Trump Sued By Teen Sex Slave

Trump Sued By Teen Sex Slave

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is fighting what could be the biggest election season bombshell yet — explosive court claims that he raped a woman when she was a teen.

“She was subject to extreme sexual and physical abuse” from the age of 13, it’s claimed in the papers.

“On the first occasion,” Johnson said she “was forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with the use of her hand … until he reached sexual orgasm.”

“On the second occasion,” the documents state, she “was forced to orally copulate Defendant Trump by placing her mouth upon Defendant Trump’s erect penis until he reached sexual orgasm.”

“On the third occasion,” she claimed she “was forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act,” with a 12-year-old “sex slave.”

“Both minors were forced to orally copulate Defendant Trump by placing their mouths simultaneously on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm,” she claimed.

Trump told Radar moments ago: “The allegations are not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, perhaps, are simply politically motivated. There is absolutely no merit to these allegations. Period.”

Other urls found in this thread:

sure thing, buddy



So they finally got so desperate they decided to manufacture a scandal. I'm actually surprised it took them this long.

The journalists have been chomping at the bit for months to run a story that would smear Trump. If this was real they would have trotted it out a hell of a lot sooner than this.

The alphabets are slipping. Was it really this hard to plant meth in a car and bribe a cokewhore to lie?

I don't believe handjobs are enough to cause an orgasm.

They actually did it. The absolute madmen. The funny part is a number of people called this so I doubt this will gain any traction.

He could have any fucking woman he wanted. He doesn't need a slave. I hope Melania ends up speaking against this. It would be nice to hear her speak more and would help establish her as a good First Lady.

Not when women give them. Men can masturbate themselves to orgasm. Women don't know what the fuck they're doing.

You could say the same for Epstein and a lot of his clients.

trump isn't a big dummy, he would have killed his sex slaves after he was done with them

Hey Liz I know you're sad that your career is going down the drain and that your cat got holocausted but could you stop spamming the board? Thanks

This is funny. The kikes have used all of they're weapons so soon that Hillary is going to be a walk in the park.

Saged for using radaonline as a source


So all this time we thought Donald browsed Holla Forums when in reality he was browsing /hebe/


please explain


The timing of this couldn't be more suspicious.

At least wait until you get a good response to blow your "THEY'RE SO TRIGGERED LMAO" load

Saged for no knowing how to troll

This will be the test, if he can survive this- the worst hit the media can throw at a public figure- then they will have nothing more to topple him.


saged again laziness

Gays are unnatural confirmed.

So how is Trump going to respond to this? Think he's going to ignore it or go head on and ask for the facts right there and then?

Liz gets rustled when people bring up his dead cat pictured here. If brought up, he tends to disappear from any thread or twitter convo.

It's an opportunity to brag a la

Liz had a pet cat and it died. She hates being reminded of it. Please don't send her this image on twitter that she made when it was still alive because it makes her very upset.

He already did.

It's obvious you're just looking for clicks.

How did it die ?
Is it because he ate candies and got animal sugar poisoning or something ?

Animal gore or gtfo.

Just like the Fields thing is "true".

This is bait.

I don't have a low enough quality bait image for how shitty this is.

It's (((pure coincidence))) it happened just now in the last moments before Trump has the nomination;
+ 30 - win IN
+ 51 - win NJ [going to happen]
+ 160 - projected CA win
= 1,237

They're terrified.



I hear his poll numbers crashing already. Guess I'm going to join the Rat Pack or become a Kasich Kritter.

I think it got into his MTF hormone stockpile

Who is this bitch? How much was she paid?

Destroy her life.

I'm fairly positive that the plaintiff does not exist.

It's really going to happen, isn't it?

No. Most normal normalfags support her. Only the culturally rejected retards, and unerage grils support Sanders.

What other way is there?


They waited too long. Everyone's just going to claim BS and move on, as social media Marxists alone dwell on it for the next month, believing they're making a difference in the election by talking amongst themselves with text.

It sounds dirtier that way.

Virtue signaling isn't real. :^)

It's scary to think they are willing to expose >>>/pedowood322/ to stump the Trump.



They are rolling it out on a Friday afternoon so I think this may be another 'dancing 911 muslims' funkspiel.

the sexless fymynyst lefties manufacturing this shit aren't very creative.


Not only are they running out of options, but creativity too.

“On the third occasion,” she claimed she “was forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act,” with a 12-year-old “sex slave.”
unnatural lesbian sex act

Can't wait until this is confirmed to be complete bullshit like the Juan Ghomeshi case.

I mean, it's already obvious bullshit, but guaranteed all the ass blasted Trump haters will portray this as being completely true.

webm possibly related

Oh, I totally agree, but we can use this to push pedowood.

Mr. Trump doesn't use intoxicants and is keenly aware people try to blackmail him.

All while saying that Bill dindu nuffin and Broaddrick and all the others completely made it up.

It's not even the general election yet and they're this desperate. This is some next level kvetching.


This summer is going to see infodumps like you have never seen.

I think someone has a full image of NCIS that is being dumped on the 7/4 holiday.

