Pan Europeanism FTW

Dear anti Pan-European Europeans:

Your point of view makes no sense. A French child raised to be British would seem 100% British. Why? Because of race. A Swedish child raised to be Ukrainian would seem 100% Ukrainian. Why? Again, race. All of you who hate the EU have to understand that when they say "European" they mean anybody with an EU citizenship, and "European values" has come to mean "liberal cuckery". So yea.

You have to realize that wanting more unity between White people is not wrong, there's no reason to oppose it. The EU being associated with "Europe" has brainwashed you into hating the idea of European unity, a priori. When you say or hear Europe, you think "EU" automatically.

Please, tell me why I'm wrong, using logic, not "LOL AMERIKUK NO IDENTITY MUH VATERLAND I HATE FRENCH PPL".

Other urls found in this thread:


No. I want you to just realize that these cultures have changed over time. A German person's ancestors were culturally Slavic, Celtic and other stuff, only some of their ancestors were culturally Germanic.

Cultures come and go, what remains is genetics. A Polish kid raised to think he is a proud German might be convinced to go into Poland and kill Poles for his German nation.

Stupid, right?
Now you're gettin' it!

Third post!~

Every European culture is linked to every other one by what we call "Western Civilization". Roman and Greek and French and German and English culture have influenced pretty much all of Europe, at this point.

If suddenly all Roman or French influence in say Germany or Poland was erased, neither of those countries would be recognizable at all.

European culture is about as united as Indian culture, which is considered a single thing. In India, there's a huge variety of languages and ethnic groups, but outsiders are able to speak of a thing called "India" and a group of people called "Indians".

Why can't we do the same thing for Europe without some British asshole crying about how much he hates Parisian cuisine? Talk about 2 year old behavior, guys.

were erased*

I agree that pan-european identity is good, and many "differences" between europeans are due to arbitrary lines drawn on a map (note: retarded ethnic spaz-outs leading to world wars ≠ nationalism), but you can't say that there aren't big genetic differences between, say, a Celt and a Slav. You can tell just by looking. Still, the ideal phenotype is that of the Germanic/Nordic.

You probably think Turks are just like the Welsh. The EU is an empire, and empire's don't give a shit about race they only care about power. If you're seriously pro-EU than you're a dumb faggot and probably Eastern-European trash.

When you set up the monarchies that can actually govern effectively, there won't be pan-Europeanism, because each monarch will be as they call them sovereign…

Gtfo kike

Go kill yourself

You didn't read anything I wrote, I guess, I said the EU is bad, you doofus.

You know I didn't say that, moron.

Not always. Many Slavs look "German". Many Germans look "Slavic". Yea, there are differences in Europe, but they're not big enough to fight over.

Demographic decline is always good for a chuckle. Thanks for the laugh, stranger.

This concept cannot possibly work unless we draw an arbitrary line across the continent that will inevitably exclude some whites.

For example, my favoured solution would be including the Celts, the Germanics, the Nordics, the French, and the Iberians. This guarantees 100% whiteness. However, in order to prevent the destruction of the ethnostate by Russian/Mongol groups, we would need to cordon off essentially most of (mostly) white Central Europe, such as Poland, former Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and, of course, the Balkans and Greece (who aren't really white anyway). Italy would have to be excluded due to the high rate of North African genetic heritage.

What do you think? Are there other ethnic groups which are white enough to merit inclusion?


You're the moron here.

What the fuck are you even saying in OP?

So, despite your race if you're raised as something else you "seem" that race because race.

Are you high or just retarded?


Trouble is your chat is complete bollocks m8. Stop typing like a 11 year old girl yea? Your ideas are proper wank.

The EU has kept peace for nearly a century in a continent that had, on average, one highly destructive war per fifteen years, and has seen massive economic gains under its supervision.

I'm pro-EU, just not pro-immigration.


There is not a single people on the continent of europe, forcing different groups together is exactly what the current E.U is doing.

Not true at all, i like Europe and the different peoples which is exactly why i want them to preserve their ethnicities and cultures.

Your believe that we are all the same is something a kike would try to sell.

You're a fucking child mate, did you just memorize your favourite parties talking points without checking up on anything yourself you fucking pleb?

Well I don't think we have to all have one state. So none of what you say matters to me, that much. The fact that far Eastern and far southern Europeans are less European genetically should be accepted. And no, that isn't nordicism, it's just common sense.

I'm not pro-EU. Don't say you're pro-EU, that means pro-nonwhite cuckery to people.

You're a massively moronic individual, I surmise. If a Pole is raised to think he is German from birth, he will believe it. No one who doesn't know he isn't "really German" will be able to know he isn't German. They might at most think he looks like an unusual looking German, but there will still be lots of Germans who look almost identical to him.

This should be obvious to you. An Irish kid raised to be French won't fucking know he's Irish, and no one else will either. Get it now? lmfao

Go kill yourself

They do, in America
It isn't, in America
In America

and other european colonies

Please point to where I said the organisation known as the EU and its predecessor organisations were in total over one century old. The exact spot. Thanks.

Not in the EU.

Not in the EU.

The EU was not set up to deal with that. If you want it to handle them, give it the powers to do so.

Only two countries in the EU have nuclear weapons, and they have never threatened to use them on each other or on other European countries. Because there have been no wars between EU members since the Treaty of Rome was signed.

I'm pro-EU. Fuck you, stop trying to redefine words.

What is your point retard? What does that mean? That races don't exist because if you don't know that you're x race than you aren't? What are you even saying?

Go back from where-ever you came from.

OP wtf are you talking about? French and British are not same race. Nor are Swedes and Ukrainians. There are many different white races, and we should preserve all of them as separate races and cultures.

No, the EU wants a blended mixed multiracial humanity in Europe and wants to call it "European". When I say a little more unity isn't a problem, I mean the following:

French understanding and respecting Italians more and English respecting and understanding Welsh more and Irish understanding and respecting Polish more isn't wrong, it's good.

And no, I don't want to erase or destroy French or English or Welsh or Irish or Polish culture. Now do you understand?

I didn't say you're all the same, Pierre, just similar enough so that if any non-French European baby is raised to think he is French, nobody will know he isn't really really French.

Why don't you accept that obvious fact?

You are absolutely retarded if you think Slavs are equal to the Germanic race and should be race mixed with them. We do not want it, therefore we will not have it.

French and British are so similar that if a British baby were raised French, he would not ever seem British. Why does this truth offend you?

White people exist in fucking Sweden. A Black man would never be thought of as a Swede, while a Dane or a German or even an Irishman could seem Danish. Depending. Swedes are European, are White people, that is integral to what you are.

You want to pretend that your Whiteness (which is just another word for Europeanness) is not integral to who you are as a Swede. It's really dumb.

And no, anyone can't be White in America. lmfao

Equal is a bullshit term. The point is that the differences aren't enough to matter. And I didn't say I want them to mix. I want Slavic and Germanic culture to continue to exist.

But the way you talk shit about Slavs is stupid and disgusting. They're Europeans like you. Why focus your hatred on them?


NATO is responsible you pleb. Also do you remember how the wars in the Balkans were finally put down? NATO.

You misattribute everything. Get your head out of the propoganda mate you sound like a pathetic cuck.

But Germanic and Slavic are not similar at all you retard.

Yes now all get inside a union fucking goyim

OP here, I hate NATO and the EU, two sides of the same shitty coin

When did I focus anything on Slavs? I am merely saying I do not want a single one of them in my country. Germanic countries are for Germanic people.

Typical American mutt, you don't even understand what real nationalism is. Your mongrel brain can't comprehend these matters.

Similar ENOUGH don't you fucking get it. Fighting about the differences is stupid right now. It's 2016 and Europe is being flooded by foreign middle eastern and African scum. Focusing on the differences between European groups and caring a lot about it right now is not only dumb, but suicidal.

Europeans working together to oppose their common enemies is what is needed. Fuck's sake. I said from the very first post I'm against the EU, btw.

They are, but they aren't in the EU. Not the EU's problem. If you want to make them the EU's problem, give the EU an army and the ability to launch military operations without consulting national parliaments. Otherwise you might as well say "hurr, the EU sucks because it rained today". If you deny something the power to fix problems, you cannot fault it for not doing so.

Actually, the Germans brought them in, not the EU.

Do Germany and Italy have their own nuclear weapons, which can be fired at will?

I don't know what you're implying here.

Do you want to give the EU an army of its own and thus turn it into NATO? If so, great, please declare so openly. If not, shut up.

No, they're NOT similar enough to live in the same country. Fuck off globalist. Europe must not and will NOT be united into one nation.
Slavs in Slav countries, Germanics in Germanic countries and so on. That is the way we live in Europe.

How about this: we all have separate nation states.

If you seriously think Europeans are going to start fighting each other when we have nuclear hegemons then you're fucking retarded. Pan-Europeanism is fine as a drinking club, but don't start fucking with my sovereignty or my culture. Respect our differences the way the Chinese and Russians respect theirs while still co-operating massively.

See? Look at this fucking bullshit here. Germany and the Netherlands are fucking full of Arabs and Turks now, and it's a disaster. Yea, I don't want Slavs in Germany, either. I love Germany. I'm half German by the way. I hope that Germany survives as a country for Germans. But worrying about Slavs in Germany at a time like this is really dumb. Our enemies see us as White people, they don't care about the differences. They want to sow division between Europeans.

