many of them were ex-cons, I'm inclined to give the indians a pass on this and say it was likely the settlers, especially since, by all accounts, they were to the stage of starvation of cooking boots, eating dogs, and contemplating turning to cannibalism.

Regardless of who shot first, shots were fired, and that caused a war. It didn't last long, and it didn't really destroy either side, but it soured relations irrevocably. By the time the actual pilgrims came over, with bibles and families and the tools to raise barns and build the New World, the damage had already been done.

So if you want to ask why the indians had beef with us, the answer would be British kike accountants. If they had handled the situation correctly, they would have sent the pilgrims first and followed afterwards with soldiers once farms and settlements had been established. But if there are two things you can always count on Jews to be, it's greedy and impatient.

Makes sense.

Kikes ruin everything it seems.

Why not?

Buffalo, large cervines, even large dogs.

Hell, they may even have had horses.

No excuse for this shit.

This man unknowingly touched a noticeable habit of the SJW/Progressive/Feminist: The worship of weakness.

Whether it's the feminist blathering that women are totally equal to men yet demanding quotas, the body positivity pushers really only pushing the unattatractive and shaming the actually attractive, lastly safe spaces, they all support the weak, the passive agressive, the lower IQ, you list it.

Growing up I always figured the Indians must have been badasses to have a sports team named after them, like the Vikings, the Fighting Irish, etc. figured it was an honor.

Then I got to college and was told it was insulting for…some reason? They never really went into it other than to state the name of the team and stare at you like that was a sufficiently insulting reason to have to change it.

Failed that class twice before I passed it (it was required) and the teacher just passed me to get me out of her class.



That's such a singular event though, really don't think you can try to apply that to any significance across the span of native-European relations.

There were no noble savages, and there WERE plenty of violent savages, with a spectrum between.

Bottom line: They were primitive, and understood use of force just fine - they were not pathetic victims being stomped upon by a totally unjust outside factor, merely lesser folk who met a greater people and were defeated by it.

That is the core of leftism: those who are too weak to be granted a say by merit, demanding they be given a say based on 'rights' which simply do not exist.

That you exist does not mean you deserve a gold star, but the left would see it so, because otherwise they know they'll never have a gold star and, as their entire worldview is rooted in selfishness, focused upon their 'rights' as 'humans' (while simultaneously denying the concept of duty as employed in any sense of worth, an unselfish concept, duty being unto group as self-interest is to indvidual), they do not care how it harms others - so long as they get to wear the gold star of 'right' and thus be treated as equivalent when they are anything but so.

I live near a reserveration and I'll give you a run down:

That's such a singular event though, really don't think you can try to apply that to any significance across the span of native-European relations.

There were no noble savages, and there WERE plenty of violent savages, with a spectrum between.

Bottom line: They were primitive, and understood use of force just fine - they were not pathetic victims being stomped upon by a totally unjust outside factor, merely lesser folk who met a greater people and were defeated by it.

That is the core of leftism: those who are too weak to be granted a say by merit, demanding they be given a say based on 'rights' which simply do not exist.

That you exist does not mean you deserve a gold star, but the left would see it so, because otherwise they know they'll never have a gold star and, as their entire worldview is rooted in selfishness, focused upon their 'rights' as 'humans' (while simultaneously denying the concept of duty as employed in any sense of worth, an unselfish concept, duty being unto group as self-interest is to indvidual), they do not care how it harms others - so long as they get to wear the gold star of 'right' and thus be treated as equivalent when they are anything but so.

They certainly understood metaphysics better than most white men.

A group of injuns went to Europe after WW2 looking for the man who used their symbol, a swastika. Naturally I don't think they found him.



How come the Aztecs, Mayans, Incans and a few other Mesoamerican tribes were basically at Sumerian technological levels while the ones in North America were still pretty much stone age?



jews probably

Contribooting my badass indian clip

this made laugh way too fuckin hard

Because they built on top of the ruins of the First Civilization, which never traveled that far north in the Americas.

1/4 Cree and grew up a couple km from a reservation.

Like every group you''ve got the good and the bad. But, I've got to say the average was fairly retarded. As other posters have said they had a very hedonistic lifestyle. The cree never invented a written language until some missionary named James Evans helped them out.

Also, the whole "in harmony with nature bit" is bullshit. We killed everything that was worth the hastle. The horses and giant sloths of North America are proof of that.

European contact wreaked them, but they didn't have much before in terms of institutions. We did have some decent medicinal herbs and hunting techniques though

Are you familiar with the idea that parts of the Grand Canyon are a ruin?


I’ve never heard that and it sounds a bit silly, but I’m open to resources, if you have them. I have some on the civilization we lost, too.

