Tumblr actually thinks Oppressing women is progressive if Muslims do it…

tumblr actually thinks Oppressing women is progressive if Muslims do it…

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=girl killed for not wearing hijab

They're game for it if they aren't white/east asian.


Pretty much. You don't see the media promoting white and East Asian race mixing. just saying. If anything feminists and SJWs are against white men marrying east Asian women. Trust me. I'm half Asian just like the supreme gentleman himself.

FTFY. They don't have to be on tumblr to be that retarded.



They think anything that's not-white must be exotic and therefore cherished, to be protected from our evil white governments and cultures that'll no doubt destroy it.

Sure, islam might be trying to promote Shairia law, which allows people to stone gays and their wives, but…it's not evil Christianity! Don't be so racist!

I think the owner of that tumblr is muslim.

This is it. This is the most stereotypical tumblr blog that's ever tumblr'd.

Why? I never fucking understand this shit. "All white people are bad! Except for Benedict Cumberbatch, he Sherlocked my heart :)"

which avatar?

it's because they're jealous that they can't measure up to whites

but at the same time, they want white dick in them

Holy shit…

When they're being raped, stoned to death, and thrown off buildings,
will they still think it's progressive?
I wonder

You retards are acting like hijabs are no better than burkas or literally dumping acid on a woman's face.

It's just a thing around a woman's head. Women have done that a lot.

It's not that it's just a piece of headware you can wear for the sake of fashion. Burkas are specifically created as a tool of oppression, muslim women have to wear them or they're fucking killed you mouthbreathing retard. That's why people don't like them, it's like walking around with a fucking swastika armband.

Oh but people have worn armbands for years! Well no shit, but it's the symbol that people dislike due to it's connotation.

Nice try sandnigger, but your shitty hijabs and burkas are fucking horrible.

See, you're comparing hijabs to burkas.
In the countries where they actually kill women for shit like that (though it's more beating/publicly shaming than killing outright), they'll do the same if all you're wearing is a hjiab.
Hijabs are the bare minimum and most of the women that wear it show their hair and use it as a fashion accessory.
Just like how no one hates armbands for their connotation/what it symbolizes. You're thinking of shackles.

Holla Forums pls go

Difference between
is so fucking vast that I can't believe you tried to compare the two, you blithering, god-forsaken retard.

I hope all the bad things happen to you and only you.

Nice try, faggot. Hijabs represent Islam, Islam is a fucking shit tier religion and so are the people who practice it.

Hey look it's one of the "Islam is a religion of peace Tumblrite apologists.

Fuck off.

You really are a fucking retard.

Islam might do awful shit, but you're still Holla Forums for getting triggered over a piece of cloth that women put on their heads because you equate it with something it isn't.

As I said before: Holla Forums pls go

Thanks for ousting yourself as a retard.









Tumblr go to bed. You have pre-school in the morning.


lmgtfy.com/?q=girl killed for not wearing hijab

commonfilth: Holla Forums edition, when?

even the JEWS are less conservative than this shit

Nigger, when European women can't walk through the Muslim quarter uncovered without being harassed and visiting female foreign dignitaries are expected to wear the hijab that shit has transcended "just wearing it to look nice". Whatever, not like it's going to effect me. Worst case scenario I'll just let my beard grow out and slam my head into the ground five times a day. Don't even drink now. I will miss pork and art depicting the human form though.

Just kinda funny how the self proclaimed anti-Holla Forums types are always so quick to defend the motherfuckers who hate them the most. Sage for not Holla Forums.

That's the weird thing about it. We're actually trending towards a more repressed and prudish society because that's somehow more tolerant.


