Child porn suspect jailed indefinitely for refusing to decrypt hard drives

Child porn suspect jailed indefinitely for refusing to decrypt hard drives

A Philadelphia man suspected of possessing child pornography has been in jail for seven months and counting after being found in contempt of a court order demanding that he decrypt two password-protected hard drives.

The suspect, a former Philadelphia Police Department sergeant, has not been charged with any child porn crimes. Instead, he remains indefinitely imprisoned in Philadelphia's Federal Detention Center for refusing to unlock two drives encrypted with Apple's FileVault software in a case that once again highlights the extent to which the authorities are going to crack encrypted devices. The man is to remain jailed "until such time that he fully complies" with the decryption order.

Other urls found in this thread:!hardcopy-3p/c1q2b

Am I supposed to feel sorry for a child pornographer? If he has nothing to hide why not just unlock the hard drives?

Well. CP is like modern heroin. Anyone can put it on you hard-drive through a virus and then get you into jail for "possessing" it. News also give huge advertisement to it by making more potential CP wankers by talking about it like its so cool to get into jail for.

That's why in russia they target websites, not users who visit them, nor they put owners into jail. Just sole ban.

Implying he doesn't hide there secrets on how jews control the government, and got accused of having CP there by jewish spies.

He'd better be learning to draw his own CP so this doesn't happen again. Or maybe he's learning to use Poser.

Of course not, let the chomo burn. It's relevant because they'll likely do the same thing to a government whistle blower or journalist a year or two down the line.

He might be a whistleblower though, he did work in the new jersey police which is notorious for being dirty. That's the problem with these type of crimes. We are officially soviet union now.


fuck pedos

yeah, what's the point of encryption if they can lock you up if you don't decrypt?

Better start setting up your harddrives with two passwords. One to unlock and the other which reformats and wipes it clean.

I suspect you're a faggot; therefore you are one.

Thanks obama

These are both true, but how can we know? I feel as if he was a whistle blower he would have gotten his story out after 7 months. We probably would never have heard of this had he been a real whistle blower.

I've started thinking more and more about this privacy stuff. I think that if he wanted to have child porn, he should have hid his stuff better and not gotten caught.

I'm getting tired of this "Muh privacy" stuff when it comes to breaking the law. It has nothing to do with the 5th amendment as much as it does with complying with an investigation.

Besides, there's encryption techniques that let you input two different passwords that get you two different files, but the government has no idea which is the right one. He could have fully avoided the whole thing if he wanted to, by using that technique.

I hate pedos with a passion and want them executed. If you're going to have child abuse images on your hard drive, then I suggest you deal with the consequences.


And he's going to walk away with literally millions of tax-payer dollars when this eventually winds up in the Supreme Court and he sues post-release.

This doesn't seem legal at all, but I don't know enough about law jewry

No, you're supposed to feel scared that the government has the ability to lock people up forever without conviction and that people just go along with it because they claim he's a pedo.

I like how no one even bothers to read the "suspected" part. For all we know the guy just might have some super secret family recipes on those harddrives he doesn't want to get out.
1. To consider (something) to be true or probable on little or no evidence.
2. To have doubts about (something); distrust
3. To consider (a person) guilty without proof

Don't tell me you actually believe that bullshit. Hope you're not an American because there used to be a thing called "Guilty until proven innocent" hence the language "suspect". The minute we start throwing away the values that made this country great in the first place is the minute we actually stand for nothing.

Everything the government does is to set precedents and they've been using the pedo argument for the past 5 years to try and get new snooping laws passed through congress. I'm sure you're acutely aware of that though and trust the U.S. government to always do the right thing.

on one hand, this is digusting and reprehensible, imagine they could do this to dissidents for any given reason. And until they produce evidence of child pornography, he's innocent.

on the other hand, if they do know he has cp on his harddrives, then i don't give a fuck how long he stays there, but this isn't how its supposed to work.

Its a thin line, I know, but if a court order is followed and there is a sufficient amount of evidence to actually have a court order (rather than right now, where its handed out like candy) then I don't see any reason why such data should still be protected.

Hell, you don't even have to release it to the public, if its private data, do it with some neutral moderator that you can sue the state for millions of dollars for if he violates an NDA.

NatSocs who become Libertarians once encryption is involved.

Do you want a police force with overwhelming power or not? Fucking choose already!

Lot of pedos in this thread.

well, I'm a libertarian but in any case due process is important regardless of government type. Respect of the rule of law is a two way street, there is no (non moral)reason to follow the law if you are presumed guilty anyway.


violation of 5th amendment , due to and evidence, he is illegally detained i demand you press chrages against my client or release him

no they broke the 4th and are making break the 5th while breaking the 14th


It is a clear violation of 5th amendment.

You can't be forced to testify against yourself or forced into self-incrimination.

once we are in control, then lets use the state by all means.

we are not in control. so we need to be very careful with centralized power and how much we support shit like this.

Who gives a shit? You don't have anything to hide, do you? We need an authoritarian state where this can happen in any situation, the nation comes before the individual. Fuck your freedoms.

What if this faggot forgot his password?

My truecrypt (old version) password is 34 characters, not hard to believe someone forgot that.

Probably not the case, but still

Don't you know the simping 101 rules of Holla Forums?
"suspect" means "guilty" when the allegation is

a) made by a woman (such as rape)
b) relating to child porn
c) the suspect is non-white

Look you dumb fuck, the reason legal principles matter is because infringements will eventually be used on anyone, not just the most detestable. When indefinite detention was first used they didn't go after someone's grandmother with undeclared income from making home-made jam, they went after a drug dealer.

Fucking moron go hang yourself and save the state the bother

I truecrypt most of my unsavory stuff on a mico sd card. If I ever get the proverbial knock on the door, i'll just shallow it.

FBI can have fun, trying to pick it out of my shit.

It's very depressing to realize that the average Holla Forumsack is NOT any more "red pilled" than the most dyed-in-the-wool, mainstream media consuming normie.

In the same way as the normie will tolerate total abuse of due process and rights for anyone they detest (such as people who identify as far-right), so the Holla Forums-identifying normie who claims to be "red pilled" will similarly agree with undermining of rights when the target is someone they dislike.

It becomes obvious then that many here are simply using "I browse Holla Forums" as an edgy adornment to their developing personas, age 16-24, will return to mainstream centrism by 30 and reminisce about how they "did that far-right thing but grew out of it."

What if he told someone a lie in order to get himself in jail so he can get million lawsuit?

Isn't Truecrypt known to be insecure now?

What about the 23th?


But there doesn't seem to be a better alternative or for the very least, I haven't decided on one myself.

People say that but experts have gone over the code and found nothing wrong.

The current opinion is that the creators got found out and were pressured to put a backdoor in and denied and just abandoned it.

Veracrypt is truecrypt with updates.

I'm pretty sure the truecrypt sourceforge suggesting bitlocker should prove to people that the project scope has been co-opted. Note: that doesn't mean previous versions [7.1a] aren't perfectly safe.

