welp i guess im back to this shit, i did leave but, looks like im back here for 14 days, i left at the great death of hebe
Welp i guess im back to this shit, i did leave but, looks like im back here for 14 days...
like to think that i used to come here religiously… whats changed in the last 3 months?
If you're just going to shit this place up for 2 weeks you might want to try reddit as your ban resort.
I don't want your cancer here for 2 weeks.
If you're not going to stay then you clearly don't care that this place is better, and we'd be better of with you gone.
Fuck off. or stay forever
kind of ironic that 4chan bans for raids and Holla Forums doesn't, but we don't have any raids here (besides Holla Forums raids)
i left this shithole after like half a year of using it, i loved this place
honeypots is literally a shit so i stay
what changed? pedos are leaving.
Holla Forums is getting a little better, but still has low traffic.
the low traffic makes for a good community.
what changed is i was being told to leave, and that it was just dead, i migrated to 4chan and its a lot more active, no pedo n' shit, but its annoying how when you refesh there's 20 new threads. Holla Forums is cool for the fact that there are only 5 people… all samefags
user…. you're just dumb no wonder you got banned
i didn't know we can't post a link to fucking youtube on 4chan, the uptight mods, they deleted like 5 of my threads before. and i left because i was told that once the pedos leave the site will shut down and once i went to 4chan i prefered it… i did miss audio webms, being able to send multiple pictures…. and the captchas before every ficking post i fucking HATE
If the site was dead why are all of us posting here? It's not dead, its far from dead. It's just gotten more comfy.
but its so slow paced
Stay here then. You can still post pedo content on another pedo board, they weren't all banned, just the ones full of illegal shit
The point of Holla Forums is that you can make new boards.
like there were threads on 4chan where they can't even count to 10 because its that active
btw if you want me to prove my oldfaginess i can prove
remember walter malone?
that was less than 6 months ago
proviing i was here from like jan
the only thing it proves is that you're a newfaggot.
but before jan i only came here here and then
Time for an obscure movies thread?
same here user, same here
What kind of fucking retarded shit is that.
That kind of shit fucks Holla Forums in here. People just talk politics instead of actual games.
fucking autist banned by an autist