Demographically the South is in serious trouble. But this isn't the first time we've been in the situation. However, the Southern identity is untouched. There is very little to no assimilation of both whites and non whites into the Southern identity. The non whites that reside in the South are integrating into the general American culture. Blacks don't consider themselves Southerners they just consider themselves black.
Yanks are content to call anyone that sets foot on the soil an American. Southern identity is a blood identity. It's not a propositional identity. No one becomes a Southerner nor do they want to become one. A Southerner becomes in the womb and some Southerners give up their identity to go assimilate into being a general American because they're ashamed of themselves. We lose people and the only people we gain are birth.
At some point Southerners are going to have to stop considering themselves American. The less white Americans become the easier that break will be. It'll be a clean break. We need an opportunity to secede from the US. With secession we can abolish welfare and all the non whites will flee into US territory.
I think it's plausible and preferable the US will break apart in our lifetime. I just think the south would be fucked all the niggers are there. This attitude that they will just go somewhere else is retarded
Gavin Gomez
Why would you want to be? You understand the rest of Americans tend to view us with contempt, don't you? And no you can't. You would just be another transplant here.
Without welfare most would leave to go to where they can get welfare.
Hunter Sanders
Do you think northern whites and southern whites are genetically different somehow?
Dylan Ortiz
Obviously. The South was never an attractive place for immigration. No jobs, heat and if you were a farmer you had to compete with slaves. Most Southerners are descended from people that have been there before the US was founded.
Dylan Gonzalez
Henry Evans
I hope you're happy, it's too late for me to have sweet tea and now I want some.
Mason Bennett
Deo Vindice, fellow Colonial Born.
That's not our fault. It's why we care so much more about blood and soil. We fought in every war and every revolution.
Thomas Price
tfw you're English and want to move to Texas or Georgia to become a southener, then get told you can't. Seriosly. I've looked into revoking my UK citizenship once I get US£800! To revoke citizenship! My country is run by (((them)))
Jeremiah Wood
As a born and raised Texan, I can sympathize with you OP.
I'm not sure if any other Confederate states do this but since we were our own country for 9 years, there's still a nationalist Texas Independence party here that petitions every year for Texas to break away from the US. I know that we can't realistically sustain ourselves if we went independent, but damnit I still sign that petition every year.
Julian Perez
You probably can though.
You've got oil, farmland and factories, so you're set for maintaing a "modern" standard of living.
You've got uranium mines and presumably people with the know how, so you could build your own nukes for defence even if you have to give back the US made nukes.
Also, not sure where it would be now, but I know a couple of years ago someone worked out that Texas would be the 15th richest country in the world if it became a country. I imagine you're still around there.
Dylan Martin
Texas is the only us state of the lower 48 with its own electricity grid. You are in a much better position than any other state. You texans have to lead the way and show the others that it can be done.
Im a non-burger so maybe i missed something but its always amazed me how 150~ years after the civil war the southern states are still accepting something that was forced upon them. Why has there not been a serious succession movement?
Ayden Gomez
posting in a southern thread
Xavier Brooks
Recommended viewing, ya'll.
Leo King
To actually contribute, though, I think you can become one of us just as America's always received white immigration as long as they cut themselves off from their old ties and invest what the New World offers them back into the country in the form of a strong household.
The other poster's right, though, in that the South received little to no immigration compared to the Northeast and Midwest and as a result is the strongest intact distinct American regional culture due to the homogeneity of people with "British" ancestry (Anglo-Saxon and Scottish mainly) dating from at least before the War of Northern Aggression.
Cameron Lewis
Here's some more.
Jackson Cox
Secession will never happen until Dixie is more powerful than Washington, D.C.
Jace Fisher
Don't take it so badly, you'll still be welcomed, you just can't become a true Southerner any more than I can become English by moving to London.
One of my friend's was cracking on a Yankee at work one day, and he got all pissed off. "I've lived here 38 years and you still call me a Yankee. How long do I have to live here to be a Southerner?" After a few minutes of thought, my friend replied, "Get three generations in the ground and we'll talk about it."
Dominic Parker
Could have a lot to do with the punishment we received after the first one. South Carolina, for instance, paid off the last of the worthless bonds floated during Reconstruction in 1952. 4/5's of the land in some Low Country counties was confiscated for failure to pay the property taxes instituted in Reconstruction to pay for the new public schools. We were raped, well and good.
James Hill
Chase Turner
Luke Lewis
Why would you even want to be a Southerner? Our position is similar to Afrikaners just not as dire. Afrikaner identity is even stronger would you want to go to South Africa? Many states in the South are around 50% white. We have the blacks and we're getting hit hardest by third world immigration. Maryland and Virginia have been taken over by transplants and non whites. Texas is about to be taken over by transplants and Mexicans. Most other Southern states are close to that point. The situation we're in is entirely due to force. The US federal government and supreme court have put us in this situation against our will. We're a subject nation to people that hate our very being.
In America the South is hated. We never gave an apology for slavery and we don't cooperate with the liberal social agenda that has been going on for centuries. Punitive measures that are still being taken against us could potentially wipe us out before the general white Americans are wiped out.
Evan Miller
All of america should become like the South. Fuck off with the D&C.
Nathaniel Young
Nathaniel Cox
Because we Southerners are fiercely independent. When the happening occurs the South will chug on just fine. We are armed to the teeth and prepared to defend Dixie.
Samuel Richardson
Recomended listening. Still waiting for this to be turned into a play or a movie or some shit.
Some already have, but most still believe in the manufactured idea of America. Trump is currently having a reinforcing effect, giving people hope for America as a whole.
Hudson Edwards
When Hillary wins, the law to nullify the second amendment will pass. That would be a good time to secede.
Angel Butler
Southerners haven't considered themselves "American" since the The War of Northern Aggression. Southerns are speaking quite loudly this election cycle.
Dylan Phillips
I'm from Tennessee. Most Southerners I know love America, but not the America we are turning into. There is real resentment down here for globalism and forced immigration. Everyone I know hates the idea of amnesty for illegals.
If it means being what America was meant to be again (a country of independent white people, with freedom and dignity apart from relying on the rest of the world) most southerners would turn on the Jews in a heartbeat.
Jaxon Davis
Video for you.
Except Texas..I'm a Texan and I'm ashamed of who my people voted for. Currently living in Georgia but sometimes I get the desire to get the money to pack up and head back home to West Texas were most my family is sides my mom who lives in GA with me.
Nicholas Lopez
ty for the vid fam. Hank Williams Jr. is ok in my book.
Texas isn't the south tbh fam. Texas is just Texas. You could make an argument for East Texas with all those pines as Southern though.
Alexander Nguyen
I am about to red pill you hard user. I am in the heart of Dixie. Making fun of niggers in full public has been a bit touchy latly due to all the Confed flag and Dylan Roof nonsense. But when ever Jews come up in conversation I ALWAYS hand rub or say oy vey or something. It always gets laughs.
We southerners hate Catholics, jews, and niggers its an easy slow release redpill if you mock the jew at first to lead you into bigger stuff.
Joseph Foster
I can vouch for this in North Carolina.
Henry Price
Texan here, we didn't vote for him, the votes were rigged, I mean, when aren't they rigged?
Benjamin Stewart
The Confederacy and slave trade was a Jewish scheme (look it up)
Rednecks are white niggers and the embarrassment of the Anglo-Saxon peoples
Southern Pride is always anti-American
Christians side with Zionism
The South if full of niggers and Mexicans now. I've been to EVERY city and most towns in the country. I know…
Nicholas Thompson
user you might have to consider that your state just got cucked and bought into the evangelical "true conservative". The rest of the South made the right choice
Dylan King
Please secede already, dixiefags are almost as bad as niggers.
I do respect your pride and patriotism, but seriously stop being niggers.
Who cares if your great great gran pappy fought in the war, YOU did not.
There's a fine line between honoring your ancestry and pretending to be your ancestors. Niggers also have that problem on a more primitive and social level.
Caleb Anderson
You are a fucking retarded yankee and you should hang yourself as soon as possible.
We do have a large population of used farm equipment but not that many beaners in real dixie. Those that we do have are not too bad tbh fam. They are hard workers, have family values, and need to go back. But they are leaps and bounds about the black death.
Everyone in the South universally hates Jews.
Jordan Morris
Jewish involvement in slavery is true but the CSA wasn't a Jewish plot. Rednecks aren't just a Southern phenomenon. It's a rural white working class phenomenon. You'll find rednecks in New York, Pennsylvania, and other places in New England and the mid west. Rednecks have their problems and so long as there is rural poverty they'll always exist. It's a social condition created by poverty and not something inherit within Southerners. It's not pro or anti American but even so it's not a bad thing. Opposed to atheists that vote 90% Democrat? That's true but has nothing to do with Southern identity. It's forced on us.
Liam Lewis
Southerners have always towed a fine line between pro-CSA and pro-America. We are the most patriotic but cling the tightest to the Confederate flag. You can see this in the Spanish-American war when we Southerners came out in droves to fight for America to prove the fighting spirit of the Confederacy. Regional pride is an oxymoron and a beautiful thing.
Jose Campbell
Hey OP, do you consider Marylanders southern?
Camden King
Maryland is not part of the CSA. Sadly half of Virginia has left the CSA due to the influx of government workers and carpet baggers post ww2.
Blake Green
They were not allowed to vote to secede. I would them before some random yankee.
Blake Campbell
Dixienigger, you weren't there.
Christopher Lewis
Southerners in Maryland and Virginia are few and far between nowadays. It would depend on the person but as a whole no.
Christian Rivera
Would The Northern part of Florida be considered part of dixie?
Michael Torres
At least make your claims realistic.
Logan Lopez
Folks in North Florida that lay right under Alabama and Georgia actually do consider themselves part of Dixie and the Bible Belt. While the further south you go in Florida the more liberal it gets with most of Central Florida being moderate.
Jacob Walker
Orlando is really where Dixie ends IMO. Orlando is really different everywhere you go. The inner city, and anything within a couple miles of UCF is really liberal anything else is mostly conservative. Personally I was born in Bithlo which is in orlando.
Aiden Rogers
Where Dixie ends in Florida**
Luke Clark
Most Southern states are in demographic trouble some more and some less so than others. Florida is a state in serious trouble. Other Southern states aren't far behind and Texas is even worse off. Floridians that are Southerners are Southerners and the rest aren't.
Landon Ramirez
Use this. Most SJWs will assume you're a mudslime.
Brody Lewis
What SJWs think doesn't factor into my consideration of what symbols I use.
Joshua Martinez
Just read the lyrics of Maryland's state song. It tells you pretty straight forward what they thought of Lincoln.
Aiden Sanchez
Cool, if you're near nigger central ATL and want to hang out hit me up on CyberDust. fullchanpol is my username.
Jaxon Lee
We going to get a new goy in there?
Grayson Taylor
Always room. Tomorrow is May Eve and I just bought some liquor (pic sent).
Josiah Ross
My friend we are among one of the only states that can feasibly do it. Economically speaking we're the 15th largest in the country and we end more to the fed than we get. We wouldn't instantly be bankrupt like most other states
Camden Bailey
No state would go bankrupt from secession so long as welfare is abolished. And cut make work government programs that are for minorities. Then you just collect taxes for bare essential government services like infrastructure and law enforcement. And fund a robust military. The government could be funded with a very low tax but apply that tax across the board so the lower classes know they can't just ask for free shit.
John Anderson
You actually believe this shit?
Dixieland is the heart and soul of what remains of unique American culture. For all that we rebelled, the former Confederacy still disproportionately volunteers to fight and die in the armies of Uncle Sam. We tried to leave, they wouldn't let us. And now our mission is to convert the rest of the nation to our way.
Yankeedom has already joined us. Its mostly the Midwestern Retards and Shitlibs of the West Coast that hate us. Michigan might as well be Frozen Dixie, and the Urban Centers have learnt the hard way what folly they committed in the 50s and 60s. The Rural and Suburban lands East of the Mississippi, ESPECIALLY Appalachia, have also learned and listened for decades as Dixie's song was sung loud and clear.
We cannot leave, States Rights have all but been abolished, and current demographic trends spell doom for us ALL. Therefor, Dixie will lead the way in this new fight. And we will be marching West to reclaim lands once conquered a century ago, and remove the foreign invasion. But first, we have some peopl, nay dogs, to hang. For the treason they have been committing was with more ill intent than any of this great nation's forefathers have witnessed since the Union was formed.
That being said. You should have let us leave when you had the chance.
Isaac Martinez
It is my firm belief that if the US is to survive and become an established nation state (no not that hurr-durr we're a country with a government, therefore we're a nation bullshit), then whites in both the north and south need to unite under the guise of classical western culture and racial heritage.
At the rate things are going there will be no "white americans" in a handful of generations, which is concerning seeing as america holds the largest white population out of any country in the world.
Anthony Reed
Idk where in the South you're talking about but Texas especially DFW, Houston, and San Antonio have been getting a shitload of carpet baggers since the 2008 recession because our economy didn't collapse and there are still jobs. It fucking sucks, I lived near a rich suburb of Houston that was full of carpet baggers that thought they were hot shit cause they could afford a big house and fancy shit because Texas has a reasonable cost of living opposed to the over inflated million dollar studio apartment shit they were used to in Jew York or whatever frozen hell hole they crawled out of.
Logan Morales
With their fickleness they're only begun to change their tune recently. The South has been steady for centuries. If we conquer the yanks the chickens will come home to roost and we'll get contaminated with yank blood. We need to separate.
Nicholas Green
Rednecks are funny, dixies are charming and constitutionalists are the only worthwhile thing about America.
I'm sorry but no matter how redpilled you are, you are a ridiculously tiny minority in your states.
Adrian Rivera
We're a minority that makes up most of the US military.
Gabriel Jackson
Complete B.S.
Blacks consider themselves Southern. And I can drive through any trailer park around here and round up 10 white girls with black kids.
"Getting the fuck out of the South" is in my personal 5-year plan.
Jaxon Mitchell
Congratulations on being the welfare queens who blow up the Middle East in the name of Yeshua bar Yosef.
Caleb Kelly
smh at heresy tbh.
Jonathan Hernandez
Now I know how native Japanese feel about weeaboos
Noah Cruz
Jesus Christ she's limpwristing harder than a fag giving handjobs
Camden Roberts
hurry up and secede before it's too late.
Julian Martinez
We can't. And won't be allowed our existence.
Don't believe me? Apartheid South Africa was a threat to nobody important. What do you think a hostile Yankee nation will do with a Revanchist Confederacy?
Juan Miller
I'm pessimistic. Given time, Dixie left to its own devices would become like Haiti or best scenario Brasil.
Christopher Jenkins
A racially heterogenous state is no threat to anyone, agreed.
Basically, Dixie was already pre-cucked and now it's under the auspices of the rest of the American state with no fix in sight, ie. it will indefinitely remain as heterogenous as it is today.
Ryan White
Brilliant response.
Owen Torres
Before I finish the rest below…
Either you don't know what Cucked actually means, or you are engaging in memetic warfare.
Pre-1960s, the Old South had its niggers firmly under the bootheel of Jim Crow. They also grinded down Working Class White Men whenever they pleased and gleefully abused the same authority and privilege to deny ANYONE the vote if they might vote the wrong way. But the niggers knew their place. At the fucking bottom.
Apartheid South Africa was a newly born Nuclear Power, they had six confirmed devices, their real problem were delivery systems. They had none capable of hitting anything outside Africa, and they needed first class ICBM range to effectively tell meddling powers to fuck off.
Even then, it was treason from within that brought it down. And now the fools regret it everyday.
Neither were "Cucked" as the term actually applies to Cuckservatives. For your education, its just sexualized chan slang for those who should rightfully hang for treason.
Back to it.
If Dixie truly WAS left to its own devices, it actually could become rather prosperous. The most expensive and difficult bits of necessary engineering, the TVA dams, have already been done.
That combined with access and control to the largest chunk of connected navigable rivers in the world, the Mississippi, means internal transport is easy and cheap. Directly within former CSA territory is more usably navigable river mileage than Brazil and most other nations in the world, and New Orleans sits at the entry/exit point of the largest single chunk of navigable rivers in the world. Bar none. In fact, the Greater Mississippi System has more navigable miles than all the rest combined.
And the Gulf of Mexico, even with hurricanes, has nearly the potential, if not more, than the Mediterranean.
Now here's the thing. There is something called "Dixiecrats". Dixecrats were economically to the Left, they were Socialists in a small sense, and firmly believed in government investment into infrastructure, if not outright government control. But they were Socially to the Right.
The New Dixie, if truly left alone after a formation, which it wouldn't be thanks to its position, but this is fantasy land anyways so lets keep going.
New Dixie now controls entrance and exit of billions and billions of dollars trade. Look at that map. Look at it.
New Dixie would be a lot of things. But doomed to be poor is not one of them. And without having to deal with the retarded horseshit of modern social issues, 90% of the dysfunction goes away and most shitweed politicians in it for the fatchecks get thrown out in a handful of election cycles.
His kind is a starved minority. Always have been. They are either the most clannish hill tribes, or the snottish descents of the old slavocrats. They confuse a general dislike of carpetbaggers with a hatred of all furriners everywhere.
Jose Diaz
That's a very good point I hadn't thought of before
Jayden Miller
Thanks for the digs. You write as someone not from the South, as anyone from the South would have used "we" and "us." It's just how we are. Are you yet another Yankee do-gooder trying to tell us how and what to do without considering we have our own thoughts, plans, and will. You have only an inkling of Southern history under your belt. The old "slavocrats," as you call them, for instance, were ousted from power ca. 1890, and poor white populism ruled in the South until business elites took over, many of them "not from around here." The South has grown richer under the business elites, but we're paying a huge price for those shekels; our heritage. Nikki Haley, here in SC, has been very pro-business, but also took down our flag. It was the pro-business crowd that attacked the flag in the 90's, as they were trying to get the Panthers in Charlotte. It's virtue signaling on a grand scale. It was the Republican establishment playing the "Democrats are the real racists" card. You got one thing absolutely right, I am from one of those "clannish hill tribes" descended from the Borderers.
Blake Bennett
If you're a northerner or lowland scots you're probably already Southron without knowing it.
Josiah King
In order for any secession to work it needs to be a widespread thing, not a dixie thing. I'm talking guerillas all over the US
Julian Taylor
Just so you know the confederates were democrat kikes. If the south won the war, the Third Reich and the Confederates would have not gotten along.
Grayson Cooper
You are a retard and clearly know nothing about United States political party history.
kill yourself
Benjamin Green
Ulysses S Grant was one of us, gee I wonder why cotton and dye traders worked together on something….
Gabriel Morris
Can't I just be both?
Evan Jones
Wallace was a faggot though
Brandon Wilson
Guess who the slave owners were in the 1800s? Southern democrats who were jews.
You might want to read up on the civil war. 10 thousand jews even fought for the Confederacy.
Like I said, the confederates and Hitler's Germany wouldn't have gotten along.
Justin Murphy
Ethan Lee
Is there honestly any hope of seccession? Most Southerners I meet are cucks. Heritage not hate and all that horseshit.
Adam Bennett
Sounds about right.
Aaron Campbell
The point is the south were kikes, which you worship.
Josiah Wood
Liam Stewart
Haha yep, that's true. For all my fellow white southerners that say nigger nigger nigger have no problem watching niggerball or dealing with the negro. Also white southerners do not like our European brethren which in that case they can go fuck themselves.
Caleb Morales
We had a business elite move into our tuff back in the late 1890s. Ended up killing his family and all his imported dindus.
Nathan Fisher
Don't get me started on how often I have to hear my fellow white southerners bash Hitler.
Isaiah Barnes
The US is kikes is it justifiable to wish the destruction of the US?
Josiah Evans
Can I look into your crystal ball for a glimpse of the future? The actual number of Jews who served in the Confederate Army is not known, but your figure is often quoted. Estimates range from as low as 2,000 up to 12,000. South Carolina had the largest Jewish population in all the 13 Colonies and the United States until around 1830. Some had been here since the 1600's. Maybe a Jew's a Jew, but at least these fought with us. And dig on this; they rode with the original KKK. Bernard Baruch's father was a Confederate surgeon from Camden, SC, and rode out with the Klan often. I read an article on it that quoted Baruch talking about the atmosphere in the house being so awful until his father came home. The common line of thought among historians is that if the CSA had won, the US would not have entered WWI on the side of Britain and France. Without US support, mostly arms, the war would have ended differently; either Germany would have won, a stalemate declared, or at least the terms of surrender would have been much less burdensome. The economic conditions in Germany wouldn't have been so dire, the very thing that allowed him to rise, and Hitler probably would have died in obscurity.
Julian Howard
Yeah, I've thought about this a lot recently. The South was a bastion of Israeli supporters for a long time, but that's changing with the Donald. People are getting red-pilled about a LOT of things now. Southerners don't love Jews as much as love their Bibles, their God, and their Jewish Lord and Savior. All the support Israel gets in the South is due to support for the Holy Land. The attitude toward the Jews is one of pity; they WERE the chosen people of God, and they're all going to Hell because they won't recognize Christ as the Messiah. So it's all mystical joojoo. We don't hate Germans here in the SC Upstate, home of BMW in North America. On the other hand, nobody likes Hitler around here. Every Southern family in this area had people who served in WWII and most fought Germans. My uncle was a scout in Patton's 3rd Army, and he killed Germans. Hitler was the enemy. Of course they all believed this; it's what Roosevelt told them. That kind of attitude stays around a while. Also, I'm happy to report that the "Dems are the real racist" is probably dead forever. I thought it was cuck from the get-go, but the Republican establishment tried it here in SC. What did it get us? A kebab governor who took down the flag that flew to commemorate SC WBTS dead. SC lost a greater percentage of men in that war than Germany in WWII. The flaming defeat of Rubio in the SC primary showed what South Carolinians thought of the Republicucks. Little Ricky had Gov. Kebab and Tim Scott shilling for him. The good people of SC said, "fuck that!"
Aiden Miller
Fellow upstate SC here. I can say one good thing about carpet baggers; they seem to like trump. This lead to me hearing a nigger co-worker (I'm a college student working part time at walmart) say "Hell naw, he gon' send us back to ahfr'ca" which was entertaining. But yeah, carpet baggers hate the establishment as much as true red blooded Dixie natives.
Adrian Smith
It's good to be in the Upstate! Are you a native? It's funny the things a hutu will believe. They have to believe that the first thing a white person thinks upon getting out of bed in the morning is, "How am I going to fuck with the niggers today?" They take themselves too seriously.
Kevin Edwards
The 1890's? You remember that?
Sebastian Miller
My family has been in the upstate SC/downstate NC area since 1790. My brother works for a company that provides parts to BMW, and my uncle works for a plant that makes their textiles. And yeah, jigaboos are hilarious.
