Nordic Princess Leia

How much better if Leia was an Aryan like pic related instead of a Jewess?

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I smell a toydarian.

she would have a horrible sunburn with that fair skin

Gay. She should be at home with children , not strutting around in a bikini for attention. Plus, get a better example of a nordic leia. Fischer wore the slave outfit better, she was thinner. I would not kick this girl out of bed but she needs to lose some weight to wear the slave outfit properly.



The blonde girl has more of a jewish nose….

Looks pretty normal to me. I thought it was the pic's angle.

Daily reminder white supremacists are right.

Serves them right, they trusted a jew.


It would have been a good added level of detail if she actually looked like her supposed twin brother. I'm not a geneticist but I assume it's fairly unlikely to have one twin with dark blonde hair and blue eyes and the other with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

I know Lucas only pulled that revelation out of his ass for Return of the Jedi but it's a shame that he hadn't cast a more believable pair of actors.

Leia obviously took after her mother and Luke his father but yeah, it was an asspull but he had to tie it up somehow.

That whole leia being lukes sister was such a terrible immitative piece of shit lucas pulled after empire strikes back had it's wow moment with vade being luke's father (also a mistake imo). Whatever, star wars has never been more than schlock anyways.

No, it was to tie up the comment Yoda made when Luke headed to get his ass kicked by Vader in ESB, "There is another". Lucas didn't even try to make a big deal out of it, it wasn't presented as a huge revelation because it didn't make much sense retrospectively. IIRC Vader was planned to be Luke's father from the start. You've been drinking too much of Mike's semen and have started to believe the memes about Lucas.

It was an asspull because Lucas decided he didn't want to make the post-Vader trilogy.

The original plan was that Luke and the Emperor would each look for his sister after.

Rey is basically the Luke's sister character with 100% more pozz.

I think he made the right choice, a sequel trilogy would have ended up more self referential much like TFA. The prequels allowed him a fresh start and to be creative even though he had to make them end in a set way. Perhaps it was even good to have a certain ending to work towards, it lead to a more focused story I think.

pick one

t. Goon

Quiet, Pudoo Patel.

looks pretty slutty tbh


She need more clothes.

the jedi/rebels are jews/good goyim so it fits

Fraternal twins can have different fathers. All it takes is two sperm to fertilize two eggs and anchor to the uterine wall at the same time. Basically it means that padme was a giant whore who fucked another dude almost immediately before or after she fucked aniken (or even at the same time)

Don't females just have 1 egg available for fertilization at a time? Pretty sure they do.

Dizygotic twins are basically just siblings born at the same time, so it's the same as having blond and brown haired brothers and sisters. That said, it is an asspull that Leia was the sister.

the human body is not a machine, weird shit happens sometimes. there was a tv show about medical freaks about twenty years ago with a teenage girl who had lost all of her "pre-eggs" (human women are born with about half a million follicles which only about 400 ever develop into eggs during her fertile lifetime) in the first year of her menstruation. her ovaries literally dumped their entire lifetime of eggload in about three months

Holy shit are you kidding me? Do you seriously think this girl is too fat? She looks anorexic as fug.

Shit I meant to send this to

Daily reminder that trump is a kike shill


Do the germans really call plastic "art stuff"?

This would have been a good idea in retrospective if they decide to make Luke's sister someone else than Leia. Imagine what the original Episode VII would have been like…

Everyone knows it

So its Elsa dressed as Slave Leia?

Daily reminder Trump has the bourgeoisie collectively shitting themselves.

No he wasn't. The original script had Luke's father appear as a force ghost. The line 'Luke, I am your father' does not appear in Leigh Brackett's script. It was not a plot point until Lucas pulled it out of his ass after about 1978

She's pretty but she doesn't have that Frank Frazetta vibe

i wonder what her shoes smell like

I'd rather she was an eboness

Fischer has a better body for the outfit. This girl needs better poses and a better photographer.


No, Kunst comes from kuenstlich here meaning artificial, which makes it "artificial stuff".


How much did that weave cost her?

give her that outfit and she'll fit right in

Pretty much how she would look like.

Fuck that, how OLD is that weave? Jabba probably have her around so something smell worse in the room than him.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting chubby chaser.

Ay lmao. You must probably think curvy = obese because of Tumblr.

Like this huh?

Look here you dumb piece of shit. This is anorexia nervosa. See how there is no fatty tissue at all? Now compare that to the girl in OP. OP's girl HAS fatty tissue especially around her thighs and belly, she is of normal weight.
What she needs, though, is light squats, hikes and upper body strength training to get a better ratio between fat and muscle mass.

At the very least she should be looking like pic related

Who is this woman?

Emeri Connery.

God damn these women are beautiful user.

This girl is stunning


Why is the frozen girl a nigger now?