The most infuriating thing about the kikes other than what they’re doing to us now is what they’re doing to our history. They–and the Egyptian puppets they control–REFUSE to allow anyone to actually investigate what’s underneath the ruins of “ancient” Egypt. If you want to do a study on the Sphinx to try to prove its actual construction date, not only can you not get access to the site, your funding is pulled and you’re blacklisted for the rest of your life. Never mind any of the other potential sites around the world.

In my mind, you don’t mess with history. You don’t lie about it, you don’t destroy it, and you don’t try to change it. It’s our heritage. That’s why I couldn’t care less who’s funding the Islamic State (it’s kikes); their destruction of the relatively young relics of Rome means that every single one must be killed.

This. My grandmother was a self made millionaire and basically went out of her way to look white. Constant use of curlers and what not.

Great, another Feather-nigger thread.

explain the first civilization please

One /k/ommando had a story about his time in Alaska where he met Injuns with full auto AKs they use to rob tourists. The police are scared shitless to do anything.


Bury my heart at wounded knee

they used large dogs actually.

buffalo don't make for good pack animals, its been shown many times that if you put a pack on them they'll just roll around and try to get it off.

indians aren't fucking elves, you can't ride a deer.

They were mostly nomadic hunter-gatherers, and indeed savages toward rival tribes. The whole "America was peaceful before the white man came" is total BS. It was populated with the same species and had the same game of thrones, powerful tribes fucking with smaller ones, wars, etc. In South America they even had empires like the Aztecs and Mayans who were brutal as fuck, worse than the Assyrians and Mongols.

Speaking of Mongols that's who they remind me of most. If you look at rural Mongolians today that's somewhat how they lived, though Mongolians today are obviously more advanced and can actually domesticate animals and such.

Today holy fuck are they a shit-tier race of people. They're mostly loud alcoholics that are easy to get swinging. Here in my state there's a murder on one of the reservations every other week (don't ever go to one). They blame us for their actions and lack thereof, same as niggers, while they reap the benefits of tax exemption and near-sovereignty.

The best comparison I can come up with is Mexicans. They seem to be just a step below them on the savage scale though, their neighborhoods are a lot trashier, they're dumber most definitely, and a tad bit more violent.

Here's a good interview about our interactions with them. Surprised no one plugged Thomas Goodrich yet.

Great example is the tribes of the pacific northwest in Washington state.

the Chinook tribe had an extremely intricate economy based around using a special types of dentalium shells as currency, a common misunderstanding is that native Americans didn't believe in money or property which is completely false. The Chinook tribe did not produce the shells they used as currency (in their language it was called Moolah or koop-koop) so they would trade slaves with the Salish tribes, the people who produced the shells. They would enslave people in the neighboring tribes that lived near the Olympic coast and Oregon then take them back to the Puget Sound tribes to trade.

The natives of Washington state made an elaborate economy based around the enslavement of other people and after the French came they transitioned to trading furs with them in exchange for guns which would facilitate their slave game. Honestly I find the native american tribes and life style to be fascinating.

A stronger, patriarchal culture came into contact with a weaker, matriarchal culture who occupied land the former desired.

What do you think happened?

This guy gets it.

Except all the raiding parties, burning of villages, and the taking of prisoners to be adopted into their own tribes.

Well, I hear they have designated shitting streets.

Now that I've done my shitpost mocking your inability to distinguish Indians and native americans, my real opinion:

You need context to understand these people. When you think of native american civilizations, you usually think of the maya, the inca or the aztecs. Thing is, north american natives also had developed societies, and they weren't hunting-gathering niggers. They had agriculture, they had cities, they had governments, etc. So where did all that shit go? Why was it gone when the French and English came to North America?

Well, diseases. An epidemic is estimated to have wiped out between 90% and 95% of the North American population in the 16th century. At first historians thought it was european explorers who brought that shit with them, but we're finding out it might actually have been seals. Yup.

Now, imagine what would happen if between 18 and 19 out of every 20 people died in our society. Now imagine if our society was less advanced and didn't even have written languages. North American natives went back to tribal life because their society fucking disintegrated around them. We would to for a while if it happened to us.

As to "advancement", europeans were mostly more advanced than north americans, especially when it came to metal working. North american natives however were especially knowledgeable about biology and medicine, probably beyond what europeans knew, though all of it was transmitted orally.

So, basically: Their society went through its own apocalypse and got steamrolled by Europeans before they even had a chance to lift themselves back out of tribalism.

Read "1491, The Americas Before Columbus" by Charles Mann. It's a good introduction to recent developments in American archaeology.

The guy pulls no punches in trashing conventional pieties like 'Clovis, first and only'; "um red man was helpless, unsuspecting victim of the white devil" (lolnope!); the ecotopian weeping Injun/prestige wilderness stereotype; or the black legend of the smallpox blankets.

