8ch Emergency Announcement System

So where is this freech? I want to keep hanging out with the cool kids and I can't let the death of Holla Forums stop me.

2/10. Enough for a reply, but not enough to convince people to leave. Try a better tactic Holla Forums.

i don't even frequent this chan, sure as hell aren't intl

We're on the verge of several site-wide shakeups. Hotwheels is about to step down from his role, which admittedly he was barely attempting to do anyway, probably because of real-life health complications. Jim, who many of us have never trusted, but still kept the site up (if questionably operational), is planning to take a more direct role in site administration, starting off with cleaning up the CP spam in light of some kind of "report" he got, likely from some government. There have been no changes to the warrant canary at the bottom of the page in line with this report, indicating that it might as well be assumed to be fucking dead (if it was ever credible in the first place). He's planning on bringing his son, Codemonkey, on board to fix up the site, which may either plug the holes or cause it to take on water, and what influence he'll have in the future is a total unknown. Mass purges of mods preceded our migration from 4chan before Gamergate was even a thing, so it is unlikely to be a good sign about things to come. Changes to administration tend to bring about changes to the userbase in terms of both the nature of the users and the board culture they create.

I guess the tl;dr version of what I'm saying is I see the boat rocking and I don't know if it's going to capsize or dislodge itself from a reef it's stuck on, but just to be safe, I'm finding a fucking lifeboat and I'm going to start lowering it. If the boat rocks too much, I cut the cord and go off on whatever chan rises from our ashes, even if that is only a temporary home.

Is this a comic or a cartoon?

At this point, I have no fucking valid reason to leave Holla Forums, I'm not getting banned for retarded shit so I have no reason to leave it like 4chan and this place still has a sizable enough population, I don't want to end up on some graveyard chan

Come up with an actual compelling reason or fuck off
Reported for meta shit

You leaving will be a net benefit.

It's the same kind of shills that spammed during infinity next period before anything even happened. This thread was posted in multiple boards just now.

You posted this on every other board, fuck off.

Then why are you fucking here stirring up drama bullshit?

Oh right, you're one of the goons from SomethingAwful, Holla Forums, and/or the GNAA, the same group that's been attacking this place since the beginning when it was being DDOS'd

When will you sad fucks finally give up trying to split the community? Its been fucking years man, the only people you've convinced to come to your side are a shills audience, a bubch of noeffort shitposters. And the saddest part is it took concentrated effort to come to this, I feel bad for you fucks

Daily reminder that if anybody is killing Holla Forums, it's the doomtards.
Endchan has no future and if you think you're somehow making a better future by moving there, then you are a fool. At the first sight of trouble everybody is going to pack their things and try to run away to SomeOtherChan, just like they ran from here.

Are you just gonna keep running away?

If Holla Forums is so dead/irrelevant then why did you spam this on every board just now?

Honestly, if Holla Forums dies, I think I'd rather go back to 4chan and try my luck at finding reasonable thought there, than keep exoding from one chan to another 'til the end of days.

Nice try.

In regards of Lowcard and the situation on Holla Forums.
From >>>/a/

Ok you faggot here's the full one. I made the pic not OP.

I'll say what I told everyone else:
>a guy named codemonkey is the replacement for hotwheels, vetted and picked by jim of course

Jim plans to take a more, more active and centralized approach. Pedo threads on Holla Forums? deleted. Uncooperative BO? Replaced! Unflattering comment? BANNED!

Holla Forums's BO, arguably the 3rd most powerful person on Holla Forums IP was banned for 6 weeks. I'm not a fan of him but he was banned for the wrong reason.

We're not all muricans

NNTPchan could be our final destination. At least it will be mine, if that doesn't work then I don't believe anything will.

That said, Holla Forums needs to die first, which I don't see happening anytime soon.

Stay on Holla Forums faggot

/operate/ was an unusable shithole for the longest time, its a miracle only now they're starting to do something.

He's been with the site for over a year, how much of a newfag are you?

Had it coming for the longest time, I wouldn't call Goon shitposting the highest form of content

mkamphy's had that shit coming for him and Im glad he got his shit kicked in.

Now if only we can ban Australian Ip's…


It doesn't get more obvious than this.

Looks who's talking

OP pls go

It's pretty obvious nobody wants your shilling here, especially when Holla Forums has had about 25 threads (literally 25) about this kind of subject during the past few weeks.

Fuck off, goonsperg.