Dystopian Future

Are we going to pretend that complete and worldwide surveillance is not going to happen in the next 10+ years?

Google and others are already talking about how GPS will be switches on without a way to turn it off in phones. RFID chips are basically everywhere and cameras get smaller every few months.

Is Holla Forums going to be the super secret underground restistance that is fighting the government(s)? How are we going to protect ourselves from the data leech? Long and random passwords and encryption is obviously not enough! Do we have to go into complete submarine mode or is there a way to continue with "normal life"?

Other urls found in this thread:


Cuck, surveillance is protecting you.

But normal is life means browse Facebook and share each part of your private life with Google because your have nothing to hide, right ?

Your best bet is to get off the Internet. Set up alternative networks.

be a legit political force. drop the SJW memes because Google owns that too. Setup communal networks were people do get paid, but fairly and in both directions. As in your data is valuable. Just transparency balanced against common sense privacy. Be a model for a better future. Going to ground just makes it easier to call you all paranoid child molesters and then the Mega Corp Servers win. Exactly as planned.

Everyone is required to wear implant RFID tags used for transactions (digital money, money no more tangible).

inb5GPS, wherever you go the implant will trip on every post/pole.
As you see it is not gonna be the captain obvious: "everyone is surveilled" but rather "no one knows they're surveilled"

The thing is mind control techniques are being extremely-widely used and everyone's turned into "well-tamed dogs" except the "black wolves" (psychopaths) who can't be penetrated by the "power of suggestion."

Unified Digital Monetary System
RFID tag implementation (2 in 1)
Mind Control Sound Waves (using binaural audio techniques)
Forced poverty (so the top will always be the top :>) , no one is allowed to rise above)

The only way to solve this is to conceal pregnancy and give birth to a child who is free of RFID tag but first you must have a either a bunch of tinfoil shit or give birth in a faraday cage (where xrays or sensprs wouldn't reach and find out.)

nice trips

This is the future most people want, apparently. rms warned us and nobody listened. They just laughed and called him paranoid. Now they say nothing.

There is nothing you can do individually to prevent this. You may evade it, but it won't be enough. You cannot live as a free man in a world of slaves.

This reminds me of what happened to the suits in Lain. You cannot get away from it. The net is as much part of the "real world" now than you yourself are. The internet was just a game to us, but now it's bled into the real world.

We are quickly approaching the end of freedom. I have thought about it for a while. I have a rifle sitting next to me. When the time comes, I'll prepare a nice meal, have a good time then end it. I do not plan to stick around in a world like this. The computers I loved now run my life and everyone else's. This was not what I had hoped when I was a kid. Dr. Kaczynski was fucking right in that sense, but he thought he could do something about it. It's clear that we cannot.

This is the kind of shit that derails discussion of a legitimate topic.

I'm fine with it if I get to work in a datacenter that looks like that.

People conflate privacy with surveillance, which is wrong. Being pro-surveillance does not mean being anti-privacy. Surveillance is very important for people's safety and is does not need to infringe on our privacy.

For example, imagine we had a facial recognition device placed in every home that scanned our faces and compared them to known terrorists. An invasion of privacy you say? WRONG! It periodically downloads new terrorist profiles from the internet, but does all the scanning LOCALLY. It would not send out a single byte, even after decades, unless it spotted the face of an actual terrorist.

What rational objection is there to a system like that which would make us all more secure and maintain 100% of our privacy? (No "muh security")

When people talk about surveillance, they are talking about constant and universal surveillance of everyone, which is the trend today. I have nothing against someone being surveilled if there is a warrant to do so and there is good reason for it. That is not what we have now, nor what the politicians are pushing.

That's what I was talking about. Surveillance of everyone does not necessarily violate privacy depending on the technical implementation.

But your implementation, of course, can easily be abused.

Any device in your home that is not controlled by you can be used to spy on you. Facial recognition technology is no different, and is probably the most extreme example. It very much is a violation of privacy.

1) Sauce or gtfo
2) It'd be a pretty fucking shit surveillance device if it can only surveil for as long as the battery lasts. Which, considering how Jewgle engineers phones, would be about two hours with GPS on all the time.

Digital money ain't money. It's currency.
Currency that's not backed by money is sure to fail. The US Dollar is on a one-way ticket to hell if the current system of producing imaginary money from nothing doesn't stop.
If you think that gold will suddenly evaporate up and stop existing, you're a damned fool.

This thread is garbage.

That's the thing about a cyberpunk world. You were promised a shit society in shit conditions, but it would be cool. Instead it's just as boring as before, but even shittier. You are living in a cyberpunk world, you just happen to be just as lame as before and will never hack the world.

I don't know if you've noticed, but Snowden's leaks already revealed that the NSA had a database, called FASCIA, of bulk collected metadata about cell phone connections to towers that they store for months at a time. Between that and baseband exploits that turn your phone's baseband processor into a hardware backdoor you'd have to be a complete fool to think cell phones are secure.

People who think this shit are part of the low information crowd and should be ignored. The government isn't going to suddenly go full blatant 1984 when they can just as easily accomplish the same goals by working in the background. Why require ridiculous shit like that when cell phones already provide them that ability without potentially angering people or requiring additional infrastructure? Furthermore, if you want extremely precise tracking, something like the ARGUS-IS strapped to the bottom of a drone (which will become much cheaper as time goes on) which the US military already uses and police departments in the US have already experimented with lower resolution versions of would provide more precise tracking than the ridiculous Revelations RFID implant bullshit, and before someone says something about saving hi res video there's already software to go with it that just logs motion of people and vehicles.

kike or Holla Forums?



