Young ASMR girls that do Mouth Sounds like this?
Young ASMR girls that do Mouth Sounds like this?
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that ones good too
If you weren't such a lonely fucking loser you wouldn't feel "tingles" from such a artificial form of human contact.
I am a confirmed autist and these videos make me want to punch those girls in the teeth.
Even the "good" asmr creators are somehow completely oblivious to quality audio recording. Good binaural sounds like video related.
What headphones are you fags using? Sony MDR-V6 here. Not the best, far from the worst.
Well, I have plenty of adult women contact but I can't get 12 year old contact.
then why post?
But i bet you just wanted to brag about your headphones anyway.
mouth sounds can be uncomfortable enough.
this is just fucking creepy mates
Nice comment section
OP just got fucking rekt
funny thing is, that same guy is being super defensive at anyone who says it's a good video
these comments are fucking weird.
On a normal ASMR video, male or female people ask for wood tapping, breathing, close up, hand waving and other triggers.
On these people just ask for breathing and mouth sounds.
Fucked up.
Kids shouldn't be making asmr vids.
too creepy.
Intresting. He's trying to get into her pants by bashing interned pedos, while being an internet pedo himself.
Oh you find something sexual about that purely platonic video? You fucking pedophile creep, kill yourself.
he's white knighting ye
and nah, she's not doing it in a sexy way or being sexual, how can she? she's a kid.
It's just the fact some of the guys purely ask for triggers that can be seen as erotic.
I aint no kiddie fiddler.
Why be a pedo at all?
I mean even if you are a pedo surely you'd find GentleWhispering to be better since she's a russian qt with massive tbabylon's
Well it appears she's 12 and girls at that age have been known to have sexual urges and activity. My 11 year old cousin used to always try to touch dicks and lick her lips and make seductive movements on people like rubbing her ass on us and spanking it and shit until she got in trouble for it. Sometimes I wonder if she was abused.
What a lonely world we live in.
that just sounds gross tbh
Cause u gay.
ATH-M50 with aftermarket earpads and Shure SE215.
You might as well put your ear up to someone's mouth while they're eating. Explain to me why this is worth listening to.
Can't explain something that you might never understand. Waste of time.
probably too old for you, but this is best kissing video out there.
I like girls of all young ages 11-27. This is fine. I'm a pedophile by law standards but I wouldn't rape or molest anyone. Only consensual.
Thanks, mane.