The worst nightmare of the left is European nationalists from all over Europe working together against them! And again, I hate the EU.

Nationalism is good, but when it makes you hate other European groups, it's not good.


thanks hotweels for fucking up my post.

Almost all scientific and technological progress in history has come from western Europeans. It would be bad for us Germanics and other western Europeans to race mix with Slavs because we would lose our superior intelligence over generations of mixing with them.


This is some Chomsky's tier reasoning.

Nice try. Rape babies were mostly aborted.

That would be irrational. No if the kid were to go into Prussia to save it :)

fuck off pro EU shill

You are one dumb cunt huh? Who is worrying about Slavs in Germany right now? Nobody. OP is fucking saying all of Europe must be united into one nation and all white races must be race mixed into one.

THAT is what we oppose in this thread. So stfu and fuck off, why are you starting arguments about something that has NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread.

I believe in sovereignty for each European nation, but remember the fact that history doesn't work that way. You need strong countries who strongly respect sovereignty. Lithuania is independent right now because powerful forces support its independence. Naturally, Lithuania would be swallowed by the Russians.

Kind of off topic, but true. In theory I like national sovereignty, but I think in reality it's going to be hard to keep around for long.



You have been well and proper Jewed, you see everything through the lens of the EU. Get some fucking context it's pathetic. I know 14 year olds with more perspective and reasoning.

I insulted the EU a bunch of times, you moron

See, I was right about you Europeans. You're brainwashed to hear any talk of European friendship as EU propaganda. I don't blame you, exactly, people use the word "Europe" to mean EU. Ukraine joining the EU is referred to as "Ukraine joining/coming into Europe". But it's wrong. The EU conditioning that Europe=EU is false.

You will always fail. Scum.

It's like this, Hans, currently (yes, in this current year) there are millions of Muslims who poop out millions of babies. What does that mean? It means that worrying about Slavs living in Deutschland is assdumb. Case closed.

Dude, I'm the OP and I never said that. You just misunderstood it. Reading comprehension is key, user. Try to practice some time.


Leave, and don't come back until you're actually ready to make a coherent argument that can stand up to basic inquiries.

What is pathoflight?

We're vastly different in culture. I have nothing even closely resembling in common with southern Europeans except our genetic heritage which even that is different. While I do share a lot with other Nordics and do find myself at home in Germany and Austria as well. But is I go to eastern Europe or souther or the UK/Ireland I feel like I'm not at home.

We also have huge differences in basic attitudes such as work ethics, "preciseness" etc. etc. etc. etc.

I work in an environment with hundreds of people from different European countries yet you see one common phenomenon. Germans, Nordics, Austrians and the Swiss tend to end up at the same tables at lunch etc. while the Mediterranean's stick to themselves, the eastern europeans on their own and the anglos in another corner.

You as an american who's never lived here or grown up here simply cannot process that. It's just the truth. But think about it, we don't even share the same language let alone many fundamental attitudes or values that are essential in day to day life.

A Spaniard says he works hard when he comes to the office at 9 am and leaves at 9 pm. The Nordics/Germans come in at 9 and leave at 4:30 and still got as much done (no it's not a stereotype joke I see it every day as someone who manages projects with people from these countries. Never fails). The nordics/gemrans etc. have a 30 - 40 min lunch and get back at it while the Mediterranean's would gladly sit there and talk shit for 3 hrs if they weren't forced to work by management.

The devil is in the detail and that's where it fails. We're just too different to function together and a pan-european idea is nothing but a wet dream of moronic European leaders who look for political jobs or Americans who just cannot get how damn different we are.

Finally there's just not the "want" in Europe to be lumped together. We want to be on our own and do our own thing. And every time someone has tried to force something on us it's erupted into a massive war.

WW1, WW2, Balkans to name a few recent ones.

If you don't want us to kill each-other again then do not try to lump us together. We love our neighbours but we want our own place. So bugger off with your pan european ideas. We don't want them nor do we need them.


You can still have trade agreements (like the EEC) and military alliances (like NATO) without any of the EU bullshit, and we did for years. Our leaders would prefer we forgot that.

you are =[


nice emoticon shlomo

No it's not. It was forcing us into this fucking thing called the EU that caused all this shit. Forcing us to be together and remove borders created the mess. Had we not had schengen etc. we'd not have these fuckers roaming freely. We would not have to bail out the corrupt governments of Greece, Spain, Ireland etc. Fuck the EU, fuck the EMU and fuck every damn thing that has to do with forcing us Europeans to be some fucking federation or union etc. Nothing good comes from it, only war, misery and decline. Leave us alone.

hello IRC goon.

So another braindead, retarded Amerikike WN.

Both Turks and the subhuman slavs here leech welfare and their best interest is a cucked Germany. So they are both oven fuel.
Fuck off Ami.

So you're claiming that a German baby raised from day 1 to be a proud Polack would be radically different? Really?

No one's saying Europeans don't have differences, we're saying that the differences are not big enough to matter when the shit hits the fan.

It's heavily implied you burger eating obese sack of shit.


Anyone reading this thread sees the reductionist distraction tactic you're putting on. Now you're resorting to "shut up" and "leave". Fact is you can't argue any other way because you're uninformed, that's obvious. Now pay attention because some people in here are going to drop some serious knowledge and it's likely your brain won't be able to handle it.


The opinion of an American on Europe is worthless, we don't want to become rootless generic whites like you.

Stupidest thing I've read on Holla Forums today.

As long as your differences don't just result in more sub-nigger tier infighting while hordes of browns continue to invade Europe….okay. I mean, I get it, European nations are occupied by the same globalists that run America, but it's a bit frustrating being an Amerilard watching Europe, a place many of us truly revere and respect, get doubly fucked by the leftists who want to turn you into shitskins, AND a bunch of kosher civic nationalists who think repeating the same mistakes of the 20th century is a sign of strength. And frankly that's what Euro Holla Forumsacks look like sometimes; frustrated people who pick the easy targets, and stay nice and myopic in the hopes of maintaining a delusional and non-existant level of "purity".

Go away Richard Spencer

thanks for being sane here, the Euro people on this thread are like batshit insane when this issue comes up. It's like EU induced PTSD where they have severe reactions against any idea of European cooperation.

didn't say that, for the last time, didn't say European groups should mix. Oy vey

The government calls nonWhites White in statistics to be politically correct, to make it look like Whites have a higher crime-rate. Americans don't call non-Whites White people. You're such an idiot lol


No evidence for slavs being any less intelligent. Maybe you're an idiot, which I can forgive you for, but Russia has made many incredible contributions to science.

No where did he say this, you illiterate shitstain.

You've clearly never been to Europe. The borders make sense and should stay as they fucking are.

Genetics isn't the issue, the issue is that they're culturally very different. I from the Nordics have very little in common culturally with a Greek or someone from the Balkans. And it's those cultural clashes that cause issues and forcing us to be under one banner will make everyone resent each other rather than respect our differences and work towards common goals.

I already explained multiple times I'm against abolishing national sovereignty, I'm also against the EU. You're just confused. =/

Dude. Genetics are why you don't have much in common with Greeks of Balkanites. OP here. I realize that not all Europeans are genetically identical. Nordic people are quite a bit genetically removed from Greeks, quite a bit. Poles? Not so much. Germans? Even less. French? Depends.

Thats because the Rus folk (from Scandinavia), fucked the shit out of the Slavic women and gave them some decent smarts.

Lel, you see Amerikikes on Holla Forums call non whites white daily. Plenty of you faggots thought Elliot Roger was white ffs.


Wake up retards. This poster is right and you fucking know it. Jesus Christ.

Maybe you should take that debate with your countrymen who forcefully removed nationalism from Europe and let half the continent fall under communist rule. And we still don't have cities such as Detroit etc. You guys aren't better off, not at all. So why don't you focus on your country and we focus on our continent.

no it's not, retard. Stop making shit up to justify your hatred of Americans.

There's no pan europeanism without the removal of national sovereignty. Period. So you cannot both have the cake and eat it.

I browse these stupid chans (4 and 8) daily and I have never seen what you're claiming. People on Holla Forums complained that the media was trying to identify Rogers as White, actually.

I'm American, you idiot, I know how people think. No one here thinks Mexicans are White, the govt just calls them that to skew statistics. Don't talk about what you know jack shit about.


I know you do shlomo

get the fuck out.

Pot calling the kettle black, America is barely 50% white and Trump isn't going to save you by stopping immigration.

Oh look a mongrel that thinks he's European.

There has always been a pan-European identity. The great authors of Russian literature were influenced by German, French, Roman and Greek authors to name a few. European culture has a huge intermixture. Western Civilization belongs to no specific country, it's a common European identity. That's all I mean.

I would be very sad if Germany stopped being German, or if France stopped being French. Wanting a pan-European identity isn't the same as wanting to destroy individual nations. The EU is perverting European identity into an Islamo-Arab-African-Asian-multicult mixed pile of crap that has no meaning. Our heritage of Greek and Roman culture is a great thing.

We should celebrate it.

Another evidence that an Amerikike's "opinion" is worthless and came straight out of a septic tank.
And just because you are all subhuman mutts doesnt mean all of Europe are.>>5859451
Another evidence that an Amerikike's "opinion" is worthless and came straight out of a septic tank.
And just because you are all subhuman mutts doesnt mean all of Europe are.

