Be spic in Southern Spicland ( Chile)

What the actual fuck, keep your garbage to yourselves gringos.


Mansplaining: When a man talks in a condescending way to a woman who actually knows more about the topic.
The rest is shit-tier normie memes.

Other urls found in this thread:,,

do the same
spread sexist facts all over campus

ay caramba, hombre

looks like you lads need another pinochet



This. Latins, like Blacks, often have difficulty differentiating between an authentic blanco/gringo and a Jew. In fact, in this very moment I'm writing a paper on the Jewish Question in Peru which deals exactly with this topic.

You are right
But technically it is the useful idiot gringos doing it, instigated by the judios.

Yes, although in Chile there is no shortage of crypto-Jews/conversos falsos as well. The inquisition should have been much more stringent.

do you have some useful meme material?

though luck man, im chilean too, but you would get laughed at and be called a crazy feminazi at my uni should you try to pull this stunt.


You Latins, due to your closer intuitive connection with the principle of sexual polarity, are a bit more resistant to radfem brainwashing than the more abstract Anglos and Germanics.

Most feminists who try to start shit in LatAm unterwent an indoctrination phase studied at universities in Europe or the US for a time. I know a few cases myself.

My thought also. Power up those Helicopters once again.

I visited Peru once.

It was a nice place, and their version of pisco is almost as good as the Chilean stuff.

oh god why didn't the english conquer the whole western hemisphere that way we wouldn't have to listen to these quarter shitskins talk about how white they are in one thread and how evil the white man is in the other


Don't let them hear that. The older and more patriotic ones are still butthurt because of la guerra del pacifico.

*yawn* boring

For what it's worth, the English who came to and settled in Chile (there where quite a few in the 18th/19th century) where somehow of lesser quality, me thinks. More pirates and crypto-Jews than the old stock in the US. Which is not an insult to the Chileans, btw, whom I like.

nigga do you even reading comprehension?

are you saying juden are whites? fuck off goon

nope you are blaming whites for something the jews did

I've been thinking, can't you incite some sort of 'FUCKING AMERICANS GET THE FUCK OFF MY COUNTRY REEEEEEEEEE' reaction against this with the excuse that they're bringing their foreign culture there?

t. argie

You can come in, but you have to come in LEGALLY!


Shoah sage for offtopic


Theoretically yes, although you should make very clear that you attack from the right and not from the left. Anti-Americanism usuallly goes hand in hand with Leftist populism in LAtAm.

Yeah in my younger, more foolish, and pre-redpilled days I had a Peruvian wife.

marriage ended prior to the creation of offspring, fortunately. race mixing bullet = dodged

She was one of the more patriotic ones who had very deeply-held beliefs regarding the relative quality and authenticity of Chilean and Peruvian piscos.

Wouldn't that be a good thing? You'd end up making them eat eachother, and pro-americanism would be a needed thing once Trump finishes MAGAing and aims to have other nations have their own nationalist equivalent.

While the left cannibalizes itself over bringing feminism or getting rid of americanism, the right pops up with pro-trumpism as example to follow and final solution.

To be completely honest, in a Latin American context the principle of racial purity doesn't make much sense anymore. Due to centuries of intermixing a lot of the racial differences are just not that pronounced anymore (e.g. in IQ or disease susceptibility), and in my personal observation "whiteness", on a qualitative level, just doesn't mean much anymore. I saw and met a lot of degenerate, weak blanquitos and a lot very able and strong/beautiful cholos and mestizos.

Pure natives might be a different matter, but in general, personal compatibility and individual human quality seem to me - again, in a LatAm context! - much more important than simply copying Euro/US racial sensibilities.

To be completely frank, Pisco is a Peruvian invention (the name already says it), but you Chileans were much more crafty, rapid and able in industrializing and globally commercializing it.

But yeah, the Peruvians still harbor resentment for some things, along with an inferiority complex, at least among the older ones. The young generation is already westernized - Starbucks, Mac, Facebook etc.


Is there already a strong right-wing/nationalist movement in Argentina?

This time with even more lightning!

What I observed there were still people who looked to be pure-blood Spanards, still people who looked to be pure-blood Incans or whatever, and every ratio in between.

Most people clustered around an average, however.

To their credit, most of them seem to recognize that their best president ever was Japanese. That at least shows some decent level of self awareness.

