Manga and Anime

I was reading tvtropes and found this tag "but not to foreign", here:

There is quite a list of manga characters that are half Japanese half European, every time there is a "foreign" character, authors always make it half Japanese, should I consider this degenerate or just Japs being envious of European traits like blue eyes?

It's pretty fucking annoying knowing that these cunts draw their fantasy of taking over European racial traits, manga is popular in the West too, doesn't this crap encourage miscegenation? both to Japanese and European youth?

I wouldn't mind some serious answers about anime in general, considering some people gets all butthurt when talking against it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up kike. Its the only medium of entertainment where you can see Aryans being badass.

Asians, and the Japanese in particular, have always strived to emmulate those they preceieve as their superiors. They adopted almost whole sale the Chinese writing system despite their isolationism. There was a stint where they rapidly became more European for a time at the end of the 16th century before regressing again. At the middle of the 19th century they decided it would be better to become like the European powers that were tearing China apart rather than fall to the same fate. So they quickly took on all the institutions of European civilization. They strive to hold onto their racial homogeneity and cultural and spiritual values, but they cannot stop themselves from adapting what works and the siren call of white beauty aesthetics is not something they were powerful enough to reject, so it has taken hold and you can see a facet of that in their cartoons and comics.

You know it was taken over by SJWs right?

Anime is for losers but good job trying to dissuade the plebeians here from finger-fucking their arseholes over it. For a people so obsessed with national identity and the preservation of high culture one would think they'd make more of an effort to avoid such blatant displays of hypocrisy.

Even the Japs dislike weebs.


Their beauty aesthetics aren't that bad.

Go away Holla Forums kike faggots. Anime is the only form of entertainment not completely ZOGed. Better than watching kike brainwashing propaganda. Jews are just butthurt that there's a medium they don't completely control and that anime is pretty redpilled and it exposes you filthy kike.

it's an incredibly smart philosophy, because it serves to both preserve their own culture and adopt successful/attractive aspects of others.
the germans/celtics, despite fighting the romans all the time, ended up literally adopting the name of the roman empire (along with multiple other cultures) because they were so successful.

And I respect Japan for glorifying Aryans and trying to support us instead filthy subversive Western media trying to constantly degrade whites and tear them down. Its clear why Jewish fucking vermin hate anime so much.


EPIC :^)

allthetropes is a good alternative

They still keep their own jap aesthetics, even modern aesthetics have a japanese touch to them but it's interesting that at a level of physical beauty they try to emulate white people with eyeglue, cirlcle lenses, hair and fashion (also seen in manga and anime)

It's interesting to see. But I think it's very superficial imitation, I think if they had to pick they would still prefer their own culture and people.

I didn't know, I only checked it a few times and it wasn't related to race or anything, so I really had no idea.

What in the fuck are you even talking about? they constantly make half European characters, promoting in fact miscegenation, how is it better than zog garbage?

Trying to support us? they literally dream of "stealing" our racial features, I'm not talking about nationalist Japs or anything, I'm talking specifically of some anime and manga products, do you seriously think it's something positive?

tvtropes started out as a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fan site. That, and the fucking cancerous toytown shit they allow to stand in their 'Literature' examples, should tell you all you need to know about their board culture.

kek, luckily I didn't check anything else.

Yes, yes I do. And where are you seein all of these half European mixed characters? Give me examples. I see a lot of based Asian and European characters


You sound like a faggot.

Hi, Japanese goy here.

I'd like to say I "sort of" support moderate race mixing in Japan between Japanese and Europeans.

Combining the best genes of the Japanese and the Europeans create one of the best hybrids in the world. Not only you get the intellect of the Japanese, you get the beautiful Caucasian European features as well.

I've seen Hybrid White x Japanese children before while strolling around Tokyo. They are fucking gorgeous, they literally look like anime characters to be honest.

I kind of envy them. I wish I was half white half Japanese.

Yea yea I'm a fucking weeb and oh noez, race mixing? Jew detected! But as long as it's moderate and not like an open flood gate, I think there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Daily reminder manga was a biological weapon created by the Chinese nationalist goverment.

Anti-anime = anti-white

Japan really doesn't promote racemixing of any kind, and I've never seen anything even remotely approaching that territory in either anime or manga. To them and in that media a half-japanese half-european character really has no political weight, yet alone an agenda. I think it's just their desire to be seen as our equals, even if that fiction wise. Seriously, there's no agenda of any sort meshed with such characters. I think it even may be a kind of shortcut - a half-japanese is a "full japanese" character to them, meaning that in certain cases they want to show the character as "foreign" while making it simple to write them because they don't want to get entangled in webs of cultural differences and such when they're just trying to tell their story.

Furthermore depictions of european culture and characters are FAR more flattering and imaginative than anything we ourselves (or rather Jew Hollywood) has produced in ages. I mean hell, Berserk and Spice & Wolf come to mind first to me.

Is there porn depicting racemixing in manga and such? Yes, but that isn't saying much. They make porn of absolutely everything. It's not a hatefuck thing like here with niggers. And in certain cases like say in Touhou doujins, Alice or Patchouli are fucked by japanese men, but this I think doesn't even register with them as such or even with us due to the nature of that particular fantasy world.

In short these perpetual attacks on anime are an attempt to separate us from the only kind of fiction available that isn't infested with SJW bullshit, and they should always be called out as such. This is also why the so-called international community is pressuring Japan to censor itself, which is to say take the bluepill.

They know beauty and depict beauty.



lol cuck.

But honestly, there is nothing good in Japanese genes, you should just implant Aryan embryos into your women and get it over with.

This too. I see no problem with Japanese and Europeans mixing either. Ideally you should date your own race but European and Japanese are both Aryan peoples. The "hapas" with mental problem are 99% time part kike or from shit-tier Asian group.

"Combining the best genes of the Japanese and the Europeans create one of the best hybrids in the world. Not only you get the intellect of the Japanese, you get the beautiful Caucasian European features as well."

What makes you think that Europeans gain anything by mixing with the Japanese? are you so deluded that you think Asian genes can add something useful to the best race this planet has ever seen? it's a serious question by the way.

Do you realize that if you said something like this about any other non-white nation you would be branded a cuck, right?

What's that chinese cartoon with the wizard jew?

Chingchongs are just smart enough to comprehend how hideously inferior they are to Aryans, so they envy them like crazy.

Realizing you're below whites, but too dumb and ugly to get on their level. Being asian must be fucking torture. That's probably why hapas tend to be insane. Being so close yet so far makes them even more acutely aware of their inferiority than the average slanteye, and that's saying something.

Sage for shit thread.

Clearly you weren't gifted with the intellect of the Japanese, huh? You don't get the best of both worlds when you race mix, you destroy the unique qualities of both races and instead create a mediocre hybrid mongrel with no outstanding qualities.

But I'm not talking about "any other nation" am I? What kind of asshole should I be to turn my back on a people that actively portray my own culture in a positive light, and to such an extent that it absolutely dwarfs anything we currently produce? And furthermore, they're the only ones on the planet who haven't betrayed us even now when we're at our absolute weakest point. There's a saying in my country - "Na starom vuku i zec oštri kurac" (Even a rabbit sharpens his cock on an old wolf).

But they do not, and they have given us so much for essentially nothing while every worthless shade of shit brown is circling like a vulture.

also, two populations with declining birth-rates… mixing together.
Fucking stupid you are.

Full metal Alchemist is low-key an homage to the nazis, and the main characters are aryan alchemists. I don't particularly like anime but that one is worth watching for sure.


Just a little reminder: The Japanese goverment is way more based than most european/white goverments.



So, yea Japan is way ahead of us in their uncucking.

I watched it, all of the characters were faggy and effeminate, just like in all anime. Gooks just have a different hormone profile from Europeans, they can't make properly masculine European characters.

Nice try, kike. Real nips hate whites and can't into English. Take your racemixing agenda to the cucks at >>>Holla Forums

I wish formal morning dress and white tie were still a thing in the Western World.

Oh dear, where would be without ((( entertainment ))) goy? Surely then we would suffer from chronic boredom… since, there are no "badass" historical "Aryans" to read and learn about. No illustrious history of accomplishment, adventure, and story to read about.

Daily Reminder: Weebs hang on DOTR.

I've no problem with mixing in small portions to bring them up to our level, after both of our races are in the clear and in no danger of dying off.

It'll be a while though.

Everyone else is right about anime though, it's pretty pro-segregation if anything. Think about it. If even the most white characters in a story set in Japan are half Japanese, that's pretty damn good for them. Sure, the way they're drawn half the time makes them look white to us, especially if they're given blonde hair/blue eyes or other crazy colors, but it shows they do want Japan to be an ethnostate.

They also have shows set in Europe/America that showcase our culture better than Hollyjew does. Really, the only thing degenerate about anime is the abundance of porn/fanservice and the NEET/hikki/chuuni (chuuni = real full-on weeaboo, not just liking anime) cultures.

You are wrong. First of all I'm a Croat and pure Western Europeans, Anglo-Saxons especially, look faggy and effeminate to me by default. Your little boys and teens especially look like girls to me. VERY much so. These things change depending on your POV.

So this is what's up. In japanese and east asian terms a fictional character who is strong can be depicted as a bit androgenous, because it is a visual cue that he has achieved inner harmony, a blending of the masculine and feminine forces inherent in his (and every) personality. Furthermore they believe in hiding your true strength, so roughly put the more defenseless and weak a character looks the more probable is it that he or she is powerful as fuck. Pic related. This is Kino. Kino is a girl. Kino can and will kill if provoked, and she will do so easily. She doesn't get involved in anything but is essentially a murder machineif she is threatened.

My bet is on the one with blue hair.

Hello, Holla Forums ambassador here. I can't consider that truth, because most of our user base are avatarfags. If you ever had a chance to ask a lefty user if anime is a way of nationalist propaganda, he would surely say to you, that its completely neutral. No one would from Holla Forums restrain you from watching japanese television or anime, or getting yourself more familiar with foreign culture.

Continue to do so and learn how to be more tolerant to foreign people, take care.

That's because they have a culture of cute and a culture of youth. They venerate youth, so most of their characters are engaging in a coming of age story or are young as merely allegorical purposes. Of course 17 year old teenagers are not going to be ripped greek demigods or hardened Norse warriors.

That's the value of anime. It HAS no agenda and no propaganda as such. The traditional mindset within anime is organic and natural, and it has no need of ideology. This is why it resonates so deeply on an emotional level. It rings true so to speak, even when dealing with absolutely improbable and fantastic settings and such.

A lot of characters are half Jap, half European, but there's a good number of them that are just straight European (or American but of European descent)

Maybe you're just gay?

You watch Brotherhood bro?
Ed got really ripped for a 15-16 year old. Plus in story he's got stunted development.