Stay salty, slav(e).

Yes. They will be very much different. I've got friends who's parents are from Germany, but were raised very much like every Finn and they're not at all like Germans. I've got friends who are Finns and raised in Sweden by parents who thought them to live by the traditions of the land, and they're also not at all like the Finns.

You clearly don't.

Another evidence that an Amerikike's "opinion" is worthless and came straight out of a septic tank.
And just because you are all subhuman mutts doesnt mean all of Europe are.

I'm American. You're an idiot to insult America for being 50% nonWhite. We all face a fucking nonWhite forced invasion thanks to the left. We need to have a common solidarity. The left wants us to be divided and hating other White groups. The media has trained you to have a perception of Americans as dumb and fat and blah blah blah. That stereotype all comes from the left. The left is the source of America hate.

I hate a lot about America, by the way, but the intense anti-American hatred is just retarded.

All Europeans are mutts you moron. haha

Every German has nonGerman ancestors. Every last one. Fuck's sake. The mix is different in different areas. The only place where a pure European group might exist is like Norway, maybe. Even that is unlikely. You're such an ignoramus.

So he's insulting you for stating the truth. Go back to reddit. Fact is that most americans aren't white and a big chunk of the ones called white aren't white even if you'd bleach them.

Blanda Upp Goyim



You aren't Europe's ally, this thread shows it.

No, Holla Forums and the Alt right is the source of my hate for Americans. Full of mongrels, race mixers and faggots like you pushing for the destruction of the peoples of Europe.

I can't wait until the beaners finish you off, fucking mongrels.

Actually most Americans are White. The point is that he shouldn't use the shittiness of America to insult me. We all face the same bullshit. Brits throwing out hateful anti American opinions isn't going to fucking help anyone. It's as stupid as a French guy gloating about how fucked and Islamified Britain is, or vice versa.

Your attitude is poisonous, man. You have no integrity, or intelligent ideas to give me. You just have vitriol. You're the worst of Holla Forums. The best is being clouded out by shits like you.


I pray for the day the all subhuman mutts like Amerikikes are exterminated. The EU as it is was proposed by that literal HAPA kike, Kalergi.
Just like you.
Literally cant post because this thread reek of subhuman Rassenmischung.

Pic related. Fuck off and let the productive PURE BLOODED people work their magic.

I giggle at the fact that at the end of the day, even the weakest European nation will be better than some subhuman mutt, who just like the niggers in the Reconquista, pray and thank their god for having "white skin", while all Europeans are born with it.

Tell that to the Poles, subhuman. Even in the aftermath of ww2 ( thank you "white brothers"), most Germans can still trace themselves and see that they are pure blooded.

But of course, a subhuman Amerikike just want to BLANDDA UP! Just like the CIA directive in Europe.

kek enjoy the sandnigger hoards friend
Be prepped for a dirty bomb
B8 thread

Listen, you illiterate, mouth-foaming retards. Let me explain to you what OP is trying to say, because you seem too fucking retarded to understand.

OP is basically saying that the biggest differences between Europeans are cultural rather than genetic (unlike a nigger and a white), and thus worrying about slavs in Germany, or italians in Greece is basically a non-issue in comparison to the current sandnigger invasion.

He means that you should "unite" (not in a retarded "no borders" sense) around your common heritage as Europeans in order to form a united front against the non-white invaders.

Nowhere does he say you should mix yourselves up and destroy your cultures and identity, only that the major differences between European nations are cultural, not genetic, and thus an Irishman raised in France to be French is largely inconsequential.

Nowhere does he say you should not have your own nation, or be proud in your distinct cultural heritage, only to recognise you belong to a larger European race that, in the [current year] needs to be defended against the foreign hordes

uh huh
Whatever you say, all knowing one. I'm really hoping this is satire, because it's pathetic AF

Not true




Oh yeah but you have those guns that you don't use.

So another braindead, retarded Amerikike WN.

Both Turks and the subhuman slavs here leech welfare and their best interest is a cucked Germany. So they are both oven fuel.
Fuck off Ami.

Same shit.

Exactly what you propose, with complementary anti Third Reich for moderate entryism.

No "pure blooded" European ethnicity exists. Only cultural groups that encompass an array of genetically similar peoples. You could literally take any nation in Europe and divide it down into ever-smaller cultural groups until you're left with nothing. This fact doesn't change their innate Europeanness. "Germany" is just a collection of a multitude of various historic Germanic regional nations, many of which shared different cultural (and likely even genetic) differences. Your elitist bullshit and opposition to uniting with your fellow Europeans against a common enemy is retarded, and will ultimately be the reason for your downfall

go away, LARPer





yes it is

Learn to read, you illiterate nigger-tier moron.

I honestly think that the left or the EU govts might infiltrate nationalism to stir up hatred against other White groups. They don't want nationalists to work together, they want dumbfucking assbrains like this guy to be what nationalism is.

It's sad how shitty a lot of Europoor nationalists are. Actually, the best European nationalists aren't shits like that. Generation identity comes to mind, the Swedish youth group in the SD, etc. Serious and intelligent nationalists care about the fate of all Europe and don't stir up stupid, meaningless and pointless inter-European fighting.

Thanks for trying to bring some sanity to this thread. How many of them do you think are just trolls? I can't tell.


Americans truly are the best goyim.


How is that? They are as bad as the invaders, and are interested in the current state of their cucked hosts.

We are Europeans by birth. No need to blandda up in anyway, biologically or culturally. Unlike the subhuman mutts oversea, most people (even niggers) are born with heritages.

Utter retardation. Thats why all the meme about Germans being Barbarians who "destroyed" Rome are there right?

Kalergi had European physical features and his skin color was as "white" as it gets.
Pure HWHITE! Amerikikes approved.

Tell that to a Pole. Tell that to his face that he is a mixed subhuman just like you.
The fact remain that the majority of Germans can trace their families back CENTURIES, even to the medieval tie, means that you can shove your subhuman half breed shit back in your Klapper, Amerikike.

Kek. Try harder.

A glorious example of Europe's finest right here, folks.

Look at 'em sperg

man this thread is fun.


I agree with the OP. The fact of the matter is, Europeans are very genetically similar. When we compare ourselves with other ethnicities, such as Asians, Africans, or Middle Easterns, Europeans are almost identical. OP's point, I believe, is that we should accept how similar we are genetically speaking, and thus unite into one racial group rather than dividing and conquering ourselves for the non-European hordes. Our cultures are extremely similar - who can tell the difference between French culture and Belgian culture, or German culture and Austrian culture? Creating one mixed superstate would guarantee the survival of a distinct European race.

Plus, as the EU has shown, it'll also turn a profit for the little guy too.

Just Blanda Upp



He'd be a weird looking guy that made people wonder "hmmm is he White or not" actually. You are probably a troll. I'm getting troll vibes pretty strongly from you. Peace out.

Just know that your shit will never fly :=)

Both of those are as kosher as any thing legally allowed in Europe.
Another evidence proves that Amerikikes and "HWHITE RACE" are pure retardation.


Believe me, there is nothing I hate more on this planet than some fat, sweaty, white American redneck going off about 'Murica saving Yurop from the Nahtzees, and those goddang Rushuns to boot…while Tyrone fucks his slutty daughter because the bible says not to be racist. I would gladly put a bullet between the eyes of such wastes of skin, as much as any marxist. This is why Trump's popularity is so encouraging to me, I'm hoping a new era of nationalism and isolationism gains traction among us whites, partly so "we" really DO take our noses out of Europe's affairs

Holy shit. Are you a fucking idiot who doesn't understand how to read?

Where did I, or OP, ever say you should mix up your genetics and destroy your unique cultures?

No one has ever suggested Rome was destroyed due to genetic differences, you tard. Rome was destroyed due to unassimilated whites sacking it in a time of weakness.

There are bigger fish to fry, retard.

not an argument, kiddo

This doesn't refute anything I've said. A German may be able to trace his lineage back centuries across multiple historic European states and cultural groups - some of which are long gone.

Just know that you're an illiterate idiot sperg :^)

I want to thank you for your awesome posts refuting these idiots, but I'm really starting to think we have trolls in our midst. These guys we're responding to are trolls enjoying themselves for giggles.

Toppest of Kekkery. Stay triggered, hoss.


Sure thing. Is a mongol looking, but pure blooded Finn "Hwhite" or not?
Maybe he is just a fucking Finn.

All "Hwhites" must assimilated in a master culture then. Ok. Pan Europeanism for you.

Indeed. Reviving Nationalism in my country, which you trigger every single nigger, shitskin and Pole leeching our great people.

It has been such a long time seen I have seen this!
Alright, I will tell all Poles that Amerikikes CLAIM Poles are a mixed bunch with blandadded up ancestry.

Long gone lol. Like Sachsen and Bayern and the Rhein delta right?
Such long gone places.
Fucking retard.

Back to /k/. You will find a very multiculti enviroment there.
>>>Holla Forums

Fucking pathetic. Just like lolberturdians.


Hello outside having fun?