I'm not Chilean.

lmao poor country

This is true. As mentioned above, in LatAm, individual human quality and race are quite decoupled (with the exception of Blacks) due to two reasons:

) the large inherent differences between the different native stocks (a Chimu is not a Quechua is not a Mapuche etc.)

) the very varied quality of European immigrants. Many of them quite low types - mercenaries, fugitives, half-Jews etc; it's simply untrue that "whiteness" equals automatic superiority in LatAm.

Yes. The dominant ethnic groups independent of size in Peru are, in this sequence: Jews, Japanese, Whites and Chinese.

Since about 15 years, Chinese and Mestizos are ascending, so my projection for the next decades are: Jews, Mestizos, Chinese, White, Japanese

Ok, my bad.

just the useful idiots
read my post again

Seria interesante intentarlo. Buena idea mi negro.


I have always wondered…

What is it like to be a spic?


Oh, I'd love to see the salt on talking about the Jewish Question in Brazil.


Remember helicopters were invented for a reason, my chilean friend


Yes, absolutely. I was/still am astonished also about their level of influence in Peru. Finance, politics, business… they are mostly Ashkenazim, so the average Mestizo tends to mistake them for blancos.

Why do so many Peruvians look like human/hamster hybrids?

I guess because they eat hamsters (or cuys).

I can easily tell apart the various beaner ethnicities.

Peruvians and Ecuadorians stick out like the weird human/? hybrids they are.


Personally I find mestizas quite attractive, but the more native ones are sometimes… quite ugly.

Cuy is not that bad, although it's mainly restricted to the sierra. Most Limeños find it quite disgusting.

This is the one downside to having become redpilled.

Eventually I'll settle down with a white wife here in the US, but I'm never going to find one who's will be able to cook as well as the Peruvian one did.


Same. Jews are regarded as purely a religious group, perceived as racially white.

Haha no, impossible. Peruvian cuisine is really good. In the case of the US you will we be doubly disappointed, because the Yank "cuisine" is not merely average, but actively sub-standard… lots of processed bullshit, junk food etc.

It depends. The very native ones, yes. Mestizas and urban cholitas - i.e. those where the mixing point lies a few generations in the past - are quite sexy, I think. A matter of taste; pics somewhat related.

A thousand times this. This is a huge problem when dealing with and talking about the Jewish Question. The article I'm writing at the moment deals precisely with this topic.

u wot m8

I think he was talking about las peruanas

I was talking about in the Peru/Ecuador region

You're Brazilian, I assume? I only undertsand spanish, but not Portuguese. Would love to read some primary LatAm source on the Jews.

She's very sexy, indeed.

I don't know any source in Spanish, but if you're willing to try you can look at the works of Gustavo Barroso. Some include "Brasil - Colônia de banqueiros" (, "Judaísmo, Maçonaria e Comunismo" (, "A Maçonaria: Seita Judaica" and "Sinagoga Paulista".

Thank you, interesting. Saved all of them. I can understand quite a bit when reading, and due to Brazil's size and influence it's only natural to assume that it produced more literature on the JQ than the other LaTAm countries.

Chile is 60% white and 30% castizo, there is no reason they should want to mix with peruvian shitskins who are 90% indio or mestizo

Those women are ugly as fuck

This is an actual attractive mixed blood

muh chicken

Look, I like Chile and have quite a few Chilean friends, but by no means is that country 60% "white", at least not by European standards. I could accept the term "America white", though, the same way that many Yanks are "white".

Besides, as mentioned earlier, the relation between race and human quality is by no means simple in LatAm. Don't forget we are talking about half a millennium of intermixing - things are not as clear-cut as in, say Europe right now with the Turks and Arabs.

To be frank, I don't see a lot of difference, although your example definitely shows some Carribean influence. She's colombiana o venezolana I'd say.

You're uninformed. Peruvian cuisine is considered one of the best of the world, easily up there with the French or Japanese.

For the record, I'm not Peruvian, to get that out of the way

To comment further on the point of the difficulty of correlating race with human quality in LatAm, consider los negros. Everybody who traveled to the US as well as to South America can attest to the fact that, in general, the Latin Negroes are much more relaxed and of - on average! - higher quality than the US ones.

