>In a special video posted to his website today, Glenn Beck addressed news reports of the latest mass layoffs at his troubled media empire.:

I wanted to start there today because there’s a story that maybe you have read that came out yesterday that is talking about how yesterday my company, TheBlaze, laid off 40 people. And my media empire is crumbling. And part of it is because I’m traveling around with Sen. Ted Cruz.
Well, I want you to know, yes, I’ve lost a lot of money traveling around with Ted Cruz. I’ve lost about half a million dollars. That’s my choice. I believe in something.

Did that cause the 40 people to lose their job? No.

I want to talk to you today because we’re in a community together, and I trust you. And I tried to be trustworthy. And when I make a mistake, I own up to it. And I’m a trusting guy.

I think anybody on the show will tell you my biggest problem is I trust everybody, until they prove otherwise. And I try to live my life in a transparent way. And I try to surround myself with others that I believe are trustworthy.

And then I went on to build my own company with an authentic voice, a trustworthy company. And one of my main principles — and you heard me saying Isaiah it a million times: We take on no debt. Root ourselves in principles and people. Live within our own means.

And I trusted the people that ran my company, that they wanted the same things. And in the beginning, maybe they did want the same things. But a couple of years ago, I realized there were problems in my own company, and that even though the managers were all saying the right things to me, those things were never getting done. And you know this to be true. Because I would talk about things that we were going to do on TheBlaze and everything else, and then they never seemed to materialize. And I was losing credibility with you, but behind the scenes, I was a holy terror for about a year because I couldn’t find out what was going on.

Without saying anything bad about anybody because we just have different principles, the people I had moved down to Dallas and the rest was in New York and Los Angeles and Washington, DC — and we were working now towards being, I guess, a normal, status quo kind of media company, a big media company, and I didn’t ever want that.

But because our team was split from Dallas, Los Angeles — I think we had people at one time in Chicago, Washington, and New York — I didn’t know who really got the vision and who didn’t, who got it and who didn’t.

It was almost two years ago when we had a museum here at the studios in Dallas. And we invited you to come and just see the museum. And I bet there were 10,000 people here that came through — and I loved it. And everybody kept telling me, go home. Go home. Go home. And I wouldn’t go home. None of us did. Nobody on the show went home.

We were there and we spent that whole weekend with you because we love you. We love you.


Other urls found in this thread:

But I noticed one thing about my company. Not one single person from the management team actually showed up that entire weekend. And I realized, they didn’t love the audience like I did. They weren’t connecting to the message like you did and I did. I’m not sure they were part of the culture of the principles. And I knew I had to get a hold of my company again, and that would mean making really hard choices.

First one was, are you going to stick to your principles? You going to be honest with yourself? Stand for what you believe in, or are you going to give into the status quo and go along to get along? Because these people were my friends, they were my partners, and I don’t know at the time, I thought maybe they were right. But I knew they weren’t in my gut.

And my gut and my spirit said, “Stick by what you know, even if it’s hard and even in the end if you lose.”

I had to start firing people, people that I counted as my friends, best friends, partners. And the process that I began was the hardest process of my life. Yeah, almost as hard as picking myself up off of that carpet when I was facing suicide, that carpet that smelled like soup. But this time I had something I didn’t have before: I had you. I knew you existed. I knew that you believed in the same principles I believe and that we — no, that I had made a promise to you. Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.

And so I kept going. This has been a really hard five years for me, but the last 18 months have been unbelievable. One thing I had to do was get everyone in my house under one roof so I could look everyone in the eye. Culture matters at a company.

I stopped telling you about the things that were coming on TheBlaze. It’s called the Phoenix project. We’ve been working on it now for about nine months. I haven’t talked to you about it, nor will I until we launch it. I’m tired of telling you the things that I think we’re going to do. I bet you are too. We’re just going to do them. Because I failed you too many times.

The reason the articles like the one that came out yesterday are coming out, part of it is political. Part of it is because Frank Sinatra was right, some people get a kick out of stomping on your dreams. They really do.

Some is, I guess, it’s news when somebody loses their job. Unfortunately, my media company isn’t the only place in America laying people off. My media company is not the only one that’s looking at their balance sheet and saying, “We can’t go into debt, or we’re going to lose all of the jobs.”

