Whites less than half of all US babies

Even if immigration to the US was halted right now, America's already destined to be over 50% non-white.

After the Emperor ends this immigration from the third world, how will we reverse this?

Other urls found in this thread:


White Genocide isn't about immigration. Do some reading, O.P.


I say all white nationalist in America, Canada, Australia abandon our colonial outposts. We will never hear the end of the shitskins complaining we stole their lands. leave the colonial outposts to the shitskin hordes.. This is what I plan on doing.

so more white mothers and less white fathers?? lol

I've hear all this before. I'm wondering how we can revers demographics.

I'm not abandoning territory we have claimed.

Minorities have more children so there's less of them.

Give me a brief summary of the "Siegecraft" section, then.

Oh I didn't notice the categories. I thought you were shitposting.

Then be prepared to always have to deal with mexicans and black people claiming they are apart of this country too and you need to go back to europe if you want a homogeneous society. They are never going to give up these lands.

If we had homelands, we could do this. But our homelands are undergoing the same treasonous backstabbing coalition of Jews, leftists, and cuckservative globalist businessmen.

That is exactly the reason why we go back. We go back to our Indigenous soil based on our blood. Would you rather fight for a POZ'D, civic nationalist, multi culti society (Usa, Aus, Ca), or would you rather fight for your father land?

This is a subtle slip you need a pro like me to see. Unbeknownst to LN, he is falling into the hands of the respectable conservative, anti-immigration crowd. You do not DESTROY our race by out populating it The world has always been mostly non-white, and the middle of the Congo today, regardless of immigration, is closer than the next state was a century ago.

SELECTIVE non-white immigration is just as genocidal as open borders, if not more so.

You destroy us by INTERMARRIAGE, which is the Holy Grail to respectable conservatives and “Christian” conservatives like Pat Robertson. The Mantra is heresy because it throws intermarriage right in there.


We are fighting GENOCIDE, not IMMIGRATION!

I would rather fight to conquer the lands of other nations.

I say this every time this comes up. Polygamy is the answer.

I'm sure as usual I'll be greeted with dead silence.

Good goy, go out and colonize more of the world so your progeny can be surrounded by shit skins, out bred and then killed. That colonization sure worked out for south Africans eh? Now the whole world hates Europeans and wants us wiped off the face of the globe because of fucking colonization.

Lad Americans have changed so much while in America that we really don't belong in Europe anymore. We're a mix of almost every ethnicity in Europe by now, we can't just say we belong to a nation in Europe

We be bastard race now
Forever scarred by the jew… we'll just have to race mix and dilute the waters. A big number of US "whites" are mixed hispanics already. We will prob never be blond hair blue eyed master race but we'll be better off than some of the other "white" nations out there…

Based Mormons will save us
too bad their all inbred

Just like France. All the Allied subhumans are paying hard for it. Beautiful.

Conquer doesn't mean colonize.

Mormons to the rescue, it seems.

You do it by incentivizing the middle class which is overwhelmingly white. Wow, that's exactly what Trump is going to do. Maybe he will add an additional child tax credits for them (us) as well. Too early to know if he will do that or not, but I have faith in the man.


Europe is dead. We aren't going back to save you until we save ourselves.

I'm all for polygamy but I'm not going to marry women as ugly as that.
Save those for OP.


The reason we were able to attain dominance is because we invested a lot into single families, instead of being r-selected vermin that fucked anything that moved. The proper steps are:

1) encourage hwhites to have families instead of staying single and whining about divorce rates
2) Deport everyone that needs deporting.
3) Leave the dindus and anyone else you can't easily deport for whatever reason in the ghettos to sort themselves out instead of giving them welfare. Having more kids doesn't mean shit of they all kill each other.

Quick question, I want to do some redpilling on twitter. Does anyone know an anonymous email service that I can use? That is free..