The writer Mariategui speculated that the more muscular and Blacks were bought in the Southern US states (as they had more money), while the less muscular ones tended to be sold in LatAm. Clearly, cultural and economic factors can strongly influence gene flows within a few generations. Let's not be hasty about this whole race thing.

The same applies regarding the natives, e.g. Chimu stock is, in general, of higher quality than the nativos selvaticos.

In the same vein it could be argued that the observable martial inclinations of Chileans are due to some part of Mapuche heritage, because despite their glorification of Prussian culture, very few actual Germans emigrated to that country.

It was probably some Kikess or crypto Jew Chilean. Stay on guard OP and give us names (so Holla Forums can be right again.)

It will be a Jew with a Spanish surname.

This shits actually pretty funny, I thought mansplaining was a byproduct of white privilege.

What cucked university do you go?

Santiago está a millas en temas feminazistas, de seguro es alguna allá

I swear to god, there must be something instinctual about wanting to knock up a woman of a different race, this shit just ain't right.

Pretty sure keeping the genetic pool diverse enough is beneficial as to dilute the incidence of disorders. Also, you might just be disenchanted with the women of your race, and want to find solace on other race.

Be aware that a lot of apparently Spanish surnames are, in fact, of Jewish origin: Cortés, Hidalgo, León, Mendoza, Pedralbes, Soto, Valdivia and more.

And yes, you read correctly: many of the conquistadores where, in fact, wholly or in part Jewish, which partially explains their greed in the search for gold.

For hispanohablantes I can recommend the following quick read:

It's very natural, I think. The Vikings did the same, for example, in their rampage through Europe. The racialist brain clashes with our animal instincts.

An unpopular point on Holla Forums, but a true one nonetheless.

Pseudo-intellectualism at it's finest.

Jewish peoples are very, very mixed and yet still suffer possibly the largest array of health issues of any race of people. There is no such thing as 'hybrid vigor' within homo-sapiens as there is in dogs, but nice try Moishe.

Neighbouring villages with exactly the same genetic stock have done it.

I was under the impression that jews were barely mixed at all, what with wanting to keep it in the tribe to the point that they were breeding with close relatives. Isn't it a big part of their culture to not mix with the natives of whatever country they're in at the time?

It wasn't us beaner


That's by no means so certain - at this very moment I have five current research papers on Ashkenazim population genetics opened on my desktop. In fact, the - indeed - huge incidence of genetic diseases is precisely speculated to be due to inbreeding for centuries.

I cited a source (although in Spanish) - what do you bring to the table?

This. Full disclosure: I'm German and politically NatSoc, but Jewish genetics are not clear-cut at all. There is a HUGE debate surrounding this very topic.

Simply give the Wikipdia article a quick glance; genetically, things a complex, and I say that as a dedicated Jew hater:

Fellow South American hermano here.
We have that too, SJWs here are too dumb to understand that we as a third world country actually have problems and issues to care about, but since they are all upper middle class spoiled babies that never worked for a penny, all they can understand is the same bullshit that first world upper middle class spoiled babies that never worked for a penny parrot around.
If the US and Europe stoped with this trend of sjw faggotry, it would end here as well.

GTFO man.

Yankie-Puritans are the ones who are desperate to spread their "culture" to everyone on Earth… and have done since the Civil War.

Jews join in of course because they know how destructive it is.

I agree. Even faster, in fact, as Latin women are more connected to their essential femininity.

To clarify for those still following this thread:

Of course the old tell-tale signs of Jewishness still apply -

- "rat ears"

- the nose, of course (although many Jews undergo surgery nowadays)

- deformed mouths, for example the common "frog mouth"

- general physical frailty and ugliness

- tendency to hand-rubbing (that is NOT a joke; most Jews really do this)

- the genetic diseases already mentioned (e.g. Tay-Sachs)

- manic preoccupation with money

- sexual obsessiveness

- fecal humor

It's just that once you investigate the real nitty-gritty genetic details - chromosomes, haplogroups etc. - things get real messy, real quick.

All the old National Socialist insights still apply, we just need a modern, up-to-date biogenetic framework to identify what defines "Jewishness" on the genetic-molecular level.

Cart before the horse - I assume you are Latino, because due to unfamiliarity with the Jewish Question many Latinos assume that any person who vaguely looks is white. This is not the case; specifically the Ashkenazim can be deceptively similar, which makes them so dangerous. It's a common error of perception among US Blacks as well. Look at how many Negroes think Bernie Sanders is "white", when in fact he is, of course, Jewish.