Is this broken Russian language? They don't put the owners in jail, but solely ban the sites? It's probably better that way anyway. CP is too easy to use as a blackmail tool.

Also like 99% of "young amateur teen" porn on legitimate websites are 15/16/17 year old grils.

You know the lawmakers don't care if it isn't

CP is the standard accusation for dissent.
Considering the nature of his arrest etc. this is likely the case.

If they had evidence of crime they would already have accessed the drives through forensic means.

Apple again? Considering SanBerdoo was an obvious media hoax and this is yet again Apple, pretty sure the phone and this are some kind of bullshit to set precedent or at least a narrative in the mind of the public.

But user…….
That won't be the case.

The way current things are developing, civil war in the western will be bound to happen. So these teen's or 20 somethings on this board simply won't have the chance to return to centrist views in the long run.

What?! Why aren't they doing this to all pedophiles?

Most are 18+
15/16/17 = prison if you're in the UK.
Even if the girl is your wife (16+) and you take a photograph of her nude for when you're away working offshore or deployed in the army, that is classed as child porn and you can go to prison for possessing it.

They'd be collecting jews and women then.

Let's hope so.

Surely this is covered by the Fifth Amendment? No man can be required to incriminate himself.

"You want to prove a case against me? You do the legwork. I'm not braiding the rope you'll use to hang me."

No shit. That's literally what I was saying and implying. Merely pointing that it's intentional they allow so much porn that they can classify as CP on otherwise legitimate porn websites.

There are a lot of cases that set precedent for both sides of that argument. Some say you must share the key, some say you don't have to.

It's a murky area because of the generally split decision.

That's funny.. How could they prove you could remember it and won't tell them? Refusing to tell the court something you don't know is a tricky legal situation.

Witchfinder's logic.

Stupidity, I name thee user.

lmao and what if he legit forgets the passwords?

jailed for life?

lmao america sort ur shit out plz

If they don't already have the logs to prove he downloaded questionable content, how do they know he has anything to begin with?
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for gassing pedos as much as anyone else, but can we at least pretend to use lawful due process here?

I guess so. It's not that long ago that 16-year-olds were appearing topless on page 3 of the Sun newspaper (UK). Actually the age of the model won't necessarily save you, if she's dressed as a schoolgirl and angry middle-aged women of the jury agree that she looks under 18, you could be looking at an annular stretch over the course of several years.

Spanking and water sports are considered "extreme pornography" now. Feminists actually flipped out because "face-sitting" was included in the bill. It's a problem because women like porn of women sitting on other women apparently, as usual any restriction was only meant to impact straight white men.


No. However, this;

Isn't a legitimate argument and is a fallacy of some sort IIRC.

Is there actually any probable cause?

And there's even more pedos in the US legal system than pedos that use this site.

Sure the victims don't deserve to have their abuse be used for profit but there's also the issue of it being planted or a bullshit conviction to destroy your name publicly forever. It happened to white nationalist Kevin Strom:

Go on his wiki page and in the first sentence is typically about how he pleaded guilty to having CP.

That is interesting….

"Uhh… your honor, I forgot my password"

How would prosecution prove otherwise?
Please anons elaborate

They don't, but he's in contempt of court. There are many ways to get around laws in both civil and criminal spheres.

For example I once owned a domain name which a multinational company decided they wanted. It was similar to their trademark but it wasn't the same, the name I registered wasn't theirs to have. They demanded it and I refused to hand it over for free.
So they took me to civil court. Chose the most expensive court in the country and sued me under false pretences (they claimed I was running a business under their trademark when in fact there was nothing on the site, just a forwarding url to a porn site :^).

I couldn't afford to defend myself, so they won by default. Then they used the amount of the court costs to file for bankruptcy, then they demanded that I hand the domain over as "property" to the accountant in bankruptcy.

So yeah, with money you can get anything you want.

confirmation bias


Sorry for being an idiot, Anons. If it were me I would want my freedom and name cleared if all I had to do was provide a password. I come here to learn from geniuses such as yourselves.

Where the hell did lawyers learn law? It really annoys me that they allow law to overrule or set precedent on the constitution. It takes another amendment to do that.

SCOTUS can set opinion, but as we all know they can't legislate - oh wait, faggot marriage.

Apparently I need to go back to 6th grade government class.

What did you stumble across, Sergeant? What forbidden secret did you uncover?

They image the drive as soon as they get it.

This. Sadly.

I support the police but this happens and it's sad. There have been multiple cases of officers committed for finding or 'ratting' out fellow officers.


Cool. My encrypted drives are fully encrypted so 1 data bit being changed renders it all completely garbage with the key.

Guess what I change regularly?

Right, but how did he get to court in the first place?


The supreme court has to go over this every few years apparently.
How long before he brings a civil rights suit? Any bets on how much they will settle for?



The collapse can't come quick enough.

This pretty much..

So what you're saying is he a gud boi, he dindu nuffin?

i feel conflicted about this.

ON THE ONE HAND, if the guy has nothing to hide, he wouldn't have spent 7 months in jail. He's obviously hiding something, and it's obviously something he fears law enforcement and the courts would inflict far harsher penalties for than jail time. Part of me thinks he might actually be a CP guy, part of me thinks there's something else going on.

ON THE OTHER HAND, the line of thinking "if you have nothing to hide, show us everything you have" can be set in a precedent like this one and fucking abused ad nauseam for invasion of privacy. If I accuse you of being a child molester and insist I enter your home, this line of reasoning means you're a fucking child molester unless you allow me to invade your privacy.

I suppose this could be considered contempt of court in this man's case, but they're walking a fucking thin ass line with this. This is a few steps back from all-out "let us know everything about your life goyim, or you're criminals"

Guilty until proven innocent in the good ol US of A
Nice! This can't possibly be a step in the wrong direction

They force that contempt of kike on the common man all the time. About time it's put to the officers forcing us before the Sanhedrin to the same bullshit so they'll think twice before they overstep their reach.

For a criminal case It just needs one accusation and a willing prosecutor.

Rape allegations get to court all the time with no evidence other than a single woman's testimony. Pure guess but likely a disgruntled woman, ex-gf or ex-wife made a report.

Yep, that's how they got Scott Ritter to shut up about how wrong it was fight in the Iraq War when he was one of the most important voices against it.

No we are arguing the moral implications of allowing Government to use hot button issues to breach privacy rights and the right to not self-incriminate

I support this man until he is beyond reasonable doubt proven guilty.

The investigators that were tasked with catching this man were fucking amateurs and fools, If they'd done their job by the book and not been lazy chuckleheads leaning on post 9/11 turbo tyranny powers, They probably could have legitimately caught this guy.

Fuck police , Fuck pedophiles

This tactic is being used to break him. They have no issue using it since it does not negatively effect them. They don't care about tax payer money he may be awarded with later.

The only thing a person needs to do to get all of your equipment confiscated is to find someone close to you that will act as a witness to seeing such material in your possession.

Such a charge is not something a person will ever recover from, even if they are found not guilty. Many of the people who go through this are fired from their jobs and can never find employment at the same level they had.