Manga is dangerous though. Manga artists set too many subliminal messages they don't show on tv.

Anti white fuck off

Probably from all of the BPA's that kikes have been feeding us.

Sorry user, you might just be a faggot.

No, gooks just have very low testosterone.

I watched it all, not a single authentically masculine character in the show.

Not a cuck, I just want to make anime real again. (tm)

Not this "Japanese people are aryans" bullshit again. I have never heard of Japanese people ever being aryans to begin with. Where are you getting your sources from? I don't get it. This is all new to me.

The Japanese are some of the most intelligent people on earth and are comparable to the Chinese as they are closest relatives to the Japanese. Our technological capacity and advancements in medicine rivals the Germans in some way or another. If Article 9 is destroyed, we can quite possibly surpass German military technological might and create something that no country has ever dreamed of (i.e. oxygen torpedoes during WWII) yet.

We could possibly be the first country to create military gundams!

I know some of you hate the Chinese and refer to them as inferior species, but I'd like to disagree as they have been quite powerful before Mao's reign. If only the ROC won the war… if only they won.

I think if you want to put the Japanese on the same level as Germans, the best title you can give them would be "honorary aryan."

You think? Nigger x Japanese is a disaster, but what's the proof saying Japanese x European is just as bad? Do you have any good proof? If a hybrid is taught and brought up in a Japanese society or a European society, would they be any worst than a full breed Japanese or European?

Mind you, Germany has someone like Merkel who is a complete rotten disaster even though she's FULL BREED GERMAN. It's not like all Europeans are outstanding aryan individuals who deserve Hitler's salute, no?

I'd like to see what your reply is. I'm open to discussion and I don't plan on shutting down anyone's thinking unless you're a complete lunatic like Alex Jones spouting about lizard men aliens.

See, this. Now that I read your comment, I'd like to mention how Japanese immigration law is very tight and people look down at race mixing in that country unless it's a beautiful Japanese x Caucasian hybrid.

Oh you're half nigger? Ouch, sad life ahead of you. Oh you're half Korean? Well, you'll still be accepted in society since Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans are all related, but you'll have people from time to time shitting on Koreans for being "inferior."

As for me, I'm half Chinese, but no one really shits on me when I return to Japan every year during the summer. In fact, people want to be friends with me and approach me because even though my Japanese is kinda shit, they know I try my best to be a part of their culture and society. However, racism still occurs towards my mom who is Chinese, but it's not as bad as the 90s. And no, she ain't a mainlander.

Japanese culture share so much from Chinese culture, the amount of shitting on the Chinese populace or Chinese hybrids in Japan is minimal in my opinion. Many foods in Japan originated from China. For example, dumplings, noodles, even Japanese dango or mochi were all from China. Even the shop owners correct you if you assume it's Japanese food when in reality it's Chinese food.

Nippon Kaigi Kyokai believes that "Japan should be applauded for liberating much of East Asia from Western colonial powers", that "the 1946-1948 Tokyo War Crimes tribunals were illegitimate", and that "the killings by Imperial Japanese troops during the 1937 Nanjing massacre were exaggerated or fabricated"

Lol, bullshit. Absolute brainwashing. That's the only part I disagree. First of all, yes, you liberated East Asia, but at the same time you kinda enslaved them to some degree which is kinda ironic. Then again, what do I know? Maybe my understanding of WWII is wrong.

As for Korea, Japan literally "improved/ two-point-zeroed" Korea by literally introducing feminism in that country, finally giving women in Korea "actual human rights" instead of treated as "objects." Basically, an education, individuality, independence. Korean women weren't treated as disposable, tradeable slaves anymore.

Tokyo War Crimes illegitimate? I agree.

Nanjing Massacre was fucking real for fucks sakes. There actual Japanese news article during that time period talking about a competition between two IJA soldiers on who beheaded the most Chinese. You think this is a sick joke?

It's definitely not fabricated, but the numbers could have been exaggerated to some degree due to missing/burnt information/military intelligence.

I don't know what happened in 1999, but I believe in equal rights, the original feminism. That's it, nothing more nothing less. Equal rights is something many alt-right people like Milo Yiannopoulos, correct?

Plz, have you ever been to Japan? Do you have friends and relatives there that know how society runs there?

Yea, then don't call me a kike.

Did you read the manga version of Mein Kampf? Did you read GATE: JSDF manga? We seem some badass elven aryans in that manga and the Rose Knights.

Because it fucking sells and creates quick shekel revenue?? It's also easy to make stories surrounding those themes.

get work, Holla Forumsgenossen

Oh no… The best Asians (Japs) and world class whites ruling the world side by side. No jews, no "yiet" sub human filth, no "poo in loo" shitting street assholes, no fucking niggers, no dunecoons. Almost like Hitler understood this.
Maybe they really like white people, who the fuck cares? So many asshurt jackoffs. If you don't enjoy anime, then fuck off and don't watch it, simple as that.
And yet you go out of your way to attack it like SJWs.


Armstrong was played for laughs though, his sister's the real badass.

Attack on Titan's story suggests that everyone got racemixed, however. It could explain why everyone seems to be out of their minds, slow to react, easily panicked and incompetent, with a seeming halt to technological progression aside from the impractical ODM gear.

anime is for weirdos, faggots and pedophiles.


They're all white save for Mikasa who is half white. The "races" and lineages in the series are more akin to different Germanic tribes, it's even mentioned that Asians are very distantly related to the other people. You've nitpicked enough to shit on your own kind.

Try watching fist of the north star or jojo's bizarre adventure.

But at the same time, if those Asian-Europeans have no homeland of their own, they'll just be diluted back into Japanese eventually, so what the hell is the point?

What do you mean? The country they were born in is technically where they technically originate from/belong to?

It can't be a country in which Japanese-Europeans, as a new race altogether, can live without having their lineage diluted back to Japanese over time, though. If, for whatever reason, Japeuros formed their own country elsewhere, it'd be interesting to see.

Well, we live in a world where immigration, emigration, and race mixing happens everyday. This isn't an era where countries have closed borders anymore.

Yea, I know.

But what if I told you that I have the right to determine where I belong the most based on where my genes came from? As a Japanese Chinese Canadian, I have a strong sense of belonging to Japan considering I relate to the values and traditions of Japan. I know I won't be 100% accepted into Japanese society, but that doesn't mean I can't contribute to the well being of the Japanese people and do my part for the Japanese society, correct?

I mean, you have a burakumin Japanese as mayor (if I'm correct) in some part of Japan, and a Japanese-Korean acting as an official or an elected person in another part of Japan. Regardless of their political views, surely they have some intention of being part of the Japanese society, no?

As long as if society sees you as a useful individual in their society and country, I don't see what the problem is.

Follow the laws (check), abide by their culture (check), serve the citizens and the well being of the country (check.)


But this isn't even fucking true. Proof? How many inventions were created by Japanese (much less Asian) men? Even Nintendo and Sony contract white men from Europe and America for the technology in their products like the gyro and infrared motion controls for the Wii. This is Jewish propaganda of the worst kind that even Holla Forums is stupid enough to buy into and only serves to demoralize whites so that they see themselves inferior to empatheticless Asian bee people

If you cared so much about the beauty of Japeuros, then you would want to preserve that beauty. Create a homeland for hapas. Do it. I'm dead serious. That way, they can continue to stay a race eternally, and an entire nation can be anime. You could call the country Animan or something, I don't know.

Could you please elaborate on why the Japanese view Koreans as inferior? I ask this because I keep seeing the ideological stance here and there, but never any details such as "We had a sound foundation in medicine while koreans were still eating dogs".

Sure, but all the land is pretty much owned by different countries now… not much we can do now. And like I said, I'm not asking for "open the floodgates, let's make hybrids" bullcrap. Moderation isn't too bad, why does it matter? It's not like you can't stop people from race mixing that'd be authoritarian.

My dad and mom gave zero shit about their race and liked each other based on their personalities, looks, intellect. My mom, who was Chinese, was very popular with British men during her high-school (or college?) years in Britain back in the 1980s.

Even you Caucasians have an eye for East Asians.

You want to stop race mixing, sure, but people will always find a way to resume it and you really can't stop that unless you go full Hitler and want to purge all the hybrids which would be pretty authoritarian, no?

Like I said, I'm not asking for Merkel style "OPEN TEH FLOODGATEZ" epidemic. A couple hundred hybrids is a minority in a country, I doubt there's going to be much harm.

Sure, we're not the best inventors around. You Caucasians of the West beat us in many ways. However, we created technologies inspired by either your "failed attempts," or we thought of new ideas based on our limited resources.

We are imaginative, we get results. Don't underestimate us, don't label us as inferior.

Look at this:

Compare us to other Western countries, we won a sizeable amount of Nobel Peace Prizes in the fields of STEM compared to other Western countries. Sure, we can't beat US or Germany, but hey, we're pretty "average."

We are innovators in the fields of engineering and robotics. We have the capacity to rival the West.

Also, we are the pioneers of airsoft technology. A sport loved by the whole world, a sport where your military uses to train their soldiers and police force.

They do that because heredity is important to them, and they find it easier to identify with a protagonist that shares at least partial kinship with them.

Race-mixing strikes me as weird. But I only see it as a major problem when it's blacks and whites (or blacks and non blacks). Black and white miscegenation is almost always catastrophic, both for the marriage and the kids produced.

But in the case of anime, they draw Japanese people with blond hair and blue eyes because they think it looks cool. Same thing with green hair and purple eyes. Anime is weird, like Japan in general.


Wow, airsoft gun, truly a weapon to surpass the Atomic bomb…

Besides stealing European innovations and hiring American and European engineers to develop all your technology for you, Asians are only capable of imitating Caucasian technological prowess.

And as far as modern Nobel Peace Prizes go, they hand them out like candy to non-white mongrels (i.e. Obama and Muslim girl that got shot by Taliban)

You people aren't even in the same league as us

This thread just reeks of americanism. tsc.

Tell me more about your mother and her lack of sources

b-b-but muh airsoft tho… ;_;

Low energy anons make me sick.

Nioce mate. I you wonder why us gaijins hate your fucking guts and want you to fuck off back to your own shitholes

21 out of 24 of the Japanese people that won the Nobel Prize won it based in the fields of STEM, not peace prizes. Yea, I meant to simply write "nobel prizes, not peace prizes. Peace prizes can sometimes or often time be bullshit.

Imitations? Oh come on. You Caucasians of the West tried to make something and decided to ditch it, in which we took inspiration and further engineered it into something you guys weren't able to finish to begin with.

Airsoft was a sport invented by us born from the love of military simulation. If you loved a specific sport, you'd thank the country that invented it. We invented a sport that some or many of you on Holla Forums enjoy quite a lot.

/k/ would thank the Japanese for inventing airsoft and engineering all the major gearboxes every company in the world copied from us.

