The fruits of multiculturalism and diversity

When researchers decided to document all the wonderful benefits of diversity, they were shocked to instead discover that multiculturalism destroys trust and cohesion in communities. Horrified at their findings and not wanting to be called racists, they hide their research for a long time before it became public.

Among the "benefits" of diversity they discovered:

* Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.
* Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one's own influence.
* Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.
* Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.
* Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action (e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).
* Less likelihood of working on a community project.
* Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.
* Fewer close friends and confidants.
* Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.
* More time spent watching television and more agreement that "television is my most important form of entertainment".

Sound like anywhere you've lived? And if you've ever lived in a community where diversity is low, you've likely seen most of the above not be true. Despite science discovering that diversity and multiculturalism to not be beneficial to society. this forced structural change in how our communities exist continues as the medial, politicians, and academics push for even more diversity.

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Old news. But bump for visibility.

Quick reference.

Old but sadly relatively unknown in society as a whole. "Diversity is our strength" might as well be the official motto of the United States since pretty much every national politician and cultural figure repeats it.

My theory is the breakdown of trust within groups in an area of high diversity is due to the number of people in the group who align themselves with another group. Seeing a member of your group pushing for another group over your own is bound to harm intragroup trust.

Indeed. Such systems hinder the effectiveness of exile and social-shaming as rejects will always find another out-group to latch onto within close proximity to the population that seeks to turn them away.

Not only this, but rejection becomes the kernel around which miscreants and outcasts can gather and combine efforts to undermine the social cohesion of groups to whom they do not belong.

What a fucking surprise. Speak of not reading your history books

It's a form of arrogance. Everyone else throughout human history was wrong but now that we, the special snowflakes, have arrived on the scene, we will make it work because, well, we want it to work.

Dub trips confirm

In Scandinavia not Sweeden it is relatively well known. Heard about in highschool 10 years ago. My guess is that it is being heawily supressed in multi-culti flagship countries. Which is why its always nice to se it around the interwebs. It had an important role in turning me from youthfull leftism.

I grew up hearing "diversity is our strength" so I never really questioned it even though I grew up in an area with racial strife. That diversity is good was something said so pervasively that to think otherwise was like to say gravity doesn't exist. When I actually started to look into it though, I was really sad when I learned the truth. I'm the type of person who loves meeting new people and loves to travel and experience other cultures but I'm also an engineer who loves facts and proof. So as sad as it was to realize that diversity is destruction instead of strength, I had to be open to the truth. For many it's just too much of a change from what they've been taught all their lives to ever believe something different.


My vice is video games. Feels real bad when my depression is getting so bad there are times when I can't even leave my room due to the fear of modern society.

The data is from 2001. Obviously video games existed back then but weren't as popular as they are now.

Denmark lost part of it ancient territory to Germany (1864 War) due to creeping migration from the South. So we know what 'diversity' leads to.

And even back then that was my vice after I made the mistake of asking my family why every minority can make fun of whites but it doesn't work the other way around at a very early age not to mention be brown. Feels weird when you get called a racist bigot at the age of 7 and expect browbeating to not fuck up a person's mental well being.


That's a classic tactic used by nation states to expand. Have a large number of your people immigrate to an area, become the majority or even just a significant minority, and then invade on the pretext of protecting your people. Once the gains have been consolidated, rinse and repeat. If there wasn't such a disparity between the military strength of Mexico and the US, they probably already would have used it as an excuse to take over the southwestern US. Something similar is happening in the Far East of Russia where Chinese are immigrating and becoming the majority in border areas. But since both nations are armed with nukes, the conflict probably will never happen at that level. A desire for the Chinese immigrants to breakaway and form their own "independent" country free of Russia and under indirect control of Beijing could happen someday.

Someone never read about the tower of Babel.

God forbayed it.

Holy shit this was made in 2001.
It's 2016, I mean come on.
Do you realize it's even worse now than what he discovered back then?

Don't you mean the internet? Take into consideration that if jewish influence did add parts to the bible wouldn't it be easier to subvert nations if certain people kept a language barrier between nations? Doubly so if they wield some power in each of those nations? The tower of babel always seemed like a way for neighboring nations to speak on common grounds similar to what the United Nations should have been. Oh well, that sort of shit is lost to time.