They said in this article yesterday — this has been claimed before that my business is failing. I will tell you, two years ago, it was. It was absolutely on fire. Because when I started to go into the books — I was a bad steward. And when I started going into the books and see what had been done to my company that didn’t ever take on debt, I was first told that we were, I think, $4 million in debt. And then it became $7 million in debt. And then when I got the final accounting, 18 months ago, my company that doesn’t take on debt was $13 million in debt.

If I’m going to tell you you shouldn’t have debt, how could I have a company that was $13 million in the hole? I made really hard decisions. And in 18 months, my company that is dying and struggling paid our debt down from 13 million to two.

A couple of months ago, we had a great sponsor of ours, about a 7-million-dollar-a-year sponsor go broke. I feel for that company because everybody that worked for that company, much larger than mine, went out of business. And they left us with a lot of debt.

You see, economies, it’s — it’s like Jenga. One person pulls one big thing out, and the whole thing could fall. But it definitely weakens. And the more pieces of stress or the more pieces that come out of Jenga, the weaker your house becomes. Somebody — Delco goes out of business because GM is no longer making their cars in Ohio, and so that hurts Delco. And then that hurts the grocery store down the street and the restaurants in the town.


We’re in this together. I’m not going to tell you that I’m not running a fail company because the proof is in the pudding. I will just tell you the old managers got us into $13 million of debt. And in less than 18 months, we’ve shaved that off by over $10 million. That doesn’t seem like a failing business. That seems like a business that is thriving and is doing its best to set its principles right.

But I want you to know, when you read TheBlaze, because I’m not happy with it — and I’ve quietly said that recently, over the last year or so. Not happy with it. But it’s changing. We just hired one of the guys who put together American Idol, Oreo cookies. We just hired a guy who was one of the main guys at Good Morning America and CNN. We just hired an HR person from Viacom. I’m rebuilding. And it will be a lot better for me honestly — honestly, it would be a lot better if I would have just filed Chapter 11. But I actually like Harry Truman too much. I don’t believe — Chapter 11, sometimes you have to do. Chapter 7, sometimes you have to do.

But I wanted to pay every single person back because it’s not their fault. It was my fault for not watching what people were doing underneath me.

One last thought and then I’ll move off: When I first put TheBlaze on the air, it was GBTV. And I won a hammer. It’s the Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Award. It’s a disrupter’s award. It goes to some of the best disrupters in the world. I couldn’t believe I was in the room when I won this award. That year, I earned that award because we broke television and we’re the first one to make it an app and put it online.

I haven’t earned this hammer a day since. But I will tell you this: Sometimes it takes a hammer to break what is broken so you can rebuild it. And in today’s world and economy, if you ever get fat and sassy, if you ever start to put profits over people, if you ever decide, “I really don’t need — I really don’t — I don’t care what the people say. Yeah, yeah, they’re customers. They’ll just keep coming.” No, they won’t. You have to innovate every day. You have to actually love your customer every day. You have to actually care about them and wonder, “How can I make their life better or easier?” And when you do that and you understand that by doing that you’re disrupting the entire system and you’ll go places that will scare the living daylights out of you, but you proceed without fear, that’s when you will win.

I’m not going to tell you we’re going to win. I’m just going to tell you, watch us. Watch us over the next year.


Oi lads, here we go, seems like a fun thread

Requiescat In Pace Glenn Beck

I wonder how he will off himself. Will he be a man about it and use a gun?

Maybe he will go out like Kurt Kobain and wear a shirt that says "The GOP is dead"

100 bucks says his people were becoming pro-Trump and he threw them out.

Don't insult Cobain!



I'm hoping he redeems himself in a kamikaze attack on Soros

Kill yourself live, bitch. Include a donate to Israel button on the site. Choke yourself slowly for more donations to Israel.

The word of the day is trust!

There were people who I didn't think we're like me so I fired them.

Yes I have lost a lot of money by choice because I have been following Ted Cruz, but you gotta do it even if you lose.

I love you so please trust me, even if we lose, please trust me we will win.

It is the pleading of a spiritually dying degenerate.

What sort of delusional faggot actually builds a replica oval office to LARP in?