Gavin Stewart
She's six years old, asshole.
also the salute is wrong, the Confederate salute was open palmed
Xavier Brown
Adrian Jackson
Oral history and genealogy is still practiced in the woods.
Hudson Morgan
Nice mods guys
Chase Stewart
Greenville pls go.
Also a fellow sandlapper.
Lucas Martin
Cool. My family came to SC from NC in 1775. They were in western PA prior to that. We were one of the first white families to settle in PIckens County, though it was Washington District back then.
Nolan Nguyen
I know we're supposed to be "Sandlappers," but I've never identified with the name. It came from the Low Country, and has nothing to do with the Upstate at all. My mother's family was from the Low Country, but I've always identified with my Dad's side.
Sebastian Myers
Feels good man
Adam Cook
I actually drove the whole length of I-95 once on a whim.
I have no life.
Colton Thompson
I was born and raised in Alabama.
Born in Boaz when it was still called B&A and lived most of my life in Albertville. I had like half a dozen shirts from Lifesouth, specifically the office near the Sonic but really close to Los Arcos.
I watched little Mexico grow, and I watched them hog and eat up all the chicken plant jobs, and more to the point, I watched the men who owned those act more than complicit in their economic treason against their fellow Southerner. And it was largely men who had been there for a long time and had deep roots who refused to hire fellow Southrons, White or Black. Its largely the Japanese companies, or Multinationals like Cargill(they have places across the country. Illl assume they are multinational as well) that hire Southron Whites and Blacks to good paying jobs.
YOU would know THAT had you actually worked here. Put the Meth down. Please. Its killing you.
Now what made the South rich and wealthy was the TVA investment, the Highways, and a general hatred of Unions, which meant that when companies didn't run offshore completely, they came here.
I met an old English lady who had lived in Alabama for the better part of 40 years at a Save A Lots? Big Lots? Can't remember, near the Papa Johns across the graveyard. Anyways, she still had a hint of the accent.
You can come.
They were becoming perfectly fine with White Slavery too. While I fly the flag when it pleases me, its not out of any love for what the CSA represented beyond rebellion.
When Wallace got crippled by an assassination attempt, he was on the path to the Democratic nomination.
You will never understand. Those people likely want to keep their jobs.
Ever been to a dog show? Its about who was the most successful breeders of the animals and who could select the best specimens.
Dominic Powell
It ain't ever too late to have some sweet tea brother
Hunter Long
Good to see you made the thunder run out of that shithole they call Florence.
It does have caffeine though. For some reason as I get old it seems that caffeine effects me more.
Liam King
Gavin Murphy
I apologize for the wasted post previous to this. I'm a "newfag" here; what can I say?
First off, I laughed a little when I read your post, but not AT you. We're just crackers here, even if we don't see everything eye to eye. I don't want to get into a "who's more Southern" battle with you. We're on the same side. I didn't witness what happened in Boaz, but I watched something similar happen here in SC with the textile industry. Greenville was once the textile capital of the WORLD. But almost every single textile company was owned by Yankees, and they skeddadled to Asia to pay children a nickel an hour to do the same work. In this case it wasn't the old slavocracy, but carpetbaggers. The business elites got very favorable tax incentives for anyone willing to build here, and yes, we're anti-union, so some industries started moving here after the textile industry collapsed, but then NAFTA. They skipped over us and went to Mexico. Some foreign companies have invested here, like Michelin and BMW, so some industry is coming back. Trade is becoming the bread and butter of the corporatists, with Charleston doing ungodly business, and we now have inland ports too. But, as many are learning here, while earning a living is a MUST in Lincoln's pro-business United Shills of America, it's not everything. Other things are important too, like knowing who you are. Without your culture and your heritage, your home is just a place where you sleep and eat.
Camden Mitchell
North Carolina here.
Seriously niggers aren't that big of a problem. They're children the size of grown men. Do none of you dumb yankee fucks ever wonder how just dozens of European men were able to subjugate the entire Congo basin?
Niggers become a problem when you let them, and they fall in line when the whip cracks. Its not fucking rocket science
Landon Price
For the record I'm agreeing with you. My temper got the best of me
Caleb Brooks
You all want a racial caste system, and every example of that has browned-out and collapsed. If you don't like to be called cucked, then don't bring in coloureds who you will then manage for your short-term benefit, but to the detriment of your own future generations.
Jace Sullivan
3D printed houses and robot labor
anything is possible
Dominic Gonzalez
Then they become your harems, illegal at first, but then more and more accepted as people cut corners to fill the nearest hole when the urge arises. Then you brown out. It's not rocket science, it's basic genetics.
Jaxson Foster
Sorry user, there's no logical way to reform southern identity in the absence of black people. The south is the blackest part of America - so much so that most blacks in the south have a longer heritage in the country than most northern whites do. Southern blacks and whites have a shared cuisine, which is more than you can say for mixed inner-city communities - the average diets of white and blacks in "multiculti" cities like New York and San Francisco are completely different. In addition, the only communities in the US that are majority black already reside in the south. The black slaves were here before the bulk of italians, northern europeans, the slavs, even most irish.
Blacks on the west coast largely still cook southern food and have family in the south. i've see southern white people mistakenly accused of "talking black" for their southern accent. If you randomly selected a white american and a black american, the black american is far more likely to be of southern heritage and a resident of the south.
William Nelson
Ugh. Hate to say it, but this is pretty much right. I love my homeland and heritage, but all of you guys thinking it's some kind of white heaven here are mistaken.
It's a beaner/nigger shit-field unless you get FAR away from the coast and cities, and even these places are quickly eroding away with everyone trying to have initiatives for diversity. I'm starting to think America is a lost cause at this point.
Ethan Hill
Thanks for a soundtrack for this thread.
Landon Morris
I can vouch for some of Louisianan, not in New Orleans but a large part of the rest.
Alexander Morgan
New slave economy based on robots programmed not to give a shit.
This makes me think of a new sci-fi genre/aesthetic, kind of like steampunk, but the opposite; instead of taking modern tech back and having it work in a more primitive way, you take age old reactionary ideas forwards and make them work differently using futuristic technology.
Just imagine how mighty fine it would be sitting on the porch with your lady on a nice summer day, while the robots work the plantation, and no niggers ever.
Parker Nguyen
I've never claimed that the South was white-opia, but it is the one place that's preventing burgerland from turning full pozz. If the South got removed from the voting equation then the rest of 'murigay would go full Sweden. White Bible Belt Southerners who have their identity in "clinging to their guns and Bibles" (as Obama would say) are the ones holding back the progressive leftists, which is why they hate us so much and want to break our spirit and will.
Brody Sullivan
Not him, but who the FUCK wants that? I want a homogeneous state, not a segregated society. I mean, a segregated society is superior to a desegregated society, but a homogeneous one is much better than either.
Christian Wood
When Napoleon was in power he got a little prideful, which is understandable.
But ya know, when he was living out his last days on St. Helena the Emperor of the French returned to the Catholic Faith. It is disingenuous to use him to attack the Faith, since he evidently reconsidered what he said earlier when he had more free time to think about it.
Evan Thomas
Napoleon also decided on invading Russia instead of liberating the Balkans from the Ottomans.
Because dumbass.
Gabriel Sanders
tea AND a biscuit mind you
Colton Barnes
Texans are all hat and no cattle and the way mestizos are integrating into Texas is going to permanently destroy Texas. There's no other place in the country but Texas that Mexicans integrate.
Daniel Sanders
Memories of independence are definitely alive in South Carolina as well.
Ethan Green
Yes, and there's more to it than that. It's a matter of heritage. Do you have family who can trace their ancestry back all the way to colonial times? Did you have family who fought in the Civil War?
If not, you're not a Southerner. And there's nothing wrong with that. Despite the kikes who would want us at war with one another (again), Southerners and white Americans are brothers in this struggle against the hordes.
Parker James
Also, who wants into the Dixie/pol/ Skype group?
Connor Turner
Yank here, I lived in the South for four years. You guys are a good bunch, don't let other Yanks and PoC (pickers of cotton) take away the unique culture that you guys have. I always defend the Confederate flag to normie scum.
I'll say this, a lower class redneck neighborhood is much better than a non-white ghetto any day of the week.
Robert Flores
VAfag here, Texas is going to go blue and Cali is flipping red.
You won't be able to keep up that kind of smack-talk for much longer. Sort your shit, m8s.
Ryder Jones
You seem to imply that caring more for your own is a bad thing. That having a majority population that actually has roots is a bad thing.
There are indeed people who are clannish, and who still know everything there is to know about their history. I envy that.
There are also people who have just as much history, but they ended up just blending in with the rest of the white people in the South. I'm one of these. I guarantee you that there could easily be as many or more of these as the former. I can almost guarantee that among them are some of those on the left. They just don't know their history is there. For me, there were no stories of any immigration, and there were also no stories of past family members involved in any history of any kind. Which means my roots are old and forgotten.
So 'a general dislike of carpetbaggers with a hatred of all furriners everywhere'? You betcha!
All of that has resulted in the corrosion of my past. Foreigners also tend to be non-white, which is generally considered a bad thing here. Yankees tend to demand things be culturally their way, which is just as damaging. I'm not seeing a reason not to dislike their effects and presence.
That said, where that quote started was clearly playful. I have done that shit with my Brit immigrant friend for years. Back then I thought I was just 'Irish', before I knew what 'Scots-Irish' was. The bants are very similar.
Sorry, I'm having to learn what that even is. I know I just did that above.
Anti-Lincoln digs have become very satisfying to me. Dies a little inside
Austin Jones
Let's give the blacks who wave the confederate flag a state in today's mexico all to themselves.
I think they'd like it.
Samuel Robinson
His point was that having sympathizers in the armed forces can do wonders, bear in mind how much that helped the nationalists in Spain
Jacob Cox
Remember the war wasn't even over slavery.
Jordan Murphy
I travel a bit (been to 48 states) and I like the fact that when you go out of state and meet a fellow Texan, you always have a feeling of comradery. "Oh, you're from Texas too? I'm from [location in state]" etc. etc. etc. It doesn't matter what particular part you're from, just that you're from Texas. Fellow Southerners are nice too. (Some) people outside the South like Texas (I would think because of the "typical Southern politeness" stereotype) as well. We were in New York (Plan your trip carefully if you're planning to go there, the freeway system is a nightmare) and a receptionist said "Oh, I love Texans, they're so polite" and my family (after the fact) was like "Uh huh…"(just the ones you've met…) Anyways, there is a definite connection (the 'identity' of the OP) between Southerners of different states as well as within their own ones.
Michael Jenkins
Remember folks, stay away from redneck culture, and maintain that southern class.
Read a lot and stay healthy.
Ian Foster
Also, the Southern identity is/is being/has for a while (?) commercialized. We went to Pigeon Forge(do not recommend unless you've been saving up for a while and plan to stay a week there(total tourist trap)) and there were Gypsies(no lie, the woman(husband-and-wife couple) sounded exactly like those gypsy fortune tellers in old movies) running a store that sold all sorts of Battle Flag-branded items (shot glasses, t-shirts, etc.) We were trying to find the national flag (they had some large ones for sale)(also, we would not normally buy from gypsies(never again, either), but it seemed like a large waste to deal with that traffic, find a parking spot, and *not* buy at least one thing) and they kept redirecting us back to the display. "Excuse me, we're trying to find this flag" (show them it on a phone) :get an air of total disinterest: "Oh, it's over there" :gestures to display: (no, it is *not* over there, we've looked three times already) We continue to explain that no, this is not the _(can't remember which one) state flag, it's the NATIONAL flag. He keeps going "oh, it's over there, it's over there." We enlist the help of a nice older couple who were there(they hadn't seen it either), explain the situation to them, and they sympathize with us. In the end, we just walk out of there without buying anything (after spending an hour or two) and vow to buy a 'Made in USA' flag online if we can find one. This was about 9(10?) at night. After that, we had to deal with the curved backroads leading out of there. (Sorry if this was too long or rambled on or something, I just wanted to get all of what happened out on the screen.)
Parker Gray
Needs proper formatting. (This was also right after the whole 'South Carolina thing', so the flag was pretty popular right then.)
Blake Moore
Exactly. I especially agree with the part about reading. It's important to be knowledgeable(being able to process information, not being just fact smart) and be able to outsmart the competition(/'enemies', as it were.) This is a good start. (Not that anyone cares about this but, as it seems to be a night to say things to people i've never met and probably never will, (also as i've never said this to anyone else(besides family) before)I made a 750 on SAT reading(97th percentile) and 770 the second time I took it(95th percentile). Beat the stereotype of 'dumb southerner'. Beat the 'odds'(not that it's that hard). You can do it. (general message of encouragement done~~)
Ryan Hill
Genetically speaking, the British Isles in general are all very similar. Read the 'Four Flags' book by Arthur Kemp, if you need to prove it to yourself.
Real White Southerners are all from there. Mainly either Scots-Irish ethnicity, or English ethnicity.
Which means that we don't have any genetic issues holding us back. Only economic and educational. We can tackle that.
Colton Lopez
Fuck off Yank.
You don't have an ounce of Noblesse Oblige.
I want to, and will, help to make my people what they can be and always should have been.
If we weren't wasting so much effort on inner city niggers, any children of any white southerners have a hell of a better chance at a much better life than their parents.
Aiden Lopez
Xavier Myers
What libfag taught you this? The south is about being able to live the American dream, which doesn't exist on the rest of the country due to constricting government and migrating work. Southern attitude is all about being able to achieve whatever you want only with your own hard work.
Luke Gray
I consider myself southern
if I go to a restaurant and they don't have sweet tea I'll have a heart attack
Brandon Hall
Fuck your mother chaim
Just so I contribute, here's some Americana played on an Appalachian dulcimer
Ethan Green
They're sort of fuckers. But good luck getting them removed. The management of this chan is so fucked.
Cooper Davis
Which flag were you looking for? There were three national flags; The Stars and Bars (first), The Stainless Banner (second), and the last, sometimes called the Jackson Flag, because the very first one made was draped over Stonewall Jackson's coffin.
Benjamin Barnes
I live in South East Georgia. We have a dixie/pol/ skype group. If y'all are interested post your skypes. I don't personally know everyone in it, so make sure your skype is dox proof.
Asher Wilson
Not trying to be a great shitlord or anything here, but just nitpicking a little.
The Scotch-Irish settled the interior, from the Piedmont regions of the East Coast to the Mississippi River. Mainly SI, but about 30% were Rhineland Germans too. The coast was mostly English, with a lot of other nationalities and ethnicities too. French Huguenots and Shepardic Jews, for instance, had significant populations in Charleston. The French Arcadians settled in and around New Orleans. The Scotch-Irish, for the most part, were neither Scots nor Irish, except for their culture. They spoke English, not Gaelic, and were from the Border area of Scotland and England. Some historians refer to them (more correctly) as the Border Reivers, as their lifestyle was one of violent cross-border raids. When James of Scotland ascended the English throne and united the countries, he no longer had any use for these people, and shipped them to Northern Ireland to deal with the native Irish. The DNA of these people is predominantly the same, Anglo-Saxon-Dane. The Angles, mostly, with some Saxons, had uprooted the Celts from Northumbria, and were themselves uprooted by Danish invasion in later centuries. The DNA of these groups is indistinguishable, however, and attempts to use genetic analysis to track the invaders failed. Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians came from the same general area as the Danes and Norwegians, and are pretty much the same people. The Celts of Britain can be distinguished, and are isolated for the most part in Cornwall, Wales, the Highlands of Scotland, and the Hebrides Islands, along with Ireland. There were handfulls of true Irish, Scots, and Welsh immigrants to the Southern Highlands, and a few significant pockets along the Tidewater, but the interior was overwhelmingly settled by the descendants of the Border Reivers.
Colton Roberts
I've looked deeply into my family's history.
Half of my family tree was wiped out in the war between the states. I have a family cemetery with hundreds people family and others from the community buried in it and there's a lot of kin that died in the war. My direct great-great-great-great grandfather on my father's side swore to the Confederacy to his dying day and he was shot in the siege of Vicksburg but lived through it. I'm pretty sure he was a slave holder. In the 1860 census 8 blacks were counted in his household. His wife also died during the war. I don't know the cause of her death.
My great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was hung during the war for American secession in Virginia for being a Tory loyalist.
For more recent history that won't give my identity away my great grandfather was friends with General Patton and served under him during the war. I have pictures of him with Patton at my parent's house.
Joseph Myers
They were Scots who settled around ulster, thus the european name for them, ulster-scots.
Lucas Taylor
Fuck man, read the whole post.
I hate to quote Wikipedia, but they summarized this part pretty well:
"Scotland and England became unified under a single monarch with the Union of the Crowns in 1603, when James VI, King of Scots, succeeded Elizabeth I as ruler of England. In addition to the unstable border region, James also inherited Elizabeth's conflicts in Ireland. Following the end of the Irish Nine Years' War in 1603, and the Flight of the Earls in 1607, James embarked in 1609 on a systematic plantation of English and Scottish Protestant settlers to Ireland's northern province of Ulster.[27] The Plantation of Ulster was seen as a way to relocate the Border Reiver families to Ireland to bring peace to the Anglo-Scottish border country, and also to provide fighting men who could suppress the native Irish in Ireland."
They were from the Lowlands of Scotland and Northmubria in England, the border of Scotland and England. The people were descended from Angles, Saxons, and Danes, as modern DNA analysis has proven.
I know who they are, and have probably been reading about them longer than you've been alive.
Mason Stewart
Cool. Every single line of my ancestry has at least one person who served in the Confederate Army, mostly in the Army of Northern Virginia, and in the Army of Tennessee after Sherman plunged into SC. Most survived the war, though several spent time in Yankee POW camps in the USA.
Luis Perry
Yankees are perpetually good goy cucks. They fought for nigger rights and federal big government vs states' rights. The Yankees are also more atheist and nihilistic, like Western Yurope.
You can speak to the numbers of niggers residing here till you're out of breath, but we control our niggers here. We're armed to the teeth and don't fuck around like you pantywaist cucks do up there.
Joseph Richardson
You get along very well with those coloureds. Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Jaxson Jenkins
The last poster on this thread, to whom I replied.
Adam Edwards
NO you dont your women have always and will always get a fucking train ran on them by every nigger that says hi and you limp wristed faggots sit back and watch MUH BASED SOUTHERN BLACKS!!! You cucks are pathetic
Carter Foster
Trying to hide something Chaim?
Brayden Martinez
Never has that ever been uttered, you kike. There is no such thing as a based nigger.
Jeremiah Price
Good, and we want to keep it that way. It's called segregation and it's natural.
Kick the niggers and spics out. Problem solved.
James Brooks
I am very late, but its called the "reconstruction" and its the reason the KKK exist, and its the reason they needed to exist.
It was not pleasant. Its also glossed over in our history classes
Owen Jackson
Welfare is already restricted in the south you suburban obviously-teenage faggot, that's why the somalis head for minnesota
However welfare being garbage in the south doesn't stop niggers from going there and they go there to work- georgia has become a nigger magnet because niggers control the government of the city of Atlanta and use white tax money to fund expansion of the black middle class
You are downright fucking retarded
James Stewart
Southerners are Americans, you're talking about Northerners and Westerners being brother peoples
And boers are different from afrikaners. Except they're not because that's retarded and there is no reason for the same nation to divide itself over petty differences. Germany would be stronger if Austria was still part of it, what kind of idiot would want to divide the country?
Mexicans already integrated into Texas. The number of whites is unknown because there is no genetic testing. The bulk of light skinned Hispanics can pass for italian or more- many Hispanics in texas are mostly british or german by ancestry such as Johnny Rodriguez, a country singer from a small town of 1600 people in south Texas.
60% of white Americans have ancestry going back to the colonies. The south contains 100 million people, 70 million of whom are white. So while southerners are probably the slight majority of colonial-descended Americans you aren't the only ones.
In any case the important factor was always being white- because the Founders created the United States as a nation in which only white people of good standing could become citizens. Obviously there are problems with immigration and the broad way white was interpreted- if Jews had not legally been considered white then when they started mass migrating after 1900 the tide of Jewish influence in America would have been stemmed. How the jews were considered of being "in good standing" is beyond me. I would say that the cuckservative mentality of avoiding conflict goes back generations probably, since if the Jews had been denied citizenship on the grounds of being in poor standing or being non-white then they would have never been able to spread their tentacles through society as they did.
William Harris
No, you're an autiste. You completely ignored the point I was making and went on to define a word.
It is a specific ethnic group, because they mixed some at every stage. Including with some of the Irish after going to Northern Ireland.
You also just told me the third of my DNA registering as 'Irish' isn't actually there, and I'm imagining it.
Xavier Jackson
In my mind, it depends on whether something similar to the current liberal attitudes exists after the split.
If you had The South existing as its own nation, and for whatever reason a war to reclaim territory was either nonviable or already settled, the New England attitude would be to welcome and encourage all of our blacks to move over as refugees.
Julian Thomas
Because as usual, yanks can't even properly conceptualize what America even is.
Something that fundamental means that we begin talking about different things.
You're doing the identical thing as saying the UK should stay in the EU, because it's all one country. What kind of idiot would want to split that?
Yes, but we're also more likely to have that ancestry on all sides of the family tree. You don't get any more founding stock than that. Like this guy:
I'd prefer to keep this heritage and blood as it is, I don't want yanks who had half their DNA immigrate back in the 50's ruining it.
Aaron Campbell
Frenchfag here. Never went to America, but I have sympathy for the South and Dixieland. I wish I could spend some time in my life in a ranch just chillin'. Napoleon III was with the South, so am I.
Ryder Nelson
My family originates in the blue from West Yorkshire and the founding settler of my line settled in Northhampton, Virginia. This was in 1685 before there were any large migrations to the midwest. Through the generations my line moved to South Carolina then finally Georgia and settled lowland in all three of those states.
Levi Brown
Pic. related. Well, that's some excellent D & C of Anglo-Americans…
Brayden Diaz
Yes, I'm the anti-white one, when you're supporting the multi-racial countryside… Go ahead and stay in denial, but you're transparent. Very transparent, and anti-white.
Matthew Hughes
Lincoln Diaz
I went back and read your post, and I'm confused now as to what point you made that you're trying to make now.
Not everyone who went to the Plantations of Ireland was a Borderer either. The vast majority were, but some Highland Scots, and people from other parts of England were in the mix. Likewise not all the people who came in the great migration wave of 1710-1775 were Ulster Scots. There were many real Irish among them, as well as Welsh and English from their homelands in the wave.
Your particular DNA doesn't mean anything I said was wrong, it just means you had some real Irish ancestors that came over in the same wave.
