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Agree or disagree?
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How long have you been on Holla Forums?
never. i only came here to post this
A groid with a clue. Go figure
It shows
lurk more newfag
Absolutely disagree. This poor African-American youth has clearly internalized the relentless racism he faces on a daily basis from whites.
Poverty causes crime - it has nothing to do with the social construct of "race". His post is full of contradictions and false assumptions. It's sad that there are people of color out there who actually believe this racist nonsense.
You have fallen prey to a common misconception, namely that Holla Forums unconditionally believes all black men to be actively, overtly hostile to whites 100% of the time.
In reality, with millions of blacks in the US and over a billion in the world, there are all sorts of individual exceptions that can be found. This does not affect the main, overwhelming trend.
On top of this, single facebook posts like this mean little, since it is impossible to gauge sincerity through them. The author could be lying, or he could be honest but in convictions held weakly so that he will betray them in the first crisis that comes (eg. Trayvon or Mike Brown). He could be dog-whistling in ways you cannot comprehend.
there is no such thing
A nigger with a high % of White admixture could be considered a man by the same kind who consider Evalion to be White.
Lots of Jews came from Poland, wink wink
Friendly reminder that Rach is a persona of a Candian Jew ex-mod from 4chon called Learningcode. He also goes by Rosemary and DownWithPatriarchy. He is responsible for the death of 4chon, fucking up Wizardchan, and is part of the concentrated effort to fuck up Holla Forums. Giving this kike any attention is a mistake.
DAILY REMINDER: Rachposter had to stop using his trip because everyone filtered it and his avatar'd rantings and attempts at insult fall upon the void of silence.
Here is how you handle learningpermaspergvirginchode:
1. Never respond to the argument made, for it is like arguing with a wall (or a Jew) and nothing said will ever, EVER, be used for anything but attacking you.
2. Always respond with insult. That's basically what rach-poster does, so give them their own medicine (but be sure you don't violate 1 - that's what he wants you to do).
3. Always filter after you insult. Nothing rach says has any value, so you won't miss anything. He deserves nothing but full dismissal and disdain, so that's exactly what he ought be given. If you sit and argue with the librul speak, it will just perpetuate more librul speak posts/threads. Go to Goybook or Reddit if you want to argue with librul speak - we have no use for such.
4. Anyone who does not follow these simple guidelines ought be filtered as well - they may be new, or dim, or (as likely) proxy plants by rach and his team of librul goons trying to make it appear other Holla Forumsacks are engaging - do not move with the herd in your response.
If/when rach is met with nothing but dismissal, disdain and silence to his warblings, he will cease such warblings - because they achieve nothing and do not provide the burst of psychological satisfaction which this lowly creature clearly craves.
The character requirement is there for a reason, namely that you don't just shit an image on the catalog with a one-liner.
This needs a quote from St. John Chrysostom
the synagogue is not only a brothel and a theater; it also is a den of robbers and a lodging for wild beasts.
Adversos Judeaos
I've always wondered, how many of those pics have you got? You always post new ones.
fucking saved M8
Beautiful Pic right there.
God, it must hurt to be one. They have my absolute deepest pity.
What did he do? Please elaborate
He was an admin of wizchan and resigned his post after he mated with a 3dpd that fucked his shit up.
Seems to be a recurring theme with wizardchan.
Nobody that matters cares.
Niggers are niggers.
Only about ten percent of the US black population exceeds IQ 100, and 50%+ fall below IQ 85.
Even those ten-percenter exceptions are merely that - exceptions, who, further, can produce non-exceptions via reproduction: 'decent or exceptional' niggers can, and oft do, produce 'sub-exceptional and indecent' nigger spawn.
Such words as these lack meaning or value as a result.
Wow. An honest black man. And he can form a coherent sentence as well.
He must be one of the outliers from the upper tail of the bell curve. Good for him.
Hello reddit