Watch as Trump proves that the entire year she was 13 he was accounted for doing business across the world.

this close…to report button…

I have no idea why people are saging, its important to know what the opposition is spreading.

Really, Jews?

This is a good thing

This will show the US what a fake rape allegation looks like.

They got a taste of that back during the Duke lacrosse team trail, but the current wave of Feminists and college kids seemed to have forgotten that quick

Pedo child slaver at that.

You'd almost think they're projecting…



I can definitely see this backfiring horribly on the media if they push it too hard. I imagine Trump has been expecting something like this to be thrown at him as well. I know I've been expecting it. I just thought that they'd wait until the general election.

I'm doubtful he can get an alibi for all the time though, even a man in his position. There'll be a time where logs don't exist.

What needs to be done is to pin the person making up the story to a few dates.

did they really think this one through? if they cant prove shit, all they did was open up the public consciousness to realizing how prevalent pedofilia really is at the highest level.

Just do what I do:

When bandwidth is infinite
And topics are few
Assume every sage
Is another jew.

I'm half surprised they didn't just plant some CP on his PC and be done with it.

Best my team of ghosts and I will give you the edge badge. You'll also be able to use cut outside of battle.

This was bound to happen eventually. This is their last chance, aside from assassination.

If OP archived the link instead of direct-linking and then running off aka shilling for clicks, I would not sage. OP is either stupid or a shill. He doesn't deserve the bumps, especially for something so obviously full of shit.

How about making an archive yourself you lazy cuck?

are you going to buy anything that is advertised you fucking goyim? giving them clicks and not buying anything hurts them more because their view count gets inflated and they get less money per click.


Can't go full on MONARCH disclosure now can we.

Why? This story is irrelevant.

Saging's not a problem, as long as it's not being used to flood the thread. It's not a down vote, it's more of a no vote.

If Trump brings out Bill's history against Hillary because of this it will be an absolute slaughter.

This story is relevant. We may know better, but that wouldn't stop this story from gaining mainstream traction. We need to be aware of any potential developments and address them as they arise.

Saging is used as a downvote. Dumbfuck anons will post multiple extensive replies in a thread while saging every one.

If a topic is worth posting in, then don't sage it. Sage is for spam and mindless bullshit, it's not for shit you don't like.

Given all the iron-clad proof that was presented along with the allegation, how can we possibly deny…oh, wait…
…there's no proof at all…

Er, well…given how strenuously the story was presented, and the really, really, truthiness of the words…er, uh…I mean…it's not like people can just make things up, right? I mean, people don't ever tell untrue stuff & things, do they?

I mean, if I were to tell the press that El Rato paid this woman to say all these things, everyone who read the story would believe me, right?

Oh, please….

All it does it prevent the thread from bumping. If someone replies after it with a normal post it will be bumped again.

What a [pure coincidence] that this "comes out" only now that Trump is nearing the White House. I'm a virgin, and I bet if I got that close to the White House there'd be girls claiming I raped them too.


Still voting Trump

Nothing is gonna stop it from getting to the mainstream. They are gonna show it for the hell of it, I'm sure they know most people won't take it seriously.

I will laugh my balls off it it turns out it was one of those trans-12-year-old types that spiritually identifies as a 13 year old that would have had relations with Donald.

This reeks of outright fabrication. Sex slaves don't just spontaneously occur, they're trafficked. The fact only one person is implicated is spurious.

Trump needs to go for the jugular over this. Call out Hastert's slap on the wrist 15 months for fucking little boys, cite the DC Madam's book, they want to talk about child sex slaves?

Oh wowee let's talk about child sex slavery

That doesn't mean it's going to go away outside of Holla Forums. I would rather discuss this nonsense here with you, rather than anywhere else.

Of course she waits until Trump is running for president to tell the world of the horror she went through.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Sage is the image board equivalent of covering your mouth when you sneeze.

Even on a shitty SJW site like radar there are quite a few comments where people can see through this obvious BS suit. All this will do is discredit women in real rape cases. Nice going anti-Trumpers.

dubs confirm saging is a-ok

This smells of a Rato fabrication to me. Hillary and her team would never go there, because Bill is a serial rapist. She does NOT want to talk about stuff like this.

Hell, Bill was even long time friends with Epstein.

Does this accuser even exist at all?

How new are you? Learn what sage means before spouting your stupidity.


The timing of this (((story))) is (((pure coincidence)))

If you're gonna sage, it should be a one-off post that basically says "this topic isn't worth talking about."

If you make multiple posts on the subject, obviously it's something worth talking about.

I'm not saying sage SHOULD be used as a downvote, I'm saying that's what fags use it for.

You stupid blind fuck. Try reading the thread before responding.

People will still fall for this.

Don't forget the part where she doesn't seem to exist at all.

##sage goes in all fields##

It's tough being born with critical thinking abilities. I would almost feel sorry for braindead idiots if they weren't constantly affecting my life with their stupidity.

It probably will. Why? Becuase the ,inute they try and go into this, the minute the media or anyone tries to pull a listen and believe or something akin to what they did to Cosby, all of the people Bill Clinton went after will come out and do the same to Bill, fucking Hillary over big time. That's too much for them to risk jst to stump Trump.

