Is marketing comic book towards a female demographic even increasing the amount of female reading comics?
Is marketing comic book towards a female demographic even increasing the amount of female reading comics?
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That cover is so misleading. When I see that I imagine a comic book version of a grindhouse exploitation movie filled with sex and violence.
Not at all. In fact, publishers are losing readers because they abandoned their loyal fanbase in favor of people who have no interest in comics beyond using it as a medium to spread their shit agenda.
That's the point. They know you're not gonna read bitch planet if they advertised it honestly, so they use a grindhouse cover to draw you in. Thankfully it doesn't work for most people.
Of course it didn't work. Exploitation/grindhouse films at least had some young starlets getting nude and shit.
But DeConnick is too feminist for that, so they tried evoking the grindhouse feel without the problematic stuff. Problem is, they ended up with a subdued, neutered version that interests no one. Not girls debating on whether or not to buy comics, not dudes looking to read a good story with some decent cheesecake.
Bitch Planet appeals to no one but the author.
it's decreasing them and driving potential female readers away
a female friend from class took one look at modern squirrel girl and was completely repulsed.
meanwhile, I did get her interested in classic Green Lantern (Hal Jordan, not Alan Scott) and Amethyst: Princess of Gem World (how is it DC could nail the magical girl genre so nicely?)
sure would be nice to have some hard numbers
I think it's safe to assume that women who liked comics before, (I'm sure there must be like four of them) liked them the way they were, and women who never liked comics aren't going to start reading them now.
Pretty much. It doesn't help that trade-waiting generally discourages supporting books monthly.
feminists aren't women op, they aren't even human. If they were shifting things towards a female demographic there'd be a lot more guys with no shirt who are intermittently fucking each other and the mousey brown haired girl with no personality.
How are you a poster on this board and not know this answer by heart already
That's what pisses me off about Bitch Planet it could have been a great exploitation throwback, with lots of tits, asses, over the top gore and anti PC humor.
Instead what we get is another bullshit feminist propaganda piece where women are "oppressed" and men control everything.
I mean, I get what you're trying to say user, but this book was doomed to be trash from he very start. With DeConnick at the helm, there is no hope for quality.
The manga market did more for female readers.
So much this. Girls want romance disguised as fantasy, sci-fi or horror. Only feminists and their beta cucks push for full-blown SJW propaganda.
Go to any bookstore; chick-lit has all but taken over the genre that was once synonymous with J. R. R. Tolkien.
Admittedly, it's probably because SJW "writers" have chased away the original male fanbase. Sound familiar?
I was just wondering "what if we were wrong" but I couldn't find any proof that SJWs comics are bringing new readers.
It's increasing the amount of female 'readers'. In that it's attracting a bunch of stupid tumblr cunts cashing in on the new nerd culture craze. Girls who browse through the wiki to learn some basic lore so they can laugh with all their friends and cute nerd boys about how lolsonerdy!XDDD!
But they don't actually buy comics. Neither do I, but only because the stories do nothing but insult me for the color of my skin and penis.
Yeah I really hate it when comics insult the color of my penis.
I'll bite
What comics did they ruin 4U
I fucking hate chip Zradasky or however you spell his fucking name for shitting up howard the duck
And I hope kate leths yellow ass teeth rot out of her fucking drugged out maw
They aren't your own kind, user.
Because you are capable of love.
Every time.
They'd stop doing it if it didn't work.
I heard the original comic was somewhat like that.
Funny thing is, in this case it didnt. The DC and Marvel comics are selling worse than ever.
No surprise considering what women have to put up with in LCS
Cap'n Marvelez
Why hasn't Louis CK killed himself, yet?
Not really. Most of them are godawful and women, being people too, know shit when they see it.
The hope of the scrawny white nuMale in problem glasses writing the female thor comic is that for every angry neckbeard who drops it, there'll be two wide-eyed, twelve year old girls with big dreams who will pick it up and read it.
They do. But he didn't realize that afterwards, both of them would put it back on the shelf and ask for something with Deadpool or Batman in it.
Black dick ain't gonna suck itself, m8.
Storytime this shit NOW!
I don't think it is possible for comics to market toward women.