Why not both?
Post proof, Oh wait.

The problem in your implementation is that two persons with opposite objective are on the same lever.

One side wants to be sure that no terrorist is the house. So the ones in the houses should not be able to change the code.

The other side doesn't want it's face being pulled by the government.
In order to be able to trust it he wants to know what it's happening in there.

Hard to satisfy both.

Yes it does; in reality. In theory, sure, you can have a perfectly benign state that never abuses its powers and as such should have total power. This however can't happen because people are shit. To believe that any government can wield a surveillance state without abusing its power is naive beyond any other postulation I've heard in my fucking life.

What you're saying is like Sam Harris argument that maybe mass surveillance is acceptable if it's only used for "serious crime/terrorism". Sure... But that never fucking happens. It can't happen. To even make that argument is to ignore human history. Benign all-powerful people or groups of people have never and will never exist. And that's the crux of the problem which everyone outside of paranoid tech circles seem incapable of understanding.

What's the point of democracy? To spread out power as much as possible. Through thousands of years of experimentation we've found that every single time power is concentrated shit turns bad. A person or a group of people cannot be trusted to wield total power over the majority.


Only a small group of people still does have complete control of the population in a Democratic society.
Their hundreds of thousands of brain dead devotees only solidifies their hold over us.
Democracy isn't liberating, it's a weapon.

Sure. And it's still the best system we've been able to build. The idea that democracy is shit, but still less shit than every other form of government we've tried, is an old one.

That democracy is pretty bad does in no way justify simply giving up and handing all power to the NSA and Google and praying they'll be nice to us.

The fact you imply America is a democracy shows you know too little on such subjects for you're opinions to hold weight

The founding fathers made it perfectly clear democracy is a terrible form of government, this is why America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy, in a democracy for example anyone can get away with murder if people vote him innocent. Nobody is above the law, read the Federalist Papers you stupid armchair revolutionaries

I don't even give a fuck about privacy, but this shit costs electrons. Nothing makes me madder than frivolously wasting electrons. This is why I go through so many pains to surgically remove "Google" from my phone, because their cockwhore Google Play Services was burning through battery like Holla Forums burns through stickies.


Pro tip: Not every fucking person you meet on the internet is American. I'm Norwegian. Please excuse me for not having read ancient American government papers.

When I say democracy, I'm obviously implying representative democracy. That's what democracy means today, in common language. No one fucking thinks it's a good idea to crowdsource the justice system.

I'm the revolutionary for wanting to hold on to existing liberties? Do you even know what the word means?

Sounds about right


Do you even know how electricity works?

This. Perfect political theory never survives contact with the practical problems of human nature.

RMS didn't do shit you disingenuous nigger. Your meme man has nothing to do with it.

This is Orwellian. This is 1984, Brave New World, and Harrison Bergeron mixed together. Nothing to do with "fat bearded meme man with muh freedumbs".

You are part of the low information crowd and should be ignored. Fucking winfag.

Get a better phone and install replicant or omni rom. cyannogen botnet is bad and reason why omni was born.
On the other hand get a nokia ~s60 phone or something better.

Energy transfer and storing reduce electrons. You can't infinitely transfer and store energy like transferring water from glass-to-glass.

I thank RMS because my operating system is libre.
RMS rekindled the age computing through libre and open source licenses and utilities.
Good similar example would be "creative commons"
Without RMS all of us would be using windows 10 with a personal flavor of antivirus and shitposting using Edge with cortana uploading to cloud my 500GB DNA file in the background.

It would be absolutely horrendous.

Stallmeme isn't the only person in open source. Kojima's done more to warn people of dystopia than foot-eater that doesn't even know how to install the OS he shills.

Sure thing Moishe.

Another reason cyberpunkfags should be gassed.

Stallman has nothing to do with open source retard. Open source is a completly different ideology than free software.

Define terrorist.

Not that it really matters what you respond, because neither your definition, nor mine, will be used in such a world.

Furthermore not only would that be an invasion of what most people would define as their basic rights, but the enforcement of that would declare that a person can never truly own anything. My property would not be something I have full private control over, in fact it wouldn't be my property at all but rather something I'm borrowing and must use only according to the retailers terms.

Being so fearful that you'd be completely fine with such a device being installed on your property is as insane as being afraid to go outside, you're far more likely to die by lightning strike or disease than by a terrorist.

Also, your reasoning also stems from the idea that society is the primary concern when we make laws, rather than the lives of individuals which come together voluntarily to form society. Those individual people value their freedom to enjoy their lives, and most importantly to live their lives. No one wants to simply just be alive in what is the psychological equivalent of a padded room.

However all that said, if the government were to create such a device and ask citizens to voluntarily install it in their homes, I think everyone would support your right to have it. Don't expect anyone else to though.

Is there anything we can do to stop alll this shit or at least, protect us (individually) ?

Global scale EMP from either nukes or a solar flare will be the only solution.

Well, the tankies probably do. We're trying to get rid of them, though.

Stalman is still a foot eater.

Digital surveillance is the least dystopian concern.