Don't you dare criticize our inventors, scientists, researchers, and engineers that put time and effort into creating something that the world uses probably everyday or at least often.

Who cares if some inventions or research was co-produced by Westerners? What does race really have to do in creating a better world for everyone or the people of certain interests when the people doing the research and inventing have a common interest in doing something that they love?

If you said the same thing to the STEM Nobel Prize winners in US, UK, Germany, and Japan, they would shake their heads at you, I bet.

I don't think it's healthy to use "race" as a tool to call others inferior and sub-human when you probably haven't invented or did a research breakthrough yourself.

I know I'm not any better considering I just graduated from highschool last year and entering college this year. However, I plan on doing big things and entering the fields of Engineering to create weapons for the military. I want to be great inventor that will revolutionize armored and sea warfare. I want to innovate, I want to succeed in life, I want to protect and serve our soldiers on the battlefield.

Does race have anything to do with what I want to do? Maybe a little. But ultimately, people like me create and research things because of their love of stretching the limits of what human beings can do. Not Asians, not Caucasians, not Negros, not Middle Easterners.

The Human Race as a whole.

I hope none of what I said isn't a fallacy. I just want you to understand that we shouldn't shit on other races just because your race did more shit than others regardless of quality of said invention or research.

We as the human race should strive to create and research for the future of our species.

…then again, it is kinda fun to shit on the races or countries that barely made any advancements to technology or STEM research, such as say…. African countries? Hehe.

You do realize that a large part of the bullshit brought on the war crime courts of post WWII was entirely fabricated, on both sides of the Axis powers.

Nanjing was asinine. I don't necessarily agreed with that spin on their colonialism that states they were "liberating" east Asia from the European empires, but I understand why they'd say it. It's about promoting pride in their nation. They don't need to hold respect for us, especially not in our current ZOGbot form

Us being the western world by the way.


He was a homoerotic caricature of masculinity

Oh god, this has to be a joke. Here we go with the typical minority mantra of "we're all one race! the HUMAN RACE!" whenever the creeping suspicion that whites might actually be technologically and philosophically superior intellectually. When the average jackoff goes on about how "Asians are so much smarter than whites because of a study that only took the average SAT scores of 26 Asian students who were children of Silicon Valley employees back in California in the 90's and compared it to over 3,000 students!" nobody bats an eye, but bring up actual technological and sociological success of the average white man and it's all of suddenly "we're all the same!"

It's always the same talking points too

You sound just like a liberal weeny or shitskin desperately trying to prove we're all equal because you're afraid of being inferior

You are delusional, gooks are profoundly inferior to Europeans and have contributed almost nothing to modern science.

Hybridization between races works identically to hybridization between dog breeds: the traits inherited are mostly random and impossible to control or predict. You could get a European's lower average IQ with the Japanese lack of innovation and end up with something worse.

Theoretically tightly controlled breeding and artificial selection for traits could result in something that had most of both positives but who knows what weird deformities would show up.

This is really where east Asians excel: Refining and improving what already exists. Japan made the best damn muskets in the whole world after they learned the tricks from the west, but then the west showed up a little while later with repeating rifles and those masterwork muskets were basically worthless.

Even today, in programming, this type of thing happens a ton. East Asians are some of the most brilliant, efficient, and dedicated coders out there, but then some westerner comes up with something bizarre like the fast inverse square root and all those incredibly efficient algorithms stop being useful.

thats because the east fails tremendously on innovation and creativity.

Yes, they failed to evolve the genes responsible for innovation and creativity.

Jap's have a different concept of masculinity. Again, Ed in the late series is more in line with what they traditional consider masculine

Not super buff, but still well built.

They're like functional niggers

and you wonder why you faggots got co-opted by jews so easily.

if you ever feel like getting out of your bubble:

Just to clarify if you misunderstood what I said,

Yes, like you said, I agree that the war-crime courts are bullshit. Because the winners of wars choose what to fucking say and do and charge people with whatever they want because "they won the war."

Even the Japanese war crime courts was heavily influenced by American politics in which certain people were spared from a death sentence if they cooperated and hand over blueprints and documents to the US.

Meanwhile, other people of Japan were sent to jail or put on death sentence to preserve the future of said country. For example, Tojo was given the death sentence so that no blame would be put on the Emperor, and so that the idiots worshiping the Emperor and thinking they would rather sudoku if Japan no longer had an Emperor, would have to sudoku to begin with.

As for Nanjing and Japanese colonialism, what Japan did with Korea was a good thing for that country as like I mentioned, they 2.0ed that country (i.e. giving proper human rights to women). However, I can't really talk about East and South Asia as I don't know much about what Japan did to "improve" those countries or even outright turn it to shit.

And correct, pride is everything in Japan as well as Korea. There's a reason why my dad was regularly assaulted by his dad when he was little for every little mistake he made (such as not eating all the rice on the bowl… every piece of rice counts, or reading manga and playing soccer before finishing homework).

As for the "They don't need to hold respect for us," I do not understand.

What are you trying to say? Our art is pretty unique regardless of how old and ancient it is. We created an art form that many countries around the world emulated because they adored our drawing style.

We also copied your (Western) art style, but at the same time, we modified and evolved it into our art form. And like I said, you guys also copied our art form, modified or not and "appropriated" in your own way.

We copy to flatter each other.

You're twisting my words by putting in words like "liberal college" and making fallacy points.
Compare the typical American highschool to a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean highschool. We are highly advanced when it comes to our teaching curriculum, teaching calculus as young as, what, 15?

We teach the fastest ways to calculate while the west's way of calculation is slow as fuck. Compare my childhood friend's math textbook to my Canadian math textbook, there's a stark difference.

True, it makes no difference considering the West continues to outperform in the amount of technological inventions and studies pushed out into the world. I think I understand your point.

Fuck. You probably win the argument.

Okay, fine. I think you guys have a point when it comes Caucasians being superior than the rest of the world when it comes Nobel Prizes or inventions.

But from reading , I think I found the answer I'm looking for: Asians are good at refinement.

We refine something that you guys created to make it even better.

You know, I'm not scared to lose in an argument. You win, okay, but at the same time I learn something new and interesting. At the same time, let's stop with the "you're a gook, kike, libtard faggot" accusations. Let's keep things professional.

I haven't really labeled you Caucasians with insults, did I? I respect you guys and I believe I should be given some form of respect for being professional in our conversation.

I may not be equal, but that doesn't mean I don't get some form of respect for keeping things professional in a conversation, no? I know it's 8ch and fuck the rules, but let's have some decency/humanity?

Either ways, why do you think people go for Japanese brand names for consumer products? Why do you think people rather go for a Canon than a Lexmark? Or a Playstation than an Xbox?

See if you can see a fallacy in this one. I'd like to listen. I really don't think we are really that inferior. Besides, you guys need us to refine your inventions into concrete master products.

We literally turn things into "aryan quality," no? Isn't that something you guys should thank us for?

I don't know, what do you think?

And, times would probably change in the future. China's exploitative power levels have turned the country from inferior to a world power that rivals the EU and US. Sure, when it comes to "quality," America and EU would always be better, but considering how you guys have to suck the cocks of China to "survive and stay competitive," I find that… pretty interesting.

Yea yea, I know. One of the reasons to China's success is their blatant copying and plagerization of Western technology. But like the other user said, REFINEMENT. China screened through a Global Hawk blueprint, took out pointless crap that you guys put in, and created a cheap, and effective killing machine that does a good job on the battlefield.

The more we share technologies with each other, destroy laws that limit our potential, we could very well be one step closer to be good rivals with the west.

I'll say it again, what do you think about this argument?

Fuck off, fish head

If you gooks were so superior, Hong Kong wouldn't be begging for British cock back like nigger Kenyans.

If you want to circle jerk over "muh horurbu shamurai" meme then go the fuck back to 2ch, you miserable zipperhead.

Oi faggot, don't compare us to Niggers. At least we're capable of rapidly evolving our economy and government structure compared to Africa.

Never compare us to niggers. :

enjoy your smug anime girl reply

If any of that was true, then China wouldn't be infamously known for their subpar garbage products the peddle to the U.S. and both China and Japan would have a space program that dwarfs the now defect American NASA

Are you still here?

Most people that have been BTFO as badly as you have have enough common sense and pride to run off with their tail tucked between their legs and not continue to shitpost like a retard uncontrollably

Oh, why did I forget about that list of Chinese inventions.

It's interesting to see how many of these "Chinese inventions" were later refined by Caucasians into something "much more superior."

Yet what do we see here? Calling him a fish head? A gook? Wow…

You know, earlier on you were like…


This reminds me; 2ch should stop shitting on China when China was at one point in history, "technically their masters."

you should be working on a factory somewhere in china doing my products, why are you asking people to refute when you don't understand the very concept you lack, your only purpose is slavery, go finish the plastic dishes i'll be ordering next week, Hirokashi.

wow you sure convinced me with those hot opinions, fagtron
here's your (you) and another smug anime girl

their goal isn't to make superior products, it's to build their country with your money you dummy.

unless your surname is rothschild you're just another slave, friend :^)

Because the xbone is terrible and spies on you and is more expensive.

P. Sure the 360 was more popular in the USA than the ps3 because the ps3 was nogaems and the 360 was popular with dudebros. Nintendo I'll grant you, though.

Personally, I think western innovation with eastern refinement works really damn well in tandem. I just wish you Japs would stop making the parts of the stuff you build so damn tiny. They break or get lost so damn easy when I'm trying to repair or replace something.

You sound like some buttflustered liberal raging over the fact someone said nigger

Yes, a more feminine concept of masculinity, due to their low levels of testosterone.

There are European cities that have contributed more to human knowledge than all of Asia.

Congratulations, you just proved you gooks are literally no better than kikes. If the day of rope ever comes, I'll make sure my kinsmen don't forget about you parasitic gooks too ;)

I thought i had 2 go to stormfront to be this entertained

pleese moar lulz u monkey

Don't worry, there's enough room in the oven for you too, Chinaman

Using gunpowder as an example, the west didn't really refine it as much as they took the base elements of it (powder that ignites and burns quickly) and changed it into something fundamentally different. Yes, modern smokeless powder still explodes in the same fashion, but modern smokeless powder isn't a smaller, more cost and material efficient version of black powder, it's been drastically changed to something resistant to the elements and reliant on entirely different components.

That's western 'refinement.' We don't make the old thing better, we make a new thing.



Deal with it.

We are the masters of TINY AS FUCK.

Fragile? Well, our houses and rooms aren't that big so that's why we make everything small. Don't blame us, it's because we live on a fucking island that restricts the amount of space money can buy.

We're no better than kikes? If we were no better than kikes, how come we serve "healthy meals" at school with lots of vegetables. And how come cities tax us higher if we're overweight?

At least the majority of people in our country aren't fucking fat fucks compared to America.

