Good job, mexiroaches. You'll have to lay your eggs on your side of the border now.

Other urls found in this thread:

good job faggot now we have to see allison rapp on the catalog

I really think Trump will invade Spic land tbh, it would increase the effectiveness of his deportation policies, it would weave out the cartel-spics in america and it would actually be a good war to liberate spic-land from these super-cartel niggers, who I personally think are equal or worse than ISIS.

The Cartels have fucked up America too hard and they are an actual immediate threat to your country the USA and have caused so much deaths through their drugs.

Eradicate these fucking subhumans from this earth.

I will never understand that Jake faggot or any leftist for that matter

You have standards lower than the chinese industry.

some like em chunky user, that's a fine specimen and would be quite pleasurable to inseminate

you know if she wasn't a fucking full-on psychopath

but if we invade mexico, we won't need the wall

I'm torn

It's not an invasion per se, but rather a reunification of the territory of Coahuila & Texas wrongfully given back and squandered by the failed Mexican state.

This time there will be no turning back. It will be hamburgesas con queso in the Plaza de la Constitucion celebrating independence on the fourth of July.

They will certainly greet us with open arms as readily as they currently run toward our own.


Did they find some oil reserves in Mexico or what?

Start here:

I think they will force it to be so. Once trump gets in or is close to getting in i fully expect the mexishits to form an insurgency. And even if the mexican government doesnt actually attack these shitstains will form up and try to attack the border necessitating a full deployment to the border and eventually a push south to secure a bufferzone.

at least it isn't Zoe Quinn

She's not chunky, she has sink booty. She uses a lot of angles to look better than she does normally.

Why can't Mexico remove cartel and corruption so the US and Mexico can be bro-tier to each other?

Same reason the US can't just kick out the kikes. They are too ingrained in politics and have way too much power for the average brown normalfag to oppose them. Cartels are no more than Left Wing Death Squads.

I wonder how much it would cost to fuck both of them.

She has a nice butt.


Anti-Mexican subversion.

It's too late for you to just go back. I'm not sorry for that.


So it is safe to conclude that Mexico has WMD's and that it must be invaded to protect American citizens?

WTF is the answer to the captcha?

I keep putting Joy because that's what the guy says but it never accepts it.


Ignore Cuba in the map; I’m not redrawing it.

What do you think Jade Helm was about? :^)

Can't wait to patrol the border as a chopper gunner
Found some rare footage of Ben "gook gutter" Garrison's Vietnam tour for you guys to enjoy

Why not enslave attractive mexican women and use them äs public use sex toys for Americans like in my japanese animes?

Why would we want that?

The country is on shit land.

The US is the #1 land on the planet. It's entirely self-sustainable with minor modifications.

She's a kike. Congrats for earning a rope.

disgusting you cuck

Faggot trannies


Two thirds of America was worse off than Mexico when settlers first came. You're forgetting the crop producing states are NATURALLY supposed to be deserts, that California is supposed to be a desert.

We MADE it fertile.

The only problem with Mexico is Mexicans.

Oh no, so terrible! Fuck off, faggot. Go to the boy pussy section or something…


That's pretty disgusting and low key gay, kill yourself racemixer

By your logic we should cut off half the country because it's "as shitty as mexico".

Are you sure you aren't an Aztlan supporter?

user it might get us out of the situation… just saying, it made them about 1/2 white (if we count 'espantards)

Tbh I couldn't grow shit beyond basil when I lived in AZ.

What? He was saying you were wrong. The midwest is grassland, central valley is grassland, texas isn't all desert either.

Yes the wmds go by the codename Violent Wetback

The indiscretion of the conquistadors is the entire reason the spic problem even exists.


Was this ever confirmed?

there will be a war with mexico
you're are just a faggot if you have not figured it out yet.


total control hernan cortes

go read his biography from 500 years ago

and reasses you position

there were spaniards that want to destroy these people

I would still destroy that ass

tell me more user.

You're that non-white faggot from the other thread who wanted niggress rape slaves. Kill yourself before we do it.

I'm a spic and while we do know our place white conquistadors don't get shit on in our education system it does not mean we're as a whole equal to whites, take a look at the cartels and spain today, how are they similar to eastern european countries with a majority of whites?
If I were hernan cortes I would of taken it easy on the jungle fever

Wrong. Northern California is naturally not a desert, there are valleys that are naturally very fertile and have fantastic weather for crop growing (the climate is similar to Greece). Southern California is a combination of Mediterranean and desert climates. Most of California's agriculture is either in northern California in the Central Valley and Napa Valley, or near the coast.