Google 'Cohakia' user. The north American Indians had cities at one point. Unfortunately they tried to monoculture maize without a full understanding of deforestation or soil exhaustion. Didn't end well.

the truest expression of man. your ancestors also knew this ideal.

Where is the country of Aztecia? Mayanaca? Incnanastan? Could it be that history is jewed? Is it all a pack of lies? After all you were born from negroids you should know.

One of our biggest mistakes was not going through with the genocide the left lies about and wiping them out completely.

They murdered off their own people before the white man even arrived in North America with Spanish horses. Then they tried us.

Fuck em

It's not too late.

Middle and South Americans knew how to smelt and pour metal and had written languages(but centuries after the rest of the world developed it).

The North Americans didn't knew anything and simply cold hammered copper nuggets into shape, which were common to find on the Ground.

If you want some unaltered history you will have to go talk to the Hopi they are one of the only Tribes that hasn't cucked themselves to oblivion. They are very traditional and conservative.

this thread is a repost, it was here like two months ago and it contained the same OP with different image

before that the shitter that the OP is was spamming the board with various provocative bullshit like this all at once

Read "Blood Meridian". Killing everything and skinning them.

Europe is for whites;
Africa is for blacks;
America is for…

The founders forbade unlanded males from voting to prevent just that.

Injun is more of a Southern term.

That's probably because most of them have significant White admixture, you can join some tribes with as little as 1/16 Indian blood.

Whites by right of conquest.

Then Europe would deserve to be Muslim throughout much of history.

Europeans didn't get their land back by guilt-tripping the Muslims, they raised armies and fought them.

No one has a right to territory they can't or won't defend.

Part injun here. White man good medicine. Yuropoors are cucks, though. Stay out.

But Europeans did get a lot of land from the Native Americans using deceit, more advanced weaponry, and biological superiority*.

*diseases ;)

There are a lot of Injun Holla Forumslacks, but some of them turn out to be bad eggs.

Us whites are losing our numbers, but the injuns lost a fuckton of theirs. Although most injuns are typically nig-IQ / behavior, some are smart and said folk are usually pretty good people.

I'm speaking from 10 years of experience living in and around the Navajo Nation (the largest rez in america). They have the "blame whitey for all our problems" mentality. Some of them are alright folk though, red pilled and nationalistic, ethnically and culturally. I have no issues with the good eggs.

Pictured = Native Nazi. Any of you remember this troubled young lad?

However, almost all reservations are fucking hellholes and most schools usually have a 10-15% graduation rate. Extremely high rates of Poverty, violence and espescially suicide, and mediocre police forces and (often) hostile, inhospitable terrain.

It's easy for people of average IQs (see: 95-105) to fall into the pit and end up lost souls. Even higher IQ youth fall into the pit all the time.

The reason why whites graduate at a rate of 50-60% in a lot of the south is because the schools are infected with nignogs and for their own safety, they often drop out. Similarly, any Native with a brain usually doesn't mesh will with the youth. In almost all reservations, the kids often act exactly like nigs; basketball courts are everywhere.

This kid could've made something of himself if he didnt have to live in such a fucking shithole, and the right Holla Forumslack mindset reached him instead of the generic skinhead bullshit he surrounded himself with online.

America is for whites. See pic;

That's an actual Indian chick in your pick

Natives from my experience are a mixed bag. You have some very hard working and business oriented ones, and other the otherside you have indolent and utterly useless people who harbor pointless hostility.

What band or tribe they are is another factor, but overall in regards to nats, you have either mouthwash drinking welfare recipients, or completely functional human beings.

I studied under one of the guys who is instrumental to that theory, Dr. Bruce Bradley. Wonderful guy, very passionate.

I agree, it's hit or miss
Also, anyone have that screencap from the Indian Holla Forumsack about how gov't money to reservations has a ton of stipulations, for example on his reservation some of the older men tried to revitalize the young men/culture by forming a youth organization focusing on their traditional warrior rite of passage and they were forced to disband by reservation authorities to keep the gibs flowing

Holy shit.

Ancient American Tribe stories even talk about killing off the people that were here prior to them.

And tell me did the native american tribes live in peace or did they take land from each other by conquest?

research on the internet, this is the fucking internet unless you didn't notice.

Furthermore this is the uncensored part of the internet where some truths are told that get blocked out on cuck forums.
all commentators are biased so lets listen to everyone.

CAIS / PAIS: Hermaphrodites are real, I guess they just decided to accept it on the rare occasions that it occurred.
We accept twins as a normal part of life.
The Chinese considered twins to be a curse and would kill them at birth.
What about left handed people, do we still persecute them? Some parts of 'culture' are just arbitrary superstitions.

I bet they keep that pretty quiet, kinda hurts the white man guilt trip/moral high ground game.