Stop insulting Asians if you can't come up with better arguments.

No I'm not. I'm just laughing at how that user kept on saying that the West was the forefathers of major inventions yet when you look at China's history of inventions, their catalog is pretty impressive not to mention many of their military inventions were later refined by the West.

I feel as if he was too high and mighty and didn't know when to stop.

They are a bit fat, but in their youth were probably better looking than any gook.

This is Holla Forums, if you can't handle the banter than fuck off. This is why white people hate having non-whites infest every facet of their lives because they get their feeling hurt and want us to bend over backwards for them

then go back to stormfront, seems like you're the only one that can't handle bantz

Bitch your tiny ass bullshit breaks when I sneeze on it. If you're gonna export to America make the parts not crumble to dust when a giant American with his giant American hands touches them.

Interesting. You have a point and I admit partial loss.

When you think about it, Japan (I'm more knowledgeable on Japan than China so pardon me the lack of Chinese examples), takes a product and only tries to improve upon it and make it better instead of take out only the concept and idea to make something different…

…but that's not always true. For example, Japan was able to create a new Gas Blow Back system for GGBR airsoft guns that tries to make it resemble real steel firerarms even more. At the same time, South Korea was able to fuse both GGBR and AEG technology (mainly SYSTEMA technology) into one, creating a very interesting hybrid.

And how about Blu-ray technology? This is something Japanese engineers had a VERY large presence in the development of it, and so do DVD. Am I correct?

Early optical discs were created by a Caucasian, the Japanese with Western support created DVD and Bluray eventually became a Japanese invention based on similar concepts to DVD but with completely different technology?

Then again, that's all I know about optical disc development. Regarding the ratio between Western vs Japanese engineers present during the development of said discs, I do not know.

Nijja, storm front kinda likes Asians. So do we.

You just have to acknowledge that your'e not as innovative/creative as whitey…and we will acknowledge that you're good at math and shit…

Can this fish head get banned already for being a liberal shill?

No, we just don't want to talk like filthy rednecks who live in trailers.

You're the ones buying our products to begin with. They were originally for the Asian market. Why should we care unless there's a demand for it in the west? sarcasm

I'd like examples as to what kind of Japanese products "break easily."

It'd be interesting to see what you look like and what your occupation is in real life. Then we'll see who's the real "fish head."

Philips, a Swedish company, was contracted to develop DVDs Chinaman, and it was already based off of per-exsisting laser discs

It's not really as simple as that. Either Europeans will go extinct, or we will eventually reconquer the world and eliminate the Mongoloid race. There can be no coexistence in the long-run.

I'm a nurse practitioner studying to become a doctor, though I fail to see how my individual success changes the fact that Europeans are by and large much more technologically successful and innovated than copycat gooks. You literally sound like a nigger with your "we're just as good as you in not better! You're an evil racist for not wanting us to flood your once homogenous society as well!"

Speak for yourself. I do not trust nor want in my pure white presence a people with no nipples and sideways vaginas. They'll say it isn't true and try and prove it with fake images, but it is true. Asians have no gender, just sidways vagina slits occasionally covered with small pixelated cod pieces. Niggers are at least bipedal primates but Asians are not even part of the animal kingdom or organic like you and I are. Most likely silicon based mechanization of the jew. Some form of golem experiment gone wrong that multiplied itself all over Asia.

I'm not saying it's completely true in every case and that it's totally impossible for east Asians to innovate, but that it's a general rule. Musashi's two-sword style wasn't a refinement of kendo, it was taking it under a wholly new path.

But then samurai armor worked under the premise that total protection was impossible, and instead went for as much protection as possible that did not limit the user's movement in any way shape or form.

European armor didn't accept a ruleset or philosophy like that, and was developed with the idea of countering whatever the other guy was using. The coat of plates countered the lance countered chainmail countered slash-focused swords. It was all about making something different to exploit a weakness.

It's not necessarily true in every instance but there's innumerable examples in history and modern times.

I've broken tons of bolts on Japanese cars just overtightening them slightly by hand with a wrench. I can go balls-deep with an airgun on bolts from American cars and they don't give a fuck. Japanese cars all use the least metal possible while American cars are designed around being able to get their shit kicked in and keep going.

While I agree, you have to admit Ford is for faggots.

you apparently forgot Clive Owen!

I fucking hate fords.


A fun thing is that almost all succesful anime draw their characters to look Western or are set in European settings.

Also no token niggers is a massive plus.

did you miss the mustachio'd badasses? Also bitchy japanese waifu's brick shithouse hubby.

Also a big part of FMA (the good one not the one based on the mango) is that Ed is a crappy and impulsive hero, but all the others who could be bigger heroes are getting too bogged down in politics. He's a bit OP when it comes to his actual 'talent' which is quite nonsensical when compared to how everyone else's' alchemy works, but it's one of the few animes that really does make the kid hero a bonafide kid. Rambunctious, thinks he's effin inviiiiincible when he gets just a meager taste of more-power-than-I've-got-right-now, brash, impulsive, a little too eager to get down to fisticuffs against superiour opponents, etcetera and so forth.
It only really went off rails in the last 4 or 5 episodes where they seemed to lose focus. You watch the last eps with no context, it feels like they had no fuckin' clue how they wanted to end it. You watch something like Speed Grapher's last few eps with no context, or Paranoia Agent, you get the feeling it's exactly as it was envisioned.
I'm not weeb enough to know all the behind-the-scenes details but FMA seems like they were running over-budget towards the end and a lengthier more action-y more head-trippy ending was nixed in favour of cutting the cast down in silly ways and an ending that mostly involved Ed and Dante headbutting politically. Studio and director both probably made some bad decisions in resolving various issues in alternate ways that budget would allow, and it shows. (This confirmably happened with Witchblade and Licensed to Royalty and almost to Big O before westerners paid for the rest of the show themselves so it is definitely a thing that occurs. Most directors and writers in Japan seem to operate like Molyjew does in vidya and far overshoot their costs in pursuit of vision, then get tripped up when the studio cuts the cash flow)
The harsher the jolt and more 'off-key' or ooc the ending feels, the more likely they let themselves shitpost too long and ran out of money.

All the best stuff was done back in the 80s, really, excepting the occasional "girls doing x" toon which is where all the grognards are hanging out now (Girls und panzer, claymore, those sorts of things. Weebs won't buy things without lolis or DFCs, so grognards hide their projects underneath them) so it's best to start there.

Also, there's Mad Bull, probably the greatest buddy cop movie series not involving a hip negro and old (((white))) man or two gumshoes talkin' about their fridays.
Utterly effin' ridiculous and the hero looks like Mike Haggar from Final Fight (or rather Mike looks like Sleepy since he came first)

Hahaha keep telling that yourself. Most people I encounter are hideous regardless of race.

Please try and defeat China, faggot. Oh right, Russia is allied with China… how are you going to accomplish your goal?

I never said that. Stop twisting my words.

A doctor eh? Well good for you! But so what at the same time. Seeing patients everyday looking after people of different ethnicity and religions. I doubt you'll enjoy your job very much considering you're a neo-nazi who hate on all races but your own kind.

Me on the other hand, I'll be innovating and creating new things for the world. My name and my engineering team will be forever remembered and engraved on the creations we make. You on the other hand? Who even remembers a normie doctor in the next generation?

Say I build new next-gen tank of remarkable innovation. Me and my team will be remembered for our creation and path the way to success. I will always know that soldiers are using our tanks to kill the evil kebabs in the Middle East. How great is that?

Holy fucks, you're no better than Alex Jones, aren't you? Unbelievable.

Ah… I get it now. Japanese people like to follow a certain layout, a pre-selected layout and work on that. While Westerners go beyond the pre-selected layout and exploit the fuck out of everything. I see what you mean now.

What brand, may I ask? I'd be surprised if that's happening on a Toyota or Honda.

And yes, it's unfortunate, but metal is very expensive here in Japan, hence why we try to use plastic as much as possible.

Ford barely has a market in Japan, but Chevvy does probably thanks to Transformers Movie. I could be wrong. Though, the Chevvy market is still very small in Japan.

We have nigs in some animes, even Spanish people (Tari Tari I believe). At least negroes in animes aren't ugly like many Negros in real life.

Fuck off.


I actually live in Montana so the only patients I see are white. Not every place in the United States is infested by foreign invaders like you.

Without going on google, name one person besides Oppenheimer that worked on the Manhattan Project

Who says it's about being remembered? Fuck me I guess for ensure the health and prosperity of my own kin, I guess.

Japan isn't a racist as people make it out to be, especially the younger people. If you're a decent looking white guy, who's not a sperg, japanese would probably date you.

Also, you have to understand, just like weeaboos, there's westaboo who really like american culture. We had a japanese foreign exchange student, and she loved spiderman. Japanese people love Disney, Addias, Starcucks. Hell, even baseball and American football are decent popular.


Russia is only allied with China because malicious kikes who want to avenge the pogroms are currently in charge of the U.S. If Trump is elected, relations with Russia should begin to improve.

Reminder that Russians and Americans jointly looted Beijing a century ago.

Don't forget that Russia and America were close buddies - We helped them in Crimea againts the British, and they kept France and England off our ass during the Civil War.

Russia and America can only benefit from a Trump/Putin alliance.

I do enjoy the Kenichi and Ken-sama trolls.

In all seriousness though, Japanese are alright. I went to a Japanese grocery store in Florida (call me a weeb, but I love curry a ramen). It was crazy now that I thought about it. I was shopping and I put some stuff on the counter because she didn't have buggies in her store. And she left to go and do something in another part of the store (where I was out of view). It was weird, she trusted me not to steal, and I respected her (and really I'm not a nigger/wigger/spic) enough to steal from her.

But why would you? I like some anime and manga as much as the next weeb, but the average white woman is far better looking than the average Asian.

*not steal from her.

Holy shit. I'm tired goys.

I'm not saying you should, rather I just mean Japanese isn't really as racist as people like to think they are.

Honestly though, having known some Japanese girls, they're not so bad. To each his own really. And no, I've never race mixed.

yeah the Nips are aware that the majority of us aren't filth, you can guarandamntee that if some wigger/nigger/spic came into the store, she'd have been rightfully wary, and not have shown the trust she showed you. Japs are smart.

Only if you are counting filthy jungle asians, curry niggers and sandniggers in the same category as the Porcelain skinned Koreans/Chinese/Japs.

Does it count as race mixing if you're Irish, since the Irish aren't white?

the term is "Freeaboo"

I'm going to sound pozzed, or like a cuck or whatever, but honestly, if you want to race mix, do it. I mean is it perfect? No. But, I can't find hatred for Asians and half-Asian people.

I mean, that Japanese store owner, she was kind of older, but still looks decent. My co-worker is Thai and she's 36. She looks about as good as a 28 year old non-Asian woman does. And yeah, they're actually fairly White-acting.