Furthermore, the midwest was a prairie, with very rich soil that had been left unexploited by the native tribes of the region(Unlike tribes on the east coast, who had some level of farming).

t. Commiefornian

Who is the woman?

Baja without mexicans in it would be nice as fuck.

A pricey whore that's also a shotacon.

A fucking pedophile? !

Midwest isn't the only agricultural states you idiot, you're forgetting the fruitful rim and the prairies, which are only useful because of irrigation and civilized farming practices.

All that's needed to make a desert into a paradise is to irrigate the damn thing and spray some artificial fertilizer.

P-please save me America-kun.

All jokes aside, the mexican government needs its shit pushed in as soon as possible. A puppet state that works in the interest of the God Emperor is preferrable to this chickenshit, corrupt, quasi-commie governance. I will be the first taco to admit we don't deserve sovereignty because we fucked it up, and we don't even have the kikes to blame for it.

Fuck off, Yank.





Enjoy Herpes


The Alien Enemies Act will only works on male citizens of the invading nation above 14, what will you do with the rest?

nigger you do realize we never cared for that treaty and never gave those mexicans in our new clay citizenship whilst we took their property for our white brethren?


If I eat that ass, will I die?

Why don't the mutts just keep reproducing with mutts until it at least doesn't look like California is just north Mexico?

The STDs would be extremely painful

I've been up there. The loam is good and solid in the mountains. Haven't really seen the soil in the valley but it's probably a bit clayish and little nutrient deprived.

t. Temporary Commieforian

It's from before the Oregon Treaty resolved the US-Canada border.

¿Estas seguró de eso?

The same reason burguers haven't played their "world policemen" card to deliver some tons of freedom to beaners, kikes want mexico to be the infectious shithole it is.

Wasn't Kaddafi trying to do just that?

No need.

Just like in every war, the sex spree of the conquering Americans will make them all pregnant.

See that's what you gotta do.

Sure you can race mix, but do it OUTSIDE your nation. In that way you're spreading the genes of your people to the other countries. If you race mix within your country, it's them pushing their genes on you.

Lol, la revolucion mexicana fue una operacion communista financiada por empresarios judios, la verdad es que la unica soberania que Mexico alguna vez tuvo fue bajo el gobierno de Don Porfirio Diaz, despues de eso todo lo que hubo no fue mas que esclavitud tanto mental como literal disfrazada con demagogia.

En serio, solo busca "judios en la revolucion mexicana", es por esto que se le llama revolucion y no guerra civil, fue planeada y fomentada en vez de ser un genuino levantamiento popular espontaneo.

You do realize only Unovision is mostly unheard of in Mexico, right? Bluepilled tacos watch Televisa and Azteca Siete or whatever other trash. Unovision only exists to prevent hispanic integration into America to guarantee spics keep voting blue.

Let us not speak mexican in here. Hispachan is the other way.

But yes, you are right. I guess I am just still salty that my great grand uncle opposed the commie fucks and the indian mongrels still voted for the PRI.

Wow, fantastic.

Non-white countries teach their people fairly about the accomplishments of white people.

In America Martin Luther King and Tubman are taught as above George Washington and all other old white people.

So why wouldn't we just do that again?

I'm not sensing a reason to give a fuck

Interesting spelling, but yes.

The Great Manmade River sounded badass.

I also only learned of it after he was dead, though I did know killing him would be a dumb plan.

If we ever did annex, and then on top of that if we allowed anyone to stay; I think I'm justified in saying that if the window had shifted enough for that to happen, then for those who did stay speaking Mexican ever again would be banned.

There is nothing I hate more than ending up surrounded by illegal human garbage not even speaking the language of the land.


I might be able to make this happen, i will have multiple hidden cameras about.

That's capital double E for you, shitskin. Go ahead and tell me, how are they similar? In Eastern Europe or Spain you won't get murdered in plain sight for half a dollar, and even after pumping out equivelent of billions upon billions of dollars into their colonies Spain and Portugal still manage to be absolute paradises compared to your cesspools. Then you wonder why you'll always be the forgotten mistake on their history.

Fuck, made me spill my milk

Fuck, made me spill my milk

Fuck, made me spill my milk

Fuck, made me spill my milk

Her pussy would be be wrecked by now anyway from whoring.