Check the handwriting on the date and sig. Purposefully disguising the hand with a ridiculous lean to the left. Incredibly insecure flourish at the end of sig. 110% fake.

What's this Epstein Black Book thing? Is it a list of pedos or something?

More people for Donald Trump to sue into oblivion after he becomes President. I'm enjoying the total self destruction of the left and faux-right!

Trump Sued By MUFON

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is fighting what could be the biggest election season bombshell yet — explosive court claims that he's a shape-shifting alien from Omicron Persei 8.

“He has infiltrated our world and is intent on stealing all our molasses for his home planet," it’s claimed in the papers.

“Apparently, on Oniron Persei 8, molasses is much slower due to the lower overall temperature of the planet, making it much more effective as the subject of a cautionary colloquialism”

“But to enable this colloquialism” the documents state, "he has to flood his planet's grocery stores with molasses so it becomes a well-known staple that flows much more slowly in cold weather.”

“So to recreate the colloquialism 'slower than molasses in feevblebruk' (feevblebruk is the equivalent of Omicron's January) every Omicron denizen must be familiar with molasses, and that's going to take a LOT of molasses,” MUFON claimed.

“Trump's plan is to retain his human appearance & become the leader of the free world long enough to drain the Earth of its precious molasses stores, and not even pay for it,” MUFON also claimed.

Trump told Radar moments ago: “The allegations are not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, perhaps, are simply politically motivated. There is absolutely no merit to these allegations. Period.”

It's a list of all the children he fiddled.

She's not on it, which is quite a blow for the legitimacy of this story.

Shit Thread

obvious shill



That document is fucking pathetic. She literally writes "I've never made enough to file an income tax return". Not only is she a liar, but has never paid a single cent in taxes. How could someone like that even afford to live in southern CA? You'd have to be a complete moron to believe this.

I hope you're right. There's much more important issues to discuss around the candidates. The story is ludicrous. But it's casual Friday, and not much else going on it seems.

Rape me once, shame on you. Rape me twice, shame on me. Rape me three times…

So when is the Donald going to throw up a pantyhose live on stage?

check out the actual accusations.
greentext paradise.

Hooker. I don't believe this person, but former sex abused kids turn to prostitution for money when they get older.

Using or not using sage has no effect on anything at all. I use sage for most of my posts, no matter the topic. Clueless people like you are why moot got rid of visible sage back on 4chan.

It's like someone wrote a Trump fantasy sex fanfiction story and pasted it into a lawsuit document.

Welfare and ssi fraud is a rampant problem here. And when fraud is discovered it takes over a year and multiple appeals opportunities to get kicked off government assistance. It doesn't help that ssi considers "no work history" a valid disability.

I'm moving, but I still hope Trump puts all these lazy niggers, spics, and white women in check regarding this matter. It's really disgusting.

Fucking what??

This fiction must be written by a woman.

It sounds like she has psychological problems and she's desperate for attention. If this was a real attempt at extortion or a real case against him she would have hired a lawyer and gave him 50% or something like that.

It sounds like she has psychological problems and she's desperate for attention. If this was a real attempt at extortion or a real case against him she would have hired a lawyer and gave him 50% or something like that.


Again, I don't believe her, but with evidence like this (read: no evidence), it might be hard to get a lawyer to take on Trump's legal sharks.

I am just putting up the arguments that you are gonna hear if this goes into the MSM.

It sounds like she doesn't exist. In the end this whole thing sounds like bullshit. I'm not surprised that the media hasn't tried to pick this up, especially because if they do, it will make them look like hypocrites for making all kinds of excuses to not follow Cruz's dalliances.

I mean we all knew this was gonna happen sooner or later but still, fucking kek


No, it's more like "pure coincidence, shut it down."

Go back to Holla Forums

LOL Representing herself? AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!

That stuff is being held back as a strategic weapon. Trump probably has the entire pedowood thing figured out and documented.

I get a good feeling from this guy. I think he's a Tony Stark.

Tiffany Doe? Oh god, this is such a fucking non-happening. She's obviously schizophrenic or something.

Normies give no fucks about this.

found the virgin

Yeah, I know another monarch kitten from that dyke factory.

The kikes and cucks are in a


and it is glorious. Two underage sex slaves being forced to fuck each other? They might as well have accused him of eating babies. Accusations like this are too ridiculous to stick.

What'll they come up with next? How much further can they lose their minds?


Diddling -> drugs -> drama



Not even a virgin.

Someone who's never masturbated. If you can get off with your own hand, of course a woman can get you off with her hand.


Conspiracy. They will accuse him of financing or creating a conspiracy to overthrow the government.


This is a failed model and actress named Katie Johnson. She was 13 in 1999.

Hi Reddit.

Tiffany Doe is not a real person. It's a play off of John Doe. This whole thing is forged.

You should sage this, user-kun. :)

holy shit the ZOG has endless masses of defective sex slaves for whatever purposes they could desire.

even more reason to vote for trump.