White just means European you dumbfuck. Europeans know they're White. Americans don't think being White is super important either. But both Europeans in Europe and European Americans know they're White. You know you're White, too, you're just rejecting it because MUH AMERIKIKES STOP GLOBALIZATION bullshit attitude. This strawman you're throwing out that "White" is somehow purely subjective is a pile of bullshit.

You're a sorry excuse for a human with that nonexistent use of brainpower.


There's nothing quite as sad as Europeans with such a feeble grasp of their own history. Also the poster you're responding to is the Prussian LARPer, he regularly infests deutsch/pol/, and is possibly the most squalid, impotent, helplessly booty-blasted person in the known world.


Do they teach you how to read in Europe?

I'm finding it hard to decipher this broken, shit-tier English.

So he's not just a trollshit?

I was like 99% sure he was totally faking it.

Keep trying, laddie

Garbage thread

Go back to your IRC group fucking kanker outsiders

No. I told you to go to your /pathoflife/ IRC circle jerk. Maybe you will come up with better ways to shill for racemixing, NapoopaN bullshit ( that always fails and weakens Europe everytime).

Sure thing. Fly over here, come to the countryside and tell the people just that.

No Im not.

It is the sloppiest attempt I have seen.

Why should I learn to speak proper kike globalist language? It is early morning over here, Pedro.

And you are the resident Oleg. How about you ask the Germans there AGAIN, how they feel about Prussia?
Are you talking about yourself?

Although I doubt that you are a nationalist Pole. Only the shit tier Ruspolslav want to blandda up.

who made it garbage?

Really though. I want you right now to go into deutsch/pol/ and ask them, and come back and show us how many of them feel about muh based Pooland and the matter regarding the eventual and inevitable Wiederherstellung of Prussia.
Come on.

Please stop embarrassing yourself

Nope, hard to believe, I know. Still he's not representative (I hope)

Nice Hwhite man you posted. Such white swarthyness, typical of a hwhite united, blandda upped tribe of HWHITE people.


Please don't stop

The OP when he implied cultural relativism was real.

You really are the "majority". Pic related. You will be just like them. Laughed out of Holla Forums.
Maybe you are even one of those lolberturdians for all I know.

No :=)
Gotta take part in the Hwhite activity, like real HWHITE MAN would.


You're replying to the OP. I'm not a fan of cultural relativism, at all.

/confusion intensifies

I'm well aware
well you clearly don't know what it means because based on your first post you are a huge fan.


I don't think all cultures are equal, if that's what you mean. My post doesn't address the inferiority or superiority of cultures, whatsoever.

Explain yoself foo

When you said cultural doesn't mater Europe should be a ethnic meat grinder like the US
Yeah I knew you weren't white

I didn't say culture doesn't matter. I didn't say all Europeans should mix, either.

Where's your fucking reading comprehension! Fuck.

Someone please explain what happened to Holla Forums's collective brain. When did we get flooded by fucktards?

The only thing I will ever admit to being annoying as a pole is how everyone here is so into the tourism business that the holohoax is way to widely accepted. But eh, it should be happened any way.

How does it feel that we are all Hwhite, according to the the rational, sensible American here?

What do you define as unity, based on your posts its seems like you favor some kind of monolithic European state or at least culture, where is your writing comprehension?

That's not a thing, Igor

More so then the dumb EU commissar who thinks he can drum up support on Holla Forums

Indeed. This one dared to oppose our blandaup dream, therefore he isnt Hwite anymore, and we should call him Igor to show him how NON HWHITE he is.


Oh yes, all us H'white brothers have been working together and singing kumbaya for years in the fairytale land of europe. I mean that's how we got the genetic superiority over those violent negroes and such. Nonviolence is our strength, my H'white brother.

You guys are obviously coordinating

Its obvious you are off your risperdal

Indeed. Praise HWHITENESS. Praise Pan EUROPEANISM. Hail Merkel!
NAP and libertarianism are the way of life. The way of the rational, HWHITE people like Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman.

Arent we supposed to be Hwhite brothers? White brothers work together.

Stopped reading there.

But they are h'white, my brother.

The thing is the "EU" as created and run by a rootless international clique that has done more damage to Europe than 2 world wars.

Fuck the "EU".

Fuck off globalists.

look ma no globalists

bump bros

OP is a Jewish shill here to discredit white nationalism and create animosity between Europeans and European Americans.
sage, hide, report

EU is run by unelected officials with progressive values who have ties to central banks.

What's to like?

The ideal? Europe United? Sure, sounds great.

The reality? A group of people without your best interest in mind deciding the policies of your countries? Not so great.

Honestly, Europe seemed fine without a federal government.

There's more than the color of the skin user. We're all white, but we're all different regardless. We do have some history, a common core belief, and the color of our skin in common. But we're different, even when it comes to our DNA. You could say there are several sub races, or varieties, of whites. Which is what people have been hammering for so long: Europe has all the diversity it needs.

There's a limit to how far a union can go. We can facilitate trade with each other, we can organize the defense of Europe together, we can allow easy travel between our countries. But it can only go so far. Our cultures are different, and no, not all cultures have changed as much.

Cultures don't come and go, people are attached to those, for they have inherited from it their entire conceptual framework. Any attempt to force people to unite beyond what they want will end poorly. We all know where forced equality leads. India is one such bad example, because it's a union that does not work.

Plus what the fuck do we care about what name we give it, the most important is how it works, and right now, it needs to stop prevailing over the sovereignty of each individual country.


These dumb ass Euros have always hated each other more than they hate other groups; hence all the wars they fight amongst each other. They've never had unity and never will. Euros will never see themselves as white, or European, they'll always separate themselves into groups and despise each other and fight each other. They're borderline fucking retarded. They'd sooner fight each other than close their borders to African immigration.

No one is promoting european on european conflict, but the idea that the distinct cultures of europe are better off under one paneuropean/global white state is absurd. The same could be said of the different cultures and ethnic pockets in the USA – they'd be better off if their states had more right or seceded.

At the most we should advocate a temporary strategic confederation of european states, the sole purpose of which is kebab removal.


I'm starting to agree with you =[

What's with all these dumbasses?





to you people who didn't read jack I wrote

that's not what I said






We need to create Militaristic Europe Empire and impose the martial laws on them so they won't start domestic wars within the nation states. I know we have war spirit within our blood so maybe we can declare on the unrecolonised African countries and Jews in order to reduce the tensions. Is this a good solution?


How many songs do you have?




Bump to spite the D&C shill.

thanks bro

+2 shekels

i love this song, thank you





Good job, idiot.

So nationalistic! Until Muslims and Negros want in your nation, then you open the borders! But stay the fuck out, white people!

so yea

that's not what I said, you dumbfuck.

responding to the guy you're responding to, not you, lol, just to be clear


That's not what I said though. I said beyond our similarities, we are still different, and that we cannot unite on all fronts, not that we don't NEED a union.

You're the one being an idiot here, try to learn to read.

Well that could just be the sub-nigger IQ Yuros on Holla Forums, actual European nationalists (the ones in NPD, Sweden Democrats, ect) might not be this autistic.

Yea, you're right, real European nationalists most of the time like the idea of working together with other European groups.

The people on 8chins seem really fucking stupid to me now

Finally an european thread that havent been destroyed (yet) by D&C shills.

Read these , and make use of your brains for once.

Also read the works of Francis Parker Yockey, and Oswald Mosley and others.

Pan-Europeanism should exist in the form of solidarity between European nations. The EU is a clear example of why pan-Europeanism shouldn't be replaced by a federal Europe.

Pan-european board. Read the threads, and dont listen to the guys saying that its anti-Natsoc. The thread done by the PR-fag is g¡full of people who disagree him.

Holy mother of god why have I not seen that image before. It's so damn true.

I'm happy that people like you exist. You're the true americans.





kill yourself you LARPing american faggot


And, where might you be from, O Salty One?

Nice material.

Top kek.

Top lel.
Braindead Amerikikes. Such Hwhiteness. Da NAZIS opened the borders for mudshits. Real Hwite men dont.

Jesus, you really are a D&C shill!

You arent even trying to looks unsuspicious. Even what you says doesnt even make sense.

Reported, and go back to where you came from.

Well, the European tribes will die if they do not federate and grow the fuck up. The fact is that we did in the Americas, and I can sure tell one ethnicity from another–we just don't kill each other en masse.

If you don't want to grow the fuck up (like we did in order to deal with nonwhites, actually), then you will die to the invading hordes and be irrelevant.

Either way, only those who stick by their race will survive.

Why should what he said make "senses"?
The braindead WN here literally said that the ethno nationalists opened the border for shitskins. I dont think anyone want to "converse" after some bullshit like that.

But we did and do.

Sure thing bro. The Southern cultures was so very close to destruction, and the States' rights are non existent now.
Nice Hwhite nationalism.

Thats true. Subhuman half breed mutts have no place here in Europe.

This thread is fucking cringeworthy.

You people are cringeworthy.

I hope for the sake of this board this was started by some 16 year old and not a grown man.

Hello Shekelstein.

Its not our fault that shills have screwed the thread. And OP first posts arent bad. He started the thread OK.

thank you user

How are we going to pull off stunts like the Euromaidan if Eurotrash get along with each other? European solidarity is the last thing we need.

Are you some sort of anti-American Jew-hater, OP?

t. Vicky Nuland

every day that passes and I look at shit like this I have less faith in Europa

not only it seems people are unable to read, but there seems to be an abundance of D&C shills and kikes.