He seems to indicating using the hammer.


One that has reported psychological issues, was investigated by the fbi for threatening to stab trump over the radio, when he admitted he more wanted to stab one of his co-workers. The guy that has multiple cases of thoughts of suicide or attempts.

welcome to real life. Welcome to often jewish-originating corruption.

Is this guy real?

Gee never woulda seen that coming.


Also another thing. Call me conspiratorial if you like, because this is pure speculation

When businessmen and all the more business owners make these kinds of ominous speeches, things usually look a lot more grim than they seem in the external accounting. Either this is everyday Christian doomsday preaching, or he's in real deep shit.

What I meant with the above is, I can't shake the feeling that these events are somehow linked. All of a sudden, money is disappearing. Lots and lots of money.

נאָר אַ צופאַל

Friendly reminder that this isn't just a meme.
Glenn Beck has a history of suicide in his life.
His mother suicided as did his stepbrother.He was cast out in high school.He became an alcoholic and expressed his desire to shoot himself while listening to Kurt Cobain.

I'm about 70% sure Glenn's life will either end by suicide or liver failure.

It goes even deeper than that. Glenn openly mocked a woman who had miscarriage simply because her husband was a radio rival if his. That's one of many examples of his sociopathy

Do it already. I'm getting bored.

Reminder that the only reason beck hates Trump is because of jealousy. BEck has envisioned himself to be the savior of the Right. When Trump came along and stole his thunder, beck went mad.

Hell drown himself life a bitch

Glenn needed those Cruzbux and now the tap is running dry.

He didnt just openly mock her. He called her, on air, and said her husband was such a failure and thats why the baby died.

Glenn Beck is a bad man and he deserves everything that is coming his way. Do not feel bad. In fact we should be raiding his phone lines.. We should be dedicating a troll campaign to make him miserable

We should make a point to remind people of this whenever Beck rears his ugly head anywhere.

I'm surprised Glenn hasn't been targeted as a lolcow for years. He seems like a great target especially if he has call-ins on his show.


I mean the faggot has also openly admitted within this week on radio that when trump makes the nom he's going to vote for hillary clinton.


it all depends on if his cucked mind will rebel against those who destroyed it or if he's too far gone. it seems like he mentally unstable enough based on recent events that he could snap and go after his handlers or he could die in the gutter alongside his fellow rats.
I hope he shows up at the GOP convention in a ratsuit with a flashdrive containing all the secrets to his kike handlers and bomb strapped to his chest.

All you hatemongers will never figure out how radical and different it is to worship Goldman-Sachs. Especially for a media company. Man I hope our guy can pull out of this tailspin. Don't you guys know Jesus did a stint as a jewish banking executive? You're all just mad because you can't get your priesthood up.

Some of his nonsense is probably in response to being controlled by his (((bankers))).

If Dubs Becks is kill before general election.

rolling for an hero.

He is going to commit suicide when Trump signs the executive order to deport all blacks.

Another clown bites the dust.

If dubs Beck kills himself.

Rolling for Beck to Budd Dwyer himself

But muh principles

Did your principles involve being enslaved to the jews?

DAE expect Glenn to bash that hammer into his soft skull until the autism flowed?



A-are we really memeing this?

Will it really happen?

Please, Kek, make it so.

We're trying to, but it's not looking good judging from

Maybe GB plays a role in Keck's plans, so he can't die yet.

Maybe Kek finds it funnier to keep him alive to mock Beck while he suffers.

Maybe…Kek…considers Beck not worth the effort and His attentions are towards a bigger, funnier target?

Fuck it, I'll stop trying to figure out Kek's motives regarding this.

Trump has some divine support on his side. His opponents either turn bat shit insane and quit their careers after ruining themselves, commit sudoku, or both.

I'd say Trump has some mandate of heaven on his side.

I was in a time of prayer several weeks ago when God began to speak to me concerning the destiny of Donald Trump in America. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said,

“Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in My people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. I am going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before, but you must understand that he is like a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb their sense of peace and tranquility, but you must listen through the bantering to discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I have given him to expose and launch investigations searching for the truth. Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill My purposes and plans, so have I raised up Trump to fulfill my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound the alarm and many will be blessed because of his compassion and mercy. Though many see the outward pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants to lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger.”