Whether he releases the information or not, his life is already ruined. Even if the data on his harddrives are clean, the only way he comes out ahead is if he successfully sues and wins. Anons who say they would just give them what are only pushing a losing strategy.

Ok, so if someone has a warrant lawfully issued by a judge and they want to proceed with their investigation, you feel it should be your right to impede that?

Fine, let him not "self-incriminate", and throw an obstruction charge at him. He doesn't have to say a word.

I get the whole idea behind not incriminating yourself. But that's like telling the fuckers with a warrant they can't come into your house because the bloody mattress in your basement may incriminate you.

You can choose not to answer questions put before you by a judge, however I don't believe you have the right to go against a court order when it comes to hiding evidence.

If we can't have a lawful way to compel someone to unlock their door, or unlock their drive for investigation purposes, then no-one should say a word if they make up their own rules and work back-doors, steal data, etc.

Without the rules we're back at do whatever the fuck you want as long as no one sees it. that's nig-tier.

It's a slippery slope but we're already on it. Either we find a way to make it over or we fall back to the bottom. All sides should be held accountable. Charges that are proven to be without merit should perhaps be punitive for those pushing the charges. Not tax-payers, the individuals working on the case. When it's their ass on the line there tend to be less fuck-ups.


There really needs to be a career destroying consequence for police when they do this shit.

I've toyed with the idea of an actual "public peace keepers" volunteer cops that patrol areas and slowly push government thugs out of areas and restore >>"Sensible common law"

If the drives were clean he'd have nothing to gain by sitting in solitary any longer. He should have his lawyer release the drive under duress and sue the fuck out of them when they find nothing. That should have been the play after the first month.

That dindu did du sumtin.

Sounds like what the kikes do.

Hang him

It is well established that a US citizen has no obligation to help with police investigations.

Keeping your mouth shut is not obstruction.
Citing lack of evidence as evidence is fucking commie shit.

You try stopping them from entering your property when they have a warrant. Please, post pictures.

Do you now? Do you really?

No it's more like "Did you murder that woman?", "No I didn't murder that woman", "BULLSHIT YOU MURDERED HER! ENJOY ROTTING IN YOUR CELL UNTIL YOU CONFESS!".

They have his hard drive. If they can't figure out how to crack the encryption that's their problem.

To use your retarded 'logic' if the cops have a warrant to search your house but can't figure out how the door handle works it's not your job to open it for them. They are authorized to use force and if they can't use their own force to get what they are looking for you aren't obligated to help them.

Cops are just butthurt that for once they found a lock they can't smash and now they are throwing a tantrum.

Do you understand how search warrants work? Do you understand their function?

Using your can't figure out the handle analogy. You are then ok if they make their own and unlock it themselves?


It's worse than that though. As it stands, his only defence against CP being planted, is the fact that the drive is encrypted, so it CAN'T be planted.

If he caves and gives them the password (assuming he knows it), then they can unlock the drive and plant the "proof" that he was "guilty all along".

If he has a clean drive but a powerful enemy then giving the password will just drop him from the frying pan into the fire.

>No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

A warrant can be lawfully obtained. A US citizen cannot be commanded to give evidence against his or herself. Your analogy falls on its face.

Yep. They've done it in the past and they still do it today.

Do you? They can search all they want, they can't force you to help them search.

Because that's exactly how it went down. No, they have enough to hold him. They surveilled him and when they went after the physical evidence, it was locked up.

None of that really matters for him. The police sergeant's life is already ruined, even if he is innocent. Merely being charged will destroy his family and his work prospects. He has already lost everything. The only thing he has to gain is by winning a lawsuit.

No but you can't hold the door shut and scream MUH PRIVACY either you stupid cunt. If they have a warrant it is because they have cause. Meaning they already have something on you.

And since you're ok with them making their own handle, you have no cause to bitch and moan when the feds are happily breaking into devices etc. because they have a handle.

The land of the free and unhealthy people.

Yes, I mentioned suing them. Clearly that isn't the issue. They had enough dirt to haul his ass in.

Following the surveillance on Freenet, local and federal law enforcement agents received a warrant, and raided Rawls’ home on March 30th, 2015, seizing an Apple Mac Pro computer, a Mac Mini, an iPhone 6, and two external hard drives.

So they have no evidence.
The end.




we're even worse than both mate

It's a fucking amazing idea, The west is foolish for not following example.

The 3 (i's) of success

(1) Identify the problem
(2) Isolate the issue
(3)Initiate a solution

The Reason that police is the west as a general rule of thumb will not enter "problem" areas is the threat of violence and disorder.

In Stockholm police will not enter Muslim areas because Muslims have ""Promised"" not threaten, Promised to riot, and we see this trend all across the west.

This why Muslims are taking so much ground in western Europe.

Police are absolutely happy to bully Europeans because they know there isn't a consequence for this action. If European men stopped "thugs" from entering their neighborhoods and set up their own patrols, a guarantee you that assaults on women will nosedive.


Can you read? They watched the fucker doing something he shouldn't have been doing. They have evidence of that at the very least. They just want more to throw the fucking book at him.

You have a key disclosure law in Australia too.

Seems like you only get 6 months for failure to comply though, unlike 5 years in the UK.

Yeah, except we can't scream anti-semitism if someone called us out on our RWDS.

You make the mistake of thinking that the government wants to do anything about this.

Well too fucking bad, if they can't get more evidence that's not the accused person's problem.

Yes it can. If some malware got in through his web browser, or if he carelessly left the PC on unattended, the full disk encryption is irrelevant.

Amazing the lengths folks are going to defend this pedo nigger pig. Three strikes.

If the guy was conducting an investigation it would have been noted. It would have been the only way he could have saved his sorry ass. He clearly wasn't. He's a nigger and he knows if he helps in any way even a plea deal won't help him. He knows as a cop he's gonna get killed in prison. Doubly so as a pedo.

Dude is doing the only thing he can to save his ass. Otherwise he would open the files, fuck his "rep" because them white pigs be racis, and he'd have his homies backing him.

Doesn't matter. If they have enough to hold him then in theory they should have enough to take it to court without holding him indefinitely. Not his problem if they don't have enough evidence to get a conviction.

I wasn't aware that he was physically denying them access to the device by refusing to hand it over, tard. Once again your analogy doesn't make sense because in the real world if you hold the door shut they can use their own force to break in.

It's their job to be able to get evidence, not his. You might have a case if he pulled a Hillary and straight up destroyed the drives but he didn't.

Except in this case they don't have a handle and the only way they can get one is by making him self incriminate.

What? They couldn't get it! It's not my problem!

Eat shit.

Oh the irony of a chan being against CP. If any of you ever looked at nudes on 4/b/ i can guarantee you that you have CP in your browsers cache.

hahaha you 12 year old faggot niggers are amusing little cunts.

I'm glad you read the manual to Truecrypt in 2010 haha but YOU CAN tell. There's public work on it. Google for it faggot.

