I myself am using I3 and I like it but I might swap to something else for a bit not entirely sure.
I also didn't realize who that was in the background before it was too late, I also need to get myself a good colour scheme.
What window manager are you using?
because it just works
I use muffin because that's what comes with cinnamon.
Honestly, though, I'm increasingly finding the whole desktop interface to be superfluous. I can do almost anything from the command line. I'm thinking of disabling automatic start of the xserver and just using it whenever I need to use a browser or shit like that, rms style.
bspwm & lemonbar here
That's the reason I made the switch.
That looks like a sick Tiling WM, I might have to unlearn I3 but the lack of gaps between windows is what irkes me about I3 (and I am too lazy to work out how to get i3-gaps working)
I use StumpWM, it's the comfiest for an Emacs user once you have it configured.
Having an REPL integrated into your desktop is more useful than it would initially appear, especially when you can run arbitrary shell commands from it.