To market toward women is to market romance.
Women like romance since time in memorial.
Romance is now considered sexist in the female demo who would even pretend to give a shit.
That female demo that cares buys Shoujo Beat manga and shlicks themselves while they write their fanfic, fanart and make costumes.
Is that market pretty substantial?
New York Times best selling manga has pointed to a gaggle of sqweetarded hambeasts as a veracious market over the years.
Problems importing that kind of thing are.
I think it's part of a bigger issue for comics. A lot of the people that can write or draw don't want to work for the big two. The trash like Leth and such are late to the party but now getting onboard isn't so hard.
So now there are a bunch of webcomics floating around that don't try to talk themselves up as progressive. Those are the things that are appealing to women, and about half of the good ones are by men.
Short answer: Nope.
Long answer: These books get a slight bump because sites like The Mary Sue and Comics Alliance shill for them non-stop, but sales drop like a rock by the second book and presuming they can keep up even a quarterly release schedule, their sales are so low that it's a wonder that they don't fire the retards who insist on continuing publication for ideological reasons.
Even then, these books pander to a hyper narrow demographic that buys them on principle, not because of interest. They don't go out and purchase other books and their interest in a few of these shit-rags doesn't parlay into them buying other books and supporting other creators and the industry as a whole.
Shit like Bitch Planet, Lumberjanes, and Rat Queens is the equivalent of getting someone to eat an apple once in a year to promote healthy dieting.
its because SJWs will push their agendas and bullshit until they run their shit into the ground and their bosses will keep them to save face
Case in point NOE's blog was ran into the ground by some betamale asking its users to BOYCOTT HIS COMPANIES OWN FUCKING GAMES
I also forgot to mention same NOE blog got shut down soon after
You need to remove the cancer or it will kill you
Yes, just not for cape comics. Female aimed manga has sold pretty damn well in the west recently.
I disagree. If you were to make a comic about an average girl whose boyfriend is a hunky male superhero (that looks something like these individuals) it would sell like hotcakes.
that's because its still readable if you have an active Y chromosome
The target demographic for most that shit. And I"m saying shit because Sword Art Online is fucking garbage. Is regular girls. Not the man hating she-bitches that have infested comics.
Why hasn't anyone nailed this faggot for masturbating in front of women yet?
Nice stereotypes. Isn't it time for you rise from your basement before the hotpockets Mum heated up for you go cold? Geddit, I'm using stereotypes.
You make a good point, but Rat Queens actually sells decently. Hell, Rat Queens TPBs usually make top 5 when they get released.
Hunky MC is not enough to guarantee a smash hit.
What you really need is a self-insert for female readers that will be engaged in more or less obvious love triangle with two attractive men courting her, while simultaneously their group faces some villain. Everything very popular with women follows that formula to a degree: Twilight, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Vampire Diaries, Dr Who, True Blood, and many romance novels.
Didn't SAO cause major triggering with the tentacle molestation and submissive haram girls?
All those cold, hard facts… And SJWs are still so absolutely sure that they are a large part of the fanbase.
It would be embarrassing if it wasn't so kek-worthy.
How did an autist like you ever manage to reproduce? Is your 'daughter' your wife's kid by a previous marriage or fling or something? Would explain why you hate her.
Well, the difference is that the first stereotype is based on actual data
while the later one is an overgeneralization.
Is tumblr tracking down surveys to spam?
You are a trap. Not a real woman.
Last I heard a ton of the fans suddenly realised that the girls in SAO are talked up but never actually accomplish anything
Basically the fanbase is in denial that it's just Naruto in a vidya gaem
I honestly had to go and check this to make sure. According to comichron, they move a few thousand units on launch and middle around 1000 or so a month after release.
That's not bad, all things considered, but with their wonky release schedule, I can't imagine they are really all that lucrative. Possibly breaking even, but I sincerely hope any of the talentless hacks working on that shitty series have other jobs, because they can't be getting a good cut off those sales.
What, did they actually developed an actual taste or something ?
your daughter has good taste.
what the fuck is she talking about?
are those charts legit or not? I'm getting mixed signals from the other anons, and I suppose to take it seriously?