How to play games under Linux

I really REALLY want to just use gnu/Linux, but I play video games, and dual booting is a hassle, so what is the solution? Is it easy to set up a gaming VM? How's performance? That's pretty important.

Other urls found in this thread:

Install windows 7 or botnet edition debotnetted as much as possible.
Install Virtualbox
Put distro on virtualbox
This makes sense because you do your heavy graphics shit on windows and your cool unix shit in the VM
Or you can go the other way and configure GPU passthrough, but you need specific hardware and it's a bit of a pain.

How do I know if I am capable of GPU pass through?

If you have to ask, you're probably not

For intel you need VT-D supporting CPU and MOBO, for AMD I think AMD-Vi/IOMMU and a motherboard for it, too.

VGA passthrough is the way to go.

I have a PNY GTX 960.

3 options:

Dual booting


Emulation/GPU passtgrough

Wine shouldn't be too difficult to set up, but I don't think it covers most modern games.

You already said you don't want to dual boot.

Emulating Windows and passing your GPU through may be beyond your means. It's pretty complicated. Look it up, if you think you can do it.

Nvidia cards are especially difficult to get working. That may even require soldering your card.

You'll need another card.

I'm in the AMD camp, but didn't someone come up with a patch in software to fix that?