Something tells me several gossip rags are getting nice, long, rather cordial conversations with an attorney representing Trump that reference their legal defense fund and how many multiple commas it has.


1. Hot
2. No fucks given
3. No one believes you kikes
4. Saged, and in b4 delete
5. Check muh dubs
6. Dub thread? Dub thread

Let's try this again.



13 in 1999, failed model and actress.


Just a coincidence, Goy?

why do you think this is the accuser?

The Epstein affair is definitely real. He plead guilty under a plea bargain to sexual crimes and possession of CP, police reports describe CP and blackmail equipment (2 way mirrors with professional video equipment pointed at beds) in his Palm Beach mansion. The address book and flight records clearly name a shitload of VIPs like Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak, the former PM of Israel. There is merit in this case.

The Trump connection comes from the fact that Epstein kept a room at Mar-a-Lago, and occassionally hung out with Trump. However, this case is years old, and Trump has never been named as an abuser before. He has never been accused of any wrongdoing in this case, despite years of intricate legal battles around it.

Then, suddenly, the same day he wins 5 states with overwhelming majorities, a case is filed in California (not Florida, where all the other lawsuits and charges were filed), from a new accuser, not the same group of girls that accused Epstein, and she claims no official legal representation.

I think it's pretty clear that someone wants to attempt to Stump the Trump by dragging him into the muck of the Epstein affair, but doing it in such a way that it doesn't too attract media attention to the older, ongoing legal cases involving Epstein because those cases involve Bill Clinton and other major elites. It seems like an attempt to pre-empt Trump from using the Epstein connection against Hillary.


It's in the cap you dingus

Kike Kamikaze Konfirmed


ov vey

Trump's been a very bad goy

Allegedly there's a witness, but I doubt it.

Disregarding Trumps incredible ability to strategize on his own, he surrounds himself with the best of the best type of people.

I have absolutely 0 doubt that as we speak there are formulating a counter action or have already done so and foreseen this.

they thought they could deal with him

now they know they can't stump him

Epstein is a known pedo Jew, with contacts in the modeling and acting world. Some of his former victims are aspiring models and actresses (of course.

The plaintiff is named Katie Johnson. She claims to have been lured in to Epstein's ring with promises of a modelling contract.

She is a washed up model, 30 years old now, starring in Jewtube series. She is just the type of trash person (chronically unemployed, failed at dreams, no morals as evidenced by her nude work) that would make a spurious allegation about someone for money and more importantly, attention. She is a classic attention whore.

And she was 13 in 1999, when, as I understand it, the alleged event was said to have occurred. The plaintiff says she was 13 at the time.

I am telling you, this is the person. And she looks like a (((chosen one))).

No nigger. I don't believe the lawsuit. I am just saying, I think this is the person. She fits the bill perfectly, imo.

Yeeeeeah, this sounds retarded.

Jesus fuck, that thing is a cross between Alison Rapp and Chelsea Clitnon.
I feel sick.

go back to Holla Forums or sa or whatever and don't come back

wait why did i sage


E. F. T.

They really are desperate, aren't they?

The paper says 1994 user.

More proof that this malingering whore is just in it for a payoff. I am telling you, I am right in

Even the courts in Florida knew she was lying.

the man rich enough to pay for mindbroken housetrained sex slaves to be raised from birth to worship him as a living god paid to have a 13 yo give him a handjob?
yeah not buying it, the man has enough wealth to buy a private isle in the pacific, cordon it off from the rest of the world and populate it entirely with kidnapped children from all over the world for a mini pedo paradise
and this is the best they can come up with?we all know theres no limits to what SJW's will do to see their ends fulfilled, im waiting for the first spree killer or suicide bomber for transgender bathroom rights at this point we've already had a failed assassination attempt by one on Trump by one of them

This bitch is a prostitute and junkie, guaranteed.

I'm not sure that's the same person user

pure coincidence.

Oh I didn't mean to imply that the lawsuit was in any way valid, it just smells like another one of these Jewhadi career-suicide Trump attacks.

It's unbelievable, I think this is a confirmation of MK-Ultra style brainwashing and Monarch Manchurians. These "people" have been groomed their whole lives to bear false witness against partisan political rivals at the expense of their own lives. The fire rises 10 feet higher.

Don't be so hasty, user. Stuff like that is "you bring this to the light, your whole family dies" territory. I would bet this is his failsafe in case they kill him off. If they dare to take his life, all bets are off and there is nothing really "protecting" his family anymore. Taking out the pedo's becomes the only move to play.

I had a gf who could, sure I had to think of a lot of disgusting things to help myself along.

It's yet another incredibly short-sighted move, much like the Fields incident.

I'm not sure it's in (((their))) interest to be drawing attention to Epstein in any capacity.

Go back to reddit, clueless retard.

This is why I think Cruz is behind it. Hillary would never do something like this, since Bill is a serial rapist.

Seriously, wasn't Bill all over Epstein's flight records, flying to his island child-fuckbungalo? That isn't even a scandal, the real scandal is the full-blown cover-up of what was released in the court discovery and all of the known pedos that weren't charged with anything.

