New Boxxy Thread all hail the queen forever.
Boxxy Thread
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Friendly reminder that she's lost her youthful emo teen charm and is now a short haired, out of shape 24y/o feminazi
I do not think she ever said anything about being a feminist however yeah i am not digging the short hair but she still looks decent at 24.
I ain't even complaining, i'm actually impressed.
Post nudes you shitcunt
She has no nudes and the ones that are out there are fake she is not a slut.
The once and future queen of Holla Forums
You don't see "Rebecca Black" threads any more.
What is the secret of Boxxy's longevity?
INB4 "Zionist Plot"
So what's the point of this thread if there are no nudes?
Boxxy is a legend & will never be forgotten nobody cares about "Rebecca Black" anymore.
To honor our queen & savior its a tribute thread.
dat shoe on hair, not boxie
Nigga what??? are you stupid??.
STFU Boxxy is queen of all chans also fuck reddit & Tumblr.
Yeah you wanna fuck me dont you.
Once was bad enough
I am sorry you feel that way XDXD hhhaaa.
2/10, bad photoshop.
So does your ugly fat cow of a mother lol.
Oh really?? Get out faggot this thread is for our beautiful queen.
Haaaaaa faggot your so stupid Catie loves us & is excepting of her fame now.
milo is the queen of Holla Forums nigger
now GTFO
I love Boxxy, but the problem is that she hasn't gotten naked, not even showing tits. And that is a big problem. I don't think Boxxy has the right to torture this many people. I think when there reaches a certain number of people that want to see you naked, you should be obligated to show them. For the fans. Otherwise you're a cunt. So I'm a little upset at Boxxy for teasing me all these years.
Dude shes not obligated to show you anything for one thing shes not a slut second shes not bullying you shes trying to teach you to respect the privacy of a girl no means no and if you wanna see a girls good parts befriend her then date her take it slow for awhile then maybe you will get to see them.
sing it sister
No, Boxxy owes us at least her tits. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
There are no females on the internet. I'm going to have to ask you to show tits or GTFO.
HAHAHAHAHA, memes. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I found a picture of her
Smell away pretender to the crown
Give it up nobody cares about this shit also reddit is for fags.
Jesus christ this really is the state of the board isn't it? good posters, left, fucking UNBEARABLY new halfcuckers so incredibly obviously right out of halfcuck came in
The nature of cancer is that it always spreads. You have to cut it out.
Shoe0nhead 4 eva!
Only Boxxy.
Anyone who wants to post in this thread I refer you to this post
Boxxy cures cancer.
How about no.
My ex gf kinda looks like Boxxy.
I miss her.
no she doesn't.
Boxxy should do at least one porn for her fans
make way for the princess
guys who the fuck is boxxy
The queen of the internet.
I'd still tongue punch her fart box
seems legit
I want my Boxxy lookalike back so bad!
Naahh the thought of her getting fucked by men who do not give 2 shits about her or some niggers at worst just sickens me Catie is very pure & deserves to be treated with love & respect.
that's not boxxy. that's catie wayne.
boxxy will never die.