I am done with sails, I have been frustrated by it too much.
Anyone suggest a language and perhaps framework for developing web applications?
Spends ages using sails.js to learn more about JS and scale-able web applications
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That depends entirely on quite a number of requirments, what libraries you need, whether there's a legacy codebase, lead time, and experience with other programming languages for starters..
No libraries except access to a database
No legacy codebase
Needs low latency
I know a lot of Java, PHP, JS
A little bit of python, c#, C++
Spark (lightweight) or Spring for Java and Express (lightweight) or Sails for Node.
PHP is trickier, in that for low latency you'd want a document cache off the bat, but plenty maintainable if you do it right.
I just gave up using sails it's really bad
I might head to PHP or maybe another node.js MVC framework.
Idk java for me feels weird for web
I just gave up on sails cause it's shit
I might try a PHP framework or another node MVC framework (I'll always be caching everything)
I don't think I wanna use java, it'll feel weird using it for web dev
Java is fine after all it's what keeps those JVM performance engineers employed at places like Twitter :^)
Just go with Python, PHP, or learn Golang in depth, especially its type system.
I think I'll try spark if trails (Sails 2.0 basically) fails
I fell for the "I guess I should make myself more employable"
I'll say one thing, you can make an api in like 5 minutes.
Use Haskell/yesod
What is there to learn about Go's type system except that it exists and that it's shit?
Because it will help you to actually learn how to write idiomatic go.
Fine dining feels weird after you've been eating out of garbage cans all your life, yes. Now do you want to be able to handle half a million requests per second or not?
This has to be code speak for "it's for retards who can barely manage to learn one language".
The hell were you thinking with a language designed for cucks
Found your problem.
Learn a serverside language worth a shit, or PHP. CakePHP isn't bad if you need to have your hand held.
Try Django, it is a great web development framework in python.
In my experience this think can scale to beastly magnitudes without problems.
The D is silent.
i will grant you this much: it's not struts
if you want to use java the lang, try something minimal like sparkjava.com
Spark was the first thing I mentioned.
I guess cause Java is my go to for everything else and PHP has always been my GOTO for web
Why use anything but Werc
Are you interested in SANICS?
This might be a bit controversial in here, but asp.net is pretty fucking fast. Linux version is not really usable yet though, so there's a very notable risk of bait and switch unless you want to go full retard and use windows servers.
I have personally not made any webshit in java, but that is probably similarly fast.
Looks like a Holla Forums project, nice logo.
dubs confirmed, Django is pretty good, and so is Python.
could you run an image board on it without it falling over every few minutes?