I wonder if we're heading back to a more "prude" society as if swinging the pendulum back from the years of "sexual liberation" and having sex omnipresent in every medium.

of course we are

the people who fought for being free to express one's self are now replaced by shrieking retards who are so against the logical result, people admiring that expression

and on the other end, we have the actual niggers who'll straight up rape bitches who show any skin coming into this society, and yet THEY'RE getting all sorts of praise and admiration despite the fact that these people are probably going to BE the rapist that they're so afraid of

Oh, for sure. I was just thinking, how accurate would anons be in understanding what is "right" in regards of showing skin, sexuality and such when we spend most of our time on the internet in a place that is rife with t&a. That's a sharp contrast from the natural? conditio ns of Europeans and Asians where the weather ain't as peachy for you to see them all day long.
Maybe seeing this stuff all the time has just dulled uncontrolled lust and you've get a clearer perspective and see that this stuff ain't no big deal. However, does your average fag understand that? Does poo in the loo Pajeet see it the same way?

Because they hate their families, mostly girls hating their dads and past small-dicked Caucasoid boyfriends.

They have no Idea Islam is WORSE than Christianity, they just care it is against it, because their stupid fake-ass professors told them so.

All Abrahamic Religions should die, fucking mental illness all of them, but Islam is the worst of them all.


It's just a thing around a woman's head.
Like a vat of acid.

Orthodox christian women wear head scarfs in my country when they go to church, as well as dress modestly. This is a sign of respect to the higher power. The difference between that and Mustafa's 5 wives is the degree and force in which this is enforced out of religious service and the how this fairs out when less liberal christians or muslims force their social and moral attitudes on others.
The "hardcore" christians either keep to themselves and don't engage with others, or are fucking joke and non-issue. Fundamentalist Christians? Evangelists (literally jew worship)? Westboro Babptist Church? The worst they do is act according to their own morality (which absolutely everyone does) and picket some abortion clinics and pride events.
The worst that the hardcore muzzies do is start a jihad to invade non-muslim countries and when a certain percentage is reached violently force Islam on the kaffir, force full body bags on women, enforce polygamy, sisterfucking and man-boy love to prevent pregnancy (try having western civ without monogamy, I dare you). The even more extreme variant willingly blow themselves up in the midst of their own people because they aren't muslim enough.
By all means, Muzzies have a right to existence, but they have to fucking stay in their own territory; Assad's Syria and Jordan are quite alright as far as I can tell.
Glass the Sauds, Nuke the Turkroaches

I would have used a star of david as a reference.


I'd think that glassing them would actually do the contrary effect on the country, that is the reason people join Isis, The best way would be a wall across Europe.
also helping the kurds set an example of best Muslim.

Sure, that would be more reasonable. However, the Sauds are an interesting linchpin in the area politically, getting money out of a barren dessert/non-country by selling oil to America and using a part of that money to fund moslems in Europe and some of it going to ISIS. No funding towards ISIS would be the single biggest thing stopping them and as far as I can tell, the only people funding them are Saudi's, Turks, Israel by buying ISIS oil, a bit of America and now EU by giving money to Turkey and taking in rapefugees.

Kek, The only thing keeping ISIS floating is the need of fosil fuel.

how about we just go in there and take the oil. they're the ones funding it these attacks, so in my eyes they're basically committing crimes against all of these countries

Being a self-hating white is just a woman thing. I think it has to due with retarded middle-class white girls think they're an oppressed minority because they have a cunt.

Hmm, if only there was some Americanoo in the presidential elections that has expressed in doing just that. Maybe he could have used that as some sort of catch-phrase like "Bomb the Oil" or "Take the Oil" as you said.

Going in taking action would be the best thing if it was a short campaign that guarantees that it won't go to some other shit's or make America or their NATO allies have years long wars. Nobody needs that type of debt (debt is something I wish the average person would understand)

However the sham war vs Libya to take out Qaddafi (a dictator that held his own countries retards in check quite well) lead to their oil going to ISIS. So take that as you will.


slightly related

I remember back in the day when I first saw this and thought "Why is she supposed to wear that all the time"

of course that was when I was a dumb shit who didn't know better

hard to be an oppressed minority when you're technically the MAJORITY, now is it

Also faggy betas who want to attract girls by being subservient. To them.

This thread is autistic, but Common Filth is even more autistic.

There needs to be more porn of the one on the right.