Look fucktards, the reason they do this with a pedo, is precisely because of our reaction and everyone elses. Try and see the motherfucking forest from the trees.

Stop being simple, naive fucks. This piece of shit was a cop. He knows how it works. You guys must not have much real world experience with any of the shit mentioned here day in and day out. All fucking experts from shitting webpages.

I can't handle anymore of the faggotry in this thread. Keep cucking for the gov. This shit is going to be used against YOU next.

As long as the investigation is ongoing they most definitely can hold him as he is considered a danger to the public.

They can waste resources making a handle to get into it. So, no they don't need him to self incriminate but it would be less of a waste waiting for the feds to crack it.

Grow the fuck up.

Your move boot licker.


In your eagerness to prove me wrong you completely misread my post.

No, CP cannot be planted on his disk unless it is unlocked.

pedo deserves death, but i thought the government would have the ability to bypass (NSA)?

Yes he knows. He knows he's fucking guilty and he's dead if he says a word. At least being in a hole is being alive.

Until they get everything they need, which they will eventually.

Sorry i don't listen to excuses anymore, neither do aggressive outsiders

Why are you telling me shit i clearly already know.

I'm telling you yes "YOU" to walk around on set days with friends on a "patrol"

Walk around for a few hours. Meet new people, grab coffee. If you see something, Do something

You could even ride around on a bike with a friend. personally i recommend a motorcycle.

If the current liberal government in the states had their way and had supreme authoritarian power then the same could be done to anyone whose ever been to this board.

Advocating armed right-wing vigilante groups is stupid for a number of reasons.

Apparently hearsay is evidence now.

Child nudity isn't inherently illegal. It's not considered child porn if the images have artistic value.

Here's some scans from one of his books, you can literally go on Amazon and buy photobooks full of naked teenage tits and snatch and it will be perfectly legal.

Bro that user doesn't actually care about you response or any answer that conflicts with their world view , trust me don't waste the energy on the key strokes.

And yes i totally agree,

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely

Sorry yes I did, I was thinking of someone planting CP on the drive before the accusation, and that you were arguing that wasn't possible because of FDE. Not a crooked investigator planting it after obtaining the decryption key.

Eventually sure. Should be some time after the sun expires if the encryption isn't backdoored.

I didn't say anything about being armed. You implied that !

Also fuck off.

Because the Muslims are supported by the state. If Whites try what you're suggesting, the full force of the state will be turned against them.

I never said it was.
The phrase "artistic value" doesn't appear anywhere in the legislation and just because something is marketed as "art" doesn't mean it can't be judged to be child porn.

As for my post, the context was nude photographs taken to provide titillation in the wife's absence, which makes them pornographic by default (intention of creator.)

That's the public pretender's argument, that doesn't mean that is what is happening or how the judge presiding sees it. Clearly the judge disagrees. The dude didn't like how they applied the All Writs Act which was successfully argued and obtained. They refused to comply. Then it is back to contempt of kike.

They should go ahead and file the charges as his "rep" is already ruined and they had enough to bring him before a judge in the first place.

Yes, hearsay from two different sources and knowing he went to the sites to look at the shit.

So in that case, either they charge him based on the witness testimony they have or they drop the case altogether.
It's not an accused person's responsibility to provide evidence that can be used against themselves.

I'm pretty sure this guy is guilty myself, but I'm more concerned about the precedent a case like this sets. I'd rather see one pedo walk than our society become even more authoritarian.

As long as the investigation is ongoing, it's not a death sentence. That's the best the pig can hope for at this point.

I have a feeling some Russian hackers will be getting a deposit to take care of the issue (the encryption, not the execution, that'll be free once the trial goes through) not too long from now.

Agent provocateur becoming angry already.

Your suggestion is moronic and I gave one example of why. Either you don't realize why = you're clueless about the political situation, or you know already and are pretending not to = intentional provocation.

If your "RWDS" isn't armed, why would Muslims pay any attention to what they say and do? Even if they're not armed it wouldn't matter, those foolish enough to follow your advice would soon find themselves in prison.

But you can be nailed with destruction of evidence. They'll find some way to make a like application if they cannot ever get into the drives.

Pretty interesting you used the comparison tactic pointed out in the video but instead of the left you compared with Jews

Something something… well regulated militia… something something… free state… something something.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

You were referring to Europe, the American constitution doesn't apply in Europe.

Maybe the RWDSs should adopt the yarmulke as their cover.

But they haven't done that, they're holding him in jail for a crime he hasn't been found guilty of. Remember, he's in jail indefinitely, meaning if he does nothing, he'll be in jail for the rest of his life despite being found guilty of no crimes.

Your a fucking fool and you need to know that. Government officials (John/Jane doe) don't actually support Muslims, They appease the groups most likely to cause "Trouble" for them.

The term "Noisy minority" exists for a reason.

I'd like to know when your dick retracted up side your abdomen, just out of curiosity

Nevermind, wrong ID, my mistake.

These fucking Americans thinking we can walk around doing what we like in Europe without consequences and advising shit that WILL get men thrown in prison, gets on your nerves eventually.

I wasn't referring to Europe.

That provocateur referred specifically to Europe.

Because the investigation is ongoing. And because of the subject of the investigation, he is considered a danger to the public. If he is innocent, the public image of him warrants them keeping him for his own safety.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

This can only have come from the mind of a Kike. Filtered.

His first post was about the European AND Americans and I replied with the hebe patrols.

It doesn't matter, the Holla Forums reaction pic in every reply and the Jewish anal sex fixation tells me what I'm dealing with.

Holla Forums here

Truecrypt was abandoned after the main guy behind it started working with the feds (he ran a criminal enterprise and was responsible for ordering the killing of 9 or more people). You can read about it at

The overwhelming consensus is that the version before the final release contains no backdoors or weaknesses of any type. The code has been audited by quite a number of encryption and security experts.

I thought he was just an Ivan.

I think I'm going to shop some RWDShomrim pics.

Just had the revolting thought of whether powering a computer with FDE off can be considered as destroying evidence.

There's not much you can do against proper crypto besides rubber hose cryptanalysis.

And with that reasoning, you've justified a method that the government can use to lock up whoever they wish for as long as they want.

Let's look at the likely hood of why he would rather do life in jail than decrypt.
1. He will destroy his family if the evidence comes out, he would prefer to do life in jail than face the enormous shame.
2. He was part of a global child abuse ring, either way he's doing life in jail, no point in assisting police.
3. He does not want the children in the images to be identified, they may be the children of family and friend's
4. He has no CP but has other highly illegal content such as government files that would have him put away for life
5. He simply doesnt want it to be proven that he faps to horrific abuse such as rape and gore and possible CP.
6. He is completely innocent but doesnt want his privacy violated.
7. He is a martyr standing against draconian laws.

If you think it is 6 or 7 you are retarded.

Which they do based on laws they have on the books. Want it to be different, change the laws.

You aren't worth my time, and this will be the last time i response to your post.

Is Veracrypt worth trying out, or should I just stick with the final Truecrypt release?


arent people saying to go with old versions of trucrypt?
I thought there was some talk about newer versions being comprimised.

