Just saw it, Id say the same. It was a good adaption imo even though I only read to where the nigger gets to the base
It was a okay film, but I feel like there slow scenes were long and drawn out but overall it makes him (the MC) feel more human and just a average joe. Also all those one liners, every single one gave me a chuckle, even the subtle ones. Really neat.
I actually dropped the manga but I been meaning to pick it back up. I just had the problem with it being just so long and drawn out.
Caleb Richardson
i havent watched any new movies since 2013.
Ryan Price
how come, user? something must have come out that interested you sometime in those 3 years.
Jaxson Williams
Apparently Moonlight is winning all the best picture awards. Damn niggers might win one this year!
Dominic Rogers
Jigaboos bitched about not enough diversity last year so this year should be full of token awards. Denzel cooned it up the best so my money's on Fences.
Matthew Fisher
isn't la la land winning a lot more? and elle and toni erdmann in europe.