Man tumblr is almost as retarded as Holla Forums

Nice try.

As retarded as tumblr may be sometimes, you can't compare them to Holla Forums come on.

The way I see it, Holla Forums is hyperbolic and aggressive.. But tumblr is the kind of site that tries to promote the idea that if you are spiritually educated enough by smarter non-white cultures, that you can live off sunlight alone.

please, Holla Forums wishes it had tumblr levels of retardation

or did Holla Forums try to get a teen to slit her wrists for daring to draw a fat character skinny

They're just mirror images

Hafta see how Libya ends up I think because Gaddafi's army was firing cluster bombs into suburbs; the country was going to end up like Syria anyway, getting rid of the dictator that absolutely everyone despised at that point was probably the cleanest way to do it. Cauterise the wound, rather than letting it bleed like Assad and keep everyone fighting instead of starting to actually rebuild.

But that's the thing that started the instability in the region and beyond.

At least they stopped getting bombed by a liberator and started being liberated.

I hope these tumblr tards get beheaded by the sand niggers they love so much

i mean the comic/cartoon sjw-sphere

Eh, pol isn't as half as cultish as Tumblr, In pol you can say what you want and you aren't shamed for having a different opinion, they do have disgusting opinions but that is what makes it great, Pol is the immune system of every chan, without a healthy pol, a chan will totally get itself assfucked.

Don't forget that Holla Forums won't go out of its way to hunt you down and ruin your life for being problematic, nor will they carefully catalog every bad thing you've ever done and constantly bring it up when anyone else mentions you.

Holla Forums is like the Ordo Heretics in a ver strange way…

Write in and ask him.

If that's autistic, I don't want him to ever be normal.

Hello Tumblr


Watch as their incoherent, self-contradictory movement collapses upon itself, dismantled by the very groups they try to defend. The disease is the cure.

Not really, no

Do you have the resolve to follow through? Because I am ready to defend myself and the faith.

You know, if you don't burn me and let me worship my sheep god of herding, wine and fucking I might assist you.

You have my axe!

Don't be surprised if you see one of these burning on your lawn on Saturday night.

Don't worry, fam. Holla Forums's just satire. It's just a joke when someone talks of getting rid of the muzzies. It's just a little bit of comedy when we talk shit about feminists, homosexuals and their allies and racemixers as tool to destroy western morality. It's just some small practical fun when some Holla Forumsacks spam miscreants and sellouts to their own people, calling them cucks.

It will be the greatest comedy show on earth when we Deus Vult and remake Evropa. It will be a Kek old time.

No such thing.


Well, I don't remember if it is a sheep or a goat.

I'm too drunk and searching for nymphs.

A penis made of cracker runes?

Eh, that is what I thought about Holla Forums, A bunch of people pretending to be idiots, suddnely I found myself surrounded by idiots.

Since when does tumblr care about not ending the lives of anyone? The only thing pol and tumblr have in common is that they want a race war. I want none of it.

Tumblrcunt spotted

These tards will be raped to death by muslim hordes
allah wills it

Have you ever seen tumbler think a coherent thought?

A lot of his Tumblrista videos are entertaining, but the radio talks where he preaches to the choir are just fucking embarrassing.



Why is this surprising? When I lived in LA, I saw many women with hijab on the bus And they are FFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIINE

How's bizzarro earth?

I gain Maximum Excitement from a FineAss Arab Bitch in a Hijab that I can barely keep from Coming in My Fucking Pants, I realized!!!

I have a Hijab Fetish & I DONT GIVE A FUCK!!!!!

( P.S. To bad you have to Marry a Hijab just to get some Tight Arab Ass… FUCK THAT!!! )


Go back to tumblr nigger

Worse than feetfags

Kike detected


But he doesn't even like Holla Forums.

I think the reason they do that is because there's social media if you want to get your leftist multiculturalism fix.

Do you find this girl attractive?

Look at those Eyes man!!!!



Their last thought would be that these poor people don't know any better and all is forgiven.