The number is going to get far worse in the next decade even if immigration was halted today, most whites in the US are old, far older than their racial counterparts

I wondering if it's better to just move to a white state like Montana and hope that niggers and spics don't follow.

Top kek, somalis, and syrians are being imported into the smallest white towns, there is no hiding lad. barenakedislam.com/2010/07/15/somali-muslim-immigrants-turning-american-small-towns-into-islamic-welfare-enclaves/

They're being brought into those states and doesn't solve the underlying problem that most of your fellow whites simply don't care all that much

Fuck the middle class. They sold out the whites in South Africa. In south Africa the Middle class fled to gated neighborhoods that have razor wire tipped fences,and armed patrols.


They will have to go back, as whites woke up soon enough for the anti-whites to get Americans or Europeans to see their own genocide as unavoidable progress.

r-selection mate indiscriminately. As long as through marriage competition is encouraged both in the husband and wives, the offspring would be strong. Think of it like a lion's pride, or how the dominant elephant seal gets the most females on the beach. Polygamy is not only K-Selection, it's the most extreme form of K-Selection. The most dominant male mates with the most females. Obviously in this day and age if a man can get multiple women to agree to simultaneously marry him, he must be able to provide for them financially.

r-selection mate indiscriminately. As long as through marriage competition is encouraged both in the husband and wives, the offspring would be strong. Think of it like a lion's pride, or how the dominant elephant seal gets the most females on the beach. Polygamy is not only K-Selection, it's the most extreme form of K-Selection. The most dominant male mates with the most females. Obviously in this day and age if a man can get multiple women to agree to simultaneously marry him, he must be able to provide for them financially.

If the wealthiest white man in an area marries the 20 white women in his area who most appeal to him, he's getting some of the best women in the area, he's filling out any holes in his genetic makeup, and he's prevented those 20 women from potentially not reproducing, or reproducing with Tyrone.

It works even more beautifully if we let it work both ways, too. Let women marry multiple men as well, if one feminist bitch marries 20 beta cucks, they've all eliminated themselves from the genepool as she can only carry one child for each of them, and we both know the father will still end up being Chad.

If the government stops supporting them they'll leave very quickly.

No, you'll be greeted by people pointing out that there are zero examples of a successful and civilized polygamous society.

The only major proponents of it today anywhere remotely within the sphere of something that could be considered are Mormons and Islam, both of which are brainwashing cults and both of which are explicitly anti-white.


Easy we need to change the tax code so not having children after 25 leads to crippling taxes.


We could start by eliminating all welfare. The problem will take care of itself when they all die off.

Oh, and start giving huge incentives to good, educated citizens to have children. Yes, you get a small tax break, but why are people who are paying no taxes getting their children for free?

Ten bucks says you're a self-hating arab or quadroon who knows just enough to realize that MGTOW is a trap, but not enough to understand how to dig yourself out.

We're never going to legalize Sharia or any of it's policies, Achmed. Go back to your fucking desert and try and do some good there if you're so redpilled and clever, instead of shitting up white countries with your apologistic bullshit.

Any man who cannot marry one woman and from that union get a replacement rate of 3.0 or higher is a failure of a man who chose his wife poorly.

You want to solve the demographics problem, here's what you do.

This is why you have white people solve your problems, and not h'whites like our Greatest Allies over in MGTOW.

kill and deport non-whites

How in the hell are Mormons anti-white? All the polygamist sects in the US and Canada are 100% white.

Hope you got ten bucks, because I'm no durka.

Polygamy was biblical, and it was how the Mayans ruled for as long as they did. The only problem with it was that it was SO successful a strategy they overpopulated to the point of destruction.

And what, have her end up like that Duggar wife pumping out a new baby every nine months, despite them getting less and less healthy, with the last three being premies? Fuck that, that's not K-selection.

My knowing that's the only thing that will save us comes from a combination of that being how the muslims are outbreeding us, and seeing what beautiful families the white ones have.

