Kuro5hin, dead at 16

I just heard some very sad news on talk radio.

After being neglected by its jackal-faced owner for years, kuro5hin has finally closed down.

At one time it was considered the grown up alternative to slashdot and one of the finest discussion forums of the web. Scoop, the collaborative web technology powering Kuro5hin, was used for a time by several other platforms, most notably Daily Kos.

Sadly the site fell victim to the trolls and started declining in quality after the introduction of the fiction section. It limped along, like the old man of the web, for more than ten years after its decline until May 1, 2016 when it finally closed down forever.

It is survived by tens of users that still used the diary section as their own personal blog.

Truly a web icon.



Other urls found in this thread:



I hope it gets the archive.org treatment. There's certainly a few posts from around 2004 that I'm likely to need a link too in the future..

(like explanations of 'anonymous' from before the Media and Ebiks discovered it)

Surprised it lasted this long.

And Slashdot should've died long ago. It was already becoming garbage before the current web2.0 design existed but it's plumbed depths I never knew were possible since then.

I used it a lot in it's prime, was did a lot of quality shitposting there, but probably hadnt been there for a decade

And nobody cared because it was a shitty irrelevant website.

underage spotted

This is bait

everytime I see "KuroShin" I always think of this


RIP Kuro5hin
I never visited you.

Link to site?



Only big thing they ever did was the troll piece on Natalie Holloway

rusty was a lolcow (before that term was even born)
hollyhopdrive was the biggest cunt there and had whiteknight/cuck defenders (prob was a man lmao)

Too bad I can't remember any other names

There actually a few funny ass trolls on there (all of whom hated holly)

actually remembered a few


oh shit forgot

Also gay5ers were asshurt at channers
maybe you got your feelings hurt on 4chan, which is why you hideout in the website equivalent of a gated community

I vaguely remember someone from that site getting asshurt over someone photoshopping pictures of his wife into porn.

yeah it was Rusty's (the owner) wife

shit was hilarious
Led to the "trollocaust"

can't believe I forgot

talk about total recall. I have memories from 10-15 years ago coming back


would not be surprised if
is now a /k/ommando

=oh shit I forgot Egil

Wasn't he ano-guns europoor?

I wanna say I remember having a discussion with him about innawoods style shit

Maybe it was someone else. I'm thinking of a finnish guy that said he worked in the netherlands.

baldrson has got to be a pollack

I think he got a wife and went to live in a rural place. But he was def. proto-Holla Forums.

proto-Holla Forums
proto-Holla Forums

I think he died a few years back.

Even in death, Kuro5hin is better than Metafilter.