Freemason thread

Redpill me on the Stasi, What's the deal with the square and compass? Is anyone here involved in a lodge?

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Low-level know nothing masons gather to bbq and shoot the shit. High level masons are allowed access to the more nefarious plots.

There's a lot of similarities between jews and masons. The order was subverted by jews a long time ago, just like most other groups, hence why their rituals involve the kabbalah. And, like jews, the low level members are quick to defend masonry with blind tenacity.

tl;dr mostly useful idiots

Their Larping Jew wannabe useful idiots.

Goebbels had an "anti-masonry exposition" with a lodge the Nazis raided in Austria. Nazis were really so fucking based.

Watch this if you can stomach it. Masons are sad little shabbos goyim who wish they were jews. They have the blood of tens if not hundreds of millions on their hands (most of their victims have been Whites). Hitler put them in camps for very good reasons.


JIDF out in full force today

? What kike?

I thought about joining a lodge, but then I realized needing a sense of belonging that bad was pretty gay.

This. Freemasons will never know who they're really working for, even the ones at the highest levels. The fate of all sekrit clubs.

I kinda know how you feel. I was very close to joining a Frat in college and they're like jv masons. Looking back most of them were fucking fags.

Freemasons are the biggest LARPers there is you should see the obsession that these people have with The Knights Templar and similar groups.

DDR was a television show.
East Germans literally got on television and said that the television show is cancelled.

Check video for reference, obviously you can see that absolutely nothing is happening.
There are no secrets in germany.
therefore no secret police.

So you're saying the Stasi never existed?

not responsible for what you think or what you think you saw.
obviously you can see that nothing is happening.

Should say "Shabbos Goyim"

Not sure if that's a yes or no. Clearly the Stasi existed since all the profiles they kept were released when the Soviet Union fell.

On 8 February 1950 the GDR Volkskammer (People's Chamber) unanimously passed the "Bill to establish a Ministry of State Security". It was preceded by a corresponding secret resolution of the SED Politbüro at the end of January. Deputy Prime-Minister Walter Ulbricht appointed Wilhelms Zaisser as minister and Erich Mielke as permanent secretary on 16 February 1950. Zaisser was at the same time co-opted both onto the party executive committee and the Politbüro.

Nigga are you a broken chatbot? German protestors had to literally storm Stasi HQ in 1990 just to stop sekret police from destroying evidence that they spied on people.

choose your own adventure
prove any of this happened

video at bottom for retard who cannot read

Documentary "Experience the Past"

cant seem to embed

The BStU was created out of Stasi's embers for damage control. Why would you link something from their website like it holds any merit?

I'll go ahead and out myself as one of the resident Mason shills. I always ask and never get a satisfactory answer. If "low-level" members have no idea what's going on why should we expect people who are not members to have any idea what's going on?

The claim just doesn't make sense.

European Masonry, sure, the Grand Orient of France has been in Illuminati hands since the French revolution and Anglosphere Masonry (and whatever European lodges remain aligned to it rather than the Orient of France) does not recognize French masonry as a part of the fraternity because of their sexual egalitarianism, admission of atheists and other liberal positions.

Except they don't. You can find some Masonic literature that will draw a parallel between certain ideas in esoteric Masonic thought and Kaballah but they speak neither authoritatively nor are their ideas very widely accepted. The rituals of Masonry have very clear source in a combination of medieval masonry techniques, actual physical masonry, and Old Testament themes and stories. Just looking at it from a historic perspective I doubt the fathers of Freemasonry as we know it would have been overly familiar with Jewish mysticism, 17th and 18th century England just isn't a religiously liberal enough period to allow it, a part of the atmosphere that created Freemasonry in the first place. Religious liberty as an idea, after all, began as a desire to end the sectarian wars of religion that were plaguing europe post-reformation. The claim just strikes me as acontextual.

Like anyone who belongs to a group or organization in which they have sunk any significant amount of time or resources. Look at how zealously Roman Catholics will defend the Roman Church despite all of it's failures and corruptions. When you identify with something you defend it because you take attacks against it personally at an emotional level.

My question is and always will be, for who? I know the men in my lodge and the surrounding lodges, I know their day jobs, I have their phone numbers, the grand master of the state comes from our district and I know men who have known him for years and years. Who are we useful idiots to? What do bbq's and funding local extracarriculars for the kids do for the Masonic elite?

If lodges meet once a month and grand lodge meets maybe 4 times a year, where in those 16 meetings are the nefarious plots being planned and carried out?

I'm a useful idiot for the higher ups, okay I get that, but how, why and for who? If you can't provide that information then you're just making shit up. I can't come to any other conclusion.

Did you autosage this thread?

to protect who

Not me, must have been one of the 93rd degrees we've planted as moderators. I'm not that high up the ladder


Agents who were spying on their own countrymen.

OP has legitimate question.
If you don't have any contributions to give to naming names or linking masonic lodges with stassi hoax, then get teh fug lost.

how come the germans got them all?
so u saying the west german hoax, burries the east german hoax documents they dont want?
who is running the stassi now?
how come the russians did not come in and stop the ebil germans from getting the dokuments?
thought the russians set up stassi?