One of these days white people will do something. I am sure of it. After over a decade of doing nothing but laying down because they don't want to be seen as racist…

any day now, it will dawn on whites to do something…

They won't the last attempts at saving this civilization was the third reich. Everything after has been a slow death spiral. It's ironic that we helped destroy our own civilization.

If you don't think Mormons are anti-white, then literally all you know about them is that they keep trying to practice polygamy.

Go fucking educate yourself and come back later. Mormon influence on actual Christians is the reason the "racemix: it's what God would want!" theme is so rampant.

That's even worse. It means you're a white who is so fucking stupid that he can't understand why destroying what made white people great to try an fix them isn't going to work.

Fortunately, I don't believe you. You're a semite or nigger of some brand or another.

Polygamy was Jewish.

Mayan culture was shit and so were the Mayans. If your high expectations of Europeans involves them standing around naked tearing out people's hearts in sacrificial rites, drinking blood, and eating the testicles of their enemies, then you don't have an opinion on Europe worth listening to.

Confirmed for absolute garbage-tier moron. Go back to lurking and goddamn educate yourself before shitposting here again.

It seems like you didn't have real answers to a lot of what I said, and that got way under your skin, so you sperged angrily like an autistic person being told "no".

I don't see any reason to "educate" myself on mormonism since it's irrelevant to this discussion beyond the fact that the existing polygamist communities indisputably prove you wrong and render every word you type worthless and utterly impotent. I don't care how silly or cucked their beliefs are, because if you'll allow me to put on a fedora for a moment the same can be said of all organized religion, especially Christianity. Virtually every sect is beholden to Jews, and Catholicism… just holy shit, it's become an entire culture of cuckoldry and kissing nigger toes.

How would allowing polygamy destroy monogamy? It's not like it would be illegal, I'm sure everyone who couldn't afford to care for multiple kids would opt for it. You haven't established anything negative about polygamy, just buzzwords and buttrage. To borrow your terminology "Grow up and come back later."

So why doesn't any of their current cultures practice it today? I'm saying if you're a Christian, there's examples of polygamy being sanctioned by God all over that book. I mean, unless you're saying God was wrong and fucked up? I guess you know more than your messiah though, right?

No, it was ancient, and it's existence proves you wrong, that's all that matters. You said it never worked in history, Mayans prove it did. Your stupid ass got told. I know your ass is sore because you didn't expect it, but you were warned. Here's a pillow for your butthurt. I won't apologize for your stupidity, but no amount of rage will make you less wrong or thoroughly owned. Now let's move along, I'm pretty sure it's no longer legal to own stupid niggers such as yourself.

It's like you don't know what… words even mean.

Look, let's say your spiel about having kids over and over like animals was true, how many kids could she possibly have that would be healthy? Ten? Twenty? Okay, now if that same guy married 20 women instead it would be 200 or 400. Whoops, you got owned again. Fuckwit.

You can clear out millions of them simply by ousting the anchor babies.

You need to do some reading.

''Since our worship of Comrade Stalin began in World War II, one of the things forgotten about the National Socialist Revolution in Germany was the role of the Communists in CAUSING it.

Today the whiners point to the fact that we have huge minorities in this country, so we are doomed. The German right had exactly the same problem.

The entire ORGANIZED working class, a bigger proportion of the population than we have as minorities, was solidly Communist.

Arithmetic would have told you that the extreme National Socialist Party had no chance at all. The only chance of power, a commentator would have said, was in the center.

But what this left out of account was the growing inability to compromise of the union workers, the Stalinism of the unions and the leftist thugs on the street.

Change that from “unions” to “minorities” and you are in America today. If the Communist Party had been willing to support any other government, they could have stopped Hitler.

It was Communist intransigence that gave Hindenburg absolutely no choice but Hitler.



In 1932 the NSDAP and the Communists held a MAJORITY of the Reichstag between them. You simply could not form a government without one of them.