He was pretty deep into it. You'd suspect he was as close to Epstein as a young girls body from butt to mouth would be.

I like to operate under the theory that not every elite (((Jew))) operates in tandem with each other, rather there is a silent war being waged away from all the common plebs waaay up top between giants.

Perhaps another (((chosen))) has a beef with Epstein and this is their way of subtly bringing forth attention to his name.

It sort of fits into how the entire campaign has gone. Every last thing they do to try to "stop" him is not only utterly ineffective, it actively helps him and puts them even further behind the 8-ball.

It makes me angry knowing that the leftist response to 'These allegations are baseless and there's no proof.' is

Also something to note

She seems to be looking for an out of court settlement considering she has no legal representation. She must think the Don is stupid enough to settle this ridiculous shit out of court. She has clearly never heard any of his speeches where he explicitly states he doesn't settle shit out of court.

She is going to get BTFO.

It wouldn't surprise me if Roger Stone really was involved. It's a wonderful way to get the MSM abuzz about Epstein again, while making it politically correct for the left to hate him since he's associated with Trump, and sets the stage beautifully to bring up Bill Clinton's involvement without it seeming like Trump has to reach that far back to smear Hillary. The MSM is going to obliviously shoot themselves in the foot again.

Let's imagine for a minute that Trump is the kind of guy who has pre-teen sex slaves, and he's getting blammer and hammer jammers instead of just impregnating them with his superior seed.

Does anyone think that this Evil Trump would leave these cunts alive to ruin him? He's worth billions - if he can get these girls away from their parents to fuck them he could get these girls to the woods to bury them.

Eat shit and die.

Completely true. This suit doesn't pass the smell test.

That would be an interesting twist, but I do think it's too "dangerous?" in a sense, since the link to Epstein having a room in one of Trump's hotels is there, and that stuff can, could and would be blown up to "see he fucks kids too!". Moreover it's unnecessary, because Trump can play (if he wanted to) all the known rapes that Bill has accrued that aren't related to the pedo-ring.

Likewise, I don't think he would bring stuff like this up, because, as far as I can tell, Trumps modus operandi has been using only a slightly bigger gun to fire back in defense. Trump mentioned in his last victory speech taking stuff from "Bernie's playbook" vs Killary. That would play along to what I've seen of him - using the weapons at hand very effectively and striking back harder and heavier in self-defense, so his opponent is seen as the evil aggressor with more dirt than Trump could ever have.

What if Trump is false-flagging himself to open the gate for Bill's grizzly history with Epstein?

Bobby Fischer's brain in a jar for Trump's VP



Yeah. No sane person would believe it. In all honesty, I think it's a lying junkie whore given a couple grand to file a suit to smear Donald. She is desperate for attention, having been ignored as a model and actress, and took the offer.

But I honestly do think the person in those pics and links is the plaintiff. The details fit too well, imo.

It's her, man. Imo, it's her.

Stupid Mexican man using White man technology.

Seriously, fuck these kind of people/

he made sure to leave out the part where the secret service doesn't let him get that close to trump

¡Ayeee, pendejo! !El photoshope is ours now!

I live in a swing state SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS and I have literally never met one person who supports her. Not one. Even democratic women seem to fucking hate her. Most of the Dems just aren't voting this cycle because they're so disgusted, which the numbers pan out, as their voter turnout is down by something like 30%, and it's dropping more the longer the cycle goes on.

No one is voting for Hilldog. Her voters are like unicorns. The only people who want her in are the low-quality niggers that even other nogs hate, because they think she'll be best for gibs. Hillary is a testament to how much tour de force the Globalists can trot out when their only backers are literal porch monkeys.

She's winning the Dem nom, but only because the Democrats are so demoralized that they refuse to stop her. And Trump stealing most of the blue collar workers out from under the Democrats isn't helping matters, either.

There's a reason they're flooding southern states with illegal spics as fast as they can. They're trying to ram through the right for them to vote so they can import half of Mexico in on welfare to stop Trump.

Love how the retard who made it fucked up the grammar. Also how he fails to realize Trump is fine with legal immigrants, just not illegal ones who fuck up the economy. All these faggots are programmed to think everything is a race issue, when it's really just a legal issue.


Valid Point

There's porn proving you wrong.

holy fuck can't unsee

this. why on earth would Trump have a sex slave that doesn't look even half as good as any of the women he's fucked regularly? seems like a bad deal to me.

The fact that she waited until this long REEKS of pure coincidence

Where did they get this sex slave? Amish country? No wonder Trump didn't marry her.

This. Been getting saged left & right lately on WontPayMyBills Chan 4 posting pol relevant threads.

Fucking retards.


No goy, this poor womyn has been tortured by these horrible memories for over 20 years! Only now can this victim muster the courage to speak out against her rapist!

It's reddit fags thinking sage is equivalent to a downvote.

Yep, confirmed for frumpy, jewish, 30something, has-been.

All the characteristics of a potential shill.



Every time. I'm only surprised it took this long to happen. A final act of desperation.

Oy vey


Ive seen this post word for word before. what the fuck is this shit?