Kill yourself.

Sounds like you want the one before the final release.

Ah, yep. I missed reading that the first time.

There are more possibilities than this.
8. He genuinely can't remember the key.

9. He has no CP on his drive, nor is he a martyr but he has powerful enemies who will plant CP on the drive the moment the key is disclosed.

Interesting that you'd completely ignore the most obvious explanation. To the base, everything is base.

Hahaha, it's playing the fear card now? Sinead Mccarthy man, I'm telling you.

Oh shit, we forgot one. He is a nigger and unless the password is muh dik or grape drank, he may have actually forgotten it.


Can't deny it at this point tbh, wants native sons in prison before the Happening so she can have a STRONK ALFAFA ARYAN N SHIIIIIIIIIET

Sinead pls fuck off, this shit is bigger than you getting twat tingles over a white skinhead.

its the whole computer that is encryted. If it was only a section I could understand.
Whats his story? that he has this computer all set up in his office that has been usless for months because he forgot the password?

If the police wanted to frame him they would simply throw a disk or a dongle in his room containing CP. Or even printed magazines.
"he has poweful enemies" yeah, im sure this is what every pedo says.
Why would this loser have "powerful enemies?". He is a nobody

Why do you guys believe this redhead mick coalburner is on here anyway?

Given how many people on Holla Forums are nazis it is funny that so many profess to support nationalism

nationalism and national socialism are completely incompatible after a certain point since nationalism would allow for "good blacks" to stick their cocks in white pussies and breed a generation of nationalistic all-American mulattoes, whereas national socialism would see niggers shipped to liberia to build their own nigger country leaving the white american race untouched.

The same is true if any nationalist movement in europe.

Maybe that would have happened 15 years ago, but not anymore

No, but then again neither is the NSA or the extrajudicial assassination of American citizens

Why? There are tons of organizations that will fight for you pro bono in the name of muh rights and being a martyr is profitable these days.

suprise suprise, it's apple again, they surely are not helping NSA ban encryption with these shitty stunts.

Fuck I didn't know I could hate apple even more

Use the latest version of Veracrypt until you hear something about a backdoor being introduced. It has some fixes for minor vulnerabilities that Truecrypt contained (NOT backkdoors and NOT total defeation of the encryption). You will hear people shouting from the rooftops about it if they get a backdoor inserted into Veracrypt somehow, trust me about this.

suprise suprise, it's apple again
they surely are not helping NSA ban encryption with these shitty stunts.

Fuck I didn't know I could hate apple even more

suprise suprise, it's apple again
they surely are not helping NSA ban encryption with these shitty stunts.

Fuck I didn't know I could hate apple even more

That's the beauty of it, user. They can ban encryption, but it would be replaced with something even harder to crack.

If they take over every ISP and monitor all traffic in order to outlaw encryption, you will see another method rise to prominence.

That method is called steganography, which is the practice of hiding data in things such as images For an example of how this would work, consider a client/server pairing where both nodes send cat jpegs to one another. Some of the cat jpegs contain hidden data, but the only way to determine which images contain hidden data (and how to interpret, decipher and re-assemble it) has been negotiated between the client and server in a way that can't be snooped on.

If you consider that it would take trillions of years to brute-force crack a disk encrypted with serpent, it would take even longer to brute-force crack a properly implemented steganography dataset.

If you want to get started with encrypting your shit, I'd suggest you Holla Forumslacks checkout Veracrypt whole disk encryption, DNSCrypt and the HTTPS everywhere plugin for your browser. I'll try to answer any encryption questions you have.

Even ad-block is not 100%.

This judge needs to be removed. American judges are like feudal lords these days and the president is his majesty the king.

It's way safer to do full disk encryption, or stuff will leak out easily. For example, cached thumbnails of files inside the encrypted container or a system logfile referencing paths within an encrypted container. Also importantly, the swap file, if it isn't encrypted could end up being filled with sensitive data.

nude modeling from age 14 should be legal with parental approval. but ideally it should remain a taboo
prove me wrong

You know what guys? If whistleblower stores single copy of data in physically accessible drives which he is not able to destroy, it's their problem.

It is perfectly fine to force a suspect (who became a suspect not because of police decided to nitpick him) to decrypt hard drives. It is not 2000 anymore, there are various ways of storing sensitive information, cheap ones as well.

Top jej, m8.

You can tell the cops "You can't come in here!" and they'll lawfully remove you by force and enter anyways. After all is said and done you and your consent was removed from the equation, the police did their job, evidence was collected and everyone moved on.

You can't encrypt a hostage. You can't encrypt a meth lab. The most common and worrisome crimes are physical and the police can respond with greater physical force and restrain you if needed.

If the cops "can't get what they want", then that's their fuckin problem, innit? Problems the local police can't physically resolve are like .00001% of crime out there.

So maybe instead of arbitrarily retaining people so they can punish every last fucking criminal out there, they should just stick to managing crime. Yes. That's right. MANAGING LEVELS OF CRIME. It will always exist. Instead of busting everyones balls by going full gestapo, they should just focus on maintaining the peace and order.

You cannot encrypt your multi billion dollar meth empire. You cannot catch every last criminal and punish every last crime. Big fish will always be caught; the very nature of large criminal syndicates is that they always rely on some form of physicality which cannot be impeded by a simple "no." And maybe that's how it should be. Because crime is only managed, never fully prevented.

So take your gestapo shit elsewhere. If that flash drive has nuclear arms codes or something on it then maybe the US gov should rethink its use of electronics, instead of trampling on its citizens.

Your statism is so blatant I can hear you salivating for black penises from here. The point is someone was jailed for refusing to decrypt something. That sets a precedence.


Don't tread on


This is a joke right?

Why should I trust you?

I find it strange that truecrypt and veracrypt is being pushed from a guy from Holla Forums. normally when you go there a lot of people say to use LUKS or dm-crypt because you shouldn't trust windows for anything sensitive.

You can probably trust a Windows system that is powered off. But yeah, no one should use Windows if they're concerned about privacy. Good idea to ditch modern-ish Intel systems and modern AMD systems too.

Oh another one of these threads.

OP we have been through this.

Pedophiles deserve what comes to them.

However indefinitely detaining someone for not incriminating themselves clearly violates the constitution.



The guy who wrote Truecrypt was picked up by the feds. He even posted a cryptic message on his page saying that it isn't secure, yet idiots still use it.

Dm+Luks on pre-x86 architecture is the way to go



OH VEY! silly goyim, a girl ggetting fucked by a nigger is art, stop this shoah!

Whistle blowers don't really get special protections, because what is the alternative?

The police and government need to be able to crack down on child pornographers and spies, and people that are whistle blowers are acting as spies. Any protections given to whistle blowers to avoid them being outed is also a protection that would be granted to a spy.

The very fact that the accusation made it into the article despite that not being the law he's being convicted under smacks of character assassination.