I come from Scotch-Irish stock; I consider them "my people." However, I have lines that are majority Welsh in NC, with a line of Dutch among them, and one genuine Irish ancestor. My paternal line is, however, Lowland Scots.
My particular genealogy doesn't mean that what I wrote isn't true for the majority of Scotch-Irish (as only we call them) people, however.
Brandon Fisher
The South has a far higher number of "core Americans," those with colonial ancestors, than the rest of the nation per capita. Immigration to the South was stagnant during the periods of migration following the Revolution compared to the rest of the country. The famine Irish, for instance, as well as the Germans that came at the same time, settled almost entirely in large Northern cities.
Wyatt Watson
What service did you use to get your DNA tested, by the way? I'm ready to have this done. I've been thinking about it a long time, but have had concerns about my privacy.
I'm going to use Ancestry's service just because I have my entire genealogy there, but I understand they don't give you the full analysis other places do. Recommendations?
Blake Thomas
I like how often I seem to run into people from other countries that love the South.
Cameron Lee
Well sure, there may be some exceptions, that's just the trend and the largest numbers.
There's a fucking REASON why the States had their own power, separate and above the central power. That's the same reason why States had separate cultures and identities.
That was always the reason. It's not my fault you'd rather suck D.C.'s cock and be only 'American'. That's the same as if people in Europe started talking about how Germany or France didn't matter, only being 'European' does. For some reason you do it anyway.
I would not care if we were all under one federal thing, if we of founding stock of these States again had our own control of our own States, cultures and identities. and could prevent infinite yank and commiefornian immigration to said states The reason the Second American Revolution was fought was because we figured out that we no longer had it. We still no longer have it.
Ryan Gomez
I'm not entirely sure how, but this is clearly you misreading what I said.
Some of what you've mentioned is new info to me, but still has no impact on what I said.
I was attacking meme.
I mentioned the two main sets of people, and therefore the two main sets of genes that filled the South. I later showed a picture that did the same.
This is relevant, because your genetics is where your IQ comes from. Therefore there is no genetic basis for which means
I really don't know how else to say that.
———————————————————– Good, I'm glad. So do I.
Given that here in Dixie is where the largest amount of our people are on the entire planet makes defending it and us especially important to me.
Although the name is as much a part of the culture as anything, so correcting it seems ultimately self-defeating. The only other main name for the group that I've ever seen is Ulster-Scots, but that mostly is referring to those still in Ulster. I have seen it used interchangeably, however.
It's surely possible that mixing happened some in Ulster before migration of any sort?
Well, I'm not sure how old your information on genetic studies on those who are still over on the Isles is, though.
Maybe you should read that 'Four Flags' book by Arthur Kemp too. It's been updated IIRC with studies from 2014. Turns out that 70-80 percent of the DNA in the British Isles is common to the entirety of them. Which is a good reason for having some difficulty in tracking certain peoples. You had especially mentioned the Danes, which I remember the most from that book, but they in particular seem to have only stayed in the areas of where the Danelaw happened. They had a roughly 11% share of the DNA in that region.
So I know the Danes in particular are no worthwhile-to-mention source of 'Borderer' DNA.
Yeah, me too. I just did it anyway.
That's what I used, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it.
IIRC 23 and me had some more privacy concerns than Ancestry did, but they supposedly give more detail.
I didn't mention the other major portions of my DNA, because it was largely useless information. Less than my Irish portion was 'Great Britain', and more than it was 'Western European'. They include a massive number of things in this last group, including the German tribe known as the Celts (being careful about my definitions around you). According to them a higher proportion of people in Britain have this 'Western European' DNA than people in.. Western Europe.
Also, they mention that they run the test 40 times in certain random regions of your DNA, and then average it. So my real amounts for any of the above have roughly plus or minus 35 percent, for the margin of error. I would like to hear from other Scots-Irish if their DNA is like that.
So I declare 100% Scots-Irish, whatever the fuck blood that even is, and what you consider the definition of is is.
Looks like we're doing this in opposite orders.
William Smith
The Bellamy Brothers & Alan Jackson - "You Ain't Just Whistling Dixie"
Eli Bennett
I reread the statements they have per group, and I think that that base set of DNA common to the whole British Isles from that 'Four Flags' book is what they list as 'Great Britain'. They aren't very clear and then they launch into a diatribe about 'REGION'S HISTORY' which is completely useless when you're trying to determine what it is they define something to be.
So I've got some amount of that original one also.
My best guess for 'Western European' is the Angles and Saxons and so on.
They also displayed some other peoples typical ranges, and they didn't have the massive margins of error that mine did, so I suppose that means there is a good deal of mixed blood from those three groups in me. Which sounds fairly typical for Scots-Irish to me, but like I said it would be interesting to hear from others.
Cameron Brooks
Also if you know some good books other than Albion's Seed, which seems to be the one everyone mentions, feel free to mention some.
Dylan Campbell
You're worse than a "kike", being an anti-white traitor.
Levi Stewart
Justin Jenkins
My favorites are: James Leyburn's Scotch-Irish; A Social History. This book is THE standard on the Scotch-Irish people.
Born Fighting, by Jim Webb. I don't agree with some of Webb's conclusions about the genetic origins of the Border Rievers, pretty much the same differences you and I have, but it's still a great book.
Cracker Culture; Celtic Ways in the Old South, by Prof. Grady McWhiney. This book doesn't focus on the Scotch-Irish per se, but it is about the impact of people who originated in Celtic countries had on the American South, it's culture, and laws. It's a really fun book to read, or was for me anyway. It brings lots of things into their proper perspective. For instance, the Old West culture that was celebrated in TV and movies was really Southern culture taken West, and came from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales before that. Such things as the ranging and branding of livestock were unique to Celtic culture.
The Steel Bonnets: The Story of the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers, by George MacDonald Fraser. The author of the Flashman series of historical novels wrote a non-fiction book about the story of his own ancestors. This book is not about the Scotch-Irish migration to America, but about the Border Reiver culture at home, how it came into being, and what it was like while it flourished.
Those are four I highly recommend.
William Reyes
I also highly recommend this BBC documentary on the Celts. It's fairly recent, and includes a lot of the DNA research they've been doing in the British Isles.
It's long, six one hour segments, but it's pretty damned good. I binged watched it over a weekend. I loved it.
Cooper Robinson
I got it. I agree we're intelligent enough. I think certain traits have probably been more important to our survival, and that of America itself as we have done so much of the nation's fighting, is the toughness that allowed us to settle the interior of the nation. We got that from centuries of constant warfare on the Borders. Jim Webb goes into this in the book I referenced in another post.
I like that. Well said! I never thought of it in exactly those terms, but I feel the same way. I grew up loving Dixie. I'll never change.
All sorts of ways are possible. You need to do that genealogy and find out. The internet makes that a WHOLE lot easier than it was when I started doing it 30+ years ago.
Very recent. I keep an eye on the ongoing program centered at Cambridge that's tracing the genetics of the British Isles. There are several good BBC documentaries which highlight the research. I looked for a certain one, but the results are clustered as fuck and I can't find it right now. I'll post a link when I do.
Alexander Wilson
pic related : "Southern Identity"
Jordan Stewart
My package from Ancestry should arrive today or tomorrow. I need to go that route for a start, because I want to verify the genetic links to some of my ancestors there. I have one link in particular that is, right now, merely a very solid guess. I think I'll also order the 23andme kit, just to see if the results are the same.
Dylan Thomas
that thing could feed a village….for months
Samuel Walker
One of my favorites!
I've done only a little research into what regimental flag was carried by the 1st SC Volunteer Cavalry. I had two ancestors in that unit. I've found NOTHING. It was made up of several smaller units, previously independent, and I've found company standards some of them carried, but absolutely nothing about Co. K or the regiment itself. Sad how much we've lost.
Christopher White
Go troll somewhere else, asshole.
Luis Bennett
Most people British folks are Haplogroup R1b.
R1b went through langauge-shift to Indo-European like other haplogroups in Europe like I, N and J when R1a Proto-Indo-Europeans arrived from steppe.
We don't know what R1b spoke before language-shift to Indo-European but Basques are unique population who still speak "Old Europe" aka Non-Indo-European language and they are all R1b haplogroup.
R1b was recently found in Villabruna, Italy dating back to 14,000 years ago. It arrived in Europe from Central Asia around 19,000 years ago.
Christopher Reyes
Jace Jenkins
I actually just got this one, but haven't read it yet.
Where bones that have modern Irish DNA are 2,000 years old well before 'the Germanic tribe known as the Celts' were around in Europe?
Because then it depends on what your definition of Celt is. That discovery is going to take some time to absorb, I think.
It's also one of the reasons why I don't think we should correct or do away with the Scots-Irish name. I think we should maintain the Celtic name even now, because it's also part of the culture, and we're of the few who it even applies to even without a Gaelic tongue.
After all, we still use the Tocharian name to refer to those mummies in China, despite the fact that that name came from some other group talking about some third other group and scholars mistakenly using it. That's still accepted and used, but has a much much less grip to reality.
Joseph Myers
I think that's probably a good thing as the government heads towards Greek-style collapse. We've got a better chance at keeping it.
Well I was always one of 'those' people in class who never needed to pay much attention and so on.
While there I just read novels instead. Lots of people were failing because they couldn't get it. The professor was one of the ones who is always super strict, the type who'd throw you out if you came late and so on, but didn't mind me reading.
Well if you look at Ulster, and that border region between England and Scotland, there are nowhere near the people as there are here. There aren't really that many other places we went. I don't think there are many of us in Canada, but there may be some in Australia. These places also have much lower populations.
It's one of the reasons why I don't like the 'immigration nation' idea, because this area already has a people. We already have 10+ generations in the ground. It is our homeland.
I had to think of it that way. That was the first step for me from breaking away from how I was raised. Both of my parents are super pro-Lincoln, pro-Union. Big fans of 'the melting pot', which is hilariously pure for me. They have 'Southern Pride', but think that yanks have 'Northern Pride' which isn't true.
They don't believe that the War for Southern Independence was about slavery, but they are glad it's one nation. Knowing of the genocide of white southerners didn't really change that.
They at least hate the idea of removing statues or street names or blasting Stone Mountain because that's all history, and history should be safe.
So once I figured out that I really do have an identity and a heritage and so on, it became important to me. Because I didn't have it before. The Lincolnite School System had successfully removed it.
The fact that it is our homeland, and my ancestors had it, means I need to do what I can to be sure my descendants have it. Even if I didn't have it starting out. Knowing there is something and someone to defend is how I broke free.
It's how I'm able to say that Dixie should not be given away to yanks or other foreigners. This must be in place to make the moral argument that it shouldn't be for just anyone who shows up. It's no less crazy than what the UK or Germany are doing to their own people and homelands.
So how reliable is the automatic stuff ancestry will do? Because I think it's worth to pay for it if it's trustworthy at all.
Charles Nguyen
Hopefully that stays relevant and they don't really just turn themselves into the Islamic State of Britain, populated by nothing but Arabs and Turks and so on.
There's a cotton version of that flag on ebay that's super pretty. Maybe I'll find an excuse in my family tree to own one.
I do agree completely. Nothing makes you more aware than just having been 'american'.
Well just keep in mind that actual genetic selection from the parents is somewhat random. Even if it's not found, that's not proof it wasn't true.
You can only prove it true.
Well that depends on if the story I linked here
is correct in asserting that the Celtic languages actually originated on the west edges of Europe and then moved in rather than the other way around as is the current model.
Brandon Butler
All those do is make your research easier. I used to have to spend hours driving and hours going through material to find something to look at, and it often did me no good. The hints are just, "Hey. Look at this." You still have to verify what you've found. Even before the internet people were lazy and made assumptions. With the internet it's even worse. I started by talking to my oldest relatives, then went to the censuses. That's the best way to start.
Henry Wright
Don't take it hard. Public schools did a lot of harm to the Southern identity. History is written by the victors. It took several generations to get to the point where your parents sympathized with your great-great-grandparents conquerors; it'll take several more to undo it.
Colton Sullivan
I felt the same way after reading the book. Then I read Webb's positions and changed my mind. It's hard to believe the guy who wrote that book could take such pozzed positions. Sad, really.
Jayden Nguyen
I really don't remember. It goes into the fact that the original Celts came from Bavaria. It has a part where they discuss the Celtic invasion of the British Isles, and how that theory is losing ground. It goes into all sorts of stuff. It's a seriously good doc.
Joseph Watson
keep your nogs in the south dixie fag, your people bought them from the jews so theyre your problem. no one wants your niggers
Luke Richardson
Nobody does, m8.
Luis Garcia
I'm from Missouri and potatonigger. Am I truly southern?
Evan Barnes
why havent southerners just massacre all their outdated farming equipment yet? I know you cant send them all to africa but you could at least do something. this was the country that wiped out indians with small pox and guns. And we cant even deal with the negro problem,
Josiah Gray
All dead.
I thought that was normal, but apparently it's not.
Yeah, I get that. It just really really really sucks.
At least there are people who that never happened to who have written books that I can read, so I can learn the truth.
I just feel like it shouldn't be something I need to come to by research.
Robert Powell
You're the morons that freed them, then gave them the vote, then enslaved the states to the federal government. Great job fucktard.
In the short term I'm much more concerned with the 'Syrian refugees'. At some point there will be a fight.
I think they may even manage to convert many of the niggers, to make them an even larger problem.
They may have been bought from kikes, but they in turn bought them from sand niggers.
"Although it is usually today considered part of the Midwest,[23][24] Missouri was historically considered by many to be a border state, chiefly because of the settlement of migrants from the South and its status as a slave state before the Civil War, balanced by the influence of the St. Louis. The counties that made up "Little Dixie" were those along the Missouri River in the center of the state, settled by Southern migrants who held the greatest concentration of slaves."
Well there you go.
Maryland was Southern before they were all massacred. That's the reason Baltimore is a horror show today.
Near as I can tell we were more accepting of you guys than the North was.
Leo Adams
Also it seems they were already very small numbers from some seal plauge or something before we showed up. After that we really just were recruited continuously by one tribe against another. There were indians on both sides of most wars between different european factions too.
So it wasn't exactly intentional.
Unlike the flood of Mexicans everywhere, that's very intentional.
I wish the Injuns had Oklahoma and we had won the war. Much preferable to the spic niggers who cut out people's hearts. We wouldn't have had any of those people on our land. The Injuns of Oklahoma wouldn't have let them into their land either.
Matthew Murphy
My ancestors were not northerners. My ancestors were off spreading the good word of the holy prophet joseph smith (beace be upon him). My people didnt free anyone, if anything they sympathised with the CSA. So fuck off you easily butthurt dixiefag
David Barnes
kek, well okay then.
You guys used to have that 'dark skin root of all evil' thing going.
Jack Miller
Looks like the Hispanics are the big problem demographically. The other non-Whites are way smaller.
Mason Ortiz
Isaac Price
The Natives of the Americas had been dying to smallpox in massive numbers since 1642 at the very least. Hispaniola's native population was wiped out pretty quickly mostly due to disease and the natives were cut down by it in massive numbers during Cortez's expedition to Tenochtitlan in the early 16th century. It wasn't hard for smallpox to spread North and the natives up North got extra doses as Europeans began landing further North in North America.
Tecumseh did fight for the British and some black slaves as well. Lincoln would later start emancipating black slaves and using them against the South as well. There were blacks that fought for the South, but by that point it was already over.
The Aztec and one other native empire South of them were notoriously bloody and not well liked at all. That's why Cortez had such an easy time finding other tribes to side with him against them. However, ideas between the Americas did spread very rapidly as did trade to a degree.
That's because disease won't carry Europeans to an easy victory this time without massive collateral damage. The Dutch are largely to blame though as they're the ones that initially got the rest of Europe hooked on black slaves, which meant they were brought to the Americas in mass.
Isaiah Davis
The South may have won or at least pressured the North to a ceasefire with favorable terms had they won Antietam. However, the South lost Antietam and the Confederate Western generals were absolute jokes.
It was game over once Sherman and Grant took over and pushed the South's shit in. France wouldn't back them at that point and Britain was very anti-slavery as well, which meant they never got any recognition. England also started getting cotton from their colonies in India and Egypt which buttfucked the South something fierce.
Ethan Thompson
Tampa area I can confirm its mostly snowbirds. I have to drive four hours north to get to my hunting land and the real start of the south.
Michael Gomez
The Confederates would have benefited greatly with European support, there's no doubt, but it was a losing battle from the start. They had the capacity to only fight back for so long until they exhausted their resources and the blockade didn't help. Maybe if the French broke down and supported them, since they were aiming for a Confederate victory so they can both conquer Mexico, they could have had a stronger chance but then that would mean warring against the North which they hadn't a chance. Really, the Confederates needed the Brits to win, and even then, it'd have to be from Canada, which the North could easily invade by the time they had their own industrial revolution, plus the Brits were more interested in maintaining their empire than to partake in wars like this (though their common hatred for the yanks certainly made them think twice). They had no chance, shame but the results are the results.
Noah Lee
That's true. The North had both the industrial might and the sheer manpower to both keep fighting and wear down the South, which it did. The North had a population of about 21 million at the time to the South's 7 million.
I think it was Lee that stated that the war had to end early or else the South would get steamrolled by the North the longer the conflict dragged on. Desertion rates towards the end of the war were terrible for the South as well.
The Emancipation Proclamation shifted the anti-Slavery brits away from the South and that was that on that front. Had the border states completely flipped to the Confederacy, then I could see the war being dragged out longer and being a lot bloodier than what it was. The South put all their eggs in one basket, cotton, and it fucked them in the end.
Logan Clark
It was him, Lee was a genius, a real tactical challenge against the Northerners but even his strategic insight couldn't have won the war. The Southerners needed two things: British support and their own Emancipation of Slaves. You can argue the South fought for state rights but one of the underlining reasons why they fought was on slavery, and it was kind of understandable, it would have been a fucking nightmare to have owned a farm and do all the farming yourself, especially if you were older. But as slavery became taboo in Europe and America, they started to suffer from their pro-slavery policy. In order to have been taken seriously, they needed to abandon slavery and proclaim themselves a culturally different nationality seeking independence from what they believe were oppressors. The British hated the North and would have loved to have seen the South break away but they couldn't support a pro-slavery country.
Jayden Kelly
Jonathan Morris
The Emancipation also gave the North a clear goal whereas the Southern states were pretty divided. Various states held onto their own manpower just in case the North attacked them, which meant the Armies of Virginia, etc. were not as strong as they could have been.
There was also a pretty big divide between the large plantation owners who held many slaves and the yeomen who held a few or none. It became an issue where the Civil War became a "rich man's war, but a poor man's fight". There were Northerners that were wealthy enough to pay for someone else to take their place, but there were also a whole lot more Northers to throw at the war. The South didn't have that luxury, so every loss hurt a lot more for them and the desertion rates didn't help either.
Julian Young
Very true. I even just had one that I've never seen before deliver my pizza today. Had a heavy accent and everything.
Also that's only the legal ones. The illegal ones are at least as numerous.
What I was saying is that even upon first landing they were already post-apocalyptic from that seal plague even before anything we brought.
Forests and so on had had time to recover, which they had been chopping completely.
I'm not saying smallpox isn't a thing.
Carson Kelly
That's why I referred to yanks moving to the south as immigration.
It's really no different, because they're changing the nature of it just by showing up in massive numbers. Most of the large cities are like that.
Both of those things came close.
There already were free blacks fighting, and slaves doing certain non-combat roles. They had started talking about giving slaves their freedom if they fought. But that was very late in the war.
Slavery would have eventually ended anyway. Just as it ended in the 1880's in Brazil. Which is why I don't consider it a factor. Nobody went to war over Brazil having slaves. Nobody is going to war with ISIS because they have slaves.
The real problem was the change of the States no longer having control of who could vote or who could be a citizen. That war would have been fought even if there had never been slavery, for all the same reasons.
Comparatively, just how large was the southern white genocide though? Because I know civilians were killed. I know it was a good deal of them. But I haven't read enough to have compared those two.
Thomas Rodriguez
Michael Cox
Just keep in mind the hispanics will have no jobs in 10-15 years with automation.
Neither will blacks, or most whites for that matter.
Asians and whites will be the last ones standing.
Hudson James
I was lucky I guess. I loved to read. I started reading about all that before I turned 10. By 5th grade I was arguing with my history teachers. Two of them let me teach a class. I was also lucky in my family. My grandfather remembered stories of his grandfather fighting at Gettysburg and other places. He told me those stories when I was very young. It's all out there, it's just not taught in school. I understand that. The USA is not going to teach history that's sympathetic to a war waged against it. They're not going to teach that the US flag flew at your school because it was put there at the point of a gun. That wouldn't make you want to grow up to be a good American, to pay your taxes, and die in whatever war the US got into.
Ayden Roberts
The main reason Maryland stayed in the Union was the Lincoln had all the pro-secession legislators arrested and imprisoned at Fort McHenry for the duration of the war. He justified this by pointing out that if Maryland had seceeded, DC would have been cut off from the rest of the US. I love to compare the Boston Massacre of the Revolution to the Baltimore "Riot" of the WBTS; what was the difference? British soldiers shooting civilians in one war, US soldiers shooting civilians in the other. Ooops! Guess we'd better call that second one a "riot."
Easton Cooper
Blacks never riot in the South.
Blacks are out of control in every way in the North.
Henry Ramirez
Cuck, get out.
Isaiah Bennett
Well it's true.
You let your negros out of line, and you're paying the price.
Jordan Brown
Mason Hernandez
You're the one getting cuckolded, up there in chiggaboon country.
Can you even own a gun in your liberal dindu state?
Colton Perez
Better to have no guns than be proud of multi-racialism, cuckservative.
David Harris
Bentley Thomas
That's never what I said.
Hell, the cops can't even shoot them, up there, because they know they'll lose their job, and half the city will chimp out.
Josiah Cox
War is not a numbers game. On paper the American colonies had no chance against Britain, the numbers were even greater for Britain than they were for the North. Even after France and other powers intervened the war was a very uncertain thing and could have gone either way until the decisive victory at Yorktown.
The south could have, and almost did, win. They won most of the battles, they just didn't win the one(s) that mattered. All they needed was to make the Union public demand a peace, which again, they almost did. A complete Southern victory did not require a complete Union defeat.
Nicholas Baker
You're not even being honest now. How much racial intermarriage happens in white states like in Mid-West and in the North-West?
Camden Mitchell
Blonde amerifat with aviators looks really grave and dignified in this comic, for some reason.
Michael Kelly
Are you kidding me? Have you ever been to the midwest? Every city would disagree with you.
The mid and North West are nigger infested racemixing Liberal cocksucking states.
Source: I've lived there. All over.
Source: I watched a small city get over run by blacks over the course of a few months.