Reddit friendly version of normalfag. Usually the best way to spot a cuck.

Not just that, but the greentext is exactly the same. I the exact post in other Trump threads of this nature. Are there bots meant to bump certain threads by posting vague responses?


It have simply been the same faggot, repeating that statement in another thread.

Sue the bitch for libel



"I have the most loyal people"… "I could shoot a man in the street" etc


2) THEY ARE FUCKING SCARED OF HIM.. That's why they only tried this bullshit AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND… WHEN HE IS ASSURED 1237.



"I have the most loyal people"… "I could shoot a man in the street" etc


2) THEY ARE FUCKING SCARED OF HIM.. That's why they only tried this bullshit AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND… WHEN HE IS ASSURED 1237.

The co-defendant is damaged goods.. HE MAY TESTIFY AGAINST TRUMP.. HE MAY HAVE VIDEO..

I fucking hope not, but it may be the case. Honestly I don't fucking care if he raped and killed a girl in 1990, I DON'T FUCKING CARE.


TRUMP 2016.




"I have the most loyal people"… "I could shoot a man in the street" etc


2) THEY ARE FUCKING SCARED OF HIM.. That's why they only tried this bullshit AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND… WHEN HE IS ASSURED 1237.



"I have the most loyal people"… "I could shoot a man in the street" etc


2) THEY ARE FUCKING SCARED OF HIM.. That's why they only tried this bullshit AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND… WHEN HE IS ASSURED 1237.

The co-defendant is damaged goods.. HE MAY TESTIFY AGAINST TRUMP.. HE MAY HAVE VIDEO..

I fucking hope not, but it may be the case. Honestly I don't fucking care if he raped and killed a girl in 1990, I DON'T FUCKING CARE.


TRUMP 2016.

Trump runs hotels. I think part of the reason he owns property in many places is that he can control the situ and avoid the blackmail. This time last year, he was "that TV guy." Now I see how smart he really is.

"Change the tempo, change the game."


C'mon, this is Donald Trump.

Can't unsee? How could you have not initially seen?


Surprised she isn't dead after dealing with Dersh

Yes, I think Trump could threaten that, but it's not his style.

Which is why he would leak it through Mendax or HooHa.

Every fucking time, I'd guess.

Why on earth would she get paid off?


Also, I think she is being paid, and I'd guess by Rato since the Clintons are scared to death of the Epstein issue. Rato's people probably gave her a couple grand to file a suit and smear Trump. Last ditch effort, and all that.

Okay, just for shiggles:
1. Where's the proof?
2. Why wait until it looks like the election's in the bag?

So, who's going to be the one to take it in the ass when Teflon Don walks away from this little trap as well? Probably the gal, who will suddenly find her "friends in high places" have mysteriously disappeared.


13 in 1999, when the incident she is suing over was alleged to have happened. Read the whole thread from now on.


mmm… is she also a friend of Ben Shapiro?

Donald has constantly made fun of women based on their appearance and their weight. He has also dismissed a female reporter's tough questions as her being on the rag.

I would not be at all surprised if this is true. Trump is clearly a woman hater and even his most staunch supporters can see that. But they would claim such misogyny is a good thing, of course.

from the archive of the rag linked in the OP

when "Katie Johnson (american actress)" was supposed to be 8 years ols, with that "born in 1986" thing she suffered from

Seriously if I had access to a sex slave I would do nothing less than hang them from a ceiling fan upside down and hump their throat from beneath while they spun. Absolutely no imagination from these people.

nudity is immoral!

neopuritan LARPer detected.

ikr, no quadraplegic amputee labotomized qt that ambles around on all fours on her stumps and thinks if shes not inseminated twice a day she'll die
if this is the best they can come up with its just another example of the mollycoddled leftist mind that doesn't know the true horrors of the world

Liberals are too pussy for an actual assassination so they're doing a character assassination.

So she waited until he was practically assured victory, this screams for a money grab.

Translation: No one wanted to represent her.

If this event was even slightly likely too have happened every Lawyer between the Atlantic and the Pacific ocean would be clamoring to get on he case. It's a 100 mil case and so high profile that even if it doesn't work that well, the lawyer is assured a name in the profession forever.

Likely to be thrown out easily when alibis start not to match up, and even if Tump actually raped anyone he will be immune from prosecution in the public eye because this woman lied, he could literally rape Hillary (eww) and tell her "no one will believe you now".

tl;dr this will only make him stronger, and possibly get a national push for some decent rape laws in the books

Would an actual advocate or judge care to weigh in and analyze this story? This is a bit above my head.

ebic, defamation lawsuit when?


This story/lawsuit was planted/funded by Hillary to deflect any attacks against Bill or her for the exact same (except real) pedo shit he did. And that she covered up. It's all bullshit and something that can be proven as such.