You stole me land ( that we stole form the last people who we were wise enough to completely wipe out all trace of ) so you owe us reparations. There are quite a few 'native' culture this applies to.

Not a book, but a good article.

None of those were native to the areas where their more powerful civilizations emerged (Latin America or the Mississippian). Buffalo are probably the only logical target for domestication, and they lived in the great plains, far from civilization. There were no large breeds of dog in America, and deer and elk were never domesticated as beasts of burden anywhere ever. Don't even know if its possible. As for native horses, those were wiped out long before they established civilization. That's like criticizing Northern Europeans for never domesticating mammoths.

You are legitimately retarded, user. You ignore the ideology that conquered the world, and raised white man and client races alike from universal poverty to universal wealth. Even the poorest American today is richer than the greatest medieval king of Europe in terms of living standards.

They are primitive.
On a scale of backwardness with 1 being the most ooga-booga.
1. Australian Abos
2. Niggers
3. Injuns
4. Arabs
5. Spics
6. Dot Indians that shit everywhere

Grew up around Feather Injuns as a boy in AZ. Was in the second grade and a gigantor of the Hualapai used to chase and beat me up on the playground. I was 8 and she was held back in the 2nd grade at 13.
Being a little blonde guy apparently I triggered the red-beast. I literally had platinum white hair.
She actually raped another little boy, a ginger fatty. That was the final straw and they moved the beast back to the rez.
Ginger was never right in the head after that event.
Luckily I could run or else that would have been me.

Don't abide by the P SJW shit that indians are peaceful naturist vegans. Tis all bullshit.
The reservations look like little mexico/Africa with all the trash.
One rez off the highway here in the 4 corners area you can literally see a pile of glittery shit, looks like a pyramid…. it is a massive testament to the injun.
30 foot tall pile of beer bottles, cans, and liquor bottles. I guess it is a cultural thing to toss the remnants upon this growing shrine.
Some injun kids died awhile back trying to climb it after it avalanched. They didn't die from the cascading debris but it pissed off a couple injun drunks who proceeded to beat them to death.
Also avoid the women. They hit the wall super fast and morph into some grotesque sack of goober. None of them have a shape.
Injuns have the highest rate of STD's and HIV after niggers and closely approaching the number of niggers which says much.

Yes. They wiped out the mound builder people who apparently were reddish haired and tall… giant compared to the shorty injuns.
Unfortunately whatever reality of this has been cast to tabloid tier :(

The real tragedy is that


Stop listening to SJWs peddling noble savage junk.

The available points to Two-Spirits not actually being approved of in American Indian societies. If anything, they were an insult.

He's saying that whites didn't conquer America through honourable war, but through jew-tier subversiveness, and thus the case isn't very different to the case of Europe and muds, who are also using dishonourable tactics to take over.

Injuns are just extra spicy beaners
They are utterly useless, worthless.
No different than niggers… maybe even worse.
If it weren't for giving them land and autonomy, they'd be extinct
With their autonomy, they paid white men to setup casinos for them.
That's their only source of money. Go inside any casino, most people working are white, or gook. Injuns are too busy being drunk all day and blowin their quorum allotment of casino profits.

Odds are that in a few years, they'll be fully jewed into debt. It almost happened in 2008 financial crisis, it's probably going to happen for real this time.

Where were the white [men and] women when Columbus arrived?


Weenucks are a broken people, user.

They are usually shitty, alcoholic beggars and rarely anything more. Their culture is pretty fucking gay, but at least they're really into it, so much so they'll live in the frozen north to preserve it.

However, they bitch like niggers and collect gibs all the same.

They aren't as bad as sandniggers, or regular niggers, but aren't as good as gooks.

Basically fuck banks, and fuck indians too.

t. part mlaaaaah

Is that an actual word and how it is spelled?

it's a noise they make out of amusement, usually followed by a tongue click.

It's usually spelt mlah, but you add extra a's for a long, drawn out tongue clicking.

think bix nood.

Spoken like a true ignorantfag. They have culture. However, they also have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, and live in a land of limitless supply of alcohol.

Their only significant contribution to "our" culture is as a living warning: don't have weak borders and don't be generate.

nd fag here alot of my primary school k-6 was dedicated to "respecting" the red man learning of is "noble" ways. but it allways drove the question to why "native" or rather "reservation" ("res") kids where shit. like total pices of shit. not as bad as niggers but still. pritty niggerdly.

then you learn digging threw old history books old source material. that their only noble trait is that they are unruleable. all of them fiercely independent. they are incapable of assembling into a nation because of this. while at the same time they make terrible slaves. why niggers had to be shipped to the new world.

but they are in fact savage not unruly savage. not cuel not tough savage. they are not clever smart or even really brutal they are just savage.