There's a reason Northern Florida is called Lower Alabama.
Here's some shitty OC. Feel free to correct if you feel the lines should be moved.
Cameron Gray
The South couldn't win, and I'll tell you why: opsec
Colton Jenkins
Camden Richardson
It apparently was very marginal, there's no official records so that could mean too many were to properly document or too little were killed to be significant, I'll leave that to you.
Dylan Collins
Pro tip:
Luke Price
Nobody knows for sure, but not because the number of deaths was insignificant. Record keeping was poor even in the army, due to the US blockade and short supplies. There was never a Confederate census. Comparing the US censuses of 1860 to that of 1870 has been ruled out for a number of reasons. One being the great shifting of people throughout the South, especially freed slaves, and the Yankee carpetbagger invasion. There are also a lot of problems with the 1870 census all by itself. For some reason it's not nearly as complete as either the 1860 or 1880 censuses. The war was fought between armies only until Sherman invaded the South, and Sheridan the Shenandoah Valley. The destruction they caused resulted in starvation and death, especially among the young and old. There was also outright murder of civilians by Union forces. We know of many of these cases because some Union officers reported them in spite of Henry Halleck's Order No. 100, instructing them they didn't have to report the depredations of their troops. There were rapes, some of which resulted in the death of the victim. One such was a preteen black girl, gang-raped in the street in Columbia, SC, when Sherman invaded that city. Disease, starvation, and a shortage of clean drinking water in the cities were the biggest killers of civilians, however. The low estimate of Southern civilian deaths is 50,000. This estimate is the one given by Prof. James McPherson. Others have put the figure higher, which it almost certainly is, but I don't think it's as high as the 100,000+ estimates I've seen.
Ayden Sanders
How is this so hard to do? Can't it just be done using analytic techniques? Why the fuck don't we know by now?!
Alexander Myers
The sources don't exist to determine an accurate number.
Bentley Gonzalez
all that shit being used on the boons can be used on the US too.
Camden Adams
Okay, let's say that's actually the trajectory.
The thing is, the new immigrants won't stop. The 'lottery' for who 'gets' to come won't stop. Them breeding like cockroaches won't stop.
They'll all just be on welfare instead. They'll all still be able to vote as well.
We are still in serious trouble.
Nathaniel Thomas
Jack Brown
So did I, I just had no access to those sorts of books, and no particular awareness that it even existed.
That would be cool. You should probably document them in any way you like if you haven't already.
This is why centralized schooling was a bad idea. That was already going to be true, it just got much worse after the cultural marxists took it over.
When they touched on the civil war in school I could just tell there was more to it than that. They still called it the War of Northern Aggression, but the content was much the same of only caring about slavery and so on. But I wasn't particularly motivated to delve deeper until I started seeing how things were quickly changing for the worse.
Didn't he have a supreme court justice or two tossed in as well?
It occurs to me as somewhat ironic when people tell me that we can't just deport the muslims because some of them have citizenship. which we never were asked about But Lincoln had no right to do what he did, and that was much worse. So what's the difference?
James Reyes
That sounds horrifying.
Well I'm not Floridian, so I find it useful in any case.
Well I have seen someone say that they were looking through genealogy type records, and then got weirded out and looked at even more from that time period. He said that it looked like essentially an entire generation was simply missing in the south.
This was before I saved stuff like that the second I saw it. But it certainly explains how we are where we are.
I know they also invaded any house, or really just any building, they found stole everything then burned them down.
More than likely anything like that would have to be done just by us. They aren't going to fund anything like that for fear of accidentally driving others into being actual Southerners again.
Easton Richardson
It's hard not to kid you because you act like a childish (kid) cuck, any kidding is entirely inadvertent.
You've already been dishonest, and everybody knows that the South is so filled up with coloureds that it has a special place in the United States of 2016 because of it. There goes your credibility, user….
Southern Identity is great but the Western US has a strong White Identity as well.
All you have to do is travel 30 minutes outside your big urban areas and you are surrounded by Country Folk.
Here in California, when you leave the LA Basin or SF Bay Area and drive into the Central Valley, people speak as if they just arrived from Oklahoma.
Even behind the Emerald Curtain (Humbolt etc) they are rednecks (and often meth heads).
Isaiah Smith
But there are obese people in all of the States
Joseph Davis
Rural white working class culture =/= Southern culture.
I have nothing in common with some rednecks from California, Pennsylvania or New York. I have nothing against them. You look at working class communities across the US whether it's in the South or elsewhere and they're ravaged by degeneracy. They're in a terrible condition. It's nothing to be proud of at least from my perspective. Working class Southerners are my people, though and I don't look down on them. I want to help them. I have a connection to working class Southerners but it doesn't extend to the working class broadly across the US.
I'd be able to get along better with some middle or upper class yanks than some meth addicts from Central Valley, California. There is absolutely no way I'd associate with a meth addict. That's completely out of the question.
Levi Reyes
oy vey, why won't these crazy white people just accept the joys of liberalism, multiculturism and sexual equality already :^( :^(
Eli Thompson
Come on user Brevard isn't shit why can't we be part of Dixie?
John Wood
Just listened to episode 11, I'll get there. It's pretty good, and they cover a lot. Including things I should have known before.
I'll read that 'Our Southern Nation' book eventually, but I'm not sure I'll fully agree with that 'Golden Circle' stuff. Because even if those places somewhat followed our civilization model they still aren't us by blood. They were Frenchmen and Portuguese and so on.
The saddest part is that telescopic philanthropy that the libcucks are so good at.
They look down especially on working class Southerners. Wouldn't help them/us if the house was on fire.
Then they go out of their way to spend our money to help brown people anywhere else on the planet.
Anthony Young
Looks like coastline.
The snowbirds haven't replaced all locals there?
Juan Miller
The difference between the south and the north, is that the morbidly obese are black up north.
Tyler Thomas
Jordan Allen
What the fuck do your women eat!?! They look like pigs.
Josiah Jenkins
Ian Brooks
It's not everyone, but it does exist obviously.
Yeah, that and the chemicals and such people started using in the 60's-70's probably has something to do with it.
I don't think it's only degeneracy.
Leo Watson
Ryder Walker
Those are American women in the same way European women are barren coalburning whores
Thanks for helping keep this thread alive for almost a month now.
Jeremiah Bennett
Connor Reyes
That map is fucking garbage.
Dominic Richardson
I know the pain. I live in north Clark County WA though. Growing up there was more confederate flags that american. They (school districts) are trying to change that though. But we have a 95% white christian population, so not many people care about their efforts.
Christian Lewis
No, it's not. That average IQ. Think of all the nigs in those areas who bring the average way down.
I don't know how TX stays that green with all the beaners they have down there.
Jeremiah Cruz
Waiting on my DNA analysis to come back. I guess I have a few weeks yet, but I'm anxious to see what kind of mutt I am. No chance of being pure Aryan phenotype, but I know I have mostly German, Celtic, and Anglo-Saxon ancestors according to my genealogy. At least that's what I think so far. I only got back to the immigrant ancestors. Lord only knows what those people did back over the pond.
Michael Brown
You don't test illegals.
Huh, good to know.
How has the ban the Confederate Everything movement gone there?
Nathan Moore
Recently started learning about my family history and just had to say it. It's a good feeling knowing your ancestors are fighters
Leo Edwards
Did you have any hint of either before you started looking?
It's interesting how many with that sort of German history seem to have gone to America. I think you're the first Dixzi-hybrid I've seen though.
But yeah, Southerners in general seem to be fighters.
Carson Hernandez
Justin Sanders
Jace Walker
Yup military SpecOps are full of Southerners.
Mason Bailey
How many of which are electric generators?
I remember a statistic that less than half of dams in general are hydroelectric.
Xavier Lopez
My southern family is very loud and proud of their dixie heritage. My father told me every detail going back to pre-america history on his mother's side. But not anything on his fathers. The little I know of my grandfather's is history born in 1945-50 sweden to swedish/german parents. They abandon him(??) and his sister who both ended up with their grandparents in eastern germany. At some point he moved here to the US. I have never met him but I was going through my dad's attic one day and found a wwii era walter p38 with autrian factory stamp. It's in damn fine condition. Can't remember when it was made but it was early in the war. Along with it was a knife in a leg-strap sheath. It had a red/gold hilt and a prominent swastika on the pommel. Don't know whatever happened to that stuff though…
Oliver Ward
>yfw your great-grandfather sniped gooks in WW2 even though WW2 was pozzed feelsgoodman.jpg
I'm okay with this.
Here's the updated map for you. I also added some other stuff.
top b8 m8, i r8 8/8
Blake Turner
Ah. Like I said earlier, all of mine was like you described on his fathers side. It was only Southern, though.
Did you find any dead relatives during the War to Prevent Southern Independence?
Since you highlighted it, is that what the people in the panhandle think of themselves as?
I know that that shape is an artifact of Spanish Florida before Andrew Jackson pushed them out.
Hunter Allen
Juan Barnes
Lived in Texas all my life. Don't care about any of this. None of it matters and it's just stupid. Move on with your life.
Hudson Miller
my people were the of the first colonies
i can trace my heritage all the way back to the Gillespies
Chase Perry
Cameron Cooper
Caleb Nelson
Texas hasn't been Southern for over a century. Fuck off.
Camden Sanchez
If you google it, it seems the stars are all completely random.
What even is?
The fact that we're living in an occupied nation and have been lied to daily about everything is stupid and doesn't matter?
What about how Washington D.C. runs everything, and that's not how it started? Even after they've killed what it is to be just 'American'? Because people think that anyone with a piece of paper saying they're a citizen are 'American', even while they're flying Mexican flags, identify with Mexico, only care about their Mexican friends and family and so on.
I think this is the wrong site for you.
Jordan Adams
AFAIK most of them survived (weird considering the Southern mortality rate) but they're all dead now anyways.
I highlighted the Panhandle because it really should be AL instead of FL a good portion of people here are from AL anyways, including myself. I also did it because of homeland pride tbqh fam
Lucas Robinson
Incest and methamphetamine abuse is not a cultural identity
Also how can those who are not southern, but support the southern cause help (if at all)?
Henry Rivera
I care more about white people exterminating non-whites before anything like that. After that we can decide what cultures are the most distinct and worth demarcating.
Ryan Brown
There's not so much difference between the Deep South and Appalachia. Most of the genetics are the same: British Islanders (English, Scots-Irish, Protestant Irish, etc.). The shitty British stock settled up in the Northeast.
Connor Johnson
Here's a map of where Irish lived after the 1850 migration wave.
Jayden Howard
He said protestant Irish, as in scotch-irish, who are more scottish than irish, not that they're very different. All the shitty papist irish and jewsih-tier puritan brits are yankees.
Bentley Jackson
The map doesn't differentiate between Catholics and Protestants. Scot-Irish came much earlier and settled in uninhabited land mostly in Appalachia. The North was using the Irish as a weapon against the South.
Jack Green
I wouldn't argue with any of that but Irish not including Ulster Scots were papists.
Kayden Nguyen
what a faggy cuckservative meme
Henry Lee
oy fucking vey new york jews are still asshurt someone tried to resist their tyranny
Jack Martin
the south was a lot friendlier to catholics than the north jefferson davis was educated in a catholic school in kentucky, there were catholic members of the land-owning aristocracy in the south unlike the north, arguably the CSA's most prominent foreign endorsement came from Pope Pius IX, and there was a catholic in Davis' first Confederate cabinet: Stephen Mallory also Louisiana, and the French & Spanish legacy
Robert Scott
London cancer becomes New York/Massachussetts cancer
what a fucking surprise
Hunter Smith
I dunno whether my Irish descendants were actually Irish or Scotch-Irish, but the first record I have of them says the man came from Dublin and was born in 1804. Been in Alabama ever since.
Not to my knowledge ever had any papists in the family, but my great uncle was an Orthodox priest.
Jason White
Go back to Maryland you fucking papist, the south is the best example of the protestant ethic, we are the best example of hard-working americans, we even worked our niggers to death within weeks. Catholics don't very hard and many southerners are aware of that. The South, like Scotland, Ulster Scots and the English who are the entire ethnic makeup of the south are protestants, and the god-tier kind that doesn't include puritans either. Anglicans FTW, presbyterians are okay and baptists are fucking plebs.
John White
Kayden Foster
Also Louisiana are a bunch of papists swamp frogs who were dumb enough to enlist niggers in their regiments. They fought so whatever, but they didn't deal with the naval blockades in the second war of independence so well.
Zachary Watson
It's be easier to just gas them tbh.
Eli Morgan
It hurts me to read this. One of similar ethnic lineage could convert within a single generation, as the hereditary basis for such behavior is laid by nature as if rail tracks from the past leading towards that destiny.
Many white Americans are embracing a Southern ideal while identity becomes fluid, flimsy, and meaningless. Uphold your group homogeneity with pride but keep this Eighteenth century attitude at bay unless you relish your own extinction.
Caleb Watson
I sure as hell hope not. Papists should be kicked out of the US imho. They can go take the holy land, depose their pope, and beg forgiveness from protestants if they want redemption so bad.
That sounds like something one of my closet marxist professors once said.
fuck off taig
Cameron Torres
Why do you think that?
Cooper Ward
Almost got into immortal Nicholas Cage territory there.
Ah, ok.
The papists fought on both sides.
Didn't know about that one.
kek, hadn't thought of it that way.
I think he means the general standard 'American' identity, given what's going on. The one that only really formed after Lincoln won.
The Southern identity is instead very solid. Could explain that county in Washington State that was mentioned earlier that flies Confederate flags.
I don't know if true or not, but I do know that it's spreading north through Appalachia.
Cameron Evans
Southern identity is not the same thing as white working class culture. You'll find rednecks in every state. The rednecks in New York, Washington and Pennslyvania are yanks. Southern identity includes working class, middle class and upper class and what they all have in common is a blood bond to the land.
Carter Gomez
Catholics were, and still are, very much a minority in the South.
The Irish in the South were as Catholic as they were everywhere else. You have to draw the distinction between native Irish and the Ulster Scots (Scotch Irish), the latter of which settled the Appalachian and Southern interior. They were Protestants.
The later waves of Irish were almost all native Irish, and nearly all settled up North. Nearly. There were exceptions.
I applaud being against the current pope, but I am not anti-Catholic. Pat Buchanan is a Catholic. We needs whites of European heritage, and I don't care about this old argument concerning trivial differences in the interpretation of the Christfag religion.
I have been very, very pro-Southern all my life. Every single line of my ancestry has at least one Confederate veteran in it. I lost family in that war. My family lost property after that war.
I once had Southern Nationalist tendencies. No more. We must all stick together.
Jacob Powell
I am from Kansas City and grew up in southern Georgia my entire life. The South's mexican and black populations are exploding, and the young people here either want to live in Atlanta or get as far away from here as possible. It is a tough situation. My suburb where I grew up began as a picturesque paradise town for white families in the 50s. Then they built the Wal Mart, promising us it wouldn't attract seedy types. 6 months later, a huge low-income neighborhood complex is built directly behind the Wal Mart. A few years later, Mexicans overwhelmingly populate it. A few years after that, Mexicans begin buying out entire low-income neighborhoods. Now, a solid part of the city is Little Mexico.
In 1996 the Olympics came to Atlanta. One of the first things our government did was demolish a lot of slums to build stadiums and relocate this trash throughout the state. My town got 2-3 public housing apartment complexes built. Today, all the surrounding neighborhoods have had their property values slashed by more than half, the streets are noticeably dirtier, and its extremely black there.
These people have 3-5 kids per woman, and they will not stop breeding. As they take over more and more of the neighborhoods, property values drop, quality of public schools goes down, and whites flock to the next newly built suburb, ever further out in the wilderness, further and further from Atlanta, and enroll our kids in private schools with fences around them to keep the 3rd world hordes out. White flight is the essence of living in the suburbs down here, and it's going to get much worse.
We are fucked. Georgia is by far the best Southern state, and if we are fucked, it WILL spill over into the other states very soon. Prepare your anus, Dixiecrats.
Nolan Davis
When was the other time we were overrun by spics niggers and moslems?
Cameron Morales
Not by beaners and muslims, but by blacks.There used to be a lot more of them in the South.
There were two great migrations of black out of the South, and mostly into the North.
Asher Powell
Oh, what percentage of the population did they make up before the migration?
Noah Kelly
I don't know why, but everybody thinks I'm an encyclopedia today.
Landon Williams
In this table you can see that slaves outnumbered whites in South Carolina and Mississippi in 1860.
Jackson Adams
The guy was claiming that people are beginning to identify with that culture because of the death of American culture. I merely laid out a plausible case. I don't know the source of that particular place nor if whites in general are turning to it. If it is happening and they start growing in each area themselves, rather than moving to the South, I fail to see how that's a bad thing. Could even be remaking America in general in our image and then keeping our land.
What you say is true, but many people who should belong in it look down their noses at it. Plenty of others insist it's not real.
Or are you making an insane case that people in northern Appalachia aren't southern despite sharing a similar blood bond with land and genetics with many of the rest of southerners?
Nationalism in general should have an ethnic component. The South already has a very well defined set of people for that, we don't actually need outsiders. We only need to put effort into the set of people that we are, once we can actually choose that for ourselves.
This is only relevant in the greater context of white genocide. Because once you go beyond that you start getting into the source of why civilizations collapse, which is homogeneity or the lack thereof.
For all I know the South as is could be the last place in 100 years that even has whites, so discounting the Southern Nationalist sense of belonging isn't necessarily a good idea.
Asher Young
While I tend to find most "Southern Pride" types to basically be a bunch of good goy, beer swilling, frankly degenerate, basic bitch conservatives; I would really like to see the South pull it's shit together culturally speaking.
I don't think the whole "we're better than the north because we're still racist" concept really pans out, because the South is kind of the shit-hole of the US. The highest murder rates, highest rates of teen pregnancy and repeat teen pregnancy, the most dysfunctional schools outside of Detroit, poverty of all races abounds, rampant drug addiction, and probably a lot of over-stated memes.
But the whole "this is what the south means" or "this is what the south stands for" kind of stuff, really doesn't float. What the 'south' generally means is basically low country semi-3rd worldness, bbq, niggers, chewing tobacco (no hate there, former Grizz dipper), NASCAR, and sweaty people.
Even when/where the South was actually "classy" it was largely nepotistic 'good ol' boy' systems; especially in Alabama. Political corruption was born in the South, between Jew bankers and slave traders, gentile power-brokers, the Democratic party, the original Klan (aka the original special interest group and the original gun control group).
So, as someone who was conceived south of the mason-dixon, but born north of it. I do sympathize for those of you who want to identify. I think it's a bit D&C-ish. America needs to be one team, united we stand after all. But if the South wants to be proud of itself, it has a LONG fucking way to go.
Asher Baker
inb4 I get some tirade about Christianity and some christcuck's wife's son, the constitution, and liberty
Nolan Cooper
That is all horrifying and completely disgusting. That sort of breeding by the worst of society is the other thing that ends civilization every single time.
Probably because you're old enough to know things that have been edited out of history.
Yanks have farther. Bunch of 'real american' commies.
This has never really been true, and I'm not going to lose what redpilled me in the first place because you're butthurt.
It was only true after enough southerners were raped and murdered and they wanted the evil to stop. The Federal takeover of all States is what got us here in the first place. No cultural marxism could have spread like it has without it..
That's also always the attitude of Yanks that I hate. They inevitably think they're better than us, and we should throw everything we are and have away, and place yank interests first, and become them because 'same team'. The attitude proves we're not. Yanks have proven they're not interested in acting like it's true either.
The States themselves have always been and should always be the important unit, not the Federal Government that allowed the Federal Reserve Bank and everything else to happen. It's the way we were founded, and it's only been downhill since that changed.
The sort of cultural destruction we're talking about is multi-generational. It takes time for the people to recover, and we now also have to contend with the false history of ourselves that we're taught. Without a non-self-hating version of history it's not possible to do much.
It's no different than how all white children are now taught that their ancestors were evil white genocidal colonizers and being surprised they're committing suicide at higher rates than everyone else. Especially after all media continually tells them they're evil and have white guilt and should apologize for white privilege.
Then why are so many yanks and foreigners moving in all the time?
There are lots of blacks and spics, which is already where the majority of that already ends.
The rest is anti-white racism in general and anti-white southerner specifically as the last major group that it's fine to want to, and actually, kill. Yanks and non-whites and foreigners are always given preferential treatment. They always give education aid and so on to anyone but white southerners, and the one time they actually did do that it had a massive impact which was promptly ignored.
We are working on it. You should listen to episode 112 on TRS of Rebel Yell.
You don't, not remotely.
Xavier Brown
The south is being purposefully inundated with mexicans and south of the border invaders in general. The culture is quickly fleeting if you live anywhere else but the rural towns. Any city that has a walmart or is near one has turned. Not to mention a lot of 'heritage not hate!' traitors that just want to get over the past and watch sports ball.
Nolan Allen
We won, but who the hell identifies as a Yank? The only people who use that are hicks who are sore about the Civil War.
Please tell me more about how the Civil War was about state's rights. Dude, I'm not that fucking stupid. The Civil War was sold by the slave holding ruling class of the South to the working class rubes as a state's rights issue. And you're not gonna find me talking fondly of the Federal Reserve.
I don't get my impression of the South from watching (((media))), I've lived in various parts of the South. I have many good friends from the South, and all "Southern" nationalists frankly have my complete support.
Northerners are generally moving to states like Texas, because of jobs and it's less shitty than California. If we're talking about more bible-belt states, it's jobs. Car factories are popping up in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina; not in NY or Oregon.
They're more represented than whites, shocking. But to say that Southern whites have the same crime rates and other metrics of social-poo in the loo status as other regions, is just flat out BS. inb4 GUBMENT LIES
I plan on downloading the last couple episodes after I catch up on DS/FTN from the last month or so while I was away from home and internet.
That's like, your opinion, man.
Xavier Williams
the South is basically the world niggers of whites
Daniel Lopez
The motivation of the defense of slavery was about fear of Red Republicanism, therefore slavery, therefore state's rights. Slavery was the issue that the South took a final stand on to resist liberalism. There was never anything wrong with slavery in America. Slaves were treated well and had good lives better than they would have otherwise had. The South knew that if the slaves were freed that the federal government would give them citizenship and the vote which happened shortly after the war ended.
Ryder Stewart
The Russian betrayed him. Bonaparte was a man of his word, you betray him, you get fucked. In that case that didn't turn out good for him.
Levi Smith
What you're doing is failing to recognize, again, where the power was before. People identified as being from their State, rather than just federal americans. That is how it should be.
Just like today people in the UK identify as British. If they don't vote to secede, then they will identify as 'European' within 100 years, perhaps 50. It is exactly the same thing.
