You know why I'm so angry towards you? Because you turn everything into, a race issue? I think that's the right word I'm looking for. If not, you definitely enjoy using a "specific issue, word, or point" to silence me.
You sound like some filthy SJW trying to find an excuse in everything to try to shit on everyone else but yourself if they don't agree or partially agree with you.
I can't have a decent conversation with you. Even if I do agree with some of your points and try to find some sort of equilibrium or something where both of us can agree with or be neutral with, your hot blooded head wants to continue shitting on East-Asians as if they are no better than the Negro Race.
I take that as a huge insult.
And what about my Chinese grandpa? He was one of the most powerful people in China before the war, had powers equivalent to one or two class lower than government level. Then again, I guess that doesn't matter to you, does it? Because all Chinese are filthy gooks comparable to Negros.
Like I said, fucking racist.
Sure, I definitely don't want the Caucasoid European races to go extinct or be endangered, but you went full retard when I mentioned I'm fine with moderate-race mixing, as in it shouldn't be a problem if they only represent less than 0.5% of the total population. Yet alarms went off of you like crazy and you went spergy on me.
You're the one who keeps on saying "exclusive to white nations" bullshit. Whatever they mean, they kinda sounds like a SJW rhetoric that Black Lives Matter love to use, does it? You're really annoying and that's what you are.
Ah for fucks sakes, those idiots who leave the nation (for now, let's talk about Japanese immigrants), immigrate, and vote for the wrong parties aren't even considered Japanese anymore. They're degenerates, that have no sense of shame.
They barely know a single thing about Japanese politics or history and absorbs all the bullshit the Jewish media or whatever you want to call it tells them. They think that atomic bomb was a curse for Japan or some shit, and how they shouldn't have been nuked in the first place.
First of all, America didn't really have a choice considering it was a race against time before the Soviets invade Japan. They don't understand that a RED, North Japan and a Democratic South Japan wouldn't really be the best for the nation. Or heck, a complete RED Japan would have been pretty shit. It's because of the Nuclear Bomb that allowed Japan to be what it is today, a world super power. The only downside is that Americuck put restrictions on our military and heavy industries, plus having bases in various parts of Japan. But that can be taken off if Shinzo Abe has the guts to return Japan to its "former glory," aka Military Japan and kick out the US military.
The Japanese cucks in Canada don't understand this and decide the best course of action was to block me out from their forums or call me a bigot without discussing the history further. They rather be concerned with pretty sakura flowers, peace and prosperity, and traditional Japanese arts, literature, and traditions than to talk about historic matters of the country they were born from. Essentially, Japanese Conservatives continue to be loyal in Japan, but it's only the cuck libtards that immigrate.
Only in rare situations where you have people like me who aren't complete cucks who swallow the liberal propaganda. At least I want to be a critical thinker and try to converse with you guys on Holla Forums. I don't wish to be a blue pilled beta faggot, and I want to be red pilled alpha. I can strive to be one, but it's long way to be one for me.
As for why there are so many Japanese people in Brazil, it's because Imperial Life back in Japan wasn't the greatest for poorfags living a shit life with zero opportunity. So they thought immigrating to some other country to find better opportunities would be better than their current shit life. Similar to how Europeans wanted to immigrate to Canada or the US for a "better life," correct?