This. He was losing followers/watchers by backing Cruz and being so vehemently anti-Trump. His people probably suggested he lighten up else they'll bleed more money, so he gave em the boot. How long til he begs his fellow Mormon Romney to finance his organization?


Maybe kek wants him murdered instead?

Remember that thing years ago when he was on Fox and he made this Holla Forums tier autistic diagram full of Jews fucking over American and shit his pants when they were outraged.


Is that cuck FINALLY going to kill himself?


Just realized why this guy loves Cruz so much: they're the identical type of bullshit artist. Same affected delivery, dramatic pauses, "sincere" faces, it's like they went to the same school for doughy con artists. Nobody but extremely old people with dementia could take either of those creepy bastards seriously.

On the bright side he does talk about killing himself at 4:57




a simple role does not an hero make.

this is not a lottery. this is not a raffle. this is a meme. this is the fate of a man who taunts, mocks and derides the bereaved mother of a dead child. this is the punishment of a man who, in a booze and cocaine fueled rage, raped and murdered a young woman in the early 90's. this is the recompense of the foul act of not only being a cuckservative but spreading the vile cancer that is cuckservatism. no a mere roll will not do.

RIP Glenn 'Cuck' Beck 1964-2016 He died as he lived, face down in a pile of dicks.


The priesthood has left the building.

He's hoping to sell it to xhamster for their 'presidential' series.

Speaking of, how much do you think Lewinsky's price for pointing is?

Did you see the cheetos thread? The guy is obviously being promoted. Normally guys like him hang out in the mall and rant at passerby.

I mean look at his (((logo)))

guys we really gotta stop this meme stuff.

Kurt Cobain was a degenerate heroin addict that was so weak he decided to eat a shotgun shell. Fuck him.

Donald Jr



When Baron sounds best be good with Jesus.

Fuck didnt mean to sage

8888 confirms Baron is the 7th Trumpet

Glenn Beck confirmed outsourcing TheBlaze to Mexico before year's end.

I guess not.
Oh well, maybe he won't kill himself until Trump is in office.

I remember that. He had a couple of them. It was great stuff. How far he's fallen from grace.

Who is him, and would he have been supported by Holla Forums if he had supported Trump instead? (kinda like little benji)

Cobain was garbage tier musician and a degenerate. Grunge is shit.

Check 'em.

Makes perfect sense.


He's a deranged alcoholic, and an israel first type.
Holla Forums would have never cared for him, cruz or no cruz.

Glenn Beck lost $500,000 of his personal wealth just from campaigning with Cruz.

Glenn Beck's company was $13 million in debt and recently restructured its debt to $2 million, and he's laying off most of his management team with no position refill.

Glenn Beck is begging you to keep buying his shit while he and Ted Cruz hand out soccer balls to Zika-virus-carrying Guatemalan invaders.

You speak too much OP. Nobody is going to read all that.

Beck has been in a downward spiral for a while now, it's been accelerated due to his head being attached at the lips to cruzs' arse and I'm all comfy, enjoying the show.

Point to remember is that as long as he still has people listening to him, he will be on the air.
that's how controlled opposition works, kikes love their propaganda networks

Holla Forums might be the board you are more suited to.

Glenn Beck is going to be finger fucked by the fickle finger of fate.

Where is that song from? I feel like it's from kirby, but I'm not sure

top kek

We're about to scratch one off the suicidekill list, lads.

Keep up the bullying.

Every cuck needs to be made an example.

I'm ready to hop on board this fun train.
We just need a fearless leader willing to set up a stream and organize threads.
1, 2, 3, not it

Kurt Cobain was a tremendously pretentious psuedo-liberal. He would basically hate your guts for even reading anything on this board. To the disillusioned hipster, taking things like life, society, reproduction and work as real, significant events is tantamount to self mutilation. All they want to do is do drugs, fuck and die off. Thank fuck for small blessings.

Follow the leader cuntrag

Nirvana were a decent band mind you. DECENT, not transcendent. Don't talk about Cobain like he's fucking Bach. He's a lot closer to Miley Cyrua than he is to Bach. More celebritas than genius.