If America were a set of 50 Allied States with Schengen-like mobility as normal but Citizenship status controlled by said States, then there would be no problem. We in the South could focus on ourselves, bettering our people and our culture. Limit the number of people coming in, from everywhere including the other Allied States, because that just keeps those on the bottom right at the bottom. Fifty competing States would also be far more dynamic.
It actually doesn't matter what started it, the result of that war is that the United States is completely top-down ruled by our very own version of Brussels.
Then don't use the rhetoric of the Enforced Union by gunpoint, with healthy dashes of contempt.
Don't call it 'D&C-ish' to want to be and remain Southern.
Instead make the original arguments about a voluntary alliance, with healthy dashes of self-determination.
If I can have what I want in a new Union with a weaker central power, then that is what I would prefer. Most of the time it seems even that is asking too much.
Never quite figured out why there are so many Holla Forums florida bros. was true of halfchan as well.
With respect to your map, the county map might give the impression that more of the state is liberal. it generally isnt. for instance, most of alachua county is *highly* southern and conservative. It's really just the city of Gainesville that is lefty on account of it being a college town.
I'd make 'Dixie border' more or less parallel with the I4 corridor, so move it south slightly and straighten it out. Living in florida, i've noticed that a lot of the migration is instinctual.
Once you get beyond Orlando / I4 Corridor, it's not just the culture that changes. It's the climate as well. You leave the humid-subtropical climate of the US southeast and enter a tropical savanah. Florida is already pretty flat, hot, humid, and dumb… south florida is even flatter, hotter, humider, and dumber.
Henry Wright
Michael Taylor
Ian Gonzalez
This entire thread's premise is D&C.
North and South does not matter. What matters is racially aware whites versus non-racially aware whites, niggers, spics, pajeets and slimes.
Lumping "Yanks" into one group is just as retarded as lumping "Rednecks" into one group.
It's stupid and it doesn't do a damn thing for the white race, just sows more pointless conflict between people who should be united in preserving whiteness.
Elijah Walker
Angel Parker
Do you see why what you're saying is fucking idiotic and helps the Jewish agenda?
America was white from the beginning and the only thing that changed that was the kikes subverting our culture in a bid for shekels. The country was founded in the Northeast by ex-British nationals and grew exponentially due to Europeans immigrating to the colonies in search of a better way of life. Europeans of many different heritages who came and built something unlike anywhere in the world here in America because they wanted opportunity and freedom. The civil war was driven by kikes who wanted to divide whites of European roots and exploit them for their gains. Geography matters little when faced with actual DNA. You're playing into the kikes hands here by making the case that somehow Southern white people should oppose Northern white people based on geographically driven "reasons". The kikes want us to be divided because it makes us easier to manipulate that way.
I've already stated that all that matters now is if white people in the USA are racially aware or not. Everything else is a fucking silly detail. Either you understand that race matters or you don't. Trying to make this a North vs. South thing distracts from the actual problem; Globalist Jews trying to further enslave White nations for monetary gain.
It makes me doubt your legitimacy when you are this shortsighted in a time where the literal future of our people is at stake. It makes me think you're a kike.
Evan Evans
You fucking double nigger, my point was the fact that instead of being a nationalist for your own nation (the U.S has atleast three inside of it) you want to buy into some dumbfuck pan-European bullshit. Dixies and Yankees have different cultures and even different ethnic groups that make up the composition of the areas they're in. I have no problem banding together with other European nations to fix our problems, but I'm not going to say just because they're the same race as I am means that there is nothing that differentiates us from them. Go to any European country outside the U.S and see how much you fit in.
Dominic Cooper
I routinely see threads here asking why the Kikes have such influence if they are a mere 14-16 million people on a planet of ~7.4 billion. I saw one earlier today pop up for the nth time.
Dumbfucks like you are my answer.
You make us weak, user. You are such a stubborn, shortsighted retard that you cannot even see that by dividing white America into some imaginary separate geographically-based nations within our borders you fundamentally weaken our country and enable the kikes to rape us like they have been for all of recent history.
I say racially aware white people in the USA should be united regardless of where they hail from in our country of UNITED states. You say "fuck you nigger we're different, respect muh heritage pronouns, Yankee".
Then you go ahead and ponder why a tiny nation of ~8.2 million hook nosed merchants has managed to create a global network of subversion and control that has kept white people under its boot for so long. Why the overall global population of Jews is so relatively tiny but yet they pervade everything so thoroughly and effectively.
It's because they are loyal to each other, you dolt. They always, without question, put Jew matters first. They are cutthroat against outsiders and defend their fucking "tribe" by any means necessary. That is why they've beaten us down into wage slaves and embarrassed us as white men on a global scale.
It's because of small-minded retards like you that we've been under kike rule for so long, even though we are demonstrably superior. Whites are responsible for every significant human advancement in history, every great wondrous achievement of civilization, yet somehow these slime who have been exiled from countless societies are now firmly in control of global interests and manipulated our future at their whim.
Yet you sit here and post dumb bullshit that fosters division among, of all fucking people, American Holla Forumsacks. People who come here because they see something very wrong with what's going on in our country and want to talk about why they feel it's wrong. Intelligent white people who genuinely care about the future of whiteness in our country, which is fucking more than I can say for the vast majority of leftards and nogs and all the rest. But instead of focusing on what unites us as white Americans who give a shit, here you are, sperging about how racially aware white Americans should be MORE divided, because "muh Mason-Dixon line".
I honestly hope you're a kike agent, because the alternative is far more depressing.
Jonathan Russell
You fucking idiot, I said I don't have a problem with alliances with other nations.
Disregard the fact that being united under this government made it even fucking easier for kikes to subvert us.
Good goy, nations don't exist
The shit you say sounds like its straight out of a fucking JIDF handbook.
Noah Sanders
Thank you for confirming what I hoped. That is somewhat of a weight off my shoulders. I truly hate you Moshe, but regardless I am genuinely relieved you revealed yourself so quickly and obviously. You're bad at this. Very very bad at this.
Leo Cruz
The South's way of life and culture was destroyed after the civil war.
Caleb Anderson
Alright faggot, you want me to critique your wall of text?
Idiots like you seem to think a country has to be as big as half a fucking continent to be powerful or else they're considered weak by your standards
I wasn't lying when I said this honestly sounds like something some Holla Forums shill would say
Like I said if southerners ever achieve their independence, there isn't any reason they couldn't enter an alliance with your whiny ass and still achieve the same goals while staying an independent nation of their own
I'm willing to say Europeans contributed the most to technological advancement, but this is just retarded
The only thing that unites us together is the fact that we are entirely seperate nations that live on the same continent under a voluntary union with eachother, there is no reason that we should stay in that union if we decide we don't want to be apart of it any longer.
I hope you realize your argument is the same arguement as those faggots that want Britain to stay in the EU.
For fucks sake user practice some self-awareness. A pole will never be able to claim German achievements simply because they're white Europeans. This is one thing I actually agree with the Euros about. Americans are too obsessed with being white nationalists instead of just being nationalists to their own nation.
Ian Clark
I just realized too. You actually haven't addressed any of the points I made, like the fact that the ethnic composition of the north and south being vastly different and therefore the culture, or the fact that staying in this union made it easier to subvert our influence in our own nation. So I'm just gonna chalk you up to JIDF trying to play a ruse.
Luis Morris
Dude, read the thread.
Additionally, read the book 'Our Southern Nation', if you have to. In it, it makes the case that in actual fact the South has always been different culturally and actually had the same culture of various other places as well, and we make up the Northernmost part of it.
When you try to say the "UNITED" Centrally Controlled USSR states lowercase to emphasize importance of only one power, you're not only telling us that we don't exist, and you're telling us to come be Janissary troops for you. Or else.
So you're making up the founding as if there did not exist the South or people there or the culture. The Northeast has nothing to do with us genetically. Look at this image
All the immigration has generally over the entirety of the history of the USA as a country come into either the Northeast or filled up new States. That's why there used to be places like 'little Holland' only they spoke English. Each area was somewhat homogeneous except the Northeast which mixed and mixed. Oklahoma has mostly Germans, for example.
Everything that makes up 'The South' is still almost entirely the people that have been here since before the USA. Genetically unique, culturally unique. Trying to tell us that we're just another American is actually an insult. We can find people in any battle in any branch of our family tree.
It has everything to do with blood and soil, and isn't some geographical fluke.
They never do. Somehow the UNITED states was created as one nation and one country both, and also has nothing to do with a union of sovereign powers.
I think they really are that deluded. I hope he's someone whose parents got here in the 50's and took the quick history course that always ignores any events before the constitution was signed that didn't involve redcoats marching in straight lines, and bluecoats marching in straight lines against them.
Brody Ramirez
But they did, where do you think the waves of niggers that ruined Chicongo, Detroit, Cleveland, Chimpinnatti, Newark, Baltimore, DC, Houston, Pittsburgh, Denver, New York, Boston, Seattle, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and more came from?
Speaking of the latter, even the "Germantown" part of that city is 80% concrete apes.
Xavier Baker
I don't watch TV at all, I'd rather stream, but since the election Trump has been in the race I've been watching Fox from time to time.
This has been advertised a lot the past week or so.
Shitlibs and niggers are easily dealt with. They both live and survive as parasites off of a city. The South is mostly rural. Cut off the city from supplies, water, and power, and they are no threat to anyone ever again.
All of the power/water infrastructure and agriculture is based outside of cities.
Lucas Flores
The South will rise again!
Wyatt Scott
They even call that 'The Great Migration'.
Cooper Wilson
Asher Hernandez
Inferior yank detected.
Jonathan Cook
If only they had all left.
Cameron Brooks
Even if they had, our culture would still be suppressed by the carpetbaggers and other non-southerners.
It pisses me off, because it's worse than just them wanting us to be in their culture. They don't think we even have a valid culture to begin with.
Put another way, it's not that they're proud of being yanks, they are only Americans and only their version of it is American.
Gavin James
What does all this mean in terms of the overall battle we must fight to survive as a race and regain command of our own Destiny as a nation? I think it shows that the battle is going to take place MOSTLY in the NON-Southern part of the nation. The South has been so thoroughly beaten on and kicked and filled with guilt feelings that it is no longer - as an overall population group - capable of responding vigorously and ferociously. The Klan and various segments of the Southern population will still fight and even take risks to stand against the black hell closing over us. But today, many of their own fellow Southerners are turning, in fear and confusion, against the Klan and other fighters.
The AVERAGE Southerner has "had it", just like the average German I have met. The Jews and conspirators have consciously beaten much of the native fight out of ordinary Southerners and ordinary Germans, and left them filled with a crazy, suicidal "guilt" feeling for even THINKING about resistance.
Aaron Rogers
You can shove that defeatism up your ass. Everyone I know doesn't feel a drop of guilt, it's just the liberal yuppies in the city who pander to minorities that think this way, and they have never been anywhere close to a majority.
Charles Hughes
Why don't you have sex with virgin girls from the South?
Cause if she is too fast for her daddy, too fast for her brothers, too fast for her uncles, and too fast for the dogs you sure as shit aint going to be able to catch her.
Jaxson Phillips
White Self-Hate: Master-Stroke Of The Enemy by Commander George Lincoln Rockwell Last week I penetrated into the "South" for the first time in more than five years of speaking at colleges. I spoke at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It was a shocking - and unpleasant-experience! Since last September, when I spoke at Harvard, I have been having such incredible success speaking all across the country, everywhere EXCEPT the South, that I was beginning to believe ALL America's college youth was waking up, especially to the nigger problem. I had never penetrated the really "deep" South, for what reasons I am still not sure. I have had few invitations from South of Virginia - and all of them have been cancelled. Around the rest of the country, this year has been one of immense gratification to me, speaking from Harvard and Brown in New England, across the nation through Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, North Dakota, Minnesota, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, California - just about everywhere EXCEPT the "deep South." The reaction to my speeches, as those who have heard the record or tapes of some of them will know, has been FANTASTIC! The violence has almost stopped, even the boos and the hisses have died down, and the audience reactions have been SO favorable that even the Jew papers in Minneapolis, for instance, reported I got "thunderous applause"!!! Not only that, but the INDIVIDUAL reactions have been unbelievable! Most remarkable of all is the tremendous change which has occurred since last summer in the reactions of these college kids to NEGROES. For years, I was plagued by the ignorance of Northerners on the subject of niggers - and the same kind of ignorance by many Southerners about Jews. They have plenty of niggers in the South, so the Southerners know about them. But they have few Jews, and the ones they have down South are usually "tame" Jews, utterly unlike the wild and hateful Hebrews swarming in the streets of the North and West. At the same time, the Jew-wise "Yankees" in North and West never got CLOSE to any "coloreds", and knew almost nothing about them. Until the riots began. Back in those days, whenever I went to jail in the North, the cops would privately say "You're doing a great job on the damned Jews, but why do you go after the 'colored'?" - as they used to call them. Down South, cops would say "God bless you for the way you're fighting the niggers, but what have you got against the Jews?" This year, all across the Northern part of America, and all over the West and South West, I found the people are growing rapidly more alert not only to the Jewish problem, which they always sensed, but are thoroughly aware - and worried - about the "coloreds", because, of course, the "coloreds" have finally let the Northerners SEE what they are like, at first hand, in the dozens of riots and the endless horror of nigger crime and terrorism in the city streets. The success of my speeches in colleges and universities across most of America has been gratifying - and spectacular - fantastic! If even the liberal KIDS in these colleges are waking up, you can IMAGINE the way the working masses are ready to FIGHT! While I have been speaking sometimes as often as six and seven times per week all over the continent, I have naturally presumed that when I finally DID get a chance to speak in the real SOUTH - it would be the best of all - a real triumph! So I approached Wake Forest in North Carolina with my hopes up - and my guard down! When I got there, things seemed SUPER relaxed. Usually, the campus where I am to speak is in a state just short of explosion - with threats, counter-threats, headlines, etc., etc. There are vast crowds outside the hall, hours before the address, and the hall is always packed to the point where the fire marshall often takes a hand. But at Wake Forest, there was no crowd outside, when I came to the hall. And when I got inside, although they said it was the biggest crowd yet, there were several hundred empty seats! Believe it or not, I HAVE NOT SEEN AN EMPTY SEAT IN THE LAST FOUR YEARS OF SPEAKING. All of this got me "off balance" sufficiently so that I failed to follow my usual routine of insisting on only WRITTEN questions (to prevent emotional outbursts and speeches from the floor). But I figured that an audience of SOUTHERN kids would be wild with enthusiasm when I defended the great White Race and the history and traditions of their own grandparents. What I ran into was something NEW! In speeches everywhere else, there are always overtones of threat and violence, heckling and possibilities of mobs, etc. All seemed quiet when I began to speak at Wake Forest.
Robert Richardson
But the minute I opened my mouth, the place busted wide open! American flags started to wave - HELD BY COONS! A Jew got up with a black armband and began marching up and down the aisles. Some of the kids acted like a bunch of kooks, whooping and cheering this disorder. An old Jewess rose and began screaming at me in unintelligible "English". She got a huge round of cheers and applause! In spite of all this, I managed to take control of the crowd as I have been forced to learn to do, and speak for about forty-five minutes. But I never did succeed in getting a train of thought started with the audience. Always, they managed to bust up any orderly presentation, and I had to keep using shouts and "tricks" to beat the heckling. There was no applause at the end of my speech, although a few kids tried feebly, only to be squelched by their neighbors. I made the mistake of taking live questions from the audience (being somewhat angered and frustrated by now, and hoping to beat these hellraisers). That did it! One huge Negro walked up to the front of the hall just before my platform, held up his hands and signalled for silence. He got it! The hall was hushed, FOR THE FIRST TIME, and I knew from experience what came next. Had that Negro done nothing more than say "abracadabra", he would have been drowned in enthusiasm. He did a masterful job - whether planned or not, I don't know. I had pointed out in my speech that ghetto Negroes were often in good physical shape because they were forced to do menial physical work such as garbage men, etc. This was not to insult Negroes. (Actually, it makes a lot of my own people mad when I point this out). But it is part of the reason the blacks think they can whip us because they say we've gotten soft. The big black used my statement to make appear I had advocated making nothing but garbage men out of all Negroes. "Maybe all we're good for is garbage men", he said, "but if being garbage men is all the contribution America will let us make, then we'll make it, we'll BE garbage men!" The audience rose, first the rabid ones, then more and more, until finally the hall was a sea of hysterical cheering, as the Negro (who I later learned was the local football hero) led the rest of the football team in a "walk-out". None DARED fail to rise for this mad scene, for fear of being branded a "hater", as the arc-lights and TV cameras swept the audience. I did my best to plug on, and succeeded to some degree. I even managed to get a good round of applause at the end, myself. But I was bitterly disappointed to see all this take place in my FIRST speech in part of the "deep South"! I had been winning rabid, liberal "Yankees" over with a "Southern" speech in the North all year. Now here I was being swamped by a wave of wild, hysterical "nigger-loving" - by SOUTHERNERS! Or so I thought! I spent more than ten more hours at banquets and seminars, cocktail parties, and the other usual accompaniments to these speeches, and then, after I finally got to bed at 2 a.m., I laid awake for two more hours before I reached any kind of conclusion as to what it was all about. At the banquet, the speaker was none other than Dick Gregory. I had to sit up at the head table only two seats away from this coon comedian-turned-revolutionist. I wouldn't have put up with it, except I really wanted to hear this "cat" (as he calls everybody) and see how he would affect these kids in North Carolina! He did a pretty smooth job on these kids, and I learned a lot. First, he told a series of "supper-club" jokes to "warm up" the kids - which he did. Then he launched into his "You-gotta-give-us-the-country, Baby" approach of the black scum now risen to glory among us as a result of Yiddish money, Yiddish leadership and Yiddish press-agentry for these miserable Africans. I could hardly believe what I saw there. I watched the racially fine faces of the young White boys and girls who were intently watching the ape-like face of Gregory. They were hypnotized! He actually went so far as to BOAST to them that the only way they could PROVE they were not full of "racism" and "hate" was to give our White women to the Negroes, thus showing that we recognize that there's no difference except color. He went so far as to use the fact of motherhood, and went into a physical description of the process of birth, and how you couldn't stop delivery of a baby by crossing a woman's legs, etc.,etc., ad nauseam - all to "prove" that delivery of our women to the blacks was "inevitable" - and standing in the way was like crossing the woman's legs, and trying to stop the birth of what he said was "Nature's insistence on equality"!!!
Brandon Young
He got a STANDING OVATION - just as the earlier black ball player had in the audience! Once more, I watched the fanatic few rise up applauding wildly the moment he was done speaking, then the guilty looks on the faces of more and more kids who rose up, until all (except me) were standing to give honor to a man who had just announced he was going to utterly DESTROY them - women and children and our whole RACE! I had HEARD about this sort of thing happening - just last month as I was speaking at one college in Wisconsin, Stokely Carmichael was speaking only a few miles away at another. He got up and hollered, "BLACK POWER!", and openly announced his intention of leading a "burn-baby-burn" ATTACK on White people, hollering "Get Whitey!" - and got the same "standing ovation", as I had just seen twice in one day, and in the "deep South"!! WHY? In all of history, no people have ever sunk so low they have given cheers and ovations to their own executioners. Some people have become too rotten to resist, but no people ever before has sunk so low as have those of our people who stand and cheer when told by arrogant Negroes that the blacks fully intent to WIPE US OUT AS A RACE! The blacks holler, "GET WHITEY!" - and WHITEY CHEERS AND APPLAUDS! Surely you, too, must have tried to figure it all out! Lying there in bed in the Sheraton Motel in Winston-Salem, in the fancy room they always get for you on these visits, I think I found the answer: GUILT! - Self HATE! The South has been BEATEN half to death, over a hundred years ago, now, and it has its psychological toll. The approach of the second reconstruction, now under way, has acted precisely like the approach of the torturer, after a solid year of uninterrupted torture, in a Chinese brainwashing camp. Sargant, in his magnificent, 'BATTLE FOR THE MIND', describes how the mind reverses itself when driven past the point of any further "bending" under the stress of physical privation, unbearable mental tensions and outright torture. He describes how the victim of endless torture, becomes a FANATICAL WORSHIPPER of his torturers! Like a whipped dog, he crawls up to lick the hand of the brutal master wielding the stick on him. Before I turned in for the night, I spent several hours in the room with assorted interested groups who kept coming and going, once they knew my room number. Usually, I run them off because of the need to get some rest (I had to fly out next a.m. at 6:30 for the next speech), but in this case, I desperately wanted to learn as much as I could about these Southern kids who seemed so crazy about coons, and how they got that way. First, I learned that MOST of the rabid ones were NOT Southerners. The first ones up in the "standing ovation" scenes were almost all Jews and similar "liberals" from the NORTH! When they got into my room, in groups of ten or twenty, and away from the mob scenes, I found the Southern kids were mostly O.K. ALMOST TO A MAN - AND GIRL - THEY APOLOGIZED TO ME FOR WHAT HAD HAPPENED IN THE AUDITORIUM THAT AFTERNOON! Acting as though they, themselves, had not been part of that standing ovation scene, they all explained to me that the Negro was the local football hero, that the student body was not what it seemed, that they were NOT all crazy about coons there, etc., etc. I asked each one of them why he or she thought it all happened, and most of them came up with the ANSWER I think is right. They used different terms, of course, but the upshot of it all is GUILT - self HATE - "embarrassment", etc. They felt that the poor coons had been insulted when I stood up there and slammed home the list of horrors happening to our country and White Race as a result of the Black Revolution! Those coon football heroes were their "friends" - courtesy of our race-mixing politicians, and they all felt as if I had kicked a poor little dog. When we talked later in the room, many of them admitted that the negroes were no pitiful little dogs, but rather a pack of wild, savage WOLVES - and that I was telling the simple truth. Nevertheless, when the black ballplayer was up there, they were helpless in the grip of GUILT FEELINGS for having participated in a meeting where the TRUTH about his race was mentioned! Then, when the Northerners and liberals, Jews and race-mixers rose in the "ovation" scene, none of the rest had the nerve to remain seated, not out of love of the Negro - but FEAR! Fear of being branded a "bigot", a "hater" and finally a "Nazi".