I'm using the term he used. I know what the real term is.

Neither can I. The morals of their ancestors are a lot like our own ancestors, with the exception of the occasional degeneracy.

I personally find race mixing to be disgusting, but at the same time, if someone race mixes - That is their choice. The difference between the occasional Mongoloid and Caucasiod hooking up and the kike-pushed Mongoloid/Caucasoid women breeding with Negroids is that the former is relatively rare and occasional, while the later is meant to be en masse - Replacing everything with 'Groids.

Lol, sounds like you don't know your country's own history. Your country was built by immigrants and run by immigrants.

I'd like you to apologize to Admiral Harris, a Japanese American Admiral and the highest ranking Japanese American Admiral of the American Navy. He is as American as you can be.

You sir are a blatant racist and you DO NOT deserve human rights and the right to live in America. Get deported to Africa you filthy fuck. You're garbage and you lack humanity.

You know, there's a limit to how much you hate a certain race. You're unbelievable.

Why are you even referencing the Manhattan Project? I just want to create firearms, ships, tanks, etc for militaries. Nukes are one thing, I want to build things other than nukes. It'd be cool if I could build orbital laser canons if I had the intellect to build one.

Crazy neo-nazi fucks like you don't deserve prosperity. Why do you hate my race so much? Why do you look down on us so much?

The typical young Japanese person do not hate Caucasians nor do they one bit act like you.

My childhood friend in Japan were good friends with Caucasians and Latinos (?) in College (they were probably exchange students or international students, I don't know).

I do not understand your level of hate. I think it is unhealthy and you won't have a happy life always being mad and having a grudge on our race.

Also, how are you not banned? I do not think your posts contribute to the overall discussion of this thread. You're just being blatantly racist.

Concentrate on ridding the Jews for now, Chief. The white vs yellow man conflict can come later…Probaly a couple hundred years into the future tbh…

At the least, I'd like China to return to ROC's hands and Korea to be whole again, or it'd be fun if the Japanese can defeat North Korea and troll South Korea by taking ownership of the North, lol.

A part from a conflict between China and West, I don't see the Asian/Oriental Race having a war with the West any time soon. I really doubt it unless humans obtain the ability to fly to space and conquer other planets. Then yea, race war~!

Thas right…

*cartoon of Uncle Sam and whatever the mascot is of Russia (besides the bear) looking Indignantly at a surprised chink*

I swear to God that's the only thing you shitskins are capable of saying when you don't get your way with a white person

Gee, I wonder why I could possible hate you and your ilk. Every white country on Earth is under siege by foreign invaders such as yourself that feel you deserve what we have and that we should make accommodations for you to colonize our countries and steal opportunities from far more qualified whites. You wouldn't understand considering all Asian countries are still an overwhelmingly Asian majority and you? Yourself benefit from the hard labor of my ancestors and my kin's ancestors that broke their backs ensuring their children and their children's children would benefit from scarifies and you stole it from us using the government as your ally. For you to come here on Holla Forums and call me a neo-nazi, say I should be banned for being racist, and say I need to die because I believe my people deserve to have their own homeland free from the parasitism of your kind only justifies my hatred for your kind. Sorry this white man doesn't bend over and spread his cheeks for your diminutive gook cock to reveal in my humiliation and pathological altruism of my kin. Get fucked you slant-eyed chink motherfucker

P.S. reported and filtered ;)

oh, and the U.S. was 90% white before the passing of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 which promised the demographics of the country wouldn't change, with almost all immigration coming exclusively from Europe. So learn so history, you stupid fucking gook

Why don't more people know this?
I'm tired of hearing le melting pot may-may being bandied about by leftists.

Kek, the nip cuck spreading racemixing bait actually turned out to be just another fucked in the head hapa.

You're not white. You will never be white. You can list all the achievements of your other blood, promote racemixing like a cuck, and spout as much natsoc memes as you want, but you'll still never be white.

And no, you're not a Jap because "muh one drop rule". A real Jap would ask you to fuck out of their country for being mongrel scum and wouldn't hesitate to decapitate you like a pig .

You have no identity, you have no place in this world. You are an abomination borne from racemixing. You will spend your entire life kowtowing to the various bits of shit in your DNA trying to find some semblance of belonging, but you will have none. Your entire existence stems from a fucking fetish.

My sincere advice to 68c3e0, put a bag on your head and chug helium. You'll do the world a favor by removing your tainted genes from further diluting both the white and jap gene pools, and you'll do yourself a favour by finally ending your pain

What the flying fuck are you talking about? As far as I can see, only Europe is being cucked to the group. America and Canada continues to have a white Caucasian majority unless you can explain to me why the Caucasian race is dying in North America.

I never said I wanted other races to colonize the West. You are once again making things up. Immigration and emigration is fine, but there should be moderation just like how Japan has restrictive immigration policies.

And steeling opportunities? I never want to steal the opportunities of other people, but we live in a competitive world. It is not my fault if Walmart decides to hire more cheep Mexicans to work for them instead of hire REAL Americans instead. Go bitch about it to Walmart, not me. It's their decision to be unAmerican, not me.

Furthermore, we live in a society where businesses and corporations judge us on our qualifications, our traits, and ability to create progress for their company. To say that I don't deserve to work for Valve because of my skin color and not my skill sets is RACIST.

Asians are split into various groups. China is fucking bloated, but it's split between ROC, North PRC and South PRC. But if I'm correct, I consider them as sub groups under the Chinese race banner. The North and the South have different genes and the typical Northern Chinese doesn't look like the typical Southern Chinese.

As for Japan, our race is in jeopardy if we race mix and literally open the floodgates like Germany did. Our population is low and our culture unique (well, every culture is unique). Korea is the same thing. We think like the West: We do not want to race mix as much as you don't want to open the flood gates.

At the same time, we are not willing to flee our home countries unless opportunities find us elsewhere. However, I can say that typical Japanese would follow your country's laws and assimilate with your culture and blend in with the Caucasian majority in said Western country.

You sound like you're bunching us up with Mexicans. Please don't. This is where I believe we should know your full name so that the whole world can see how fucking racist you are and get your self fired from your job indefinitely.
Seriously, I don't know about the other race, but here in Canada, the Chinese built the Pacific Railway like SLAVES. Sure, the Caucasians create the laws and the economy of Canada, but we shouldn't forget to say our thanks to the Chinese who built our railways.
Immigration should be okay only in moderation.

If a person assimilates into Canadian/American culture, abides by said laws and be a proud American, I don't see the need to hate on them. If they work hard like you and I and serve the community and the country, why is there a need to hate said person based on his skin color? It makes sense to me.


How dare you call me a parasite? I want to be the best engineer possible for the world. I want to give discounts to my country (Canada) if I ever ran my own military heavy industries. I would like to arm my Police friends with better equipment that would save their lives from idiot didindus on the street.

You do not know me in real life, and you shit on me and my race just because the only thing you know about us is from reading threads on Holla Forums. You seclude yourself in your own White community and know NOTHING ABOUT US AT ALL.

You DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to call me and the Japanese Race a parasite. This is hate speech.

It'll be pretty hilarious if you ever had a family and your wife and kids got mowed down by didindus. I'd like Karma to hit you, bitch.

Fucking grammatical mistakes. I apologize.
Change to: It doesn't make sense to me.

Based as fuck lol.

Sure, you're right that I'm not 100% Japanese, but does that prevent me from achieving my dreams and doing my best for Canada and Japan? No. Clear, blatant racists like you should be dealt with.

You can't tell me what I can't do or belong with. I control my destiny and I control the paths I take. You're nothing more than a cockroach in my path. Insignificant.

Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again… but what do I see here? You're undermining the God Emperor's efforts.

Then again, I don't know you and I don't know if you're American. But if you are, get out of America. Trump wouldn't want people like you in his country. It undermine his efforts in creating a better America.

Garbage like you should be shot on sight LOL.

There is no human race as a whole, kike. Each race is in reality a different species. The FST between Europeans and Japs is 1.5. The FST between Europeans and Blacks is 1.9.

Also, I don't get it. I don't belong in Canada or Japan because I'm half Chinese and half Japanese?

That's like saying I don't belong in Germany if I'm half German and half Polish. Not to mention such a combination is probably not unique at all to begin with.

Chinese and Japanese are highly compatible, heck Japanese people were once Chinese to begin with. Not to mention, a certain ancient Emperor in Japan was once half Korean half Japanese. So… "race mixing" between East Asians weren't that uncommon in the past in Japan.

I don't know your ancestral backgrounds here on Holla Forums but I can bet a fair share of you Caucasians here have genes from different European countries. So why the insult about me being "halfbreed therefore I belong no where and that I should go kill myself?" Lolwut.

Anime and JRPGs are inherently right-wing.

Wow, this guy. This is like some Holla Forums tier shitposting or something. I'm literally speechless.

I'm a little shocked right now but I'm going to catalog everything this stupid piece of shit said. Here I go

How are you not a liberal piece of shit, user? Because you hate niggers and Mexicans? I had to leave Houston because I was neck deep in shitskin hoards, including Asians, which were especially fond of selling MDMA and being in organized gangs, like the rest of the non-white scum. You best be trolling, you fucking yellow nigger. If you are then 10/10, you got me.



You're still a mongrel, wanna start a colony for mongrels with me?

As long as we start it in Japan I'm down with that

Oh, so you're not a hapa, just a kike brainwashed double gook. That makes things much easier then, just get the fuck off the continent and deport yourself to South East Asia with the rest of your double gook kind. Not like chinkland or nipland would take soiled goods like you.

You stupid fuck.

How many times do I have to say it to get it through your thick skulls? Immigration and emigration is normal in this day of age. You want to stop it? Then ban airplanes and ships all together you filthy fucks. It doesn't matter if it's North America or Japan, I personally think immigration in moderation, as in, tight immigration laws, are fine. You get it?

I'm not a far right wingers like you guys are. I'm not a crazy extremist.

As for the rest, fuck it. Just like the past few hours you really do enjoy manipulating what I say, do you?

As for the TPR, it's the stuff I learned about back in school. I really doubt that's fabricated unless you can prove to me it is.

And too fucking bad that you lived in a shit neigbourhood in Houston. Oh, I faced shitty Asians and hobos in a shitty part of town, therefore I guess all Asians in America are druggy fucks that need to be purged.

Wow, are you for real? One small part of Canada = all Asians across America are garbage??

AMAZING! What excellent observation skills!

Fucking retard…

How are you not a racist? Let alone an extremist if "neo-nazi" is not the appropriate word here? You know, I find it strange how someone like you who is much older than me doesn't have the slightest common sense that just because you see shit Asians in one area, doesn't represent all Asians in America.