Minorities today will follow Teddy Kennedy to the grave. And Teddy Kennedy thought he was a majority.

In the longer term, if no one takes the stand I recommend, the West will become a government of minority spokesmen. We will cease to have any chance of taking the West back, but we can put ourselves in the position white spokesmen, the spokesmen of the most powerful minority.

Either way, whites will cease to be HELPLESS.

I don’t see another scenario happening because the only dissidents, the Stormfront’s theoretical types, have absolutely no conception of power politics.

They are wallowing in the current news and cannot understand why Bob’s Mantra is a fundamental political weapon. But the other side is dumb, too. And, worse, they don’t KNOW they’re amateurs.

Our side has potential but doesn’t know it. Their side is doomed but doesn’t know it.''

>I will use the classic college liberal deflection of "you don't even know what words mean, maaaaan"
You claim I didn't answer most of your questions. This is true, because you're so fucking ignorant you don't even understand the examples you use or the positions you are assuming.

I didn't answer you because debating idiots isn't a worthwhile expenditure of time. Only a moron who doesn't understand the importance of something like marriage could say "but implementing polygamy won't destroy monogamy" seriously.

You sound just like one of the faggot enablers who said that faggots marrying won't hurt anything. You also assume that women are magical and there is somehow an infinite supply of them, since you apparently expect there to be harems around "alphas" but still enough women to go around for Average Joe to marry as well.

You're a fucking idiot. You don't belong here. The minimum lurking time is at least three months, preferably longer. Stop posting.

You have to admit it would be kind of fucked up being raised in a family where your dad is fathering kids with another woman as well.

You have to do mass deportations of shitskins. Until then any major government sponsored breeding program will be corrupted.

That's completely different. You can change a communist to a nationalist, but you can't make a brown person white.

Post is retarded. White communists can be converted and they mostly dod. You can't do anything with brown people when trying to build an ethnographic state

I'm white but I'm never going to marry, fuck that. Change the system so that women can't fuck me over in divorce courts and drain me with alimony.

You're a fucking idiot.
Non-White Immigration directly reduces White birthrates , shill it elsewhere.

Polygamy fails because men without wives or kids do not give a shit about society. Polygamy is for stagnant nonwhite societies with extreme rates of poverty or wealthy. The math doesn't work out, you create a weaker society. Who will win, a nation of monogamous males hungry for more, or a nation with a few polygamous alpha males who have it all? Its always the former, they outnumber, they are more determined, and they care more. Muh alfa genes don't matter.

Pretty simple given power and the will.

Radically reduce welfare, particularly child welfare.

Make receipt of this kind of welfare dependent on taking long-lasting contraceptives.

Sterilise people with very low (

youre dying and trump isnt gonna save you



what about hispanic whites


What's wrong with trump having had many wives… fuck monogamy, if trump thinks it sucks, it's because it's a cancer of western civilization.

guys, guys, lets not be racist

just take every non-white person and sterilize them , as in-they will not be able to reproduce anymore

it is both ethical(sellable to leftists) and these operations will be done anonymously…so they will never know



just vaccinate them

Brown isn't white you Aztec mongrel.

fuck right off, cuck

And leave land my family has lived on, tilled, and been buried in for more than 300 years? How about go fuck yourself

I cannot stress this enough: all people like Trump, Farage, Le Pen, etc. can do is buy us some time.

We will NOT be able to solve the white genocide problem in a democratic or peaceful way.

You know, your ancestors once abandoned the land upon which their ancestors did all those things for over a thousand years.

Those who cannot learn to adapt to the situation don't end up in a good place.