He could have any number of objectionable things on there such as NatSoc literature, or even banking information which he doesn't want getting out, or information pertaining to a boss which threatens to kill his family if it's released.

There are a thousand things it could be other than the bullshit he's being accused of.

You're a fucking idiot.

any resistance from our group would be framed as racist, and so those other groups would make trouble for them if the government didn't actively stop it

also groups are easier to subvert, so we shouldn't form groups under any circumstances

pedo detected

This sounds unconstitutional.

You're innocent until proven guilty, and encryption isn't illegal. What's he doing in jail, presumably serving a life sentence?

You can say "yeah faggot but if you're driving drunk and refuse to take a test you can be arrested for not taking a test"… except that drivers licenses are explicitly given as privilege not a right.

I could give two fucks about what the crime was. I am no fan of CP and pedo's should be prosecuted. But there is a greater issue here and that is, regardless of crime:


Get it through your fucking skulls. They could trump up whatever charges they want in order to force disclosure.

You have the right to no self-incriminate. This shit is over the top. We must fight against it.

This is the front on the battle for encryption.


False, the goal of law enforcement should be zero crime.

ur a faggot kid, stfu

This thread is full of pedophiles. Fortunately, the FBI is mirroring all posts here so that at an opportune time everyone can be vanned. Enjoy being buttraped by Bubba, anons.

Overturned on appeal. 5A

Is even a single user here aware of the difference between downloading CP and actually creating it? Namely, that one of these harms children, while the other does not?

I don't really believe this is anything other than a whistleblower being set up, but even if he actually did save a few threads of pizza, why does it even matter?

You need to go live in North Korea, user.

No, clear 5A violation.

This place is crawling with pork, user. They really show themselves in these threads.

Who's we, kemosabe?

You are going to get badly burned when "we" get in charge, if you step on the wrong toes.

One doesn't have to agree with a criminal to want to give him his rights (skip to 2:10 if you're really impatient).

Material fraud as an admiralty law court pretending to have jurisdiction.

Yeah, there are MANY ways around this.

You are straight up stupid, user. ALWAYS show up at court hearings. Make the fuckers fight you. They will give up when it becomes clear that you are litigious and fully intent on wasting their money.


Like the police ones covering for Denny Hastert?



Weird world we live in.

It's not a thin line at all. The Fifth Amendment protects your right to not incriminate yourself.

Note, however, that not answering questions and not divuldging secrets is not admission of guilt. Invoking your Fifth Amendment protected rights is not evidence of guilt.

This man is a political prisoner in his own country.

Let that sink in for a moment. What type of government, historically, imprissons people for exercising rights that are intented to protect said people from said government?

In a word: communist.

Kill yourself.

Seriously. It's like charging a guy with murder because he wrote his diary with a cipher. Would the judge make some guy hand over his cypher in such a case?


You first, kike-enabling piece of shit.

I just have to say

I used to dabble in deepweb (but actually more so open Web even using my own bank account) to aquire psychedelics and the kind of crowd that'd do the same would naturally draw in CP enthusiasts. What's fucked is both drug users and CP enthusiasts don't actually commit any harm to society. Hell particularly the CP users, think about it. Instead of raping children, they safely vent their urges on the material.

I just find it interesting because my ex was a lawyer who worked in a public legal defenders firm that worked with CP defendants and it had a 99% conviction rate.

I just find that it interesting because as far as buying drugs online, be it RCs or illicit substances, users are actually very fucking safe. Because no police force would do a raid over 1000 bux worth of drugs in whatd be a 100k+ operation. It's almost unheard of for users to get busted this way unless they're fucking retard, while vendors go down left and right. Actually, there were plenty of vendots based in the US prior to 2012 but nowadays its exclusively Canada and European ones (ignoring chink vendors and you'd have to be a masochist to order from there). There used to be a rsting system tgat only trudted vendors and users could comment on and the average bloke could only lurk on knowing the particular vendor URL that got taken down recently.

While faggots who sell RCs as real drugs should he executed, along with actual kiddy diddlers, the drug community online had a strong sense of harm reduction which is why i think its fucked that it disintegrated over time. We were actually concerned about teducing harm while privately partaking in our activities unlike what you see with shit like crack, meth and heroin users who buy on the real market (ignoring harm reductionists who buy this through the web).

That's my only sympathy for CP users online. Clearly they're deranged but they're attempting to safely vent. CP producers should be executed on live tv. This is the same argument that people who defend sex doll use, which i support. Pecos should be able to have childlike dolls to fuck and go about their days like drug users should be allowed legal sources of lab grade drugs to get their rocks off who otherwise are functional members of society.

Just my 2c

Kill all childfuckers.

According to the ZOG commie shills in this thread yes, and if he doesn't comply then it's "justice" to send him to the gulags until he fulfills his role as a good goyim servent and does as his ZOG masters order.

I agree.

The Sergeant in question is not even accused of that. Completely fucking different topic you useless cunt.

They're all overweight



no, the government should "go back to 6th grade".

you=misses the point.

I could confess to having child porn on my encrypted HDD (and I do) and I wouldn't be convicted because around here they need to be able to prove that I indeed have it. Meanwhile, in the land of the free, you can be detained forever for not incriminating yourself.

if they had a warrant it is pretty standard to try and use it. if they have a warrant he is hiding evidence. This would be different if they didn't have a warrant or probable cause

these are good arguments against. I imagine he will go to court

Would be hilario

Lol, there's nowhere to begin to show you how wrong this statement is.

Your description is basically the situation of most "Pedos". Productive members, ultimately harmless as urges are tempered and controlled with recognition of immorality.

Even if he does not have any CP.

The moment he unlocks the Gov will plant CP on his HDDs

It only generally becomes a problem if such a person acquires a position of power where they have discreet access to children. Basically, it's the sick fucks in the government that need to hang.

I still subscribe to the theory that Trump is still royally pissed about Ivanka being taken on one of Epsteins flights

Can you link us a guide on how to do it?

Sauce on that, chief?

How to smite your enemies:
Plant encrypted files or drives (hell, it could be random bits)
Say you saw child pr0n on their computer
Authorities party van, find files that are 'suspected'
Victim knows nothing about the encryption
He's held forever on 'contempt' charges for not giving up encryption keys to things he doesn't even know about

There is zero evidence that he actually has any CP.

Don't disregard the value of due process in the legal system.

TrueCrypt's encryption is fine, however there are purported problems/weakness in the TrueCrypt application

what that means is that if the data is encrypted by TrueCrypt and dismounted, it's secure. However if they gain access to a system with TrueCrypt running, there are ways to capture the keys.

Better yet, keep part of the key on some sort of dead-mans-switch so that if you fail to check in periodically, the data is deleted.

So what would happen is that after you've been incarcerated for a few weeks, you couldn't recover the key if you wanted. In fact, the government would be responsible for the key being deleted.

If there is a corresponding law it should be discussed instead of precedent.

Fair bit of leg work for that fuckery. An idiot would be caught doing that. Like say you are stupid enough to use a device that has never been used in the target PC before or you don't mess with the timestamps.

isn't that true with any encryption?

you just output a random file called

It's a container file, mounted by trecrypt. It could be pure random data or actual encrypted data. It's not possible to know for sure unless decrypted.