white people payed bouties for their scalps becasue when they met settlers that wanted to trade they would skin the scalps off of their heads alive…. the women the childeren the old and the cripples. all that they did not want to fuck latter. now going back to what i said before…. they are incapable of assembling into a nation. something even the zulu figuring out. so they could not fight any village settlement or the like that had white people in it. because the moment you get more than ten together they got to go find out who's dick is the buggiest. they cant decide upon a plan they cant hold their warriors to a strategy.

they are savages glorified wolves yes they can be clever they are smarter than niggers but they cant handle large groups of people even themselves. the few times that they got a real war band together they get wrecked by a handful of whites. the modern historians whant to attribute this to whites coming in with guns shooting bow wielding "natives" but the savages had guns scene before the french gave them guns in the french Indian war. the reason is that they canot maintain an army because they cannot form a nation its not in their blood. they cannot ship food to their troops they cannot raise taxes for arms or armor they from glorified militias where every soldier is forced to go out and hunt and scavenge for his food. they cannot march in formation. they will not fallow orders. of course this is the dakota tribe i'm talking about not the Aztecs or Mayans they built something i can respect that.


interesting and entirely believable
do you have any sources?

They're fine when they stay off the fire water.

look into it yourself

if you want me to give you sources for you to tear apart then you can go fuck yourself

go look up each tribe individually

go read the journal of the Louis and Clark expedition.

i'm not enter in into a debate with you i am planting a seed within you and all you have to do is prove that seed, that train of thought wrong within the court of your own mind.

Cease that defensiveness, this isn't the place for it. Secondly, be aware that refusing to share sources or provide credible facts only casts doubt on your claims.

they were damn good with their bows though
one of our …generals? I think, said they were the finest light cavalry on earth
that guy lars who figured out the ancient way of shooting boys super fast; one of the books he used talked about how our indians could do it

also, why did we bother with almost wiping out their food sources (the buffalo)? you ever seen that pic of the gigantic mountain of buffalo skulls?

the prairie niggers did the same shit to the buffalo

drove the fuckers off of cliffs whole herds.

they where already dying out when whites started hunting them

if you think the mass extinction of north american spices only started when white people came here i got some bad news for you.

look i gave you a source if you wanted to get started but i have no fucking idea where you are going to get any original pages from the Louis and Clark expedition.

but no you are arguing like a libshit



you can get around that by looking into the individual tribes the specific instances that the censure have yet to touch. its going to be a pain in the ass and i am not going to spoon feed you

And this is why anons get called jews.

Also you didn't list a single source in your original paragraph.

Weren't the nordics the ones who discovered the US long before Columbus did? What if some Indians have aryan blood in them?

If I recall the Iroquois tribe had some, but that was likely after absorbing some of the Roanoke colony.

The latest really good book on injuns is "Empire of the Summer Moon," by S.C. Gwynne. It is the story of the Comanche Nation, as such existed, and explains pretty much everything we know about them up until Quannah Parker, the so-called Last Chief of the Comanche. I write "so-called" because they never had an overall chief, and most don't consider Parker to have been one. He was half white.
The movie and book, The Searchers, are based loosely on the life of Quanah's mother, Cynthia Ann Parker
The book reads like a good novel, flows well, and blows your mind with stuff. The Comanche were basically a shit tribe that got kicked around by all the other tribes until they got the horse. They became unparalleled horsemen, and turned around and whooped up on all the other tribes.
It's a really interesting book, and breaks a lot of those Noble Savage ideas all to Hell. I highly recommend it.

Live in a college town near a reservation and the injuns are the one group of people that is universally hated even by leftists, they are all disruptive drunks worse than niggers.

Latest DNA testing on natives is proving sketchy. Basically, the Indians that were here when Europeans landed don't exist anymore. They have interbred with so many ethnicities that there is no such thing as a verifiable Native American DNA. It's a work in progress, but so far there's no indication of European origins.
There appears to be a lot of Jew DNA among some of the NC Cherokee. This has lead to some crazy ass speculation that the Cherokee are one of the lost tribes. What it really shows is that the Cherokee mixed with early Jewish traders.

I had a Lumbee Indian who lived with my brother, my father, and myself for several years. He was as docile as he could be, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He left the area 30 years ago and hasn't been heard from since.
What I've since learned about the Lumbee is that they're not really a tribe, but the descendents of several different groups of people who tried to stay out of the way of white settlers and interbred with each other. They were made up of peoples of several different tribes, along with runaway slaves, mulattos, and outlaw whites.
The NC Cherokee only recently started referring to them as Indians, and is backing their claim now for tribal status. When I was young the Cherokee wouldn't have anything to do with them. Some Cherokee I've talked to said that was because they were part nigger.

Because the plains Indians were nomads who followed the buffalo herds. They didn't like direct battle with the cavalry, and just ride off. They were hard as Hell to pin down because of this. If the buffalo was wiped out, the indians would starve and be forced onto reservations. Wiping out the buffalo was Sheridan's idea. It was based on his experience burning the Shenandoah Valley.