It's going to happen user, it's inevitable, the only reason it's taking so long is because there's so many of us, it's like bringing a vat of water to boil

Agreed. Trump, Farage, Le Pen, etc. They must be the leaders of growing movement. Men, women, get yourselves into good physical condition and stay there. If you need help, try the following physical fitness programs. Below are links to their initial tests to see where you rank for the training program:

100 Pushups Challenge: hundredpushups.com/test.html
150 Dips Challenge: onefiftydips.com/test.html
200 Squats Challenge: twohundredsquats.com/test.html
200 Lunges Challenge: twohundredlunges.com/test.html
200 hundred sit-ups Challenge: twohundredsitups.com/test.html

Tune out enemy propaganda by avoiding "social" media, mainstream media, and porn. Use that time more productively to cleanse your soul, develop your mind and your body. Steel yourselves, for men without morals and ethics will be lost in the storm to come so find god. Learn to master a martial art and join a sparring club. If you're in Europe now and are just reading this, consider boxing. You'll be conditioned and competent to fight in less then a year. Develop a skill, or master a trade that fills you with contentment.

Surround yourself with good people whose values are in sync with your own. Find yourself a good man/woman, keep good friends, build strong ties. If there are coloreds who share your values, help them to find similar minded people amongst their community. Only a fool would squander an opportunity to build alliances to better turn the tide in our favor. We may soon find ourselves at war, but we will be ready for our enemies when they reveal themselves.

Yes, that's EXACTLY what we need! Fewer men with a greater share of the female population!

You're a fucking retard.

I think a few will but will be easily squashed, disposed of, and used as an example of why resistance is futile. Most people -as they already are- will just be scared more and more, and herded into their corner so that they can have the bolt shot between their eyes.

I genuinely -hand on every religious text, swear on my mother, swear on my own life, swear on my favourite sports teams, swear on my waifu- hope that I'm wrong and that whitey makes a recovery that would make even the most optimistic Holla Forumslack surprised at the result, but I don't see it happening. Call me a defeatist or a shill but I just think that the programming has gone too far with most, the hordes aren't only on the doorstep but they've been invited in, the women don't even pretend to hide their traitorous tendencies, and the men are men in name only for the most part. Things are so fucked that most whites are more invested in Kardashian drama or the bi-monthly superhero movie release than their own demographic and cultural doom.

Hello one punch man

I find marriage to be a very subjective term. You shouldn't make it sound like you wouldn't even want a faithful partner for life, you can find a way to figuratively marry someone.

I think officially marrying is kind of stupid, why turn love into paperwork? Who the fuck cares it's turning the whole concept into something.. Materialistic?


No desktop activism anymore, son. Look for groups that are fighting to change those laws, scrutinize if their goals are in sync with yours, support them and make other men aware of them.

Even when not officially married you can still get fucked over.

Do you get it now?

Spotted the degenerate. Take your free-love and anal-marriage slippery slopes back to SA.


Abortion, birth control, Bisphenol A among the darkies, while promoting a monogamous, sexual and vital culture among whites.

Same way Jews did it to us man.

If White people had a country of our own, this would not be happening.

I think at this point the best hope is just total racial segregation. Split the country in two and build the biggest wall mankind has ever seen betwixt.

So you basically advocate America to let the whites become a minority, and keeping in mind that the West is a defender of only minorities, to become the top dog minority?

Interesting theory, using the current system to benefit you in some way, but it would be a huge fucking gamble, giving up the majority position.

Isn't that pretty much how2jew 101?

And since the jews have been doing this longer then whites, and have a ethnocentric religion and culture, wouldn't they have an edge, even though being numerically smaller?

If white peopl weren't pushed abortion, birth control, actual sterilizing poisons in the food supply, and a hedonist lifestyle (ex. hurr i want a harley motorcycle not a son), this would not be happening.

Yeah basically. Instead of getting triggered and shouting "THE PROBLEM IS X AND Y WHY RNT THINGS DIFFERENT" or becoming mr. Dickless Defeatist, we need to accept that whites are GOING to become an embattled minority in America. This is why, instead of "debating" these massive, overarching and generalized causes and solutions, our response needs to be more focused. There are all kinds of groups you can join or just be affiliated with to put you in contact with other racially aware whites, Trump rallies being a big one, or militias, or gun clubs, ect. If whites become a smallet portion of the population, we can counter that by being more organized and having a higher in-group preference. At the same time, we need to accept that a big chunk of us are lost, and shouldn't even be bothered with.