Fucking conquistadores, couldn't keep their dicks in their pants around other races. We are a country of mongrels.

I will do my part and not have any children, and maybe gas myself.

PS: It wasn't me.

Yes. But don't let that hold you down. If you go back long enough, everybody's a mongrel.

Kek. Don't be too hasty. Take a genetic (i.e. haplogroup) screening first, they are quite cheap nowadays (~100US$). With this you can roughly identify your genetic ancestry. If at least two of your grandparents are non-Jewish you would not count as Jewish according to the Nuremberg Laws from 1935.

Holy shit you're dumb.

The only thing attractive about that woman is her EUROPEAN features.

In fact, ALL attractive women are attractive BECAUSE of their EUROPEAN features.

Part of the reason I want to bang her is her dark skin. What's European about that?

Must not racemix…must not racemix….must not racemix


That's why LatAm nowadays can be a tantalizing trap for gringos… given the abysmal state of many Northern women, it's all to easy to fall prey to the charms and lures of Latin women. Wrap it up to not catch diseases or father children and you're good to go.

Really you're tempted by that nigger tier mestizo garbage?

There are MUCH better looking Hispanic women hell I'm a spic myself and I wouldn't go anywhere near those disgusting whores.

Ok, una Peruana mas and I'm off to bed. Keep this thread alive, Latin America is hugely important for the future of National Socialism (yes, I'm serious).

You're Latin, my man - of course you have a different taste than a gringo.

also when they get grey-haired, their eyebrows usually stay dark.


She heats the food a man bought with an oven men made.

She pours the chemicals men made on the floor men made and pushes a mop that men made.

She pushes the baby a man made into the hands of a male doctor, in a hospital built by men.

Women are parasites, which is why they are easily led astray by the jew.

Universidad de Chile

all of those girls are disgusting
off yourself

but she is more european then not.
Knock pic related up.

You southamericans are now an own category of race I guess with your unique spanish-native mix.
Still, its not that much of a bad mix, spaniards achieved quiet some stuff, and the natives did as well if you think about them not having acess to cows and horses all the time.


To qualify these two posts, it has been found that the majority of Ahkenazi jews of Europe were decended of exactly four women from Italy. Problems are that indictative of inbreeding.

You guys are niggers even next to Argentina.


It is general knowledge that today's Europeans - the basis for what North and South Americans consider "white" - are the result of the merging of Aryan invaders with the pre-existing native peoples (for example the "Pelasgians" of pre-historic Greece) about 10.000 years ago. Consider also the genetic heritage - varying according to locale - of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal man.

That hypothesis exists, but it's by no means that simple… consider that according to the latest research findings (caveat: lots of Jews in the genetic research community), the Ashkenazim of Central and Eastern Europe show a strong patrilinear commonality - which is surprising given that, as is known, halakhic Judaism is matrilinear, i.e. descent is traced along the mother line, not the father's.

Nice picture. Observe the prototypically Jewish "frog mouth".

It is general knowledge that today's Europeans - the basis for what North and South Americans consider "white" - are the result of the merging of Aryan invaders with the pre-existing native peoples (for example the "Pelasgians" of pre-historic Greece) about 10.000 years ago. Consider also the genetic heritage - varying according to locale - of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal man.

That hypothesis exists, but it's by no means that simple… consider that according to the latest research findings (caveat: lots of Jews in the genetic research community), the Ashkenazim of Central and Eastern Europe show a strong patrilinear commonality - which is surprising given that, as is known, halakhic Judaism is matrilinear, i.e. descent is traced along the mother line, not the father's.

Nice picture. Observe the prototypically Jewish "frog mouth".

Hotwheels plis

ragsplaining: feminist bullshit

Nina, Pina, Santa and Maria

Okay the one in the middle isn't that great but stand by what I said about the other two

Chilean here
We really need a Chilean RWDS

uruguayan-American here. Not worried about it. The latin women I want are conservative and the men know how to maintain their pedigree for Americans like me.

I think it's Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria

Pinochet was an ideologically bankrupt CIA pawn.

Put up similar signs with the definition of the word "womansplain" (Words: Woman + complain) besides the "manspalin" signs, and enjoy the butthurt

Yes, but he was arguably better than the alternative. Allende was a literal KGB plant.