Chase Johnson
What does all this mean in terms of the overall battle we must fight to survive as a race and regain command of our own Destiny as a nation? I think it shows that the battle is going to take place MOSTLY in the NON-Southern part of the nation. The South has been so thoroughly beaten on and kicked and filled with guilt feelings that it is no longer - as an overall population group - capable of responding vigorously and ferociously. The Klan and various segments of the Southern population will still fight and even take risks to stand against the black hell closing over us. But today, many of their own fellow Southerners are turning, in fear and confusion, against the Klan and other fighters. The AVERAGE Southerner has "had it", just like the average German I have met. The Jews and conspirators have consciously beaten much of the native fight out of ordinary Southerners and ordinary Germans, and left them filled with a crazy, suicidal "guilt" feeling for even THINKING about resistance. The rest of the country hasn't experienced this terrible psychological reversal. Whites everywhere are somewhat frightened of the smear-words, "bigot", "hater", etc., but not to the point where they can be put entirely out of action with such Jewish psychological attack. As an example of what I mean, take Cicero, in Chicago. There's no "Klan" in Cicero. Instead, EVERY citizen of Cicero is ready, willing and EAGER to fight the FIRST nigger who tries to move in. Remember the full color picture in LIFE last summer of the brave kid from Chicago who had been actually bayonetted, standing there bleeding, sticking out his chest in magnificent defiance of the Guardsman? While they have been successful in ramming niggers in all over the South, I truly believe the whole Federal Government, the Army, Navy, Air Force and nuclear bombs won't get one nigger into Cicero. They haven't dared even TRY, yet. They might get ONE nigger into a house in Cicero, but he'd get right back OUT again - either with his black feet going as fast as they could - or not moving at all. In the North, where they are relatively "fresh" in this fight, the little KIDS in every White working-class neighborhood are full of the most vigorous kind of FIGHT against the black invaders of their neighborhoods. The South, after battling and LOSING for more than a hundred years, is getting discouraged. But let the South take heart! Remember Thomas Dixon's inspiring novel, "The Klansman", which was made into one of the world's all-time great pictures, "The Birth of a Nation"? Captain Forbes, our Los Angeles leader, has a copy of that film at the headquarters there, and I was able to see most of it on my last visit a few months ago. For those who may have forgotten, it is the story of how the Ku Klux Klan saved the South - and the White Race - from black terrorism after the Civil War. The Klan did a heroic job. Had I been born one hundred years ago I would have been a Klansman. Terrorism WORKED beautifully, a hundred years ago. Today, it won't, because the politicians have available such total "legal" power to penetrate, capture and hound the few brave men who try to stop the black terrorism with counter terror. But in the eighteen sixties and seventies, brave Klansmen were able to make a real start on saving the White South from the nigger beasts installed by carpetbaggers, scalawags and scum - most of them Jews and perverts. They still couldn't REALLY save the South, however, because there was always the threat of FEDERAL TROOPS. Whenever the Klan began to get strong somewhere, heavily armed Federal troops would be sent in to protect and back up nigger-rule, and the Klan would have to shift operations elsewhere. Remember the stirring scenes in "Birth of a Nation", when the White family in the little cabin is surrounded by nigger troops, and niggers have the old men, kids and women pinned down? Only a few more rounds of ammunition remain to protect the White women from the lust-filled black savages, when suddenly, at the last moment, the nigger troops are ROUTED - by FEDERAL TROOPS OF THE NORTH WHO HAVE FINALLY SEEN AND UNDERSTOOD THAT IT WAS THEIR OWN WHITE PEOPLE THEY WERE TURNING OVER TO THE BLACKS!
David Williams
Today, the same thing is happening right before our eyes. The South has been under siege year after year, for a CENTURY! The defenses are crumbling everywhere in the South. Many good Southerners are losing heart, as they see one barrier after another fall before the terrible power of the Federal politicians. "It's GOT to come" they rationalize. "We might as well try to accept it with a good grace and at least make it peaceful and prevent any more bloodshed." Nobody can blame these good people too savagely for saying that today, any more than I can blame the Germans who put up THEIR fight for the White Race only to have fellow White Men (like me) come, at the behest of the Jews, and murder and torture them by the millions. Last-minute rescue came in "Birth of a Nation" from White Federal troops who had been on the Jew-nigger Federal side, and switched when they understood, and finally stood shoulder-to-shoulder with their White brothers and sisters of the South against nigger terror - and it STOPPED. Today, the SAME THING IS HAPPENING! White Men and Women of the South, I can tell you surely and proudly, that my fellow "Yankees" are finally WAKING UP, like the Federal White troops in "Birth of a Nation", and are beginning to fight for you - for ALL of us! And when the White Men, North and South, have finally had ENOUGH of these arrogant niggers and their even more arrogant and vicious Jew leaders, we will put an END to the black horror and insanity, and the Jew Communist treason which spawned it in one hell of a hurry! And this time, we will never again let them divide us against each other! The Jews and race-mixing fanatics got the North hating the South, the South hating the North, so they could plunder and dominate both, as they have. The moment White troops in the South refused to keep their White Southern brothers under nigger terrorism, the terrorism ended, and the carpetbaggers, scalawags and scum were DRIVEN OUT. This time, the moment White men in all of the North and West are sufficiently disgusted with being used to impose nigger terror not only on the South, but the whole nation, the terror will STOP, and the nightmare army of black and white scum, led by the Jews will be seen and heard with their chants and insults no more! But the re-unification of the White Race will not only be national, local and temporary, this time. This time, there at last exists in this world an organization not dedicated to saving just one PART of the White Race - as the Klan tried and succeeded for a time in saving the South, and the German Nazis tried and succeeded for a while in saving Germany - THIS TIME, the American Nazi Party and the World Union of National Socialists, of which the American Nazi Party is a part, will see to it that the White Race never again lays itself open to brainwashing and defeat by DIVIDING ITSELF and by being taught to HATE ITSELF and PARTS OF ITSELF - the way Yankees and "rebels" were taught to hate each other, and Americans and "Nazis" were taught to hate each other. This time we'll hate, alright - but we'll hate the ENEMY - the vicious gang of colored scum attackers and Jewish-Communist traitors - rather than one part of our own people hating another part for the benefit of the Jews and their army of SCUM! And the reason we'll "hate" and do such a bang-up job of it, is not that we are some kind of a monstrous "haters", "bigots", etc., but that WE LOVE OUR PEOPLE - the White Race of people given by the Great Spirit to civilize and dominate this earth and prevent it from becoming the filthy, crazy jungle of darkness and bloodshed which now threatens. Last week, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, I had to watch the results of a hundred years of Jewish brainwashing on our beloved South. White kids, taught to hate "Yankees" first, "Nazis", and finally THEMSELVES, because of all the propaganda against the FACT that WHITES ARE, INDEED, A "MASTER RACE". I watched them stand up and give an ovation to an arrogant nigger who boasted he would take our lovely White girls for his nigger mobs!
Alexander Adams
Thank God, before this process can proceed much further, the White Men of the North will come "galloping" to the rescue of their hard-pressed Southern brothers and sisters and smash ANYbody or ANYthing which threatens ANY White man or woman, ANYWHERE whether he or she be called a "rebel", a "Yankee", a "Nazi", a "Christian", a "Britisher", a "Catholic" or even a "Russian". We are living in the last days of the Great White Race, and cannot afford self- hate or division, regardless of the propaganda they pour on us as the reason. WHITE MAN! If you are WHITE - you are my BROTHER! I care not what religion, club, area or class you come from, nor what bit of colored cloth you wave as a flag. WE are ALL under deadly attack by colored hordes which outnumber us more than seven to one, led by a filthy Jewish, Communist conspiracy! Stand with me and SMASH the enemy fist, TOGETHER! Then, if you want to argue politics, economics, sociology, religion, nationality or other things with me, you can. I will even fight you, if I must. But, FIRST, White Man, let us stand TOGETHER to secure the survival of your people and my people, for they are one and the same - they are our beloved, miraculous, wonderful, blessed and MASTERFUL WHITE RACE!
Jackson Perry
Most southerners love the confederate flag and aren't apologetic about it. You don't speak for us and neither does Rockwell.
Ryan Anderson
It doesn't work out of context. There are a good deal of 'liberal yuppies' in cities though.
The north has clearly gotten far worse since that was written. People like this idiot have completely ruined any camaraderie and mutual respect that should be there. One that allows Confederates to be Confederates. If only more people from the North were more like George Lincoln Rockwell.
I looked up that place, and it's spicland now.
Isaac Price
You're missing the point. Look at how things have changed since that was written. It was the Northern colleges that his message was received the most. That would clearly be the opposite today. It's interesting that the propaganda only got so far and either stayed at a certain point or reversed in the face of actual niggers in the South, but just got stronger in the North. The safe space and shut down of speeches happens primarily in Northern universities now, I haven't heard of those things happening in the South.
You should read it all, though. I had never heard of either of those.
Like I said, the camaraderie and mutual respect has been completely ruined. You thought I was attacking. I'm not.
I don't want to fight you, but I have to ask, is it actually 'most' Southerners? The Heritage-Not-Hate people are even derided by people like Erick Erickson, which is a really shit example but the only one I could think of. He lives in the South.
Even if it's only liberal yuppies in cities, the Atlanta metropolitan area's population is over six million, and Georgia only has 10 million, so the other counties are outnumbered. What's your opinion on this? I have been to Atlanta before and never saw one, and that was before the recent anti-Confederate attacks.
Jonathan Hernandez
Honestly if you feel so damn crappy about the south then get out there and try to muster up positive pro-southern feeling as much as you like, but this is not the place to bitch and whine about how all hope is lost. Besides the fact that's clearly not true for most southernfags, don't expect anyone to put up with it here, ever. You could just leave the south if you hate what it's become, that way I can call you a coward. I see confederates flags all the time in plenty of different southern states. I talk to plenty of people about it and everyone agrees that we won't let northerners define us, we are the most conservative, largest gun-owning region in the entire world. We are in the sun belt and have relatively less spics than the southwest does, we've never been more powerful and influential. American suburbs are a petty emulation of antebellum southern plantation style of living. Without us most of the wars the U.S. has been involved in may not have even been won. We're probably the most superior human beings on the goddamn planet you son of a bitch. Buck up and stop whining like a woman. This certainly isn't the place for it.
Ian Martinez
My family came from Devon in 1631 and was one of the founding families of Northampton, Mass. That chart is bullshit, besides the Ulster Scots mainly going to Appalachia.
Brody Flores
It's based on the mean population, just because your family doesn't fall in that mean doesn't mean the chart's bullshit.
Christian Turner
What the hell are you even talking about?
Isaiah Taylor
You're not even slightly talking about the same book, let alone anywhere near the same page. I'm not southern!
Back on this pointless side conversation, was Atlanta not representative of 'most southerners' or southern states? Was I supposed to see some there? I don't know about you, but I noticed that the anti-fed armed protest thread at Atlanta had many Atlanta-local posters who clearly do not participate in southern-centric threads like this. Those people are likely to be southern by blood.
Christopher Clark
Figures. You definitely haven't the slightest clue what people think here.
Fuck no, it's a den of niggers and yuppies. Their murder rate is literally 100% black. Georgians are a funny lot from what I've experienced.
You're a son of a bitch one way or another.
Liam Torres
Southern Baptist Convention votes to condemn Confederate battle flag
That's the cost of slavery. You can't expect to bring all those niggers in and after? Where do you think they're gonna go? You could deport them, but we all know that's unlikely.
Fuck off. No more fratricidal wars. Keep America united and strong.
Robert Perry
There's just one thing holding me back from respecting the south: Their inability to achieve victory.
If you won I'd think this thread was quaint. But instead it sounds like an impotent whine.
Your food is good though.
Lucas Martin
Reminds me of someone I used to know when I was a wee lad, he pretty much shitposted in real life about how the south actually won and other autistic shit like that.
Angel Green
That was your opportunity to inform, which was the whole point of me posting that. I liked what he had to say about everyone respecting each other, including their culture which is something that doesn't seem to happen anymore. Can't do that without knowing about it!
I already said that it seems to me that the propaganda has changed the landscape since then.
Not my fault you can't into reading comprehension. You accused me of 'defeatism', when that's not why I posted it. Of anywhere I don't think the South would react in quite that way anymore. I thought it was interesting and wanted to see what others had to say about it.
Well that explains why I didn't see any flags there.
Oh? In what way?
Oliver Gonzalez
Going to war with Aztlan is fratricidal now?
Landon Sullivan
If you're so interested in the south just come on down here and quit making assumptions from an armchair.
Asher Martinez
As a Californian, I gotta say you southerners have a culture to be proud of. I'm a bit envious.
Grayson Hughes
True of everywhere else, because you're just Mexico.
Tyler Garcia
lol k
Anthony Torres
David Morgan
Do you feel the same way about Hitler?
Jaxon Howard
Sic Semper Tyrannus Sieg Heil
Aaron Ramirez
reporting in from Virginia yanks spics and gooks as far as the eye can see will Dixie ever take back Old Dominion?
Daniel Anderson
It's kinda hard to find any Southern music I like that isn't really obscure folk music by small local artists or Dixie-era folk ballads.
Zachary James
I can completely empathize
Luis Bell
We'll sure as hell try.
Isaiah Carter
Nigger alert.
Leo Brooks
can't stand country music today or even since ~2000 it was noticeably more shitty. every country song today inevitably falls into one of four categories:
try yourself some 60's - 90's country. it's what I grew up on and it's more bluegrass like / more lore of southern culture.
i'll link a couple for you
David Hernandez
garth brooks songs are hard to find on youtube that don't sound like shit. strange. probably people messing with audio to avoid copyright. so if you search other songs they might sound fucked up. this one sounds normal though.
Nolan Adams
some alabama for you, classic country, really like it, really does express some essence of southern culture
Dominic Diaz
some clint black
Blake Moore
Here;s a bump faggot
Julian Lopez
some johnny cash is okay too but he has so much he's got a lot that's good and a lot that's shit imo.
Lincoln Morris
i aint bumping because today is brexit and it's more important than country music today.
Gavin Carter
last one is some alan jackson. i like his earlier music than his later because like all modern country music it slowly becomes shitty pop music.
but this one especially is my favourite. shows pretty bleakly what the glorious diverse multicultural (((globalist))) society we've become has done to what america was.
Jeremiah Campbell
I want to see that happen too, but at this point nothing is going to change.
Chase Stewart
don't die on me dixieland
Charles Fisher
That sounds a lot like what Quebec has been trying to do in Canada since the 70s. A lot of fuckery will happen if the south is to secede, if your really want to do so you will need to fight teeth and nails for it.
Adam Cox
Name one time a society has been overrun by niggers and recovered ?
Parker Taylor
Spain, for a while. Albeit it was dune coons, not sub-saharan moon crickets
Jordan Cooper
At least you all have an identity to fall back on. Here we're disconnected with the rest of America, and yet we're basically bound to it without any history of independence or identity.
t. Nebraska pro
Leo Brooks
You got the western pioneers as apart of your identity. That's pretty notable.
Luis Sanchez
Yeah, that's gonna be harder for States like that, but you can research the history of the State in particular and craft a Nebraskan culture and identity.
Yeah, that would work as part of it.
Brody Collins
After the war between the states several states were majority black. Blacks were given the vote and citizenship one year after the war but we still found a way to keep them out of politics.
Brandon Morales
Now officially the Southern Baptist Cuckvention.
Charles Perry
Gawd, user; Dixie wouldn't be Dixie without the land of Lee, Jackson, and Stuart.
Thomas Gomez
I've never dug into it, but I'd bet there are Kikes in Nashville who are ruining it. It's true that the Nashville record companies spit out hat bands like a fucking machine. Sad. It's not "our" homegrown music anymore, it's pop country.
Luke Parker
I sense the need to read a book.
The states with the highest numbers of freed blacks were under the rule of the Reconstruction governments over a decade.
Redemption in South Carolina and Mississippi occurred in 1876.
Nicholas Clark
Lucas Baker
Xavier Evans
If we burn down New Mexico and Tuscon can Arizona join?
Parker Thomas
wait do we secede even if Trump is President? can we take him with us?
Hunter Baker
Are you from the best part of the Southwest?
Aaron Young
A lot of people miss the significance of the symbolism depicted subtly at 5:25. Pay attention, and understand it as a mute, "This land was your land, this land was my land" symbol. All Southerners.
Connor Foster
The God-Emperor could easily rule both. Separately.
Jayden Young
Fuck Hitler, he lost. His arrogance killed him. You need someone who is level headed and who knows the battlefield to lead a country to victory.
Adam Lee
Does Kentucky get to join this time, or will it just have to rip itself in half again?
Blake Myers
Luke Cruz
Corn. Also used to fattening cattle
Carson Rodriguez
Corn is really that bad for you?
Sebastian Edwards
Can somewhat confirm. Pic related.
Immigrants fucking hated Dixie.
Parker Bell
Which is what makes us a real nation technically. We're already a distinct people. I have no problem with being aligned with the rest of the country, but the idea that we must let people in and homogenize us is repulsive.
Luis Rogers
Mass media has already homogenized you. Every single state in the continent used to be distinct and special in it's own way, with it's own cultures and accents and music and food.
That is no longer the case. No longer the case at all.
Leo Cooper
That has mainly happened to non-confederate states. We're essentially just occupied currently, and there are people who don't belong in our states.
You're right that each state used to be distinct, I think we need to move back to that. Including for the states that may have been added after that was ending. For us all we need is some deportation and maybe some education for those affected by the school system.
I don't think we should accept the current situation. The idiotic 'pan-european nationalism' most cited by yanks was never really real, and really only happened in the 40's. Even then, units from southern territory waved confederate flags like in every battle they're in.
Angel Jones
do you think so
Austin Hall
Which means that one needs to be created for places like Nebraska.
Sebastian Morales
>test says I'm overwhelmingly English and Scotch-Irish (with some Polish drops for flavor).
Isaac Ramirez
That's really weird.
What did your Scots-Irish say it was?
Julian Cruz
I love the South
Wyatt Martinez
A salute to my Southern Cousins. Don't let your freedoms slip from you, because as a Canadian I can't fully quantify how jealous I am of the individual freedoms you Dixies and Yanks enjoy.
Also, the best music comes from Dixieland, I don't care who you are this shit is top.
Ayden Martinez
>TFW when Yankee from the 4th largest coontown Chicago >TFW theres a pretty good chance I'm part Jewish I dodged the hook nose and pubic head hair though
Adrian Moore
In just a few hours (11 AM EST) Southerners are holding a rally at the South Carolina State Capital on the first anniversary of the removal of the Confederate battle flag. They're going to raise the flag again! It's organized by the South Carolina Secessionist Party, and 1.7k people are already committed to going on Facebook. I'm nowhere near there but maybe one or two Holla Forums brothers could represent for us.
#texit is already a thing; maybe we could make #scexit a thing too
Kevin Evans
Why on Earth there would be Scotch-Irish in the SS?
Liam Carter
Bump for this. It's causing an enormous amount of butthurt.
As a South Carolinian, I revel in their tears.
Hudson Brooks
Only Ireland and Great Britain, fam.
47% Great Britain 30% Irish (Which includes Western Scotland) 9% Western Europe The rest is traces of Scandinavian, Iberia, etc.
Go to GEDmatch and upload your raw DNA data. They have some fun tests to run that gives you your admixtures of ancient bloodlines, etc. Europe is made up of mostly 3 groups; Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers Neolithic Farmers Northern Eurasians
And sorry to break your bubble, but you can't be a Southerner until you have at least 3 generations buried in Southern soil.
Elijah Evans
First I've heard about it.
I was in the Sons of Confederate Veterans in the 90's when there was a big push to take it down. We won. Then this.
Samuel Bennett
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Logan Phillips
All right, South Holla Forums, Give me your states new flag for the future succession.
Texan reporting in. These colors keep the old representation of the Texas flag, but are reminiscent of the old Dixie Flag of Texas.
Connor Butler
I think even though the Southerners have a distinct culture, it's still primarily American. I think if the Yanks threated the Southerners with respect as oppose to "those inbred morons" there wouldn't be as much bitterness and isolation with the South and the North. (The South West is treated the same if only because we're South and were a territory in the Confederacy.)
Austin Gonzalez
Isaiah Butler
as someone who lives in Florida
once you're below the panhandle Florida is pretty much its own country in terms of culture/demographics
the panhandle is historically part of the "old south" and it shows, but central/southern florida are pretty weird places because they aren't historically southern and theres large amounts of snowbirds from places like Ohio/Michigan and people from caribbean like Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Haitians etc.
Cooper Gutierrez
The Flag of the Independent Republic of South Carolina, adopted Jan. 28, 1861
Kayden Garcia
Lt. Gen. Wade Hampton III
Asher Gonzalez
Hampton at Gettysburg. Cleaved a Yankee's skull
Leo Jenkins
(checked) It's probably because we're a big state for you and because of the Niggers and Spics.
This fam. Read 'Our Southern Nation'.
These. Immigrants GTFO.
We were separate during the Civil War, but Reconstruction has made us into one culture.
Se above. Also,, 'Our Southern Nation' is a good book for this.
(nice trips) Palmetto State is based.
This. The Panhandle is called "Lower Alabama" for a reason.
Thomas Ortiz
gone with the wind is propaganda bullshit.
Bentley Robinson
We've been weakened by it ever since.
Together, not the same.
Isaac Thompson
Cooper Anderson
The south will rise again
Brayden Russell
Ian Hall
I live in northern VA of all places and my neighbours and I all fly dixie. I went to a highschool here with about 1000 kids and only 10-15 blacks. Makes me happy when a truck drives by my house with dixie in the back, the fully red version of the confederate flag was made here after all. If VA pusses out in the secession im going further south
Michael Hernandez
I can't even imagine that.
Robert Jackson
Jews ensured those blacks tore up CSA from within once reunification happened. They did most of the damn slave trading ffs
Caleb Long
Well then get this, buddy. Graduating class of 96 people, ~500 in the whole school (lots of attrition by the end of senior year). We had ONE nigger. There were 2 Asians from one family, but they were totally whitewashed.
I remember at some point sophomore year a nigger family tried to move in the most town-like part of the county. I say tried, because the three darky boys of that family thought it would be a swell idea to play at the town basketball court around 7 pm. The local kids (who are white, but equally shit for the most part) absolutely ROLLED them. One of the white kids had to get a cast on his ankle and lower leg, and not from defensive wounds. He threw out his ankle something fierce from just kicking one of these niglets while he was down.
Needless to say, none of us ever saw any of that black family ever again.
Connor Smith
Yes and yes…they fought for the Union
Andrew Green
Mine was over a thousand. People self-segregated during lunch in the cafeteria, so I never noticed. Fully dindu tables, then white/asian/everything else, which were also whitewashed.
Now that I think about it, I bet a bunch of the spics were at the dindu tables. I was redpilled much later, and the exposure I did have did nothing, because the nonwhites I knew were whitewashed.
Colton Ward
Ah! How do her bones hold up under all that weight and not snap like twigs? She must have really big bones to support that. I don't know how people of a certain size can even walk without their knees collapsing.
Xavier Martin
Angel Murphy
You fucking retards are pathetic
Carson Parker
Leave, yankee
Hudson Hughes
Did you get your DNA back?
