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Bump. I'm a burger and even I hate this ugly rat faced Jewess. Reminder anyone with a sock puppet twitter account to troll the shit out of her.
Top kek.
Based 'murrika
I know a liberal kike of that kind.
What infuriates me about them is despite them claiming to want more leftism in Israel, they don't seem to actively doe something to that effect despite nothing stopping them.
What does she expect?
She's a kike, after all.
Nationalism for me, not for thee, goy
That photo's an edit m8. Lucina is a hardcore Zionist. But yeah leftist Jews just say that so they can claim a moral highground in public, at the end of the day MOST of them are just lying Jews.
Also can be a form of Controlled Opposition.
She received a tweet from neo-Nazi Garron Helm, 21, of Litherland, Merseyside, using the hashtag ‘Hitlerwasright’. He was jailed for four weeks.
This image was sent to Miss Berger, and features the yellow star Nazis used to label Jews, while also caricaturing her with a big nose and greedily rubbing her hands
Saying mean things and making people cry since 1776.
Saying mean things and making Brits cry since 1776.
Well she is a public official. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the oven.
That is hilarious.
I love this board
Which one of you faggots did this ?
Oh how terrible! What is the twitter?
I'll plow her. I can be her goy-boy. The nose kinda ruins it, but she's hot
Agreed. Give her a typical European nose and she's a model.
Are people this new?
Nobody remembers Anglin sent hundreds of trolls after this cunt a year or two ago…
She was the main target of the DS for a few weeks.
Fucking kek.
the thing is that there is an actual resemblance.
as far as she knows it might be an ad hoc caricature of herself.
the one who vanished for six weeks because freedom of speech is banned in britain
Not gonna lie, I have a thing for jewesses. I would never breed/raise kids with one, but I would at least have some fun with them before throwing 'em in the ovens.
Here's some more samples of what they put on her Twitter.
one of britpols waifus
And Ayelet Shaked too.
I want to gas the kikes except them
When the day of the rope happens please send those two to me
They can live in my basement
I'd bet you its the JIDF sending her all this hate.
She wants open borders for Israel
Which is like asking for the destruction of Israel
Suddenly gets anti semit hate mail
They call her pig "big insult for jews and muslims" I would just call her Jew no worse insult in my book.
If she is a liberal Israeli, then without a doubt it is coming from her fellow Jews attempting to bully & remind her how horrible the goyim are.
I'm not sure I ever even heard of her. She is not brought up on Holla Forums the way that Ayelet is from time to time.
When we are back in charge, all Jewesses will be up for grabs by the betas, NEETS, omegas and so on to act as slaves. No breeding though.
But the kikes can say the English should be exterminated, and be the foreign minister, and they still try to sell us that ZOG is not real?
At least the muzzies give us the option of conversion or being exterminated.
Count K-C was an embarrassing goy Judeophile tbh, probably believed all sorts of whacky Aryan-Israelite stuff.
Whenever something like this happens I can't stop laughing my guts out. All the normies get offended and seeing them talk about Holla Forums memes with such horror is better than any comedian.
The best desert was Ben Shapiro talking about all the kike memes he was tweeted.
"Hitler tried to stop the Jews from fleeing to Israel"
O rly?
It's literally a 1:1 portrait.
where's her philtrum?
What the fuck is any woman doing in government outside the role of secretary, or as the P.C. folks say, executive assistant.
does this guy have a kickstarter yet? how do we contribute?
fucking checkd
Does anyone have the webm of this? so fucking hilarious