They didn't. I'm assuming the more sensitive documents were destroyed.

Not sure what you're saying here. What West German thing are you referring to?

Same people behind PRISM et al

It was every man for themselves in the early 90s. The Russians couldn't even contain their spaghetti let alone worry about the German secret police being found out.

They hired Germans to spy on Germans. As long as no political movements against the Kremlin was going on, everything was fine.

Seriously why is this bumplocked?

Soon they will autosage antisemitic threads as well. This is what happens when you let kikes slowly infiltrate the board.

(Modern) Freemasons are, on both metaphysical and practical level, identical to kikes. It is only natural that they will at least cooperate and work on common goals, if not outright serve the Jews. (As the ones less influential in the pyramid of global kikery)

do your own homework.

Nobody else answered it why should I be expected to? The stasi had the hammer and compass emblem because it was the national emblem of East Germany. Hammer for the worker, Compass for the Academics and the Rye wreath the farmers. Pretty standard Soviet bloc imagery. The compass is unique but it isn't evidence of a Masonic element in East Germany - Freemasonry was outlawed in the Soviet Union.

Why do you think? We were subverted from the start.

I guess its because its
Still i don't think a thread on Freemasonry should be bumplocked

Thought your 'we the people' raided the compounded and trashed the documents, but the sensitive ones were preserved according you now.

pray tell, try as hard as possible not to mention jewish.

but somehow russia keeps all their nukes on lock, an none get out, BECAUSE NUKES R FAKE.

there are no secrets in germany.

I think it's time I took a break from the internet for a while.

What are you even saying? The Stasi clearly existed and was probably the best intelligence (or counter intelligence depending on how you see it) agency in the history of mankind. German people stormed the Stasi HQ to stop Stasi agents from destroying evidence.

There's no square. The compass and hammer were just signs of proletariat industry. Plus, Freemasonry was banned in East Germany.

Working for how?

You people always say that, but are never able to justify it.

they wuz the best
because they let the germans people burn the documents

i see what your saying, they were so good at their job and so secret and such a secretive orginazation that they let the german people man off the street run amok of their FILES COMPOUND.

just stop talking jew, go talk a walk down the street in your ghetto and try to jew somebody else.

No I'm saying you're being evaluated right now. Get your shit together.


The Masonic handshake, the offical symbol of the East German Communist Party.

You mean pass-grip, and that really is none of them, out of hundreds.

But have you ever wondered what would happen in a post-surveillance state? Those resources would have to be used on someone, and I would think that the first group that would be focused on would be ex-spies. The fate of all snitches is misery unfortunately.


Unless you can prove otherwise?

I can

Watch this

Ah, so no then. Why would you believe something without proof?

intelligence agents are literally gypsies. agents are literally gypsies that are writing grade school style book reports and claiming they are real. Either they are told what to write, or they are being scapegoated and did not write the document. Or the whole name is made up becaus the whole concept of intelligence agencies is a lie.

All intelligence agencies are a hoax. Military intelligence can do the same exact job, but because of the ongoing ww2 jewish produced television show, no large nations are allowed to fight each other over land.

because ww2 never ended and germany is a vassal state, there are alien intelligence apparatus working to keep the post ww2 status in place, to ensure the elimination of germans, which will not happen because the germans are gods people.

what i am explaining is jewish, which you obviously know all about you being a jew.

It is a unique sign that is used by hundreds of masonic organisations.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck.


If it was one of the Masonic pass-grips, you might be on to something, but as is, your argument doesn't hold water.

Hey man I wish you the best of luck in the near future.

just like hexagram is unique
just like the holohoax was unique

these signs are everywhere hidden in plain sight.

Jesus Christ is Lord

My friend says his lodge just asks for lots of financial contributions in exchange for moving up the hierarchy. So a bit like scientology in that respect.

But basically it's just a bunch of old men doing each other favors. Apparently a lot of cops are members so you might find you get away with a crime if you're stopped by the right officer.

And he knows almost nothing about real-world events or the realities of world power structures so it's all a waste of time and effort.

He should have reported them to Grand Lodge, then. Or more likely he's not really a Mason, and is in a fake lodge.
Or they'll hit you harder because you've broken your obligation and are held to a higher standard.


Fucking kill yourself.

Rabbi Br. Isaac Wise, in The Israelite of America, March 8, 1866:

Lodges came about to facilitate trade between jews and goys in times where such interactions might have been illegal.

Most Jews don't have the understanding of them that we do and have no idea what's going on about the big jews.

I know nothing of Freemasonry so I can't really argue with it, but the concept isn't that absurd.

Bit of a false dichotomy. Judaism isn't a gestalt hivemind, or even one unified body. The "Big Jews" (Bank owners) are certainly separate from everyone else, but it's not like the local foreskin-deli owner has anything to do with them regardless.

Prince Hall Mason lodge is next to a synagogue. kek


Seems about right. But Synagogues have numbers? Odd.

Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871

Freemasonry: Ideology, Organisation, And Policy - Dieter Schwarz

Was Albert Pike the only Freemason who was not a total faggot?

That "quote" is so retarded, because there are no 30th, or 31st degree members in America. Every A&AR member is 32nd, and the 33rd is an honourific/admin title.