That's like me labeling all the Negros of Canada as filthy didindus just because Black Lives Matter is loud as fuck in say, Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver. Good God, you're nuts.

The fact that you moved out of a shitty part of America is good, and I'd probably do the same once I graduate from college and get the hell out of this shit city I live in. But really… you have terrible terrible common sense. If I brought Trump into the conversation, I guarantee you he'll see you as a blatant racist.

>>>Holla Forums

Silly gook. You forget that all of those inventions, and in fact, classical Chinese civilization itself, were actually invented by the purely Aryan race of ancient Tocharians. Yellow gooks were only slaves who served a White aristocracy in ancient China. All innovation stopped once the Whites disappeared and China went into decline.

>>>Holla Forums

Where have i heard this before??

Last time it was "Japanese people are in fact an ancient aryan race" or whatever the fuck you guys said in the last thread related to Japanese politics.

Holy shit, everything is "ancient aryan race" to you guys. Stuff like this I don't understand.

Last time one of you anons claim that Japanese are ancient aryans,

and in this thread, you shit on the Japanese as subhuman scum. What?

Where is the consistency in all this?

You are literally #NotAllMuslims right now

Yes, I am racist and proud of it. It's not "extremist" to want to protect your homeland and kin from foreign invaders which will slowly consume everything like a plague of locust, it's just what mankind in every nation has been doing for thousands of years now. Me and my people own nothing too you, and if Asians are so great, then you shouldn't have no trouble going back to your homeland instead of occupying ours.

Being racist is a virtue, and self-preservation is far from an "extremist" ideal, you little gook dweeb.

So kindly fuck off back to where ever your worthless stock comes from, you're not welcome here, nor are you wanted. I think we'll manage without you, like we always have.

Please, don't compare Asians to Muslims, especially the Japanese race.

You know what? How about we go our separate ways end this conversation? Obviously you're ignorant as fuck and you enjoy labeling everyone as either subhuman or aryan.

I have similar ideals to you about the whole protecting stuff, but you're too extreme. You almost sound like… I don't know, I feel as if you're too hard to reason with or communicate. There is no conversation or debate here; you just sound like an echochamber to me. There is no humanity within you in my opinion.

I don't think "old fashioned minded" is the correct word here, but the path you're choosing is not right. I'd be facepalming myself so hard if you try to run for presidential candidate. No one would really want to vote for you, not even the conservatives, the right wingers wouldn't support you. Not even Milo Yiannopoulos or Steven Crowder would agree with you wholeheartedly if he read this whole long ass thread.

I think I rather be sorry for you. How about this? I'll apologize for what I said about said relatives, family, wife, kids, etc. I'm sorry for shitting on your family. Shitting on you was a mistake, because I feel sad for you, I genuinely am. I ain't trolling here.

I don't align myself with leftists nor do I align myself with leftypol. Their fucking logo is the USSR symbol (it looks like they're trying to make leftypol velcro patches).

I don't know how else to express or explain it to you. Let's just end the conversation.

Someone might have already said it before but here's once again anyways: manga and anime have plenty of manly content, posting girly manchild shit here on Holla Forums makes you MLP-tier.

A pic from the good old /new/ days.

Fuck girly moeshit posters.

Boohoo. You're a useful idiot and don't even know it. Zionist are at war with white people right now using demographic replacement and fiat currency as the main weapons and you think some fag LARPing as a right winger for publicity and notoriety is going to make the multicultural "utopia" that the liberals and socialist have been promising for years. Donald Trump isn't a white nationalist, but his (mostly white) followers are desperately trying to reclaim an America they lost. They aren't interested in Donald Trump making America great again for you, they want America to be great again for them, and their own families.

And as far as you go, you believe someone (a white person) being "racist" is the ultimate sin because I care about my race and culture while you sit there and hope "karma" has me and my family killed by niggers. It's YOU that's the lowly moral sodomite that's incapable of understanding why I don't want you in my country.

You're right, this conversation is done. I'm tired of wasting my time on some self-important entitled gook who's completely oblivious to the irony in what he says

Wow, the fact that you defend what is basically degenerate art, is beyond me.

A man should be a man and a woman should be a woman, there is no such thing as finding a balance between gender forces, because there is no such thing as gender force, just gender.

I look at the image at the left and I don't see healthy and masculine art, but girly childish art.

Weebs use the same logic that racemixers use, you can't convince us that niggers and whites, or healthy and unhealthy art are are equal, because we have eyes that see.

Lol ultimate sin. Really? Rather, I call you racist because you're not sane. Your views are twisted and you're full of hate. You need help, and I'm saying this because you're not going to have a happy life with all this negativity in you. Yea, sounds like leftypol or whatever you want to call it, I don't fucking care. The point is that you're just as demented as what, Mao?

I doubt people who care about White Lives and how Europe is creating cultural suicide and actively destroying the White Race would want your help nor do they want to associate themselves with you when they learn how demented you are.

And like I mentioned earlier, I apologized, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have wanted you and your family dead because of your twisted thinking. What I want is the improvement of your mental health. I really hope you get help soon and I'm not trolling; I hope someone can help you one day. You'll need it.

All I can do is pity you.

I guess it's understandable, I can relate to it. I went on a rampage on twitter shitting on people that harassed the city police and call them this and that based on baseless claims by idiot didindus who love to cry victim all the time. It just makes me sick how corrupt and shit my city is. Heck, I kind of want a Police State and militarization of the police in my city to make all the didindus and SJWs shut up.

But would that benefit the city? Are my suggestions toxic? I don't know. Maybe I should go back to reading philosophy books and other political books to increase my knowledge. At the same time, I was told by a friend to stop reading so much negative news and read the positives. Maybe I should do that? I don't know. But it makes sense.

You need to read some positive things in life. I need to read some positive things in life. And maybe… just maybe, you'll realize that some parts of the world and the people living in said countries aren't that shit to begin with. Who knows.

Look, being a smarmy cunt and trying to mask an insult as genuine concern just goes to prove what a passive aggressive piece of shit you are. You honestly feel me and my family deserve to die because I simply don't want you and your kind in my county, you feel justified in saying so, you just know you look unsympathetic as all fuck saying so and realize you should redact your shit-eating statement because now you're the one that looks poorly. You're an unapologetically narcissistic piece of shit fish head that believe you're deserving of white homelands because they're "getting what they deserve" Just wait until this shit starts happening in South Korea and Japan, they're next on the target list. I'm sure you'll be singing a different tone then. But don't mind me, I'm crazy because I choose to acknowledge the reality of the world I live in and refuse to give in to my own demise. Maybe when you stop being some liberal indoctrinated college-aged fuckface that thinks they know everything, you'll begin to realize that the problem isn't just political correctiveness and SJWs


Jidf please get some new copy pasta/ tactics.


because switching off the electric jew and doing something productive is just not an option? if you're a grown man, and you spend your time watching cartoons, don't be surprised if people don't take you seriously.



Sauce on the screenshots?


But here's something for you then.

I didn't bother rereading the whole thread. But here's where I part ways with the Ango-Saxon, though I understand what's up. As a Croat I'm under no immediate threat. There's no immigrants here of any kind. But Western Europe and the US are swarming with them, and naturally the White populace, the actual inheritors and by all right "the country" itself is under constant threat. This makes you lash out at any perceived threat, just like a wounded tiger.

The discussion about who is smarter, who invented more and so forth is absolutely meaningless in this case. This is not a battle or discussion worth having. It is undeniable that Asians can maintain and achieve social harmony IE peace with low crime and so forth. And they can and did adapt our technology and integrated it. They understand its value and how shit works. This by itself is an achievement which other races ranging from muslims to niggers are completely incapable of. These two things ALONE make them worthy of our approval.

Now, racemixing in this case is a complex issue. It is undeniable that our cultures differ wildly though there are many, many shared values - they just find different expressions. These expressions are what makes us us and them them. To brutally mesh us together is a wrong course of action. It is this difference in expression and nuances that when working together could result in great things.

The only legit way to racemix with East Asians would be to create a bona fide new country in an empty space and see what happens. This would allow for a new culture to spring forth naturally and we could objectively judge the results without either of our two core populations/cultures being threatened in any way. But something like this is possible only in an ordered world where the nigger and assorted thrash has been obliterated. Basically a chunk of Africa would serve this purpose quite nicely.

Lastly, I urge everyone to reign in their rage and direct it towards appropriate targets.

I remember reading the 48 Laws of Power and according to its author, what the Japanese actually do is they pretend to adopt the values of their superior but they do this in fact, to mock him. It's something like this but yes, the point was, the Japs don't secretly want to be European.


99.9% of anime is still trash.

Oppenheimer and Einstein are jews user. The atomic bomb was based on their work. Stop embarassing yourself with "muh white inventions" when you haven't accomplished anything yourself because that's taking credit for other people's accomplishments.

You know there is good manga/anime just like there is degenerate ones? Just like there are good or degenerate books or TV shows in the west.

Some good stuff:
Berserk, Dragonball, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, BLAME!, Death Note

Probably something else too but thats off the top of my head, some very nice and non degenerate ones.

Oh, I forgot Terraformars. Thats a hilarious one.

also, shigurui was based on a novel, and would have made a great movie. the weeb trash who shitpost here are only in it for the kawaii waifus.

Yet the west is the one succumbing to sjw feminism and the gays.

Although I agree with you that claiming jewish inventions as our own is retarded, your reasoning is completely retarded otherwise.

But we have invented far more than you Japanese have though. What benefit would we gain from race mixing?
97% of all human achievement has come from Europeans.

And what percentage of western media is based?

So you only watch faggy and effiminate anime? That tells a lot more about you than about anime.

lol, no. he was commenting on anime recommended to him. if weebs, even on Holla Forums, keep recommending faggy and effeminate anime, then people are gonna watch faggy and effeminate anime, and come to the conclusion that anime is faggy and effeminate. look at what gets posted in this thread. it's all cutesy little girls.

Accept that your culture is cucked and not fit to protect itself from the "hordes of inferiors". Not even whites trust or like whites. That's why you are so easily "divided and conquered.

Hapa got rekt.
Good job user, it are poster like you that make me return to Holla Forums. have some cool pic's.

you absolutely deserve a number of pretty bad shit kickings, and I even like based japs. you're the one shaming your ancestors, faggot.

Yeah I know, I hate those fags too. Anyone who watches anime about googly eyed little girls is a degenerate.
But he should have searched for good anime himself instead of trusting some autists on the internet to recommend him. For some reason on Holla Forums of all places, people here seem to be obsessed with the worst, most degenerate kind of anime there is.

But there is a lot of manly anime, it's the only kind I watch.

You admit being a retard based on my reasoning, yet you call me a retard. I bow to your superior retardness.

Are you mentally handicapped?

I said I agreed with you that taking pride in jewish inventions as a white European is retarded. Where we disagree, is that I think taking pride in the inventions of your own people is not retarded.