Good, you deal with this shit you faggot beaners. It's what you deserve for ruining the civilized world

Like I said, fuck off. You mixed ass niggers are always trying to drag everyone else down- you're shit because you're mixed and the rest of us aren't so. All of the whitest latin countries have the best quality because brown shitskins like you can't do shit.

You're a los negro. Blacks are only aggressive in northern areas or originate from northern areas. Southern blacks stay in their place.

And Chileans are primarily Spanish.

That shit is full of feminism.

For the record, I'm a Kraut. My post was simply based on ethno-historical fact and not on any negative emotions; as an European I have the luxury to be able to examine South and North American race relations with a certain distance and objectivity. Second, the following will be quite long, but I think it necessary to clear up some very important points.

Regarding whiteness, it's a simple reality that most US Whites are, in fact, mixed to one degree or another. Be it a Great-Great-Grandmother of Amerindian blood, be it some illicit liasion during the times of slavery or afterward, or simply the vicissitudes of life and love in one of the huge immigrant beehives like New York or Los Angeles.

The proof?

) Haplogroup analysis. It's after midnight where I live, but if interested I could expound on that point in further posts.

) The lack of genealogical consciousness - that's why the term "white" is used in the first place instead of the much finer differentiation according to nationality that we still use in Europe. Very, very few Yanks can trace their ancestry with any reliability beyond three generations.

So while I retain and continue to use the term "white" and recognize its usefulness as an ethno-political signifier in the US context, be aware that it means not the same as for us Europeans. In fact, we oftentimes see its use as insulting.

Anyway, one simply is what one is. What counts is how one acts and how one confronts the present and the future.

Having lived many years in the US as well as in many LatAm countries, I would give the following pieces of advise to my WN Yankee friends:

) Don't make the mistake of overgeneralizing all Latins: current problems are specifically with some groups of Mexicans, a smaller group of Centroamaericans, and some more or less negligible squabbles with Cubans, Puerto Ricans and Creole peoples from the Carribean. The vast, vast majority of Latin Americans (especially from South America proper) doesn't have any desire at all to migrate to the US - your culture is much to hectical, work-focussed, mechanical and non-sensual for them, and since the economic climate is steadily declining since about a decade, even the pecuniary aspect does not motivate them as it did pehaps in earlier times. In fact, I personally know quite a few Latinos who returned to their country because of better work opportunities.

) You need to understand what motivates the Mexicans and ESPECIALLY revisionist movements like La Raza. I know many Yanks who entertain quasi-apocalyptic fantasies of brown hordes invading their ancestral, purportedly lily-white homelands, but this kind of thinking misses an important point. As you know, under the banner of Manifest Destiny your ancestors grabbed nearly half of their territory - a devastating blow to their national ego. That's not a moralistic argument - might makes right, after all - but you NEED to understand that many Mexicans think and act from a point of righteous indignation and revanchism and not simply from a generic desire to move in and grab your lands. They REALLY do feel being on the right side of history and righting an historic wrong. In some way or another this has to be adressed, the same way France and Germany had to reach a more or less honest compromise.

) Having said that, at least partial segregationism IS the way forward. I fully endorse Trump and his plan of building The Wall, if only to follow the dictum "good fences make good neighbours" and for thwarting the Globalist agenda. This entails dealing with the Narco scourge, a very complex topic. I'm too tired right now to follow up on it, it's likewise something for a further post.

) Finally, to avoid unnecessary conflicts and Jewish-Globalist divide-and-conquer strategies, it would behoove US White Nationalists to be more patient and empathetic with the wider Latin American sphere, especially regarding the Jewish Question. Think only a small, red-pilled minority in the US knows about the Jews? In LatAm, they don't know anything AT ALL. For most of them, Judaism is simply a small, harmless faith, and they perceive an Ashkenazi simply as just another gringo. Consider for a moment what that means - every single act of BS, every crime, every transgression and fraud, by the Latins is perceived as a WHITE crime, a gringo's crime. That's the magnitude of impunity Jews enjoy in this region; the play the Latins like a fiddle and instigate any kind of anti-white sentiment imaginable.

To repeat, THEY DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE JEWISH QUESTION. You need to reach out, because like it or not, countries like Brazil, Chile Argentina and yes, even Venezuela are "en bloc", too important to ignore (and let me tell you, especially Brazil is HEAVILY jewified). The region isn't your backyard anymore, and the Chinese are heavily moving in since about 12 years.

