First the daughter now the mother. The sad thing is Debbie was actually talented

First the daughter now the mother. The sad thing is Debbie was actually talented.

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Holy shit

carrie was talented too

at snorting coke and taking dick

she died of a broken heart



…She had a stroke

2 less white people

thank god

It's like poetry.

It's like poetry.

This is just getting silly.

its that fucking orange bobblehead fault. he gives off bad energy and its enclosed all of america. its only gunna get worse

The year is not over yet.

Debbie hadn't talked any shit (in public) though, so probably not in this case.


George redeemed.

Holy shit! Death has been working overtime this year!

Deb was a goy, so unless there's a "everyone I don't like is a kike" rule, they are both clear on that front.

this is literally another shoah

If you think things have been busy here, swing over to /mu/, they have been FUCKED HARD this year.

dont worry, he wont last long.

It still hurts.
Could be related

Eh, if everyone who had some sort of business arrangement with Trump ended up dead under bizarre circumstances then NYC would be a ghost town. Unfortunately that hasn't happened yet so I doubt that would be an influencing situation. Reynolds was 90+, in the hospital and just lost a kid so I'd say it's more a case of collateral damage if there's anything to it at all.

Bowie, yeah, but that's just the start.

She was 84 but I take your point

Lemmy was last year

Oh shit, he was. Actually exactly one year ago. So close to Bowie's death I thought they both happened in January. Still, it's quite a list never the less.

I usually laugh at normalfags who get melodramatic over the deaths of celebrities because they were in a thing they liked so somehow that means they have a personal connection and they can inject themselves into the conversation, but I have to admit this one got to me.

Another sad example of how Hollywood can maim and cripple the lives of even the most wholesome, loving people and their children.