And that's why they are worthless

If you have to ask, you don't know.

this is what I always say. i've no interest participating in their board, but I'm glad they're here. it's like mosquito repellant for normalfags and tumblrinas.

Catholic my ass. I can smell that you're a turkroach from here. Go home kebab cunt, your women are ugly, your culture is garbage and we will reclaim Constantinople in my lifetime.

Color me suprised…


It's really telling that I can say I can argue with a neo-Nazi for two hours on 8ch and at the end I could still claim he was smarter and less racist than the average Tumblrite.

I knew they were killed for it, but where is your source that says hijabs aren't religious?

This is blatantly false. Holla Forums will dogpile and attack anyone who doesn't fit their group think and often bans people simply for having a different opinion because their BO is autistic.

This is actually true. Holla Forums is retarded and full of stormfags but they do admittedly act as a foil to SJWs.

What's the matter fagtron? You cryin' cause the big bad gnazies called you a cuck?

Try making a thread on Holla Forums arguing for the existence of the Holocaust, tell me how it goes.

Holla Forums suffers from confirmation bias. They skeptically analyze every word that comes out of any authority's mouth (which everyone should do), but if what's being said fits with their worldview they'll skip the part where they ask for evidence and happily accept it. How else do you think they were taken in by the Blood Moon thing?

Which is funny, since both have the same goal and use the same means to reach it, just under a different pretense.
You could almost say they're just the other side of the same coin.

So does that mean when Holla Forums gets out of hand and derails threads, it's like allergies?


I actually did. I posted some pictures that /his/ made trying to prove Holla Forums wrong about it and asked Holla Forums to debunk them in a slightly bait-ish manner. Never got banned.

Are you mad you got banned from Holla Forums? Good on the mods on that one, I'm happy you're assblasted.

I dont know what to believe I wanna be neutral but both sides still shit on you.

The holocaust is a dubious event for a reason.
And you seem to be ignoring that Holla Forums is a board full of paid shills of various agencies and private companies, dumb retards from wherever that have never bothered to read anything longer than a short post, Holla Forums faggots that want to hate 8ch in general, astroturfers, like currently with the Evalion bullshit.
What you see as shaming of different opinion, I call "fake" posters being called out in a blunt and aggressive manner. If it's not always accurate, so be it. But the fact of the matter is, that it's not possible to have unhindered and honest political discussion on the internet anymore most places. Until Holla Forums completely brakes down, our shit mods is all we have. When it ends, it's over.


That was both fun and retarded; gotta have a laugh sometimes, especially since children do disappear more around the time of Passover.

What am I gonna do with a guy that has a negative opinion of Holla Forums as a Holla Forumsack? Grovel and cry "but not all Holla Forumsacks!"?

That's because the Nazi knows that he's racist, and knows why he hates those people.

The Tumblr activist thinks that Affirmative Action is necessary because of how inheritly disadvantaged black people are, but will act shocked and offended if you point out their hypocrisy.

Wildly chimping out at anyone who offers even a modicum of criticism of Holla Forums, reasonable or not, is an equally stupid action. It makes you look like a bunch of thin-skinned insecure head-in-the-sand faggots.

Again, what criticism? He made several assertions that I regarded as insults and insulted him back? I have done nothing more than what is usual for both imageboards and contextually fits.


Poster makes assertion that voicing opinions that oppose the popular vote on Holla Forums gets you dogpiled under shrieks of NIGGER KIKE JEW CUNT FAGGOT.

People reply with posts that are basically that. That was what I was referring to.

Alright, keep burying your head deeper in that sand if you want.

Im a jew and I realize that everybody needs a Holla Forums, and benefits from a Holla Forums. It keeps you honest and clean.

And although at times they can become incoherent, only their rabid devotion keeps the SJWs out. SJWs are always trying super hard to wrench themselves into any spot to destroy.

Holla Forums at least keeps it honest.

Good on ya mate

But… It's a choice!

Any actual proof provided usually gets dismissed as Zionist propaganda so you may as well argue entirely off of hearsay.