I have a few points more and of course a similar list para mis amigos latinos, but I really need to go to bed right now. Hope there'll be some interesting replies.

You can thank Pinochet for that. He opened the pathway to American economic and cultural domination of Chile. Feminism comes packaged with the cheap plastic consumer goods.

Basically. People here seem to love this guy even though he was controlled by the CIA. The CIA backed 1973 coup took place so the kike Milton Friedman and his Chicago Boys could practice their newly formed economic policies. The entire Southern Cone was a testing ground for Friedman economics before they applied it to the West.

CIA, KGB, both Jew controlled.

That's a bit harsh, at least according to offcial policy anti-communist containment DID play a very important role. As you know, it was specifically Chile, but not Argentina, where the Chicago Boys had their day. To be fair, much of Chile's prosperity today is said to come fromt this time.

I would agree… but how much coordination did or do those two have? Two Jewish cliques fighting against each other?

Please tell me this isn't real. Please tell me that this isn't happening, not here. Oh, just kill me, it's easier than dealing with indian looking SJWs who actually believe this bullshit.
I can't believe jews are actually spreading their shit to my country. Perhaps they aren't, perhaps the ones spreading this are the typical rich assholes who love communism and have a fucking iPhone.

we may be some mongrels, but atleast we're less mongrel than those untermensch in peru and bolivia.

that's what the jew wants, less goyim.

we goyim must stick together against the jew menace, it doesn't matter if we are black, white mestizo, etc. when we've eradicated the jew, then we can have full scale race war to see which actually is the master race.

You spics deserve this for invading us with your shitty immigrants. Enjoy having your society destroyed by kikes.

Very few Latin American immigrants in the US are from Chile, Argentina, or Uruguay. It's the Mexicans, Central Americans, northern South Americans, and Caribbeans that are coming here in droves.

I was hoping the same during all those years, but the Eternal Enemy really does consider the whole planet his property. It was unavoidable. Look what happenend in Brazil; it's one of the most babylonic and degenerated places imaginable.

Don't do that. Concentrate on the enemy.

Agree. The Jews have to go first. What happens afterwards… I don't really care. But the Jews have to disappear.

You're either a shill, a shitposter or an idiot. Read the above (I admit it's wordy)

and consider the big picture. The strategic implications.


I'm the Argie from if my ID changes, and I'd like to say that there's a possible way to redpill them on the jewish question using the jew's attempts against them:

The same way the left is trying to shoehorn the feminism and other foreign (read: kike) ideologies, one could also react to any holocaust discussion as a 'foreign matter', since WW2 is treated as merely a war that didn't involve us.

The moment the jew tries to bring the holocaust, one can just say it's a foreign matter. The moment they say we have to care for it, one can say that (from a bluepilled perspective, can't go 1488GTKRWN with normies) the countries involved are already taking care of it. The moment any attempt is done to shoehorn the holocaust saying that we should listen, one can attack them saying that none of us go to Europe or America and shout about [insert national tragedy here; dictatorship disappearances of LatAm are a great topic since it preaches to lefties to incite D&C].

The amount of people wise to their tricks is negligible. Nobody cares about them. They're just a number on a census. However, that can be used against them, hammering them down for thinking themselves special for no reason in these lands. Obviously, they won't back down, but that should be planned for, at which point you can start ever so subtly dropping hints that, just maybe, they pissed off the wrong people somehow. Nobody cares about them, therefore nobody sees them as little angels that didnu nuffin and got persecuted for literally no reason, so therefore such implications that they did something to deserve it won't be so rejected here compared to, say, Germany.

Still, this would work when they push. Not when it's so late they have consolidated themselves as the status quo.

Also, a fun little detail about Argentina and the jewish question:

There was a conspiracy theory running around in the army and other places, this plan called 'Plan Andina', that aimed to chop off the bottom half of Argentina and turn it into a jewish sanctuary/nation. At its most basic, the plan would've been to pull a landgrab similar to Israel in Palestine in this country, if I remember well.

Don't confuse race and ethnicity with linguistics; Latin peoples are those who speak a Latin language. This includes Latin Americans as well as Latin Europeans, e.g. the French or Italians.