They warred on each other like all other tribes on Earth. The trouble is the fuckers never wrote anything down, so we don't know too much about most of it.
There was a large scale war in the East that the Iroquois won, but I don't know much about it. The Cherokee fought several tribes when they came South and East. The largest conflict was with the Catawba.
The epic wars of conquest were in the plains, and occurred after horse culture and before white settlement of the area. Nearly all the tribes we think of as plains Indians came from the Northwest and Canada. They moved South and through the plains, and drove off the tribes which lived there. A least a dozen tribes were wiped out, or mostly exterminated by the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Comanche.
The Sioux consider the Black Hills of South Dakota to be their magical mystery land of the gods and all, but didn't even live there before they took it away from the Cheyenne in 1776.

top notch work user

i'll give you the greentext version.

also, my grandfather drew this picture back in the 90s, he hung around with some indians in upstate ny.

for those who are squinty-eyed fucks and can't read it, here's a text version






There are 2 people that talk about honor in war:

1. Someone who has never been war
2. Someone who was in war and lost hard, so he blamed it on the honor

The chinks knew this before Christ was even born

They're pretty fucked up for that.

Yeah, you'll never get true history these days. They came over from Asia and are closely related to Mongolians, both the sort in Mongolia today and also they have a substantial gene pool in Thailand, Laos, etc.

They do have cultures and things like that at the tribal level and have for a long time (just like any other tribe, pretty much). There are a variety of different levels of intelligence, morality, etc. Some are good people. Some are fucked up. And you have lots of in-betweens. It seems dumb in the long term for them to be anti-white, although not all of them are.

Source: growing up in Oklahoma. If nothing else, they are a red pill for everyone else, because they literally have the Third Reich for their own Folk at the tribal level. Lots of White people got a clue because of that alone.

Um, no. People are talking and posting images. You wanted to deride posters for discussing OP's post. You are the retard.

You do know that Ancient Greeks and Romans gingerly fucked each other up the ass, right? And they were the founders of Western Civilization.

This whole "muh ebil sodomites" is a staple of Abrahamic religions - they condone only sex for procreation in order to create as many adherents of the religion as possible while at the same time keeping people from being distracted by the pleasures of life. It's no different than a religious version of "DRINK PEPSI. COCA COLA IS SHIT"


No one is allowed to disagree with someone in this thread. Thanks bud. Please filter my posts if this is offensive to you.

as an authentic Native I can say my entire tribe acts exactly like white people in every conceivable way :^)

fugg forgot image

There were no fucking Aryans in the Americas you fucking retards there was a SMALL viking settlement in Newfoundland that was abandoned long before it was called Newfoundland

what's your favorite pastime? huffing gas or drinking mouthwash?

Dude you're not even white kill yourself

are you two assblasted because Tonto is saying it like it is?

so I take it the large majority of white people live on reserves in frozen shitholes, huff gas, sell their land for firewater and soak up massive amounts of gibs?

you have to go back, cheif shittingposter.

not an abbo thank you very much
do injuns actually do this?

save me from this injun I have become

calm your niggery it was just a joke

you telling me there is no huffing, drinking, and gibsmedats going on in trailer parks? Reservations are basically trailer parks for natives. Any native who is sober and can rub two brain cells together gets the fuck out of the reservation, the same way as non-retarded whites get out of the trailer park as soon as they can

yes, WD 40 as well. As a matter of fact; in some hospitals, they've had to lock the rubbing alcohol up so Indians don't steal it.

Apologies, My assburgers got triggered. I really don't like the red man.

Sure, there are some shitty white people.
However I can't think of one solid example of an Indian that isn't a giant smelly piece of shit. And I live in fucking Mlaaaaaaahnitoba, bud.

I take it you don't live around them. Otherwise you wouldn't be defending muh noble savages so much.

I get the feeling this whole thread was started so libcucks would have an excuse to shitpost on Holla Forums again

that's a typo. I meant hand sanitizer. Although, I would assume they would also steal the rubbing alcohol.

Well it's entirely possible that all the natives worth a shit already assimilated and interbred with whites, and the remaining losers and drunks stayed in their shitty teepees.

Columbus didn't land in what is today the US, that's South America

holy shit that is some next level retardation. it's like they're trying to go extinct

Yes, and they're called Metis. Ie: a mostly European mixture of Indian. Although, they are huge "Muh land, native pride" faggots like the 100% clean chins.

majority Indians are a broken shitty people. I would live in a trailer park for the rest of my life then spend a day on a reserve.

They have government built trailers that they rip all the copper out of and sell all the windows to. They've modernized.