Lets MAY MAY this shit into existence. Glen Beck committing suicide…with a long rambling suicide note that names the jews…specifically all the gory details how he came to work for them etc..




This should put things into perspective a bit.

Did you intentionally post that image after me or was it hivemind?

That ain't no shadow.

What the fug that's 10x higher than I expected.

Dem Mormonbux.

This. I used to be a huge Nirvana fan in my teenage years, I still listen to them now and then but there's no denying what Kurt was at his core. His politics and music both formed out of the radical feminist punk rock scene (he was essentially a groupie for feminist bands like Bikini Kill) and he never let that side of himself go.

It probably had a great deal to do with his suicide. The doublethink finally overwhelmed him. He liked being successful but he felt like he had to hate the 90% of his fans that weren't good marxist egalitarian liberals, the ones who just liked his music because it rocked, it was catchy. So he martyred himself in the name of passive aggressive hipster melodrama.

That was when Trump showed unexpectedly to and crashed his rally with no survivors.

I'm surprised nobody noticed that he pissed him self.

Beck used to love Trump.
Now he is smashing cheetos in his face while his company goes down in a smoking blaze of failure.

We should be spreading this

Concerned anons need to ask him about this on twatter.

Is he cosplaying as president?

We should mail him bottles of whiskey. See if that drunk falls off the wagon.

He also got most of his good ideas from Mark Lanegan.

Reminder that the reason Beck hates Trump is because of petty jealousy. Beck envisioned himself to be the grand savior of the Right. Then, Trump came along and stole his thunder.

I suspect this is why Ben Shoahpiro is butthurt.

That's the thing with the right, everyone wants to be caesar. There will always be a struggle for power.

It's just that some people are kikes about it.


Rick Wilson was also cosplaying on twitter as president, with a profile avatar of himself in the oval office with his legs kicked up over the Resolute desk. That was until anons bullied him about it and he changed it like a faggot.

These people are never satisfied with their lofty positions, what they have is never good enough.

You mad man.

That's some nice concern, user.

Pic related is an easy way to make burners, for those that need them.

No sure if this method still works, though.

Sweet, this'll come in handy.
Let's crank this meme mischief into

I really need to open up a Twitter account. I had one years ago but closed it after being bored to tears

I just made a twatter for the sole purpose of shitposting and meme wizardry.
Go make an account now and help raise the fire.


Some shitty OC for the effort.


It's a religious thing. Some religious people do that shit at church.

Yeah but just like his shitty media empire he didn't follow through with his plan.

A few more turds for the fire.

>that carpet that smelled like soup piss

Glenn Beck has fucked his company over hard, and likely intentionally.

That trust stuff he talks up so much? Its because he has been doing political purges for fucking years and embezzling shit like crazy.

Well yeah nigga, we can read each others minds at this point…We are at the beginning stages of the Jew's worst nightmare; Right Wing telepathic death squads…Just sayin'…


Made some dank Glenn Beck OC.
please rate

This. We must remind the general public of the menace Glenn Beck poses to little girls everywhere

Glenn Cuck went off the deep end years ago.

bump. I will do whatever it takes to make this man kill himself.


He's already in a very delicate state of mind due to the Priesthood getting BTFO by Trump. All it would take is a little trolling to get him to the point where he's masturbating in the street, covered in cheeto dust and shouting about how we could have stopped the second shoah, if only we'd had "principles".

Not bad mate. Someone tweet it to him.


Daily reminder that Glenn Beck opposed Ron Paul.

Glenn Beck can fucking kill himself and i hope he takes out a Rothschild or Rockefeller or Soros when he does it.

Those fucking cry faces of him, why does this faggot cry so much?!

He's a deeply mentally ill person and a ticking time bomb. I mean this 100% seriously.

Got to 1:30 before I was bored to death.
Sorry OP, I died.

is there source on the call?

also LOL

"the (((managers))) put us 13million in debt"

Oy vey it's anuddah Shoah.

I guarantee also that he's been hiring jews over goys intentionally because he will get those "bless the jews" shekels from God.

Too bad he didn't read his bible.

Holy shit, that's actually real. Kek sure is a funny god.