Alexander Morris
Yes. See
I'm waiting on my father's test, which is in the lab now. It's also an Ancestry autosomal DNA test. It'll help me find some answers to some questions I have.
I didn't get all the info I wanted from the Ancestry test, however, and have ordered the most thorough test available from FamilyTree. It's in the lab also, and they estimate completion by the end of August. It cost nearly $600.
Xavier Young
That's very expensive. Looks like you've got some Irish also.
Yeah, Scots-Irish is obviously a combination of other things. I have more 'Western Europe' than that, which is I suppose the Angles and so on.
Parker Baker
Or at least counted that way. Was your 'range of possibility' for each group large?
James Sanders
This thread again? Just stop it OP. We get that your still butt blasted and want the south to rise again but all your doing is just divide and conquer.
Your plan of trying to send the rest of your antique farming equipment out of your land will only cause unnecessary tension between southerners and the rest of America.
You can secede and have your Dixie republic again but stop trying to start shit with other Americans. Having a proud white identity will unite us in the long term rather than just a proud southern identity.
So in short, stop being a butt hurt little faggot and respect other whites, no matter what part of the U.S. They may hail from.
Wyatt Thompson
Except that's not what you really want. You want us to accept all white immigration from not only anywhere else in America, but also from anywhere in the world. That's Dixie Genocide.
Hunter Evans
Where did I even imply that? You can have your own nation with its own immigration policy, just don't send your nigger cousins to anywhere in America. We don't want them, they historically belonged to you so it would be disrespectful to get rid of them by sending them to the rest of the states. I get you don't want them but we don't either, kill your human cattle if you must. But trying to get rid of them by funneling them up north or out west will just create more unnecessary tension.
Isaac Walker
Eh, that's generally what people mean when they say 'divide and conquer' on this topic. That really America is only one thing, and must stay united, and was always formed as a 'pan-european nation'. Self-determination doesn't matter, send all your men to fight for us, d&c.
I see that you were actually responding to the OP, and ignoring the entire thread. If what he's suggesting happened, it would just happen that way.
Also our own immigration policy is permanently none.
Zachary Ramirez
This is a Southern Pride thread, not a secession thread.
Go suck your own dick.
Jeremiah Gray
The way I read it, Irish = Celtic, and Great Britain = Anglo-Saxon-Dane-Norman.
They included the Scottish Highlands, Wales, and Cornwall in "Irish."
I played with some other sites and discovered most of my British DNA centers around Kent, in Southern England.
Here's the thing, though. What the British DNA project has discovered is that all the invasions only dented the original neolithic DNA of Britain; it's traceable, but the old stock is still in the majority.
Your Y DNA may originate in Scandinavia, but most of your DNA could still be from the earliest settlers. Mitochondrial DNA is mostly from the neolithic farmers.
Scotch-Irish is a whole new subject. Most of them were Anglo-Saxon-Danes from the Border area of Scotland and England. It was mixed with a few Highland families from the Clearances. They went to the Plantations of Ulster before they came here. In that wave came not only the Scots, but some native Irish too.
About 2/3 of them were the descendants of the Border Reivers from both Scotland and England.
From Kikepedia:
"Borderers (particularly those banished by James VI of Scotland) took part in the plantation of Ulster becoming the people known as Ulster-Scots (Scotch-Irish in America)."
The range is much wider than I expected. They're basically guessing, but it's hard to find too much fault in their methodology.
Aaron Parker
Small correction-
They didn't 'go to the plantations of Ulster', they WERE the plantation of Ulster.
Michael Foster
Yep. You're right.
Blake Jones
Really? Then what's the 'western-europe' supposed to be?
That much is in that Four Flags book I referenced earlier. The author really was only looking into the British Isles in general, and showing that much of the DNA present is very very old. He didn't go into Scots-Irish which seems like the most unique/unknown group there. The same source is where and why I question the 'Danes' part as being a portion of our particular group.
Ah, well they're saying that they test 40 different sections and then average. They aren't testing the entire thing at once because that would be too expensive.
What I think is going on here is that because the initial wave of what is now considered Scots-Irish is several hundred years old, there has been some homogenizing going on as people.. 'ethnicity-mix'. This could after enough time result in a unique signature which comes to be known as the Scots-Irish ethnicity.
Evan Robinson
See these caps from Ancestry.
The methodology for gathering "ancestral" DNA is pretty much the same across all tests I've read about.
They stay away from cities and high population centers where there has been a lot of recent migration.
All four grandparents have to live in the same area. Then I guess they do some averaging.
The UK Image Detail map is from another study of the British Isles using the same methodology, but in this one they went deeper into detail.
It would be interesting to see a comparison between Northern Ireland and the Appalachian areas of the US. It would probably be a lot more different than alike, tbh.
From my own genealogical research of the area, there are a lot of Germans, Welsh, English, and Irish here too. One line of my family is originally from the Netherlands, but they've been over here since 1640, and in the Appalachian Mountains since the early 1700's.
Parker King
Not an argument.
Amazing how long this thread has gone on for. As a non-American I've always been fascinated by the South and thought of it as much more wholesome, the right amount of freedom loving, right amount of work ethic, sense of humour, the sense of commnity and knowing how to kick back and enjoy life.
Maybe it's a rose tinted view but it's how I've always thought of it.
Joseph Bailey
Does Indiana count as the South, at least in heritage?
Isaiah Cook
Western Europe DNA is strongest in Ireland and the Basque region of Spain, which is where it supposedly originated from. You can find it all over the Western coast of Europe and unusually enough in a lot of places the Normans went, which may be a strange coincidence or perhaps the Normans weren't genetically Scandanavians.
Grayson Young
Austin Hernandez
What's do the red squares represent?
Henry Campbell
There's something naturally attractive about the rural life of Southerners.
Henry Peterson
Yeah, I saw those, and didn't think western-europe was very explained because it's really just everything. My guess was the same for what Irish was, but that Great Britain was the initial group of people there before the Angles came, the one that's still in the majority. That would make Western Europe the Angles and Saxons.
It's possible. I just noticed that people who can list off parents or grandparents who are of different ethnicity have much smaller ranges.
So that would mean the 'Great Britain' is the Angles and so on? Why would they do that? Especially since it's been noted the original people are numerous.
Ethan Sanchez
Are you retarded? You don't fucking give back nukes m8, what are they going to do? You've got nukes!
Julian Anderson
Non southerner detected.
We don't go out of our way to say "yall", only when it actually makes sense in a sentence.
ex. "Hey, yall goin to the store?" "Yall're fucking retarded." "Yall fucked it all up."
James Robinson
You speak ebonics and you're cucked by illegals. MUH SOUTHERN PRIDE
only thing bad about the south is we're basically flooded with niggers and spics (probably because we have affordable/cheap housing)
Zachary Powell
oh and dont forget about the white trash
Owen Robinson
Ethan Sanders
Dixie thought it would be a great idea to import a bunch of niggers. For that they can never be forgiven and I would gladly let them separate if they take all their pet niggers back.
Levi Murphy
The flag in that middle picture is still fucking upside down.
Jayden Thompson
Kike Klux Klan is a fraud, was founded by Jewish and Freemason Nathan Bedford Forrest and Freemason Albert Pike. The flag of the Confederacy is Masonic, with 13 stars and three colors, like the flag of France, United Kingdom and United States, the symbology of 3 means "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity", motto of the French Revolution funded by Jews and orchestrated by Freemasons . As Freemasons identify by signing marking the three points that way ". ' .". All separatist movements without exception were organized by Masons, and all the historical actions in a nation split is due to the same fact. Example? Austro-Hungarian was divided after the end of World War I, Gravilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand was a Freemason. The Tchecoslovakia also divided, as well as West and East Germany, North Korea and South Korea, Palestine and Israel, including Separatist Movement "The South is my country" in Brazil is orchestrated by them also, one of the tests is that they admire the Freemason Giuseppe Garibaldi. Separatism is one of the ways of the Jews create false-flags and scarecrows, as Vladimir Putin orchestrated the bombings in Moscow to start the war in Chechnya, as well as the same declared war against the Separatists Ukranians. Separatism is ANTI-NATIONALIST, you want an example? After the Second World War Germany lost many territories, and tried to attach them again making an alliance through elections to Austria to annex, in addition to Poland that was taken before and during the Second World War (because it was a territory which belonged to Germany before World War 1). Returning to Kike Klux Klan, she was demonized in this Nazi propaganda, and before that it join the Nazis, it was ANTI-CATHOLIC, precisely because the Catholic Church fought Freemasonry since its inception, and besides Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a confederate Southerner, having abolished slavery, which shows that they had slaves shopping links with the citizens of the US South, as stated in the book of Farrakhan called "Secret Relationship Between Black and Jews" where who sold slaves to America were the Jews , and those who bought largely were also Jews and Freemasons elite. The civil war began because as Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery , it would generate economic harm to the Jews, and why later Lincoln was assassinated and Kike Klux Klan was created. And the same Jews who orchestrated lynching and black hangings in the past, created the NAACP, financed Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela to combat" racism " (a word invented by Trotsky ) of course, blaming the White Man.
Lincoln Peterson
Anti-freemason is codeword for anti-white. KKK were pretty cool back in the day before they got co-opted, and the confederate battle flag is just a variation of St. Andrews cross, which is the same as the scottish flag.
Wyatt Perez
Define "Southerner"
Hunter Murphy
Cameron James
Go back to the basement and try harder.
Here's what the guy who designed it said about its design:
Richmond, August 27,1861. Gen. G. T. Beauregard, Fairfax Court house, Virginia:
Dear General, I received your letter concerning the flag yesterday, and cordially concur in all that you say. Although I was chairman of the 'Flag Committee,' who reported the present flag, it was not my individual choice. I urged upon the committee a flag of this sort. [Design sketched.] This is very rough, the proportions are bad. [Design of Confederate battle-flag as it is.]
The above is better. The ground red, the cross blue (edged with white), stars white.
This was my favorite. The three colors of red, white, and blue were preserved in it. It avoided the religious objection about the cross (from the Jews and many Protestant sects), because it did not stand out so conspicuously as if the cross had been placed upright thus. [Design sketched.]
Besides, in the form I proposed, the cross was more heraldic than ecclesiastical, it being the 'saltire' of heraldry, and significant of strength and progress (from the Latin salto, to leap). The stars ought always to be white, or argent, because they are then blazoned 'proper' (or natural color). Stars, too, show better on an azure field than any other. Blue stars on a white field would not be handsome or appropriate. The 'white edge' (as I term it) to the blue is partly a necessity to prevent what is called 'false blazoning,' or a solecism in heraldry, viz., blazoning color on color, or metal on metal. It would not do to put a blue cross, therefore, on a red field. Hence the white, being metal argent, is put on the red, and the blue put on the white. The introduction of white between the blue and red, adds also much to the brilliancy of the colors, and brings them out in strong relief.
But I am boring you with my pet hobby in the matter of the flag. I wish sincerely that Congress would change the present one. Your reasons are conclusive in my mind. But I fear it is just as hard now as it was at Montgomery to tear people away entirely from the desire to appropriate some reminiscence of the 'old flag.' We are now so close to the end of the session that even if we could command votes (upon a fair hearing), I greatly fear we cannot get' such hearing. Some think the provisional Congress ought to leave the matter to the permanent. This might, then, be but a provisional flag. Yet, as you truly say, after a few more victories, 'association' will come to the aid of the present flag, and then it will be more difficult than ever to effect a change. I fear nothing can be done; but I will try. I will, as soon as I can, urge the matter of the badges. The President is too sick to be seen at present by any one.
Very respectfully yours,
Wm. Porcher Miles.
Gavin Anderson
This is the flag that inspired the design of the Battle Flag.
Jackson Adams
You mean they didn't have M16's in WWII?
Not enough to kill myself over. I'll just cut off a finger.
Michael Cruz
I love how these threads always bring out the redneck version of WE WUZ KANGZ
Logan Brown
Why is this dumb ass thread still up?
The reason the battle flag is an X is because a jew complained about the cross in a flag similar to that.
Adrian Foster
Because you keep complaining.
Leo Campbell
Reminder that the Union did not tolerate kikes, while the confederacy welcomed them with open arms.
Ryder Reed
Totally worth it to murder and rape hundreds of thousands of fellow whites to stop that for about 50 years and at the same time end State control of immigration and grant all powers to the Federal Government who then let many more back in. More than there ever were before. Then infinite third world immigration. Greatest Plan of All Time.
Dylan Hernandez
It's called the "Southern Cross", so that's an epic fail.
Benjamin Turner
John Peterson
We wuz the original European founders of this nation: Jamestown.
We wuz the Fathers of our country: Washington.
We wuz the authors of the Declaration of Independence: Jefferson
We wuz the creators of the Bill of Rights: Madison
We wuz and are Americans with a unique cultural and geographic identity. Quit being a dick about it.
Jace Taylor
I hate the idea of "american identity" I also hate the south but i have no problem and even encourage them to separate them selves. All people should be segmented into groups based on race and culture.
I'm a strong believer that the united states will fall apart and balkanize. only then will people truly leave Montana alone.
for real tho pls don't come here we don't want you, you wont fit in and while we are nice we will secretly hate you.
Owen James
Balkanization, like libertarian argument relies on the notion that we have no common enemies to fight, or incentive to imperialize the planet. I could see acts of secession happening if Clinton was elected, but we should holocaust the land of the hispanics and take it for lebensraum.
Aaron Howard
we do not have to be joined as one to fight a common enemy.
I belive with our divided leadership it will be harder to control us and easier for us to put an end to wars.
You cant say that modern wars are made to be long and unending.
Jack Diaz
David Kelly
Samuel Green
The South won the First Social Civil War at the end of Reconstruction
Unfortunately we lost the Second Social Civil War in the 1960s
Zachary Brooks
The ones who are dicks about it no longer have any of that, because of uncontrolled white immigration. Many will have grandfathers who came from different countries, and so they have no real American identity to speak of. The only way to deal with it is to deny those who do have it, and make them become the same.
Much like some mixed-race people act.
Do you even have a Montana identity?
Welcome to our world, where enough non-Southerners are in much of the South to make us do what they want. Do you think we want uncontrolled Yank and alien migration, where they all get the same votes as we do in our own land?
Oliver Parker
Bumping to keep this thread going for great justice.
Wyatt Martin
Remember, brother, Kentucky WAS the civil war. Lincoln and Davis were both from Kentucky. The very fact it had to rip itself in half proves my point. Remember: The thirteenth star was Kentucky. IF YOU ARE FROM Louisville, you can look around, see evidence all around. Downtown Louisville (Near 1st and Market) has an old slave market. Whilst it was a union stronghold. Frankfort Avenue has evidence of a fort. The reason we are a hub in the L&N line is because of the War. I'm drunk and rambling; just hear me out on this: Kentucky WAS the Civil War.
Carson Robinson
Forgot to post this. Also, bump for Dixie.
Cooper Gomez
all the Southern butthurt this post caused heh
Jordan Ward
Confederacy and 'All Your Base' references. Great place.
Jace Adams
Dominic Rodriguez
The Southern identity practically revolves around fighting other whites, and not only that, but representing a multicultural empire fighting against a white ethnostate, in the 19th Century.
Therefore, the Southern identity is obsolete.
Nathaniel Martin
The war you fought in order to keep breeding and multiplying blacks in captivity, right, user.?
Bentley Rivera
Texas has also got the only facility in the US that designs, manufactures, maintains and decommissions all of America's nuclear weapons.
If Texas leaves the US. The US is no longer a nuclear power. Texas would be.
Landon Cox
The only reason any of our countries should be working together is to fight a common foe. If not for that we would be at each other's throats just like we've always been
Xavier Butler
Of course
What i meant by this is we hate all outsiders most people who live here or moved here did it to be away from everyone but didn't want to move to alaska.
Juan Watson
This is seriously all we have wanted since day one. It's never happened. In fact, that not happening is accelerating of late.
Ethan Nguyen
i need to move but all my family is here. noticing a lot more niggers here lately too, think they're all moving down from ohio.
Carson Hughes
Parker Torres
Fractional wars are an inevitability I didn't create multiple nations living in one country cucks like you did and any fucking nigger faggot like you who tries to keep me in the new Brazil is getting his fucking brains blown out
Nathaniel Gonzalez
They breed faster, they may just be expanding out from an area they already fill. Or they're immigrants, I've noticed sharp amounts of that. That and mosque building.
Carson Mitchell
Jason White
what an old thread.
wrong. freemasonry is an exstension of the jew.
wrong. the two identities do not revolve around fighting other whites, it revolves around two different identities. the union was not a white ethnostate.
Aaron Sanchez
I got my FamilyTreeDNA 67 marker Y test back this morning.
My direct male line is Gaelic Scots.
My Haplogroup is I2a1b-L161 "Isles A."
Angel Jackson
I figure the 13 stripes for the Constitution States, protecting the other states with the Constitution. I put 36 stars on it just by chance, (maybe HI | AK wants out?), maybe take out some more, or add some if the territories want in.
I think the agraian parts of the state should form under this. The man is the result of the land. Redraw the state lines, break up counties, gerrymander it. Today's technology allows this, roads will change to enforce borders. New power grids will be set up.
The cities, non-aerable land and pollution filled water ways will all remain they way they are. We don't want them or their people.
Some states will be surrounded, isolated, likewise some of their states will be stranded.
Luis Barnes
Interesting that it's highest in Western Ireland. Reminds me of that one thread where they were talking about how the oldest monuments are there on the north-western edge of Ireland facing the ocean, nearest to nothing.
It sure is.
Wyatt Jenkins
What I've found out since I posted that is that I'm not, in the narrowest definition of the word, "Gaelic," or Celtic. I am descended from the original human inhabitants of Britain.
The reason the Western regions of Ireland have the highest density of this haplogroup is that it was the furthest away from immigration by the Neolithic Farmers, and then the Indo-Europeans.
My closest relatives outside America are on the Isle of Man. My male line immigrated from Dumfries, Scotland, in 1731, to Virginia.
Asher Sanchez
Jayden Wood
That is an explanation, but it could always be the opposite as well. What if celtic culture started in Ireland and radiated out? Including the languages. We know nothing of the time before the British Isles were islands. This all fits the same data set as far as we know it. This would also better explain the placements of those monuments in that area.
This goes back to what the definition of the word 'celtic' is, I think it's mainly cultural. There's nobody else who has called themselves that for centuries at this point.
I now know that my male line was 1650's, I really need to do more of that.
Ian Evans
At least you grew up with traditions period. I was raised in that standard midwestern american way, with the same accent that's on TV and everything. I imagine there are a good deal of people like that who never actually got in touch with their past.
Why not go to those areas in Louisiana that still speak French? There are some areas to this day that don't speak English!
Sounds like Louisiana's job to me, why do I need to give a shit? The goal wouldn't be to have a new and different overbearing government, it would be to restore the states to the nearly nation-state power they had in the first damn place. In other words, you should only care about your Governor not the President.
Jonathan Gray
My grandpa (huge trump supporter, actively campaigns for him) still speaks it, he had to speak french if he cooked, and after dinner he would sit in his chair and play his accordion for us.
Im worried about the death of french culture, french canada couldnt keep its shit together, france couldnt keep its shit together, and now cajuns cant keep their shit together, our culture is going to wind up owned and bastardized by the niggers.
Michael Walker
I grew up a yank with kraut icemen and half sharecropper blood. The best five years of my life were in the Arkansas. I'm in the PNW now and have hardly socialized with any POC outside of professional relationships. Try and call me a mutt and I'd drop you like a squirrel.
Michael Carter
this all happened before my birth now, makes me want to go to town hall and shoot several of them in the head, jesus christ
Ian Russell
You're a mystery meat, harry.
Andrew Cox
It's all about making you disconnected from the soil.
Gavin Morgan
I was referring to my haplogroup, not Celtic culture.
Anthropologists and archaeologists are beginning to lean toward the Iberian Peninsula being the home of what we call Celtic culture in Ireland and Britain. I recently watched one documentary where it was claimed that people didn't begin referring to the Irish, Welsh, Cornish, and Scots as Celtic until the 1700's. I don't know.
The old view was that the Keltoi of the Danube River Valley moved into what's now France and the British Isles after sacking Rome. Those people were most likely Germanic in origin, but they didn't leave any written records, so we're just guessing, really. Aside from their art, their monuments, and what others wrote about them (mostly the Romans), we don't know a lot about them or where they came from.
Except that now we have genetic evidence, which is proving there was no great Celtic invasion, except for language.
Celtic art in Britain does seem to share much with Celtic art in Bavaria and other places, but as archaeologist said this; "There are a lot of British people driving German made BMW's, but this is not evidence of a German invasion of Britain."
One key feature of Celtic culture in the British Isles was never found anywhere else; Druidism. Why isn't evidence of the central religion of the Celts found in Continental Europe, if it was that?
My feeling is that another decade of genetic studies of Europe and the British Isles will give us a lot of answers.
Joshua Reed
I'm aware. I was just challenging conventional history in general. Vid related. Without factoring in when such a place was not underwater, pinpointing origins is very difficult. Haplogroup is only defined by today's scientists based on people who never moved from their home town, essentially. It's never more than a best guess, because any more is not actually possible.
Let's keep in mind that all of these people are in permanently marxist cultures themselves. It also usually takes an entire generation of scientists to die off before change happens because their careers are built on their original conclusions.
Precisely, we don't even have the entire set of Confederate war songs because they were all oral only. We really don't have much on large amounts of history.
Even that is far more recent than I was talking about.
We talked about that before, and really there's no way to know much. I was just saying that perhaps it started in the places we know as Celtic now, or places that are underwater, and were exported to the rest of Europe after. No written records means the vector taken is unknowable.
Weren't there other henges in France and Spain? I don't know much about that.
Possibly, but I'm more a fan of finding other ancient bones and DNA testing those. It's more direct and less guesswork. Either way this depends on it not becoming Britianistan.
Luis Jackson
Bentley Cooper
Alexander Ross
I have a textbook and cd on cajun french. If people are interested I could give it a go on scanning it or something.
Samuel Reed
Joshua Scott
which is terrible our blood and the soil are one our genes are modulated by our environment
Joseph Garcia
I'd love it. /pdfs/ is the board to put it on, I think they have either an education or language thread.
Joseph Harris
this thread is in it's second trimester
Aiden Scott
I definitely see what you mean about doing the genealogy, though. It does take time to do. But so far, everything goes to the 1700's. "Nation of Immigrants" my ass.
Carson Gonzalez
what the hell?
Gabriel Thompson
So what?
Sebastian Garcia
Seriously, so what? We've been posting back and forth on this over a month. Some people have an attention span of more than 10 seconds.