Racial solidarity should be paramount to any ethno-nationalist movement of the post-XX century epoch.

We're already minorities in this world, therefore, when acting in regards to outsiders, as in people not native to Mother Europa, we should act in unison to the better result of all european peoples. this in no way has to interfere with local, regional and national politics/culture/tradition or religion.

We'll never conquer space with BS like this happening

See guys, this just proves I'm right. Anti Whites are anti European solidarity

Don't believe the D&C shills. All the important nationalist groups in Europe are pro-European race and work with other groups. Nationalists work together all throughout Europe.

For some reason, we have a huge fucking influx of dumbfuck petty nationalists on 8chins. lol. Look into 'Ruch Naradowy' in Poland and 'Generation Identity' working all over the continent, especially France and Germany and Austria.

The real leaders of nationalism aren't like this, trust me. Have faith brother

Don't worry about that yet. Focus on what we need to get done now, first.

Nationalism is a good thing, but petty nationalism which encourages hatred of other European groups is fucking stupid and beyond retarded.

peace out


Fuck off.

Race isn't the only form of heritage, you faggot. EU deserves to die, pan-europeanism deserves to die. Even Slavics failed to unify…
Just saying.

I never said race is the ONLY form of heritage, you jackass.

I spoke against the EU all throughout this thread.

You didn't read jack shit, you just came in to post "STOOPID STORMFAG" crap. Good job.

To be fair, much of the tidal wave of mongoloid reasoning that this thread unleashed was by one lone retard. I guess they let him out of his restraints long enough to shitpost.

Yesss, goyim, borders and looking out for your own culture are bad! You should support our new 100% BLANDDA pan-European culture instead!

It's like you're not even trying, your trollishness is obvious as fuck

Fuck off back to Spermfront.

Creepy trolls gotta troll, I guess


Also This:

So, how would you your ideal europe be, anons?

Im more of a Confederate Europe, or a League of European nations.

Yeah, let's all keep fighting the marxist tyranny individually, that worked so well for Germany after all.

Your ideas are nice but silly. My family disagrees with next door's family; you see we like to leave our toilet seat as it is after having been used, but those matriarchal sissies next door insist that it must always be put down for the woman's pleasure.

Why should either of us have to choose to have it one way or the other? We want X, they want Y. Remove the huge state. Remove pointless laws and government, let the people rule themselves to the greatest extent possible.

When it comes down to it the only reason a state matters is for defense from large foreign invaders and the the enforcement of law. Law already wildly differs from area to area, even if not legally. Get blind drunk and wander into someone's farm in the rural areas and you'll get a slap on the wrist or more likely someone will drive you home. Get blind drunk and wander around someone's garden in an urban area and you'll probably get shot, definitely arrested.

Military is even worse. Most people do not even trust the police in their own area to have their best interests at heart. What makes you think a military drawn from across your nation will actually give a sod about protecting you or your rights?

… And you think stretching that military labour-pool across the continent is going to make them care about us MORE?! Ridiculous.

As small a government as possible is what you want. Small communities that police themselves are rerquired. They should be obliged to send X% of their men as military men to contribute to the defense of the 'whole' nation; otherwise their area should not be defended.

Bam, all is well. Sod off with your totalitarian-slave-super-state!

underrated post

I don't know if people here are deliberately misunderstanding what OP is trying to say or just sperging out with their autism. Either way we will need to start cooperating towards our common goals and common enemies.
Our enemy is not in out in the open, outside the borders of our countries with our warriors guarding the gates like it used to be.

The external enemy (shitskins) is in our countries, saturated in big cities and protected by traitors and kikes in our governments while our people are being demoralized and weakened by mass media and other means of propaganda, so if we stand divided, they'll break us one by one.
Because guess what, our enemy is united, you're all fools if you think that mudslimes who are planning terrorist attacks in Europe are not connected across the continent, (((international finance))) and their puppets are united as well.
How do you think any of us will prevail if we all defend on our own? How will we counter the future EU army if we don't start working together?

So tight cooperation between Nationalist movements, political parties and other organizations between our countries is vital and is already happening btw, so all of you here who are sperging out should actually look at some Nationalist organizations irl and get in touch of reality.
Our biggest weakness right now is not having a formidable coalition between various Nationalist organizations across Europe where we share informations and coordinate direct actions against the enemy.

Now I understand that united Europe in political or cultural sense is almost impossible, but close alliances will have to be forged between culturally and ethnically similar countries, at least until we solve our biggest problems and exterminate the enemy.
The best way to start is to look at Europe as a continent with three major parts: Western Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe. We should first work towards forming some sort of alliance/cooperation between Nationalists to unite countries under their respective part and go from there.

Civil wars are inevitable and we are lacking in preparations! So, especially if you live in Western Europe, get off your ass because the enemy won't wait for you to prepare.

Pic related, we have done it before and we can do it again.


The SS is the prototype of what an european brotherhood/movement should be.

Except that isnt what OP is talking about. The SS worked to further German interests first and foremost. Not entirely bad, but definitely not kumbaya bullshit.

Not their fault that "white brothers" worked with fucking communists. The Allies were the first iteration of "White Nationalism", the real "white world" against the ebil NAZIS (of course the pic related thought they could just take out Germans to secure the Anglo world order, how it all degenerated is another story). After the war they still ream the kikes and niggers until the 60s.
Dressing it all up as something else is just denialism.

People who dont like your delusional, alien solution arent trolls. What you are advocating has been tried for many times already, always ended up with more Jews and liberalism.

Are you talking about yourself? Or your friend with 63 posts?

That the impressions the OP gives, so his complaint is right.

They can, and they dont feel like talking to an outsider with zero understanding of European races.
And please stop using Europa. Half baked European/English mix is cringe worthy. Use Europa when you type German or something.

Which is actually impossible. Even the biggest proponents of "white" identity, Poles and Russians for example, are very interested in keeping Germany down. This is acceptable because the current order has already been set, therefore German nationalism will be seen as "petty" by you. Heck, none of you even complain about the constant Holohoax propaganda from Poland.

Prussia is undeniably one of the core of the German souls. Germans share the same amount of time with Poles in Silesia and Pomerania. And they were the latest owners before WW2, which unarguably ended in disasters because of American and British globalists. If you were to have your way, all talk about Prussia will have to be suppressed in nationalist circles. Of course you can just joke about the NPD, but that is how most people actually think, if they arent leftist cucks. I know, Im here. They may agree to keep it down to allow AfD to win, but the sentiment IS there.

The point is that this is just one of the many example of how your "White" identity will always be rejected here.
Generation Identity? As kosher as anything you whine about. Remember the literal kike with that funny little hat in a PR campaign of theirs?

Euromaidan happened because Ukrainians HATE Russians, for good reason. Both sides are kike controlled, but it is understandable why it all kicked off.
Many fascists group in Ukraine are koshers, but the separatists or undeniably Soviets. Which puts us in a Sandwich which may have shit situation. Naturally, the majority of Holla Forums dont support Soviets.

*are undeniably Soviets.


It was a start. What is bad about it is that the Brits pulled Americans in to prolong and therefore win the war. It is one of the main reason for my distaste for them.

Seemed like pretty normal border skirmished to me.

I would say that what came before THAT was what started it all, but Napoopan was also a good example.
Napoopan was exactly what OP and his cocksucking (just look at the thread) propose. A proto EU.

Getting tired of the self-hating American whites saying that winning World War 2 is the reason for White Genocide. Damnably superstitious…

But yes, France holding onto the papist religion, getting dragged down into republicanism, and not converting to Calvinist monarchy as Netherlands did is probably where a lot of the degeneracy comes from.

His original post may have been misunderstood, but he explained his position in later posts with enough detail for everyone to see that he isn't talking about a melting pot.

At first it was intended for people of Germanic descent, true. But it soon became what said because other Europeans realized they have a common enemy.

Not entirely bad? If it wasn't for the SS, the Allies and Communists would have won the war in 1943 if not earlier. Let me remind you of the 33rd (French) Charlemagne division and their heroic last stand in Berlin.

And is that second pic really necessary? Do you agree or disagree with my post and why? It seems to me you're just spreading division. Focus your hate wisely, user.

Fuck off.

Panslavism was proven impossible and you want paneurope? Literally delusional. We didn't need any such shit when Turks marched onto Vienna. We banded together for the fight, but never diluted our culture.

You, as an American mixed race mongrel, can find your future in such panamericanism, but it isn't for Europe. I don't want to mix with an English any more than I do with a Turk. Most people would say to you the same.

Now stop working for Schlomo and pushing your multicultural agenda.

Being a Pan-European nationalist and being pro-EU are not the same thing OP. People hate the (((European Union))), Because it works as a medium for non-Europeans to gain easy entrance into countries they normally wouldn't be able to, using EU citizenship granted by a cuck member. Not to mention the fact that the highest earning nations have to pay into a pot to help struggling Euro nations.

Also you're making a "race v cultural indentit" statement, and somehow tieing this to the EU and Pan-euroism, like that's somehow relevant.

The EU is not a nationalist Union of nations, it's a burecratic mess, that is harming many European nations. Only you, are associating the EU and Europe to be he same, this post seems ilrelevent tbh.