By the way, even from an ethnic perspective your post is nonsense; by no means of the word are Italians and Romanians "pure" in that regard.

Interesting, very good points. Yes, by any means prevent that they can use their usual role of professional victims.

Very well possible. The kikes are capable of everything.


I go to Instituto Nacional

There's so much wrong and I have so little regard for Germans on this website that all I have to say is you're even lower than a Peruvian.

GTFO if you're incapable of rational discussion.

This is 100% the truth. Fact of the matter is, any problems we have with nonwhites will not and cannot be solved until we take care of our Jewish problem. After all, it is the Jew who is enabling other nonwhites against us. It is the Jew who prevents us from solving our problems with nonwhites. It is the Jew who is the one attacking us with nonwhites as their weapons.

The Jew is the root cause of our problems. You do not cure cancer by treating the symptoms. In fact, unless you destroy the tumor itself, the symptoms will only reappear and get worse. You must attack the tumor. We must rid ourselves of the Jewish problem before we can tackle the secondary symptoms of the cancer.

I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said, especially the cancer metaphor. We really have to eradicate the evil at its source.

Personally I believe that every "White Nationalist" wo rails against "spics" (in the US) or "kebab" (in Europe) without mentioning, in the same breath, the Jewish menace, is an idiot and D&C victim.

daily reminder

Brazilians( includes cisplatinians)
Northern( Amazon) and northeastern Brazilians
Whitish Colombians
The rest, with an emphasis on Venezuelans and paraguayans

You need to counter signal with pictures of Pinochet.

mediterraniggering sub-monkeys (ie northern sandniggers, ie northern-northern blackniggers, ie niggers)
balkanic roaches (whence nothing good ever came, eg pederasty, gypsies, euro-bailouts, etc)

how about whitish Mexicans

are you implying that there are anything but white mexicans?

Ausfag here, this video is true to life accurate.

*im not fucking joking **


even better, take a look at our eurovision contestant for this year

we are so fucked

It was a "fight" in the sense that it divided the allies on ideology and allowed (((them))) to cement their positions and corporations in China, America and parts of Europe. Basically, it's the same thing that is happening right now with religious and ethnic tension about to break down into a bloody decades-long war. (((They))) always make bank off of this shit.

what the fuck, we are in eurovision?
Did i miss something so glaringly obvious in geography class all those years ago or have we been floating around and ended up off the coast of Europe?

Who made this? Fookin genius.

fuck my life, it's that dopey nip cunt off whatever shit reality show it was.

As I remember she could barely speak English and by the looks of it has had quite a bit of the surgical jew done

We have them here in Flipland too. Come the fuck on US, you were cool before. BEFORE.


Tear it down.
A few years someone posted doge meymey on my collage, took down every one I came across

I'm convinced all the antisouth faggots were just jelly as fuck of how comfy its in here

It's true. I remember a year ago, some isreali militaries where traveling in the south of Chile, and they burned down one of our precious forest.
The media never reported what happened to them.

women, knowing anything…..

You first, taconigger. Maybe if you didn't drag your fat ugly women into our country they wouldn't get brainwashed by our fat ugly SJW women.

Posting from different place, but South and Central Americans are different, so you can't fit that in.
North Americans >South Americans >central americans

You need to make'em disappear. Nothing good comes from the Jews.


Well, technically Mexico is part of North America…

US and Canada>south America>rest of North america

Do they still see "the white man" as the enemy in your country?

Disgusting beaner

In the darker regions yes, sometimes. That's the problem, Latinos in general don't differentiate between a gringo and a Jew. Kikes can pull any shit they want and just make it appear as a whitey's crime.

No, apart from Venezuela, South America proper is more stable and prosperous than Mexico.

The hierarchy is, more or less, the following:

1) US and Canada
2) White South America
3) Mexico
4) Rest of South America
5) Centroamerica

You can't expect more from a country that asked the help of Sweden, yes SWEDEN, to create a new constitution.

Also enjoy getting flooded with niggers, faggot.

You mean Chile's constitution was written with help by the Swedes? Any source?

The two Europe-related facts about Chile I know are that ) Michelle Bachelet studied in Leipzig, Germany and that ) Margot Honecker, the wife of the last GDR prime minister, lives in Santiago.

Putting one makeup?

Sucking cock?

Emotional manipulation?

There is an importaint thing: women are the ones who get the children.