Ian Price
look at this CIA copypasta. They post this D&C once a week for the last year
Camden Richardson
Yes. Look into James "Gookslayer" Webb's thoughts on the Scots-Irish and Northerner anti-poor white elitism
Jose Miller
Honestly, drop the spics demanding gibsmedats, and there's no reason you couldn't. It might be hard at first, but understand that when Texas was first settled, people survived and built it up from nothing. That spirit still exists deep within the DNA of those descended from the initial settlers. It may be dormant, but it is not gone.
I disagree; the unique regional identities, based on history and the distribution of different European genetic populations, is part of what makes America unique. Among whites, diversity really is a strength. That said, the states may have been better off as allied nations, rather than a single nation.
Speaking of the black death, it acted as a powerful evolutionary force, killing large peons of Europe's less fit. Those who survived lived longer, and the breakdown in social order facilitated the demise of serfdom. While gypsies share certain mutations (absent in other Northern Indians) with black death survivors of European descent, spics and nigs have no such immunity and would have very high casualty rates if the black death came again. Not going anywhere in particular with this, just something to think about.
Very nice, well thought out post user. Thanks for sharing.
Charles Edwards
Luis Green
No, dude, it's the same actual thread
you mean this?
Christopher Garcia
That was the entire point of both the articles of confederation and the current constitution. That's why it was 'these' united States before. Post Lincoln, now it's 'the' United states.
Most white nationalists, or even NatSocs, actually want to keep the current one single nation. After non-whites are kicked out, they want everyone to be one undifferentiated pan-european white people. This is frankly just as bad as complete white genocide to me. My heritage is just as destroyed. It is usually mid-western german descended people from at best the 1890s that say these things. They don't care if your oldest present family line goes back to the 16th century or not.
Nolan Cox
overlooked fact: utah is currently a battleground state: with far reaching implications. those who talk about the north-west would do well to note this
Jose Allen
Andrew Adams
It's called the Saltire/St.Andrews cross, you fucking idiot. It only got the moniker 'Southern cross' because the CSA adopted the design of St. Andrews cross.
Get the fuck out, newfaggot.
Noah Jones
That, but other works of his also are explicitly not anti-white. He also has a book on the history of the Scots-Irish. Pic related is simply the closest thing on hand, but might not be the best example.
Evan Miller
On a tangential note, he also mentions the USS Liberty
Carson Gray
Cooper Edwards
It's complicated. Here's a speech for you.
Lt. General Nathan Bedford Forrest's Farewell Address to His Troops
America would be a lot better off if you people had used your heads. A little pragmatism would've required some humility, sure, but the alternative stained the land with blood and ruined your image permanently. You will never get back what you lost, and it's all your fault that the south is a mess that fulfills the stereotype of the stupid southerner who keeps it in the family and yells at people with a different skin tone. Just accept that the south as a concept is finished and move on. Your idols passed on into history, just like everything else will.
Julian Lee
Yet another reason to hate Yankees. They try and destroy our faith as well, be they fedoras or LARPagans. Christianity is part of our heritage. Deo Vindice.
Levi Jones
ignore this post, it shouldn't go through, trying to get duplicate image
Connor Rogers
Nice dubs yankee faggot
Chase Hughes
Anthony Campbell
I'm a Son of the South who has seen many unwelcome changes over the decades … The above (color) cartoon represents the hope for defiance and action …sadly, this cartoon represents the truth of the matter … A yid was hired to redesign the Georgia state flag after complaints by local Black "lawmakers".
Connor Lewis
I doubt this. I've studied parts of American history, and people have been trying to demographically destroy the south for since before America existed.
1. 17th century Spain and France shipped in natives and blacks for labor. 2. 18th century British shipped in natives to get them out of the main colonies. And blacks for labor. 3. 19th century North shipped in niggers to get them out of the main colonies. And carpetbaggers. And chinamen. 4. 20th century progressives shipped in muslims and niggers and global trash due to post WWII "decolonization" efforts. 5. 21st century Washington opened the borders wide open for Mexicans so they can get free votes.
All this shit was continually dumped on the south, yet the south seems to survive every attempt so far to ruin its gene pool, shared ethnicity or cultural heritage. And this is all due to the magic of picrelated rapid white baby making.
Also I'm East European, so closest thing you'll get to impartial.
Luke Bailey
Well said
James Johnson
I'm sorry but you hillbillies, rednecks, and trailer trash are not white.
Nathan Hill
Celebration of being uneducated, low IQ, bad taste, twang, etc. is going in the wrong direction. I see no difference than with spics loving their shit tier "culture" of low riders, vato dress, plucked out and sharpied eyebrows, sshsshlclh hey esse sleaze talk, etc.
Jack Barnes
For any Southernfags that are still lurking this thread, I have a question for you.
My family originally settled in the South in the 1600s, fought in the Revolution, and in the Civil War (on the Confederate side).
2 generations ago, my family moved west to the shithole that is presently Commiefornia- but I was not raised there, I was raised in 6-8 different states all across the country.
I live in the South right now, with no intention of leaving. I'm white, and hate niggers, jews, and liberals. Fuck the banks and fuck gun control.
Can I ever count myself as a 'real' Southerner… or has that been lost?
Jason Ortiz
Yes. Just stay until the accent takes hold again. The humidity will fill your lungs, and you will stop sweating on moist days. Then, you will be one of us, and also immune to the itchy reaction to mosquito bites.
As for those calling us uneducated. I am damn proud to have not been retarded enough to be "educated". A smart man learns without eed of a governing body of propagandists defining his reality. Who the fuck here is dumb enough to believe the education system is there to do anything but control and brainwash you? there is nothing in this world that cannot be learned through seeking experience, and dedicating yourself to it. You should be ashamed at how weak you are.
Hunter Sanchez
too many stars doesn't look aesthetic, and it's messy in the middle. BUT i like the idea and totally see what you're going for. the stripes behind the X works
Lincoln Anderson
If you moved to Germany would that make you German?
Carson Jones
Based General Scott
Joseph Walker
Well, by their standards, probably. Ya'know, with all these Tan Germans running around nowadays
Plus family ancestry plays a bit of a factor here.
If both sides of my family were German a generation or 2 ago, and I integrate and re-embrace my German roots, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't.
Probably not the best example m8
Hudson Mitchell
It's like taking a family vacation, for a generation.
Nathan Stewart
I grew up in rural maryland and one of my ancestors was a confederate war general
I count right?
Christian Ward
by that logic bongs are also southern since a good amount of southerners are at least mostly anglo
Besides, moving to Germany wouldn't make you a German just because you had German genetics. Sure, that's your ancestral homeland but you'll always be American
Isaiah Bennett
Oh this joy when I'm busy walking around in jeans and a black tee at 98 degrees up north and everyone gives me the weirdest look. Fuckers don't know nothing about Florida humidity.
Elijah Wilson
You're a Southerner, far more so than any son of carpetbaggers that just happened to be born on Southern soil. Welcome home.
Bentley Ramirez
Honestly, now that I've thought about it, I think it's up to the native people of the nation to decide whether or not you are one of them.
It's undoubtedly a blood/cultural bond, but acceptance from the people themselves I think is what is most important.
Oliver Bennett
we accept you, user
Caleb Davis
I am honored.
Here, made this OC just for you guys.
Jordan Brown
Thank you user. I needed a different smug
Jace Ramirez
I still have my template open, any suggestions?
Camden Parker
Not that I could think of. Maybe put these in the background to trigger the brits.
Kevin Butler
Might as well put the Battle of New Orleans in there if you really want the epitome of BTFO
Kevin Kelly
I think i'll make a betsy ross flag pepe for that actually.
Here's one more dixie pepe, and a template for those who who want to make their own racist memes.
Zachary Nguyen
I've always been a fan of guns on flags for some reason. Why not add an AR15 in the middle in a way similar to the "Come and Take It" flag?
Cooper Garcia
Oh this copy pasta again. Who keeps doing this? at least change up the post a little.
I wasn't sure whether I should post them in this thread because they aren't really southern related.
but i cant really find anywhere else so here ya go m8s
Nathaniel Ortiz
more like this please
Jayden James
The fight ain't over gentlemen. So long as one of us still draw breath there is hope for the south. If our identity, heritage and culture are to have any chance of survival we must re-gain our independence.
Eli Long
when shit kicks off can i come over and kill Feds and niggers with you guys? ill bring my own ammo and everything.
Eli Morris
Its perfect
Michael Evans
Like the "judge from Illinois"?
Ethan Russell
Is this a real question? Besides, that State used to be one of ours.
Grayson Clark
Again, it's the same actual thread.
I listen to it. Yanks would likely be out of their intellectual depth, tbh fam. The Heimbach one is next for me.
Not relevant, they're Confederates first, which is the entire point of this thread. You would be just as butthurt if he had posted the League of the South podcast, wouldn't you?
Easton Cruz
Sure. We'll take all the help we can get.
it wont make you a southerner though
Joseph Foster
Do you know your family history circa 1860? Might be worth a check given that political ideas are known to be genetic.
It's why the areas where the 'Confederados' who fled to Brazil instead of continuing to live in the union are filled with libertarian movements today.
It fits perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned. I have Revolutionary ancestors as well.
In point of fact, both the American Revolution, and the War of Northern Aggression were about the same actual problem. Just like they lie about Southern Independence, they don't tell the actual reason behind the Revolution. It wasn't that there were taxes, or the 'with no representation' which is just a catch phrase. It was because the Colonies each had their own Royal Charter. They only answered to themselves, they were entirely self ruled. The British Parliament had no actual authority over any of them, nor any right to assert any. Canada and Australia are still within the commonwealth, because they allowed the parliament to do that to them. The Southern States had the same exact problem with Washington D.C. usurping the exact same kind of powers that it never had. The Northern States allowed themselves to fall under the capitals power, and states have all been provinces ever since.
Well, shit. Here we go again.
Robert Gutierrez
proud southern scotsirish reporting.
David Bennett
Brody Perry
Most midwesterners are of German/Norwegian/Swedish stock, right? Just go straight back to that, user. I plan on it one day, but as of right now I don't have the money or the time. That's the kind of thinking that gives us Lincolns, Obongos, and potential Clintons.
user, if the English, Americans, and Germans couldn't stomp us out, I'm positive the Jew and his ragtag bunch of minorities won't. We should still fight for it, though.
By all means, I'd love to go over it. Also, for any interested, LSU's website has Cajun French resources.
Sebastian Richardson
I'm re-reading this thread now that I know some more of my own history. My direct male confederate soldier was put into a pow camp and after the war returned to his wife and after that had the child that was to be my ancestor.
Fucking what? I mean one of the areas in the south taken over culturally by watered down america. There are many such places. Nobody I knew growing up actually had any of the Southern accents. I heard some for the first time in my life in person in college. I know for 100% certain that many of these other people without Southern accents would have histories exactly like mine if they had a reason to give a shit and look it up. That's why I was so angry about it in those posts.
Side note, speaking English in general is an American thing. None of those people should LARP and attempt to switch to only speaking German or Norwegian. I am fine with them creating or returning to some more racially aware culture, but only as long as they retain a more real American affect. As opposed to what exists today. They should also not do that infuriating shit the chinks do where they have conversations in front of you and switch languages several times within a single sentence.
They were never intended to have that kind of power. No matter what my parents think of him, Lincoln "like lincoln says, if there is a law you don't like, enforce it harshly and it will be changed" was objectively a power-mad dictator. He violated basically everything it was possible to violate. This is also why the Confederate Constitution is structured as it is.
Austin Richardson
Also, didn't they only have that flag after we left? It's why the current Irish flag means nothing to me even though we're the orange.
Elijah Ward
Do you know which one? Most were pretty horrible, and he was lucky to have survived.
Good for you studying your own family history. It does make it more personal.
Nolan Mitchell
I never saw this flag before. It looks like the Red Hand of Ulster on a Thistle on the Scottish National Flag. Did someone just make this up?
Lincoln Moore
your all cucks and you deserve to die
Caleb Morales
The basis of both wars was exactly the same: Government by consent of the governed.
Brandon Nguyen
America was a shitty concept a shitty ideal and we should abandon the identity now
Nicholas Jenkins
Jeremiah Thompson
I love you, user.
Jaxon Bell
Neil may be a leftist, but I think he smells it.
Alexander Powell
I know Bob is the biggest kike. Still, best to you all. You many never understand how much I love you all.
Grayson Stewart
Have you ever bought the compiled record for someone from the archives? Seems expensive. Anyway, it looks like the one in Louisville, KY. Go ahead and tell me if you know about it.
Yeah, I was surprised to see that he was a pow. Another ancestor joined up, went off to fight, but got pneumonia and died.
It really does, the fact that I'm just looking at census records and land purchase records doesn't take that impact away. Though I imagine you have to be open and receptive to their message to really hear it. I already knew what had been taken from me before I began doing genealogy. I would wager there are SJWs that would need a safe space and a large amount of crying if they found out they had a Confederate ancestor. There are likely also cuckservatives who would just write it off as the past, something to know but that's all, no basis in today's world.
That is much more concise than mine.
Levi Stewart
Also, if I put an email address in here, would you use it?
Dominic Smith
We love you back, user. I have the DVD for The Last Waltz, and pull it out and sit back with a bottle of wine and enjoy the show every now and then.
A simpler, happier time it was.
Connor Williams
I joined Fold3 for a month and downloaded everything from there. I'm not sure what they charge now, and it helped knowing who I was looking for beforehand. I found some interesting stuff, like reports written and signed by my ancestors. Made a tingle run up my leg, so to speak. ;^)
No, I've not read about it. I've read on the Old Capital Prison in DC, Point Lookout in Maryland, and Rock Island in Illinois. My direct ancestor's company commander was sent to Point Lookout. He was released after about 9 months, but he spent the Winter there, and never recovered. A cousin's ancestor (we're related through mothers, and this was her dad's line) died at Rock Island. He froze to death.
The thing about Union POW camps is that they had the resources to properly care for prisoners, but made it a policy not to. In the South, we didn't have the resource. By law the guards ate exactly the same as the prisoners, but the First Lady's shoes were coming apart and falling off her feet, and there was nothing much to share. Life was Hell in either, but it was a matter of want in a Confederate prisoner, and a matter of intentional neglect, and worse, in Union prisons. There are records of nigger prison guards in some prisons shooting randomly into the barracks for the Hell of it.
They'd let a nigger fuck their wife in remorse. Fuck them. We were born of Rebels and traitors, and we're proud of it.
I would, but I don't recommend that at all; not here. There's no telling what would happen. You'd probably get phished to Hell and back at the very least. Sucks, but that's the way it is.
Ask anything you want to though. I check this thread regularly. I'll be glad to give you any help and advice I can.
Josiah Brown
That's not completely accurate. There were white slaves also.
Colton Rogers
There were at one time, but by 1860 there really weren't. There were many Irish slaves in the 1600's and 1700's, and indentured servitude hung on until after the Revolution. By the turn of the 19th Century, however, very few are to be found on the record, and chattel slavery was an almost entirely African thing.
I'm open to reading anything you have disproving this, but I've been reading about this shit for 40+ years, and that's what I've found.
Carson Jenkins
i think someone did just make it up. i couldn't find an "official" flag for scots-irish that settled in america.
i just chose this from google images because both elements appear on my family's(or at-least what i've been told is) coat of arms.
given the fact that half my genealogy consists of moonshiners and mountain people, its hard to get information.
Caleb Smith
Kevin Flores
Sorry, user. There is no such thing as a family coat of arms. This is something pushed by merchants to sell stuff.
Arms belong to individuals, not families, and are hertiable. There are 42 people listed in Burke's General Armory with my surname. Some of the arms are very similar, which suggests a common ancestor, but they are all unique, and all belong to an individual person. There are arms issued to companies as well as people, however.
Grayson Clark
As an example, here is a screen shot of Burke's open to pages on the surname Brown. There are nealy six full pages of Brown's and Browne's listed.
When the male line dies out, a female typically names an heir. Sons-in-law are generally favored. That person usually hyphenates their given surname to the titled surname.
There is a Porter named Sir Andrew Alexander Marshall Horsbrugh-Porter, 5th Baronet, who is not really a Porter. His great-grandfather inherited the title from his maternal grandmother.
Oh, I was talking about the compiled record that the national archives have. It's $30 each record and has limited info. That sounds like you got more from Fold3.
Which is disgusting, but they only portray Andersonville as being like that in any films. It's basically southern nazis in most of them.
Oh, I'm aware. That's why I asked before I made a throwaway one. throwawayaddress /at-sign/ I'm sure I'll be able to tell it's you, and I'll respond with a different one as that fills with garbage.
Lucas Hill
I don't think there is one, other than the various CSA flags. Which some whose ancestors didn't join in Appalachia may not see it as valid. Yeah, it was all just kept in family bibles if at all, and I've never seen such a thing.
Thanks for that, that was the first I'd heard of it. So only one person has it, and only one of his sons can inherit it? That would explain the creation of so many others.
The tradition of doing this died out almost completely. I'm not sure how to start it back up again. Did you find a copy of that online? Would be interesting to see if an ancestor of mine is in there.
Jack Scott
RebelYell is the only good podcast on TRS
Noah Walker
feels pretty bad tbh
Lucas Hall
Chase Martinez
This is how you start. Talk to your oldest living ancestors, and write down everything. Then go to the census records, probates, wills, etc. Ancestry is GREAT for this, as they have all the documents online.
Correct. In certain eras, like the 1500's for instance, the sons would add something to their father's arms, like a saltire, a crescent, if they got arms in their own right.
Last I heard current theory was that the henges were built by the indigenous population of the Isles and that the henges of the mainland were similarly built by the people the aryan invasions conquered and displaced.
Eli Cruz
How did that work? What did the one who inherited it have to do to earn it? What about the ones who earned the right to get a new one? For some reason it seems more physical than an image based on these descriptions.
We don't know much about them. That does seem to fit, I was pretty sure that all the henges were supposed to be religious in nature and there were some in both places.
Logan Johnson
I never wrote they had to "earn it." Being born was all they had to do, but only the first born could carry his father's arms. Later sons would carry the father's arms with some changes. Some became prominent enough on their own to make up new arms. In later times ONLY the first born son inherited arms, and often second and later sons wouldn't get any. Rules changed over time, but if your family was powerful enough, rules didn't matter. If you want all the details there are books and websites that go into it. Here are the current rules of the College of Arms.
The current theory I heard and read is that the original stone burial structures in Britain were built by the hunter-gatherers. These were typically smaller stone circles with a stone topping.
The "henges" are attributed to the Neolithic farmers. Farming allowed people to remain stationary, rather than following the herds. Farming was adopted by the previously nomadic hunter-gatherers, and their societies blended. Which of these came up with the idea of the larger stone circles cannot be determined, but they appear to be based on the earlier stone burial sites. Farming also gave people more free time, and the ability to pool resources, making such monuments possible.
What part the Eastern Eurasians played hasn't been determined, and may never be discovered, but they likely made some additions and changes.
We can only guess at the original intent of the builders. Most sites do face the Winter Solstice sunsets, leading to many theories, but there's just no way of knowing for sure.
Hunter Jenkins
When will this thread die?
Brayden Cox
Maybe it would if you didn't bump it nigger.
Jaxon Martinez
It won't. It will rise again.
John Bailey
The southern thread is just like the south: It will always rise again.
Joshua Murphy
I'm Afrikaans, brought up english and I can relate to you. I'm stuck here, but what's the point in moving when you can't. South Africa is free, but you have to have your head on a swivel to survive here.
I never liked Americans for their blind propogranda/pride but people such as yourself and 8 years of Holla Forums has changed that.
Nowadays, i just simply wish I could live in an environment where i know I can be safe and live my life. I don't think that's something the libs that visit here understand. They see all the nice spots, burn coal and fuck off without understanding how bad things are.
I miss the old days. I am grateful for life, I am grateful to Holla Forums (1st exodus, 2nd, and even when HW lost the war, I saw that we got divided across all chans).
So returning here to just read and shitpost, your words make a lot of sense. I fully support the southern movement and would fight for you on your behalf, just as many of you would fight for w. South Africa.
God bless you guys and take a stand don't let ((them)) overtake the last state that has any chance of retaining what was once a great nation.
Noah Edwards
Adrian Nelson
This is the cuckchan exodus.
Julian Brown
Nope; I just have a proper appreciation for the GOOKSLAYER
Anthony Butler
thats funny because Rebel Yell is fucking garbage.
Lucas Ross
Oh, that's what I thought you meant by
>If you want all the details there are books and websites that go into it. Here are the current rules of the College of Arms. Yes, my dad has a coat of arms on the wall of his office, but it was based on what he was told was the family coat of arms, which you just showed is not how it was supposed to be. So that is something I'll read about.
How could you say that? It's not funny and LARPing, but it is very intellectual and good.
Bentley Gray
Fuck the south. You made your bed, now sleep in it.
Nathan Watson
I'm sure you read that wrong, mate
James Hernandez
Wyatt Perez
Your mother beat you to it.
Dylan Allen
My dad bought one of those too when I was young. We hung it above the fireplace. I thought it was awesome. Many years later I discovered the truth.
I don't guess there's anything wrong with doing that, as long as you realize it's LARPing.
And just to be a real shit, clan tartans are almost as fake, especially those for Lowland Scots families.
Isaiah Sanchez
Who disturbs my slumber?
Gabriel Hernandez
Do you consider Austin and Houston (cities) Texan? There's your answer of why Texas went marginally for Cruz. Same Story for Oklahoma with OKC and Tulsa, and Wichita and Topeka for Kansas.
Grayson Flores
Missouri, and only Missouri.
Noah Garcia
Burn Atlanta again, and do it right this time.
Charles Peterson
Sherman was a good goyim fighting for niggers and tyranny.
Ryder Flores
He's also a gook fucker.
Xavier Adams
I didn't, it was a big school.
What would it take to make it not LARPing? A new Court of Chivalry?
I've only barely heard about those being a thing.
Gavin Bell
I did this with awhile ago. 50 stars for the mainland and alaska can get fucked, although the stripes are a little small.
Ryder Hughes
*stripes are just a little small in retrospect
Bentley Bennett
Matthew Campbell
So you're saying they're just big pussies who tolerate their existence while hating them? What a bunch of fucking cucks.
Jason Ramirez
stop fucking bumping this you inbred fucking retard
James Collins
It's glorious. Truly the way we were meant to live. My graduating class had maybe 8 blacks out of 100 students. In my childhood neighborhood of perhaps 150 families, not one single household was non-white. I dream of living in that kind of place again someday.
Austin Edwards
This is one of the most popular Southern Baptist magazines.
Jayden Rogers
Gavin Miller
I grew up in the buckle of the Bible Belt, and have spent my life around Southern Baptists, yet have NEVER once seen that magazine.