So you have a 1GB file somewhere on a person's 1TB drive. It would go unnoticed until the 'authorities' scour the drive for things.

They then demand that you decrypt the file because someone said they saw you with child pr0n.

You are then in jail forever.

It's not that hard and would take about 30 seconds to do to someones computer.


find some software weakness in the encryption program and slurp the key from RAM.

Which is why you always set your computer to boot from a partition with memtest on it. It will go through and overwrite all the RAM in a matter of seconds. The only thing that has to be done is to hit the reset button or kill the power.

The UK is a shit hole, a remnant of its former glory, nobody give two shits about it. Get rekt by pakistanies fag, god fuck the queen.

Do we have this many newfags who don't know that the FBI is the biggest CP collector in the US?

Sort of. I would put my money on FBI shills butthurt that US citizens still have rights.

A warrant cannot compel speech and cannot compel the subject of the warrant to hand over any information that resides completely within their mind (like an encryption key).

Like another user said, the police have found a lock they can't simply smash open (encryption) and are throwing a bitchfit over it.

You'll need Veracrypt to create hidden OS partitions or hidden encrypted file containers / partitions. It is fairly straightforward within the Veracrypt software.

Unfortunately, dm-crypt / LUKS on Linux doesn't support this yet.

Doesn't the 5th amendment cover this? You do not have to incriminate yourself.

Seems like they don't have enough evidence, and blew their load too quickly and now can't get a conviction.


this is nonsense, it is very easy to do this.

1. fill the disk with crypto-grade random data
2. Make a LUKS partition for the entire disk
3. format the LUKS parition with FAT(very important has to be FAT)
4. fill the LUKS drive with embarrassing crap (max lets say 100GB)
5. de-mount LUKS parition
6. Create a DM-crypt volume with a large offset, lets say 200GB of 1TB drive
7. Place stuff there you want protected

Now you have two encrypted volumes and two passwords.

This is in fact the same way vera crypt does it, they just automated the same steps. there is no secret sauce.

Billion dollar idea here compusci anons, design a drive to self-destruct if it's removed from the computer or someone attempts to copy it.

Pedo detected

yes, I am saying this ironically. I think the best tactic is to flood normie circles and accuse anyone who champions any rights, liberties, due process, jurisprudence whatsoever as a "pedophile." Because anyone who is remotely wary of extrajudicial witchhunts against persons accused of viewing illicit images is also a witch. Except for Lena Dunham, who is a brave individual exploring her non-binary sexuality. Viewing images of children = suspend the constitution and silence dissent, but touching children = heroic. Thank you post-modernism. Only once the word "pedo" is devoid of meaning, or used almost exclusively in the ironic sense that I am using it here, can we have an honest debate about sexual mores free from the emotional manipulation of authoritarians

They already exist, but not that fancy.

Toshiba has a SED or self encrypted device HDD, which does hardware encryption. All the data written to the disk is encrypted with AES 256, the MEK or Master encryption key is stored within a chip on the device, this cannot be read out. The firmware of the drive must unlock the drive first before it can be read. Five attempts with a wrong passwords wipes the MEK or Master encryption key rendering all the data useless.

Except they see you are only using 100GB of a 1TB drive and demand the password for the hidden partition.

They can't demand it, the LUKS volume is formatted for 1TB even if you use only 100GB. The danger here is that nothing is protecting your hidden volume so you can write the full 1TB in the LUKS volume.

But you can also do a 800GB fill of the LUKS volume with an offset of 850GB for the DM-crypt volume leaving you with 150GB of space to protect your data etc etc.

Sure they can, and they can throw you in jail indefinitely until you either produce the password or PROVE the random data at the end of your drive isn't a hidden partition.

I know it sounds illegal but don't worry I'm sure the justice department lawyers have a perfectly "legal" rationale.

The guy is in jail for contempt, he can sit there as long as the judge wants. BUT, if he never gives it up for a couple years, they'll let him go saying it'd pointless to keep him since it won't force him.

Just studied this on remedies class. Nice timing.




Be more scared that the government has an attack app specifically programmed to infiltrate target systems and hide child porn files.

It is standard practice to write a disk with random data before you start encrypting. Being a standard practice should therefore be proof enough, and besides in a normal legal system the justice department has to prove it contains illegal content not the other way around.

However there is no protection against unjust law and abuse of power, so in that sense encryption does not matter at all.

I think we're way passed being in one of those. We exist under a kafka legal system.


how about you get one of those mini PCs with the imageboards on them that anons have been talking about and just bury it in a wall/attic/floor, hook the power into the back of a switched outlet and just turn it off if you're in a pickle (it won't turn back on unless you open the wall back up and press the button)? They have built in wifi transmitters and you can store anything shady on that and encrypt it however you like.

Do you realize all police can do now is just say "THEY THINK YOU HAVE CP" and you land in a prison? Of course not, because you're a retard. People like you should be shot on sight, you're no different from marxists.
Also possession of CP should be legal. Not because I like fapping it off to kids, but because if I hate you very much all it takes me to land you for a decade in jail is download CP photos from tor and plant them on your desktop. I could do that to anyone I had 5 seconds of physical access to a computer by an automated script. Good luck proving your innocence, especially if I modify the file system journal data.

Either way, he only got off on 7 months. If he did decrypt it and there was CP he'd get 7 years, at least.

CP planting is going to be the best tactic of the kikes.

That seems really paranoid, like Bruce said trust the math.

I just figured if you have something to hide might as well do it right


find some software weakness in the encryption program and slurp the key from RAM.

Which is why you always set your computer to boot from a partition with memtest on it. It will go through and overwrite all the RAM in a matter of seconds. The only thing that has to be done is to hit the reset button or kill the power.>>5839630

You are talking about the Chadwick case, which was a civil case. This is a criminal case. Expect that the government will jail him indefinitely.

You are talking about the Chadwick case, which was a civil case. This is a criminal case. Expect that the government will jail him indefinitely.

also fuck your shit site kikewheels

Patriot Act and a few Obama executive decisions makes indefinite detention legal

I am not an American, but I thought the constitution supersedes this…..

Well on the bright side, the Police aren't PLANTING CP in his house… All they'd have to do is just plug a thumb drive into his comp, and say they got him!

Here is the problem and why our law is so fucked today. A judge ruled on a case and set a precedent that was never implied in the law to begin with, so now that precedent has legitimacy it never deserved.

Anyone pointing to case precedent instead of the WORDING of the law is a statist traitor and should be shot.

Police ought to decrypt the drive using the rubber hose analysis technique.

You fucking destroyed my sides, you piece of shit.

Why doesn't the state just have one of his cop colleagues force a bullet through this man's skull and let the contents give the floor a fresh red coating and be done with this charade called the "justice" system?

He's a cop. You know what the bible says, "Those who live by the sword die by the sword."