Fuck, made me spill my milk

Good on me for hiding this thread early on, turns out it's entirely off the Mexican topic and then you have this one spamming the thread with his replies →


If anything you're proving my point that kikes contribute to keep Mexico remaining shit. It shows how successful they're D/C has gone keeping tacos on both sides compartmentalized of the news they receive. Original tacos are unaware of a powerful media force in the US and they keep the tacos on this side content with Spanish programming with a blatant bias in favor of whatever the fuck leftist narrative they want to push, maintaining an air of legitimacy only by reporting stories of their "homeland"
It's breddy bad the bias isn't even subtle. When they covered Trump's primary in Nevada, they ended the news with a cunt singing about how sad ~40-50%, I forget the exact number, of Latino voters voted for him and what a disgrace it was

Maintaining a foreign demographic foreign in America is unrelated to kike subversion of the Mexican government through media.



mfw putting this nigger cumhole randomly in OP


Getting pretty damn close to animal sacrifice with this amount of dairy loss.

she has a man body and is not really that attractive, its funny how easily some simple photography can make a 6/10 get shitloads of attention from every loser and his brother. the way that first pic is cropped it could easily be a man ass anyway


hello alison.

That didn't work back in the 19th century, because it meant a shit ton of Mexicans and Catholics would enter the US and it sure as shit won't work now with how many of them there are.

The only reason trail of tears worked is because the Indians of the civilized tribes were utter cucks and it only worked against one tribe that managed to jew itself. Trying to push back an entire nation is completely delusional and verging on roleplay.

Most men don't have a hip to waist ratio like that, so I disagree.


we could have taken all of mexico in the US-Mexico war if we wanted, but we intentionally chose not to because we wanted lebensraum, not a land full of shitskins.

(sorry this is a reddit link, but I can't exactly link to a passage in my history textbook)

dude its all angles in the pic she has a shitty body IRL look at the pic of her in japan she is a womanlet

BC (which will be renamed Columbia as a state) has the second highest US annexation support in the nation, you know…

Really? The Mexican Cession “didn’t work”, huh? That’s news to me.
So I guess you know fuck all about history, then, because that’s literally the sum total of all human history–pushing back entire nations.

Are you high or are you as retarded as the woman in your picture? And no, I’m not using the ‘blondes are dumb’ kike stereotype. You’re just dumb.

There are White Mexicans.

You're comparing the wrong event.

The correct event is when the Indians were killed until they signed papers that set up the reservation system. That always works.

Chasing them south is shooting anything that's not you until you reach where you're going to build the wall. Many would just flee instead.

would just flee instead, if the levels of rank cowardice in Syria are any indication.

If you wanted to be evil Stalin about it, you could even conscript all prisoners and illegals into service and place them under 'not one step back'. They will inevitably win. Then be left on the other side of the wall and told good luck we don't care anymore.

I really don't follow the logic of people who think doing that is physically impossible.

How did the Turks take Constantinople? Did they bribe them? No, of course not.

It really is, it wasn't until the last few hundred years that fixed borders started having some kind of permanence in people's minds.

She seems to be wearing a star of david, though.

You mean the people who never leave Mexico, and never do anything to stop shitting up America?

Who in fact are helping them push illegals to get citizenship so they can vote in the election? Who are using their embassies to help with that effort?

Those white mexicans?

Fuck them.



Yes, you’re mentally defective. We know this.

Victoria is an amazing little town, it's got an amazing dedication to its history and numerous buildings in the downtown area that are well over 100 years old. It looks like an ideal Western city… To bad all the drug addicts and homeless get shipped there in the winters and the multiple community colleges and university of Victoria make the place a literal lefty cess-pit…. There's a slut walk and pride parade every year. There's currently a tent city of squaters living in one of the nicer parts of town, and the cities policy is to treat them like children ( the homeless) which just fosters a sense of entitlement. Begging has become increasingly aggressive and the amount of alcoholic Africans and natives has sky rocketed…

Hahahaha go take a stroll through any of the countless moroccan-infested or gypsy towns and say that again faggot
t. espaniard

kek, sure.

Have fun being conquered because you'd rather be murdered.

Holla Forums GET OUT!

muh dick
fuck off nigger


Beaners/Spics are some fucked up individuals.
I live close to the NM border and it is like Mad-Max while driving around dealing with this shit colored entitled Catholic cucky criminals.

Do not be fooled if they are outwardly friendly toward you, even the old timers.
They'll smile, say hello, etc. Alone among their own they'll bash the living shit out of whitey verbally.
Corrupt to the core. Full of nepotism and vice.
Trump is right hence why they got so butthurt.

BTW. When eating out or dealing with government bureaucrats never let one serve you.


A lot of my family are government contractors or are directly employed by US government. Should I be worried?


The problem is not America's demand for drug imports. The problem is America's exportation of their drug policy.

There is no desire or support for annexation anywhere in Canada. Source?

So why don't we just do a burning crusade across central America and annex the land?

why do you choose to talk like a nigger

Terrorists. Their charter is essentially to take American land through mass immigration, and gang violence.

Pax Americana when?