The internet isn't a hubristic attempt by mankind to unite all people under one nation, one flag, and one throne to show that man no longer needs or cares about God.

The internet is a 4-dimensional telephone service.

So we need to get rid of kikes globalists? Sounds easy enough once normalfags see the oblivion globalists are corralling them into.

These effects and more are also confirmed by the paper "The Nature of Conflict":

What? It seems like you have no idea what the tower of babel is.

To put it succinctly it's a warning against diversity. You're trying to "i'm so smart and enlightened" it that you come off as a retard.

I'll go one step further for the last line;

The bible was originally a warning. A warning about jews.

Well thank you for double checking the author of that book to let everyone know what he meant. By any chance can you tell us which books are legit and which ones are kike subversion?

Anyone with half a brain knows that the bible warns against the jews. Jesus himself kicked the kikes out of the temples due to their unchecked greed fucking up his message. What is curious to me is when they mention large structures and events despite the lack of evidence showing those things existed. In short, what was based on current events during that era and what is just a story with a moral.

>So we need to get rid of kikes globalists?

Holla Forums should push for denouncing globalists even more. We know it's the Jews, but anti-semitism is hard to market to normal people indoctrinated by decades of anti-nazism.

as we all knew. they'd rather whine than actually directly do something.
Because they hate democracy and people disagreeing so they'll stamp their feet until they get their own way.

Quoted for truth. Calling normalfags to shit on isreal for being kikes is a bit of a pill to swallow. However, if you tell them that globalism's birthplace began in israel and proceed to cite the talmund and show pic related then their nationalism tends to ramp up to 11 or they have a full leftycuck meltdown.

Ordinary Swedes generally believe immigration is mostly a problem in Southern Sweden, ie. Scania (eg. Malmö), the area they conquered from Denmark in 1658. Ex Prime Minister Reinfeldt has stated that the immigrants into Sweden are Sweden's people of the future rather than 'people who have lived there for 3 - 4 generations'. Thus Sweden will in the future be in a position to declare themselves as the protectors of immigrants in present Denmark and take corresponding military action, obtaining a direct connection to Germany over land, like Scania was a connection by sea.

France has similarly replaced Flemings in French Flanders and Germanophones in Alsace with Muslims of perceived greater French loyalty.

They literally made the new UN building look like the Tower of Babel.

Kikes and Christians both tell the Babel story, but the take-away is different. Christians teach it as a warning of the arrogance of man believing he can supplant divine will.

Jews teach that God made a mistake when he fragmented the people of the world into different nations and languages, and it is there duty to show God the error of His ways by bringing Babel back into being.

It is a unique arrogance of the Jews to believe that their personal knowledge is superior to divine wisdom and revelation. I have studied and researched many religions, and all of them are, at their root, about gaining some form of understanding, absolution, and unity with the divine.

Judaism alone professes that the material man knows better than the divine force.

The quest to kill God, both metaphorically and literally, is a uniquely semitic concept. Modern Atheistic Materialism betrays it's semitic roots with it's almost total focus on battering Christianity and it's relentless assault on the divine.

The skeptic questions both the assertion that God exists and that God does not exist.

The Atheist asserts loudly and clearly: God does not exist.

Thus is the nature of the hand that wields the sword betrayed.

How abotu gnosticism? Its roots are persian/egyptian btw.

On Twitter I mostly ue the term globalist to refer to Jews.

Well, not just Jews, plenty of shabbos goy race traitors, too.

Gnosticism seeks union with God, it doesn't hold the Demiurge that created the material universe, whom they identify as Yahweh, as the true God.

Took them that long to realize a multicultural society would only be multiconflictual?

I live in Paris, and I can clearly see all this happening. It's all going to shit, people are all independent, not caring about each other. There's no such thing as a society anymore.

I don't even want to talk about it because of how painful it is. I miss my country.

It's as if Jews have to force Multiculturalism on the West so we are too busy dealing with the shitty forced diversity, and cannot focus on how they're nation wreckers.
pic unrelated


Highly likely that is their motivation but it's crazy that it has worked so well… at least so far. Jews tend to push and push until they've taken their target host far beyond the breaking point, at which point all hell breaks loose and they're either expelled or killed. How long will it be before western civilization as a whole wakes up and turns its force against those who have been turning it against itself?