Lrn 2 comprehension

It's gotta be the one who is literally wearing the union flag.

To be fair. The USA is already a nation of mixed racial mongrels.

Jotaro was pretty effeminate after part 3.

Gee, it sure is divide and conquer in here.

Fuck off. The mongrels can be deported back to whichever place their nonwhite parent comes from. We are still majority white, and can become even whiter once again.

Get out, shitskin

White mongrels are still mongrels.

inb4 this same nigger posts those images of the FBI classifying spics as whites to suppress real shitskin crime stats in the US. this board reverts to utter shit in between republican primary days

Berserk was faggy as hell. The leader of The Hawk Band was literally a twink.

Yeah Part 4 - 8 artstyle is not masculine. The story keeps getting better though so whatever.

Do you believe in the original feminism despite taking the red pill on sexual dynamics between men and women?

I believe that it's not about balancing the masculine and feminine energies but rather, transcending them. I'm not too deep into occult but I'm sure I saw people on /fringe/ say that after a certain dimension, spirits stop being either masculine or feminine and they start being something else entirely.

How can you be both a "Japanese goy" and a "weeb"?

You can't be a weaboo if you're Japanese.

Incorrect. It's virtually entirely European genestock, with a rare few ethnic minorities who are dying out altogether, ie Mikasa.

This is because the King had outlawed technological development. Even people that were trying to develop a hot air balloon were killed. I don't want to drop too many spoilers in case someone else in this thread actually likes it and is still reading it.

Yeah. The two styles can compliment each other very well.

You're right about Toyotas, but Hondas and Mitsubishis break all the fucking time.

Anything I say you turn it into some serious grim dark future of the Imperium.

And the other people saying that I'm totally okay with race mixing in NA but not in Japan?

You know, I wasn't aware that Caucasians were this stupid and unable to read carefully.

I said, MODERATE AND TIGHT/GOOD IMMIGRATION LAWS when it comes to immigration and and that a few hundred hybrids in a country that accounts for less than 0.5~0/1% of the population shouldn't even matter to begin with.

The fuck is wrong with you people?

I look up to the American people, I like you guys, I see you guys as allies. But the amount of fallacy and ignorance is hilarious. If Trump was an active member on Holla Forums, he'd be shaking his head at you guys.

And 7ab74f user, say what you want about me. Everything I say on this thread you want to turn change my words and exaggerate it to the point where even if I did have some concerns about you, you'd dismiss and bitch about other things instead because nothing goes through your thick skull.

I feel as if you're one of those filthy liars who exaggerate and change the story up when they accuse someone of a crime at court. That's probably you.

Really, you're a pity. And I'll say it again:


Ancient Aryans spread out along the middle east, into China and Europe. Japanese have a few haplogroups that are otherwise totally unique to Europeans, implying that they are in some way distantly related or shared a common ancestor. There's some evidence that the ancient Jomon people were distantly related to Europeans but nothing concrete.

Different posters, different viewpoints.

This. East Asians are the only other race on earth that seems able to coexist with whites and actually improve the world.

There's a good damn reason you were called honorary Aryans.


stopped reading there


In contemporary slice-of-life scenarios, if there is a foreign-esque character that is a part of the central cast, they were either Half-/Japanese but born overseas or Half-Japanese and born in Japan.
You really only find foreign character entering the central cast in more fantastical scenarios.

The story gets better, faggot. Get this hot head out of here.

We're curious magical people to them like they are to us. They make them half because they still hate foreigners.

You cunts. We're your only allies in this theater, and you would insult us even then?

Should start running them off, increase anime posting of the masculine variety.

Nuke yourselves… Oh wait, you already did.

Fucking Harbor-Bombers.

Social media feminist found. Anita Sarkpuppet is a blob.

*Tips fedora


If this thread has shown us anything, it's that Asians are slightly higher functioning niggers. They support the same liberal ideals as niggers, they vote in the same liberal politicians that personally benefit them, like niggers, they believe in anti-hate speech laws, against them, they believe white people should be fired for their jobs for being racist, against them, they believe immigration of Asians into white countries but not the reverse, and they shout and cry racism every time a white person says something "racist."

Just because we aren't suffering grom the same level of gook immigration as the other mud races, and just because you low T chinks don't murder and rape (in the conventional sense) like niggers do, hardly makes us you "allies."

You can have your homeland for all I care, I just want mine.

Nip-nogs confirmed for not being able to handle the bantz.

With your attitude I might just support white genocide.

See, literally no different than your average nigger-loving liberal.


etc etc

Seriously, what are you smoking, dope? Get out of this thread already, you're mentally ill!

Japan has been voting for right wing politicians since… what, 70 years ago?

As for the Asian vs European innovation thing, I think I can agree with you on that after reading various posters' thinking.
But the rest? You're simply twisting what I've said and making me the villain.

Your reasoning is beyond what an average Holla Forums user would think. It's way too extreme. It's like… what, "Level 5 super fascism?"

Even Hitler didn't go so far as to hating on the Japanese and Chinese that much. Holy shit man.

There's "okay tier nationalism," but you're like "beyond Satan, next-gen level nationalism." Your level of nationalism sounds like dystopia to me. Your logic is so unrealistic.

If I try to reason with you, I'm automatically labeled a kike. Next thing you know, I'm a dirty nigger, and then I'm an apologetic shit worm, and then I'm accused of being a leftypol. Jesus christ man… like I said, you're nuts.

This guy is so fucking hilarious. Apparently being the literal definition of what a nationalist is, it's literally, by this user's own words that supposedly "twisting" is evil, but only in white nations!

And as far as the Japanese "voting for right wing politicians since… what, 70 years ago?" goes, yeah, they might vote conservative in their own countries, by they sure do magically turn socialist as soon as they cross the border into a white nation. Could it be that they don't have loyalty to the nation that they're immigrating to and instead wish to undermine the will of the indigenous population by voting in a socialist state which will strong arm white into giving up their homeland for foreign invaders that wish to colonize it for their own benefit? No, that couldn't be the case.

Oh, and when you say someone and their entire family should be slaughtered by feral niggers because they don't want this, yeah, it does seem to make you the villain, imagine that

Had to fix that, it was entirely inarticulate

Not as funny as you.

Gee, because the Democratic party isn't infamously known as the party of gibsmedats


nice JIDF file name
"far right"

What's the point you seem to be implying voting republican is some kind of virtue?

What are you even trying prove? Asians consistently vote liberal because socialistic policies are more advantageous to them specifically, despite them undermining the health of the nation and the will of the majority of white voters.

In other words, if there were 50 million active voting age Asians in the United States now, 25 million of their votes would be going to Hillary Clinton this general election while only 28 million would go to Trump. Considering they're one of the fasting growing ethnicities in the U.S. right now, those numbers might actually be a reality one day, undermining the sovereignty of white Americans, even if a Nationalist party replaces the Republican party in the future.

Common sense, retard

or maybe Japan doesn't entirely consist of koreans and not everyone looks like WW2 caricatures and can have different looking nationalities while still being homogenously japanese

picture related, guy is for all intents and purpose japanese


for the bland stupid, face book tier normie, voting republican indicates that you are less likely to favor big government . We all know that is a farce as your image implies, but the normie doesnt get that.
yes they are mostly, but again we're talking about normies here

Conversely voting democrat indicate you think the government to be infallible, handouts solve everything and immigration is "enriching"; all of this paid for by white tax payers

so on a normie scale
democrat is more likely for race mixing degenerate faggots
republican generally means they dont want those things and have no one else to vote for.

so chinks voting democrats. . ..

well, ill let you put 2 and 2 together


I'm not trying to prove anything, you attacked Asians for being Democrats at a higher rate then Republicans. I have no respect for either party so that's meaningless to me.

So what? More women vote Democrat then Republican do you hate them too? And again I have no respect for either party.


So you have no point. Great.

The Japanese nation, for all intents and purposes, are predominantly Yayoi, the slant eyed folk

lol at least fire up that VPN chaim

jesus christ they're sending the JV squad tonight

Not really most of the Republicans I know are in favor of increasing military spending, even Trump supports the NSA. Being a Republican hardly implies being libertarian or Ron Paul would be considered a party leader. Not to mention a good majority of Holla Forums would attack you for being a "lolberg" if you aren't in favor of a over reaching central government.

I don't respect either party telling me someone is member of one VS the other isn't going to effect my thinking of them, it would be lowered no mater what.

god damn thats some serious stupid. Stop trying to make whites a mary sue race, asians have higher IQs, they also have smaller cocks and bad peripheral visoin, deal with it.

Each party is still very representative of a certain political philosophy, even if the party doesn't adhere to it.

It's obvious want to fuck over whitey by electing socialist leaders that will hand over the country to foreign invaders.

You're obviously a JIDF shit, so I don't even know why I'm bothering to explain this to you


Says who? SAT averages of 26 Asian students from back in the 90's and literacy rate scores that are independently released from their own respective countries that are used to require education visas into the United States and Europe?

It's not like Indian universities haven't already been caught giving community college equivalent degrees to filth so that they could come over here on work and education visas! But I guess you just thought Indians were more inclined at being good doctors, didn't you?

Like I said, JIDF

filtered and reported

No I'm not you flat out posted
And I told you I don't support either party so someone voting Republican won't earn any brownie points with me and I don't see the Democrats as any worse just the other side of the coin. I also find it laughable you think the Republican party somehow advocates for white interests.

No, but I was inclined to believe that indians are often pushed to be doctors.

and no, says studies done by richard lynn, a white nationalist, race realist, and someone who advocates for the removal of low IQ races from european cultures.

What youre basically saying is "yes user, I am a wannabe mary sue"
im sure your cock is huge, youre good at everything, and youre currently in an anime-tier love quadrangle

For fucks sake its like 3 points higher, big fucking deal.

They're voting Democrat, you stupid fuck. It literally doesn't matter if their voting Republican, Libertarian, or the Nazi Party of America. They're voting Democrat and they do it for a reason

Get that through your "dude who cares voting is dumb i'm enlightened by sitting on my ass all day eating cheetos hehe stupid puppets" skull, retard

How can you see my post if you filtered me?

Oh, so like when a woman has sex with a man of another race, and gets a little bit pregnant, and then has sex with her totally-non-cucked husband to create only a "moderately" mixed child?

Well when a majority of modern inventions in the world are created by white people and the greatest works of art and literature are done by white people and the founders of modern philosophy and critical thought were white people and so forth then It would be hardly saying whites are "Mary Sue"

And isn't it you that's obsessed in proving Asians are so much smarter and than whites? The world isn't a fucking RPG where points are even allocated into different traits to balance the different races, moron

Then why did you even respond?