Unless they're the Chief, then they live in the city in a nice white area… While driving down the housing values because you can take the Indian off the reserve but "fuck you YT fucking MLAAAAH"

well if my ancestry and culture and language were wiped out I'd be pretty depressed too. Think about the Muslims shitting all over Europe, but with 99% of white people wiped out at the end of it

Them injuns had it rough

also can't post in an injun thread without bringing up my favorite native, Leeroy Sinclair

The Mongols and Huns didn't have the wheel either and they fucked up Europe good.


They breed like rabbits. Of all the groups in Canada (Mind you this was before Prime Minister Current Year) they're the only one with a POSITIVE population growth rate.


It's more believable than the proposition that civilizations which didn't even develop mathematics built so many great structures in Central and South America. That and many of the tribes and nations which inhabited these regions claimed themselves to be immigrants who inherited their civilization. The Inca and Aztecs (along with other less important nations) both attribute their civilizations to bearded white Gods, Viracocha/Quetzalcoatl/Bochica, which is why they welcomed the Spanish. Plus we have a lot of archaeological evidence to suggest the presence of pre-injun civilization.

Isn't there a stone carving somewhere in beanerland of a white dude with glasses that was carved before the Spanish came?

I heard that once. On (((The History Channel))) no less.

Acktually, greco-roman the majority homosex was between the thighs, anal sex was like a once a month kind of thing, since it required a bunch of olive oil
and it was more of a practice of pedaresty, where it was a bunch of chickenhawk old men chasing teenagers, sexuality itself wasnt based on the identity of the participants, it was top/bottom and womem were strictly seen as bottoms. Adult homosexuality in modern context was looked down upon if you were the bottom, it was only normal if you were a teenager taking it in the ass from socrates. the amount of "degenerate" faggots that were hanging around

south america didnt make it to the bronze age, and the highest tech in the americas is actually cold hammered (non smelted) copper tools found in wisconsin and michigan

injuns have oral stories that are semi historical
they're almost all Tain bocualinage (fight over the deer migration instead off cows) and someone kidnapped your sister, quick! lets raid the cast- I mean tribe to save the princes- I mean your sister

Does anyone know that one particular Indian tribe that were (from what I've heard) the most violent, cannibalistic pieces of shit, out of all of them? All of the other Tribes hated them, and feared them as well, and they were so violent and savage, that as soon as we had the chance, the white man exterminated them entirely.

Does that ring a bell to anyone? Also, if you listened to last weeks Daily Shoah, Ghoul mentioned them on that episode as well. Can't remember the name of the tribe and I want to do some reading about them.

Thanks if anyone can help a brotha out.

Holla Forums thinks North East Asians are insectoid hive minded Borg-like entities, not niggers. SEA scum are admittedly niggers. And mudslimes are hardly any better than niggers.

If by actual Indian, you mean 75% White, 25% Indian, then yes. Here's some actual Injuns for comparison. The North American tribes have mongrelized to the point of unrecognizability. Last pic is what North American Native women actually looked like before mongrelization.

still around in soviet canuckistan, faggot. you'll cowards don't even know nates

Shits all over the place, you got pictures of Red dot indians, American indians and fucking beaner indians. Also mongrelization was probably the best thing for em if they looked liked that shit

How could your hick jenerul know that, did he fight he myriad of different soldiers across the world? Nope. He just talked out of his ass to make his of achievements more impressive.

I bet a bunch of drunk cossaks would shit all over yanks and injuns put together.

Both Aristotle and Plato considered homosexual relations a net negative. But hurr durr Socrates fucking teenagers, sure, whatever.

Also conflating Romans with Greeks with both pederasty and adult homosexuality. You don't even know who you're talking about and when. Just one amorphous mass of factoids.

The worst part is that your believes were off by one digit.

Proof they made thousands of species extinct?

I am not saying it's "bad" or "wrong" but the people who say the Indians dindu nuffin are delusional.

I used "Columbus arrived" as slang. Where were the white people when the 1500's Europeans arrived in North America?

oy fucking vey

most tribes were nigger-tier stone ages savages, some were even cannibals

go drink your kosher kool aid somewhere else, faggot

there is nothing "ideal" about the redskins

Truly, these Indians that where raping and killing each other had no need of prisons, no, when everyone is a criminal, the entire world is a prison!!

m8 the Indians did that shit too - a lot of tribes would kill buffalo only for their horns or tail and leave the rest to rot

the 'muh dindu redskins used every part of the animal aren't they great??' meme is yet another liberal lie

sauce on that? I'd be curious to read those.