This is part of the reason why I hate the so called "War on Christmas" so much. There never should have been a connection between materialism and Christmas but that's what happened. Right as some Christians were starting to question the inherent contradiction, this whole "War on Christmas" narrative appeared out of nowhere and suddenly it was the Christian thing to do to force the two together. "How dare you NOT use the birth of our Savior to sell salad shooters and Hickory Farms cheese logs!" This is why many times in the past Christian communities went so far as to ban celebrating Christmas. It always gets cooped by the merchants into an orgy of materialistic consumption.

"Black pigeon speak" is controled, false opposition being pimped to us by youtube (hence the number of views).

What a world. The city of love is now the city of desolation and abandonment.

For me it's anime, watching it has become more of a form of escapism than a form of entertainment now though

I am not surprised at all given my own experience of the wonders of diversity.

Exactly, which happens in every scenario. Being absolute Materialists, most of these people think only in the present, defined by the narrow years of their life, and while they realize they're essentially passing around the bomb that is their cobbled social experiment with absolutely zero regard for when it goes off because of an assumption that, "It won't happen in my life time." Personally, I think we're reaching the end of that period in the western world. Hitler's testament is that he sacrificed his nation in an attempt to show the Western World what was truly causing issues throughout the first millennium, and thankfully his fight wasn't in vain. I'd say the internet has been the major driving force in carrying on what little work we have left from that time, immortalizing it and gaining traction in the 21st century more than ever.

The one thing that people often overlook is that the Jewish people are amazing at a few things. One of those is learning from their past actions. You don't topple empires overnight, you get good from practice. Just as you talk about them as a parasitic entity, I can't help but think on the sad story of all of British South and Central Africa. Jews were behind almost every driving anti-white force on the southern half of the continent, all while living in those white societies, benefiting from them, and holding positions of power in them. Not to mention the same external forces which condemned Rhodesia (e.g. Kissinger), and South Africa (everything having to do with the abolishment of Apartheid), specifically to their fates at the hands of the Chinese backed Marxists coming from Angola, and Zambia. There's too many lessons to be learned from the Bush War and its aftermath, sadly I don't think all Holla Forumsacks agree. Wrapping up, I do believe that the lesson that was learned by "those who destroy nations" from the South Africa situation was that it is entirely possible to create a racially based communist slave state, and we've seen this type of national transformation take place all over the west since the 60s, to the point where the primary culture which the media vomits into America is almost entirely Afromerican and identity erasing for both the black and white communities of America, as that too is based in Jewry. And don't even get started on Sweden.. I don't ever want to open that can of worms, I'm not ready for those feels.

As a brazilian, i can confirm that, and even correct some stuffs to my context

And i'm living in the south where the racemixing is lower than other regions. Everything else is pretty much accurate.

Two things came to mind while reading your well thought out post.

1. The Jewish destruction cycle reminds me a lot of the Matrix movies. They go through this cycle over and over again, each time with only a small incremental change pushing them closer to their ultimate goal.

2. In Harper Lee's book 'Go Set a Watchman' one of the main themes was resentment at outsiders from New York coming in and instigating conflict in the South between the races. There was no chance for the people in the South to come to a peaceful resolution of their problems because outsiders were inserting themselves into the process. In actual history an outsized percentage of these outsiders were Jews.

Southern Brazil is an interesting place. I'm surprised that the SJWs in the US haven't attacked the white culture there like they have with Zwarte Piet in the Netherlands since it offends the cultural sensitivities of Americans.

Diversity of the US became the quintessential twist of the multi-cult knife. The melting pot image was originally propagandized by a kike.

And it's not even the melting pot metaphor they're pushing anymore. Now it's a stew since a melting pot required those moving to a new culture to adjust to that culture, giving up most of their identity while the majority might adopt a slight bit of flavor from the immigrants. With a stew you end up with all kinds of chunks, meaning the immigrants get to have their own safe spaces where they can carve out an area where they can bring in their values without giving a shit about the values of the culture around them.

easy there reddit

Why Sweden? Why do they ravage this poor nation in such an abhorrent way?