Nudity as fine. You haven't seen the nude work I was talking about. She plays a hooker that is addicted to dancing, and shit like that.

not believable, this doesn't come from her, she's not so strategically stupid
this is so easy to defend against by the Donald that this would only give him an opening to counterattack with shit damaging for Bill

if he pulls this off that dirty jew could try and pull "only one with a clean record" bullshit
Hillary's being investigated for treason and the FBI really wanna indict her on it
if Donald gets slandered with a rape charge thats bad
meanwhile El Rato fades into the background and the socialist jew can pull the white knight card

No, it's actually smart. He brings up Bill's pedo history and stuff in Stone's book. Hillary accuses him of simply trying to deflect from these accusations. Planted pre planned audience roars. News cameras cut away from Trump and prevent him from making a rebuttal.

You anons forget, this is Trump vs Hillary AND the Media. They will be working together openly

dunno, really, so far this sounds like a crazy woman with a few screws loose and a retarded plan to get free money

ahem, "planted pre planned audience" would fight each other in the rush to reveal ton$ of $hit after they had been bought, and even if they existed they would be paid more by Trump to boo harpyllery, and then the Donald would reveal he had paid them after the globalist team had tried to prevent them from making merica great again
News cameras

cutting away from Trump

and prevent their channel from hearing a scalding and very politically uncorrect rebuttal

from The Trumpernator

did you try to smoke the carpet again?

This was apparently done with her parents consent, so wtf?

Sage does nothing in terms of sage not bumping a thread. When you sage, you're making a post which won't bump a thread in the listing.

And when you don't bump, the thread naturally slides as other threads get bumped instead.

Sage traditionally means:
1. I disagree with this thread and don't want to see it bumped in the listing.
2. I disagree with a post I'm replying to -|||-
3. I'm politely saying I'm not part of this thread, because I'm speaking off topic or shitposting.

Pick a number.

You are:
1. A clueless retard who should fuck off to reddit.

Every single one you your posts is so full of shit that I wouldn't be surprised if you were the faggot posting scat threads.

Do you think it's a good idea to bump a thread with completely off-topic posts like the one you just posted? You'd be better off just posting "bump" over and over like a fucking retard. Holla Forums is the only board on Holla Forums stupid enough to D&C itself arguing over pointless bullshit.

Fair point, you are still full of shit.

you dumb motherfucker.
She should shut up, he should shut up.
When confronted : unbased allegations

They cut Trump's mic in a fox news debate to make Rand Paul look good and make Trump look bad.

I don't know if anyone else has said this

This is probably Roger Stone's work. This is so obviously fucking fake and dumb - it could be the work of #nevertrump but I think they've kind of given up. However this is a fan-fucking-tastic way to bring up the Epstein stuff in a roudabout way. Why roundabout? Because the (((Media))) isn't going to cover it unless it hurts Trump.

If someone else said this already, hats off to you.

Trump has the best people protecting his devices. Probably a whole floor on Trump tower where long bearded UNIX admins go nuts.

as usual the kikes show how short sighted they are. Not only is this coming after the Cruz sex scandal where the MSM pulled an all out shut it down, but this is also after Hulkamania ran wild on gawker, so not even tabloids will pick up on this. Sure itll get memes on kikebook, but they forget about that in a week.

Sages because OPs a faggot

You've really brought home hard the grim reality of wealth inequality.

Cool story.

Imo, we need to get out ahead of this anyway. People that believe crap like this will immediately jump to that picture of Ivanka on the Emperor's lap and his comment about "if she weren't my daughter I might be dating her" as further 'proof' of the story.

It hurts trump, they will report on this.

As long as wealth inequality tracks with performance inequality, no one gives a fuck.

Bump lol, you salty fuck.

that's a slanderous like but


is so true, the kikes formed the ADL to cover it up.

Realistically speaking, do you think this bullshit will hurt Trump's chances?

No this shit is obvious.. from the timing of it to the content of it.. this is a very very strong example of libel. And having already weighed in on the necessity of strengthening libel and slander laws, this will only help trump.

Especially when rato weighs in on this and we go ape shit reminding the world the rato has forced sex with his daughter.

Look, you question was fine to ask, but could you please keep your faggot comics to yourself from now on?


/thread in two replies. breddy gud :DDD


It's fucking nothing.

Seriously, this will have no impact or effect on anything. At this point you have two types of people: those who don't believe a single negative thing about Trump, because the media has fucking cried wolf so many times, and those who believe every negative thing about Trump, because he hurts their feefees and says politically incorrect things that encroach on their safe spaces and they'll latch onto anything that remotely gives him a bad name.

I mean the corpse of Michelle Fields' fucking career is barely cold, and they think this is gonna do something?

This will not change or affect anyone's minds about anything whatsoever.

I actually snerked.

Pic kind of related.

sounds awfully similar to ourselves.

Go take a quick look at melania trump.

This man doesn't need a sex slave to give him a hand job.

This will probably blow up anyhow in the MSM

It will probably help him just like everything else they try to manufacture has

Who is Liz?

I predicted this shit would happen as soon as I found out that Trump had visited Epstein's island. Plus, it's a standard tactic used to take politicians down, like the accusations that ended Herman Cain.

But how powerful this tactic is depends on two things:
1. how true the accusations are
2. how Trump reacts to them over the long run

Only time will tell.