This. I don't understand why so many Euros on Holla Forums can't grasp this concept. It's like half of you are legit retarded.

Granted, the objections aren't coming from Europeans, they're coming from kikes trying to divide our race along any line they can manage to cling on to.

I think a lot of them can't grasp this concept because they are blinded by their hatred for Americans. I'm baffled by the insults ITT. When did it come to this anyway? I guess I wasn't paying attention to it.

We have Nazi LARPers here, they are butthurt about how dare the americans and the ruskies kicked their ass in WW2.

Im not a burger though. Thank god.

It is. Anglo world order was thought by the retards who thought they had in all under control by taking da big bad German.

I never said it was bad for us, it was bad for any Pan EU bullshit

This is where you are wrong. Europeans on the internet might actually defend Amerifats more than IRL, regarding guns and self defense.
But in the real Europe, outside of the cities? Bud, I dont have to do shit. If anything people just tell me about it first.
You really dont want to make us hate you more, trying to downplaying our characteristics.

Like I said, keep being delusional.
Generation Identity is as kosher as anything in the West. And if anything, they might be the bedrock for ethno-nationalism. Hitler and friends didnt just get to fight commies and kikes and get out of jails. The nationalist movements before that created the foundation. Yet it wasnt until Hitler and friends came to play that anything got done.

Frankly, I dont care if this one is a shill or not, because this is the kind of attitude that makes Pan Euro bullshit unachievable. Not like it was possible before, Im just saying this makes it even more irritating.

I'm European and would probably fit your "Nazi LARPer" label as well. Both world wars were fought for the interests of alien culture distorters and their puppets, in the end we all lost, that's why all of this name calling and animosities because of WW2 are pointless, what was done is done and we all got fucked by the Globalists.
If this becomes a trend kikes might use it against us and we'll end up repeating the same mistake for the third time.

*was thought to be infallible by the retards

It's getting harder to believe you're only shilling.
If even the Americans on Holla Forums think this way I guess we'll just have to consider all of you the enemy.

Fuck off. You will never understand Europe.

What are you talking about and who is 'us' ?

Check my other posts you dumb faggot

You are all delusional if you think that only "ebil nutzis" or "Larpers" hate Americans online, you should come here to the countryside. Even Poland. They might not be so eager to suck your cocks if you tell them that they are just some ordinary "whites".

And why is LARPing as in the original meaning even bad anyway? They are just trying to preserve European history.
Funny how these dumbasses look down on real nationalists, calling us all 80 IQ retards, yet larp up kike buzzwords and spew it for them.
I find it actually disappointing that there are genuine Holla Forums users who spew "stormfags", "stormweenies" and "LARP".

Oh I get it now, yeah sure, I live in the countryside as well, but I wouldn't call it hate, in my country they are perceived as weird foreigners to regular countryside folk.
Sure I hate their ZOG central and I hate it with passion, who wouldn't, they spread degeneracy to my country, but that doesn't mean you should hate Americans who are victims of the same enemy we are. It's really pointless. Women in Germany aren't getting raped by Americans, are they?

I'm pretty sure that the "ebil nutzis" or "Larpers" are the ones who come on the internet, specifically here to complain about us to us, though. Countryside and online are very different environments, so what are you even on?

They are just worshiping Hitler.

They have never cared for anything else.

Namecalling or not, the germans just gotta accept they fucking lost and moved on.

Now they whine like fucking niggers despite the fact they got annihilated and only through American and Russian's mercy that they still have a country called Germany.

Why, because frankness makes me mad?

You gotta call a spade a spade, the german lost both world wars. Fucking deal with it.

I used to think exactly the same way, until I realized how many Americans on Holla Forums actually believe Germany is a sovereign nation and that NATO troops are there to protect us.
Either way, there is nothing to gain by sucking up to them. What European nations need is stronger national identities.
Both "White Nationalism" and Pan-Europeanism go against this.

What country?

They really dont think like you like to think. These country folks are perfectly fine (not entirely) with even non europeans who work/study/dont cause trouble. Mostly Asians though, nigs and Arabs dont get much love, but you get the point.
I talk to them and some of them have memories of the post war treatment of Germans.

From this thread and many before we can safely conclude that most Americans are proud "kicking natzis butts", and their entire identity depends on it. Like the Baltic and Russia, Poland and Germany situation, you wont find friend here, bud. Best you stay over there and mind your own business.

Your granddaddies just drove around villages and shot young men after the war, and half the country was raped by communist subhumans. I dont blame you, but dont expect people to forget that. Especially when your entire identity still depends on that. Brits even admit that EU was created to keep Germans down, when discussing Brexit with concern over German domination of the EU. How do you expect any of your kumbaya unity crap to work like this?

Whatever. Just come here, tell people that you just want them all to be "whites". See how that goes.

So? Hitler did many good and his leadership was outstanding before 1939. Even till 1940 dare I say.
If those "LARPers" say the right things, do the right things, why do you care? You are afraid that the pissed young nationalists in Germany will shit on the US war monuments, like they deserve to be?

Good luck with Pan Euro bullshit. You are doing a great job.

Yeah, the 30K american troops in Germany are looting and killing every germans in their ways.

Fucking pathetic.

I don't really care aside from the stupid whining by the germans. And they don't do the right things or say the right things, they just worship Hitler.
And shitting on US war monuments, what?
Frankly I don't fucking care about that Pan Euro bullshit either. You go scatter around like fucking cockroaches while sticking up to giants like America and Russia.

Im sure there arent documents which state the purpose of such an occupation force.
You are doing such a great job for Pan Europeanism. Thank you.

Case in point.
Though this guy is a bit of an extreme example, the average American isn't THAT deluded.

The forces were requested to be there to protect Germany from the Soviet, and now are requested to be there to protect the Baltic and Eastern Europe from Russia.

Deluded what?

You literally invent victimhood. Apparently, millions of germans feared 30K american troops.

It's fucking stupid that Japan, a country that has more american troops in it, is rearming faster than Germany, and germans still blames the US.


No, I'm not on that subject. I got started because I saw some well-made but wrong-headed propaganda about U.S. winning in the Second World War, which caused today's problems.

Historical revision for the sake of getting into popular political topics of today is a bit nauseating, especially when you see a lot of juvenile U.S. whites eating that stuff up. I haven't seen that pic. or even similar topics brought up again, so I'll get out of the way a little, because I don't have much of an opinions on the pan-European thing. If anything, I'd take the side of the ones who want their national identities, as long as they're not agitating for war against other whites, because there is a different sort of enemy in the white countries, those who are the anti-whites.

The pan-Europeans are too idealistic. Even in the United States, I see divisions based on type of white, though that doesn't mean I'm looking for enemies when I see that.

China and India are buying Russian and American equipment, funnily enough.

Just as you should not accept victory that wasn't meant for you and works against the interests of your people to this day.

That's because of the newfags coming here, probably because of the Trump hype.


I'm not American and I don't expect any kumbaya crap. What I want is a conversation about ways on how to organize Nationalists from different European countries to cooperate against our common enemies.
I wanted to start the convo with my first post ITT, but all I got was 'muh burger mongrels' replies.

What do you mean with this?

Are you saying the Baltic and Poland, the two most pro-US regions, actually hate America, while Russia loves Germany?

That victory is for americans though. And brits. And ruskies.

Yeah, you all benefited so much because of it, especially ruskies.

USA and the USSR rose into superpower post WW2.

Their people, strong and proud.

Fair enough. The point that there's A LOT of them still stands though.

That absolutetly legitimate, but it should be done without Americans who neither have a stake in it nor the understanding to discuss it.
Not even counting this guy as I'm pretty sure he's just a shill that wants to make them looks worse than they are.

What is your problem with any nationality being proud of being winners in WW2?

Like holy shit, we're advancing to the point where we must feel pity for winning against the germans in WW2.

Not for winning, but for fighting.

They are pro US because they cant defend themselves properly for now.
You are just a money bag to them.

Keep it up.

Considering the germans invaded Russia, holy shit of course the russians were going to fight germans.

Similar case, japs attacedk americans in Pearl Harbor, Germany declared war against them.

After all, they beat your shitty regime.

And to this day, millions germans live in fear of a mere 30K US troops and depend on russian oil.

I would say that's both a spiritual and material beatdown.

That's realpolitik in action. Poland has never liked Germany anyway.


The majority of russians were communists, and the germans didn't care if they were civies or not.

Not to mention, you know, Hitler formed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with the commies, no less.

Muslims kicked everyone's asses up to France too. Must be good guys.

It isnt like there are nukes planted all over Europe :°)

And slavs need people to buy their oil. What is your point?

Muslism destroyed Byzantine in a much throughout way. Must be the good guys.

Of course. The moment the ball rolls in Europe again, you will see for real how many people actually believe that "hwhite" shit.

Is this supposed to make me feel sorry for Russians? Anyway, Russia is no way a real power. Just a bloated Arab tier oil dealer with a derelict army.

It takes at least 2 to sign pact, and according to your Russians were communists, therefore Hitler signed a pact with Russians.

Frankly, I wouldnt call you a shill. It is just a fact that most Amerikikes think like you. And I understand. Your entire identity depends on this, just like Russians and Brits. The boat has sailed and there is no coming back.