You used finger twice, that's not catchy. Make it: Glenn Beck is going to be frigged by the fickle finger of fate. Frigged being archaic slang for digital intercourse.

No wonder it's called The Blaze.

How is he worth a tad under 1/10th of Trump

yes! But we see here that Beck is a loser while Trump is a winner. Trump can take 1 mil and turn it into 10 trillion. Beck is a nut-job who can't run the equivalent of kotaku. He has been so terrible that some claim he is controlled opposition when he brings up Soros. Hes that bad. When you open your mouth and speak the truth and the true believers call you controlled opposition, time to pack your bags and go home.


I wouldn't say this warranted a cap. it was just a theory.

By the way who knows, it could all be the work of the semitic goddess Kek meme-ing herself back into the fabric of reality to take revenge for something Jehova did, by gradually bringing forth the end of his chosen people.


Romney's Bain Capital already funds Beck, Rush, Levine.

Reminder that Mormons are this nutty as a rule


Les Baines?

Crashing these networks…

Guiz, olfactory stimulation is one of the strongest ways to trigger memory. We should start mailing swatches of soup-stained carpet to his office. To,y'know, remind him of things. Things he should do.

Kurt Cobain viably reintroduced the German 6th chord to pop music. Say what you will about his politics, but he brought back a sound that was dead for over a century and made it mainstream.


This blubbering faggot could've gotten on the Trump train, but instead opted for the Cruz Cruise.


the number of times this dumbass starts his sentences with "and" make me want to do him a favor and take away all the pressure of killing himself, and just kill him MYself.


Beck is a classic case of a sheep with delusions of being a wolf. He wandered into the wolf pack and they humored him a while, until he got plump enough to be torn apart.

He's the kind of person I'd trust to get my mail when I'm on vacation, not to run a media company. He stood no chance.

I actually had to stop the video because I spit out the mouthful of whisky I had due to hysterics.

God damn son.

Not to mention a long history of drug and alcohol abuse

Has he called Donald Trump the antichrist yet?

In case you're still here, it is from Kirby.






Glenn Beck again ignores Carly Fiorina's admiration for Islam:

Glenn Beck: Carly Fiorina “Biggest Patriot in America” Was on a “Suicide Mission” for Cruz (VIDEO)

Then Carly walked in. I will tell you, Carly Fiorina is one of the most impressive people I have ever met. She walked in and you know me I am a hugger and sometimes I can be an awkward hugger. So I hugged her and I let go and she hugged me harder. And she just said, “Thank you. Thank you for standing true to your principles.”… And I said Carly you are probably the biggest patriot in America. She said, “How do you figure that?” And, I said, “Because you knew last week. You knew last week this was a suicide mission.”

Glenn Beck: There Will Never Be Another Republican President Because of “Racist” Trump

Glenn Beck declared on his radio show today that there will never be another Republican president because Donald Trump had permanently marked the GOP as the party of racists.

After announcing Ted Cruz as God’s anointed candidate, Beck reacted to the Texas Senator’s crushing defeat by refusing to endorse Trump.


“But here’s what happens, because Donald Trump is the GOP candidate….you will never elect another GOP person to high office ever again because….you’re going to have Hillary Clinton legalize as many voters as you can, the GOP is going to be completely racist whether it’s true or not because of Donald Trump – you will never have another Republican president ever again,” said the talk show host.


This. Or at least tweet some pics.

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

do it glenn. do it.
I'm surprised he has reported my twatter yet.


According to Forbes, Glen Beck makes 90 million a year.
And he's blubbering about 12 million of debt & "HAVING" to lay off 40 people.

I have a feeling Glenn will take his bribe money and go on an "extended vacation" after trump wins the general election.

Can we start a twitter campaign to #mailbecksoup ?

Just cans of soup. To help him do the right thing.


Anyone have that WebM of "The priesthood rising"?
I seem to have lost mine.
It makes me wonder why anybody likes this guy.

90 million per year?!?? I don't believe it.

Kek. Yes. Make the lighting better if you can and you're golden.

c'mon people, we need more oc for meme mana

C'mon wizards, we need more OC for MEME MANA


This guy sounds fucking delusional, what the hell…

Narcissists don't kill themselves, user.

In america, it pays to be a liar and spread disinformation and false opinions.