Besides, Holla Forums won't let me filter your stupid ass


I'm not filtering you
Try not posting from a cell phone

If I couldn't read what you posted then why would you respond specifically to me

ignoring the length of my replies, it's safe to say I'm not, like it even matters

Did it never occur to you that they make them half jap so that the character would have some excuse for being able to speak jap.

This thread is more then just you and me
then you should be able to filter people

Then you shouldn't have responded to my post then using pronouns directed towards me

Okay and? I'm on a computer and can't right now, what do you want me to do? And you're still sidestepping why you would even remark as to whether or not I was on a cell phone

You're an intellectually dishonest little one, aren't you?

Again I wasn't filtering you, I had a feeling you were going to unhide my posts anyways and if not you another user may feel like replying to me.
Because the filters quite working with GoyOS recently any more and you whined about the filters you forgive me for assuming.

No you are just ignorant.

Holla Forums u had one fuckin job and you lost it…

sah-geh in all fields

If as far as you knew I had filtered you, then it wouldn't matter either way, there was no reason to answer as you had no reason to believe I would see it. And if you assumed i would unhide your post to read it, then why are you making a big deal out of me responding to your post?

Filter issues besides, you're still not answering as to why it matters if i was on a phone. Isn't it a possibility that I'm telling the truth and despite being on a computer, I still can't filter? It's you that's drawing attention to cell phone usage for some reason you're purposely not wishing to disclose.

No I realize this is nothing more than an attempt to distract me from the real discussion as you're not able or capable of honestly defending your position. I'm done playing this pathetic game of "Gotchu!" so your free to reply with your obligatory follow up post further arguing pointless semantics

Anume is for fags.

hello goy kun jew chan desu

do not watch manly anime they are for people who think the holocaust is real. Miyazaki said anime was trash because he understands that only shows like Goy of Thrones, the Walking Goyim, and Chaim Bang Theory properly promote western values.

Also, daily reminder that Christianity is terrible and atheism/asatru is best for white goys.

They are always half japanese, because Gaijin never, ever completely fit in in Japan. They can do well, but there is always something a bit…off about them. Something marks them as an outsider.

Half-bloods however, can fit in. They can avoid the lingering gaijin aura. That's why there are so many half-bloods in anime. It gives them a definitive character trait without making them permanent outsiders.

You know why I'm so angry towards you? Because you turn everything into, a race issue? I think that's the right word I'm looking for. If not, you definitely enjoy using a "specific issue, word, or point" to silence me.

You sound like some filthy SJW trying to find an excuse in everything to try to shit on everyone else but yourself if they don't agree or partially agree with you.

I can't have a decent conversation with you. Even if I do agree with some of your points and try to find some sort of equilibrium or something where both of us can agree with or be neutral with, your hot blooded head wants to continue shitting on East-Asians as if they are no better than the Negro Race.

I take that as a huge insult.

And what about my Chinese grandpa? He was one of the most powerful people in China before the war, had powers equivalent to one or two class lower than government level. Then again, I guess that doesn't matter to you, does it? Because all Chinese are filthy gooks comparable to Negros.

Like I said, fucking racist.

Sure, I definitely don't want the Caucasoid European races to go extinct or be endangered, but you went full retard when I mentioned I'm fine with moderate-race mixing, as in it shouldn't be a problem if they only represent less than 0.5% of the total population. Yet alarms went off of you like crazy and you went spergy on me.

You're the one who keeps on saying "exclusive to white nations" bullshit. Whatever they mean, they kinda sounds like a SJW rhetoric that Black Lives Matter love to use, does it? You're really annoying and that's what you are.

Ah for fucks sakes, those idiots who leave the nation (for now, let's talk about Japanese immigrants), immigrate, and vote for the wrong parties aren't even considered Japanese anymore. They're degenerates, that have no sense of shame.

They barely know a single thing about Japanese politics or history and absorbs all the bullshit the Jewish media or whatever you want to call it tells them. They think that atomic bomb was a curse for Japan or some shit, and how they shouldn't have been nuked in the first place.

First of all, America didn't really have a choice considering it was a race against time before the Soviets invade Japan. They don't understand that a RED, North Japan and a Democratic South Japan wouldn't really be the best for the nation. Or heck, a complete RED Japan would have been pretty shit. It's because of the Nuclear Bomb that allowed Japan to be what it is today, a world super power. The only downside is that Americuck put restrictions on our military and heavy industries, plus having bases in various parts of Japan. But that can be taken off if Shinzo Abe has the guts to return Japan to its "former glory," aka Military Japan and kick out the US military.

The Japanese cucks in Canada don't understand this and decide the best course of action was to block me out from their forums or call me a bigot without discussing the history further. They rather be concerned with pretty sakura flowers, peace and prosperity, and traditional Japanese arts, literature, and traditions than to talk about historic matters of the country they were born from. Essentially, Japanese Conservatives continue to be loyal in Japan, but it's only the cuck libtards that immigrate.

Only in rare situations where you have people like me who aren't complete cucks who swallow the liberal propaganda. At least I want to be a critical thinker and try to converse with you guys on Holla Forums. I don't wish to be a blue pilled beta faggot, and I want to be red pilled alpha. I can strive to be one, but it's long way to be one for me.

As for why there are so many Japanese people in Brazil, it's because Imperial Life back in Japan wasn't the greatest for poorfags living a shit life with zero opportunity. So they thought immigrating to some other country to find better opportunities would be better than their current shit life. Similar to how Europeans wanted to immigrate to Canada or the US for a "better life," correct?

u wot m8

I'm not going to even bother reading this wall of incoherent gibberish. This guy has a serious issue of not seeing how his actions are no different than that of a nigger, or a spic, or a fag, or some uninformed liberal. He repeats their words to the "t" but is incapable of seeing it as he's never been on the opposite side of the adulation and adoration that the weeaboos and Japanphiles on halfchan and wholechan give him or the general ignorance and decency of the average white man. He sees himself infinitely superior to the nigger, and the Mexican, and the fag, and the uniformed liberal and believes he deserves far greater than them, despite he being philosophically no different from them. But if you ever question that shared sense of entitlement he has with his non-white liberal brethren, watch him come unglued and reveal the true beast that lies beneath, you be surprised at how familiar it is to the Juans and Jamals and Ackmeds you've unfortunately already become accustomed to, only this time it was hidden deep beneath the diminutive and frail exterior of a xanthous complexioned man. Good thing you found out too, before him and his ilk constituted more than 50%, no 20%, no even 10% of your population, you might have regretted underestimating the instinctual ways of the yellow man.

Are you sure you're not Alex Jones by any chance? Cause you're seriously nuts. I have no fucking clue what this line of text is supposed to mean:

Man oh man, Holla Forums can be a great place for intelligent conversation, but at times there's always going to be weirdo uber paranoid fucks out there, eh? Can't be helped. No forums is perfect anyways.

How about you go study more to become a doctor instead of wasting your time here? Be gone, filthy nigger tier goy.

Yeah, you're right, I should have used "inherent" instead of "instinctual", it would have sounded a whole lot better

Gas yourself.

Why are you posting these? Nymphs (and Dryads) are blatantly Ancient Greek's version of waifus.

Just like mermaids and "angels" and stuffs.
Demidivine PERFECT 10/10 girls who'll loves you.
And basically not baseline human bitchy women no

Nymphs and Dryads were typically dangerous. You're thinking the muses. The muses were blatant waifus. If it were not Pandora and Galatea which were made from clay waifus.

Ahaha, yeah, Pygmalion was basically /r9k/ incarnated


Either way, Final Fantasy is the true Aryan pill.

Nice cherry picked image, faggot.

Funny how the only image you guys post is from a single manga, the only other example was from Jojo and Jotaro is a fucking half-Japanese that of course is identical to his British Grandfather, just like I said in the OP kek

Funny thing is, weren't the Elrich brothers half-ancient sand people from the destroyed desert country of Xerxes? So even they weren't 100% imaginary Aryans

I thought this would be a shit slide thread at first. Didn't think we would be investigating the origins of waifury, kek.

We're tolerant of foreign people they decided to come here and not be tolerant of us.

This may be a shock, but you are far from the most important person on this website

Because you can't filter with GoyOS do you even know what that is

Paranoia intensifies

Of what you are never going to convince me to be a Republican or think any higher of them then Democrats, I was here before 2013

great point. anime has utterly feminized the samurai.

Imperial Japan is never coming back, you albino retards
China will make sure of that

why care?
Think about it, they are copying Europeans for some reason. Why not roll with it?

The blondies are actual UK transfer students.

Listening to Japanese girls try to do English with British accents is either adorable or migraine inducing.


She's half English half Japanese, the other blond is pure English and the rest are pure Japanese.

Japanese portray white traits as dominant in half breeds most of the time.


Oh, I didn't realize she was half.

Oh well. Anime is 100% Caucasoid anyways, even when the characters are full Jap. They know we have the best aesthetics, but unlike Africans who churn a perpetual shitfit about it, they try to emulate it.

Wow, I haven't see this pic for a long time. How long has it been, almost a decade?

This isn't really accurate considering not all Japanese look as "ugly" as the Asian girl in the picture.

Google "Japanese girl side view." Some Japanese have a few facial traits of the Caucasian woman used in this example. Though, when I say some, I mean few.

Regardless of that, holy shit, even my Japanese female friend doesn't look that ugly. Christ…

The problem with anime is that most people watch the faggy shit, anime died at the end of the 90s and all that remains is the neetbux grabbing.

Good taste.

Angel cop is a must watch too in the same genre.

I would doubt it seeing as the k-on anime came out in the end of 2009. And yes it was obviously made by a stormfag

That kind of attitude is what I hate the most. Entertainment is degenerate, study the bible/koran/torah why don't you. Only watch/read the news. What's the point of life without a bit of escapism you fucking tool? If everyone acted like this I'd rather destroy society. Just because Jews control everything doesn't mean you fucking stop doing everything. Might as well stop breathing air since Jews also might have breathed the same air.

In the near future, Western Europe has fallen to the ahkbar hordes. Most white European refugees have fled to Japan, which has established special areas for preserving and nurturing European-style culture.
While these enclaves are bastions of peace and civilization, most white males are rarely seen enjoying everyday civilian life, as the vast majority of able-bodied men are in constant military training and engaged in various covert operations, laying the groundwork for the inevitable war to reclaim their ancestral European homelands.
Abandoning the degenerate liberal modern feminism that contributed to the fall of the West, the young women in these enclaves instead cultivate traditional femininity, refined elegance, and appreciation of natural beauty, in preparation for the indispensable role of wholesome motherhood for the next generation.
In Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka, we follow the everyday lives of a group of young girls in these special enclaves, their peaceful existence a precious seed that their largely unseen brothers and fathers have sworn to protect with blood and fire.

None of that sounds appealing. Go to hell you fucking degenerate.

kek. fucking autism.

You don't seem very appealing either

literally this
I am mixed so i would know