The passphrase does eventually have to go to the computer to make any use out of it, so I'd still bet it could be considered evidence destruction even if not done during a fucko raid.

You could probably alter the OS to misreport disk usage instead.

The cure is worse than the disease.

Listen to this bootlicker.

Mate the constitution is dead.

*muffled freedom ain't free in the distance*

Digital forensics student ama, just did a practical final imaging a shit load of drives using various systems.

This seems to be the most popular device used, but there are sevral other options.!hardcopy-3p/c1q2b

There are also software and hardware wright blockers that are sometimes used with regular computers. It is forbidden to just plug a suspects hard drive into a computer to see whats on it.

Once a dd image is created the most popular tool for initial investigation is FTK

Rarely (from an image) a vhd is created to boot up a system in a virtual environment or wrewirtten to an hdd to boot on actual hardware.

The most common thing to do when seizing a computer for investigation is to unplug it from the back of the computer thus preserving swap file info. Photographs of what are on the screen is permitted, and moving applications around to document what all is open when the computer is found is permitted but closing or opening anything is forbidden until after the drive is imaged.

BTW a drive image captures every bit, even slack space, unallocated space ect. After the computer has had it's hdd removed it will be booted back up to check the accuracy of the clock in bios/ueif and record mac addresses and such.

In cases of full drive encryption there are kits that allow the computer to be removed from the property in a powered on state, there are methods to retrieve encryption keys by cooling and transplanting the ram but this is usually not done on site. Many agencies don't have the resources to do this, they will just unplug the computer like normal and hope to crack it some other way. In the digital forensics program we are told that any system is crack able it just depends on the amount of resources available to use, and in many cases if the drive is encrypted they just keep an image for long term storage and hope new technology or resources allows them access before the statutes of limitations expire.

We are instructed in class that a suspect can not be forced to hand over passwords or encryption keys, but many times they can be convinced to do so anyway, our job is not to be there lawyer. (we are evil, right)

Next semester I get to dig into small devices and do chip off forensics. ^_^

You can challenge jurisdiction. Can'the have contempt for material fraud.


The constitution says a lot of things. Like that the federal government can only own land in states for a few things like military bases and post offices. Or that slavery is permitted as a punishment for crime. Or that the president must be a natural born citizen. Or that the right to bare arms shall not be infringed. I got the constitutional right to own a nuclear shoulder mounted missile but you can bet your ass I'd be thrown in a deep dark pit for the rest of my life if I actually tried to do so. The constitution clearly states that the federal government only has the powers given it in the constitution itself, but you see the fed's doing all sorts of shit and obtaining all sorts of powers not granted it all the fucking time.

The Constitution is just something the government makes a fake attempt to passively appear to be following these days, deal with it.

I'd assume the means to do it are expensive and not worthwhile in simple cases like this then. Because by powering it off you're effectively throwing away the only thing that can decrypt the system, especially if the swap file is done with a random key.

What about the raw storage of an SSD where blocks are discarded and never used again, but might happen to have important data?

Through force like what's happening in this case?

Pedos should be gassed, but this sets a bad precedent for whistleblowers being held indefinitely if they don't decrypt their hard drives

In theory this is correct, in practice it is not. The resources needed to crack encryption will become lower because CPU's or dedicated crack chips will become faster, however Rijndael has been designed with this in mind. Computer advancements regarding computational speed will not have much impact, heck symmetric block ciphers are resistant to quantum computing.

More and more tools now also provide cascades of multiple ciphers. Truecrypt does not show you the attack vector, you have to guess which encryption method was used, go and crack that.

The only thing you can attack through is bad implementation and bad OpSec. Lucky for you that most criminals are dumb.

If you really want to be paranoid you can always store your files in volatile memory.


Who let the bluepill in here?

I'm not pointing to it as legitimate. I'm merely pointing it out because that's how the (((system))) works. It disgusts me too.

This. PASTE test or something. Dunno.

Full disk encryption on Linux. I don't even do anything unsavory or illegal. I just do it because what I do is not anyone else's business.

second to rape. remember when assange was accused of rape.

Also it protects you from cops who want to plant 'evidence' on your drives to frame you.

are you retarded or something?

Yes goyim, we should imprison people indefinitely if they dont want to go along with jewdicial proces. If you has nothing to hide you have nothing to worry. Oy gewalt.

Actually, none of us can prove he is a nobody. there are many 'nobodies' who are 'somebodies' in this world.

Wait correct me if I'm wrong but doest this go against the 4th or 5th Ammendment

Chip off techniques can image data from ssd's some ssd's use encryption complicating this.

It was implied that we are to keep them ignorant of there rights.

Even truecrypt most commonly uses pass phrases. You brute force that. You also collect all previous passwords from a user that you can as they often are iterative.

Its an obvious problem with the law if use of encrypted child pornography has no deterrence, but how can we throw someone in jail for seven months who has only been proven to have committed the crime of refusing to decrypt on court order?

Refusal to do hand over this information is a special crime in which the sentence can be increased by an unproven accusation of possessing child pornography?

What are you gonna do about it? Ain't a burger you FBI/NSA scum


Wrong place to be against child porn. Haven't you seen all the prepubescent depictions of naked girls getting fucked that get posted on here? Loads of faggots on here love child porn.

The government can actively ignore the Constitution unless SCOTUS accepts the case and declares the act unconstitutional. The executive can then ignore the SCOTUS if he chooses because they have no real power if the people don't rebel.

I'm not actually a pedo though, so I don't have any 3D stuff

I'm sure the good people of the US fed government would use my loli stuff to frame me as one so they don't have to deal with my problematic fashy opinions.

Back to prison you nigger

Why isn't literally every gun control act on there also?


Plus Elin are like 500 years old.

What's the limits of that?

like I said bad implementation

Been doing that for years to make games run faster. It's not truly volatile, it lasts after power off, but yes it does allow you to purge it instantly.

Just curious, if you were doing something illigal, why don't more people use micro sd's? You could literally drop them in a jar of something reactive and there's 100's of GB gone, heck you could eat them.

I'm sure the real problem is that they're hard to unplug, but there's ways to fix that.

Also what's with the depiction of "hackers" with their back to the door, my screen will always and has always been facing the entrance.

I'm assuming most live in flats, so they'd be facing towards the window to avoid having glare on their screens.


get on board the hate train!!!!!!!

Hollywood still has a lot to learn.

That article makes a tempest in a teapot

fuck yeah, fuck the pigs. You guys should focus your energy on getting your guns back, nothing to worry about then… bitch

I suspect you're a child pornographer.


"If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged." - Cardinal de Richelieu

Wasn't he the guy running against the current incumbents? I heard he was getting popular

They just using Jew tactics to get rid of him.

Also fuck all of the government shitposters ITT who I know watch CP themselves. If there's anything you FBI/NSA small dicks should do is kill yourselves

Forgot link. red*

And the second gif was for you shills.

the risk of prison is enough for Europeans to castrate themselves and their sons. to whore out their daughters and their wives.

its almost like everyone with a set of balls left the mainland for some reason.