Muslims didn't win.
Nukes are concentrated in Germany, and it requires dual activation from the US and german government.
They can sell to someone else, but Europe is shit out of luck.
And the muslims were beaten off by the europeans, I guess the europeans were the good guys then.
If you don't feel sorry for russians, the russians don't need to feel sorry for you either. And the ruskies are the 2nd strongest of the world, their derelict army would kick your army all days unless American intervention.
And then Hitler betrayed the russians.

Wrong, because our history extends far past WW2. We can shittalk the injuns, the mexicans, the niggers, ruskies, the gooks, the sandniggers.
You germans's history froze past Hitler, heck, I don't think you care about past german histories. Bismarck was not an anti-jew.

They did, for centuries.

And is the German government elected by the Germans?
Careful and think before spewing shit. Might take even more credibility from you.

Ok, sure. We shall see about that.

Are you genuinely retarded? Turkey still exists.

That wasnt true the last time, when "white brothers" were busy helping communism win.

Well, since Russian communism is okay to you because it is Hwhite, from that point of view, of course Germans were in the wrong. When you are a communist sympathizer. Of course.

Thanks to "white brothers" "denazification" after the war. I wouldnt call Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schoppenhauer, Holy Roman Empire, Second Reich, destruction of the degenerated Roman Empire, countless scientific achievements, literature, Grimm Brothers, etc. "frozen history" though.
And? He wasnt infallible.


Only Jews and globalists oppose pan-Europeanism.

Nice reverse shill thread jewboy for a white sub-ethnicity dc thread.

Not really, they have never conquered Heartland Europe.
The germans have voted in Merkel for years now now.
Beaten off Europe, you fool.
So you do hate or like communism? The nazis allied with the commies, then betrayed them, promptly made the only choice left for the commies is to ally with the allies.
Well, Hitler allied with communists, I guess he should be shot for being a traitor.
No, even Japan made their history after the war with various cultural phenomones. Germany has frozen past WW2.
You count the destruction of the Roman empire an achievement now? Why do you hate muslims for conquering Constantinople then?
And no, I don't see threads for the HRE and the 1st Reich every days, I only see the 3rd Reich. The HRE is also no way an achievement anyway, since you are supposed to hate multicultural multiracial society and the HRE was that.
Yeah, unlike your hero, Hitler. Bismarck was the only modern german leader who won a war for Germany.

The competition between different nations and cultures is what made Europe great, you mongoloid retard.

The only reason you want Europe to unite is because you're an american with a mutt background and want Europe to be mutt as well.

OP must be on to something because I've never seen kikes swarm a thread like they're swarming this one.

Norway here. Fuck off.

The one reason my country is good is because we've got a lot of resources compared to the size of our population. Roughly 5 million people. If we were going to go into a democratic union with the rest of Europe we would see all of our resources siphoned out into the financially irresponsible European countries because we would be outvoted in every single instance.

The biggest and only benefit of mega unions for rich countries is military power. Other than that it's a perpetual regression toward the mean.

And it was his worst blunder ever. He should have known they would turn on Germany just like they had Poland, and by the time he realized they were already massing troops for the invasion.

Of course he only felt like he could pull out of the Anti-Comintern Pact and declare non-aggression because the Chinese had done the same thing first. And what happened to them? They got backstabbed and taken over by commies with Russian assistance.

The moral of the story: never, ever, EVER try to make a deal with commies.

People replying seriously to an EU shill?
Just fuck my shit up.

Hitler thought he was smart, using the Soviet to shield him from the invasion of Poland, then turning on the Soviet.

Spain here, Spain is fine as it is when it's not held to any standards, every EU country is held to the same standards, those standards are mostly based around efficient Nordic countries, which work at a certain pace that many other European countries just do not work at.

Like said, us Spaniards we work much slower and we take more time to just chill and enjoy life, that's not to say people like northern Europeans don't find time to enjoy life, we all do, but at our own pace, and our economies for the longest time have adapted to such way of living.

And with these general standards for every country we are just forcing the common man to adopt new things that will replace things that for the people of any country could be considered nearly sacred.

The entirety of all white lands have only degraded since WW2, you dumb fuck. Stop the D&C.


Is it D&C so much that I don't accept some kind of self guilt for winning WW2?

And things naturally degrade over times, there's nothing that says Hitler's victory would mean humanity utopia.

Not true at all, you must be blind to confuse a swedish child to a french one. Swedes tend to have way lighter skin (despite both being white) and also they usually have lighter eye colours (blue,green,etc) and lighter hair. also their faces are quite different. same goes for brits and everyone else.

We can unite to defeat a common enemy, but we must not try to turn into one. Europe is great thanks to it's european diversity.

Spain isnt Europe now? Ok. Balkan isnt Europe? Ok.

Ding ding ding
Retard 100%.
I dont expect any from a retard though.

Byzantine and Constantinople isnt Europe?
American, folks.

Retard tier reasoning. It was war. War against communism. We do everything to gain an advantage. The only thing matters is whether we are right.

Then all Amerikikes should be shoved in an oven.

You mean POST war, with CIA bases and occupational forces. Thats right?
Tell me about those dejapanese programs? Oh wait, those were only here, "white" man.

We only destroyed them when they started fucking little boys. So yes. Beside, Germans are today the upholders of orders, so much better than Amerikikes.

Being German was multiculti? Amerikike IQ.

Sure. Doesnt make everything he said true. I guess Schoppenhauer would validate all the MGTOW talk too.

This is what a typical Amerikike is, Völker.


we need a judge dredd but only for the things i dont like :^)

Do you like faggots then?

He literally makes a parallel between his ideal Europe and India; anyone with two brain cells to rub together would surmise that he means a European nation. Half-wit.

user, we live in hell for, and it's only getting more insane.

I am American. I feel no personal guilt for us fighting against the Germans in WW2, but I also recognize it was one of the greatest of all calamities for humankind and that the U.S. is ZOG central. It makes my blood boil, but that is just the way it is.

All our anger and hatred should ALWAYS be focused on the kikes and white traitors.

Basically, you are dreaming up an utopia that is the Third Reich.

If the USSR fails, you bet your ass your Reich would too.

We live in hell for white people*

Almost took the bait and give you a proper response you dont deserve.
How long would be the time to this collapse you talk about?
Maybe give us a throughout analysis?
Of course you cant though. Just circle "reasoning" so you dont have to judge your retarded, brain dead ZOG bot granddaddies.
I bet they say they are anti racist and you cant do shit about it.

The USSR fell because the entire concept of governance was pants on head retarded, and they were competing with Amerikike.

no, give them dredd

We cannot know how the Third Reich would have ended up long-term if they had been left alone. We can only take guesses based on what they accomplished when they were in power, how they were educating their people, and what their vision of human purpose and the future was.

Based on all that, I think they had the greatest aspirations for human life yet seen.

Not Heartland Europe, no.
Polls show that germans constantly vote for Merkel.
They are in Europe, but not heartland Europe.
It's not retard tier, it shows how treacherous Hitler is. And if you are right, why didn't you win despite all these advantages?
The same thing that Japan supposedly had. And Japan is still superior to you.
Americans only ally with the USSR AFTER the nazis invade USSR, nice try.
The romans have fucked little boys before Jesus Christ happened, and you earned money from these boy-fuckers until you are strong enough to rebel them.
Germans nowadays are irrelevant, they are but moneybags for Europe.
The Kingdom of Bohemia and Hungaries, and even Northern Italian states were parts of the HRE, and they weren't german.
If only you can apply this kind of critical thought against Hitler.

Hitler's economy was stalled on 1936 and he was running out of resources since then.
I speculate he would fall in less than 10 years if he didn't loot Poland and France. The foreign debt would have pilled up and his money amounts to shit because there's no more resources to trade.

The Third Reich was left alone, isolated until they started invading other places and got their ass kicked.

The third reich lasted even lesser the USSR, the supposedly pants on head retarded system, makes what you will of it.

Still Europe.

But Germans CANT actually vote for Merkel.
I hope you keep spreading this though. It makes ALL Americans sound very "educated" :°)

Still Europe and is in Mudshits hand. Mudshits won therefore what they are doing to old Byzantine is right. According to Amerikike logic.

Because Amerikikes were supplying the commies?

Name a SINGLE post war program for Japan that was on a same level as denazification.
Come on, we are waiting.

French/Gauls were the main immigrants in the Empire, Germans and Romans remain belligerent over the Rhein for centuries.
Of course, Amerikike are too retarded to actually know history.

Amerikike education.

And were they 100% subjugated to the Holy Roman Emperor? The HRE was a confederate of states.

I know for a fact that Hitler fought against communism and Amerikikes helped communism.

Nice. Did you read Vampire Economy, written by a Marxist kike?

As I said, Amerikike.
Braindead, subhuman and retarded.

Ukranians are mongoloids not caucasoids retard!
Europe in not ethnically uniform and a govermetn body with more authority than each individual state helps no one but the megalomaniacal zionist hell bent on world domination.
Even Europeans themselves hate the EU, the French adn British hate eachother, always have always will, Even Spain wants to divide itself (or at least part of it)
Shilling in favour of world govermetn organization is not gonna full anybody here


Tptally doesnt have anything to do with retarded, braindead subhuman Amerikikes helping communism win a war against it, right?