This is a comic used to teach sex ed to kids.

I'm posting them to remind you of the world we might stay in without Trump.



This decadent,hedonistic,perv's past lifestyle is going to be his downfall.

There is to much smoke to ignore,there ia fire that is going to Consume Trump

IT all cannot be


Please, be joking.

Not joking at all.

Please stop.

I'm gonna be suck, dude. Tell me it's Sweden or something.

Trump and his Jewyork chums upto some pedo raping fun

I honestly don't doubt this at all. Epstein was providing IRL cheese pizza for elites the world over. Bill Clinton even flew in a private jet to Epstein's private kid fucking island. It was one of the places the acts were filmed for blackmail and control purposes. I mean for Christ's sake just look at the fuckers name.

Pure coincidence, I'm sure.

That's what I'm saying, that's why they're covering. It "hurts" Trump but it's really a bunch of bullshit. Possibly seeded to get the real shit about Epstein out.

CRUZ dug deep 4 dis dirt

i was curious enough to google this filth. apparently and not surprisingly its portland. pic related.


The Salacious Ammo Even Donald Trump Won't Use in a Fight Against Hillary Clinton

Of course they own every sex toy ever produced. Sex addicts teaching children about sex can't possibly go wrong in any possible way.

I think u meant


To be honest, I don't think any MSM outlet is going to touch this. It just reeks of a false accusation.

Thank u
I shall get antibiotics tomorrow

I dont think its a good idea to have Melania speaking much. She cant speak English for shit. Sounds like she just arrived from Russia or something.

They're trying to Michael Jackson him I guess?

Cant MJ the DJT

Can't stump won't stump

Yeah if that was a liberal political comic strip, I didn't read it. 1 because the content was obviously trash, and 2 because it orbits gay bear sex entirely from the perspective of some teen CIS white girl that wants to be an LGBT activist and has a tumblr for shit like this to end up. It's time to stop posting, not just for your own self esteem but for the quality of our website.

What did I JUST FUCKING say, hay-zoos godfuckingdamnitniggerloving qhrist. Nice thumnails of trannies and dildodix and furries. Children aren't educated indoctrinated/lobotomized with shit like this unless their parents are already that fucking dumb, so I'm not sure it's so relevent

The beautiful part is that Trump ALREADY has insurance against this - apparently Epstein's butler went on record some time ago saying that Mr. Trump wasn't involved in Epstein's "sex parties" (and was actually on at least one occasion eating dinner with him in the kitchen rather than attending one.) He'd also compiled a pretty exhaustive list of people who DID attend, and ended up getting arrested for trying to sell it.

Sadly, he can't help out Trump directly on this accusation, as he suddenly and mysteriously died about the same time as Hillary started her white house run.

But at least his "little black book" is already helping Trump here, as the entirely imaginary plaintiff isn't in it.

Nothing wrong with fucking 9 year old German slut, she'll just be fucking Muhammed in a couple of years anyways.

Are you implying that lesbians are natural?

Found the tumblr


>Clinton's did this.

Stone's book has been made into a documentary, they need to throw out the chaff, this is how they play.

Big mistake, Bill is now fair game.

Pretty sure legitimate rape accusations are a matter for criminal courts, not civil one. That it's a civil suit, which anyone can file for any reason, just shows what a BS tactic it is.

I refuse to believe its that easy to get a UTI and that they're actually slovenly pigs who need a "it happens to e'rybody" lie to make them feel better. Shower before you have sex, shower afterword, shower during holy shit just like wash yourselves off. fuck why am I so mad.
Its probably part of a vast conspiracy to reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics by making people overuse them.

If there was anything to this story, it would be fucking plastered over every newssite and on every news channel.

Trump needs to make an example of this fucktard!

Is this the best you kikes can come up with?


Guess we better head Trump off at the pass before he blows up ol' slick Willie's romps with Jeffrey Epstein.

I don't know about you goys, but my
detector is going crazy right now

Kill yourselves, degenerate scum.

This reminds me of the time that Hotwheels was accused of Rape
But yeah if there was a candidate with a pedo sex slave I'd be Hillary

Don't act like Hillary didn't do some her self

Actually for women its far, far easier for them to get UTIs than it is for men simply because of how the vagina is oriented, the biological cultures, and the fact that urine does not make a twisting motion when exiting the urethra of women as it does in men (which helps prevent infections.)

What's the story behind that image?

I've been expecting this. Any time (((they))) want to discredit a threat, they parade out a "victim", some underfed jobless actress no one knows about to claim the target rayped her. Just like calling someone hitler or racist, you know it's their style because it's a straightforward, unsubstantiated attack on character, like calling someone a big meanie poopy-head, that comes out of no where. Just call someone literally hitler and they're doomed! Just say they raped someone and they're doomed!


Ridiculous. Wheelz couldn't rape a dog if he wanted to.

This is like if Tumblr had a webcomic.

You started off with too many too small lies, and now you've made people build up an immunity, so to say. If you'd treated him like every other candidate, and then suddenly hit him with something like this out of the blue, it might have worked, but at this point this is just one story in a series of blatant lies.