Because it is/was successful, and some country has to take the heat.

probably a name pulled out of a black top hat that they wear.

How so? He is speaking about race realism..which most people see as an ultimate taboo. Does he refuse to name the Jew?

Many people are very suspicious because the production values are higher than normal for a youtube channel and he doesn't seem to be seeking fame either. So someone is funding the production but what they're getting out of it is unknown. My wild guess is that it's simply someone who has a message they want to get out and are willing to spend some money to make it happen but others believe it must somehow be controlled opposition.

Then you have problems with the cops fucking runways and other shit the freemasons cover up.

Idle hands are the devil’s workshop
- Proverbs 16:27

The problem is the union. They need to bring in RCMP provincewide. Hell, the railway cops would be an improvement.

Every local PD is either dealing coke or 12 year old indian girls.

Petty fiefdoms often become abusive.

Don't worry, once we completely genocide all whites through interbreeding and demonize their history we will finally reach the promised land.

My community used to be ideal, monthly block parties organized by our parents so the parents could all get to know each other. Everyone was involved in little league sports, Everyone always outside talking in a good mood.

Now everyone is on perscription drugs, Everyone stays inside all day never opening the garage doors, young men and junkies wander the neighborhoods at night breaking into cars and empty houses. Hardly even know the neighbors anymore. And now theres spics moving in, always blasting latin music and talking loudly together but if any nonspic attempts to say hello to them they just stare angrily and keep walking down the sidewalk.

What happened to my Home? Where did my community go…. Now i cant go to the store without homeless begging me for money and dodging dirty needles in the parking lot. FML

You waited too long to leave. If there is any way for you to move now, do it. Things will only get worse.

Get that degeneracy (pic. related) off of your computer, user.

Don't be purists, guys. He doesn't name the Jew for obvious reasons. His channel is supposed to be "normie" friendly, he can't speak openly about jews on such plataform.

i too appreciate the rather moderate approach in his videos. this way you can show them to normies.

Easy there, (1).

That picture is depressing.

There's nothing wrong with a melting pot, the original message being that all cultures would assimilate towards one central American culture over time

The problem is leftists subverting the image of the melting pot into meaning "let other cultures into our country and let them stay the way they are instead of assimilating" like said

Seeing a suspicious amount of /smtg/ shit on Holla Forums gives me a bizarre form of hope.


Nigga wut?

Atari 2600 and 7600 kept me safe until I got fit and older friends to fight the niggers in greater numbers.

NES and Sega Genesis were stand ins when I wasn't playing sports.

Yeah that pretty much sums it up. There is no community anymore, this isn't a country anymore. Its just people in a place.

Yes, I had a Sears VCS, which was a clone of the 2600. But the survey isn't about outliers. It's about the mainstream and what diversity does to it. If you're old enough to have had a 2600 you also know that community was very different back then.

Carl the cuck and especially his meme have become pretty serious memes.

>"charity" is just throwing money to the govt to help poor people the kikes weren't poor and starving last time I checked

This is a good theory.

This better be in China and not a white country, chingalingadingdong.

No one claimed that multiculturalism was the only thing that could destroy societies, just that it is one of the things doing it now. It doesn't have a monopoly on destruction.

He might be a professional who does videos for money ( advertising all over his videos) but there is no evidence for him being against us.

The Matrix was an extremely meta movie for its time, sadly for something that ended up being so popular, I feel like a majority of people missed out on a good amount of the messages in the film.

Also, I'm going to check out that book, thanks!

Videogames are better than tv, they atleast require some form of effort
Atleast, the non-walking simulators ones do

We'll never be happy, huh.

racist idiot bigot

bump 4 lobe

Any time spent gaming can be spent reading. History, philosophy, other classics, all good. Reading books on getting new skills is great too. Not only that, but reading also improves your speech and vocabulary, great for normie interactions.

Seneca is a good place to start and has the advantage of being public domain.

this is offrnsive to me as a turk tho

Sorry to hear that upside down Satan. Do Turks have something against literacy?

literaracy doesn't matter for most people idiot, most Turks don't need it