I guess, germans don't live in Germany then, only jews.
Well, remember who allied with the turks in WW1? The 1st Reich, so I guess Germany also admitted what the turks did to Constantinople is right.
The jap constitution forbids war.
The lower germans were colonized by the romans, while the upper germans get bribed by roman gold and silver, to war between each other while the romans laugh.
The germans do not even control their money, they are robots.
So the HRE was a multicultural, multiracial society.
I know for a fact Hitler allied with commies to fuck with Poland, then invaded commies, prompting the Allies to sympathize with the commies.
No, I learn that of history, it's no secret a part of Hitler's "war against communism" means "we want russian oil".
Nazis used their "degenerate" weimar currency to serve as foreign trade currency actually, and those are drying up since no countries take the reichmark seriously but Germany.

Hitler's empire was falling in economy way beforehands.

And the fact he failed at capturing Moscow means even without America's help, the USSR can handle their shit.

Bitch nobody captures Moscow, all Russians have to do to repell invations is to burry their heads in the snow and let wintter do it's thing

Let's get back on topic. You've derailed this thread enough.

Nice try, lend-lease happened after the nazis invaded Russia.

Napoleon captured Moscow.

Keep showing how "educated" Amerikikes are.

And why were we forced to ally with Turks? Moreover, does that mean allowing Turks to settle in Germany?
Funny how the Amerishit is just backing itself into a corner like this.

Oh wow. But we are talking about brainwashing and books burning. DENAZIFICATION? Were there Dejapnification in Japan?

Just like Ted Cruz. But I guess most of these muh we kick nutzis butt Amerikikes are the same as cuckservatives.

So, it wasnt gibs me dats then. It was tribute to keep the Roman from getting their ass kicked.

Yet we are so rich we dont have to. Unlike Amerkikes, even a huge crash wont kill us because we are industrious and we live off PRODUCTs. Real physical commodities and machinery.
Germany wont perish. That is more than what people can hope for a bunch of half spics subhumans.

And they didnt have to subject to the emperor completely. Even if it was what you say it is, then Germans can even turn shit to gold. Thats pretty big.

How does it feel, subhuman, to go to sleep everyday with the fact that your retarded braindead granddaddies fought for kikes and commies, and leave you with a world like this?
I bet they like Ted Cruz too. Most of them were braindead evangelicals. They would love him. Hell, they do. Some WW2 retards came out and campaigned AGAINST Trump.
One of them was probably your Opa. How sad.

So? Cant people get something out of a war? Are you saying that they would have gotten your retarded granddaddies to fight had they said that "the Germans are too strong and independent and need to be crushed"?

When was this? Pre 1933?
Didnt ebil nutzis barter with goods and gold?
Funny how the Amerikikes amaze us with constant retardation.

Baseless claim, typical of a braindead subhuman.

Sure. It wasnt like they got their ass kicked in Kursk and all other counter offensives, only win through sheer number.

And the war was only in 1941, right?
1943, 1944 didnt exist, right?
Typical of a braindead subhuman.

Amerikikes tier reasoning.
Napoleonic war was the same as ww2.
White Russia was the same as the USSR.
This is fucking hilarious.

So what? The Russians were given a tremendous amount of aid during the whole conflict in Russia from all the Allies, so no matter what the Germans achieved, they were just restocked on their losses. Something like a quarter of all Russian tanks, planes, etc. were financed or delivered by the Americans.

I think the real point is that we should have remained true to the real American spirit, namely that we mind our own fucking business.

It's pathetic to defend our actions in WW2, and it's not even what the people wanted until they were whipped up into a frenzy by FDR and jew media.

I've taken the bait again, but not going to reply to you anymore.

Merkel is the president of the EU retard not Germany's president
You turlly are retarded, you do not have to like your allies if you anly ally yourself for the sake of your own survival, You think Puttin likes dealing with Mao's ghost? of course he doesn't but he needs allies if he intends to fight the Kikes
No shit sherlok tehy even have an Amerikike military base in Okinawa, stil even if that is bad, it still does not compare to the fanatical level of persecution Nazi's suffered after the war
Dodn't Cesar write a book about his fights with the Germans, My Roman hystory ain't so polished but i always heard it was Germans who destroyed Rome (despite the overwhelming evidence that it was Destroyed by Mudshits) so my best guess is that they werent that conquered, but they where still happy to take Roman gold for mercenary work
No economy that relies on the Dollar controls it's currency, the Jews own the Dollar Though i do agree that Germans may be robots, only a machine could be as efficient as them
Duh, are you really that retarded as to not know that?! Amerikikes are always comparing themselves to the Roman Empire, and their embracing of "muh Diversity" is one of the main comparision points, to bad you fail to realize it was this Mutlycultural/racial diversity that turned the entire city into a boiling cesspool of divided trives constantly conflicting with eachother
Hitler made a deal with Staloing to divide Poland equally hoping Staling would honor the deal and halt commie advance over Europ, the reason he invaded Poland was to save the half of Germany that had been left isolated within Poland and was currently being ethnically cleansed by commies
KEK you read the tale of the victors and even belive they Nazis thought like you Amerikike? if Hitler wanted oild, ther wher plenty of weaker places to plunder it from, waging war against Russia especially without allies is the pinacle of stupidity
Nazi currency had worth based on German work and production, unlike Amerikike currecy that does not even have worth based in gold, in fact it was this strong independent and self suficent economy the Germans had built that threatened the glovalist kikes so much that they did everything in their power to destroy Germany and demonize it so that never agains someone would dare to follow in its footsteps

No one forced you to ally with the turks.
I don't know, ask the Kaiser, turk immigration in germany predated the 1st reich.
McArthur quite liked Japan, but the constitution forbids war and turns Japan into a pacifist nation. And yet nowadays it's rearming faster than Germany.
The romans figure there's nothing worthwhile in northern Germany but trees.
Germany got so rich now because everybody buy their products, yet they never have resources on their own. Once everybody buy their countries's products, Germany sinks.
In fact, they can become the emperor. An italian or hungarian mutt can become the emperor of the HRE.
Feels pretty good, because I ain't butthurt over losing to germans.
Just saying it's not an ideological fight Hitler's after, it's the oil and loots.
No, they had a foreign trade currency, which was the deustchmark, which was running out.
I thought the Weimar economy was shit, now imagine Hitler had to live off the bank of the Weimar currency.
Germans lost Kursk. And that sheer number demonstrates Russian's logistics might.
The war was over by 1941. With the failure of capturing Moscow, and the oil field in the Middle east, it's only a slow defeat since then.

True, Hitler wished he could be like Napoleon.

So the point is, without all that, the ruskies are still gonna win.

Logistics win war, and the germs failed to penetrate the deep factories in Siberia.

And no, we only officially joined the war after Japan strikes us, even fucking Charles Lindsberg agreed with the decision by that point.

Ok, let's settle the myth over the dumb shit regarding Hitler's economy.

Hitler's labor-backed currency means nothing in the international trading scene, the only way he can gets resources is through trading his bank of weimar currency, the deustchmark, and his exports (cars, machinaries, coal). By 1936, this shit isn't working because his import of resources > his export of goods, and his money is running out, this means his dream of autarky is shattered. Since then, there's only one thing left, conquest to get loot from neighbor nations.

Also, there's zero proof any kind of german ethnic cleansing happened in Poland, it's basically Hitler's holocoaster.

The only bad thing i heard about German economy was that they were running low on Iron and invaded France to get hold of their mines, though that happened mid war and i heard it form allied sources, but the German economi was self suficient, even if they could not trade with the outside world they didn't need to as they produced everything they needed within their borders, their currency had worth becuase their technology had worth, and everybody was importing German made goods, while they ere able to suply both internal and external demand, it was only after the war started that resources became scarce

There is zero proof of the holohoax to, but you belive that one don't you?
Besides, Hitler got tired of negotiating with Poland so that they would give him a way to axes the rest of Germany by land, he tried everything he could but Polacs did not budge and as soon as he heard about ethnic cleancisng he marched to save his people, even if it was just an unfounded rumor at the time, you cannot blame him for doing wath every ruller ought to, protect his people

Getting tired of the self-hating American whites saying that winning World War 2 is the reason for White Genocide. Damnably superstitious…

I'm pretty sure that the "ebil nutzis" or "Larpers" are the ones who come on the internet, specifically here to complain about us to us, though. Countryside and online are very different environments, so what are you even on?

Kikewheels is going to kaputt soon. We are going to need another vietnamese ceramic houseware disccussion communiy.

So… Roman legion, when?


There is no white race and you are not European you fat american faggot.

You fucking faggot 800AD there wasn't even a Turkey.

Why are Americans so stupid yet so obnoxious and arrogant at the same time?

On the 800AD, there is no 1st Reich either.

Germany has always lacked the black gold: oil.

And no, due to this fact, they weren't self-sufficient. Hitler tried to make his country half-agrarian, but this doesn't work in a world where industry rules.

And everybody reduces importing german made goods at 1936, there is a point why Hitler fired the head honcho of Nazi Financial Department in 1936, he finally figured out that Germany is not made for isolation.

The fact I don't believe in the holohoax is why I'm suspicious of all genocidal claims, including the german holohoax in Poland.

And no, the ethnic germans in Poland isn't Hitler's people, and he knows full well the consequence of military actions to get what he wants.

Hitler dun guff