Into the trash, user. Into the blasted trash it goes.

I like your circa 05 CSS, "pro".

Did I not say the concept of turning marriage into a documented thing is inhrently retarded? Perhaps you misunderstood me, because I said you don't need "marriage" to have a wife. At least at this point in western society.

How am I degenerate for wanting a family again with no strings attached?

Good point but that has nothing to do with what I was saying. I get you though western women are shit


You can box every day your whole life, and if you get taken to the ground, you have no more training than if you had never done any martial art at all


That's nice, humble internet person.


It means get out of the thread

Joke's on him, NEETs don't pay taxes.

In America, the "White" race is extremely diverse.

It's ironic, the white race in America isn't a single race, instead it is a huge mixture. You have persons of various ethnicities: German, Scottish, Irish, Italian, Greek, Slav, Spanish, French, Anglo, the list goes on.

Compounded by the fact that many people, myself included are of mixed European decent; German & Italian.

How can whites here find solid ground, if we are diverse amongst even ourselves?

The situation in Europe is different, ideologies like National Socialism can take root. But here in America, I only see Civic Nationalism happening.

Worst still

When the uprising happens, what are we to do with the non-white anons who'd gladly help us?

I have friends who share in my beliefs that aren't white and I don't exactly want to kill them. Fuck that

user's please feel free to add, am conflicted

In America, the "White" race is extremely diverse.

It's ironic, the white race in America isn't a single race, instead it is a huge mixture. You have persons of various ethnicities: German, Scottish, Irish, Italian, Greek, Slav, Spanish, French, Anglo, the list goes on.

Compounded by the fact that many people, myself included are of mixed European decent; German & Italian.

How can whites here find solid ground, if we are diverse amongst even ourselves?

The situation in Europe is different, ideologies like National Socialism can take root. But here in America, I only see Civic Nationalism happening.

Worst still

When the uprising happens, what are we to do with the non-white anons who'd gladly help us?

I have friends who share in my beliefs that aren't white and I don't exactly want to kill them. Fuck that

user's please feel free to add, am conflicted

Best you can hope for is:
all illegals deported
fed audited/ disbanded
sensible rule of law to be followed
tax breaks for normal hetero married families with 2 kids, and penalties for everything else.
Free sterilization offered at abortion clinics
these kind of things.

killing and segregation or a state for non-whites isn't going to happen.
What does need to happen is no blacks getting rich through crime or spreading messages of hate for whites through music and politics. So it always comes back to the press.
They give airtime to bad bad browns, bad browns don't get punished, but rewarded. They give bad coverage of the police and so the police are powerless against bad browns, and so all browns get more powerful. Police are funded by statistics so they now have to arrest non browns for everything/ anything to exist. Non browns keep funding them because someone has to do something about the crime!!!!

We have a little version of it in bongland and it's 20 years in advance of the US system.
Back in the 80s the (((press))) started accusing the Police of racism because they stopped and searched blacks more than whites. The (((statistics))) and the (((institutes))) and the (((think tanks))) all agreed, they were. Mainly because they were all white and whites are just racist. So they recruited minorities, and stopped searching as many blacks. Crime figures went up and new types of crime began to occur more frequently. But that was because there weren't enough minorities in government, so we imported more minorities with completely foreign cultures and ideologies and gave them power, made them MPs and mayors, and lawyers and surgeons and doctors.
And now everything is wonderful in bongland.
Nobody gets shot by blacks with illegal guns, nobody gets blown up by muslims after they gang rape a county, home invasions (always a problem when we were all white) are right down, honour killings and illegal cunt surgery also down.
Adding millions of poor minorities also helped our health service because no new/ or eradicated diseases now exist in our country. TB rabies superlice and polio - we always had those, and giant rats also. So it's a very good thing the US has gone for universal healthcare.