Anyways, in canada, our natives were conquered not by force of arms, but by trade. The Fur trade meant that they had things europeans wanted and, being from a more technologically advanced culture, the europeans had things the natives wanted. Most of the natives I've met here recognize that, if not for the white man, they'd still be boiling water in birchbark pots by dropping hot rocks from the fire into the water, and cutting down trees with flint axes, so they're generally pretty ok with whitey, even if you do hear moaning every halloween about 'indian' costumes and shit. You do see a lot of drunks and stuff, but then it's a defeated people, it's to be expected. We also treat our natives like shit in canada, because they "want" to live on shithole reservations in bumfuck nowhere collecting welfare payments, so the government ignores them for the most part, and pays them lip service. The bands vary, there are some good ones but the majority are very, very corrupt, with the family and friends of the 'chief' getting all the government bucks, (because reservations apparently get their welfare in a lump sum that is given to the chief to divide) while others in the tribe are given just enough to survive. Several chiefs also are filling their own pockets with this money, and if they're lucky enough that their reserve is sitting on a pile of resource wealth, well they get rich taking the mining companies bribes.

It's a pretty fucked up situation, but in my mind, there shouldn't be communities in the middle of nowhere that are just a resource drain on the nation. Bring them into civilization, or let them live the 'traditional' way, although so much has been forgotten, and I'm not sure the environment could support a community living in that way anymore, especially in the north.

These reserves are such hellholes that I've heard of one where the kids just divided themselves into two teams and began murdering one another for fun. Other ones have huge drug/booze problems (and remember in the middle of nowhere, everything is REALLY fucking pricey, especially it's illegal) and we recently had a suicide epidemic in one, although that may have been more a cry for attention (which gots them a couple days in the papers and a few care packages from weedman) before everyone forgets and moves on with their life, as only 1% were successful. (literally, 100 attempts, 1 fatality.)

They had been killed millennia prior.

Never mind that Leif Ericsson was the first in the Americas (landed 998 AD) after the ice age migrations.

It's called White Genocide

True Aryans.

yeah, nah.

considering that they left behind no monuments of buildings of worth, the fact that the Europeans didn't even bother to displace and rape their society says a lot about them.

that's not believable at all. Not even fucking close. The Aztecs had sophisticated Engineering and Astronomy because they needed it due to being a religious society and non-self sufficient. . By your logic a giant Dragon sits in the heart of the sun.

There it is, that's the reply I was looking for.

Not all natives are equal. The North American continent is a yuge place.

The warrior cultures of the southwest deserve some respect.

The NW tribes were less warlike, but IIRC well on their way to a feudal 'noble house' style social system.

There was a global white civilization before the end of the last ice age. The global sea level rise (remembered today as Noah’s Flood) and native uprisings destroyed our cities and scattered our civilization to the winds.

Not even trying.


Show me the proof that mesoamerican civilisations were made by white people. This is "WE WUZ" tier, mate. Stop

Wow, I didn't people as brain dead as you still existed. You're a true kind of fucking stupid. Are you actually saying that giant fire dragon and protector of the earth was a white guy who taught them to kill eachother or else the world would be destroyed.

come on, user. Step it up.


Thanks for admitting you’re wrong.



You're embarrassing yourself, King WeWuz






is that you triggilypuff?


stay mad, WeWuz Kingstein

Don't bother, mods are clods and don't give a shit.

Be smart and just filter the yt ain't sheet shill.

We just don't believe in "WE WUZ KANZ" tier idiocy, you retard.

I think we should adopt their culture and use it to fight the growing SJW culture.

They can't pick on us because that'd be racist. ;)


We honestly will never know. All of the potentially civilized North American Indians were the very first ones to be wiped out from European diseases, because those populations were farmers, craftsmen, builders, etc, who lived in permanent towns/cities where infection could easily spread. By the time the European nations really started to seriously colonize the land, the only American Indians left were the flakey nomadic tribes. Basically, the gypsies rejects of North America.

The Ainu are ancient Europoids mixed up with the local pop. They have undeniable Europoid genes in their overall genetic makeup. They're not the niggers who crossed Beringia.

So we have:
-"America is for whites by right of conquest,"
-"Europeans didn't get their land back by guilt-tripping the Muslims, they raised armies and fought them,"
-"No one has a right to territory they can't or won't defend,"
so I guess that the pre-Columbian whites deserved to die.

They are the race of which the we get out of the worst of Mexico, their IQs are usually quite low especially considering they are supposedly descendants of East Asians. The intervention of white people actually improved their diplomacy between each other and spread ethnic unification between the Tribes, meaning they're much smarter than niggers, then after that they learned how to game our tax system to make serious money off of the white man basically earning their own "reparations" and using it as a social welfare system through their casinos and drug dealing.

I see the Natives as a majestic animal, not quite like us but close enough to blend in, and like any majestic animal deserve representation and preservation. IMO the monument to Native Americans that was planned on the coast of New York should be completed as should others throughout the united states to represent the Tribal States within America, plus Native aesthetics aren't that bad.