Be conflicted no more user, all will end well I'm sure.



There are some decent suggestions on how to fix the problem, it's not hopeless whining by any margin.

The thing about white people is that we believe every problem has a solution, same for this one.

I wish there were credible statistics on how much of the DNA of the average American resident is European.

Because we're seeing a lot of quadroons/octoroons count themselves as black, and we're seeing people with Hispanic grandparents count themselves as Hispanic, and same thing for the Native Americans with the 1/16 Cherokee thing.

tl;dr we Brazil now, but a little bioengineering will clear this shit right up.

Some of these Anons., it's better to give them the old
and not anything too serious when they come by for a drive-by comment and not for discussion.

u mad

1/3 of all the whites on the planet are american.

It's an extremely dumb idea to talk about going 'back to Europe'.

Maybe if you immigrated here decades ago that's relevant to you.

Many real americans have 10+ generations in the ground, I already have blood and soil right here.

Many more are pure than everyone seems to think.

Brazil is more of what people think america is, with that unique brown skin and so on.

no. check what it says
% of babies born to X mothers. this means there's more babies born TO white mothers, which implies, in comparison with the numbers above it, miscegenation.

if it said % of mothers, you'd be correct. but it says % of babies born to X mothers, and more white mothers are having babies although more minority babies are being born. think about that for a sec.

White women like the niggers big dicks

I am dating white women from Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Norway who are concerned about the lack of white christian men available to care for them and govern a family as God intended.

God Speed user!! There are more of us than you think!!!!

Not really. It's not different than women getting with manginas: Either repellant to other men or is desperate.

100 sit ups
100 push ups
100 squats
10 Km run


is probably better than this regime…

assuming you're not a kike or a troll, which you most certainly are, refer yourself to this

Limiting immigration alone cannot win. You will only loose over a slightly longer period of time.

God governs the nations and those who embrace homosexuality, adultery, and feminism are destined for destruction.

Read the protocols of the learned elders of zion. They understand that to kill us they must first cut us off from the love of God. If you truly want to return our people to life, then turn your eye inwards… cast out all wickedness from among us, send all the perverts to reeducation camps, marry a few humble and homely women, and raise your children up to fear God.

This is so simply I don't understand how you are all so blinded by hate. Not even the NAZIS were so blind by racist thought. They understood that there was such a thing as preserving one's own blood-kin without the wanton death of other peoples. This is why they built refugee camps to stage the jews for deportation instead of just killing them as they deserved.


There is no problem here. The national socialists encouraged all people's to value their own blood as a divine gift. From the negro to the brit to the muslim, they were all bound together in the preservation of true diversity of peoples into their own nations.

This is obvious. Love your neighbor as yourself, love and care for your family, give the glory to God.

End of Line.

Negative, you would enslave us all to Lucifer by promoting the adoption of his methods.

The love of Christ is liberating and the Son of God has shown us the true way to prosper.

If you desire your seed to bear fruit, then seek He who is the author of the generative life force itself!!


Don't know if you're still here, but try tutanota

Move away from them. Wherever they are concentrated they will fail without perpetual assistance and leadership.

The cure to any SJW banter is to force them to live amongst that which they preach and learn first hand what they are attempting to force on us.

Lucifer… dude what?

God said be fruitful and multiply, read the bible before you try to falseflag this hard Jew.

This guy knows

soul > mind > body

We've passed the event horizon. Only darkness now.

implying we shouldn't deport and/or kill nonwhites. Everything you said about God and making white children is essential to our survival of course. But don't accuse your brothers of being overly hateful. Make no mistake, this is a war we are fighting. Our enemies must go.

Looks like moot's fair maiden.